Mail to.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Morten Ulrik Gade <>,
Philip Baruch <>,
Kristian Ambjørn Buus-Nielsen <>
Statsministeriet <>,,,,,
Jura og Forretning <>,,
Postkasse – Klagesagsafdelingen <>,
Justitsministeriet <>,,,,
Mail sendt 9 juli 2022. time. 21.38
Jyske Bank A/S
Vestergade 8-16
8600 Silkeborg.
CEO Anders Christian Dam
Kopy to the state, and press.
Dear all of you in Jyske Bank, you know I do not stop my fight against Jyske Bank, to make others aware of your bank’s use of many criminal acts, except that you will talk to me.
Since May 2016, I have tried to get in touch and dialogue with your management, lawyers and not least CEO Anders Christian Dam, if Jyske Bank wants me to stop writing, and not make more videos about the crime that Jyske Bank exposes to us customers.
Then you CEO Anders Dam and Jyske Bank should call me, and make an agreement not to tease you anymore, as you all in Jyske Bank have become so bored of it, and you do not know what to do.
Anders Kristian Dam, CEO of Jyske Bank, it will only be natural for you to immediately notify the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority that you are withdrawing, due to your case between Jyske Bank and me Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup.
This is your “Jyske Bank’s” own fault, you have chosen to cheat and deceive us customers, and one day, Jyske bank had to meet a customer like me, who does not find himself in criminal Danish banks, even if your is under state protection.
Dear Jyske Bank.
No matter what you do, and that you commit criminal crimes, it is not a secret.
It is also no secret, that Jyske Bank bribed Lundgren’s lawyers not to present the FRAUD and FALSE case, that Lundgren had been hired to present agents Jyske Bank.
It is also no secret, that employees of the Danish courts, and large Danish law firms, cover up Jyske Bank’s crime, and cover up the corrupt Lundgren’s lawyers.
The question is just, what the Danish state and government, and Jyske Bank will do against those customers, who like me, will not find us in your chamber
As it is an undermining company for Danish law and justice.
CALL ME, ON +4522227713
Yes I know I am dyslexic and do not have a bookish education, with faith not that it stops me. Take this seriously and trade according to the knowledge you have had for years.
Best wishes.
Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup.
Soevej 5. 3100. Hornbaek.
Denmark DK
This email is shared here in the link, and many other places, there is nothing secret about the fact that since 2016, I have written about Jyske bank’s fraud, and that the Danish authorities and the policies of inaction cover this criminal bank.

Jyske bank bør fratages retten til at drive bank i Danmark.
———- Forwarded message ———
Fra: Carsten Storbjerg
Date: lør. 9. jul. 2022 kl. 12.45
Subject: I urge all journalists to investigate my story. It is about the Danish bank Jyske Bank which commits and uses forgery, misuse of powers, uses bribery, commits fraud and such crimes. It seems that Denmark’s second largest bank is protected by the Danish state and government, which at the same time opposes justice.
I have only been met with total silence in Denmark, and no one wants to talk to me about my watertight evidence that Denmark’s second largest bank has committed organized crime, and therefore should be deprived of the right to conduct banking in Denmark.
That even the Danish state and government cooperate and use Jyske Bank, even though the state and the authorities have presented clear documentation that Jyske Bank is behind many criminal offenses. Get the story of my fight against corruption in Denmark.
To: <>, <>, Statsministeriet <>, <>, <>, <>, <nationalbanken@>, Jura og Forretning <>, < >, Postkasse – Klagesagsafdelingen <klagesagsafdelingen@>, Justitsministeriet <>, <>, <>, <>
Cc: pressemeddelelse
09-07-2022. time 12.35
I urge all journalists to investigate my story.
It is about the Danish bank Jyske Bank which commits and uses forgery, misuse of powers, uses bribery, commits fraud and such crimes.
It seems that Denmark’s second largest bank is protected by the Danish state and government, which at the same time opposes justice.
I have only been met with total silence in Denmark, and no one wants to talk to me about my watertight evidence that Denmark’s second largest bank has committed organized crime, and therefore should be deprived of the right to conduct banking in Denmark.
That even the Danish state and government cooperate and use Jyske Bank, even though the state and the authorities have presented clear documentation that Jyske Bank is behind many criminal offenses.
Get the story of my fight against corruption in Denmark.
This case should CLOSE the danish bank JYSKE BANK, and start the debate about how much corruption there is in Denmark,
Det handler om det som står om Jyske Banks bedrageri på Jyske Bank Bilen.
Is there just an independent journalist who can come up with a good explanation.
This scandal in Denmark should be able to ask big questions about Denmark’s credibility, when even the Danish Government, and the Danish authorities together cover up the highly criminal Jyske Bank.
Carsten Storbjerg, who since 1 May 2019. has tried to get the Danish state, to launch an investigation into Jyske Bank’s criminal acts, did not expect that the Danish state with all politicians and also the Danish National Bank, as well as the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, would cover over Jyske Bank’s many criminal activities, including bribery of Lundgren’s lawyers, to the detriment of justice.
But then in 2019, the Danish citizen Carsten Storbjerg was not aware that Denmark was a corrupt society.
And that there are several Danish judges in Denmark, who deliberately and dishonestly oppose justice and the rule of law.
When Denmark’s elite, such as Danish banks like Jyske Bank, have been discovered, in the use of forgery and fraud. and when Carsten Storbjerg becomes aware that at least Jyske Bank must not comply with Danish law, it is clear that Denmark is corrupt, and therefore Denmark should be put in the class, with other corrupt countries.
Is it conspiracy theories, or is it true.

You as a journalist, should ask yourself the question,.
Why has Carsten Storbjerg since 2016, in public space been able to write and say that Jyske Bank are criminals.
Without a single authority or politician would have commented on what Carsten Storbjerg has written.
It is a scandal that Jyske Bank to such an extent pulls Denmark into the stall with corruption and bribery, at the same time as the authorities / the Danish state cover up the many criminal law violations that Jyske Bank is demonstrably behind.
Why no Danish newspaper, none of Jyske Bank’s lawyers, not even a single employee in Jyske Bank’s management, has wanted to answer, how this Jyske Bank car, for 10 weeks, has been able to be parked outside the door of Jyske Bank’s branch in Frederiksberg / Copenhagen, with texts such as
Jyske Bank taken for Fraud, about with several of the people who have assisted Jyske Bank with forgery, fraud, abuse of power of attorney and much more.
Without a single Danish newspaper, or Danish TV station, or some government officials, or board members of Jyske Bank have wanted to say Carsten Storbjerg against.
This case should CLOSE the danish bank JYSKE BANK, and start the debate about how much corruption there is in Denmark.
When the Danish state has been presented FULL documentation, that the Danish authorities and the Danish state cooperate with criminal Danish banks, like JYSKE BANK.
Why do you as a journalist think, that the National Bank of Denmark, and all Danish authorities, including the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, the Danish politicians, and the Danish government, are all completely silent, and have never wanted to answer Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup to not a single inquiry.
Despite the fact that Carsten Storbjerg has presented the Danish state, full documentation for Jyske Bank many criminal crimes.
Why do you then think the Danish state, together with the criminal Danish bank ingures all Carsten Storbjerg’s information, about the crime that Jyske Bank A/S is demonstrably behind.
You as a journalist should make an investigation, of the allegations that Carsten Storbjerg has made on www banknyt dk, including on the Jyske Bank car.
If you or others can disprove, what Carsten Storbjerg writes about Jyske Bank’s crimes.
Prizes of between DKK 45,000 and up to DKK 54,000 will be promised.
This competition started in june 2022. and there are still no people here on July 9. 2022. who have been able to disprove some of what Carsten Storbjerg writes about the criminal Jyske Bank.
Carsten Storbjerg again calls op the Danish National Bank, and call the Danish government, through Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, and the Prime Minister’s Office to stop all trade with Jyske Bank, and stop cooperating with this criminal Jyske Bank.
When a large Danish bank is criminal, and the Danish state and government, have ben presented much evidence that Jyske Bank is behind organized crime.
Which Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup has written about for several years.
Why is there not a single one who has dared to answer Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup in Soevej 5. 3100. Hornbaek denmark.
Even though an employee of the Danish National Bank has been saying internally for several years, that this is a scandal, it has still not stopped the corruption in Denmark, and therefore I ask you as a Journalist to write about my investigation.
I Carsten Storbjerg naturally make myself available to both the Danish and foreign press, as I want the corruption in Denmark to be stopped.
Or that other countries, as a minimum, are informed that Denmark has major problems with human rights, since the Danish state and government oppose the investigation of some of the largest criminal companies.
There as like here where Jyske Bank has demonstrably exposed the bank’s customer, a Danish citizen, to several criminal crimes.
When the Danish state opposes, that the population for organized crime must be helped, and the police refuse to investigate the banks that expose Danes to criminal crimes, then in Carsten’s opinion it is a violation of my human rights,
It is not fair that the small citizen, in a society like Denmark, must fight alone against criminal banks, simply because the Danish state itself cooperates with this bank.
Carsten Storbjerg says that this cooperation between the Danish state and Jyske Bank, with reasonable certainty, is also the reason why the Danish authorities refuse to investigate and expose Jyske Bank to criminal prosecution.
And probably that is why, the Danish authorities and politicians cover up this criminal Jyske Bank, and let the customer in Jyske Bank be expose them to fraud, and leaves the customer alone, without any legal certainty.
The Danish state could, in a few words, have answered Carsten Storbjerg to the many letters and emails.
You have to fight for yourself, because the Danish government, and state will not help to stop the Bank who exposes you or other Danes to economic crime.
As the Danish state at the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority would be forced to close Jyske Bank, since a bank which, like Jyske Bank, is behind organized fraud against customers, cannot have a license to conduct banking business in Denmark.
And that is probably the reason why the Danish state and government do not care about the rule of law, and the Danes’ human rights, when the Danish banks commit fraud.
It is in fact political, that Danish banks such as Jyske Bank must not be subjected to criminal prosecution.
Since no authorities in Denmark have wanted dialogue, and Jyske Bank and their manager CEO Anders Christian Dam do not want dialogue either.
That is why I have written several times about the problem Corruption in Denmark here and several other places.
The problem in Denmark is that corruption and camaraderie rule Denmark.
And this happens with powerful employees, as working
in large law firms such as kromann reumert lawyers, Horten lawyers, Lundgren’s lawyers, Lund Elmer Sandager lawyers, DLA Piper lawyers and the Danish legal community, who have covered up that Jyske Bank has bribed Lundgren’s lawyers to disappoint, or lose lawsuit against the Jyske Bank A/S.
However a single Dane, Carsten Storbjerg, has gone to war against corruption in Denmark.
But Carsten asks for your help, as camaraderie in Denmark has so much power, that Danish law and order is put out of force, when not a single Danish journalist has written about the problem that Danish banks use corruption.
Then I will ask you as foreign journalists, to conduct an investigation into corruption in Denmark.
And how widespread it is in the Danish authorities, and members of the Danish courts, in which case camaraderie is the same as corruption, and why Danish authorities allow Danish banks to use bribes for to counteract justice.
But unfortunately, the fact that has turned out, that several Danish authorities’ employees are actually contributing to Jyske Bank’s fraud by covering up Jyske Bank’s crimes.
Among them the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, several employees judge all the way up to the Supreme Court, and I would like to mention Supreme Court Judge Kurt Rasmussen, who has opposed justice, and covered up the corrupt Lundgren’s lawyers, who have accepted bribes from the Danish bank Jyske Bank, to disappoint in legal matters.
Carsten Storbjerg says repeatedly, but the whole of Denmark keeps its mouth shut.
Jyske Bank’s car has just been taken home to get new advertisements on, among other things, the competition, where you can win DKK 45,000 to disprove that Jyske bank is a criminal organization, where several employees together have exposed customers to what the penal code describes as organized crime.
Yours sincerely.
Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup.
Soevej 5.
3100 Hornbaek
phone +4522227713
When several authorities in Denmark cover the crime that Jyske Bank is demonstrably behind.
Then it is not just a problem of legal certainty.
It is probably Denmark’s biggest scandal in history, which only one man Carsten Storbjerg alone has investigated, and at the same time had to fight against the corrupt Lundgren’s lawyers, whom Jyske Bank paid Lundgren there, did everything to lose the case against Jyske Bank.
It is no longer so much about that case, but more and more about Denmark being ruled by corruption and camaraderie.
Why else do you think all the authorities and Jyske Bank and their lawyers are trying to kill Carsten Storbjerg with silence and contemporary cover over the crime Jyske Bank is behind.
But ask yourself why there is not a single person in Denmark, who has asked a single question about these advertising cars, which since 2016. have functioned as running advertisements for Jyske Bank’s fraud, and that there is corruption at the very highest level in Denmark. ?
I can of course prove what I write, and you will find evidence of much of what I write on sites like
I have repeatedly and many times called on Jyske Bank and the Danish state for dialogue, or for Jyske Bank to file a police report against me for libel
And why has not a single person in Denmark accused me of lying, considering Jyske bank also on youtube videos since 2021, has been encouraged to pursue an injury case, if I did not tell and write the truth.
When Danish authorities try to silence corruption in Denmark to death, to cover up Jyske Bank, it is probably Denmark’s biggest scandal ever, and I think that is why the Danish press does not dare to write about it.
If Jyske Bank has not committed the crime, I have been writing about since 2016. But silence, is the only thing I meet.
Therefore I ask you to help me, as I alone can not fight corruption and the camaraderie that steers Denmark in the wrong direction.
PLEASE Help me.
Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup.
Soevej 5.
3100 Hornbaek
phone +4522227713
#JyskeBank #Lån #Bank #AndersDam #Jyske #Handelsbanken #MetteFrederiksen #Regering #Huslån #Bankrådgivning #Aktier #Invest #Stork #Bitcoin #Finanskrise #svig #Fraud #dokumentfalsk #False #Svig #Politi #police #PET #FBI #gangchrime #Gang #NicolaiHansen #CasperDam #CasperDamOlsen #JeanettKofoed #AnetteKirkeby #BirgittBuchThuesen #MUG #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBarch #KristianAmbjørn #DanskeBank #Moneylaundering #Money #laundering #Equities #Trending #investment #Loan #Boxen #JyskeBankBoxen #JyskeBankbil #bankbil #banking #supercar
Gratis Lån, Huslån, Billån, Kviklån, Huslejetilskud, Varmetilskud, Skattekort,
Skandaler, værste bank, Skandale banker, Hvidvaskning, Rigsret, Korruption, Bestikkelse, Svig, Falsk, Ond tro, Vildledning, Rådgivning, Gratis reklamer, ATP pension, PFA Pension, Superlån.
Sportscar Event, Superbilerne kører igen, Ferrari F8 Tributo, Ford GT Jason Watts mørke Ferrari F8 Tributo for Jyske bank.
Jyske Billån til
Abarth, Alfa, Romeo, Aston Martin, Audi, Bowler, Bentley, BMW, Bugatti, Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet, Chrysler, Citroen, Corvette, Dodge, Excalibur, Ferrari, Fiat, Fisker, Ford, GMC, Honda, Hyundai, Jaguar, Isuzu, Jeep, Kia, Lada, Lamborghini, Lancia, Land Rover, Lexus, Lotus, Maserati, Mazda, McLaren, Mercedes-Benz, MG Motor, Mini, Mitsubishi, Morgan, Nissan, Peugeot, Opel, Polestar, Porsche, Ram, Renault, Rolls-Royce, Saab, Smart, Skoda, Seat, SsangYong Motor, Subaru, Suzuki, Tesla, Toyota, Volkswagen, Volvo.

When several authorities in Denmark cover the crime that Jyske Bank is demonstrably behind.
Then it is not just a problem of legal certainty.
It is no longer so much about that case, but more and more about Denmark being ruled by corruption and camaraderie.
Why else do you think all the authorities and Jyske Bank and their lawyers are trying to kill Carsten Storbjerg with silence and contemporary cover over the crime Jyske Bank is behind.