A few are no longer in Jyske Bank.

Maersk is informed, that the Danish State is covering up Jyske Bank’s fraud and bribery of Lundgren’s lawyers.
Print friendly copy of the letter.
30-04-2017 Kære Anders Dam * til Jyske Bank Vestergade 8-16. 8600 Silkeborg. koncern ledergruppe og Juridisk direktør Peter Stig Hansen att Anders Dam mener at Jyske Bank bedrager kunde. er pt ikke fremlagt. Page 1-9. har indsat side nummer. / Anders Christian Dam Ordførende direktør Afdeling: Koncerndirektion E-mail:direktion@jyskebank.dk / Peter Stig Hansen Direktør Afdeling: Juridisk E-mail:psh@jyskebank.dk
The client in Jyske bank was robbed by their lawyers from Lundgrens, who since february 2018 has had to present the court their claims But turned out to work for Jyske Bank’s interests.
That is why the client himself is forced to fire Lundgren’s lawyers, and even 28-10-2019 must present their claims to the court themselves, after discovering that they have in fact been without a lawyer, or be after Lundgrens helped Jyske Bank, well to disappoint in legal matters.
We have previously used Rødstenen lawyers in 2015, and then in 2018 Lundgren’s lawyers where a partner Dan Terkildsen had to present a fraud case against Jyske Bank, we had to state that Lundgren’s lawyers were in all probability corrupt, and were paid by defendant Jyske Bank to keep my fraud case out of court.
When we have fired Lundgren’s lawyers on suspicion that they have been bribed by the Jyske Bank Group to keep our claims against the Jyske Bank Group out of court, it is hardly a baseless suspicion.
If you have questions about my accusations against the Jyske Bank Group for deliberately carrying out Bedragei using the document false, please ask the victim.
Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup on telephone 004522227713
I would like to sign here that everything I write on BANK NEWS dk is the truth. Best regards.
Read more at Danish here 18-09-2020.
Read more in Danish about what Lundgren’s lawyers have exposed their client to, instead of helping the client, they helped the other party, and charged DKK 232,000. partly to smash the Client’s finances, and to damage the Client’s case against Jyske Bank, for wanting to lose the case against Jyske Bank, which at the same time paid Lundgren’s lawyers millions of dkk
Carsten Storbjerg
Soevej 5. 3100.
Hornbaek Denmark.
Read the plaintiffs’ own allegations here, after realizing that Lundgren’s attorneys must be corrupt.

30-04-2017. S.1-9. Letter to CEO Anders Dam Group Management, and Legal Director Peter Stig Hansen, informs that the customer is exposed to fraud and asks the Group. to govern – wishes to be presented as Appendix 169.
It is about that Management has personal responsibility for Jyske Bank’s fraud against customers is not stopped.

30-04-2017. S.2-9. Letter to CEO Anders Dam Group Management, and Legal Director Peter Stig Hansen, informs that the customer is exposed to fraud and asks the Group. to govern – wishes to be presented as Appendix 169.
It is about that Management has personal responsibility for Jyske Bank’s fraud against customers is not stopped.

30-04-2017. S.3-9. Letter to CEO Anders Dam Group Management, and Legal Director Peter Stig Hansen, informs that the customer is exposed to fraud and asks the Group. to govern – wishes to be presented as Appendix 169.
It is about that Management has personal responsibility for Jyske Bank’s fraud against customers is not stopped.

30-04-2017. S.4-9. Letter to CEO Anders Dam Group Management, and Legal Director Peter Stig Hansen, informs that the customer is exposed to fraud and asks the Group. to govern – wishes to be presented as Appendix 169.
It is about that Management has personal responsibility for Jyske Bank’s fraud against customers is not stopped.

30-04-2017. S.5-9. Letter to CEO Anders Dam Group Management, and Legal Director Peter Stig Hansen, informs that the customer is exposed to fraud and asks the Group. to govern – wishes to be presented as Appendix 169.
It is about that Management has personal responsibility for Jyske Bank’s fraud against customers is not stopped.

30-04-2017. S.6-9. Letter to CEO Anders Dam Group Management, and Legal Director Peter Stig Hansen, informs that the customer is exposed to fraud and asks the Group. to govern – wishes to be presented as Appendix 169.
It is about that Management has personal responsibility for Jyske Bank’s fraud against customers is not stopped.

30-04-2017. S.7-9. Letter to CEO Anders Dam Group Management, and Legal Director Peter Stig Hansen, informs that the customer is exposed to fraud and asks the Group. to govern – wishes to be presented as Appendix 169.
It is about that Management has personal responsibility for Jyske Bank’s fraud against customers is not stopped.

30-04-2017. S.8-9. Letter to CEO Anders Dam Group Management, and Legal Director Peter Stig Hansen, informs that the customer is exposed to fraud and asks the Group. to govern – wishes to be presented as Appendix 169.
It is about that Management has personal responsibility for Jyske Bank’s fraud against customers is not stopped.

30-04-2017. S.9-9. Letter to CEO Anders Dam Group Management, and Legal Director Peter Stig Hansen, informs that the customer is exposed to fraud and asks the Group. to govern – wishes to be presented as Appendix 169.
It is about that Management has personal responsibility for Jyske Bank’s fraud against customers is not stopped.
Følg med her Se alle link på bloggen. Til opdelt Bilag.
The letter is to Jyske Bank’s Group Executive Group.
Følg med her Se alle link på bloggen. Til opdelt Bilag.
Anders Christian Dam
Peter Stig Hansen
Per Skovhus
Leif F. Larsen
Prof. Non Executive Board Member & retired Group Man. Director from Jyske Bank A/S
Niels Erik Jakobsen
Sven A. Blomberg
Bestyrelsesmedlem hos Jyske Bank (Gibraltar)
Benny Laibach Pedersen
Bo Ancher Christensen
Carsten Tirsbæk Madsen
Erik Gadeberg
Erik Qvirin Hansen
Finn Bødker Knudsen
Hans Jørgen Larsen
Bestyrelsesformand i Jyske Invest og Jyske Sicav. Bestyrelsesmedlem i Fundcollect A/S
Ivan Stendal Hansen
Jens Lauritzen
Jes Rosendal
Knud Nørbo
Lars Waalen Sandberg
Peer Roer Pedersen

Endeligt Processkrift 52 sider. 28-10-2019
Hertil kommer bliags liste.
Hold det op imod Lundgrens Processkrift 2. På en side, er Lundgrens advokater i lommen på jyske bank
Storbjerg imod jyske bank for millionsvindel.
Proceedings 3. 27 October 2019. and new Proceedings 3. 4. May 2020. made to a new and honorable lawyer.
As Jyske Bank’s board of directors and lawyers could not understand the Procedural Letter of 27 October 2019, which the client had to make himself, after the koro Lundgren’s lawyers were fired.
Link 27-10-2019. Bilag 153.
Link 04-05-2019. Bilag 204.
The letter 01-02-2019.

S. 1-2. Brevet fra 1. februar 2019. Jyske Banks Bestyrelsesmedlem Philip Baruch fra Lund Elmer Sandager, skriver til Lundgrens Dan Terkildsen
Bilag 55. s 2-3. hvor Philip Baruch LES påstår over for Dan Terkildsen at det er strafbare forhold, at fortælle familien danmark, omkring Jyske banks bedrageri, og brug af dokumentfalsk mod kunde i Jyske bank A/S
Jyske Banks bestyrelse påstår at der i en årrække er fremsat grundløse grove og absurde beskyldninger mod Lund Elmer Sandager og Philip Baruch.
#Baruch påstår også at anbefale Henrik Høpner der er straffe advokat, om at kikke lidt på sagen, hvor partner Philip Baruch har løjet i retsforhold, for at skuffe i retsforhold.
Dette brev vælger Lundgrens Partner, ikke at dele med klienten og er fremlagt i klagen over Lundgrens partner Dan Terkildsen, der i stedet opfordrede klinten til mulige strafbare handlinger.
Klagen omhandler også at Lundgrens advokater ikke har fremlagt kundens svig og falsk påstande mod Jyske Bank koncernen.

S. 2-2. Brevet fra 1. februar 2019. Jyske Banks Bestyrelsesmedlem Philip Baruch fra Lund Elmer Sandager, skriver til Lundgrens Dan Terkildsen

Billed til klagen Bilag 55. Brevet fra 1. februar 2019.
The letter 28-01-2019. which Lund Elmer Sandager Advokater mentions 01-02-2019. in the letter Philip Baruch writes to Dan Terkildsen, but which we first get a copy of 03-10-2019.

28-01-2019. S.1-2
Appendix 133.
Requires comments of 100 and 101. 28-01-2019. we do not know that the court has written to Lundgren’s 08-01-2019 that the court disregards Appendix 28-101. before 27-08-2019

28-01-2019. S.2-2
Appendix 133.
Requires comments of 100 and 101. 28-01-2019. we do not know that the court has written to Lundgren’s 08-01-2019 that the court disregards Appendix 28-101. before 27-08-2019