opdate 30-03-2020
It’s pretty funny. Here you only get 2 dates that show that Lundgrens is a rotten lawyer Corporation
January 8 and 9, 2019 September 1 and 2, 2019.
Lundgrens does not share the court’s information Lundgrens does not write the client’s witnesses on litigation 2,
nor does he share the litigation with the client
Remember that Lundgren’s lawyers must be corrupt
Since what we write and ask Lundgren to present here September 1, 2019.
And like Lundgrens, the day after September 2, 2019, is Lundgrens presented a chase as is 100% against the client’s instructions
02-09-2019 4/5
See the letter and mail of September 1 and what Lundgrens presents to the court on September 2. and without wanting to share a copy with their client.
It must be Denmark’s biggest bribery case, where Denmark’s next largest bank Jyske Bank A/S has bribed Lundgren’s lawyers to counter their client in order to disappoint in legal matters.
Or do the Danish Bank Jyske Bank A/S and Lundgrens have another explanation, then we would like it so that we can share it.
We do not want to accuse Lundgren’s lawyers of being a corrupt law firm.
We either want or accuse Jyske Bank A/S of being a criminal.
And we will not at all accuse Jyske Bank A/S of using bribes to prevent Lundgrens from presenting our allegations against Jyske Bank for false and fraud.
Now remember that conversation promotes the understanding of Anders Christian Dam If Jyske Bank has not bribed Lundgren’s “hidden as Return Commission” for Lundgrens, not to present their client’s fraud allegations against Jyske bank.
Then this entry in the journal banking news should of course be corrected.
This is just one example of the many times Lundgrens since February 5, 2018 And until Lundgrens was fired on September 25, 2019.
Where Lundgrens has, at its most serious, opposed the law, and that which the Danish lawyer community must protect, namely the trust in the Danish lawyers.
When Lundgrens has cheated on their client, and instead worked for the defendant Jyske Bank A/S, in Denmark’s most serious case of exploitation and fraud carried out by a large Danish bank A/S, it weakens confidence in the large Danish lawyer’s houses.
Appendices and letters are inserted in a timeline, and a page is created for those who have helped not stop Jyske Bank’s fraud
We move the list below pages into the blog so that the page gets cluttered
Letters come a little below
And inserted continuously.
Before you consider using or working for Lundgren’s attorneys, you should read the page here to know if Lundgrens is a corrupt law firm it is bribed to harm some of their clients’ cases.
Here comes a LINK to the same page.
But in Danish
Here comes a LINK to all Appendix
Letters come a little below
And inserted continuously.
You need to keep up as, we insert more and more letters, to help you understand how big this case has become.
Small for Jyske bank A/S
But big for us, who have had, to present our claims to the court
by ourself.
On this page, you should be able to see many of the letters we have sent on a regular basis, for the most part that Lundgrens has not answered.
Read and see how we have been begging
Lundgren’s lawyer partner company to help us, and present our claims to the court.
Which Lundgrens did not live up to. 🙁
So you can understand, that this case ranks very high, in the political system, where no government will help the victim, which is exposed to the Danish bank Jyske bank’s crimes against the small company.
The company therefore only fights 1 man against Denmark’s second largest bank Jysk bank, to get the bank’s fraud against the customer stopped.
The client who has found one lawyer.
Who is alone.
And who is honest.
And would like to help the client bring their case against Jyske Bank A/S for fraud and false in danish court.
Now at least these 5 lawyers.
at Lundgren’s partner company
Dan Terkildsen. Advokat og Partner
Pernille Hellesøe. Team Assistent.
Mette-Marie Nielsen. Fuldmægtig / Elev
Emil Hald Winstrøm. Fuldmægtig / Elev
Sebastian Lysholm Nielsen. Advokat Director
All these in Lundgren’s partner company, has had with our case to do, should so many lawyers at Lundgrens be able to misunderstand, what we have continuously written.
Or have Lundgrens, received a million payments from Jyske Bank A/S
In the form of return commission. just to misunderstand, and ignore everything, which we have constantly written, should be presented in court.
As Thomas Schioldan Sørensen has sent our case and many letters, and emails to Lundgren’s many attorneys, as so also has been able, to see and read the letters which we since February 2016, have been sent to Thomas Schioldan Sørensen rodstenen, about changing the client’s allegations against Jyske Bank A/S for fraud and false.
That Thomas Schioldan Sørensen from Rödstenen has ignored, our new allegations is on thing, but that Lundgrens can be bought by the defendant, to work for the defendant is abhorrent.
And so Lundgrens has even boasted about it on their own website. “by Niels Gram-Hanssen partner”
Although Partner Dan Terkildsen of Lundergren’s lawyers, after they were fired, has written
It is conspiracy theories.
And that Lundgrens has done a great job for us. Then we thought this is similar to more and more damaging business, and it seemed to happen by bribery between some of Denmark’s largest companies.
But here Goliath is up against little David, who does not intend to give up just because Jyske Bank has found political contacts.
As we the plaintiff has written several times to management. Then we just want dialogue, not to be exposed to continued fraud.
Again, we ask everyone involved to call +4522227713
If there is anything here on the page that is wrong, so it can be fixed right away, but this is not the first time we are writing this.
As you can see here are a few letters
“but more and more are coming” to Lundgren’s lawyers about the fraud case against the Danish bank Jyske bank A/S, try to look through letters and then ask yourself if there is corruption in Denmark’s largest law firms and the Danish banks.
Som du kan se, er her er par breve til Lundgrens advokat partner selskab, omkring svig sagen i mod den danske bank Jyske bank A/S, prøv at se breve igennem og spørg så dig selv, om der findes korruption i Danmarks største advokatvirksomheder og nogle af de danske banker.
See appendix we believe supports that Jyske bank in Denmark has paid return commission – bribe to Lundgren’s lawyers for not presenting some of our claims against Jyske Bank, English texts appear on all pictures that come much more, since it no longer only is a case of fraud as it is written in all emails and written to Lundgren’s lawyer partner company.
We have of course written to our talented lawyer Thomas Schioldan Sørensen from Rödstenen’s attorneys, as we want free trial.
Thomas has applied but not explained why, as explaining that the case has the public interest, why we ourselves are forced to seek free trial in the fraud case against Jyske bank.
We want the police to investigate Jyske Bank’s continued crimes against the bank’s customer.
And get it stopped. But, in response to the Easter 2016 notification, Police write Case No. 0100-83966-00085-16 just briefly.
There is no need for investigation
Jyske bank A/S or the board.
Will not be convicted.
The State Attorney recommends that the client himself get a lawyer to present the case in civil court.
For which there is a need for legal assistance. the client “plaintiff” then hires a lawyer on February 5, 2018.
Unfortunately, the client in Jyske Bank A/S chooses Lundgren’s lawyers, who have been highly recommended, by a former bank director.
Lundgren’s lawyer partner company which turned out to be for sale to the highest bidder.
Shortly thereafter, Lundgrens will be purchased by the Danish bank Jyske Bank A/S, the same bank that exposes the customer to fraud.
You may also think it is perfectly fine as several large shareholders in Jyske Bank who all know the case here. BS-402/2015-VIB
But we found this here, similar to more and more damaging business.
We are probably not as smart as Jyske Bank’s powerful board.
And it then appeared that bribery between some of Denmark’s largest companies is, in the applicant’s belief, fraudulent, if not malicious, business.
But as Lundgrens partner Dan Terkildsen says it is nothing, but conspiracy theories.
There are no others who would comment on our case officially.
Would you like to comment on the case, and the evidence of the case
Be free to call 004522227713
During update
Banking News
In the case BS-402/2015-VIB Where, among others, Thomas Schioldan Sørensen of Rödstenen lawyers, and lawyer and partner Dan Terkildsen of Lundgren’s lawyer partner company, is in bad faith, and have countered their client’s claims against Jyske Bank A/S
For deliberate and continued gross fraud was never filed by the client’s attorneys.
The client believes that both Rödstenen and Lundgrens have worked for Jyske bank in order to disappoint in legal matters.
By not presenting the client’s claims to the court.
The period during which Rödstenen and Lundgrens have countered their client’s case and claims, have been presented to the court, is during the period between February 2016 and until September 2019
Where the client is forced to fire Lundgren’s lawyers after discovering that Lundgrens, has worked for Jyske bank A/S in a 3 digit million trade.
And therefore have been incompetent, and corrupt.
The client is compelled to present the final litigation, which is 28/10/2019
If you cannot understand Lundgrens or Rödstenen’s attorneys have not submitted the client’s claims, so you can ask.
Rödstenen +45 86 12 19 99
Lundgrens +45 35 25 25 35
Why the client should act as a lawyer himself, and make his final defense 28-10-2019, as both Rödstenen Thomas Schioldan Sørensen and Lundgren’s Dan Terkildsen should be the client’s lawyer.
The client is personally obliged to present the closing litigation 28-10-2019 according to which their lawyers have taken care of Jyske bank’s interests.
And probably to disappoint in legal matters neither Rödstenen nor Lundgrens, submit any of the client’s claims against Jyske Bank A/S.
If you cannot understand Lundgrens and Rödstenen’s attorneys, and why these law firms, directly against the client’s continuous instructions, have not presented any of the client’s claims against Jyske bank A/S.
Then you can ask them yourself
Rödstenen +45 86 12 19 99 and Lundgrens +45 35 25 25 35
Just ask why the client himself should act as a lawyer, and even had to make the closing defense.
Since neither Rödstenen by Thomas Schioldan Sørensen and Lundgrens by Dan Terkildsen would be the client’s lawyer.
You can find the draft for the new front page that comes on the bank here.
When we look at all the inquiries to our attorneys, we look at the mails and letters, we have written since February 2016 to Rödstenen’s attorneys Thomas Schioldan Sørensen.
And to Lundgren’s attorneys Dan Terkildsen, until we fired them in September 2019.
It is clear that both law firms has had an financial interests with Jyske Bank A/S certainly with Board member Philip Baruch from Lund Elmer Sandager as between man.
But Dan Terkildsen believes, that everything are conspiracy theories, at the same time Philip Baruch strongly take distances from the fact that bribery between Jyske Bank A/S and Lundgrens took place.
The question is just what the hell did Jyske Bank’s group have to hire Lundgrens for.
When Jyske bank’s lawyer Philip Baruch Lund Elmer Sandager, knew that Lundgrens had come on as our lawyer.
We do not hide anything, and would like to talk about this here, therefore we play with open cards.
The question is whether there are some, who can trust the Danish banks as we here provide evidence of operating fraudulent bank, and deliberately lying, and conceal the truth.
Yes even to the seat, Jyske Bank board member Philip Baruch is lying at the same time that Lund Elmer Sandager is presenting manipulated evidence to disappoint in legal matters.
If we are wrong why no one will talk to us at all.
Don’t you see we actually want to have a dialogue with Jyske bank’s board of directors.
Call +4522227713
And let’s meet as adults.
And you just have to go through the case with us.
If we are wrong then there is nothing we would rather do, than bring the case against Jyske bank for fraud and false.
And bring the chase out of court again
because we don’t think this is hilarious.
Unless Lundgrens has not countered their client’s case in being presented to court, we believe there is bribery.
The big question now is rather.
How much does Jyske Bank A/S have
Paid Lundgren’s lawyers.
Do we have a bribery case here?
The most common definition is: “a payment intended to cause someone to do something dishonest, illegal or contrary to his or her duties for the purpose of obtaining an unjustified benefit”.
If this is not the case for Jyske Bank A/S active bribery, when the bank has offered, Lundgren’s lawyer partner company to do a million work for Jyske Bank A/S
And if there is no passive bribery for Lundgrens Advokat partner company, accept a million assignment from Jyske bank A/S if the purpose is to override that our claims against Jyske Bank A/S are never presented.
Pligt-forsømmelse,en. (jf. -forsømmende samt -forglemmelse; især emb.) undladelse af at gøre sin pligt; forsømmelse af ens pligter, navnlig: ens embedspligter
Duty-neglect, one. (cf. neglecting and forgetting; especially emb.) failure to do his duty; neglect of one’s duties, in particular: one’s official duties
Vidste Bestyrelsen i Lundgrens, ikke at Jyske bank A/S udsatte deres klient for bedrageri, da Lundgrens valgte at arbejde for Jyske Bank A/S. kunne Lundgrens på nogen måde misforstå det klienten, bad Lundgrens advokater om at fremlægge for retten. det handler om din retssikkerhed, hvis der findes korrupte advokater i Danmark Findes de så kun i Lundgrens, eller er Lund Elmer Sandager også med.
We now share letters to, and from Lundgren’s attorneys here in the case.
Lundgrens has consistently avoided responding to anything concerning the Client’s allegations against Jyske Bank A/S.
See the many letters where we repeatedly ask Lundgren’s attorneys, to present our case, with the fraud allegations and evidence against Jyske Bank A/S that we wish to present in court.
The same applies to witnesses to whom Lundgren’s lawyers are instructed to call.
Lundgren’s attorneys Do not submit any of the client’s claims, only write down those statements that Jyske Bank’s Board of Directors Philip Baruch will have called.
You can see them here, and read the few times where Lundgrens answers, and read how Lundgrens has answered without any reply.
Yes Lundgren’s attorneys have stated directly against the Client’s Instructions, the exact opposite of what the Client has clearly written for Lundgrens.
Can so many lawyers, at the largest Danish law firms such as Lundgrens, be so stupid.
And disappoint in legal matters as it looks like this.
Follow the case in Denmark’s probably biggest fraud case, where the Danish bank Jyske Bank and their board, with a large political network are behind.
The customer himself has had to present, the deliberate and obvious fraud against the bank’s customer to the Danish courts on 28-10-2019.
And then just ask to you self, why the authorities will not intervene against Jyske Bank’s board of directors, or at least give the police permission to conduct an investigation into the banks fraud.
Remember you can very easily become the next “victim” one as Jyske Bank A/S, Lund Elmer Sandager, wants to expose fraud.
While Rödstenen and Lundgren’s lawyers want to help Jyske Bank A/S.
Even if we just asked Anders Christian Dam to stop, for Jyske bank A/S to not do fraud, then corporate management does not intend to quit.
The lawyers.
Rödstenen Thomas Schioldan Sørensen, Lundgrens by Dan Terkildsen, Lund Elmer Sandager by Philip Baruch has shown that they are fighting against all laws and regulations, to help Jyske Bank disappoint in legal matters.
Soevej 5.
So we encourage everyone involved in this fraud case to dialogue.
Remember conversation promotes understanding, and then we avoid misunderstandings.
CEO Anders Christian Dam call 004522227713
And let’s meet then, because there is something wrong with Jyske Bank’s fairness.