06-08-2022. President of the European Central Bank. Christine Madeleine Odette Lagarde. my question to the ECB. Is it normal and is it permissible for banks to use bribes, to oppose justice and to disappoint in legal matters. Regarding the danish bank Jyske Bank’s use of bribes, the entire board of Jyske Bank A/S is probably behind it.

European Central Bank.          06-08-2022

60640 Frankfurt am Main


President of the European Central Bank.
Christine Madeleine Odette Lagarde.


our logo, a yellow Euro. European Central Bank. 60640 Frankfurt am Main Germany. President of the European Central Bank. Christine Madeleine Odette Lagarde I hereby send an official request to the European Central Bank. And requests that the Central Bank follow the decision of the National Bank of Denmark. I am writing to you and the ECB personally, requesting that the European Central Bank. Follow the case I write about on www.banknyt.dk, which is my diary on a daily basis. I am writing about a case that concerns: Abuse of power, corruption and bribery carried out by the Danske bank Jyske Bank A/S. I have contacted the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority and the National Bank several times in Denmark, with information. That there are banks that demonstrably commit organized crime. To date August 6, no one in Denmark has wanted to have a conversation with me about the crime I have presented with watertight documentation that Jyske Bank A/S is behind. And it must be taken into account that I have written continuously since 1 May 2019. to the Danish government and politicians who are part of Denmark’s National Bank. I have directly informed the National Bank of Denmark about the problem that Jyske Bank A/S has used bribes. Regardless of the fact that the Danish police have written that bribery between private companies, that is, between Lundgren’s law partner company and Jyske Bank A/S, since both are private companies. Jyske Bank A/S may bribe Lundgren’s lawyers to oppose the case, that the client and customer in Jyske Bank employed Lundgren’s lawyers to file against Jyske Bank A/S It is documented that Lundgren’s lawyers have withheld both documents from the client’s lawyer Lundgrens himself, but also that Lundgren’s lawyers have withheld the defendant Jyske Bank’s pleadings, and hidden court records, and have changed the client’s pleadings against Jyske Bank A/S. Which Lundgren’s lawyers hid from the client, knowing that Lundgrens would not hand over a copy of the pleadings submitted by Lundgrens lawyers themselves. Lundgren’s lawyers also concealed the fact that Lundgren had significant economic interests with Jyske Bank A/S and had therefore become highly incompetent. Since Lundgrens after Lundgrens had been bought by Jyske Bank A/S.


06-08-2022. Here you can read and save the original email in a word document.


On this page, a couple of photos of the vote have been inserted, in connection with my fight against Danish corruption, which may end in a complaint against the Danish state.


To the Council of Europe Strasbourg for knowingly and dishonestly covering up the economic crime Jyske Banks A/S is demonstrably behind the fact that the Danish government wants to cover up the economic crime that I have presented and which I request to present to the Governor of the National Bank of Denmark Lars Rohde.



Hvem dækker over korruptionen og de kriminelle organisationer som Jyske Bank A/S i Danmark. Det gør Danmarks Nationalbank, Statsministeriet, regeringen ved Mette Frederiksen, Justitsministeriet og Domstolsstyrelsens ansatte ved korrupte dommere, som Højesteretsdommer Kurt Rasmussen, desliger med Byretsdommer Søren Ejdum. Disse af domstolsstyrelsens ansatte dækker over Jyske Banks organiseret kriminalitet. Samt dækker over at Jyske Bank også har bestukket Lundgrens advokater. Og dækker over at Jyske Bank A/S har betalt Lund Elmer Sandager advokater til at fremlægge falske oplysninger over for domstolen, hvilket var for at dække over Jyske banks brug af dokumentfalsk og bedrageri. Lund Elmer Sandager advokater arbejder i forvejen for Danmarks Nationalbank, som advokater for Nationalbankens whistleblowerordning, der handler om at stoppe de kriminelle banker, som Lund Elmer Sandager sandager advokater selv er medvirkende til at dække over og hjælpe med at slippe god for organiseret bedrageri. Nationalbanken er kontrolleret af politikerne på christiansborg som ligeledes her viden om Jyske Banks kriminalitet, men som vælger at dække over det, hvilke er undergravende virksomhed mod Lov og Orden. Spørg hvorfor ikke en eneste har ville forsvare deres passivitet, og hvorfor ikke en eneste tør at besvare mine mail som denne til Danmarks Nationalbank 29 juli 2022. Og spør Jyske Bank A/S CEO Anders Dam, om det der står på Jyske bank bilen er sandt eller ej. Huske dette handler kun om hvad Jyske Bank har lavet, ikke om hvad de er dømt for, Jyske Bank vil ikke blive dømt for brugen af strafbar lovovertrædelser, da Jyske Bank vil miste retten til at drive bankvirksomhed i danmark, derfor dækker den danske stat over den kriminelle Jyske Bank A/S Og hvis ikke er sandt, hvorfor svare Jyske Bank A/S så ikke, og eller anlægger en injurier sag mod Carsten Storbjerg for bagvaskelse og ærekrænkelse af Jyske Banks troværdighed. Du vil opdage at Jyske lyver, og vil bortlede din din opmærksomhed fra det jeg skriver, til forskellige retssager hvor Jyske Bank ved korruption bliver beskyttet. Hvem tør mødes og tage en debat om Jyske Bank lever op til betingelserne for at drive bankvirksomhed i Danmark.

Case of organized fraud carried out by Jyske Bank A/S

A fraud perpetrated by Jyske bank A/S, which I, as a customer of Jyske Bank, want to be presented to Danish Nationalbank director Lars Rohde.

Im that way I know if Nationalbank Denmark will distance itself from Danske Banks, that do not comply with Danish law , or whether Lars Rohde also wants to cover up Jyske Bank’s many criminal offences.




logo Council of Europe, European Central Bank.  60640 Frankfurt am Main Germany. President of the European Central Bank. Christine Madeleine Odette Lagarde. European Central Bank. 60640 Frankfurt am Main Germany. President of the European Central Bank. Christine Madeleine Odette Lagarde I hereby send an official request to the European Central Bank. And requests that the Central Bank follow the decision of the National Bank of Denmark. I am writing to you and the ECB personally, requesting that the European Central Bank. Follow the case I write about on www.banknyt.dk, which is my diary on a daily basis. I am writing about a case that concerns: Abuse of power, corruption and bribery carried out by the Danske bank Jyske Bank A/S. I have contacted the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority and the National Bank several times in Denmark, with information. That there are banks that demonstrably commit organized crime. To date August 6, no one in Denmark has wanted to have a conversation with me about the crime I have presented with watertight documentation that Jyske Bank A/S is behind. And it must be taken into account that I have written continuously since 1 May 2019. to the Danish government and politicians who are part of Denmark's National Bank. I have directly informed the National Bank of Denmark about the problem that Jyske Bank A/S has used bribes.

Kommunikation <kommunikation@nationalbanken.dk>,
Justitsministeriet <jm@jm.dk>,
Philip Baruch <pb@les.dk>,
Kristian Ambjørn Buus-Nielsen <kbn@les.dk>,
“<NSJ@politi.dk>” <NSJ@politi.dk>,
Statsministeriet <stm@stm.dk>,
Jura og Forretning <jur@domstolsstyrelsen.dk>,
Postkasse – Klagesagsafdelingen <klagesagsafdelingen@advokatsamfundet.dk>,
Morten Ulrik Gade <MUG@jyskebank.dk>,
Arbejderen Redaktion <redaktion@arbejderen.dk>,
BT-1929 1929 <1929@bt.dk>,
EB 1224 <1224@eb.dk>,
Casper Dam Olsen <Casper-dam@jyskebank.dk>,
Dan Terkildsen Lundgren Advokater <dat@lundgrens.dk>,


The mail sent 06-08-2022.

European Central Bank.

60640 Frankfurt am Main


President of the European Central Bank.
Christine Madeleine Odette Lagarde

I hereby send an official request to the European Central Bank.

And requests that the Central Bank follow the decision of the National Bank of Denmark.

I am writing to you and the ECB personally, requesting that the European Central Bank.
Follow the case I write about on www.banknyt.dk, which is my diary on a daily basis.

I am writing about a case that concerns:
Abuse of power, corruption and bribery carried out by the Danske bank Jyske Bank A/S.

I have contacted the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority and the National Bank several times
in Denmark, with information.
That there are banks that demonstrably commit organized crime.

To date August 6, no one in Denmark has wanted to have a conversation with me about the crime I have presented with watertight documentation that Jyske Bank A/S is behind.


Medvirkende i sagen eller kender til sagen og ønsker ikke at rette fejl Fundament hæderlig ærlig åben retter fejl Nykredit jyske bank Advokat advokater strafferet øknomisk kriminelit Lund Elmer Sandager Michael Rasmussen CEO Nykredit Anders Christian Dam CEO Morten Ulrik gade Philip Baruch Mette Egholm Nielsen Birgit Bush Jyske bank erhverv Hillerød Helsingør Århus Aahus København Silkeborg Valby Østerbro Nicolai Hansen Anette Kirkeby Søren Woergaard Danske bank jysk Koncernledelse jyske bank Koncernbestyrelsen Sven Buhrkall Kurt Bligaard Pedersen Rina Asmussen Philip Baruch Jens A. Borup Keld Norup Christina Lykke Munk Haggai Kunisch Marianne Lillevang Koncerndirektionen Anders Dam Leif F. Larsen Niels Erik Jakobsen Per Skovhus Peter Schleidt finans nyt penge dr kontant DR KONTANT Penge Rådgivning


And it must be taken into account that I have written continuously since 1 May 2019. to the Danish government and politicians who are part of Denmark’s National Bank.

I have directly informed the National Bank of Denmark about the problem that Jyske Bank A/S has used bribes.

Regardless of the fact that the Danish police have written that bribery between private companies, that is, between Lundgren’s law partner company and Jyske Bank A/S, since both are private companies. 


Jyske Bank A/S may bribe Lundgren’s lawyers to oppose the case, that the client and customer in Jyske Bank employed Lundgren’s lawyers to file against Jyske Bank A/S

It is documented that Lundgren’s lawyers have withheld both documents from the client’s lawyer Lundgrens himself, but also that Lundgren’s lawyers have withheld the defendant Jyske Bank’s pleadings, and hidden court records, and have changed the client’s pleadings against Jyske Bank A/S.

Which Lundgren’s lawyers hid from the client, knowing that Lundgrens would not hand over a copy of the pleadings submitted by Lundgrens lawyers themselves.

Lundgren’s lawyers also concealed the fact that Lundgren had significant economic interests with Jyske Bank A/S and had therefore become highly incompetent.


Since Lundgrens after Lundgrens had been bought by Jyske Bank A/S.

And Lundgrens is hired by Jyske Bank A/S after the Jyske banks customer has hired Lundgrens to present the case against Jyske Banks A/S in which, the use of fraud and forgery is a large part of the case.



When Jyske Bank A/S shortly after, chooses to bribe Lundgrens, under the cover of the return commission, by Jyske Bank giving Lundgrens a task and advising Jyske Bank A/S in a transaction for 600 million Danish kroner, then it is my personal opinion, that Jyske Bank A/S would therefore lose the right to conduct financial business in Denmark, or be placed under administration.


This is where a problem comes.

Because both the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority and the National Bank, together with the Minister of Finance, choose to ignore this way of Jyske Bank’s way of conducting banking business.


For which full documentation has been presented, i.e. Jyske Bank’s criminal acts.

I am informed that internal employees of the danish nationalbank, are talking about this case as a scandal, but nothing has been done about it to date.

When the national police say. is not a criminal offence.

I believe that there should be consequences when a Danish bank such as Jyske Bank A/S bribes a law firm “Lundgren’s lawyers.”


Lundgrens there was a lawyer for a customer in Jyske Bank.
When Jyske Bank A/S then bribes customers’ lawyers not to present customers’ fraud and false cases against Jyske Bank A/S

Then I think Denmark has a problem with trust in Danish banks.



Hence my question to the ECB.


Is it normal and is it permissible for banks to use bribes, to oppose justice and to disappoint in legal matters.

Regarding Jyske Bank’s use of bribes, the entire board of Jyske Bank A/S is probably behind it.

And together with the bank’s CEO Anders Christian Dam, who is at the helm.

And at least together with the former member of the board, lawyer Philip Baruch, who is also a senior partner in Lund Elmer Sandager lawyer.

This is highly Christian since Lund Elmer Sandager lawyers even at Philip Baruch have lied in legal matters to cover up Jyske bank’s crimes.

Lund Elmer Sandager is the same law firm that employs Denmarks Nationalbank for the whistleblower scheme.

Whether bank director Lars Rohde for Denmark’s National Bank, together with the bank’s board of directors, will continue to react passively to the information that Denmark’s second largest bank, Jyske bank A/S, is doing in Denmark continuous violations of many laws and regulations, as well as the provisions of the Criminal Code.


And according to Danish legislation, in order to have a license to conduct banking business in Denmark, That is my opinion that Jyske Bank does not live up to this.

There are, in this case, major problems with Jyske Bank A/S and its board.

If the Danish Nationalbank director Lars Rohde does not take up the problem with Jyske Bank and its Board of Directors reluctance to comply with Danish legislation.

Will this scandal for the whole of Denmark only grow, that’s why I have my email to director Lars Rohde.


Denmark`s Nationalbank Langelinie Allé 47. 2100 København Ø. til Formand: Professor Christian Schultz Næstformand: Departementschef Michael Dithmer Valgt af repræsentantskabet Adm. direktør Per Bank Formand for DSR Grete Christensen Folketingsmedlem Jakob Ellemann-Jensen Folketingsmedlem Anne Paulin Professor Christian Schultz Departementschef Michael Dithmer Departementschef Johan Legarth Formand: Professor Christian Schultz Næstformand: Adm. direktør Anne Hedensted Steffensen Folketingsmedlem Lisbeth Bech-Nielsen. SF. lisbeth.bech-nielsen@ft.dk Folketingsmedlem Kristian Thulesen Dahl. UFG tidligere DF. kristian.thulesen.dahl@ft.dk Folketingsmedlem Jakob Ellemann-Jensen. V. Venstre. jakob.ellemann-jensen@ft.dk Folketingsmedlem Jens Joel. S. Socialdemokratiet. jens.joel@ft.dk Folketingsmedlem Sophie Løhde. V. Venstre. sophie.lohde@ft.dk Folketingsmedlem Anne Paulin. S. Socialdemokratiet. anne.paulin@ft.dk Folketingsmedlem Sofie Carsten Nielsen. RV. Radikale Venstre. sofie.carsten.nielsen@ft.dk Folketingsmedlem Troels Lund Poulsen. V. Venstre. troels.poulsen@ft.dk Departementschef Michael Dithme.Erhvervsministeriet. dc@em.dk em@em.dk Departementschef Johan Legarth. i Justitsministeriet. jm@jm.dk Adm. direktør Jens Bjørn Andersen. CEO Connie Astrup-Larsen Adm. direktør Per Bank Formand for DSR Grete Christensen Adm. direktør Asger Enggaard Adm. direktør Kathrine Forsberg CEO Kristian Hundebøll Formand Claus Jensen Formand for Forbrugerrådet Tænk Anja Philip Formand Lizette Risgaard Professor Philipp Schröder Professor Christian Schultz Adm. direktør Anne Hedensted Steffensen Adm. direktør Christian Woller CEO Gitte Pugholm Aabo  

It is my wish that corruption in Denmark has to be stopped.

And as I say here in the Danish video.


If I not don’t do something, then no one will do anything.
And who will trust and do business with Denmark if the Danish state and government covers organized crime.


Both the state authorities and the National Bank of Denmark have been presented with full documentation for.

I look forward to the European Central Bank’s response to my question.


And that the President of the European Central Bank, together with the bank’s management, will follow what the Danishes national bank, and Bank director Lars Rohed will do, after I have requested a personal meeting to present the documentation I have collected, in order for Jyske Bank A/S according to the law is a criminal organization.


Lars Rohed, who has also been governor of the International Monetary Fund since 2013, and is therefore important.

So it is only natural that I go to the top when everyone is involved in this ever-growing scandal.

I am sharing this email with the same people who received the email on 04-08-2022.

Jyske Bank takes this as a Joke, but it is an extremely shameful matter not only for Jyske Bank A/S but also for those who have chosen by passivity to cover up Jyske Bank’s crimes against the bank’s customers.

I do not believe that there are criminal banks in Denmark, or that there are Danish banks that have no problem with violating laws and regulations.

My email is to find out if Nationals Bank in Denmark will continue to ignore my information, and hold their hand over Jyske Bank A/S, which is waiting to get approval for the acquisition of the Swedish Handelsbanken.

As I make clear, this here is also information given about Denmark, perhaps as an inquiry to both Denmarks Nationalbank’s whistleblower scheme.

But also to the European Central Bank.

This is about openness and dialogue.
To solve Denmark’s problems around abuse of power and corruption, to stop the authorities and others with power to cover up the banks that will not comply with Danish law and law.

I am the whistleblower in Denmark that no one wants or dares to talk to, and everyone tries to keep quiet.
However, I await and expect that Lars Rohed for Denmarks Nationalbank will initiate an investigation of my complaint against Jyske Bank A/S for fraud and the use of forged documents as well as bribery and more.

And that Lars Rohde wants to meet with me.

And then I hope that I can help ensure that Jyske Bank is not allowed to expose more companies to the bank’s economic criminality.


Since 2016, I have repeatedly written to Jyske Bank A/S and the management at CEO Anders Christian Dam.

As well as repeatedly writing to the bank’s many lawyers to get a meeting so that we can talk together and perhaps be able to find a solution.
Among other things, Jyske Bank has refused to hand over my private and physical mortgage deed, which Jyske Bank has erased against instructions, without a power of attorney, by abusing the bank’s access to land registration.

A mortgage deed Jyske Bank to date, in the case of legal abuse, has refused to hand over, unless I sign a handover text that has the purpose of harming any legal relationship, that is, to damage my legal position.

Jyske Bank has refused to respond or in any other way comply with my request for dialogue, which is why the case is growing.

On Danish.

Blandt andet har Jyske Bank nægtet at udlever mit private og fysisk pantebrev, som Jyske Bank mod instruks, uden fuldmagt, ved misbrug at bankens adgang til tinglysningsretten har udslettet.

Et pantebrev Jyske Bank til dato, ved retsmisbrug har nægter at udlevere, med mindre jeg underskriver på en udleverings tekst, der har til formål at skade i et eventuelt retsforhold, altså at skade min retsstilling.


In the case that Jyske Bank writes about here, Jyske Bank is about being able to keep the money Jyske Bank has taken, by used forgery, and fraud to cheat the customer, by sad that the fraud was not discovered within 3 years. This is how Jyske Bank works, and it is quite important to share with the public. Also to warn other nations, and warn against the corruption and camaraderie that rules Denmark. It is sad that even the Danish authorities, cover criminal companies that, like Jyske Bank, have proven organized crime, which emphasizes that Denmark has major problems with corruption and bribery at the highest level. Therefore, not a single one has dared to talk to me to date, as everyone also knows the Danish government and Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen that I have watertight evidence of Jyske Bank’s organized fraud When customers in Denmark are up against the criminal Danish Bank, like Jyske Bank, which enjoys support from the Danish state and authorities, it is important that i write about Jyske Bank’s business methods. Just because Jyske Bank writes in a pleading in the case that is pending in the High Court, it has nothing to do with my campaign. I am a private person who Jyske Bank has exposed to serious crime, this crime covers the Danish state, why i think it is my duty to warn other countries, that in Denmark there is corruption and camaraderie, which helps to limit legal certainty, when the largest Danish companies commit fraud If Jyske Bank does not like my notices and campaigns, then they must talk to me, they can call +4522227713

There is a car parked outside the door of Jyske bank with information that Jyske Bank is behind organized crime, last time it was parked there for 10 weeks, without a single person questioning what is written on the car.

The car has come back again and a clear message, counter-proof that Jyske Bank are criminals and get up to DKK 54,000 in premium.

No one before me has exposed a Danish criminal bank to this, and Jyske bank still keeps its mouth shut, rather than trying to talk to me.


This silence does not stop me fight.

Medvirkende i sagen eller kender til sagen og ønsker ikke at rette fejl Fundament hæderlig ærlig åben retter fejl Nykredit jyske bank Advokat advokater strafferet øknomisk kriminelit Lund Elmer Sandager Michael Rasmussen CEO Nykredit Anders Christian Dam CEO Morten Ulrik gade Philip Baruch Mette Egholm Nielsen Birgit Bush Jyske bank erhverv Hillerød Helsingør Århus Aahus København Silkeborg Valby Østerbro Nicolai Hansen Anette Kirkeby Søren Woergaard Danske bank jysk Koncernledelse jyske bank Koncernbestyrelsen Sven Buhrkall Kurt Bligaard Pedersen Rina Asmussen Philip Baruch Jens A. Borup Keld Norup Christina Lykke Munk Haggai Kunisch Marianne Lillevang Koncerndirektionen Anders Dam Leif F. Larsen Niels Erik Jakobsen Per Skovhus Peter Schleidt

I think that this Chase must deprive Jyske Bank of the right to conduct banking business in Denmark if the law is to be followed.

I think that this case must deprive Jyske Bank of the right to conduct banking business in Denmark, if the law is to be upheld, now I am only waiting to have a meeting with Denmarks Nationalbank’s director Lars Rohde and a couple of the bank’s lawyers.

Because if Jyske Bank is allowed to commit fraud, then all other banks can also commit fraud, without the risk that neither the police nor the Financial Supervisory Authority will interfere.


I expect that I will be forced to sue Denmark and the Danish state at the European Court of Human Rights Council of Europe 67075 Strasbourg.


As I believe that the Danish state and authorities have worked hard on law and justice, in order to cover up that Jyske Bank A/S has bribed Lundgren’s lawyers, and that the authorities in Denmark have opposed the investigation of Jyske Bank’s crimes in order to help Jyske Bank, which is gone beyond my legal certainty.


I will return with this in connection with my book on corruption in Denmark, as it must be part of the complaint.

As I have said and written several times, when you, like Jyske Banks, also live by cheating and deceiving your customers, there will come a time when the strong will face resistance, regardless of how much corruption and cronyism rule in Denmark.


There is Jyske Bank A/S who wants this war against law and order in order to run a bank as Jyske Bank has always done.
And probably also because the bank probably expects that the Financial Supervisory Authority and then the Danish National Bank, as well as the other authorities will still cover Jyske Bank A/S’s many punishable violations with the liability.

I wish you a nice weekend and hope you enjoy the summer.


And if I write something that you want to take care of right away, then you can meet with whoever it is.

I never wanted to have to fight this against cronyism and corruption, but Jyske Bank and their powerful friends, want to show the power the Danish people are up against.

When Danish banks deceive, and I am obviously the victim who must show that no one can win over a Danish Bank, that deceives and runs a dishonest banking business.


Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup

Soevej 5.
3100 Hornbaek


mail carsten.storbjerg@gmail.com





Denmark’s biggest scandal ever, without a doubt must be. That the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, which has provided watertight evidence that Jyske Bank AS is behind extensive crime. Although all the members of the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority are aware that Jyske Bank has made a string of criminal offenses. Has the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority chosen to approve Jyske Bank’s acquisition of Svenske Handelsbanken’s Danish branches. This is a scandal which makes the Mink case with the Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen seem small. In the case that Jyske Bank writes about here, Jyske Bank is about being able to keep the money Jyske Bank has taken, by used forgery, and fraud to cheat the customer, by sad that the fraud was not discovered within 3 years. This is how Jyske Bank works, and it is quite important to share with the public. Also to warn other nations, and warn against the corruption and camaraderie that rules Denmark. It is sad that even the Danish authorities

Til Jyske Bank bilen



Fwd mail 04-08-2022. 

National Bank Director Lars Rohde for National Bank of Denmark.

I must request an interview and that the bank will conduct a review of my evidence against Jyske Bank A/S for the use of forgery, fraud, bribery, exploitation, bad faith, abuse of power of attorney, abuse of the bank’s access to land registration rights. 

And a mail copy to LES to carry out a check of my information, in If Danmarks national bank chooses to continue to cover up Jyske Bank’s criminal offences.



———- Forwarded message ———
Fra: Carsten Storbjerg <carsten.storbjerg@gmail.com>
Date: tor. 4. aug. 2022 kl. 19.12
Subject: National Bank Director Lars Rohde for National Bank of Denmark. To. I must request an interview and that the bank will conduct a review of my evidence against Jyske Bank A/S for the use of forgery, fraud, bribery, exploitation, bad faith, abuse of power of attorney, abuse of the bank’s access to land registration rights. and a copy to LES to carry out a check of my information, in If Danmarks national bank chooses to continue to cover up Jyske Bank’s criminal offences.

To: Kommunikation <kommunikation@nationalbanken.dk>, <kf@nationalbanken.dk>, <nationalbanken@nationalbanken.dk>, <anne.paulin@ft.dk>, <jakob.ellemann-jensen@ft.dk>, <pso@nationalbanken.dk>, <lisbeth.bech-nielsen@ft.dk>, <kristian.thulesen.dahl@ft.dk>, <jens.joel@ft.dk>, <sophie.lohde@ft.dk>, <sofie.carsten.nielsen@ft.dk>, <troels.poulsen@ft.dk>, <EPSO-EUSA-INFO@ec.europa.eu>, <media@ecb.europa.eu>
Cc: Justitsministeriet <jm@jm.dk>, <em@em.dk>, <dc@em.dk>, Philip Baruch <pb@les.dk>, Kristian Ambjørn Buus-Nielsen <kbn@les.dk>, <NSJ@politi.dk> <nsj@politi.dk>, <fm@fm.dk>, <finanstilsynet@ftnet.dk>, Statsministeriet <stm@stm.dk>, <folketinget@ft.dk>, <REU@ft.dk>, Jura og Forretning <jur@domstolsstyrelsen.dk>, <postkasse@advokatsamfundet.dk>, Postkasse – Klagesagsafdelingen <klagesagsafdelingen@advokatsamfundet.dk>, <saoek@ankl.dk>, <SAK@ankl.dk>, <kmj@atp.dk>, <pernille.vermund@ft.dk>, <christian.rabjerg.madsen@ft.dk>, <mette.abildgaard@ft.dk>, <marlene.ambo-rasmussen@ft.dk>, <simon.ammitzboll@ft.dk>, <kirsten.normann.andersen@ft.dk>, <ida.auken@ft.dk>, <liselott.blixt@ft.dk>, <morten.messerschmidt@ft.dk>, <mads.lebech@apmollerfonde.dk>, <media@lego.com>, <bankdata@bankdata.dk>, <info@loomis.com>, Morten Ulrik Gade <MUG@jyskebank.dk>, <martin.nielsen@jyskebank.dk>, <direktion@jyskebank.dk>, <juridisk@jyskebank.dk>, <info@les.dk>, <benny-pedersen@jyskebank.dk>, <birger-nielsen@jyskebank.dk>, <bac@jyskebank.dk>, <ctm@jyskerealkredit.dk>, <gadeberg@jyskebank.dk>, <eqh@jyskebank.dk>, <erling.kristensen@jyskebank.dk>, <fbk@jyskebank.dk>, <hbm@jyskebank.dk>, <jes.rosendal@jyskebank.dk>, <naur@jyskefinans.dk>, <noerbo@jyskebank.dk>, <lm@jyskebank.dk>, <sandberg@jyskebank.dk>, <prp@jyskebank.dk>, <rune@jyskebank.dk>, <sej@jyskebank.dk>, <hoejsgaard@jyskebank.dk>, <ahk@jyskebank.dk>, <bpa@jyskebank.dk>, <heidi.skovbjerg@jyskebank.dk>, <mac@jyskebank.dk>, <pborowy@jyskebank.dk>, <helle-hansen@jyskebank.dk>, <dip@jyskebank.dk>, <avw@jyskebank.dk>, <redaktion@borsen.dk>, Arbejderen Redaktion <redaktion@arbejderen.dk>, <ssl@dr.dk>, <tv2@tv2.dk>, <1234@tv2.dk>, BT-1929 1929 <1929@bt.dk>, EB 1224 <1224@eb.dk>, <redaktion@midtjyllandsavis.dk>, <redaktionen@altinget.dk>, <redaktion@tv2lorry.dk>, <rune@information.dk>, <sebastian.dyg.eriksen@jyskebank.dk>, <frederiksberg@jyskebank.dk>, Casper Dam Olsen <Casper-dam@jyskebank.dk>, <nicolai-hansen@jyskebank.dk>, Dan Terkildsen Lundgren Advokater <dat@lundgrens.dk>, <Internat.Strat@economie.fgov.be>, <claire.bergeot-nunes@sgae.gouv.fr>, <nimic@palazzochigi.it>, <imi@mfp.etat.lu>, <IMI@mrit.gov.pl>, <ecpd@ama.pt>, <nimic@correo.gob.es>, <imi@kommerskollegium.se>, <nimic@bva.bund.de>, <Post.IMI@bmdw.gv.at>, <info.sewr@llv.li>, <IMI-HELPDESK@ec.europa.eu>, <chinaemb_bw@mfa.gov.cn>, <info@cepol.europa.eu>

Danmarks Nationalbank          04-08-2022.
Langelinie Allé 47
2100 København Ø

Telefon: +45 33 63 63 63
E-mail: kommunikation@nationalbanken.dk

Mail to the National Bank of Denmark.

Att. Nationalbank Director Lars Rohde.

I have sent several emails which have been shared with Denmarks Nationalbank, this email is addressed directly to the Bank’s director Lars Rohed.

My request for review of my evidence against Jyske Banks A/S for criminal offence.

My recommendation is that Jyske Bank A/S be placed under increased supervision until my allegations against Jyske Bank A/S for numerous legal offenses have been reviewed.

And if I am right in just a small part of my claims, Jyske Bank A/S does not meet the Financial Supervisory Authority’s rules to be able to maintain a license to conduct banking business in Denmark.

Since my inquiry to Bank Director Lars Rohde is of societal interest and concerns the Danish state and institutions, I can trust that Jyske Bank will not expose the Danish state to the same thing that Jyske Bank has exposed me and my company to.

Therefore, I must request a meeting with Denmark’s national bank where I will present my evidence that Jyske Bank A/S is behind organized crime according to Danish law, i.e. actionable crimes committed in association.

Denmarks Nationalbank is requested to examine what I write and have shared on www.banknyt.dk prior to the meeting, and if Bank Director Lars Rohde has any questions about my documentation, I request to receive comments and questions within 3 weeks from the date to day, so that I can answer any questions prior to a meeting.

In connection with this desired meeting, and after I have the opportunity to present and describe the criminal acts that Jyske Bank A/S is behind, with reference to my evidence and the provisions of the Criminal Code, I will request to receive a direct answer to each of my claims.

In other words, Denmarks Nationalbank signs whether it is illegal or not illegal.

That a Danish bank corrects documents after it has been signed.

That a Danish bank uses lapsed / expired documents to register debts that do not exist.

That a Danish bank abuses their access to the land registration court, and wipes out mortgages against the customer’s instructions, which the attached document proves that Jyske Bank is behind.

That a Danish bank such as Jyske Bank buys a customer’s lawyers, so that these lawyers are not allowed to present the customer’s accusations against Jyske Bank.

That a Danish bank is willing to pay their lawyers to present false representations to the court, in order to disappoint in legal matters.



This is just a small part of what I want to get answers to at the desired meeting, I have written in several places in my diary www.banknyt.dk what kind of crimes Jyske Bank A/S is behind and why Jyske Bank A /S is not entitled to be able to run financial banking business in Denmark. Since I do not believe that a state should do business with banks that are demonstrably and completely proven, and at the same time in bad faith, abusing the bank’s power in society to cheat and deceive. In my example, Jyske Bank has paid Lundgren’s lawyers to help Jyske Bank undermine the customer’s finances, so that the customer may not have the economic opportunity to pursue a case that is already against cronyism and corruption in Denmark.

And I must request that the answer is tied to the provisions of the Criminal Code.

So that Denmarks Nationalbank answers the individual claims, I want to include in the meeting, with reference to the law and, in particular, the provisions of the Criminal Code.

I want the meeting so that National Bank deals with the violations of the criminal law for which I have found evidence that Jyske Banks A/S is behind.

If the bank director Lars Rohde and the bank’s lawyers do not respond to my inquiries, and the email today, I will resend a registered letter, in which I again will request a meeting with Denmark’s Nationalbank’s director and you lawyers, in order to get clarity about Denmark’s National Bank

Taking a decision on the evidence I have sent to the national bank, and or have shared on www.banknyt.dk or by link to the annex. Concerning the many punishable offenses, I write Jyske Bank A/S is behind.

Please read the entire letter, as well as the shared documents. And already now consider whether Danmarks NationalBank thinks this is a Joke. Just like Jyske Bank in the shared recording, we say we take the car as a JOKE, and say several times that the case has been lost in the High Court. This is not a case, but a scandal and it will only grow if Nationalbank Director Lars Rohde does not act on this email and copies.

And I see passivity as contributing to deception.

Just as cronyism is the same as corruption.

Everything I write, and the answers that may come, will be included in my book about corruption in Denmark and who is involved in this continuing.


I actually don’t care about the case between Jyske Bank and Storbjerg Erhverv, I am not a party to that case and would like to sell the company.

I want Denmark as a state to start by distancing itself from corruption, which has taken hold in Denmark, and if not Danmarks Nationalbank wants to help with this task.

Then it is the face of Denmark that in this country “Denmark.” corruption reigns when the authorities clearly choose to cover up banks that, like Jyske Banks A/S, are demonstrably behind organized fraud.

Which not a single person in Denmark has dared to describe to date.


But we as citizens in society have a problem with being able to get justice when corruption and abuse of power are used to cover up criminal banks.

And that’s what I want to write about.


If there are people who think I’m lying, I’ll be happy to appear on national TV and present my evidence.


Unfortunately, I have only met a wall of silence, while corrupt authorities do everything to cover up Jyske Bank A/S, which is to the great detriment of legal certainty in Denmark.


If corruption is to be eradicated, then someone has to start by shouting, and then we will find out how bad it is.

In view of the fact that Jyske Bank A/S knows they were able to talk to me and solve the problem before it got bigger.

I would think that Jyske Bank’s CEO Anders Christian Dam is a big part of the problem.

And I am asking Denmark at the same time as this one email, to Nationalbank af Denmark to call Jyske Bank A/S’s board of directors for a meeting, where Jyske Bank A/S will explain itself to Danmarks National Bank.

And as I say on youtube.  27. sep. 2021

If I don’t say anything, no one will say anything.




Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup.  

Soevej 5. 3100 Hornbaek.      

Phone +4522227713. 

Mail carsten.storbjerg@gmail.com 



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