31-12-2023. This email is for all the Danish politicians, and therefore I ask that this be printed out and displayed in the reading room. “The Danish parliament.” if the goverflnment still refuses to answer, members of parliament will at the same time receive more information and documentation about Jyske Bank’s unwillingness to comply with the rules in order to be licensed to conduct financial business in Denmark. Organized fraud alone should deprive the Jyske Bank group of the right to operate a bank in Denmark.
31. dec. 2023. Time 03.00. Kladde. Bliver opdateret med den sendt mail Dear everyone. at the Danish state and government as well as Jyske Bank. REU@ft.dk, finanstilsynet@ftnet.dk, mail@finansdanmark.dk, fm@fm.dk, redaktionen@altinget.dk, juridisk@jyskebank.dk, direktion@jyskebank.dk, lundoe@jyskebank.dk, stp@jyskebank.dk, nicolai-hansen@jyskebank.dk, helsingor@jyskebank.dk, postkasse@advokatsamfundet.dk, SAK@ankl.dk, torbjorn.egerdal@jyskebank.dk, dorthe.kirkeby@jyskebank.dk, christian.b.andreasen@jyskebank.dk, jens.rahbek@jyskebank.dk, rune@jyskebank.dk, prp@jyskebank.dk, noerbo@jyskebank.dk, klausnaur@jyskebank.dk, jes-rosendal@jyskefinans.dk, hbm@jyskebank.dk, eqh@jyskebank.dk, gadeberg@jyskebank.dk, ctm@jyskerealkredit.dk, bac@jyskebank.dk, birger-nielsen@jyskebank.dk, mlyk@jyskebank.dk,…