BEDRAGERI Fraud in the Danish banks by by Jyske Bank management #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Gangcrimes #Crimes #Stock #Recommendations #Rental #Property #Lejebolig #Journalist #Press – When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( When the #Danish #Banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, Anders Dam controls the bank’s fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank’s CEO refuses to quit fraud against customers – So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #Lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal business Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) – Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the Jyske bank writes to their customer, who is ill after a brain bleeding – As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch#LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen#SørenWoergaard #AnetteKirkeby #Koncernledelse #Jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt

#Press The customer asksing the press, to ask the #Danish #Bank, why they are doing fraud :-) :-) Never seen before That a customer pack cars into giant stickers brands, Call up the bank, just to stop the bank's fraud against customer. To get in touch with the CEO Anders Dam Anders Dam which allows the Chrime, together with management that the bank continue fraud :-) :-) For more than 2 years, at least since May 2016 Have the bank director Anders Christian Dam, the manager Jyske Bank And the board of the same Danish Bank known everything about the scam :-( Fraud against customer. The customer tries to stop the bank CEO Anders Christian Dam But fraud is a good bank business for the Danish bank, as refusing to stop fraud in the 10th year :-) :-) Thinking all employees of the Jyske bank are laughing at the customers Customers who the bank deliberately deceives The Danish Bank of Jutland JYSKE BANK Supported by the bank's employees, Employees who agree with the manager, and group management in the fight against the customer. Customer who just want dialogue and help to understand if Jyske Bank is ? Criminal or a Honest Bank :-) :-) What can you do against Denmark's biggest fraudsters? when punishing the law did not seem to apply to the Danish banks which is supported by the the state of Denmark with a several of bank packages :-) :-) To the press. #PRESS Big #crimes against Danish customers in Denmark's second largest bank jyske bank - #Warning do not trust #Danish #Bank Jyske bank / Jutland Bank :-) Do you want a good story to give your readers The truth about the Danish banks - Do you have any questions? contact us +45 22227713 See attachments on the Danish home page :-) :-) It's about guilt and responsibility Danish letter to the bank :-) Little attachment Danish It is also about the bank taking millions of Danish kroner in interest rates, for a loan the danish bank is lying, that the customer has taken ---------- which the bank has taken interest for. while everyone in the bank knows, there is no loan taken. A bad case for the Danish Banks :-) :-) #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #Jyskebank #Fraud #Bank ------------ :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt :-) :-) :-) Oplysning til aktionærer i jyske bank Banken bedrager bevidst forsat kunde på 10'ende år Er det sådan en virksomhed du vil støtte med aktie køb :-) DER ER NÆPPE TALE OM SANDHED OG TROVÆRDIGHED NÅR JYSKE BANK UDTALER SIG :-) :-) Jyske bank bedrager kunde bevidst, nu på 10'ende år. AKTIE EJERER I JYSKE BANK LÆS MERE OM HVAD I INVENSTERE JERES PENGE I HER Og hvad det er for en Bank i giver jeres støtte til, ved at eje aktier i jyske bank ATP CODAN REAL PENSAM og de mange aktie ejere i Jysk bank - Shareholders' representatives Jyske Bank Jesper Stærmose Andersen, Jette Fledelius Andersen, Tage Andersen, Peder Astrup, Jens A. Borup, Jørgen Boserup, Ole Bouet, Torben Lindblad Christensen, Poul Djernes, Anne Thiel Fuglsang, Jarl Gorridsen, Lene Haaning, Jan Højmark, Bente Jensby, Frede Jensen, Pernille Kræmmergaard Jensen, Susanne Lund Jensen, Søren Wibholm Just, Palle Buhl Jørgensen, Gunnar Lisby Kjær, Gert Kristensen, Heidi Langergaard Kroer, Betina Kühn, Anker Laden-Andersen, Ib René Laursen, Jan Fjeldgaard Lunde, Anker Nielsen, Jørgen Gade Nielsen, Erna Pilgaard, Mogens Poulsen, Jesper Rasmussen, Thorbjørn Risgaard, Lars Svenningsen, Georg Sørensen, Jan Thaarup, Jytte Thøgersen, Hans Christian Vestergaard, Tom Amby, Palle Møldrup Andersen, Poul Beck Konrad, Bo Bjerre Rasmussen, Jan Bjærre, Sven Buhrkall, Anni Bundgaard, Erik Bundgaard, Annie Mary Christensen, Christian Dybdal Christensen, Johan Sylvest Christensen, Birthe Marianne Christiansen, Lone Fergadis, Henning Fuglsang, Jens Jørgen Hansen, Lars Hauge, Stig Hellstern, Jens Gadensgaard Hermann, Kirsten Ishøj Christensen, Inger Marie Jappe, Ernst Kier, Steffen Falk Knudsen, Finn Vestergaard Langballe, Claus Larsen, Elsebeth Lynge, Preben Mehlsen, Axel Ørum Meier, Hans Henrik Møller Mortensen, Tonny Vinding Møller, Keld Norup, Preben Norup, Søren Nygaard, Herman M. Pedersen, Peder Pedersen, Peder Philipp, Susanne Dalsgaard Provstgaard, Lars Peter Rasmussen, Erling Sørensen, Bo Richard Ulsøe, Karsten Jens Andersen, Rina Asmussen, Annette Bache, Philip Baruch, Jens-Christian Bay, Jesper Lund Bredesen, Henrik Bræmer, Jørgen Bæk-Mikkelsen, Gert Dalskov, Kim Elfving, Bent Gail-Kashnyk, Mogens Grüner, Hans Bonde Hansen, Karin Søholt Hansen, Michael Heinrich Hansen, Eddie Holstebro, Steen Arne Jensen, Anne Mette Kaufmann, Jess Th. Larsen, Henrik Lassen Leth, Søren Lynggaard, Jørgen Hellesøe Mathiesen, Kristian May, Jens Kramer Mikkelsen, Thomas Møberg, Dorte Brix Nagell, Jesper Brøckner Nielsen, Asger Fredslund Pedersen, Kurt Bligaard Pedersen, Poul Poulsen, Tina Rasmussen, Jørgen Simonsen, Palle N. Svendsen, Anette Thomasen, Søren Tscherning, Jan Poul Crilles Tønnesen, Gerner Wolff-Sneedorff Læs og lær mere om Anders Dams måde at drive bankforetning :-) Fundamentet i jyske bank oplyses at være sandhed hæderlighed troværdighed åbenhed At tage menneskelig hensyn :-) Sandheden er dog en ganske anden som er nogle af de steder der ligger sagsmateriale om svig og falsk sagen imod jyske bank :-) Eftersom bankens Leder Anders Christian Dam er direkte blevet oplyst 25 maj. 2016 at der intet lån på 4.328.000 kr. findes. Og mange gange er blevet oplyst at jyske bank udsætter kunde for bedrageri, ved at hæve renter for et lån der ikke findes. :-) :-) HVOR SVÆRT KAN DET VÆRE FOR JYSKE BANK AT INDRØMME SVIG OG FALSK OG SÅ SIGE UNDSKYLD :-) :-) Altså toppen i koncern ledelsen Banklederen Anders Dam er, som så mange andre i jyske bank

Delt 16. juli 2018. Velkommen til jyske bank
Jyske Bank er en anderledes bank.

Her vil Bestyrelsen gerne stå sammen om at fortsætte det svig, som kunde mange gange har anmodet bestyrelsen om at holde op med.

Lær jyskebank at kende
Hvem dækker over Jyske Banks fortatte svigforretninger.

Bribery at the top of the Danish business seems to have been politically approved.

Following Jyske Bank’s fraud case.
Lundgren’s lawyer partner company paid several million Danish kroner, moreover, the same Lundgren’s lawyers who would not bring a case against the Danish bank Jyske Bank for fraud.

Which Lundgren’s lawyer partner company regrettably forgot to submit to the court.

That it happened according to Jyske Bank’s management, certainly by CEO Anders Dam who is directly contributing to Jyske Bank’s continued crimes.

When Jyske Bank then chose to give the large law firm Lundgren’s lawyers a huge order.

It became very clear that the overall board of directors of Jyske Bank continues to expose the customer to very serious fraud transactions.

And that Jyske Bank’s board of directors is still behind millions of scams and now probably also corruption.

All to disappoint in legal matters, and to serve the shareholders in the Danish Bank’s financial interests.

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