30-06-2020 S. 1-2. Jyske Bank hævede 70.772 kr. på trods af brev til ledelsen 24-06-2020. med oplysning om fortsat bedrageri.

Så er klagen over Lundgrens advvokater og advokat Dan Terkildsen fremlagt til advokatsamfundet. grundlovsdag 05-06-2020. Du kan læse lidt af klagen her, klagen er delt med CEO Anders Dam samt ledelsen i Jyske Bank. Samtidig bad vi om at Jyske Bank koncernen ville holde op med at lave bedrageri mod os kunder. Hvilket Bestyrelsen stadig har modsat sig, da koncernsen valgte at trække 70.772 dkk. fra deres kunde. Velviden at Jyske bank har lavet dokumentfalsk, og lavet svig imod bankens egen kunde. Men nu har vi en advokat, en der ikke kan bestikkes, som Lundgrens syntes at være blevet, og vores sag er blevet fremlagt 04-05-2020 på danmarks befrigelse.

Then the complaint against Lundgren’s lawyers and lawyer Dan Terkildsen is presented to the legal community. Constitution Day 05-06-2020.

You can read some of the complaint here, the complaint is shared with CEO Anders Dam and the management of Jyske Bank.

At the same time, we asked that the Jyske Bank Group would stop fraudulently against our customers.

Which the Supervisory Board has still opposed when the Group chose to withdraw DKK 70,772. from their customer.

It is well known that Jyske bank has made a false document and made fraud against the bank’s own customer.

But now we have a lawyer, one that cannot be bribed, which Lundgrens appeared to have become, and our case has been presented on 04-05-2020 at the liberation of Denmark.

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