15-08-2022. This is an open question for the Danish state and government, as well as the Danish National Bank and authorities. What do you want to change with the Danish banks that are behind fraud and that use forgery and bribery. While I’m waiting to have a meeting with Nationalbank Director Lars Rohde, try to talk to me, more so if Jyske Bank A/S are not criminals as I have presented documentation for.

Mail 15-08-2022. Time. 14.24


Kommunikation • kommunikation@nationalbanken.dk
Justitsministeriet • jm@jm.dk
<NSJ@politi.dk> • nsj@politi.dk
Statsministeriet • stm@stm.dk
Jura og Forretning • jur@domstolsstyrelsen.dk
Postkasse – Klagesagsafdelingen • klagesagsafdelingen@advokatsamfundet.dk

And CC

Morten Ulrik Gade • mug@jyskebank.dk
Philip Baruch • pb@les.dk
Kristian Ambjørn Buus-Nielsen • kbn@les.dk
Dan Terkildsen Lundgren Advokater • DAT@lundgrens.dk
Casper Dam Olsen • Casper-dam@jyskebank.dk

And a few more have received this email, to get a handle on the problem of cronyism and corruption in Denmark.

15-08-2022. Dear all.
To the Danish State and the authorities and the government by Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen.
To all politicians and authorities who are aware of my information about Jyske Bank’s numerous and punishable offences.
This is all so serious, and I am openly trying to open up a debate about the problem of corruption in Denmark.

What are you going to do about it? ?
Do you want to go against the legislation you yourself have adopted must apply to everyone, or do you want to make a hasty decision that the law should not apply to Danish banks.

Do something, this is a scandal and it is your responsibility that Denmark does not suffer from having covered up criminal Danish banks.

Et eksklusivt tilbud til Nationalbankens direktører, bestyrelsen sammen med repræsentantskabet. Hvis bare en af jer kan modbevise mine beviser for at. Jyske Bank står bag orgniceret kriminalitet. Og at. Jyske Banks A/S har lavet bedrageri. Og at. Jyske Banks A/S har lavet dokunent falsk. Og at. Jyske Banks A/S har betalt Lundgrens advokater bestikkelse, for at Lundgrens advokater ikke måtte fremlægge klients svig og falsk anklager mod Jyske Banks A/S Så tilbydes i alle sammen at kunne få 20 % i bonus for at kunne modbevise hver af mine første 9 påstande i konkurrencen. Klik på billed og se de 9 præmier af 5.000 dkk. og så med en bonus på 20 % hvis i kan modbevise mine beviser for Jyske Bank A/S mange strafbare forhold. Da jeg i mail 06-08.2022. har anmodet Nationalbankdirektør Lars Rohde om et møde for fremlæggelse og gennemgang af mine beviser for Jyske banks magtmisbrug og bankens kriminelle handlinger der er udført i forening, hvorfor National Banken Danmarks bestyrelse opfordres til at offenligt tage afstand til Jyske Banks forretnings metoder.

The only thing I can do is put one or more cars with the message that Jyske Bank A/S is criminal, and that the Danish government and the National Bank and the Financial Supervisory Authority as other authorities do not care, as Jyske Bank means more to Denmark than the law and the legal security of the Danes.

Is that how it is. ? or who is a problem.

Hvad Siger Danmarks Nationalbank til Jyske banks bedrageri. Direktionen den kongelig udnævnte diretør er Lars Rohde, Per Callesen og Signe Krogstrup, bestyrelsen Formand: Professor Christian Schultz Næstformand: Departementschef Michael Dithmer Valgt af repræsentantskabet Adm. direktør Per Bank Formand for DSR Grete Christensen Folketingsmedlem Jakob Ellemann-Jensen Folketingsmedlem Anne Paulin Professor Christian Schultz Udnævnt af erhvervsministeren Departementschef Michael Dithmer Departementschef Johan Legarth, Repræsentantskabet Formand: Professor Christian Schultz Næstformand: Adm. direktør Anne Hedensted Steffensen Valgt af Folketinget ​Folketingsmedlem Lisbeth Bech-Nielsen Folketingsmedlem Folketingsmedlem Jakob Ellemann-Jensen Folketingsmedlem Jens Joel Folketingsmedlem Sophie Løhde Folketingsmedlem Anne Paulin Folketingsmedlem Sofie Carsten Nielsen Folketingsmedlem Troels Lund Poulsen Udnævnt af erhvervsministeren Departementschef Michael Dithmer Departementschef Johan Legarth Valgt af repræsentantskabet Adm. direktør Jens Bjørn Andersen CEO Connie Astrup-Larsen Adm. direktør Per Bank Formand for DSR Grete Christensen Adm. direktør Asger Enggaard Adm. direktør Kathrine Forsberg CEO Kristian Hundebøll Formand Claus Jensen Formand for Forbrugerrådet Tænk Anja Philip Formand Lizette Risgaard Professor Philipp Schröder Professor Christian Schultz Adm. direktør Anne Hedensted Steffensen Adm. direktør Christian Woller CEO Gitte Pugholm Aabo​


While you are probably squirming for not answering me, and will not deal with my accusation against Jyske Banks A/S for being behind organized crime.

So I ask you all here.

And simply because you ignore and refuse to talk to me, because you know and are familiar with the fact that I myself have investigated Jyske Bank A/S for organized crime, and found evidence that here several people together in association helped Jyske Bank A/S with fraud.

It is not without reason that I mention Supreme Court Judge Kurt Rasmussen, District Court Judge Søren Ejdum, Philip Baruch Lund Elmer Sandager lawyers, and Dan Terkildsen Lundgren’s lawyers, as well as the rest of you for passively covering up Jyske Bank’s criminal offenses by opposing my legal certainty.

When Lars Rohde Danmarks National Bank has found a time when I can personally hand over my credentials to Danmarks Nationalbank.

When presenting my documents and evidence, I will also refer to where in the law it is written as being a criminal act that Jyske Bank A/S is behind.

The question is simply whether the Danish state as a whole is prepared to increase legal certainty for the individual citizen in Denmark, in order to be able to cover up criminal Danish banks in that way.

If this is your choice, support my emails in which I accuse Denmark of being a banana republic, i.e. a country governed by corruption and cronyism.

Which of you will be the first to distance yourself from the use of corruption in Denmark, and who will be involved in fighting the banks that deliberately and dishonestly use document forgery, mandate fraud, exploitation, bribery, fraud in order to earn more money for the bank’s shareholders.


If there are some of you who want to claim that I, Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup, am lying.

And if you are right, then I am the one committing a criminal offence, but if what I say and write about Jyske Bank A/S is true.

Then you all have a problem if you continue to undermine the legal certainty of those who are exposed to fraud by a Danske Bank.

In my view, you are complicit, or have some responsibility, if you cover up crime, so that a criminal or a crime cannot be stopped.

Yes, I have been informed that this is political, and when it is political, the citizens of Denmark who are exposed to crime, as carried out by Jyske Bank A/S, can do nothing.

The case is frivolous, as a bribe has been used to oppose my legal certainty.



I have written many times that Jyske Bank exposed the wrong person to the bank’s fraud, and they must therefore take the consequences for having been discovered.

That the Danish State, by the authorities including, the Ministry of Justice, the employees of the Courts Agency, the Minister of State, the Minister of Finance, the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, the government, the judicial committee and others, all together since at least 1 May 2019. have allowed a victim of organized crime, and to be without justice.


Just because the Danish state, and public institutions collaborate and use this bank Jyske Bank A/S by CEO Anders Christian Dam.

If you yourself cannot see that Denmark is facing a scandal, because the authorities themselves have helped to cover up Jyske Bank’s criminal offences, then it is a matter of course that I will be forced to sue Denmark for violating my human rights, as I have claims to get the legal certainty described in the law, without facing corrupt lawyers and judges.


Then you have a problem, it is possible that I alone cannot stop the corruption which is clearly contributing to the breakdown of law and justice in Denmark, as members of the Courts Agency are contributing to the problem.

You know I won’t stop, regardless of whether I can’t stop this camaraderie where you all shut up, even though the only thing I’ve tried since 2016 is to enter into dialogue and conversation.

But please note that I do not want to help Jyske Bank to be able to expose more customers to the same type of fraud that the bank has exposed me and my company to.

You can talk to me, that’s what I want, this should be able to be resolved by conversation, without Denmark having to be brought before the European Court by means of a complaint.

Talk to me, I’ve written and said it before, I am a nice guy, you just need to talk to me, and if this is a misunderstanding, then sort it out.


Here you have a copy of my diary per 15 August 2022. from the site www.banknyt.dk

And if you have any corrections, objections, denials, or something else you want us to talk about, this is a call for you to talk together and find out what went wrong.

If you think I don’t understand the laws and regulations that several of you yourself have been instrumental in creating, call me to a meeting and explain the law to me.


You know I would rather do something else than tease Jyske Bank and their management, now that they thought this was a JOKE.

My Youtube is an outstretched hand.




If I’m not right in what I write, why don’t you just talk to me.

Talk to me so I don’t have to make a complaint too, it’s too stupid that you just stick your heads deep in the ground, pretending there are no problems.



Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup

Soevej 5.
3100 Hornbaek.

Mail. carsten.storbjerg@gmail.com

Telephone. +4522227713