updated 22 August 2022.
Mood pictures.
Sunset, Sunrise, Animals, Nature, Danish beaches can be freely reproduced provided that:
Image borrowed from Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup, about the criminal Danish fraud bank Jyske Bank A/S.
The fight against corruption and cronyism as well as abuse of power in Denmark, and that the Danish state and government cover up the financial crime that the Danish bank Jyske Bank A/S is fully aware of and demonstrably behind.
See beautiful mood pictures from Denmark here.
Nature pictures and beautiful beaches in Denmark, which is shared for the Danish fraud bank Jyske Bank A/S.
You are encouraged to ask Danmarks Nationalbank, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Justice, the Danish Courts Agency, the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, the State Ministry, the Government.
Why Jyske Bank, for the Danish state and government, is allowed to commit organized crime, without it having consequences, and the Danish police therefore must not intervene and stop the criminal Danish bank.
A question that I cannot answer is whether the Danish state and the government together with the authorities such as the Danish Courts Agency are also instrumental in covering up other criminal Danish companies besides Jyske Bank A/S
Stemningsbilleder. kan jeg stole på Jyske Bank ikke vil udsætte også den danske stat for bedrageri, når Jyske Bank dokumenteret bruger dokumentfalsk, vildledning, retsmisbrug, mandatsvig og bestikkelse for at slippe af sted med bankens organiseret bedrageri.
Spørg Jyske Bank A/S +4589898989 og få et svar på hvorfor Jyske Bank ikke kan gøre noget ved de mange negative reklamer om Jyske Bank troværdighed, som på Jyske Bank bilen.