Med en fortid som afdelingschef i Finansministeriet og administrerende direktør i Økonomiforvaltningen i Københavns Kommune under daværende overborgmester Jens Kramer Mikkelsen (S) kunne der set udefra være langt til et statsejet russisk energiselskab. Men efter at han havde været hos DONG Energy i en årrække, Henrik Sass Larsen (S) og Bjarne Corydons (S) påstand om fuldstændig frikendelse af Corydon holder ikke, og Henrik Poulsens, DONG’s nye administrerende direktør

Is Russian Organized Crime the link between the Danske Bank money laundering scandal and the Novichok poisoning of ex-Russian spy Sergei Skripal?

Kurt Bligaard Pedersen er direktør i Gazprom.

Socialdemokratisk rådgiver.
Han har tidligere arbejdet i Socialdemokratiet, i Finansministeriet, på Københavns Rådhus og i Dong Energy.

Bliver ny formand for bestyrelsen i Jyske Bank, mens Bente Overgaard tidligere Nykredit direktør og Board Member kommer i Jyske Banks bestyrelse.

In little-noticed testimony before the US Senate last month, US Treasury Assistant Secretary for Terrorist Financing, Marshall Billingslea told a Senate panel — “There’s an enormous amount of money that is still being exfiltrated from Russia by both Organized Crime and cronies surrounding Putin.”
Referencing illicit Russian financial transfers into Europe, Billingslea stated that “It is critical that they (European financial institutions) shore up their Anti-Money Laundering regimes and that they clamp down on how they regulate money coming out of Russia.”
The Wall St Journal published a piece on Friday, September 7, 2018, entitled ‘Russia Linked Money Laundering Probe Looks at $150 Billion in Transactions.’ This article specifically referenced transactions at Danske’s Estonia branch that highlight the growing concerns about illicit money flows from the former Soviet Union province.

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