The client’s money which disappeared from Lundgren’s bookkeeping. We have made a small check on Lundgren’s limb way of bookkeeping. And finds that Lundgrens also has no control over their debtor bookkeeping.

The client’s money disappeared from Lundgren’s bookkeeping

Læs opslaget på Dansk


Now we have found that the account number 2191-4369738912 which we did not show who owned, as Lundgrens Boghoholderi could not find the client’s deposited money, even after they were informed of the dates of transfers.

The account simply belongs to Lundgren’s Bookkeeping.

But if Lundgrens also uses students to book, just as they use students and lawyers who clearly cannot read and understand Danish.

Then it just becomes more mess.

Wrong posting dates. and transferred money that disappears into Lundgrens




When we fired Lundgren, we knew they were good to describe as corrupt, but that client deposit has also disappeared, that is, the client account does not match, it is just a new problem in Lundgren’s partner company.


Fight against a criminal bank, The catfish in Jyske Bank bank, also known as the Green Butcher Is pleased with all questions, and agrees that Dialog is the way forward, but that is not what the bank's customers get to feel when Jyske bank exposes them to fraud.nish bank Follow the little man's battle against Denmark's second largest bank, which continues to cheat the customer. But now the customer gets the case for court, after 11 years of fraud, a case there was launched in 2013 as Ref. 328/2013 in the Danish Complaints Board, and then into court 2015. as case BS-402/2015-VIB "BS 1-698/2015" Viborg cort. / An extremely burdensome cause to be the victim of, the bank Jyske bank does not care, this kind of small criticism does not have any significance for the bank / / And what is the customer shouts about ?, as the bank is so cold facing A case against large Danish bank, for rough document false and fraud Fraud which the district attorney refused to investigate, and #jyskebank themselves refuses to st

23-10-2019. Lundgren’s Dan Terkildsen writes that it has hurt our case to present our evidence of fraud, and we had a good case, NOW IT IS BAD, and Dan is unaware of habilitation.


Medvirken direkte eller indirekte i jyske bank 11 års svindel / bedrageri mod kunde Et par søgeord er smuttet med. #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK #Bank #AnderChristianDam Søren Woergaard, Anette Kirkeby, #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #JeanettKofoed-Hansen #AnetteKirkeby #SørenWoergaaed #BirgitBuchThuesen #Gangcrimes #Crimes #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt

Perhaps Lundgren’s lawyers have not understood what the Client has clearly written.

3.1 Lundgrens acts on the basis of and in accordance with the client’s instructions, and the client and Lundgrens regularly agree on the legal assistance and scope of the assignment as well as the client’s and others’ involvement.
Lundgren’s attorneys have not written anything that some of their clients’ fraud allegations against Jyske Bank are directly illegal, that is, in accordance with the provisions of the law to present to the court.
Lundgrens writes they are entitled to refuse to comply with an instruction if this would violate legislation or other rules, e.g. rules of good practice.
If it is against good practice for Lundgren’s lawyers to stop Jyske Bank’s fraud cases against Lundgren’s former client, then Lundgren’s lawyers have not written anything about it.
Lundgrens it is for fun
Didn’t you like that Dan Terkildsen 🙂


When we fired lundgrens we knew how good they were to describe as corrupt, but that client deposit has also disappeared.

But that client account is not right, it’s just another problem in Lundgren’s partner company, who should have thought so.  

Medvirken direkte eller indirekte i jyske bank 11 års svindel / bedrageri mod kunde Et par søgeord er smuttet med. #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #JeanettKofoed-Hansen #AnetteKirkeby #SørenWoergaaed #BirgitBushThuesen #Gangcrimes #Crimes #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt

13-03-2019. lundgrens shrugs for payments transferred 30 + 20,000 but does not post them



The client who has found one lawyer. Who is alone. And who is honest. And would like to help the client bring their case against Jyske Bank A/S for fraud and false in danish court. Now at least these 5 lawyers. at Lundgren’s partner company Dan Terkildsen. Advokat og Partner Pernille Hellesøe. Team Assistent. Mette-Marie Nielsen. Fuldmægtig / Elev Emil Hald Winstrøm. Fuldmægtig / Elev Sebastian Lysholm Nielsen. Advokat Director All these in Lundgren’s partner company, has had with our case to do, should so many lawyers at Lundgrens be able to misunderstand, what we have continuously written. ! Hardly. Or have Lundgrens, received a million payments from Jyske Bank A/S In the form of return commission. just to misunderstand, and ignore everything, which we have constantly written, should be presented in court. As Thomas Schioldan Sørensen has sent our case and many letters, and emails to Lundgren’s many attorneys, as so also has been able, to see and read the letters which we since February 2016, have been sent to Thomas Schioldan Sørensen rodstenen, about changing the client’s allegations against Jyske Bank A/S for fraud and false. That Thomas Schioldan Sørensen from Rödstenen has ignored, our new allegations is on thing, but that Lundgrens can be bought by the defendant, to work for the defendant is abhorrent. And so Lundgrens has even boasted about it on their own website. “by Niels Gram-Hanssen partner” Although Partner Dan Terkildsen of Lundergren’s lawyers, after they were fired, has written It is conspiracy theories. And that Lundgrens has done a great job for us. Then we thought this is similar to more and more damaging business, and it seemed to happen by bribery between some of Denmark’s largest companies. But here Goliath is up against little David, who does not intend to give up just because Jyske Bank has found political contacts.

13-03-2019. Lundgrens is informed that 20 and 30,000 dkk has been paid to cover an invoice of 45,976.67 dk. soon after, the invoice and the remaining 4,023.24 will disappear


Jyske banks fundament er falsk. Vedtægter § 1 Stk. 1: Bankens navn er Jyske Bank A/S. Stk. 4: Bankens formål er som bank og som moderselskab at drive bankvirksomhed efter lovgivningen Stk. 5: Banken drives i overensstemmelse med redelig forretningsskik, god bankpraksis og bankens værdier og holdninger :-) :-) Lidt søge ord. #Justitsministeriet #Finansministeriet #Statsministeriet JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK / #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #Boxen Jyske Bank Boxen #KristianAmbjørnBuus-Nielsen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #JeanettKofoed-Hansen #AnetteKirkeby #SørenWoergaaed #BirgitBushThuesen #Gangcrimes #Crimes #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #

20-02-2019. payment 30,000 to Lundgrens,
Lundgren cannot find these and shrugs for payment


Jyske banks fundament er falsk. Vedtægter § 1 Stk. 1: Bankens navn er Jyske Bank A/S. Stk. 4: Bankens formål er som bank og som moderselskab at drive bankvirksomhed efter lovgivningen Stk. 5: Banken drives i overensstemmelse med redelig forretningsskik, god bankpraksis og bankens værdier og holdninger :-) :-) Lidt søge ord. #Justitsministeriet #Finansministeriet #Statsministeriet JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK / #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #Boxen Jyske Bank Boxen #KristianAmbjørnBuus-Nielsen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #JeanettKofoed-Hansen #AnetteKirkeby #SørenWoergaaed #BirgitBushThuesen #Gangcrimes #Crimes #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #

24-02-2019. payment 20,000 to Lundgrens,
Lundgren cannot find these and shrugs for payment


Medvirken direkte eller indirekte i jyske bank 11 års svindel / bedrageri mod kunde Et par søgeord er smuttet med. #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #JeanettKofoed-Hansen #AnetteKirkeby #SørenWoergaaed #BirgitBushThuesen #Gangcrimes #Crimes #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt

11-09-2019. Lundgren’s invoice 48,500 dkk


Jyske banks fundament er falsk. Vedtægter § 1 Stk. 1: Bankens navn er Jyske Bank A/S. Stk. 4: Bankens formål er som bank og som moderselskab at drive bankvirksomhed efter lovgivningen Stk. 5: Banken drives i overensstemmelse med redelig forretningsskik, god bankpraksis og bankens værdier og holdninger :-) :-) Lidt søge ord. #Justitsministeriet #Finansministeriet #Statsministeriet JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK / #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #Boxen Jyske Bank Boxen #KristianAmbjørnBuus-Nielsen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #JeanettKofoed-Hansen #AnetteKirkeby #SørenWoergaaed #BirgitBushThuesen #Gangcrimes #Crimes #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #

11-12-2019. Lundgren’s Invoice 47,062.50 dkk


Jyske banks fundament er falsk. Vedtægter § 1 Stk. 1: Bankens navn er Jyske Bank A/S. Stk. 4: Bankens formål er som bank og som moderselskab at drive bankvirksomhed efter lovgivningen Stk. 5: Banken drives i overensstemmelse med redelig forretningsskik, god bankpraksis og bankens værdier og holdninger :-) :-) Lidt søge ord. #Justitsministeriet #Finansministeriet #Statsministeriet JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK / #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #Boxen Jyske Bank Boxen #KristianAmbjørnBuus-Nielsen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #JeanettKofoed-Hansen #AnetteKirkeby #SørenWoergaaed #BirgitBushThuesen #Gangcrimes #Crimes #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #

25-03-2020. Lundgrens Rykker 3. 95,562.50 and interest DKK 2,589.25 that is not right.
Some have kept 4,023.24 dkk in Lundgrens a thief or a Greek partner, suspects that Dan Terkildsen has the missing money



Only yesterday 30-03-2020 we made a small check of Lundgren’s limb way of posting.


And finds that Lundgrens also has no control over their debtor bookkeeping.



Fight against a criminal bank, The catfish in Jyske Bank bank, also known as the Green Butcher Is pleased with all questions, and agrees that Dialog is the way forward, but that is not what the bank's customers get to feel when Jyske bank exposes them to fraud.nish bank Follow the little man's battle against Denmark's second largest bank, which continues to cheat the customer. But now the customer gets the case for court, after 11 years of fraud, a case there was launched in 2013 as Ref. 328/2013 in the Danish Complaints Board, and then into court 2015. as case BS-402/2015-VIB "BS 1-698/2015" Viborg cort. / An extremely burdensome cause to be the victim of, the bank Jyske bank does not care, this kind of small criticism does not have any significance for the bank / / And what is the customer shouts about ?, as the bank is so cold facing A case against large Danish bank, for rough document false and fraud Fraud which the district attorney refused to investigate, and #jyskebank themselves refuses to st

30-03-2020. Lundgren Client account does not vote, either the cash has been taken out or a Partner has money in his own account, and has retained the missing money dkk 4,023.24


Following as the account number 2191-4369738912.


Belongs to Lundgrens and is their client account, then it is strange that they could not find that the book posted DKK 30,000 on real date. and on real client.

And again the DKK 20,000 on the right date. and on real client.

Then 1 month after finding the first 30,000 kroner and then seners, it must be that Lundgrens found them scarce. DKK 16,000 out of the transferred DKK 20,000

How something of a transferred amount can disappear in Lundgrens suggests that it is a law firm rooted in bookkeeping.



The client who has found one lawyer. Who is alone. And who is honest. And would like to help the client bring their case against Jyske Bank A/S for fraud and false in danish court. Now at least these 5 lawyers. at Lundgren’s partner company Dan Terkildsen. Advokat og Partner Pernille Hellesøe. Team Assistent. Mette-Marie Nielsen. Fuldmægtig / Elev Emil Hald Winstrøm. Fuldmægtig / Elev Sebastian Lysholm Nielsen. Advokat Director All these in Lundgren’s partner company, has had with our case to do, should so many lawyers at Lundgrens be able to misunderstand, what we have continuously written. ! Hardly. Or have Lundgrens, received a million payments from Jyske Bank A/S In the form of return commission. just to misunderstand, and ignore everything, which we have constantly written, should be presented in court. As Thomas Schioldan Sørensen has sent our case and many letters, and emails to Lundgren’s many attorneys, as so also has been able, to see and read the letters which we since February 2016, have been sent to Thomas Schioldan Sørensen rodstenen, about changing the client’s allegations against Jyske Bank A/S for fraud and false. That Thomas Schioldan Sørensen from Rödstenen has ignored, our new allegations is on thing, but that Lundgrens can be bought by the defendant, to work for the defendant is abhorrent. And so Lundgrens has even boasted about it on their own website. “by Niels Gram-Hanssen partner” Although Partner Dan Terkildsen of Lundergren’s lawyers, after they were fired, has written It is conspiracy theories. And that Lundgrens has done a great job for us. Then we thought this is similar to more and more damaging business, and it seemed to happen by bribery between some of Denmark’s largest companies. But here Goliath is up against little David, who does not intend to give up just because Jyske Bank has found political contacts.

30-03-2020. S.1-4.
Letter to Lundgren’s bookkeeping, which is again being objected to the excavation, etc. We would like Lundgren to repay the 100,000 dkk. although they cannot find money in their bookkeeping.


The client who has found one lawyer. Who is alone. And who is honest. And would like to help the client bring their case against Jyske Bank A/S for fraud and false in danish court. Now at least these 5 lawyers. at Lundgren’s partner company Dan Terkildsen. Advokat og Partner Pernille Hellesøe. Team Assistent. Mette-Marie Nielsen. Fuldmægtig / Elev Emil Hald Winstrøm. Fuldmægtig / Elev Sebastian Lysholm Nielsen. Advokat Director All these in Lundgren’s partner company, has had with our case to do, should so many lawyers at Lundgrens be able to misunderstand, what we have continuously written. ! Hardly. Or have Lundgrens, received a million payments from Jyske Bank A/S In the form of return commission. just to misunderstand, and ignore everything, which we have constantly written, should be presented in court. As Thomas Schioldan Sørensen has sent our case and many letters, and emails to Lundgren’s many attorneys, as so also has been able, to see and read the letters which we since February 2016, have been sent to Thomas Schioldan Sørensen rodstenen, about changing the client’s allegations against Jyske Bank A/S for fraud and false. That Thomas Schioldan Sørensen from Rödstenen has ignored, our new allegations is on thing, but that Lundgrens can be bought by the defendant, to work for the defendant is abhorrent. And so Lundgrens has even boasted about it on their own website. “by Niels Gram-Hanssen partner” Although Partner Dan Terkildsen of Lundergren’s lawyers, after they were fired, has written It is conspiracy theories. And that Lundgrens has done a great job for us. Then we thought this is similar to more and more damaging business, and it seemed to happen by bribery between some of Denmark’s largest companies. But here Goliath is up against little David, who does not intend to give up just because Jyske Bank has found political contacts.

30-03-2020. S.2-4.
Letter to Lundgren’s bookkeeping, which is again being objected to the excavation, etc. We would like Lundgren to repay the 100,000 dkk. although they cannot find money in their bookkeeping.


The client who has found one lawyer. Who is alone. And who is honest. And would like to help the client bring their case against Jyske Bank A/S for fraud and false in danish court. Now at least these 5 lawyers. at Lundgren’s partner company Dan Terkildsen. Advokat og Partner Pernille Hellesøe. Team Assistent. Mette-Marie Nielsen. Fuldmægtig / Elev Emil Hald Winstrøm. Fuldmægtig / Elev Sebastian Lysholm Nielsen. Advokat Director All these in Lundgren’s partner company, has had with our case to do, should so many lawyers at Lundgrens be able to misunderstand, what we have continuously written. ! Hardly. Or have Lundgrens, received a million payments from Jyske Bank A/S In the form of return commission. just to misunderstand, and ignore everything, which we have constantly written, should be presented in court. As Thomas Schioldan Sørensen has sent our case and many letters, and emails to Lundgren’s many attorneys, as so also has been able, to see and read the letters which we since February 2016, have been sent to Thomas Schioldan Sørensen rodstenen, about changing the client’s allegations against Jyske Bank A/S for fraud and false. That Thomas Schioldan Sørensen from Rödstenen has ignored, our new allegations is on thing, but that Lundgrens can be bought by the defendant, to work for the defendant is abhorrent. And so Lundgrens has even boasted about it on their own website. “by Niels Gram-Hanssen partner” Although Partner Dan Terkildsen of Lundergren’s lawyers, after they were fired, has written It is conspiracy theories. And that Lundgrens has done a great job for us. Then we thought this is similar to more and more damaging business, and it seemed to happen by bribery between some of Denmark’s largest companies. But here Goliath is up against little David, who does not intend to give up just because Jyske Bank has found political contacts.

30-03-2020. S.3-4.
Letter to Lundgren’s bookkeeping, which is again being objected to the excavation, etc. We would like Lundgren to repay the 100,000 dkk. although they cannot find money in their bookkeeping.


The client who has found one lawyer. Who is alone. And who is honest. And would like to help the client bring their case against Jyske Bank A/S for fraud and false in danish court. Now at least these 5 lawyers. at Lundgren’s partner company Dan Terkildsen. Advokat og Partner Pernille Hellesøe. Team Assistent. Mette-Marie Nielsen. Fuldmægtig / Elev Emil Hald Winstrøm. Fuldmægtig / Elev Sebastian Lysholm Nielsen. Advokat Director All these in Lundgren’s partner company, has had with our case to do, should so many lawyers at Lundgrens be able to misunderstand, what we have continuously written. ! Hardly. Or have Lundgrens, received a million payments from Jyske Bank A/S In the form of return commission. just to misunderstand, and ignore everything, which we have constantly written, should be presented in court. As Thomas Schioldan Sørensen has sent our case and many letters, and emails to Lundgren’s many attorneys, as so also has been able, to see and read the letters which we since February 2016, have been sent to Thomas Schioldan Sørensen rodstenen, about changing the client’s allegations against Jyske Bank A/S for fraud and false. That Thomas Schioldan Sørensen from Rödstenen has ignored, our new allegations is on thing, but that Lundgrens can be bought by the defendant, to work for the defendant is abhorrent. And so Lundgrens has even boasted about it on their own website. “by Niels Gram-Hanssen partner” Although Partner Dan Terkildsen of Lundergren’s lawyers, after they were fired, has written It is conspiracy theories. And that Lundgrens has done a great job for us. Then we thought this is similar to more and more damaging business, and it seemed to happen by bribery between some of Denmark’s largest companies. But here Goliath is up against little David, who does not intend to give up just because Jyske Bank has found political contacts.

30-03-2020. S.4-4.
Letter to Lundgren’s bookkeeping, which is again being objected to the excavation, etc. We would like Lundgren to repay the 100,000 dkk. although they cannot find money in their bookkeeping.


We also showed that they have not been able to control, our claims, nor control the reading of documents, that Lundgren’s students also lie to their clients, and they affirm well by the fact that the case is about fraud and fraud.


But nothing presents, nor does it make sure to write the witnesses, who, probably only by telephone.


That Lundgren’s Bookkeeping, not only shrugs for want of payment, not to present the client’s claims, but also shakes off transfers that have disappeared from Lundgrens Bookkeeping.


It was only then that we discovered after we wrote to Lundgrens on March 30, 2020 that they should return the transferred DKK 100,000.


Lundgrens may well be in trouble if they have to repay 100,000 dkk. and may not have registered at all, the 2 registers, at 20,000 and 30,0000 dkk respectively.




We do not know about Lundgren’s bookkeeping.

Either the owner of the account 2191-4369738912 has retained the DKK 50,000 paid on February 20 and 24. 2019



And made sure that the sum of 45,976.67 dkk from the reminder 13-03-2019 has been deleted.




Or else have the account the owner of 2191-4369738912, transfer 45.976.67 to Lundgren’s bookkeeping.








Thus, it is Lundgren’s housekeeping that cannot find the book.


And retained the excess DKK 4,023.24.

Are they moved in the coffee box 🙂



Otherwise, it doesn’t make sense that Lundgrens will send us a debt collection, to get these 4,023.24 dkk once more.




We are going to complain about Lundgren’s lawyers to the lawyer mentioned



A new relationship is that money has been lost and transferred to a possible client account 2191-4369738912.



Is it at all possible not to be able to figure out where the money should be posted.




But now we also have to deal with the missing 4,023.24 dkk in our payments, after Lundgrens made years of accounts, they should have appeared if they were in a cookie box.



24-09-2019 and 27-09-2019. page 1-8.

Sharing here Mail to Lundgrens.


13-03-2019. mail with the amount transferred. We also wrote dates, first found the grove one payment and moved for the next.


Then hear no more.

But that should not cost us. 4,023.24 dkk that Lundgrens is a shit company.



30-03-2020 We write to Lundgren’s lawyers that they should be ashamed and look to get the 100,000 repaid. dKK


Sends a copy of the termination of Lundgrens 24-09-2019, and what we ourselves have had to submit to the court, is shown so that Lundgrens can see it matches what Lundgrens should present to us.

Fight against a criminal bank, The catfish in Jyske Bank bank, also known as the Green Butcher Is pleased with all questions, and agrees that Dialog is the way forward, but that is not what the bank's customers get to feel when Jyske bank exposes them to fraud.nish bank Follow the little man's battle against Denmark's second largest bank, which continues to cheat the customer. But now the customer gets the case for court, after 11 years of fraud, a case there was launched in 2013 as Ref. 328/2013 in the Danish Complaints Board, and then into court 2015. as case BS-402/2015-VIB "BS 1-698/2015" Viborg cort. / An extremely burdensome cause to be the victim of, the bank Jyske bank does not care, this kind of small criticism does not have any significance for the bank / / And what is the customer shouts about ?, as the bank is so cold facing A case against large Danish bank, for rough document false and fraud Fraud which the district attorney refused to investigate, and #jyskebank themselves refuses to st

23-10-2019. Lundgren’s Dan Terkildsen writes that it has hurt our case to present our evidence of fraud, and we had a good case, NOW IT IS BAD, and Dan is unaware of habilitation.


Philip Baruch Kristian Ambjørn Buus-Nielsen Lund Elmer Sandager - Morten Ulrik Gade Jyske bank - Bente Overgaard 2020 nyt medlem Anker Laden-Andersen 2019 Per Schnack 2019 Sven Buhrkall 2019 Kurt Bligaard Pedersen 2019 Rina Asmussen 2019 Philip Baruch 2019 Jens A Borup 2019 Keld Norup 2019 Christina Lykke Munk 2019 Haggai Kunisch 2018 ud Johnny Christensen 2019 Marianne Lillevang 2019 Anders Dam 2019 Leif F Larsen 2018 ud Niels Erik Jakobsen 2019 Per Skovhus 2019 Peter Schleidt 2019 - Jyske Bank Birgit Buch Thusen Anette Kirkeby Søren Woergaard Casper Dam Olsen Nicolai Hansen - Lundgrens Partner selskab Manager. Martin Kirkegaard. Chairman of the Board. Michael Alstrøm. Board member. Thomas Kremer. Board member. Nina Ringen. Board member. Tobias Vieth. Board member. Niels Wive Kjærgaard. - Dan Terkildsen. Advokat og Partner Pernille Hellesøe. Team Assistent. Mette-Marie Nielsen. Fuldmægtig / Elev Emil Hald Winstrøm. Fuldmægtig / Elev Sebastian Lysholm Nielsen. Advokat Director Niels Gram-Hanssen - Thomas Schioldan Sørensen Rödstenen. Rødstenen advokater - Nykredit Mette Egholm Nielsen -

24-09-2019. S.1-8.
mail. Lundgrens fired due to inability. with. rationale attached. Lundgrens is believed to have done a great job, for 200,000 dkk for not presenting the client’s claims.


Philip Baruch Kristian Ambjørn Buus-Nielsen Lund Elmer Sandager - Morten Ulrik Gade Jyske bank - Bente Overgaard 2020 nyt medlem Anker Laden-Andersen 2019 Per Schnack 2019 Sven Buhrkall 2019 Kurt Bligaard Pedersen 2019 Rina Asmussen 2019 Philip Baruch 2019 Jens A Borup 2019 Keld Norup 2019 Christina Lykke Munk 2019 Haggai Kunisch 2018 ud Johnny Christensen 2019 Marianne Lillevang 2019 Anders Dam 2019 Leif F Larsen 2018 ud Niels Erik Jakobsen 2019 Per Skovhus 2019 Peter Schleidt 2019 - Jyske Bank Birgit Buch Thusen Anette Kirkeby Søren Woergaard Casper Dam Olsen Nicolai Hansen - Lundgrens Partner selskab Manager. Martin Kirkegaard. Chairman of the Board. Michael Alstrøm. Board member. Thomas Kremer. Board member. Nina Ringen. Board member. Tobias Vieth. Board member. Niels Wive Kjærgaard. - Dan Terkildsen. Advokat og Partner Pernille Hellesøe. Team Assistent. Mette-Marie Nielsen. Fuldmægtig / Elev Emil Hald Winstrøm. Fuldmægtig / Elev Sebastian Lysholm Nielsen. Advokat Director Niels Gram-Hanssen - Thomas Schioldan Sørensen Rödstenen. Rødstenen advokater - Nykredit Mette Egholm Nielsen -

24-09-2019. S.2-8.
mail. Lundgrens fired due to inability. with. rationale attached. Lundgrens is believed to have done a great job, for 200,000 dkk for not presenting the client’s claims.


Philip Baruch Kristian Ambjørn Buus-Nielsen Lund Elmer Sandager - Morten Ulrik Gade Jyske bank - Bente Overgaard 2020 nyt medlem Anker Laden-Andersen 2019 Per Schnack 2019 Sven Buhrkall 2019 Kurt Bligaard Pedersen 2019 Rina Asmussen 2019 Philip Baruch 2019 Jens A Borup 2019 Keld Norup 2019 Christina Lykke Munk 2019 Haggai Kunisch 2018 ud Johnny Christensen 2019 Marianne Lillevang 2019 Anders Dam 2019 Leif F Larsen 2018 ud Niels Erik Jakobsen 2019 Per Skovhus 2019 Peter Schleidt 2019 - Jyske Bank Birgit Buch Thusen Anette Kirkeby Søren Woergaard Casper Dam Olsen Nicolai Hansen - Lundgrens Partner selskab Manager. Martin Kirkegaard. Chairman of the Board. Michael Alstrøm. Board member. Thomas Kremer. Board member. Nina Ringen. Board member. Tobias Vieth. Board member. Niels Wive Kjærgaard. - Dan Terkildsen. Advokat og Partner Pernille Hellesøe. Team Assistent. Mette-Marie Nielsen. Fuldmægtig / Elev Emil Hald Winstrøm. Fuldmægtig / Elev Sebastian Lysholm Nielsen. Advokat Director Niels Gram-Hanssen - Thomas Schioldan Sørensen Rödstenen. Rødstenen advokater - Nykredit Mette Egholm Nielsen -

24-09-2019. S.3-8.
mail. Lundgrens fired due to inability. with. rationale attached. Lundgrens is believed to have done a great job, for 200,000 dkk for not presenting the client’s claims.


Philip Baruch Kristian Ambjørn Buus-Nielsen Lund Elmer Sandager - Morten Ulrik Gade Jyske bank - Bente Overgaard 2020 nyt medlem Anker Laden-Andersen 2019 Per Schnack 2019 Sven Buhrkall 2019 Kurt Bligaard Pedersen 2019 Rina Asmussen 2019 Philip Baruch 2019 Jens A Borup 2019 Keld Norup 2019 Christina Lykke Munk 2019 Haggai Kunisch 2018 ud Johnny Christensen 2019 Marianne Lillevang 2019 Anders Dam 2019 Leif F Larsen 2018 ud Niels Erik Jakobsen 2019 Per Skovhus 2019 Peter Schleidt 2019 - Jyske Bank Birgit Buch Thusen Anette Kirkeby Søren Woergaard Casper Dam Olsen Nicolai Hansen - Lundgrens Partner selskab Manager. Martin Kirkegaard. Chairman of the Board. Michael Alstrøm. Board member. Thomas Kremer. Board member. Nina Ringen. Board member. Tobias Vieth. Board member. Niels Wive Kjærgaard. - Dan Terkildsen. Advokat og Partner Pernille Hellesøe. Team Assistent. Mette-Marie Nielsen. Fuldmægtig / Elev Emil Hald Winstrøm. Fuldmægtig / Elev Sebastian Lysholm Nielsen. Advokat Director Niels Gram-Hanssen - Thomas Schioldan Sørensen Rödstenen. Rødstenen advokater - Nykredit Mette Egholm Nielsen -

24-09-2019. S.4-8.
mail. Lundgrens fired due to inability. with. rationale attached. Lundgrens is believed to have done a great job, for 200,000 dkk for not presenting the client’s claims.


Philip Baruch Kristian Ambjørn Buus-Nielsen Lund Elmer Sandager - Morten Ulrik Gade Jyske bank - Bente Overgaard 2020 nyt medlem Anker Laden-Andersen 2019 Per Schnack 2019 Sven Buhrkall 2019 Kurt Bligaard Pedersen 2019 Rina Asmussen 2019 Philip Baruch 2019 Jens A Borup 2019 Keld Norup 2019 Christina Lykke Munk 2019 Haggai Kunisch 2018 ud Johnny Christensen 2019 Marianne Lillevang 2019 Anders Dam 2019 Leif F Larsen 2018 ud Niels Erik Jakobsen 2019 Per Skovhus 2019 Peter Schleidt 2019 - Jyske Bank Birgit Buch Thusen Anette Kirkeby Søren Woergaard Casper Dam Olsen Nicolai Hansen - Lundgrens Partner selskab Manager. Martin Kirkegaard. Chairman of the Board. Michael Alstrøm. Board member. Thomas Kremer. Board member. Nina Ringen. Board member. Tobias Vieth. Board member. Niels Wive Kjærgaard. - Dan Terkildsen. Advokat og Partner Pernille Hellesøe. Team Assistent. Mette-Marie Nielsen. Fuldmægtig / Elev Emil Hald Winstrøm. Fuldmægtig / Elev Sebastian Lysholm Nielsen. Advokat Director Niels Gram-Hanssen - Thomas Schioldan Sørensen Rödstenen. Rødstenen advokater - Nykredit Mette Egholm Nielsen -

24-09-2019. S.5-8.
mail. Lundgrens fired due to inability. with. rationale attached. Lundgrens is believed to have done a great job, for 200,000 dkk for not presenting the client’s claims.


Philip Baruch Kristian Ambjørn Buus-Nielsen Lund Elmer Sandager - Morten Ulrik Gade Jyske bank - Bente Overgaard 2020 nyt medlem Anker Laden-Andersen 2019 Per Schnack 2019 Sven Buhrkall 2019 Kurt Bligaard Pedersen 2019 Rina Asmussen 2019 Philip Baruch 2019 Jens A Borup 2019 Keld Norup 2019 Christina Lykke Munk 2019 Haggai Kunisch 2018 ud Johnny Christensen 2019 Marianne Lillevang 2019 Anders Dam 2019 Leif F Larsen 2018 ud Niels Erik Jakobsen 2019 Per Skovhus 2019 Peter Schleidt 2019 - Jyske Bank Birgit Buch Thusen Anette Kirkeby Søren Woergaard Casper Dam Olsen Nicolai Hansen - Lundgrens Partner selskab Manager. Martin Kirkegaard. Chairman of the Board. Michael Alstrøm. Board member. Thomas Kremer. Board member. Nina Ringen. Board member. Tobias Vieth. Board member. Niels Wive Kjærgaard. - Dan Terkildsen. Advokat og Partner Pernille Hellesøe. Team Assistent. Mette-Marie Nielsen. Fuldmægtig / Elev Emil Hald Winstrøm. Fuldmægtig / Elev Sebastian Lysholm Nielsen. Advokat Director Niels Gram-Hanssen - Thomas Schioldan Sørensen Rödstenen. Rødstenen advokater - Nykredit Mette Egholm Nielsen -

24-09-2019. S.6-8.
mail. Lundgrens fired due to inability. with. rationale attached. Lundgrens is believed to have done a great job, for 200,000 dkk for not presenting the client’s claims.


Philip Baruch Kristian Ambjørn Buus-Nielsen Lund Elmer Sandager - Morten Ulrik Gade Jyske bank - Bente Overgaard 2020 nyt medlem Anker Laden-Andersen 2019 Per Schnack 2019 Sven Buhrkall 2019 Kurt Bligaard Pedersen 2019 Rina Asmussen 2019 Philip Baruch 2019 Jens A Borup 2019 Keld Norup 2019 Christina Lykke Munk 2019 Haggai Kunisch 2018 ud Johnny Christensen 2019 Marianne Lillevang 2019 Anders Dam 2019 Leif F Larsen 2018 ud Niels Erik Jakobsen 2019 Per Skovhus 2019 Peter Schleidt 2019 - Jyske Bank Birgit Buch Thusen Anette Kirkeby Søren Woergaard Casper Dam Olsen Nicolai Hansen - Lundgrens Partner selskab Manager. Martin Kirkegaard. Chairman of the Board. Michael Alstrøm. Board member. Thomas Kremer. Board member. Nina Ringen. Board member. Tobias Vieth. Board member. Niels Wive Kjærgaard. - Dan Terkildsen. Advokat og Partner Pernille Hellesøe. Team Assistent. Mette-Marie Nielsen. Fuldmægtig / Elev Emil Hald Winstrøm. Fuldmægtig / Elev Sebastian Lysholm Nielsen. Advokat Director Niels Gram-Hanssen - Thomas Schioldan Sørensen Rödstenen. Rødstenen advokater - Nykredit Mette Egholm Nielsen -

24-09-2019. S.7-8.
mail. Lundgrens fired due to inability. with. rationale attached. Lundgrens is believed to have done a great job, for 200,000 dkk for not presenting the client’s claims.


Philip Baruch Kristian Ambjørn Buus-Nielsen Lund Elmer Sandager - Morten Ulrik Gade Jyske bank - Bente Overgaard 2020 nyt medlem Anker Laden-Andersen 2019 Per Schnack 2019 Sven Buhrkall 2019 Kurt Bligaard Pedersen 2019 Rina Asmussen 2019 Philip Baruch 2019 Jens A Borup 2019 Keld Norup 2019 Christina Lykke Munk 2019 Haggai Kunisch 2018 ud Johnny Christensen 2019 Marianne Lillevang 2019 Anders Dam 2019 Leif F Larsen 2018 ud Niels Erik Jakobsen 2019 Per Skovhus 2019 Peter Schleidt 2019 - Jyske Bank Birgit Buch Thusen Anette Kirkeby Søren Woergaard Casper Dam Olsen Nicolai Hansen - Lundgrens Partner selskab Manager. Martin Kirkegaard. Chairman of the Board. Michael Alstrøm. Board member. Thomas Kremer. Board member. Nina Ringen. Board member. Tobias Vieth. Board member. Niels Wive Kjærgaard. - Dan Terkildsen. Advokat og Partner Pernille Hellesøe. Team Assistent. Mette-Marie Nielsen. Fuldmægtig / Elev Emil Hald Winstrøm. Fuldmægtig / Elev Sebastian Lysholm Nielsen. Advokat Director Niels Gram-Hanssen - Thomas Schioldan Sørensen Rödstenen. Rødstenen advokater - Nykredit Mette Egholm Nielsen -

24-09-2019. S.8-8.
mail. Lundgrens fired due to inability. with. rationale attached. Lundgrens is believed to have done a great job, for 200,000 dkk for not presenting the client’s claims.



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