1. For the Danish bank CALLS WANT A SOLUTION

Svig mod kunder ? Kunde spørger koncernledelsen Sven Buhrækall Kurt Bligaard Pedersen Rina Asmussen Philip Baruch Jens Borup Keld Norup Christina Lykke Munk Johnny Christensen Marianne Lillevang Anders Dam Niels Erik Jakobsen Per Skovhus Peter Schleidt Om det er i orden at jyske bank lyver for kunder. Er koncern ledelsen ikke ansvarlig for dette fortsatte bedrageri :-( :-( Et par søgeord er smuttet med. #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #JeanettKofoed-Hansen #AnetteKirkeby #SørenWoergaaed #Gangcrimes #Crimes #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt

Jyske bank svindler kunder for millioner, ved hjælp at dokumentfalsk, og lyver for retten

Welcome to Denmark’s Criminal Banks, which deceive the bank’s customers.

#AndersDam #JyskeBank leads the bank’s fraud, along with the management.


In this Danish bank, the management is doing giant fraud against customer, together in a union.

While other Danish banks only make money laundering, makes Jyskebank also document false and fraud.

Since the Danish police do not want to stop the banks’ obvious fraud, against their customers.

Can we who are being deceived, only cry out to warn others against Danish banks like this Jyske Bank.

We have tried to talk to the criminal gang, JYSKEBANK since May 2016. But the gang will not talk to their victim.


If it is just a matter of the bank’s foundation is misunderstood, and the bank jyske bank does not itself believe, that the management are together in unity, and does and continues fraud against their customers.

Why does the group jyskebank refuse to talk with us, but continues fraud against their customers.


When conversation promotes understanding.


For over 3 years we have tried to enter into a dialogue with the bank, who stubbornly refuses to talk to us.

We should look at the matter together.

And if we, as a customer, are wrong, we are the first to apologize

We ask the Jyske Bank to receive our request, and the court’s offer to meet, and together solve the jyske bank’s problems.

We therefore ask the board of directors, take its responsibility and loosen this small disagreement.

Best regards May 28, 2019

Storbjerg Erhverv Management

Søvej 5. 3100. Hornbæk.

Phone 22227713

Siden 19 maj 2016, hvor denne mail er sendt til CEO Anders Dam
Har banken kunne gribe ind, og stanse bankens million svindel

This is just a fun call

Read the shared lookup and ask jyske bank Andes Dam What the hell this all this is about - All customers in this bank may be exposed to the same trip would you like to try if you can resist such a pressure against you and your fsmilie without throwing you in front of the train Remember this is the foundation of Jyske Bank - Timeline explaining word meaning https://facebook.com/pg/JyskeBank.dk/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1493650910670372 - - TRY TO ASK the Danish Bank Jyske Bank CEO ANDERS DAM https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 About the Group Board is proven. that the jyske bank deceives their customer in the 10th year. with a fake loan 4.328.000 kr. https://facebook.com/carsten.storbjergskaarup/posts/pcb.10217449556970181/?photo_id=10217449420046758&mds=%2Fphotos%2Fviewer%2F%3Fphotoset_token%3Dpcb.10217449556970181%26photo%3D10217449420046758%26profileid%3D1213101334%26source%3D49%26__tn__%3DEHH-R%26cached_data%3Dfalse%26ftid%3D&mdf=1j :-( Is jyske bank fully witnessing about Jyske Banks fraud against the customer. - Ask Andes Dam about if the customer since 2016 has sent information to the management as Anders Dam with inconvenience that there is no underlying loan, and never has been - whatever Philip Baruch and others in the jyske bank has told to Danish court. Jyske Bank has lied to court and lied since 2008/2009 until 2018 in order to cheat sick customer The customer is ready for a battle in court, if the bank still does not want to stop the fraud itself. :-) The customer just tries to get in dialogue Would you like to help with contact and get answers :-)

Har du spørgsmål til koncern ledelsen eller til ledere. Anders Dam i jyske Bank om denne svig sag.

Kan du kontakte ledelsen i jyske bank gennem linket her,

Og se brev til koncern bestyrelsens 13 medlemmer.
Brevet til ledelsen 7/8-18 omhandler bestyrelses ansvar for den fortsatte Svigforbrydelsen mod bankkunde

Kunden har ikke noget imod at du spørger jyske bank

Om kunde har lånt 4.328.000 kr.
Som jyske bank har påstået siden 2009

Et lån som jyske bank snart taget 2.000.000 kr. I renter for

Et lån som jyske bank nægter at bevise findes.

Eller for den sags skyld, et lån banken nægter at bevise nogle sinde har eksisteret.

Imens jyske bank stadig hæver renter for dette lån, forsøger kunde stadig på 3. År
at råbe Koncernledelsen op

Stop nu denne svigforretning
Tal med jeres kunder

Og lad os nu tale sammen

Det er ikke en løsning at gemme sig bag jeres advokater LUND ELMER SANDAGER som lyver processuelt over for retten.

Altså jyske bank
Tal nu med de kunder som opdager jyske bank udsætter dem for svig / bedrageri.


Haloo has talked to your customers today


Hvad er det værste en bank kan lave. KLIK Hvad er det værste en bank kan lave.

But is about

JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD – therefore this CALL 



For the Jyske Bank to answer



one of 50 questions

Where is the loan

4.328.000 Danish kr. 

dette er noget jyske bank har lavet 16-07-2008 til tilbudet fra 20-05-2008

dette er noget jyske bank har lavet 16-07-2008
til tilbudet fra 20-05-2008

As the bank since 01-01-2009 Has raised about 1.5 million in interest for.

And as it says, that there is still a debt of around 3 million on the loan

ANDERS DAM We have written to you many times

Maybe you you should take the phone and call

+45 22227713

Medvirkende i sagen eller kender til sagen og ønsker ikke at rette fejl Fundament hæderlig ærlig åben retter fejl Nykredit jyske bank Advokat advokater strafferet øknomisk kriminelit Lund Elmer Sandager Michael Rasmussen CEO Nykredit Anders Christian Dam CEO Morten Ulrik gade Philip Baruch Mette Egholm Nielsen Birgit Bush Jyske bank erhverv Hillerød Helsingør Århus Aahus København Silkeborg Valby Østerbro Nicolai Hansen Anette Kirkeby Søren Woergaard Danske bank jysk Koncernledelse jyske bank Koncernbestyrelsen Sven Buhrkall Kurt Bligaard Pedersen Rina Asmussen Philip Baruch Jens A. Borup Keld Norup Christina Lykke Munk Haggai Kunisch Marianne Lillevang Koncerndirektionen Anders Dam Leif F. Larsen Niels Erik Jakobsen Per Skovhus Peter Schleidt finans nyt penge dr kontant DR KONTANT Penge Rådgivning

Jyske bank siger undskyld 🙂 undskyld vi siger undskyld.

An excuse would be in place







Hvad er det værste en bank kan lave. KLIK

Hvad er det værste en bank kan lave.

HVAD ER VÆRST Penge vask eller Bedrageri vi ønsker kun at jyske bank skal indrømme og starte med at undskylde

Pengevask eller Bedrageri
Vi ønsker kun at jyske bank skal indrømme og starte med at sige undskyld, for bedrageri mandatsvig mm


Kontakt jyske bank og spørg hvad dette her er for noget, og hvorfor banken ikke vil tale med kunden, der gentagen oplyser til banken 1. der findes ikke noget lån, så være venlig at lade være at hæve renter. dette er oplyst flere i jyske Bank Bankens advokater Bankens ledelse Bankens leder CEO Anders Dam

Kontakt jyske bank
og spørg hvad dette her er for noget, og hvorfor banken ikke vil tale med kunden, der gentagen oplyser til banken
1. der findes ikke noget lån, så være venlig at lade være at hæve renter.
dette er oplyst flere i jyske Bank
Bankens advokater
Bankens ledelse
Bankens leder CEO Anders Dam



Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand

We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK

And find a solution, so we can get our life back

We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us.

The Danish bank Jyskebank took 10 years from us.

JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_20180602_220321218



Large Danish Bank jyske bank deceiving customers, Skulle tro det var løgn, men nej desvære snyder jyske bank deres kunder, forfalsker eller ændre i bilag, bortskaffer dokumenter, for bedre at kunne misbruge gamle udgået aftale bilag, eller begrænset fuldmagter Alt dette kun for at kunne lave svig mod små kunder, som den lille familie i Hornbæk der nu gennem 9 år er blevet bedraget af jyske bank. Sådan handler jyske bank, og behandler de kunder der måtte opklare bedrageri mod jyske bank kunder jyske bank has no comment ----- Anders Dam er den øverste ansvarlige, i svindel nummeret, af familie i jyske bank Og er Som øverste leder ansvarlig for at bedrageri mod kunde fortsætter i jyske bank :-) Anders Dam fik senest kendskab til sagen, og ved at kunde bedrages med falsk lån, og vist mindst siden 25-05-2016 vist at jyskebank bedrager den lille familie fra Hornbæk :-) Anders Dam har sikkert med stor sandsynlighed, haft kendskab til svindlen mod familien, langt tidligere :-( En svindel der har været et årelangt Psysisk Terror mod familien i jyske bank, Familien har haft hverdage, hvor selvmord lå i tankerne for at slippe ud af klørende på på jyske bank. :-( Således oplevede familien hvad troværdighed ærlig og hæderlig i jyske bank betyder for banken. Når bankens ansatte som CDO næsten dagligt ringede og terrorserede familien psykisk. For at stille flere og flere krav for ikke at opsige de lån kunden havde i banken. Altsammen grundet at jyske bank lavede svindel / bedrageri mod kunden :-) Forstår godt CEO Anders Dam jyske bank netop har fået lønforhøjelse Til 8 millioner kroner årligt Så dygtig som Anders Dam er :-) Og det store spørgsmål HVOR MANGE HAR JYSKE BANK UDSAT FOR DEN SAMME BEHANDLING HUSK JYSKE BANK SVINDLEDE FAMILIEN, SÅ END IKKE 5 ADVOKATER KUNNE OPDAGE BEDRAGERIET :-( OG DA FAMILIEN 8 ÅR EFTER OPDAGEDE AT JYSKE BANK LAVER SVINDEL MOD DEM ALTSÅ JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET I AT BEDRAGE DERES KUNDER, VILLE JYSKE BANK SLET IKKE SVARE. DEM SOM OPDAGER DE ER UDSAT FOR SVINDEL I JYSKE BANK :-) JYSKE BANK BARE FORTSÆTTER BEDRAGERI AF DERES KUNDER. DET SELV OM JYSKE BANK VAR BLEVET OPLYST OM DET FALSKE LÅN AF KUNDE 2 år TIDLIGRER :-( JYSKE BANK EN HÆDERLIG BANK JYSKE BANK EN TROVÆRDIG BANK JYSKE BANK EN ÆRLIG BANK JYSKE BANK LYVER IKKE Mon ikke fundamentet i jyske bank er råddent, hvad angår sandhed. Large Danish Bank jyske bank deceiving customers, Skulle tro det var løgn, men nej

—– Anders Dam er den øverste ansvarlige, i svindel nummeret, af familie i jyske bank Som øverste leder er han altså Anders ansvarlig 🙁 En svindel der har været et årelangt Psykisk Terror mod familien i jyske bank,

Altsammen grundet at jyske bank laver svindel / bedrageri mod kunden 🙂 Forstår godt CEO Anders Dam jyske bank netop har fået lønforhøjelse, FOR HAN ER DA DYGTIG



Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam

Rather than continue deceive us

With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed

We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud

which the entire Group Board is aware of.



Advokat navn fjernet NÅR BANKER SYNTES AT SVINDLE DERES KUNDER. FEJL ELLER EJ MEN SVIG, DET ER DET. Også selv om bankerne lyver det bedste de kan, kun for at vildlede deres kunder, til at tro noget andet Jyske bank bedst i test, enig jyske bank er dygtige. Kan kalde det kraftig vildledning, men for pokker jyske bank er bedst i Tænk at jyske bank stadig ikke ønsker dialog, Vi ønsker dialog. Om jyske bank har stjålet og bedrager os, og på mange punkter har løjet, for at bedrageriet ikke måtte opdages. Det er en ting. :-) Men hvorfor vil jyske bank ikke tale med os, så vi måske kunnet finde en løsning. Og så komme videre, og se frem af. - MEN NU TILBAGE TIL NYKREDIT :-) HJÆLP OS MED AT FÅ SVAR RING OG SPØRG NYKREDIT OM DISSE HER OPLYSNINGER ER SANDE ELLER FALSKE :-) Den hæderlige advokat i Nykredit Vil åbenbart kun hjælpe jyske bank med at skjule måske mandatsvig / bedrageri / svig eller hvad det er ? :-) Ved at nægte kunde at svare på 1 spørgsmål. :-) Hej Nykredit Advokat xxxxx xxxxxx :-) Din mail med svar er utvetydig og det ene og meget enkle spørgsmål er ikke blevet besvaret. :-) Du får som Advokat for Nykredit 1 spørgsmål. Og du nægter at svare. ! :-) Det er et JA. / NEJ. spørgsmål Og Nykredit skal svare ja eller nej :-) HVIS ANDRE MÅTTE RINGE TIL NYKREDIT OG SPØRGER OM DET SAMME FRITAGER VI HERMED NYKREDIT FOR DERES TAGSHEDS PLIGT PÅ DETTE SPØRGSMÅL, Og selfølgelig også disse her Sandt eller falsk ? = Så Nykredit må svare dem som måtte spørge kreditforeningen. :-) NYKREDIT HAR HERMED TILLADELSE, TIL AT SVARE ALLE SOM SPØRGER. :-) NYKREDIT SKAL NATURLIGVIS SVARER DIRÆKTE OG TALE SANDT. Tilladelsen GIVES til at svare på disse spørgsmål. Har kunden Storbjerg Erhverv ApS hjemtaget er lån i Nykredit på 4.328.000 kr. Som blev tilbudt 20 maj 2008 Samt til at bevise med en underskrift på udbetalings anmodningen fra Nykredit JA. ELLER. NEJ ret enkelt ikke - :-) Bekræfter gerne tilladelsen på skrift Har du som læser med spørgsmål Så ring gerne 40333400 og spørg. :-) - Spørgsmål: Har Storbjerg Erhverv ApS hjemtaget eller optaget et lån i Nykredit på 4.328.000 kr. Ja. eller. Nej. ? = :-) Hvis ja, hvilken dato, og hvordan. Nykredit bedes lægge deres hjemtagelses dokumenter fra Nykredit op. :-) Kik gerne på banknyt.dk se dagbogen. Her er også ord forklaringer. :-) Gennemgår lige forløbet så Nykredit's advokat Xxxxx xxxxxx Kan vælge sin TRO eller JURA på sandt eller falsk, altså FAKTA :-) HVIS NOGET AF DET VI SKRIVER ER ENTEN USANDT / ELLER FORKERT ANMODES NYKREDIT HERMED AT OPLYSE OM EVENTUELE FEJL I DET OPLYSTE. OG SVARER Sandt eller falsk ? = JA eller NEJ :-) VED FEJL VENLIGST RET OG LÆG VENLIGST DOKUMATION FOR NYKREDITS RETTELSER. :-) Advokat xxxxx xxxxxx Drop lige din tro, hvad du tror, det rager os sådan set en høst blomst, om du går i kirke og beder til Gud, kommer kun dig selv ved. DET HANDLER IKKE OM DIN TRO ! Men om beviserne. :-) Lige nu dækker Nykredit over Jyske bank og dermed bliver Nykredit sikkert medskyldige, måske i meddelagtighed i en eller anden form. ? Ved det ikke. :-) Giganterne Jyske bank og Nykredit med deres mange milliarder til alverdens advokater mod musen som bare ønsker 1 svar. :-) HVOR SLEMT STÅR DET TIL MED HÆDERLIGHEDEN I DE DANSKE BANKER. ? Må men her er det om SANDT. ELLER. FALSK. Sandt eller falsk ? = ET UNDERHOLDNIGS PROGRAM OM FINANS OG BANKERS ÆRLIGHED, TROVÆRDIGHED OG HÆDERLIGHED I DET DANSKE LAND DET HANDLER OM ? KAN VI DANSKE KUNDER STOLE PÅ DEM I DE DANSKE BANKER. :-) Husk det er humor som holder en i gang. Nykredit er det SANDT ELLER FALSK :-) SAG FAKTA : :-) Storbjerg Erhverv ApS har modtaget et tilbud fra Nykredit på 4.328.000 kr. Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) Tilbudet fra Nykredit på 4.328.000 kr. er skrevet / lavet 20-05-2008 Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) Tilbudet var gyldigt 6 måneder, Altså til 20-11-2008 Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) Storbjerg Erhverv ApS har på intet tidspunkt, hjemtaget noget lån på 4.328.000 kr. I Nykredit som det der blev tilbudt 20-05-2008 af Nykredit A/S Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) Tilbudet på 4.328.000 kr. Skulle hjemtage senest 20-11-2008 Se gerne Aftaleloven § 2. Har tilbudsgiveren fastsat en frist for antagelse af tilbudet, må antagende svar være kommet frem til ham inden fristens udløb. Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) Blev det tilbudte lån 4.328.000 kr. Ikke hjemtaget senest 20-11-2008 udløb tilbudet, og kunne herefter ikke længer hjemtags. Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) Obligations Serien 21E 2019 0977039 som tilbudet på 4.328.000 kr. Er lavet udfra, er blevet lukket. Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) Og da serien på de bagved lægende obligationer var lukket, kan lån ikke optages i Nykredit AFTALELOVEN PRAGRAF 2. Tidsfrist for tilbud I. Om afslutning af aftaler § 2. Har tilbudsgiveren fastsat en frist for antagelse af tilbudet, må antagende svar være kommet frem til ham inden fristens udløb. :-) Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) Storbjerg Erhverv ApS har ikke Hjemtaget et lån på 4.328.000 kr. Som Nykredit tilbød 20-05-2008 Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) Nykredit anmodes, at lave et nyt tilbud lige før 6 maj 2009 Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) Nykredit opdager i forbindelse med at Nykredit laver et nyt, og et andet tilbud 06-05-2009 At jyske bank 16-04-2009 har tinglyst en gæld til Nykredit på 4.328.000 kr. Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) En gæld på 4.328.000 kr. Til Nykredit som ikke eksisterer og som Nykredit ikke kender til Sandt eller falsk ? = Og en gæld på 4.328.000 kr som i øvrigt aldrig har eksisteret. Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) Nykredit Se nu godt på de bilag som Nykredit har fået udlevet kopier af, flere gange. :-) :-) Jyske bank hæver 66.400,00 kr. Fra kundes konto 15-04-2009 Sandt eller falsk ? = Jyske bank kalder det tinglysning (Af pant til Nykredit på 4.328.000 kr.) Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) Det findes ikke på dette tidspunkt 15-04-2009 noget gyldigt tilbud på 4.328.000 kr. i Nykredit Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) Jyske bank hæver 23.517,36 kr. Fra kundes konto 16-04-2009 Jyske bank kalder det låneformidling. Nykredit (Af lån fra Nykredit på 4.328.000 kr.) Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) Der findes ikke på dette tidspunkt 15-04-2009 noget gyldigt tilbud på 4.328.000 kr. i Nykredit Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) Jyske bank hæver 13.517,36 kr. Fra kundes konto 16-04-2009 Sandt eller falsk ? = Jyske bank kalder det forhånds garanti (Af lån i Nykredit på 4.328.000 kr.) Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) Der findes ikke på dette tidspunkt 15-04-2009 noget gyldigt tilbud på 4.328.000 kr. i Nykredit Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) Der findes ikke noget lån at stille garant for Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) Nykredit har 11-10-2016 på mødet i Nykredit oplyst og bekræftet over for kunde. At Nykredit ikke kender noget til nogle garanti på 4.328.000 kr. Mellem Nykredit og Jyske Bank Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) At Nykredit 16-04-2009 ikke har anmodet jyske bank stille nogle garanti til Nykredit Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) :-) Lige som at Nykredit 11-10-2016 Bekræftede at det alene er / var jyske bank som har krævet, at kunde solgte en bygge grund på ca 7.500 m2 til 200 kr. Pr. m2 for at nedbringe et andet lån i Nykredit Et lån der var tilbudt kunden 6 maj 2009 og blev hjemtaget 03-07-2009 Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) Nykredit opdager 6 maj 2009 at der findes tinglyst en pant på 4.328.000 kr. Til Nykredit Sandt eller falsk ? = og straks herefter aflyses denne 6 maj 2009 Sandt eller falsk ? = Ved at Nykredit skriver til tinglyseningsretten i Helsingør. TEKST Nærværende pantebrev kvitteres til aflysning af tingbogen som ej benyttet, Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) SLETNING AF DEN GÆLD / PANT Som blev anmeldt af Jyske bank Efter Nykredit opdager, den af jyske bank tinglyste gæld, på 4.328.000 kr. Til Nykredit SE TINGLYSNINGS LOVENS PRAGRAF 5. ONDTRO ond tro, juridisk udtryk for den viden, en part har eller efter gældende uagtsomhedsnormer burde have haft om et bestemt forhold. En række retsregler og retsgrundsætninger fastslår, at en parts onde tro om fx andres kolliderende rettigheder afskærer muligheden for at opnå disse rettigheder. Lovgivningen tager i visse tilfælde stilling til, hvornår ond tro skal foreligge. Ved aftaler om køb eller pantsætning af fast ejendom er det fx afgørende, hvornår aftalen anmeldes til tinglysning, jf. Tinglysningsloven § 5 :-( DETTE HER, ER ET DRILLE SPÆRGSMÅL. :-) Men er der ikke en klokke der ringer, eller er ikke det bare øv at kunden, denne gang opdagede hvad Danske Banker laver mod deres kunder. Eftersom både Nykredit og Jyske Bank, begge nægtede kunden aktindsigt. Og nægter at svare og bevise at kunden har hjemtaget et lån på 4.328.000 kr. Er det ikke bare ØV JA. ELLER. NEJ Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) Nykredit dækker over jyske bank Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) Nykredit fremsender efter 6 maj 2009 det nye tilbud til jyske bank, som kontroller tilbudet og herefter udlever dette til Storbjerg Erhverv ApS Sandt eller falsk ? = At Nykredit sender tilbudet til Jyske Bank, :-) I tilbudet fra 6 maj 2009 Nykredit skriver på side 4/6 Det tidligere fremsendte pantebrev (4.328.000 kr.) er BORTFALDET Sandt eller falsk ? = Og I tilbudet fra 6 maj 2009 skriver Nykredit også på side 4/6 Det tidligere fremsendte tilbud (4.328.000 kr.) er BORTFALDET Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) BORTFALDET ordbogen det at noget forsvinder; det at noget ophører med at gælde / forsvinder (fx i henhold til en lovregel) Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) Måske er det nemmest at henvise til hvad andre skriver om at låne, Evt. på banknyt.dk se billeder som naturligvis er ægte. Sandt eller falsk ? = Hvad tror du :-) HVIS NYKREDT GØR SIG SKYLDIG I AT HJÆLPE JYSKE BANK ALTSÅ VED AT SKJULE OPLYSNINGER, OVER FOR DERES KUNDE, SOM VED AT NÆGTE, AT SVARE KUNDE PÅ OM, KUNDEN HAR HJEMTAGET ET LÅN I NYKREDIT PÅ 4.328.000 kr. Eller el

Jyske bank har et fundament som er vores værdigrundlag bank nyt klik og se hvad jyske bank laver



A bank that does not care about the newspaper

no one can touch this bank


We have 4 billion a year to spend as we please

If it’s too cheating

nobody should interfere

This bank refuses to comply with Danish law

that it is forbidden to deceive their customers.



Funny talk

Let’s laugh together

And find a solution

and yes we are very mad at the jyske bank

but you can just talk with us.



A case that is so inflamed,

that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it.

do you think

That there is something about what we are writing about.

Advokat navn fjernet NÅR BANKER SYNTES AT SVINDLE DERES KUNDER. FEJL ELLER EJ MEN SVIG, DET ER DET. Også selv om bankerne lyver det bedste de kan, kun for at vildlede deres kunder, til at tro noget andet Jyske bank bedst i test, enig jyske bank er dygtige. Kan kalde det kraftig vildledning, men for pokker jyske bank er bedst i Tænk at jyske bank stadig ikke ønsker dialog, Vi ønsker dialog. Om jyske bank har stjålet og bedrager os, og på mange punkter har løjet, for at bedrageriet ikke måtte opdages. Det er en ting. :-) Men hvorfor vil jyske bank ikke tale med os, så vi måske kunnet finde en løsning. Og så komme videre, og se frem af. - MEN NU TILBAGE TIL NYKREDIT :-) HJÆLP OS MED AT FÅ SVAR RING OG SPØRG NYKREDIT OM DISSE HER OPLYSNINGER ER SANDE ELLER FALSKE :-) Den hæderlige advokat i Nykredit Vil åbenbart kun hjælpe jyske bank med at skjule måske mandatsvig / bedrageri / svig eller hvad det er ? :-) Ved at nægte kunde at svare på 1 spørgsmål. :-) Hej Nykredit Advokat xxxxx xxxxxx :-) Din mail med svar er utvetydig og det ene og meget enkle spørgsmål er ikke blevet besvaret. :-) Du får som Advokat for Nykredit 1 spørgsmål. Og du nægter at svare. ! :-) Det er et JA. / NEJ. spørgsmål Og Nykredit skal svare ja eller nej :-) HVIS ANDRE MÅTTE RINGE TIL NYKREDIT OG SPØRGER OM DET SAMME FRITAGER VI HERMED NYKREDIT FOR DERES TAGSHEDS PLIGT PÅ DETTE SPØRGSMÅL, Og selfølgelig også disse her Sandt eller falsk ? = Så Nykredit må svare dem som måtte spørge kreditforeningen. :-) NYKREDIT HAR HERMED TILLADELSE, TIL AT SVARE ALLE SOM SPØRGER. :-) NYKREDIT SKAL NATURLIGVIS SVARER DIRÆKTE OG TALE SANDT. Tilladelsen GIVES til at svare på disse spørgsmål. Har kunden Storbjerg Erhverv ApS hjemtaget er lån i Nykredit på 4.328.000 kr. Som blev tilbudt 20 maj 2008 Samt til at bevise med en underskrift på udbetalings anmodningen fra Nykredit JA. ELLER. NEJ ret enkelt ikke - :-) Bekræfter gerne tilladelsen på skrift Har du som læser med spørgsmål Så ring gerne 40333400 og spørg. :-) - Spørgsmål: Har Storbjerg Erhverv ApS hjemtaget eller optaget et lån i Nykredit på 4.328.000 kr. Ja. eller. Nej. ? = :-) Hvis ja, hvilken dato, og hvordan. Nykredit bedes lægge deres hjemtagelses dokumenter fra Nykredit op. :-) Kik gerne på banknyt.dk se dagbogen. Her er også ord forklaringer. :-) Gennemgår lige forløbet så Nykredit's advokat Xxxxx xxxxxx Kan vælge sin TRO eller JURA på sandt eller falsk, altså FAKTA :-) HVIS NOGET AF DET VI SKRIVER ER ENTEN USANDT / ELLER FORKERT ANMODES NYKREDIT HERMED AT OPLYSE OM EVENTUELE FEJL I DET OPLYSTE. OG SVARER Sandt eller falsk ? = JA eller NEJ :-) VED FEJL VENLIGST RET OG LÆG VENLIGST DOKUMATION FOR NYKREDITS RETTELSER. :-) Advokat xxxxx xxxxxx Drop lige din tro, hvad du tror, det rager os sådan set en høst blomst, om du går i kirke og beder til Gud, kommer kun dig selv ved. DET HANDLER IKKE OM DIN TRO ! Men om beviserne. :-) Lige nu dækker Nykredit over Jyske bank og dermed bliver Nykredit sikkert medskyldige, måske i meddelagtighed i en eller anden form. ? Ved det ikke. :-) Giganterne Jyske bank og Nykredit med deres mange milliarder til alverdens advokater mod musen som bare ønsker 1 svar. :-) HVOR SLEMT STÅR DET TIL MED HÆDERLIGHEDEN I DE DANSKE BANKER. ? Må men her er det om SANDT. ELLER. FALSK. Sandt eller falsk ? = ET UNDERHOLDNIGS PROGRAM OM FINANS OG BANKERS ÆRLIGHED, TROVÆRDIGHED OG HÆDERLIGHED I DET DANSKE LAND DET HANDLER OM ? KAN VI DANSKE KUNDER STOLE PÅ DEM I DE DANSKE BANKER. :-) Husk det er humor som holder en i gang. Nykredit er det SANDT ELLER FALSK :-) SAG FAKTA : :-) Storbjerg Erhverv ApS har modtaget et tilbud fra Nykredit på 4.328.000 kr. Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) Tilbudet fra Nykredit på 4.328.000 kr. er skrevet / lavet 20-05-2008 Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) Tilbudet var gyldigt 6 måneder, Altså til 20-11-2008 Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) Storbjerg Erhverv ApS har på intet tidspunkt, hjemtaget noget lån på 4.328.000 kr. I Nykredit som det der blev tilbudt 20-05-2008 af Nykredit A/S Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) Tilbudet på 4.328.000 kr. Skulle hjemtage senest 20-11-2008 Se gerne Aftaleloven § 2. Har tilbudsgiveren fastsat en frist for antagelse af tilbudet, må antagende svar være kommet frem til ham inden fristens udløb. Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) Blev det tilbudte lån 4.328.000 kr. Ikke hjemtaget senest 20-11-2008 udløb tilbudet, og kunne herefter ikke længer hjemtags. Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) Obligations Serien 21E 2019 0977039 som tilbudet på 4.328.000 kr. Er lavet udfra, er blevet lukket. Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) Og da serien på de bagved lægende obligationer var lukket, kan lån ikke optages i Nykredit AFTALELOVEN PRAGRAF 2. Tidsfrist for tilbud I. Om afslutning af aftaler § 2. Har tilbudsgiveren fastsat en frist for antagelse af tilbudet, må antagende svar være kommet frem til ham inden fristens udløb. :-) Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) Storbjerg Erhverv ApS har ikke Hjemtaget et lån på 4.328.000 kr. Som Nykredit tilbød 20-05-2008 Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) Nykredit anmodes, at lave et nyt tilbud lige før 6 maj 2009 Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) Nykredit opdager i forbindelse med at Nykredit laver et nyt, og et andet tilbud 06-05-2009 At jyske bank 16-04-2009 har tinglyst en gæld til Nykredit på 4.328.000 kr. Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) En gæld på 4.328.000 kr. Til Nykredit som ikke eksisterer og som Nykredit ikke kender til Sandt eller falsk ? = Og en gæld på 4.328.000 kr som i øvrigt aldrig har eksisteret. Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) Nykredit Se nu godt på de bilag som Nykredit har fået udlevet kopier af, flere gange. :-) :-) Jyske bank hæver 66.400,00 kr. Fra kundes konto 15-04-2009 Sandt eller falsk ? = Jyske bank kalder det tinglysning (Af pant til Nykredit på 4.328.000 kr.) Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) Det findes ikke på dette tidspunkt 15-04-2009 noget gyldigt tilbud på 4.328.000 kr. i Nykredit Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) Jyske bank hæver 23.517,36 kr. Fra kundes konto 16-04-2009 Jyske bank kalder det låneformidling. Nykredit (Af lån fra Nykredit på 4.328.000 kr.) Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) Der findes ikke på dette tidspunkt 15-04-2009 noget gyldigt tilbud på 4.328.000 kr. i Nykredit Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) Jyske bank hæver 13.517,36 kr. Fra kundes konto 16-04-2009 Sandt eller falsk ? = Jyske bank kalder det forhånds garanti (Af lån i Nykredit på 4.328.000 kr.) Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) Der findes ikke på dette tidspunkt 15-04-2009 noget gyldigt tilbud på 4.328.000 kr. i Nykredit Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) Der findes ikke noget lån at stille garant for Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) Nykredit har 11-10-2016 på mødet i Nykredit oplyst og bekræftet over for kunde. At Nykredit ikke kender noget til nogle garanti på 4.328.000 kr. Mellem Nykredit og Jyske Bank Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) At Nykredit 16-04-2009 ikke har anmodet jyske bank stille nogle garanti til Nykredit Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) :-) Lige som at Nykredit 11-10-2016 Bekræftede at det alene er / var jyske bank som har krævet, at kunde solgte en bygge grund på ca 7.500 m2 til 200 kr. Pr. m2 for at nedbringe et andet lån i Nykredit Et lån der var tilbudt kunden 6 maj 2009 og blev hjemtaget 03-07-2009 Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) Nykredit opdager 6 maj 2009 at der findes tinglyst en pant på 4.328.000 kr. Til Nykredit Sandt eller falsk ? = og straks herefter aflyses denne 6 maj 2009 Sandt eller falsk ? = Ved at Nykredit skriver til tinglyseningsretten i Helsingør. TEKST Nærværende pantebrev kvitteres til aflysning af tingbogen som ej benyttet, Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) SLETNING AF DEN GÆLD / PANT Som blev anmeldt af Jyske bank Efter Nykredit opdager, den af jyske bank tinglyste gæld, på 4.328.000 kr. Til Nykredit SE TINGLYSNINGS LOVENS PRAGRAF 5. ONDTRO ond tro, juridisk udtryk for den viden, en part har eller efter gældende uagtsomhedsnormer burde have haft om et bestemt forhold. En række retsregler og retsgrundsætninger fastslår, at en parts onde tro om fx andres kolliderende rettigheder afskærer muligheden for at opnå disse rettigheder. Lovgivningen tager i visse tilfælde stilling til, hvornår ond tro skal foreligge. Ved aftaler om køb eller pantsætning af fast ejendom er det fx afgørende, hvornår aftalen anmeldes til tinglysning, jf. Tinglysningsloven § 5 :-( DETTE HER, ER ET DRILLE SPÆRGSMÅL. :-) Men er der ikke en klokke der ringer, eller er ikke det bare øv at kunden, denne gang opdagede hvad Danske Banker laver mod deres kunder. Eftersom både Nykredit og Jyske Bank, begge nægtede kunden aktindsigt. Og nægter at svare og bevise at kunden har hjemtaget et lån på 4.328.000 kr. Er det ikke bare ØV JA. ELLER. NEJ Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) Nykredit dækker over jyske bank Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) Nykredit fremsender efter 6 maj 2009 det nye tilbud til jyske bank, som kontroller tilbudet og herefter udlever dette til Storbjerg Erhverv ApS Sandt eller falsk ? = At Nykredit sender tilbudet til Jyske Bank, :-) I tilbudet fra 6 maj 2009 Nykredit skriver på side 4/6 Det tidligere fremsendte pantebrev (4.328.000 kr.) er BORTFALDET Sandt eller falsk ? = Og I tilbudet fra 6 maj 2009 skriver Nykredit også på side 4/6 Det tidligere fremsendte tilbud (4.328.000 kr.) er BORTFALDET Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) BORTFALDET ordbogen det at noget forsvinder; det at noget ophører med at gælde / forsvinder (fx i henhold til en lovregel) Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) Måske er det nemmest at henvise til hvad andre skriver om at låne, Evt. på banknyt.dk se billeder som naturligvis er ægte. Sandt eller falsk ? = Hvad tror du :-) HVIS NYKREDT GØR SIG SKYLDIG I AT HJÆLPE JYSKE BANK ALTSÅ VED AT SKJULE OPLYSNINGER, OVER FOR DERES KUNDE, SOM VED AT NÆGTE, AT SVARE KUNDE PÅ OM, KUNDEN HAR HJEMTAGET ET LÅN I NYKREDIT PÅ 4.328.000 kr Blevet væk frs den gamle Anders Dam

Hvordan har jyske bank det med indrømmelser for bedrageri

INGEN forstår ikke at Jyske Banks leder Anders Dam ikke stoppede svindel i 2016.

Da Anders Christian Dam blev bekendt med sagen.


Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank

Link to the bank further down

JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_20180602_220312480

Why they will Jyske Bank not answer their customer


Advokat navn fjernet NÅR BANKER SYNTES AT SVINDLE DERES KUNDER. FEJL ELLER EJ MEN SVIG, DET ER DET. Også selv om bankerne lyver det bedste de kan, kun for at vildlede deres kunder, til at tro noget andet Jyske bank bedst i test, enig jyske bank er dygtige. Kan kalde det kraftig vildledning, men for pokker jyske bank er bedst i Tænk at jyske bank stadig ikke ønsker dialog, Vi ønsker dialog. Om jyske bank har stjålet og bedrager os, og på mange punkter har løjet, for at bedrageriet ikke måtte opdages. Det er en ting. :-) Men hvorfor vil jyske bank ikke tale med os, så vi måske kunnet finde en løsning. Og så komme videre, og se frem af. - MEN NU TILBAGE TIL NYKREDIT :-) HJÆLP OS MED AT FÅ SVAR RING OG SPØRG NYKREDIT OM DISSE HER OPLYSNINGER ER SANDE ELLER FALSKE :-) Den hæderlige advokat i Nykredit Vil åbenbart kun hjælpe jyske bank med at skjule måske mandatsvig / bedrageri / svig eller hvad det er ? :-) Ved at nægte kunde at svare på 1 spørgsmål. :-) Hej Nykredit Advokat xxxxx xxxxxx :-) Din mail med svar er utvetydig og det ene og meget enkle spørgsmål er ikke blevet besvaret. :-) Du får som Advokat for Nykredit 1 spørgsmål. Og du nægter at svare. ! :-) Det er et JA. / NEJ. spørgsmål Og Nykredit skal svare ja eller nej :-) HVIS ANDRE MÅTTE RINGE TIL NYKREDIT OG SPØRGER OM DET SAMME FRITAGER VI HERMED NYKREDIT FOR DERES TAGSHEDS PLIGT PÅ DETTE SPØRGSMÅL, Og selfølgelig også disse her Sandt eller falsk ? = Så Nykredit må svare dem som måtte spørge kreditforeningen. :-) NYKREDIT HAR HERMED TILLADELSE, TIL AT SVARE ALLE SOM SPØRGER. :-) NYKREDIT SKAL NATURLIGVIS SVARER DIRÆKTE OG TALE SANDT. Tilladelsen GIVES til at svare på disse spørgsmål. Har kunden Storbjerg Erhverv ApS hjemtaget er lån i Nykredit på 4.328.000 kr. Som blev tilbudt 20 maj 2008 Samt til at bevise med en underskrift på udbetalings anmodningen fra Nykredit JA. ELLER. NEJ ret enkelt ikke - :-) Bekræfter gerne tilladelsen på skrift Har du som læser med spørgsmål Så ring gerne 40333400 og spørg. :-) - Spørgsmål: Har Storbjerg Erhverv ApS hjemtaget eller optaget et lån i Nykredit på 4.328.000 kr. Ja. eller. Nej. ? = :-) Hvis ja, hvilken dato, og hvordan. Nykredit bedes lægge deres hjemtagelses dokumenter fra Nykredit op. :-) Kik gerne på banknyt.dk se dagbogen. Her er også ord forklaringer. :-) Gennemgår lige forløbet så Nykredit's advokat Xxxxx xxxxxx Kan vælge sin TRO eller JURA på sandt eller falsk, altså FAKTA :-) HVIS NOGET AF DET VI SKRIVER ER ENTEN USANDT / ELLER FORKERT ANMODES NYKREDIT HERMED AT OPLYSE OM EVENTUELE FEJL I DET OPLYSTE. OG SVARER Sandt eller falsk ? = JA eller NEJ :-) VED FEJL VENLIGST RET OG LÆG VENLIGST DOKUMATION FOR NYKREDITS RETTELSER. :-) Advokat xxxxx xxxxxx Drop lige din tro, hvad du tror, det rager os sådan set en høst blomst, om du går i kirke og beder til Gud, kommer kun dig selv ved. DET HANDLER IKKE OM DIN TRO ! Men om beviserne. :-) Lige nu dækker Nykredit over Jyske bank og dermed bliver Nykredit sikkert medskyldige, måske i meddelagtighed i en eller anden form. ? Ved det ikke. :-) Giganterne Jyske bank og Nykredit med deres mange milliarder til alverdens advokater mod musen som bare ønsker 1 svar. :-) HVOR SLEMT STÅR DET TIL MED HÆDERLIGHEDEN I DE DANSKE BANKER. ? Må men her er det om SANDT. ELLER. FALSK. Sandt eller falsk ? = ET UNDERHOLDNIGS PROGRAM OM FINANS OG BANKERS ÆRLIGHED, TROVÆRDIGHED OG HÆDERLIGHED I DET DANSKE LAND DET HANDLER OM ? KAN VI DANSKE KUNDER STOLE PÅ DEM I DE DANSKE BANKER. :-) Husk det er humor som holder en i gang. Nykredit er det SANDT ELLER FALSK :-) SAG FAKTA : :-) Storbjerg Erhverv ApS har modtaget et tilbud fra Nykredit på 4.328.000 kr. Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) Tilbudet fra Nykredit på 4.328.000 kr. er skrevet / lavet 20-05-2008 Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) Tilbudet var gyldigt 6 måneder, Altså til 20-11-2008 Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) Storbjerg Erhverv ApS har på intet tidspunkt, hjemtaget noget lån på 4.328.000 kr. I Nykredit som det der blev tilbudt 20-05-2008 af Nykredit A/S Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) Tilbudet på 4.328.000 kr. Skulle hjemtage senest 20-11-2008 Se gerne Aftaleloven § 2. Har tilbudsgiveren fastsat en frist for antagelse af tilbudet, må antagende svar være kommet frem til ham inden fristens udløb. Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) Blev det tilbudte lån 4.328.000 kr. Ikke hjemtaget senest 20-11-2008 udløb tilbudet, og kunne herefter ikke længer hjemtags. Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) Obligations Serien 21E 2019 0977039 som tilbudet på 4.328.000 kr. Er lavet udfra, er blevet lukket. Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) Og da serien på de bagved lægende obligationer var lukket, kan lån ikke optages i Nykredit AFTALELOVEN PRAGRAF 2. Tidsfrist for tilbud I. Om afslutning af aftaler § 2. Har tilbudsgiveren fastsat en frist for antagelse af tilbudet, må antagende svar være kommet frem til ham inden fristens udløb. :-) Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) Storbjerg Erhverv ApS har ikke Hjemtaget et lån på 4.328.000 kr. Som Nykredit tilbød 20-05-2008 Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) Nykredit anmodes, at lave et nyt tilbud lige før 6 maj 2009 Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) Nykredit opdager i forbindelse med at Nykredit laver et nyt, og et andet tilbud 06-05-2009 At jyske bank 16-04-2009 har tinglyst en gæld til Nykredit på 4.328.000 kr. Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) En gæld på 4.328.000 kr. Til Nykredit som ikke eksisterer og som Nykredit ikke kender til Sandt eller falsk ? = Og en gæld på 4.328.000 kr som i øvrigt aldrig har eksisteret. Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) Nykredit Se nu godt på de bilag som Nykredit har fået udlevet kopier af, flere gange. :-) :-) Jyske bank hæver 66.400,00 kr. Fra kundes konto 15-04-2009 Sandt eller falsk ? = Jyske bank kalder det tinglysning (Af pant til Nykredit på 4.328.000 kr.) Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) Det findes ikke på dette tidspunkt 15-04-2009 noget gyldigt tilbud på 4.328.000 kr. i Nykredit Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) Jyske bank hæver 23.517,36 kr. Fra kundes konto 16-04-2009 Jyske bank kalder det låneformidling. Nykredit (Af lån fra Nykredit på 4.328.000 kr.) Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) Der findes ikke på dette tidspunkt 15-04-2009 noget gyldigt tilbud på 4.328.000 kr. i Nykredit Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) Jyske bank hæver 13.517,36 kr. Fra kundes konto 16-04-2009 Sandt eller falsk ? = Jyske bank kalder det forhånds garanti (Af lån i Nykredit på 4.328.000 kr.) Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) Der findes ikke på dette tidspunkt 15-04-2009 noget gyldigt tilbud på 4.328.000 kr. i Nykredit Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) Der findes ikke noget lån at stille garant for Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) Nykredit har 11-10-2016 på mødet i Nykredit oplyst og bekræftet over for kunde. At Nykredit ikke kender noget til nogle garanti på 4.328.000 kr. Mellem Nykredit og Jyske Bank Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) At Nykredit 16-04-2009 ikke har anmodet jyske bank stille nogle garanti til Nykredit Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) :-) Lige som at Nykredit 11-10-2016 Bekræftede at det alene er / var jyske bank som har krævet, at kunde solgte en bygge grund på ca 7.500 m2 til 200 kr. Pr. m2 for at nedbringe et andet lån i Nykredit Et lån der var tilbudt kunden 6 maj 2009 og blev hjemtaget 03-07-2009 Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) Nykredit opdager 6 maj 2009 at der findes tinglyst en pant på 4.328.000 kr. Til Nykredit Sandt eller falsk ? = og straks herefter aflyses denne 6 maj 2009 Sandt eller falsk ? = Ved at Nykredit skriver til tinglyseningsretten i Helsingør. TEKST Nærværende pantebrev kvitteres til aflysning af tingbogen som ej benyttet, Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) SLETNING AF DEN GÆLD / PANT Som blev anmeldt af Jyske bank Efter Nykredit opdager, den af jyske bank tinglyste gæld, på 4.328.000 kr. Til Nykredit SE TINGLYSNINGS LOVENS PRAGRAF 5. ONDTRO ond tro, juridisk udtryk for den viden, en part har eller efter gældende uagtsomhedsnormer burde have haft om et bestemt forhold. En række retsregler og retsgrundsætninger fastslår, at en parts onde tro om fx andres kolliderende rettigheder afskærer muligheden for at opnå disse rettigheder. Lovgivningen tager i visse tilfælde stilling til, hvornår ond tro skal foreligge. Ved aftaler om køb eller pantsætning af fast ejendom er det fx afgørende, hvornår aftalen anmeldes til tinglysning, jf. Tinglysningsloven § 5 :-( DETTE HER, ER ET DRILLE SPÆRGSMÅL. :-) Men er der ikke en klokke der ringer, eller er ikke det bare øv at kunden, denne gang opdagede hvad Danske Banker laver mod deres kunder. Eftersom både Nykredit og Jyske Bank, begge nægtede kunden aktindsigt. Og nægter at svare og bevise at kunden har hjemtaget et lån på 4.328.000 kr. Er det ikke bare ØV JA. ELLER. NEJ Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) Nykredit dækker over jyske bank Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) Nykredit fremsender efter 6 maj 2009 det nye tilbud til jyske bank, som kontroller tilbudet og herefter udlever dette til Storbjerg Erhverv ApS Sandt eller falsk ? = At Nykredit sender tilbudet til Jyske Bank, :-) I tilbudet fra 6 maj 2009 Nykredit skriver på side 4/6 Det tidligere fremsendte pantebrev (4.328.000 kr.) er BORTFALDET Sandt eller falsk ? = Og I tilbudet fra 6 maj 2009 skriver Nykredit også på side 4/6 Det tidligere fremsendte tilbud (4.328.000 kr.) er BORTFALDET Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) BORTFALDET ordbogen det at noget forsvinder; det at noget ophører med at gælde / forsvinder (fx i henhold til en lovregel) Sandt eller falsk ? = :-) Måske er det nemmest at henvise til hvad andre skriver om at låne, Evt. på banknyt.dk se billeder som naturligvis er ægte. Sandt eller falsk ? = Hvad tror du :-) HVIS NYKREDT GØR SIG SKYLDIG I AT HJÆLPE JYSKE BANK ALTSÅ VED AT SKJULE OPLYSNINGER, OVER FOR DERES KUNDE, SOM VED AT NÆGTE, AT SVARE KUNDE PÅ OM, KUNDEN HAR HJEMTAGET ET LÅN I NYKREDIT PÅ 4.328.000 kr Blevet væk frs den gamle rotte Anders Dam

Here  writes Jyske Bank that customers have borrowed

DKK 4.328.000 in Nykredit

Below writes Nykredit

That they do not know, anything about this loan of 4.328.000.

It is not found in Nykredit archives

And is never paid

Medvirkende i sagen eller kender til sagen og ønsker ikke at rette fejl Fundament hæderlig ærlig åben retter fejl Nykredit jyske bank Advokat advokater strafferet øknomisk kriminelit Lund Elmer Sandager Michael Rasmussen CEO Nykredit Anders Christian Dam CEO Morten Ulrik gade Philip Baruch Mette Egholm Nielsen Birgit Bush Jyske bank erhverv Hillerød Helsingør Århus Aahus København Silkeborg Valby Østerbro Nicolai Hansen Anette Kirkeby Søren Woergaard Danske bank jysk Koncernledelse jyske bank Koncernbestyrelsen Sven Buhrkall Kurt Bligaard Pedersen Rina Asmussen Philip Baruch Jens A. Borup Keld Norup Christina Lykke Munk Haggai Kunisch Marianne Lillevang Koncerndirektionen Anders Dam Leif F. Larsen Niels Erik Jakobsen Per Skovhus Peter Schleidt finans nyt penge dr kontant DR KONTANT Penge Rådgivning

Advokat Mette Egholm Nielsen Nykredit

skriver og bekræfter at der intet lån findes i Nykredit på 4.328.000 kr.

Og at jyske bank derved hæver rente af et lån på 4.328.000 kr. Der ikke findes



Is it time that the Bank itself explains

How the bank Jyske Bank can raise interest rates for a loan

that does not exist

And tell why the bank will not prove or answer anything

Picture above says clearly there is no loan

JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forliges møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt 37133892_1842805222470287_7358973900992020480_o



And why they will Jyske Bank not deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK

as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit

Medvirkende i sagen eller kender til sagen og ønsker ikke at rette fejl Fundament hæderlig ærlig åben retter fejl Nykredit jyske bank Advokat advokater strafferet øknomisk kriminelit Lund Elmer Sandager Michael Rasmussen CEO Nykredit Anders Christian Dam CEO Morten Ulrik gade Philip Baruch Mette Egholm Nielsen Birgit Bush Jyske bank erhverv Hillerød Helsingør Århus Aahus København Silkeborg Valby Østerbro Nicolai Hansen Anette Kirkeby Søren Woergaard Danske bank jysk Koncernledelse jyske bank Koncernbestyrelsen Sven Buhrkall Kurt Bligaard Pedersen Rina Asmussen Philip Baruch Jens A. Borup Keld Norup Christina Lykke Munk Haggai Kunisch Marianne Lillevang Koncerndirektionen Anders Dam Leif F. Larsen Niels Erik Jakobsen Per Skovhus Peter Schleidt finans nyt penge dr kontant DR KONTANT Penge Rådgivning

Anders Dam Vil du ikke godt tale med dine kunder 🙂 Talk with your Customers

As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009

Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken.

We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer




JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_1300



Where do you come into contact with a fraudster, who just not want to stop deceiving us

Have tried for over 2 years.



From www.banknyt.dk

The case started here

Startede i jyske bank Helsingør

I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad

JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_20180715_203432705_HDR

Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller

with the help of this department

ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9.

JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / ,IMG_20180603_202314456_HDR

Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hovedkontor i Silkeborg Vestergade 8-16 Silkeborg

JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_1018

Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam

Nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter på 10ènde år.

Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten

Tilbød 2-11-2016 forliges møde

As now helps to

with this fraud continuing in the 10th year.

Jyske Bank’s lawyers who lie for the court

Offered 2-11-2016 a settlement meeting

JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_1028

Men med den agenda

But with that agenda

At ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen.

To make an interest rate swap on another loan, to blur the fraud.


That’s this

The bank could come with a sense of reason instead


We do not want any interest rate swaps, so stop trying to cheat us more.

dette lån er tilbudt 06-05-2009 og optaget 03-07-2009 Altså det er ikke det som jyske bank siger er fra 20-05-2008, og optaget, derefter på et tidspunkt omlagt. SAGEN ER RET NEM tager et forhold af gangen. MEN JYSKE BANK DEN GÅR IKKE

dette lån er tilbudt
og optaget
Altså det er ikke det som jyske bank siger er fra 20-05-2008, og optaget, derefter på et tidspunkt omlagt.
tager et forhold af gangen.

Det er ikke det samme som dette her underneden


dette er noget jyske bank har lavet 16-07-2008 til tilbudet fra 20-05-2008

dette er noget jyske bank har lavet 16-07-2008
til tilbudet fra 20-05-2008

But Anders Christian Dam can explain it in court

Men det kan Anders Christian Dam jo forklare i retten 


JYSKE BANK CEO Anders Christian Christian Dam leder / Nykredit Michael Rasmussen / Lund Elmer Sandager Advokater Undskyld tænker på den onde i banken

 Morten Ulrik Gade wrote in 2015 17th of November. that dialogue was a good idea but only until we discovered the scam by 2016, the bank did not want to talk to us anymore.

Morten Ulrik Gade wrote in 2015 17th of November.
that dialogue was a good idea
but only until we discovered the scam
by 2016, the bank did not want to talk to us anymore.

 Morten Ulrik Gade wrote in 2015 17th of November. that dialogue was a good idea but only until we discovered the scam by 2016, the bank did not want to talk to us anymore.

I 2016 er det lykkes at opdage vi måske er udsat for et eller andet fusk i Jyske bank,

og narturligvis beder vi vel bare, Jyske bank dokumentere at banken har rent mel i posen, eller rette op
mail er fra 25-05-2016
frem til marts 2018 har jyske bank nægtede at komminikere med os
CEO Anders Dam nægter at svare og stoppe bedrageri mod kunder

Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank

Why the bank Jyske Bank does not admit fraud.

Hallo OPRÅB til jyske bank, vi forsøger at få ørenlyd. ØNSKER KONTAKT HJÆLP OS MED AT JYSKE BANK OPDAGER AT DER ER EN KUNDER SOM ØNSKER DIALOG MED JYSK BANK, DEN STORE DANSKE BANK JYSKE BANK. NEJ VI ER IKKE SURE MEN ØNSKER SAMTALE MED CEO ANDERS DAM FOR VORES SAG SAGEN MÅ LIGGE HOS LEDELSEN OG BESTYRELSEN I JYSKE BANK SOM VEL ER ANSVARLIGE FOR JYSKE BANKS HANDLINGER. TAL NU MED OS HAR VI TAGET FEJL OG ER DOKUMENTERNE SOM ER FREMLAGT FALSKE SKAL VI NARTURLIGVIS UNDSKYLDE VI UNDSKYLDER GERNE HVIS VI TAGER FEJL, VIL JYSKE BANK OGSÅ DET. Og skrev derfor til den 25. maj 2016 jyske bank omkring et tilsyneladende falsk lån. Vi taler om et tilbud på 4.328.000 kr. fra Nykredit af 20. maj 2008 som gjaldt til 20. november 2008 Vi ønskede bare forklaring på hvordan Jyske Bank kan tinglyse en gæld til Nykredit på et lån, der vist slet ikke fandtes, hverken i Nykredit eller i jyske bank. Vi har i år forud for disse henvendelser forsøgt at få fuld AKTINDSIGT Ved at skrive til Birgit Bush Thuesen og Advokat Morten Ulrik Gade, Morten Ulrik Gade svare efter 2 - 3 års forsøg på at få aktindsigt af jyske bank endelig et svar 17. november 2015, morten er afvisende at Jyske Bank ikke er forpligtet til at give aktindsigt. Altså jyske bank snupper renter til et lån på 4.328.000 kr. Som jyske bank ikke vil bevise findes. Kan ikke lade være med at tænke på den skattesvindel Jyske bank var indblandet i, DR lavede et program om denne skattesvindel, hvor jyske bank skulle stifte 2000 selskaber for at deres kunder kunne slippe for skat i Danmark. JYSKE BANK ER EN LUKKET BANK EN BANK SOM NÆGTER KUNDER AKTINDSIGT EN BANK DER BEVISTE GIVER FORKERTE SVAR: HVORDAN PASSET DET SAMMEN MED JYSKE BANKS VÆRDIER Jyske Bank selv efterlyser åbenhed hos andre, som da DR fangede Jyske Bank i Skatte rådgivning. Når Jyske Bank efterlyser en lignende åbenhed som her fra DR i Skattesagen Er der for os uforståeligt at jyske bank, selv er en bank der nægter deres kunder indsigt i deres dokumenter. Hvis det er fundamentet i jyske bank, passer det dårligt sammen med ord som Åbenhed Ærlighed Troværdighed Hæderlighed Overgolder alle love og regler, hjælper ikke med svindel osv. Vi kander en spade for spade, og spørger derfor Jyske bank et utal af gange om det samme. Vi ønsker jo bare en samtale hvor vi kan gennemgå vores sag. For at blive udsat for 9 års lidelse hvor Jyske bank ville slå os ihjel og tage alle vores penge, grundet noget der ligner svindel svig snyd bedrageri tyveri tvangs salg osv. MÅ VI SÅ IKKE BEDE OM EN FORKLARING -*- Frank Pedersen, direktør for kommunikation ved Jyske Bank, sammen med en kollega klar ved tasterne på Jyske Banks :Det er en værdi, vi har i Jyske Bank. Vi kalder en spade for en spade. Vi er ikke så gode til at pakke tingene ind. Jyske Bank rådgiver tilsyneladende gerne om, hvordan man kan gemme sine penge for de danske skattemyndigheder. Det fremgik af dokumentarudsendelsen 'Skattely', som netop er blevet sendt på DR1. -*- --------------------------------- Men her er der Et lån / gæld på 4.328.000 kr. som Jyskebank kræver sikkerhed for, for forhøjet pantsikkerhed. Jyske bank hævede over 100.000 kr. af betroede midler, tinglyste gælden på 4.328.000 kr. til Nykredit 16. april 2009 Jyske bank hævede igen af betroet midler, og lavede garantier for dette lån, (oplyst 4.328.000 kr.) til Nykredit, Nykredit opdager denne tinglyste gæld, som ikke jo ikke findes. 6. maj 2009 og sletter herefter denne, Det sker samtids med at vi har bet op et tilbud fra nykredit, hvilket Nykredit sender til Jyske bank modtages 7. maj. 2009 , heri oplyser Nykredit at tidligere tilbud fra 20. maj 2008 4.328.000 kr. er bortfaldet. Dette er ikke indsat på den liste med spørgsmål vi har til Jyske Bank Vi vil faktisk gerne spørger jyske Bank, om det bilag ( Bilag 75 eller 1042 i vores mappe ) aftale om finansielle instrumenter, som kunden her er blevet afkrævet en underskrift på, for at hans lån ikke skulle blive opsagt. Bilaget er om at bytte renter med Jyske Bank, på det lån i nykredit på 4.328.000 kr. Men det findes jo ikke Bilaget er udateret Men må være lavet omkring det tidspunkt 8. maj 2009. at Jyske bank modtaget oplysning fra Nykredit, denne dato er sikket, Jyske bank ved at der ikke findes noget lån på 4.328.000 kr. Eftersom tilbudet både er forældet og bortfaldet. DERFOR SPØRGES JYSKE BANK, hvad har kunden fået ud af, at jyske bank krævede en underskrift 11. maj 2009 på forhøjet sikkerhed for dette lån i Nykredit på 4.328.000 kr. som jyske bank med 100 % sikkerhed, er bekendt om at det ikke findes. Vi ønsker jo bare at vi sammen går det her i gennem, Selvfølge hvis det er Jyske bank ønske at snyde deres kunder bedst muligt, er det svært at give et svar. MANGLENDE LÅNE HJEMTAGELSE AF 4.328.000 kr. DET FINDES IKKE. Vi kunne ikke finde låne dokumenteret på de påstået 4.328.000 kr. Og beder jyske bank om en kopi. Jyske bank ønskede ikke at svare, på nogle af disse henvendelser. Efter mange forsøg for at få jyske bank til at svare opgav vi Og tilbød i stedet Jyske bank 250.000 kr. for en kopi, (for at få en reaktion) Vi ønskede en kopi af det lån, på de 4.328.000 kr. der måtte være i nykredit, og som jyske bank bytter renter med, på en rentebytte aftale som liggere efter den vi har lavet, ? Først skriver vi til Advokat Morten Ulrik Gade, så til Jyske banks Ledelse Jyske Banks Bestyrelse Jyske banks CEO leder Anders Dam og til Jyske Bank Advokater i Lund Elmer Sandager, hvor Philip Baurch bestyrelses medlemmet over for retten, har skrevet og oplyst nogle ting der vist ikke er helt sande, samt tilbageholdt flere oplysninger. DETTER ER NOGET VI GERNE VI I DIALOG OM. JYSKE BANK PÅSTÅR AT BANKEN GÅR IND FOR DIALOG HVORFOR SVARE DEN ÆRLIGE JYSKE BANK SÅ IKKE., MEN SVAER 31. MAJ 2016 EFTER KUNDENS TILBUD OM BETALING FOR EN LÅNE KOPI. JYSKE BANK FRABEDER SIG HENVENDELSER I DENNE SAG SE SAGEN I DAGBOGEN PÅ WWW.BANKNYT.DK Hvis jyske bank bare ville tale om disse eventyrlige små søde troværdigheds problemer, så kunne vi måske slippe uden om Byretten, det er jo latterligt at vi skal trække Jyske bank i retten vare for at bevare et par spørgsmål, Spørgsmål der er lige ud godteposen, som vi gerne vil have svar på, https://www.facebook.com/carsten.storbjergskaarup/posts/10212864678591087?mds=%2Fedit%2Fpost%2Fdialog%2F%3Fcid%3DS%253A_I1213101334%253A10212864678591087%26ct%3D2%26nodeID%3Dm_story_permalink_view%26redir%3D%252Fstory_chevron_menu%252F%253Fis_menu_registered%253Dtrue%26perm%26loc%3Dpermalink&mdf=1 Listen opdateres før sagen kommer i Retten Her er en liste med møg-sager med Jyske Bank i centrum https://www.mja.dk/article/20131105/ARTIKEL/311059956


And start to apologize all crimes.

Medvirkende i sagen eller kender til sagen og ønsker ikke at rette fejl Fundament hæderlig ærlig åben retter fejl Nykredit jyske bank Advokat advokater strafferet øknomisk kriminelit Lund Elmer Sandager Michael Rasmussen CEO Nykredit Anders Christian Dam CEO Morten Ulrik gade Philip Baruch Mette Egholm Nielsen Birgit Bush Jyske bank erhverv Hillerød Helsingør Århus Aahus København Silkeborg Valby Østerbro Nicolai Hansen Anette Kirkeby Søren Woergaard Danske bank jysk Koncernledelse jyske bank Koncernbestyrelsen Sven Buhrkall Kurt Bligaard Pedersen Rina Asmussen Philip Baruch Jens A. Borup Keld Norup Christina Lykke Munk Haggai Kunisch Marianne Lillevang Koncerndirektionen Anders Dam Leif F. Larsen Niels Erik Jakobsen Per Skovhus Peter Schleidt finans nyt penge dr kontant DR KONTANT Penge Rådgivning




#Journalist #Press

When the Danish banks deceive

their customers

a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers



When the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud

And the gang leader, controls the bank’s fraud.

We must speak more about this in court

Medvirkende i sagen eller kender til sagen og ønsker ikke at rette fejl Fundament hæderlig ærlig åben retter fejl Nykredit jyske bank Advokat advokater strafferet øknomisk kriminelit Lund Elmer Sandager Michael Rasmussen CEO Nykredit Anders Christian Dam CEO Morten Ulrik gade Philip Baruch Mette Egholm Nielsen Birgit Bush Jyske bank erhverv Hillerød Helsingør Århus Aahus København Silkeborg Valby Østerbro Nicolai Hansen Anette Kirkeby Søren Woergaard Danske bank jysk Koncernledelse jyske bank Koncernbestyrelsen Sven Buhrkall Kurt Bligaard Pedersen Rina Asmussen Philip Baruch Jens A. Borup Keld Norup Christina Lykke Munk Haggai Kunisch Marianne Lillevang Koncerndirektionen Anders Dam Leif F. Larsen Niels Erik Jakobsen Per Skovhus Peter Schleidt finans nyt penge dr kontant DR KONTANT Penge Rådgivning


Anders Dam Bank’s CEO refuses to quit.

So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is.


Do not trust the #JyskeBank

They are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you

The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization


Medvirkende i sagen eller kender til sagen og ønsker ikke at rette fejl Fundament hæderlig ærlig åben retter fejl Nykredit jyske bank Advokat advokater strafferet øknomisk kriminelit Lund Elmer Sandager Michael Rasmussen CEO Nykredit Anders Christian Dam CEO Morten Ulrik gade Philip Baruch Mette Egholm Nielsen Birgit Bush Jyske bank erhverv Hillerød Helsingør Århus Aahus København Silkeborg Valby Østerbro Nicolai Hansen Anette Kirkeby Søren Woergaard Danske bank jysk Koncernledelse jyske bank Koncernbestyrelsen Sven Buhrkall Kurt Bligaard Pedersen Rina Asmussen Philip Baruch Jens A. Borup Keld Norup Christina Lykke Munk Haggai Kunisch Marianne Lillevang Koncerndirektionen Anders Dam Leif F. Larsen Niels Erik Jakobsen Per Skovhus Peter Schleidt finans nyt penge dr kontant DR KONTANT Penge Rådgivning


The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense,

Follow the case in Danish law

BS 99-698/2015

JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_0927



Thanks to all of you we meet on the road.

Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank.


Har netop skrevet til retten og de slyngler af advokater i Lund Elmer Sandager les.dk Som ikke ønsker at jeg får en ny advokat, sat på sagen mod jyske bank, for bedrageri svindel eller hvad det er jyske bank laver mod deres kunder. Når jeg siger jyske bank stjæler, og dette ved mandatsvig, så kan det naturligvis bevises, og er bevist ved de til jyske bank fremsendte bilag på linket her under. :-) :-) I kender måske udtrykket DEN SOM TIER SAMTYKKER den der tier, samtykker TALEMÅDE hvis man ikke protesterer eller afslår, må andre regne med at man accepterer Har jyske bank benægtet at banken har lavet SVIG (MANDATSVIG FALSK) mod kunder. :-) Nej det har jyske bank ikke. :-) :-) Så kære jyske bank Ved godt i er helt ligeglade med hvem jyske bank snyder, og hvordan jyske bank snyder. bare jyske bank slippe for at betale erstatning. :-) Hvad med at tale og svarer de kunder som opdager jyskebank snyder og bedrager, frem for at nægte jeres kunder, som opdager svig forretninger i jyske bank svar på deres spørgsmål. Er det ikke kun kun rimeligt at i svare dem, som siger jyske bank lyver og stjæler. :-) -------------- :-) :-) 11-1-2018 kl 17.47. Altså 4 timer efter jeg skrev advokat Morten Ulrik Gade, l jyske bank at jeg skal have en ny advokat, i sagen mod jyske bank for svindel. :-) De advokater i Lund Elmer Sandager som hjælper jyske bank med at at skjule mandatsvig og falske aftaler, er uden moral og er is kolde om de lyver for retten, det handler om at jyske bank har 100 advokater Og at jeg nu ikke har nogle. ------ 11-1 Kl 17.47 Kopi af Lund Elmer Sandagers mail til retten :-) Under henvisning til ovennævnte sag samt nedenstående mail skal jeg på vegne af Jyske Bank protestere mod, at sagen sættes i bero, som Carsten Storbjerg har anmodet om, ligesom jeg skal protesterer mod yderligere udsættelse af sagen på sagsøgers processkrift. :-) Seneste processkrift, der er afgivet i sagen, er Jyske Banks duplik af 2. februar 2016. I den mellemliggende periode har sagen dels afventet afgivelse af processkrift fra sagsøgers side, ligesom sagen efterfølgende har afventet udfaldet af de 2 Højesteretssager, i hvilken periode sagsøger kunne have foretaget sine undersøgelser. :-) Højesteretssagerne er nu afgjort, og retten har fastsat en frist for sagsøgers processkrift til den 29. januar 2018, hvilket efter min opfattelse bør være tilstrækkeligt til at advokat Peter Sørensen kan gennemgå sagen og afgive et processkrift. Kan bør efter min opfattelse ikke udsættes på Procesbevillingsnævnets behandling af sagsøgers anmodning om fri proces. :-) Advokat Peter Sørensen er cc på denne mail. Med venlig hilsen/Best regards :-) Kristian Ambjørn Buus-Nielsen Advokat (L)/Attorney at Law :-) :-) ------- Jyske bank er oplyst at sagen handler om SVINDLEN I JYSKE BANK, og sagen mod jyske bank udvides. :-) Dette nægter jyske bank at forholde sig til, nægter at svare og bidrage med opklaring. FAKTA ER AT JYSKE BANK ER TAGE I AT STJÆLE FRA KUNDER, AT JYSKE BANK PÅ EN YDERST UDSPEKLORET MÅDE BEDRAGER DERES KUNDER, VED MANDATSVIG OG LYVER. :-) JYSKE BANK ER DERFOR SET MED FLERES ØJNE EN KRIMIEL BANK. UANSET DERES EGNE REGLER, OM AT DET NOK SYNTES I ORDEN AT BEDRAGE KUNDER ER TYVERI NU ENGANG TYVERI :-) MANDATSVIG ER TYVERI, NÅR JYSKE BANK UHÆDERLIGT HAR TAGET AF BETROET MIDLER, TIL FALSK GARANTI SÅ ER DET TYVERI. :-) Hvor mange gange har jyske bank mon lavet mandatsvig mod deres kunder. ? :-) Igen en grund til at advare kraftigt imod at stole på jyske bank. JYSKE BANK LYVER Og skulle vi tage fejl, så håber vi på at jyske bank vil tale om det, :-) men jyske bank har jo løjet siden 2008 hvor de ombyttede bilag og skjulte dette, at jyske bank har lavet mange overtrædelser efter straffeloven og nægter at forholde sig til dette, siger vel en smule om jyske Banks hæderlighed og troværdighed. Jyske bank kunne jo svare og så sige at vi tager fejl. Men nej vi små kunder er de nemmeste at bedrage, så hvorfor ikke forsøge at sætte nye metoder op for indtjening. :-) :-) ---------- Min mail til retten dd Kopi af mail til retten 12-01-2018 Sagen er offenlig Til retten Viborg Vedr BS 99-698/2015 Storbjerg Erhverv ApS / Carsten Storbjerg Mod jyske Bank :-) Jeg skal venligst rette, Da jeg ikke er så godt formulerede Der er stadig ikke sket advokat skifte, Thomas Sørensen fra rødstenen advokater udtræder. :-) Jeg står uden advokat, og har derfor ikke nogle advokat til at fører min sag. Dette som følge af rødstenen advokater ikke har fremlagt nogle af de oplyste svig og falsk forhold jeg har anmodet. :-) Min advokat har valgt ikke at ville oplyse eller fremlægge nogle de forhold der giver en ændret sag mod jyske bank, hvorfor jeg må have en ny advokat. Sagen som efter efterforskning / undersøgelse nu handler mere om Falsk Svig Udnyttelse og sikkert bedrageri af virksomheden. :-) Som påvirker mig privat, efter som jyske bank har misbrugt en fuldmagt hvilket også er grunden til der er søgt fri proces. Retten er ved brev oplyst om dette. Jeg har i den forbindelse fejlagtig oplyst at Peter Sørensen indtræder. Dette er ikke korrekt skrævet. :-) Advokat Peter Sørensen har tilbudt at hjælper mig, med at finde og få sat indsat en ny advokat, således jeg ikke privat, selv skal fører min sag om svig og falsk mod jyske bank. Samt selv skrive processkriftet at Lund Elmer Sandager i sagen, overfor retten har talt usandt :-) Eks Ved at fremhævet lån, som værende et underliggende lån til en falsk rentebytte. På trods af at det omtalte underlægende lån aldrig har eksisteret. At Lund Elmer Sandager har fremlagt urigtige oplysninger i sagen og overfor retten, og At der er tilbageholdt oplysninger overfor sagsøger, for at kunne skuffe i retsforhold, var sagsøger ikke bekendt med da sagen blev anlagt. :-) Jyske bank er ved brev 28-12-2017 oplyst om at sagen er ændret, efter kunden har opdaget at jyske bank har lavet mandatsvig (svig) og dokument falsk (falsk) mod kunden. :-) Hertil har storbjerg erhverv ApS / Carsten storbjerg brug for en advokat der kan og vil lave et nyt proces skrift, der kan fører sagen således den gøres forståelig overfor retten. Carsten har en ansøgning om frisproces liggende i ankenævnet som ønskes behandlet før sagen skal genopstarte. :-) Jeg bedre om at kontakten sker til Peter Sørensen, med mig på cc alle mail Frem til jeg får fundet en ny advokat der vil varetage mine interesser mod jyske bank i svig sagen. Mvh Carsten Storbjerg Søvej 5 3100 Hornbæk 40333400 :-) Kopi Peter Sørensen Lindevangsvej 33 2950 Vedbæk 30366055 :-) Kopi Lund Elmer Sandager Ret.vib@domstol.dk Mug@jyskebank.dk Kbn@les.dk Pb@les.dk Peter_sorensen@godmail.dk :-) KOPI AF MAIL SENDT TIL JYSKE BANK 11 januar 2018 ------------------------------ Kopi af mail til Morten Ulrik Gade jyske bank sendt 11/1-2018 sendt Kl. 12.49 :-) -emne- Dialog ønskes vi skal finde en ny advokat i sagen mod jyske bank for svig og falsk ------ :-) Hej jyske bank 11 januar 2018 Vedr BS 99-698/2015 Ændret sag og forhold. Advokat Morten Ulrik Gade. Jeg har afleveret kopi, dato 28-12-2017 lidt af sagen til jyske bank. Har måske fejlagtig skrevet at Peter Sørensen indtræder som advokat, til vi får sat en ny advokat på sagen. :-) Du ved jeg staver dårligt og laver mange skrive fejl, så giver det ikke mening det jeg skriver står jeg til rådighed på 22227713 Jeg skal venligst lige korrigere, Peter Sørensen indtræder ikke DIRÆKTE som advokat i sagen. :-) Men Peter er behjælpelig med at finde og indsætte en ny advokat, der vil fører sagen i mod jyske bank som den herfra er fremlagt, med blandt andet med de bilag jyske bank har modtaget kopi af sammen med brevet. 28-12 Du kan læse brev her, med lidt bilag i sagen. https://facebook.com/pg/JyskeBank.dk/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1578953258806803 Vil du have nye kopier så sender jeg gerne dette. :-) Peter Sørensen har telf 30366055 Og varetager at jyske bank kan få dialog, Uden om mig nu jyske bank har nægtet at svare mig, på noget af det jeg har spurgt om. Jyske bank har ikke forklaret hvorfor banken ikke vil tale med mig, kun at banken ikke ønsker mine spørgsmål. :-) Jeg har forsøgt at få dialog og svar fra jyske bank frem til 25 maj 2016 Hvorefter jyske bank 31 maj frabad sig kontakt og spørgsmål fra mig. Derfor de offenlige opråb for at få dialog på bla. www.banknyt.dk det er min dagbog som du allerede er oplyst. :-) De offenlig opråb er dialog til jyske bank og for at få svar hvis jyske Bank Intet galt har lavet ingen regler eller love overtrådt, og intet har at ville skjule :-) hvorfor tvinge jyske bank så deres kunder, til at gå rettens vej for at få svar. Ærlige svar på sine spørgsmål :-) Når Jyske bank ca 1 dec. 2017 skriver til rødstenen advokater at jyske bank ikke ønsker at gennemgå sagen med bilag / forlige eller lukke sagen. ER DETTE SÅ RIGTIGT FORSTÅET Hvis der er noget jeg har misforstået så venligst forklare det uden vildledning. :-) Med brevet omkring 1 december 2017 forstår jeg at jyske bank ikke vil svare på noget af det, jeg har forsøgt at få jyske bank til at svare på, og derfor som kunde, hverken kan få udleveret kopi af den låne aftale på 4.328.000 kr. i Nykredit, som jyske bank oplyser i retsforhold findes som et underlægende lån der byttes renter af. :-) Jeg kan heller ikke få beviser på at jeg har lavet en ny rente bytte af dette lån 16-07-2008 (såfremt lånet altså ikke er falsk.) Jeg har så mange spørgsmål til jyske bank og forstår bare ikke at jyske bank vil være sig selv bekendt, og nægte at tale med mig. :-) Sagen er anlagt efter det vi viste i 2013 og i retten 2015 I dag ved at det over for retten fremlagte ikke var helt sandt :-) Men mener sagen nu er opklaret, på trods at jyske bank gjorde alt banken kunne, for at jeg ikke måtte opdage, at jeg faktisk var udsat for mandatsvig og falsk og er blevet groft udnyttet som en malke ko. Mene jeg skrev det i 2014 / 2015 til dig. Uden at kende til de skjulte forhold. Jeg var heller ikke helt rask den gang Jeg formoder at jyske bank ikke på nogle måde vil medvirke til at bekræfte nogle af de fremlagte bilag, eller hjælpe mig med opklaring. :-) Så brevet 1 dec 2017 fra Lund Elmer Sandager Forståes således at jyske bank ikke på nogle som helst måde, vil have dialog omkring sagen, og min enste måde for dialog, at få svar på om jyske bank har taget af kassen til Eks. :-) Falsk lån Falsk garanti Flyttet gæld fra anden virksomhed til virksomheden der sagsøger jyske bank, ikke for dårlig rådgivning men nærmest for svindel. Falsk aftale, skjult ved svig og kraftig manipulation og hjælp ved at sende usande oplysninger omkring låne forhold som DIRÆKTE var usande. Osv :-) Enste måde at få svar er at stille jyske bank de samme spørgsmål i retten, dette kan jyske bank ikke være bekendt. :-) Såfremt jeg har misforstået jyske Banks hensigter er at ville snyde bedrage mig, bedes Peter Søren kontaktes. Og jyske bank kan erkende ægtheden af min efterforskning hvis jyske bank har overtrådt nogle love og regler kunne jyske bank jo bare undskylde Er dette misforstået ? :-) Jeg har oplyst både til rødstenen og på havkatten at jeg ikke ønsker at se på jeres bestyrelses medlem advokat Philip Baruch, da han lyver for at skuffe i retsforhold. Eller har jeg misforstået dette har derfor forslået et møde med Nicolai Hansen således han og jeg kan gennem gå bilag for ægteheden, og måske allerhelst løse sagen i mindelighed. Men uden dialog ingen løsning :-) Jeg forstår ikke at jyske Banks direktion og direktør nægter mig dialog og svar. Jeg er stadig indstillet på dialog, men dette DIRÆKTE med jyske bank Jyske bank skal jo bare komme med noget fornuftigt, så finder vi jo nok en løsning. :-) For helt ærlig, vil i jyske bank VIRKLIG ikke gerne have vi sammen finder ud af denne lille sag. Eller handler det om at jyske bank har flest penge, og kan betale deres advokater til at lyve og manipulere med bilag i retten. ? Jeg har noteret vist 17 dec 2015 at du nægtede mig aktindsigt, dette var inddirekte ved at skrive jyske bank ikke var forpligtet til at udlever aktindsigt. Se bilag i dagbogen :-) Jeg har ikke længer brug for aktindsigt, da min efterforskning er slut, uden hjælp fra jyske bank Du er velkommen til at ringe til mig, eller Peter hvis du mener noget er forkert her eller noget andet sted, så det kan rettes Håber på trods af jyske Banks mange lov overtrædelser stadig jyske bank vil tale med mig, eller Peter. :-) Jeg er faktisk bare en helt almindelig kunde der bare ønsker ærlighed og at kunne lægge denne her sag bag mig Min familie har siden 6 måned 2009 været udsat for udsat for en falsk rente bytte. Kunne måske opdages 28/12-2009 men lå syg med hjerneblødning så nej det opdagede jeg ikke :-) Tal nu med os i familien find en løsning vi alle kan være tilfreds med. Og lad os se frem af. 22227713 Carsten 30366055 Peter Og undskyld hvis jeg ikke forstår mine fremlagt bilag, og mine skriv Mvh Anne-Marie Skaarup Carsten Skaarup Søvej 5. 3100 Hornbæk Sendt fra min iPhone

Jyske bank lån rådgivning



Please ask the bank, jyske bank

if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000

In Danish bank nykredit.

as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding

As the bank is facing Danish courts

and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap

The swap Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008

Bliv milioner på 1 uge, køb Bitcoin her, :-) lyder næsten for godt til at være sandt ik :-) Hvornår styrter Bitcoin mod bunden.



Contact the bank here

Hallo OPRÅB til jyske bank, vi forsøger at få ørenlyd. TAL MED OS RING LUND ELMER SANDAGER ADVOKATER KAN LYTTE MED. VI HAR LAGT ET ÅBENT BREV TIL HANRIK HØBNER OM HAN VIL HJÆLPE MED AT FORSTÅ STRAFFELOVEN, HVAD SIGER ANDRE BANKER OM JYSKE BANKS MÅDE AT BEHANDLE SVAGE KUNDER PÅ PYT MED AT DET ER JYSKE BANK DER ER VED AT MISTE DERES TROVLRDIGHED FOR DER ER NOGET GALT MED FUNDAMENTET I JYSKE BANK ØNSKER KONTAKT HJÆLP OS MED AT JYSKE BANK OPDAGER AT DER ER EN KUNDER SOM ØNSKER DIALOG MED JYSK BANK, DEN STORE DANSKE BANK JYSKE BANK. NEJ VI ER IKKE SURE MEN ØNSKER SAMTALE MED CEO ANDERS DAM FOR VORES SAG SAGEN MÅ LIGGE HOS LEDELSEN OG BESTYRELSEN I JYSKE BANK SOM VEL ER ANSVARLIGE FOR JYSKE BANKS HANDLINGER. TAL NU MED OS HAR VI TAGET FEJL OG ER DOKUMENTERNE SOM ER FREMLAGT FALSKE SKAL VI NARTURLIGVIS UNDSKYLDE VI UNDSKYLDER GERNE HVIS VI TAGER FEJL, VIL JYSKE BANK OGSÅ DET. Og skrev derfor til den 25. maj 2016 jyske bank omkring et tilsyneladende falsk lån. Vi taler om et tilbud på 4.328.000 kr. fra Nykredit af 20. maj 2008 som gjaldt til 20. november 2008 Vi ønskede bare forklaring på hvordan Jyske Bank kan tinglyse en gæld til Nykredit på et lån, der vist slet ikke fandtes, hverken i Nykredit eller i jyske bank. Vi har i år forud for disse henvendelser forsøgt at få fuld AKTINDSIGT Ved at skrive til Birgit Bush Thuesen og Advokat Morten Ulrik Gade, Morten Ulrik Gade svare efter 2 - 3 års forsøg på at få aktindsigt af jyske bank endelig et svar 17. november 2015, morten er afvisende at Jyske Bank ikke er forpligtet til at give aktindsigt. Altså jyske bank snupper renter til et lån på 4.328.000 kr. Som jyske bank ikke vil bevise findes. Kan ikke lade være med at tænke på den skattesvindel Jyske bank var indblandet i, DR lavede et program om denne skattesvindel, hvor jyske bank skulle stifte 2000 selskaber for at deres kunder kunne slippe for skat i Danmark. JYSKE BANK ER EN LUKKET BANK EN BANK SOM NÆGTER KUNDER AKTINDSIGT EN BANK DER BEVISTE GIVER FORKERTE SVAR: HVORDAN PASSET DET SAMMEN MED JYSKE BANKS VÆRDIER Jyske Bank selv efterlyser åbenhed hos andre, som da DR fangede Jyske Bank i Skatte rådgivning. Når Jyske Bank efterlyser en lignende åbenhed som her fra DR i Skattesagen Er der for os uforståeligt at jyske bank, selv er en bank der nægter deres kunder indsigt i deres dokumenter. Hvis det er fundamentet i jyske bank, passer det dårligt sammen med ord som Åbenhed Ærlighed Troværdighed Hæderlighed Overgolder alle love og regler, hjælper ikke med svindel osv. Vi kander en spade for spade, og spørger derfor Jyske bank et utal af gange om det samme. Vi ønsker jo bare en samtale hvor vi kan gennemgå vores sag. For at blive udsat for 9 års lidelse hvor Jyske bank ville slå os ihjel og tage alle vores penge, grundet noget der ligner svindel svig snyd bedrageri tyveri tvangs salg osv. MÅ VI SÅ IKKE BEDE OM EN FORKLARING -*- Frank Pedersen, direktør for kommunikation ved Jyske Bank, sammen med en kollega klar ved tasterne på Jyske Banks :Det er en værdi, vi har i Jyske Bank. Vi kalder en spade for en spade. Vi er ikke så gode til at pakke tingene ind. Jyske Bank rådgiver tilsyneladende gerne om, hvordan man kan gemme sine penge for de danske skattemyndigheder. Det fremgik af dokumentarudsendelsen 'Skattely', som netop er blevet sendt på DR1. -*- --------------------------------- Men her er der Et lån / gæld på 4.328.000 kr. som Jyskebank kræver sikkerhed for, for forhøjet pantsikkerhed. Jyske bank hævede over 100.000 kr. af betroede midler, tinglyste gælden på 4.328.000 kr. til Nykredit 16. april 2009 Jyske bank hævede igen af betroet midler, og lavede garantier for dette lån, (oplyst 4.328.000 kr.) til Nykredit, Nykredit opdager denne tinglyste gæld, som ikke jo ikke findes. 6. maj 2009 og sletter herefter denne, Det sker samtids med at vi har bet op et tilbud fra nykredit, hvilket Nykredit sender til Jyske bank modtages 7. maj. 2009 , heri oplyser Nykredit at tidligere tilbud fra 20. maj 2008 4.328.000 kr. er bortfaldet. Dette er ikke indsat på den liste med spørgsmål vi har til Jyske Bank Vi vil faktisk gerne spørger jyske Bank, om det bilag ( Bilag 75 eller 1042 i vores mappe ) aftale om finansielle instrumenter, som kunden her er blevet afkrævet en underskrift på, for at hans lån ikke skulle blive opsagt. Bilaget er om at bytte renter med Jyske Bank, på det lån i nykredit på 4.328.000 kr. Men det findes jo ikke Bilaget er udateret Men må være lavet omkring det tidspunkt 8. maj 2009. at Jyske bank modtaget oplysning fra Nykredit, denne dato er sikket, Jyske bank ved at der ikke findes noget lån på 4.328.000 kr. Eftersom tilbudet både er forældet og bortfaldet. DERFOR SPØRGES JYSKE BANK, hvad har kunden fået ud af, at jyske bank krævede en underskrift 11. maj 2009 på forhøjet sikkerhed for dette lån i Nykredit på 4.328.000 kr. som jyske bank med 100 % sikkerhed, er bekendt om at det ikke findes. Vi ønsker jo bare at vi sammen går det her i gennem, Selvfølge hvis det er Jyske bank ønske at snyde deres kunder bedst muligt, er det svært at give et svar. MANGLENDE LÅNE HJEMTAGELSE AF 4.328.000 kr. DET FINDES IKKE. Vi kunne ikke finde låne dokumenteret på de påstået 4.328.000 kr. Og beder jyske bank om en kopi. Jyske bank ønskede ikke at svare, på nogle af disse henvendelser. Efter mange forsøg for at få jyske bank til at svare opgav vi Og tilbød i stedet Jyske bank 250.000 kr. for en kopi, (for at få en reaktion) Vi ønskede en kopi af det lån, på de 4.328.000 kr. der måtte være i nykredit, og som jyske bank bytter renter med, på en rentebytte aftale som liggere efter den vi har lavet, ? Først skriver vi til Advokat Morten Ulrik Gade, så til Jyske banks Ledelse Jyske Banks Bestyrelse Jyske banks CEO leder Anders Dam og til Jyske Bank Advokater i Lund Elmer Sandager, hvor Philip Baurch bestyrelses medlemmet over for retten, har skrevet og oplyst nogle ting der vist ikke er helt sande, samt tilbageholdt flere oplysninger. DETTER ER NOGET VI GERNE VI I DIALOG OM. JYSKE BANK PÅSTÅR AT BANKEN GÅR IND FOR DIALOG HVORFOR SVARE DEN ÆRLIGE JYSKE BANK SÅ IKKE., MEN SVAER 31. MAJ 2016 EFTER KUNDENS TILBUD OM BETALING FOR EN LÅNE KOPI. JYSKE BANK FRABEDER SIG HENVENDELSER I DENNE SAG SE SAGEN I DAGBOGEN PÅ WWW.BANKNYT.DK Hvis jyske bank bare ville tale om disse eventyrlige små søde troværdigheds problemer, så kunne vi måske slippe uden om Byretten, det er jo latterligt at vi skal trække Jyske bank i retten vare for at bevare et par spørgsmål, Spørgsmål der er lige ud godteposen, som vi gerne vil have svar på, https://www.facebook.com/carsten.storbjergskaarup/posts/10212864678591087?mds=%2Fedit%2Fpost%2Fdialog%2F%3Fcid%3DS%253A_I1213101334%253A10212864678591087%26ct%3D2%26nodeID%3Dm_story_permalink_view%26redir%3D%252Fstory_chevron_menu%252F%253Fis_menu_registered%253Dtrue%26perm%26loc%3Dpermalink&mdf=1 Listen opdateres før sagen kommer i Retten Her er en liste med møg-sager med Jyske Bank i centrum https://www.mja.dk/article/20131105/ARTIKEL/311059956

Also ask about date

and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn

in due time before expiry



And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark

Hallo OPRÅB til jyske bank, vi forsøger at få ørenlyd. TAL MED OS RING LUND ELMER SANDAGER ADVOKATER KAN LYTTE MED. VI HAR LAGT ET ÅBENT BREV TIL HANRIK HØBNER OM HAN VIL HJÆLPE MED AT FORSTÅ STRAFFELOVEN, HVAD SIGER ANDRE BANKER OM JYSKE BANKS MÅDE AT BEHANDLE SVAGE KUNDER PÅ PYT MED AT DET ER JYSKE BANK DER ER VED AT MISTE DERES TROVLRDIGHED FOR DER ER NOGET GALT MED FUNDAMENTET I JYSKE BANK ØNSKER KONTAKT HJÆLP OS MED AT JYSKE BANK OPDAGER AT DER ER EN KUNDER SOM ØNSKER DIALOG MED JYSK BANK, DEN STORE DANSKE BANK JYSKE BANK. NEJ VI ER IKKE SURE MEN ØNSKER SAMTALE MED CEO ANDERS DAM FOR VORES SAG SAGEN MÅ LIGGE HOS LEDELSEN OG BESTYRELSEN I JYSKE BANK SOM VEL ER ANSVARLIGE FOR JYSKE BANKS HANDLINGER. TAL NU MED OS HAR VI TAGET FEJL OG ER DOKUMENTERNE SOM ER FREMLAGT FALSKE SKAL VI NARTURLIGVIS UNDSKYLDE VI UNDSKYLDER GERNE HVIS VI TAGER FEJL, VIL JYSKE BANK OGSÅ DET. Og skrev derfor til den 25. maj 2016 jyske bank omkring et tilsyneladende falsk lån. Vi taler om et tilbud på 4.328.000 kr. fra Nykredit af 20. maj 2008 som gjaldt til 20. november 2008 Vi ønskede bare forklaring på hvordan Jyske Bank kan tinglyse en gæld til Nykredit på et lån, der vist slet ikke fandtes, hverken i Nykredit eller i jyske bank. Vi har i år forud for disse henvendelser forsøgt at få fuld AKTINDSIGT Ved at skrive til Birgit Bush Thuesen og Advokat Morten Ulrik Gade, Morten Ulrik Gade svare efter 2 - 3 års forsøg på at få aktindsigt af jyske bank endelig et svar 17. november 2015, morten er afvisende at Jyske Bank ikke er forpligtet til at give aktindsigt. Altså jyske bank snupper renter til et lån på 4.328.000 kr. Som jyske bank ikke vil bevise findes. Kan ikke lade være med at tænke på den skattesvindel Jyske bank var indblandet i, DR lavede et program om denne skattesvindel, hvor jyske bank skulle stifte 2000 selskaber for at deres kunder kunne slippe for skat i Danmark. JYSKE BANK ER EN LUKKET BANK EN BANK SOM NÆGTER KUNDER AKTINDSIGT EN BANK DER BEVISTE GIVER FORKERTE SVAR: HVORDAN PASSET DET SAMMEN MED JYSKE BANKS VÆRDIER Jyske Bank selv efterlyser åbenhed hos andre, som da DR fangede Jyske Bank i Skatte rådgivning. Når Jyske Bank efterlyser en lignende åbenhed som her fra DR i Skattesagen Er der for os uforståeligt at jyske bank, selv er en bank der nægter deres kunder indsigt i deres dokumenter. Hvis det er fundamentet i jyske bank, passer det dårligt sammen med ord som Åbenhed Ærlighed Troværdighed Hæderlighed Overgolder alle love og regler, hjælper ikke med svindel osv. Vi kander en spade for spade, og spørger derfor Jyske bank et utal af gange om det samme. Vi ønsker jo bare en samtale hvor vi kan gennemgå vores sag. For at blive udsat for 9 års lidelse hvor Jyske bank ville slå os ihjel og tage alle vores penge, grundet noget der ligner svindel svig snyd bedrageri tyveri tvangs salg osv. MÅ VI SÅ IKKE BEDE OM EN FORKLARING -*- Frank Pedersen, direktør for kommunikation ved Jyske Bank, sammen med en kollega klar ved tasterne på Jyske Banks :Det er en værdi, vi har i Jyske Bank. Vi kalder en spade for en spade. Vi er ikke så gode til at pakke tingene ind. Jyske Bank rådgiver tilsyneladende gerne om, hvordan man kan gemme sine penge for de danske skattemyndigheder. Det fremgik af dokumentarudsendelsen 'Skattely', som netop er blevet sendt på DR1. -*- --------------------------------- Men her er der Et lån / gæld på 4.328.000 kr. som Jyskebank kræver sikkerhed for, for forhøjet pantsikkerhed. Jyske bank hævede over 100.000 kr. af betroede midler, tinglyste gælden på 4.328.000 kr. til Nykredit 16. april 2009 Jyske bank hævede igen af betroet midler, og lavede garantier for dette lån, (oplyst 4.328.000 kr.) til Nykredit, Nykredit opdager denne tinglyste gæld, som ikke jo ikke findes. 6. maj 2009 og sletter herefter denne, Det sker samtids med at vi har bet op et tilbud fra nykredit, hvilket Nykredit sender til Jyske bank modtages 7. maj. 2009 , heri oplyser Nykredit at tidligere tilbud fra 20. maj 2008 4.328.000 kr. er bortfaldet. Dette er ikke indsat på den liste med spørgsmål vi har til Jyske Bank Vi vil faktisk gerne spørger jyske Bank, om det bilag ( Bilag 75 eller 1042 i vores mappe ) aftale om finansielle instrumenter, som kunden her er blevet afkrævet en underskrift på, for at hans lån ikke skulle blive opsagt. Bilaget er om at bytte renter med Jyske Bank, på det lån i nykredit på 4.328.000 kr. Men det findes jo ikke Bilaget er udateret Men må være lavet omkring det tidspunkt 8. maj 2009. at Jyske bank modtaget oplysning fra Nykredit, denne dato er sikket, Jyske bank ved at der ikke findes noget lån på 4.328.000 kr. Eftersom tilbudet både er forældet og bortfaldet. DERFOR SPØRGES JYSKE BANK, hvad har kunden fået ud af, at jyske bank krævede en underskrift 11. maj 2009 på forhøjet sikkerhed for dette lån i Nykredit på 4.328.000 kr. som jyske bank med 100 % sikkerhed, er bekendt om at det ikke findes. Vi ønsker jo bare at vi sammen går det her i gennem, Selvfølge hvis det er Jyske bank ønske at snyde deres kunder bedst muligt, er det svært at give et svar. MANGLENDE LÅNE HJEMTAGELSE AF 4.328.000 kr. DET FINDES IKKE. Vi kunne ikke finde låne dokumenteret på de påstået 4.328.000 kr. Og beder jyske bank om en kopi. Jyske bank ønskede ikke at svare, på nogle af disse henvendelser. Efter mange forsøg for at få jyske bank til at svare opgav vi Og tilbød i stedet Jyske bank 250.000 kr. for en kopi, (for at få en reaktion) Vi ønskede en kopi af det lån, på de 4.328.000 kr. der måtte være i nykredit, og som jyske bank bytter renter med, på en rentebytte aftale som liggere efter den vi har lavet, ? Først skriver vi til Advokat Morten Ulrik Gade, så til Jyske banks Ledelse Jyske Banks Bestyrelse Jyske banks CEO leder Anders Dam og til Jyske Bank Advokater i Lund Elmer Sandager, hvor Philip Baurch bestyrelses medlemmet over for retten, har skrevet og oplyst nogle ting der vist ikke er helt sande, samt tilbageholdt flere oplysninger. DETTER ER NOGET VI GERNE VI I DIALOG OM. JYSKE BANK PÅSTÅR AT BANKEN GÅR IND FOR DIALOG HVORFOR SVARE DEN ÆRLIGE JYSKE BANK SÅ IKKE., MEN SVAER 31. MAJ 2016 EFTER KUNDENS TILBUD OM BETALING FOR EN LÅNE KOPI. JYSKE BANK FRABEDER SIG HENVENDELSER I DENNE SAG SE SAGEN I DAGBOGEN PÅ WWW.BANKNYT.DK Hvis jyske bank bare ville tale om disse eventyrlige små søde troværdigheds problemer, så kunne vi måske slippe uden om Byretten, det er jo latterligt at vi skal trække Jyske bank i retten vare for at bevare et par spørgsmål, Spørgsmål der er lige ud godteposen, som vi gerne vil have svar på, https://www.facebook.com/carsten.storbjergskaarup/posts/10212864678591087?mds=%2Fedit%2Fpost%2Fdialog%2F%3Fcid%3DS%253A_I1213101334%253A10212864678591087%26ct%3D2%26nodeID%3Dm_story_permalink_view%26redir%3D%252Fstory_chevron_menu%252F%253Fis_menu_registered%253Dtrue%26perm%26loc%3Dpermalink&mdf=1 Listen opdateres før sagen kommer i Retten Her er en liste med møg-sager med Jyske Bank i centrum https://www.mja.dk/article/20131105/ARTIKEL/311059956

Nykredit ærligheden selv.
Hvorfor vi de ikke udlever alle bilag.

hvorfor dækker Nykredit over Jyske Bank

And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit,

First would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true.

Hallo OPRÅB til jyske bank, vi forsøger at få ørenlyd. TAL MED OS RING LUND ELMER SANDAGER ADVOKATER KAN LYTTE MED. VI HAR LAGT ET ÅBENT BREV TIL HANRIK HØBNER OM HAN VIL HJÆLPE MED AT FORSTÅ STRAFFELOVEN, HVAD SIGER ANDRE BANKER OM JYSKE BANKS MÅDE AT BEHANDLE SVAGE KUNDER PÅ PYT MED AT DET ER JYSKE BANK DER ER VED AT MISTE DERES TROVLRDIGHED FOR DER ER NOGET GALT MED FUNDAMENTET I JYSKE BANK ØNSKER KONTAKT HJÆLP OS MED AT JYSKE BANK OPDAGER AT DER ER EN KUNDER SOM ØNSKER DIALOG MED JYSK BANK, DEN STORE DANSKE BANK JYSKE BANK. NEJ VI ER IKKE SURE MEN ØNSKER SAMTALE MED CEO ANDERS DAM FOR VORES SAG SAGEN MÅ LIGGE HOS LEDELSEN OG BESTYRELSEN I JYSKE BANK SOM VEL ER ANSVARLIGE FOR JYSKE BANKS HANDLINGER. TAL NU MED OS HAR VI TAGET FEJL OG ER DOKUMENTERNE SOM ER FREMLAGT FALSKE SKAL VI NARTURLIGVIS UNDSKYLDE VI UNDSKYLDER GERNE HVIS VI TAGER FEJL, VIL JYSKE BANK OGSÅ DET. Og skrev derfor til den 25. maj 2016 jyske bank omkring et tilsyneladende falsk lån. Vi taler om et tilbud på 4.328.000 kr. fra Nykredit af 20. maj 2008 som gjaldt til 20. november 2008 Vi ønskede bare forklaring på hvordan Jyske Bank kan tinglyse en gæld til Nykredit på et lån, der vist slet ikke fandtes, hverken i Nykredit eller i jyske bank. Vi har i år forud for disse henvendelser forsøgt at få fuld AKTINDSIGT Ved at skrive til Birgit Bush Thuesen og Advokat Morten Ulrik Gade, Morten Ulrik Gade svare efter 2 - 3 års forsøg på at få aktindsigt af jyske bank endelig et svar 17. november 2015, morten er afvisende at Jyske Bank ikke er forpligtet til at give aktindsigt. Altså jyske bank snupper renter til et lån på 4.328.000 kr. Som jyske bank ikke vil bevise findes. Kan ikke lade være med at tænke på den skattesvindel Jyske bank var indblandet i, DR lavede et program om denne skattesvindel, hvor jyske bank skulle stifte 2000 selskaber for at deres kunder kunne slippe for skat i Danmark. JYSKE BANK ER EN LUKKET BANK EN BANK SOM NÆGTER KUNDER AKTINDSIGT EN BANK DER BEVISTE GIVER FORKERTE SVAR: HVORDAN PASSET DET SAMMEN MED JYSKE BANKS VÆRDIER Jyske Bank selv efterlyser åbenhed hos andre, som da DR fangede Jyske Bank i Skatte rådgivning. Når Jyske Bank efterlyser en lignende åbenhed som her fra DR i Skattesagen Er der for os uforståeligt at jyske bank, selv er en bank der nægter deres kunder indsigt i deres dokumenter. Hvis det er fundamentet i jyske bank, passer det dårligt sammen med ord som Åbenhed Ærlighed Troværdighed Hæderlighed Overgolder alle love og regler, hjælper ikke med svindel osv. Vi kander en spade for spade, og spørger derfor Jyske bank et utal af gange om det samme. Vi ønsker jo bare en samtale hvor vi kan gennemgå vores sag. For at blive udsat for 9 års lidelse hvor Jyske bank ville slå os ihjel og tage alle vores penge, grundet noget der ligner svindel svig snyd bedrageri tyveri tvangs salg osv. MÅ VI SÅ IKKE BEDE OM EN FORKLARING -*- Frank Pedersen, direktør for kommunikation ved Jyske Bank, sammen med en kollega klar ved tasterne på Jyske Banks :Det er en værdi, vi har i Jyske Bank. Vi kalder en spade for en spade. Vi er ikke så gode til at pakke tingene ind. Jyske Bank rådgiver tilsyneladende gerne om, hvordan man kan gemme sine penge for de danske skattemyndigheder. Det fremgik af dokumentarudsendelsen 'Skattely', som netop er blevet sendt på DR1. -*- --------------------------------- Men her er der Et lån / gæld på 4.328.000 kr. som Jyskebank kræver sikkerhed for, for forhøjet pantsikkerhed. Jyske bank hævede over 100.000 kr. af betroede midler, tinglyste gælden på 4.328.000 kr. til Nykredit 16. april 2009 Jyske bank hævede igen af betroet midler, og lavede garantier for dette lån, (oplyst 4.328.000 kr.) til Nykredit, Nykredit opdager denne tinglyste gæld, som ikke jo ikke findes. 6. maj 2009 og sletter herefter denne, Det sker samtids med at vi har bet op et tilbud fra nykredit, hvilket Nykredit sender til Jyske bank modtages 7. maj. 2009 , heri oplyser Nykredit at tidligere tilbud fra 20. maj 2008 4.328.000 kr. er bortfaldet. Dette er ikke indsat på den liste med spørgsmål vi har til Jyske Bank Vi vil faktisk gerne spørger jyske Bank, om det bilag ( Bilag 75 eller 1042 i vores mappe ) aftale om finansielle instrumenter, som kunden her er blevet afkrævet en underskrift på, for at hans lån ikke skulle blive opsagt. Bilaget er om at bytte renter med Jyske Bank, på det lån i nykredit på 4.328.000 kr. Men det findes jo ikke Bilaget er udateret Men må være lavet omkring det tidspunkt 8. maj 2009. at Jyske bank modtaget oplysning fra Nykredit, denne dato er sikket, Jyske bank ved at der ikke findes noget lån på 4.328.000 kr. Eftersom tilbudet både er forældet og bortfaldet. DERFOR SPØRGES JYSKE BANK, hvad har kunden fået ud af, at jyske bank krævede en underskrift 11. maj 2009 på forhøjet sikkerhed for dette lån i Nykredit på 4.328.000 kr. som jyske bank med 100 % sikkerhed, er bekendt om at det ikke findes. Vi ønsker jo bare at vi sammen går det her i gennem, Selvfølge hvis det er Jyske bank ønske at snyde deres kunder bedst muligt, er det svært at give et svar. MANGLENDE LÅNE HJEMTAGELSE AF 4.328.000 kr. DET FINDES IKKE. Vi kunne ikke finde låne dokumenteret på de påstået 4.328.000 kr. Og beder jyske bank om en kopi. Jyske bank ønskede ikke at svare, på nogle af disse henvendelser. Efter mange forsøg for at få jyske bank til at svare opgav vi Og tilbød i stedet Jyske bank 250.000 kr. for en kopi, (for at få en reaktion) Vi ønskede en kopi af det lån, på de 4.328.000 kr. der måtte være i nykredit, og som jyske bank bytter renter med, på en rentebytte aftale som liggere efter den vi har lavet, ? Først skriver vi til Advokat Morten Ulrik Gade, så til Jyske banks Ledelse Jyske Banks Bestyrelse Jyske banks CEO leder Anders Dam og til Jyske Bank Advokater i Lund Elmer Sandager, hvor Philip Baurch bestyrelses medlemmet over for retten, har skrevet og oplyst nogle ting der vist ikke er helt sande, samt tilbageholdt flere oplysninger. DETTER ER NOGET VI GERNE VI I DIALOG OM. JYSKE BANK PÅSTÅR AT BANKEN GÅR IND FOR DIALOG HVORFOR SVARE DEN ÆRLIGE JYSKE BANK SÅ IKKE., MEN SVAER 31. MAJ 2016 EFTER KUNDENS TILBUD OM BETALING FOR EN LÅNE KOPI. JYSKE BANK FRABEDER SIG HENVENDELSER I DENNE SAG SE SAGEN I DAGBOGEN PÅ WWW.BANKNYT.DK Hvis jyske bank bare ville tale om disse eventyrlige små søde troværdigheds problemer, så kunne vi måske slippe uden om Byretten, det er jo latterligt at vi skal trække Jyske bank i retten vare for at bevare et par spørgsmål, Spørgsmål der er lige ud godteposen, som vi gerne vil have svar på, https://www.facebook.com/carsten.storbjergskaarup/posts/10212864678591087?mds=%2Fedit%2Fpost%2Fdialog%2F%3Fcid%3DS%253A_I1213101334%253A10212864678591087%26ct%3D2%26nodeID%3Dm_story_permalink_view%26redir%3D%252Fstory_chevron_menu%252F%253Fis_menu_registered%253Dtrue%26perm%26loc%3Dpermalink&mdf=1 Listen opdateres før sagen kommer i Retten Her er en liste med møg-sager med Jyske Bank i centrum https://www.mja.dk/article/20131105/ARTIKEL/311059956

Even at a meeting

Nykredit refused to sign anything.

Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud

But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing

Medvirkende i sagen eller kender til sagen og ønsker ikke at rette fejl Fundament hæderlig ærlig åben retter fejl Nykredit jyske bank Advokat advokater strafferet øknomisk kriminelit Lund Elmer Sandager Michael Rasmussen CEO Nykredit Anders Christian Dam CEO Morten Ulrik gade Philip Baruch Mette Egholm Nielsen Birgit Bush Jyske bank erhverv Hillerød Helsingør Århus Aahus København Silkeborg Valby Østerbro Nicolai Hansen Anette Kirkeby Søren Woergaard Danske bank jysk Koncernledelse jyske bank Koncernbestyrelsen Sven Buhrkall Kurt Bligaard Pedersen Rina Asmussen Philip Baruch Jens A. Borup Keld Norup Christina Lykke Munk Haggai Kunisch Marianne Lillevang Koncerndirektionen Anders Dam Leif F. Larsen Niels Erik Jakobsen Per Skovhus Peter Schleidt finans nyt penge dr kontant DR KONTANT Penge Rådgivning

Advokat Mette Egholm Nielsen Nykredit

skriver og bekræfter at der intet lån findes i Nykredit på 4.328.000 kr.

Og at jyske bank derved hæver rente af et lån på 4.328.000 kr. Der ikke findes


There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr




So nothing to change interest rates

Swap is to swap interest on an underlying loan 

Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers




Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000

Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634

and raised interest rates DKK 81.182

See the attachment here



Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016


There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK

And that has never existed.

And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank’s customer


Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud

But now with the Group’s Board of Directors knowledge and approval

Medvirkende i sagen eller kender til sagen og ønsker ikke at rette fejl Fundament hæderlig ærlig åben retter fejl Nykredit jyske bank Advokat advokater strafferet øknomisk kriminelit Lund Elmer Sandager Michael Rasmussen CEO Nykredit Anders Christian Dam CEO Morten Ulrik gade Philip Baruch Mette Egholm Nielsen Birgit Bush Jyske bank erhverv Hillerød Helsingør Århus Aahus København Silkeborg Valby Østerbro Nicolai Hansen Anette Kirkeby Søren Woergaard Danske bank jysk Koncernledelse jyske bank Koncernbestyrelsen Sven Buhrkall Kurt Bligaard Pedersen Rina Asmussen Philip Baruch Jens A. Borup Keld Norup Christina Lykke Munk Haggai Kunisch Marianne Lillevang Koncerndirektionen Anders Dam Leif F. Larsen Niels Erik Jakobsen Per Skovhus Peter Schleidt


The bank will not respond to anything

Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist?



Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years.



AT JYSKE BANK ER SÅ LIGEGLADE MED DERES KUNDER, ER UBEGRIBELIGT Kriminalitet er lovstridige (strafbare) handlinger, og de, der forbryder sig mod loven, er kriminelle. Men denne juridiske definition af, hvad der er kriminelt, er problematisk i et samfundsperspektiv. Kriminalitet - Leksikon.org

Kriminalitet er lovstridige (strafbare) handlinger, og de, der forbryder sig mod loven, er kriminelle. Men denne juridiske definition af, hvad der er kriminelt, er problematisk i et samfundsperspektiv.
Kriminalitet – Leksikon.org

Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix






Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk

#LundElmerSandager #Advokater

Medvirkende i sagen eller kender til sagen og ønsker ikke at rette fejl Fundament hæderlig ærlig åben retter fejl Nykredit jyske bank Advokat advokater strafferet øknomisk kriminelit Lund Elmer Sandager Michael Rasmussen CEO Nykredit Anders Christian Dam CEO Morten Ulrik gade Philip Baruch Mette Egholm Nielsen Birgit Bush Jyske bank erhverv Hillerød Helsingør Århus Aahus København Silkeborg Valby Østerbro Nicolai Hansen Anette Kirkeby Søren Woergaard Danske bank jysk Koncernledelse jyske bank Koncernbestyrelsen Sven Buhrkall Kurt Bligaard Pedersen Rina Asmussen Philip Baruch Jens A. Borup Keld Norup Christina Lykke Munk Haggai Kunisch Marianne Lillevang Koncerndirektionen Anders Dam Leif F. Larsen Niels Erik Jakobsen Per Skovhus Peter Schleidt finans nyt penge dr kontant DR KONTANT Penge Rådgivning

Philip Baruch Bestyrelsesmedlemmet i jyske bank møder i højesteret via Lund Elmer Sandager for at afvise alle anklager i engskov sagen, jyske bank har givet god og sand rådgivning, siger Philip, som ledte  kunden på sporet af den falske rente bytte, i svarskrift 10-09-2015 og dette var igen en hjælp til at kunden ved en efterforskning opdager at de ikke har optaget noget lån som Lund Elmer Sander for retten påstår er et underliggende lån til bankens rente bytte, ALTSÅ SVINDEL SVIG










Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er

Medvirkende i sagen eller kender til sagen og ønsker ikke at rette fejl Fundament hæderlig ærlig åben retter fejl Nykredit jyske bank Advokat advokater strafferet øknomisk kriminelit Lund Elmer Sandager Michael Rasmussen CEO Nykredit Anders Christian Dam CEO Morten Ulrik gade Philip Baruch Mette Egholm Nielsen Birgit Bush Jyske bank erhverv Hillerød Helsingør Århus Aahus København Silkeborg Valby Østerbro Nicolai Hansen Anette Kirkeby Søren Woergaard Danske bank jysk Koncernledelse jyske bank Koncernbestyrelsen Sven Buhrkall Kurt Bligaard Pedersen Rina Asmussen Philip Baruch Jens A. Borup Keld Norup Christina Lykke Munk Haggai Kunisch Marianne Lillevang Koncerndirektionen Anders Dam Leif F. Larsen Niels Erik Jakobsen Per Skovhus Peter Schleidt Sagen historien om Nykredit og jyskebank handler om: Bedrageri Svindel Løgne Tyveri Underslæb Mandatsvig Svig Dokumentfalsk, At dække over forbrydelser At skjule forbrydelser Om at lyve over for retten udelukket for at kunne fortsætte bedrageriske forhold. Mercedes BMW Audi VW Ford Kia Pegeout Citroen biler for alle, billig bolig, billig forsikring dankort visa

Jyske bank skriver at banken retter fejl hvis der sker nogle, så der er fra Jyske bank ikke tale om fejl, når banken ikke har rettet noget op.






Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til

www.banknyt.dk og opslag

Jyske bank svare slet ikke



We are still talking about 10 years of fraud

JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_20180602_220321218

Follow the case in Danish court

Denmark Viborg

BS 99-698/2015

JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_2656



Link to the bank’s management jyske bank

ask them please

If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit

The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year.

And refuses to answer anything



Funny enough

for all that loan is not existing

just ask jyske bank

why the bank does not admit fraud

And start to apologize all crimes.

CONTACT JYSKE BANK AND ASK IF THE BANK HAS SOMETHING TO COVER If the bank has EVIL BELIEF that there is a loan of 4,328,000 kr.

If the bank has
that there is a loan of 4,328,000 kr.



There are more involved who has got a finger with the money tank.

Some are mentioned only to see the page

#Bank #AnderChristianDam

#Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale

#AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES

#GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen

#Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #SørenWoergaard #AnetteKirkeby


If Jyske Bank wants to find a solution Then get the case closed

before we get mad

and only want the bank convicted of fraud


Medvirkende i sagen eller kender til sagen og ønsker ikke at rette fejl Fundament hæderlig ærlig åben retter fejl Nykredit jyske bank Advokat advokater strafferet øknomisk kriminelit Lund Elmer Sandager Michael Rasmussen CEO Nykredit Anders Christian Dam CEO Morten Ulrik gade Philip Baruch Mette Egholm Nielsen Birgit Bush Jyske bank erhverv Hillerød Helsingør Århus Aahus København Silkeborg Valby Østerbro Nicolai Hansen Anette Kirkeby Søren Woergaard Danske bank jysk Koncernledelse jyske bank Koncernbestyrelsen Sven Buhrkall Kurt Bligaard Pedersen Rina Asmussen Philip Baruch Jens A. Borup Keld Norup Christina Lykke Munk Haggai Kunisch Marianne Lillevang Koncerndirektionen Anders Dam Leif F. Larsen Niels Erik Jakobsen Per Skovhus Peter Schleidt finans nyt penge dr kontant DR KONTANT Penge Rådgivning

Siger intet , og det siger alt







shame on you

But what the hell

Let’s meet and get each other hand.

An excuse is not too much to demand

håndslag jyske bank over holder alle regler og love det er alle glede for

Medvirkende i sagen eller kender til sagen og ønsker ikke at rette fejl Fundament hæderlig ærlig åben retter fejl Nykredit jyske bank Advokat advokater strafferet øknomisk kriminelit Lund Elmer Sandager Michael Rasmussen CEO Nykredit Anders Christian Dam CEO Morten Ulrik gade Philip Baruch Mette Egholm Nielsen Birgit Bush Jyske bank erhverv Hillerød Helsingør Århus Aahus København Silkeborg Valby Østerbro Nicolai Hansen Anette Kirkeby Søren Woergaard Danske bank jysk Koncernledelse jyske bank Koncernbestyrelsen Sven Buhrkall Kurt Bligaard Pedersen Rina Asmussen Philip Baruch Jens A. Borup Keld Norup Christina Lykke Munk Haggai Kunisch Marianne Lillevang Koncerndirektionen Anders Dam Leif F. Larsen Niels Erik Jakobsen Per Skovhus Peter Schleidt finans nyt penge dr kontant DR KONTANT Penge Rådgivning

Så kan du give en øl anders

#gangcrimes #crimes

Hallo OPRÅB til jyske bank, vi forsøger at få ørenlyd. TAL MED OS RING LUND ELMER SANDAGER ADVOKATER KAN LYTTE MED. VI HAR LAGT ET ÅBENT BREV TIL HANRIK HØBNER OM HAN VIL HJÆLPE MED AT FORSTÅ STRAFFELOVEN, HVAD SIGER ANDRE BANKER OM JYSKE BANKS MÅDE AT BEHANDLE SVAGE KUNDER PÅ PYT MED AT DET ER JYSKE BANK DER ER VED AT MISTE DERES TROVLRDIGHED FOR DER ER NOGET GALT MED FUNDAMENTET I JYSKE BANK ØNSKER KONTAKT HJÆLP OS MED AT JYSKE BANK OPDAGER AT DER ER EN KUNDER SOM ØNSKER DIALOG MED JYSK BANK, DEN STORE DANSKE BANK JYSKE BANK. NEJ VI ER IKKE SURE MEN ØNSKER SAMTALE MED CEO ANDERS DAM FOR VORES SAG SAGEN MÅ LIGGE HOS LEDELSEN OG BESTYRELSEN I JYSKE BANK SOM VEL ER ANSVARLIGE FOR JYSKE BANKS HANDLINGER. TAL NU MED OS HAR VI TAGET FEJL OG ER DOKUMENTERNE SOM ER FREMLAGT FALSKE SKAL VI NARTURLIGVIS UNDSKYLDE VI UNDSKYLDER GERNE HVIS VI TAGER FEJL, VIL JYSKE BANK OGSÅ DET. Og skrev derfor til den 25. maj 2016 jyske bank omkring et tilsyneladende falsk lån. Vi taler om et tilbud på 4.328.000 kr. fra Nykredit af 20. maj 2008 som gjaldt til 20. november 2008 Vi ønskede bare forklaring på hvordan Jyske Bank kan tinglyse en gæld til Nykredit på et lån, der vist slet ikke fandtes, hverken i Nykredit eller i jyske bank. Vi har i år forud for disse henvendelser forsøgt at få fuld AKTINDSIGT Ved at skrive til Birgit Bush Thuesen og Advokat Morten Ulrik Gade, Morten Ulrik Gade svare efter 2 - 3 års forsøg på at få aktindsigt af jyske bank endelig et svar 17. november 2015, morten er afvisende at Jyske Bank ikke er forpligtet til at give aktindsigt. Altså jyske bank snupper renter til et lån på 4.328.000 kr. Som jyske bank ikke vil bevise findes. Kan ikke lade være med at tænke på den skattesvindel Jyske bank var indblandet i, DR lavede et program om denne skattesvindel, hvor jyske bank skulle stifte 2000 selskaber for at deres kunder kunne slippe for skat i Danmark. JYSKE BANK ER EN LUKKET BANK EN BANK SOM NÆGTER KUNDER AKTINDSIGT EN BANK DER BEVISTE GIVER FORKERTE SVAR: HVORDAN PASSET DET SAMMEN MED JYSKE BANKS VÆRDIER Jyske Bank selv efterlyser åbenhed hos andre, som da DR fangede Jyske Bank i Skatte rådgivning. Når Jyske Bank efterlyser en lignende åbenhed som her fra DR i Skattesagen Er der for os uforståeligt at jyske bank, selv er en bank der nægter deres kunder indsigt i deres dokumenter. Hvis det er fundamentet i jyske bank, passer det dårligt sammen med ord som Åbenhed Ærlighed Troværdighed Hæderlighed Overgolder alle love og regler, hjælper ikke med svindel osv. Vi kander en spade for spade, og spørger derfor Jyske bank et utal af gange om det samme. Vi ønsker jo bare en samtale hvor vi kan gennemgå vores sag. For at blive udsat for 9 års lidelse hvor Jyske bank ville slå os ihjel og tage alle vores penge, grundet noget der ligner svindel svig snyd bedrageri tyveri tvangs salg osv. MÅ VI SÅ IKKE BEDE OM EN FORKLARING -*- Frank Pedersen, direktør for kommunikation ved Jyske Bank, sammen med en kollega klar ved tasterne på Jyske Banks :Det er en værdi, vi har i Jyske Bank. Vi kalder en spade for en spade. Vi er ikke så gode til at pakke tingene ind. Jyske Bank rådgiver tilsyneladende gerne om, hvordan man kan gemme sine penge for de danske skattemyndigheder. Det fremgik af dokumentarudsendelsen 'Skattely', som netop er blevet sendt på DR1. -*- --------------------------------- Men her er der Et lån / gæld på 4.328.000 kr. som Jyskebank kræver sikkerhed for, for forhøjet pantsikkerhed. Jyske bank hævede over 100.000 kr. af betroede midler, tinglyste gælden på 4.328.000 kr. til Nykredit 16. april 2009 Jyske bank hævede igen af betroet midler, og lavede garantier for dette lån, (oplyst 4.328.000 kr.) til Nykredit, Nykredit opdager denne tinglyste gæld, som ikke jo ikke findes. 6. maj 2009 og sletter herefter denne, Det sker samtids med at vi har bet op et tilbud fra nykredit, hvilket Nykredit sender til Jyske bank modtages 7. maj. 2009 , heri oplyser Nykredit at tidligere tilbud fra 20. maj 2008 4.328.000 kr. er bortfaldet. Dette er ikke indsat på den liste med spørgsmål vi har til Jyske Bank Vi vil faktisk gerne spørger jyske Bank, om det bilag ( Bilag 75 eller 1042 i vores mappe ) aftale om finansielle instrumenter, som kunden her er blevet afkrævet en underskrift på, for at hans lån ikke skulle blive opsagt. Bilaget er om at bytte renter med Jyske Bank, på det lån i nykredit på 4.328.000 kr. Men det findes jo ikke Bilaget er udateret Men må være lavet omkring det tidspunkt 8. maj 2009. at Jyske bank modtaget oplysning fra Nykredit, denne dato er sikket, Jyske bank ved at der ikke findes noget lån på 4.328.000 kr. Eftersom tilbudet både er forældet og bortfaldet. DERFOR SPØRGES JYSKE BANK, hvad har kunden fået ud af, at jyske bank krævede en underskrift 11. maj 2009 på forhøjet sikkerhed for dette lån i Nykredit på 4.328.000 kr. som jyske bank med 100 % sikkerhed, er bekendt om at det ikke findes. Vi ønsker jo bare at vi sammen går det her i gennem, Selvfølge hvis det er Jyske bank ønske at snyde deres kunder bedst muligt, er det svært at give et svar. MANGLENDE LÅNE HJEMTAGELSE AF 4.328.000 kr. DET FINDES IKKE. Vi kunne ikke finde låne dokumenteret på de påstået 4.328.000 kr. Og beder jyske bank om en kopi. Jyske bank ønskede ikke at svare, på nogle af disse henvendelser. Efter mange forsøg for at få jyske bank til at svare opgav vi Og tilbød i stedet Jyske bank 250.000 kr. for en kopi, (for at få en reaktion) Vi ønskede en kopi af det lån, på de 4.328.000 kr. der måtte være i nykredit, og som jyske bank bytter renter med, på en rentebytte aftale som liggere efter den vi har lavet, ? Først skriver vi til Advokat Morten Ulrik Gade, så til Jyske banks Ledelse Jyske Banks Bestyrelse Jyske banks CEO leder Anders Dam og til Jyske Bank Advokater i Lund Elmer Sandager, hvor Philip Baurch bestyrelses medlemmet over for retten, har skrevet og oplyst nogle ting der vist ikke er helt sande, samt tilbageholdt flere oplysninger. DETTER ER NOGET VI GERNE VI I DIALOG OM. JYSKE BANK PÅSTÅR AT BANKEN GÅR IND FOR DIALOG HVORFOR SVARE DEN ÆRLIGE JYSKE BANK SÅ IKKE., MEN SVAER 31. MAJ 2016 EFTER KUNDENS TILBUD OM BETALING FOR EN LÅNE KOPI. JYSKE BANK FRABEDER SIG HENVENDELSER I DENNE SAG SE SAGEN I DAGBOGEN PÅ WWW.BANKNYT.DK Hvis jyske bank bare ville tale om disse eventyrlige små søde troværdigheds problemer, så kunne vi måske slippe uden om Byretten, det er jo latterligt at vi skal trække Jyske bank i retten vare for at bevare et par spørgsmål, Spørgsmål der er lige ud godteposen, som vi gerne vil have svar på, https://www.facebook.com/carsten.storbjergskaarup/posts/10212864678591087?mds=%2Fedit%2Fpost%2Fdialog%2F%3Fcid%3DS%253A_I1213101334%253A10212864678591087%26ct%3D2%26nodeID%3Dm_story_permalink_view%26redir%3D%252Fstory_chevron_menu%252F%253Fis_menu_registered%253Dtrue%26perm%26loc%3Dpermalink&mdf=1 Listen opdateres før sagen kommer i Retten Her er en liste med møg-sager med Jyske Bank i centrum https://www.mja.dk/article/20131105/ARTIKEL/311059956

Jyske bank


just ask jyske bank

why the bank does not admit fraud

And start to apologize all crimes.

Hallo OPRÅB til jyske bank, vi forsøger at få ørenlyd. TAL MED OS RING LUND ELMER SANDAGER ADVOKATER KAN LYTTE MED. VI HAR LAGT ET ÅBENT BREV TIL HANRIK HØBNER OM HAN VIL HJÆLPE MED AT FORSTÅ STRAFFELOVEN, HVAD SIGER ANDRE BANKER OM JYSKE BANKS MÅDE AT BEHANDLE SVAGE KUNDER PÅ PYT MED AT DET ER JYSKE BANK DER ER VED AT MISTE DERES TROVLRDIGHED FOR DER ER NOGET GALT MED FUNDAMENTET I JYSKE BANK ØNSKER KONTAKT HJÆLP OS MED AT JYSKE BANK OPDAGER AT DER ER EN KUNDER SOM ØNSKER DIALOG MED JYSK BANK, DEN STORE DANSKE BANK JYSKE BANK. NEJ VI ER IKKE SURE MEN ØNSKER SAMTALE MED CEO ANDERS DAM FOR VORES SAG SAGEN MÅ LIGGE HOS LEDELSEN OG BESTYRELSEN I JYSKE BANK SOM VEL ER ANSVARLIGE FOR JYSKE BANKS HANDLINGER. TAL NU MED OS HAR VI TAGET FEJL OG ER DOKUMENTERNE SOM ER FREMLAGT FALSKE SKAL VI NARTURLIGVIS UNDSKYLDE VI UNDSKYLDER GERNE HVIS VI TAGER FEJL, VIL JYSKE BANK OGSÅ DET. Og skrev derfor til den 25. maj 2016 jyske bank omkring et tilsyneladende falsk lån. Vi taler om et tilbud på 4.328.000 kr. fra Nykredit af 20. maj 2008 som gjaldt til 20. november 2008 Vi ønskede bare forklaring på hvordan Jyske Bank kan tinglyse en gæld til Nykredit på et lån, der vist slet ikke fandtes, hverken i Nykredit eller i jyske bank. Vi har i år forud for disse henvendelser forsøgt at få fuld AKTINDSIGT Ved at skrive til Birgit Bush Thuesen og Advokat Morten Ulrik Gade, Morten Ulrik Gade svare efter 2 - 3 års forsøg på at få aktindsigt af jyske bank endelig et svar 17. november 2015, morten er afvisende at Jyske Bank ikke er forpligtet til at give aktindsigt. Altså jyske bank snupper renter til et lån på 4.328.000 kr. Som jyske bank ikke vil bevise findes. Kan ikke lade være med at tænke på den skattesvindel Jyske bank var indblandet i, DR lavede et program om denne skattesvindel, hvor jyske bank skulle stifte 2000 selskaber for at deres kunder kunne slippe for skat i Danmark. JYSKE BANK ER EN LUKKET BANK EN BANK SOM NÆGTER KUNDER AKTINDSIGT EN BANK DER BEVISTE GIVER FORKERTE SVAR: HVORDAN PASSET DET SAMMEN MED JYSKE BANKS VÆRDIER Jyske Bank selv efterlyser åbenhed hos andre, som da DR fangede Jyske Bank i Skatte rådgivning. Når Jyske Bank efterlyser en lignende åbenhed som her fra DR i Skattesagen Er der for os uforståeligt at jyske bank, selv er en bank der nægter deres kunder indsigt i deres dokumenter. Hvis det er fundamentet i jyske bank, passer det dårligt sammen med ord som Åbenhed Ærlighed Troværdighed Hæderlighed Overgolder alle love og regler, hjælper ikke med svindel osv. Vi kander en spade for spade, og spørger derfor Jyske bank et utal af gange om det samme. Vi ønsker jo bare en samtale hvor vi kan gennemgå vores sag. For at blive udsat for 9 års lidelse hvor Jyske bank ville slå os ihjel og tage alle vores penge, grundet noget der ligner svindel svig snyd bedrageri tyveri tvangs salg osv. MÅ VI SÅ IKKE BEDE OM EN FORKLARING -*- Frank Pedersen, direktør for kommunikation ved Jyske Bank, sammen med en kollega klar ved tasterne på Jyske Banks :Det er en værdi, vi har i Jyske Bank. Vi kalder en spade for en spade. Vi er ikke så gode til at pakke tingene ind. Jyske Bank rådgiver tilsyneladende gerne om, hvordan man kan gemme sine penge for de danske skattemyndigheder. Det fremgik af dokumentarudsendelsen 'Skattely', som netop er blevet sendt på DR1. -*- --------------------------------- Men her er der Et lån / gæld på 4.328.000 kr. som Jyskebank kræver sikkerhed for, for forhøjet pantsikkerhed. Jyske bank hævede over 100.000 kr. af betroede midler, tinglyste gælden på 4.328.000 kr. til Nykredit 16. april 2009 Jyske bank hævede igen af betroet midler, og lavede garantier for dette lån, (oplyst 4.328.000 kr.) til Nykredit, Nykredit opdager denne tinglyste gæld, som ikke jo ikke findes. 6. maj 2009 og sletter herefter denne, Det sker samtids med at vi har bet op et tilbud fra nykredit, hvilket Nykredit sender til Jyske bank modtages 7. maj. 2009 , heri oplyser Nykredit at tidligere tilbud fra 20. maj 2008 4.328.000 kr. er bortfaldet. Dette er ikke indsat på den liste med spørgsmål vi har til Jyske Bank Vi vil faktisk gerne spørger jyske Bank, om det bilag ( Bilag 75 eller 1042 i vores mappe ) aftale om finansielle instrumenter, som kunden her er blevet afkrævet en underskrift på, for at hans lån ikke skulle blive opsagt. Bilaget er om at bytte renter med Jyske Bank, på det lån i nykredit på 4.328.000 kr. Men det findes jo ikke Bilaget er udateret Men må være lavet omkring det tidspunkt 8. maj 2009. at Jyske bank modtaget oplysning fra Nykredit, denne dato er sikket, Jyske bank ved at der ikke findes noget lån på 4.328.000 kr. Eftersom tilbudet både er forældet og bortfaldet. DERFOR SPØRGES JYSKE BANK, hvad har kunden fået ud af, at jyske bank krævede en underskrift 11. maj 2009 på forhøjet sikkerhed for dette lån i Nykredit på 4.328.000 kr. som jyske bank med 100 % sikkerhed, er bekendt om at det ikke findes. Vi ønsker jo bare at vi sammen går det her i gennem, Selvfølge hvis det er Jyske bank ønske at snyde deres kunder bedst muligt, er det svært at give et svar. MANGLENDE LÅNE HJEMTAGELSE AF 4.328.000 kr. DET FINDES IKKE. Vi kunne ikke finde låne dokumenteret på de påstået 4.328.000 kr. Og beder jyske bank om en kopi. Jyske bank ønskede ikke at svare, på nogle af disse henvendelser. Efter mange forsøg for at få jyske bank til at svare opgav vi Og tilbød i stedet Jyske bank 250.000 kr. for en kopi, (for at få en reaktion) Vi ønskede en kopi af det lån, på de 4.328.000 kr. der måtte være i nykredit, og som jyske bank bytter renter med, på en rentebytte aftale som liggere efter den vi har lavet, ? Først skriver vi til Advokat Morten Ulrik Gade, så til Jyske banks Ledelse Jyske Banks Bestyrelse Jyske banks CEO leder Anders Dam og til Jyske Bank Advokater i Lund Elmer Sandager, hvor Philip Baurch bestyrelses medlemmet over for retten, har skrevet og oplyst nogle ting der vist ikke er helt sande, samt tilbageholdt flere oplysninger. DETTER ER NOGET VI GERNE VI I DIALOG OM. JYSKE BANK PÅSTÅR AT BANKEN GÅR IND FOR DIALOG HVORFOR SVARE DEN ÆRLIGE JYSKE BANK SÅ IKKE., MEN SVAER 31. MAJ 2016 EFTER KUNDENS TILBUD OM BETALING FOR EN LÅNE KOPI. JYSKE BANK FRABEDER SIG HENVENDELSER I DENNE SAG SE SAGEN I DAGBOGEN PÅ WWW.BANKNYT.DK Hvis jyske bank bare ville tale om disse eventyrlige små søde troværdigheds problemer, så kunne vi måske slippe uden om Byretten, det er jo latterligt at vi skal trække Jyske bank i retten vare for at bevare et par spørgsmål, Spørgsmål der er lige ud godteposen, som vi gerne vil have svar på, https://www.facebook.com/carsten.storbjergskaarup/posts/10212864678591087?mds=%2Fedit%2Fpost%2Fdialog%2F%3Fcid%3DS%253A_I1213101334%253A10212864678591087%26ct%3D2%26nodeID%3Dm_story_permalink_view%26redir%3D%252Fstory_chevron_menu%252F%253Fis_menu_registered%253Dtrue%26perm%26loc%3Dpermalink&mdf=1 Listen opdateres før sagen kommer i Retten Her er en liste med møg-sager med Jyske Bank i centrum https://www.mja.dk/article/20131105/ARTIKEL/311059956

Jyske bank KONTAKT Ledelsen

#Koncernledelse #jyskebank


#SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch

#JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch

#MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen

#AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt

Images are for linking only

dette lån er tilbudt 06-05-2009 og optaget 03-07-2009 Altså det er ikke det som jyske bank siger er fra 20-05-2008, og optaget, derefter på et tidspunkt omlagt. SAGEN ER RET NEM tager et forhold af gangen. MEN JYSKE BANK DEN GÅR IKKE

dette lån er tilbudt
og optaget
Altså det er ikke det som jyske bank siger er fra 20-05-2008, og optaget, derefter på et tidspunkt omlagt.
tager et forhold af gangen.

dette er noget jyske bank har lavet 16-07-2008 til tilbudet fra 20-05-2008

dette er noget jyske bank har lavet 16-07-2008
til tilbudet fra 20-05-2008

httpswww.facebook.comcarsten.storbjergskaarupposts10217398227566978 IMG_0672

HVAD ER VÆRST Penge vask eller Bedrageri vi ønsker kun at jyske bank skal indrømme og starte med at undskylde

Penge vask eller Bedrageri
vi ønsker kun at jyske bank skal indrømme og starte med at undskylde

Hvad er det værste en bank kan lave. KLIK

Hvad er det værste en bank kan lave.



Images are for linking only

JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / ,IMG_20180607_143554664



JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / ,IMG_20180709_185159966 JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / ,IMG_20180709_185155004 JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / ,IMG_20180709_185144590_HDR JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / ,IMG_20180614_131456155 JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / ,IMG_20180614_131454473 JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / ,IMG_20180614_131401237 JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / ,IMG_20180609_080921319_HDR JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / ,IMG_20180711_153714670 JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_20180711_161749087 JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_20180711_161753544 JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_20180711_161757695 JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_20180711_161803477 JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / ,IMG_20180607_123823921 JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / ,IMG_20180605_114542788_HDR JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / ,IMG_20180604_130358926 JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / ,IMG_20180603_204514189_HDR JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / ,IMG_20180603_204506549_HDR JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / ,IMG_20180603_202336362 JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / ,IMG_20180603_202323772 JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / ,IMG_20180603_202321300 JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / ,IMG_20180603_202314456_HDR JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / ,IMG_20180603_202307663_HDR JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / ,IMG_20180603_202302014JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_20180715_203056274_HDR JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_20180715_203100259 JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_20180715_203107389 JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_20180715_203119029_HDR JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_20180715_203120926_HDR JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_20180715_203125798_HDR JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_20180715_203432705_HDR JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_20180715_203442994_HDR JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_20180715_203448985_HDR JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_20180715_203453123_HDR JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_20180715_203044545 JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_0736

Images are for linking only

 JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / ,IMG_20180603_071458613 JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / , JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_20180603_071438755 JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_20180603_071012249_HDR JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_20180602_220337266 JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_20180602_220331775 JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_20180602_220326482 JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_20180602_220321218 JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_20180602_220317002 JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_20180602_220312480 JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_20180602_215931988 JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_20180602_074849636_HDR JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_20180602_074841100_HDR JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_20180602_074510562 JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_20180602_074506207_HDR JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_20180602_074438866_HDR JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_20180602_074426894_HDR JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_20180602_074405426 JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_20180601_184740950_HDR JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_20180601_181042401 JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_20180601_181033699_HDR JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_20180601_181025968_HDR JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_20180601_170920718 JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_20180601_170756641_HDR JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_20180601_170745838_HDR JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_20180601_170743189

JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_20180711_165059881 JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_20180711_165035917_HDR JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_20180711_162328221_HDR JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_20180711_161939215 JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_20180711_161819624_HDR JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_20180711_161823796 JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_20180711_165136706_HDR

JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_20180524_181301741 JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_20180601_170920718 JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_20180602_215931988 JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_20180602_220317002 JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_20180602_220312480 JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_20180601_170733237_HDR JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_3238 JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_3242

httpswww.facebook.comcarsten.storbjergskaarupposts10217398227566978 IMG_0672

Hvad er det værste en bank kan lave. KLIK

Hvad er det værste en bank kan lave.

HVAD ER VÆRST Penge vask eller Bedrageri vi ønsker kun at jyske bank skal indrømme og starte med at undskylde

Penge vask eller Bedrageri
vi ønsker kun at jyske bank skal indrømme og starte med at undskylde

JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_20180527_075757092 JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_1314

ATP ved alt til at jyske bank bedrager kunde

ATP ved alt til at jyske bank bedrager kunde

atp kender til bedrageri i jyske bank

atp kender til bedrageri i jyske bank

JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_2290

Lund Elmer Sandager er kendt fra rådden sag om at arbejde for både Pensam og deres kunder SAMTIDS og i samme sag

Lund Elmer Sandager er kendt fra rådden sag om at arbejde for både Pensam og deres kunder
SAMTIDS og i samme sag

JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_2486 JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_2485 JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_2484 JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_2483 JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_1655 JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_1654 JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_1396 JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_1703

det værste er ikke at jyske bank har lavet bedrageri, ,em at jyske bank fortsætter bedrageri med koncernledelsens viden og accept

det værste er ikke at jyske bank har lavet bedrageri,
,em at jyske bank fortsætter bedrageri med koncernledelsens viden og accept

Welcome to Denmark’s Criminal Banks, which deceive the bank’s customers.

AndersDam #JyskeBank leads the bank’s fraud, along with the management.


In this Danish bank, the management is doing giant fraud against customer, together in a union.

While other Danish banks only make money laundering, makes Jyskebank also document false and fraud.

Since the Danish police do not want to stop the banks’ obvious fraud, against their customers.

Can we who are being deceived, only cry out to warn others against Danish banks like this Jyske Bank.

We have tried to talk to the criminal gang, JYSKEBANK since May 2016. But the gang will not talk to their victim.


If it is just a matter of the bank’s foundation is misunderstood, and the bank jyske bank does not itself believe, that the management are together in unity, and does and continues fraud against their customers.

Why does the group jyskebank refuse to talk with us, but continues fraud against their customers.


When conversation promotes understanding.


For over 3 years we have tried to enter into a dialogue with the bank, who stubbornly refuses to talk to us.

We should look at the matter together.

And if we, as a customer, are wrong, we are the first to apologize

We ask the Jyske Bank to receive our request, and the court’s offer to meet, and together solve the jyske bank’s problems.

We therefore ask the board of directors, take its responsibility and loosen this small disagreement.

Best regards May 28, 2019

Storbjerg Erhverv Management

Søvej 5.Hornbæk.

Phone 22227713