16-12-2021. Deler her ekstrakten BS-402/2015-VIB med pressen myndighederne og folketinget.

Indsat link til ekstrakten i sagen. BS-402/2015-VIB.


Har netop i aftes skrevet om Jyske Banks forretnings metoder til myndighederne, og delt dette med pressen.

Senere i dag vil jeg dele hele sagen med pressen, myndighederne og folketinget.

fundamentet i Jyske Bank, troværdighed, hæderlig, ærlig, loyal, loyalitet, kundeservice i Jyske Bank. / Main suspect in Danish bank fraud case Jyske BANK Anders Dam, Jyske Bank suspected of million scams and corruption. Philip Baruch Advokat og Partner I Lund Elmer Sandager Les.dk Thomas Schioldan Sørensen rodstenen.dk - Lundgrens advokater. Dan Terkildsen. Rødstenen advokater. bestyrelsen Jyske Bank Sven Buhrækall. Kurt Bligaard Pedersen. Rina Asmussen. Philip Baruch. Jens Borup. Keld Norup. Christina Lykke Munk. Johnny Christensen. Marianne Lillevang. Anders Christian Dam. Niels Erik Jakobsen. Per Skovhus. Peter Schleidt. #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #GF Maresk #PhilipBaruch #LES #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #JeanettKofoed-Hansen #AnetteKirkeby #SørenWoergaaed #BirgitBushThuesen #Gangcrimes #Crimes #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #Chri

Jysk Bank troede aldrig at bankens bedrageri ville blive opdaget, men bankens kriminelle bande medlemmer glemte en vigtig detalje. MIG


Jeg sendte denne her tekst kl. 12.30. 16-12-2021
Jeg deler senere i dag denne her meddelelse med pressen, folketinget og myndighederne sammen med Dropbox link.

Er det noget i fra Jyske Banks bestyrelse eller direktion og repræsentantskabet ønsker at kommentere, eller har i nogle tilføjelser måske en bemærkning i ønsker jeg skal have med.


Her er den tekst som jeg med sender i den delte Dropbox.


Warning against relying on Danish banks, and with information that Danish authorities cover the organized crime, that Danish banks are behind, read the extract which is in Danish, and learn how Danish banks like here Jyske Bank, commit fraud and false, and use bribes in their hunting for money.


I guarantee that my writing is true, and this is my fight against abuse of power, corruption and bribery, as the authorities have chosen to turn a blind eye to the Danish criminal banks.
My name is Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup, and I live in Hornbaek Denmark.

In continuation of previous mail December 16, 2021, where I wrote you would receive this Link Dropbox


Will you help me to inform about corrupt lawyers and banks’ bribery in Denmark.


I would like you to be informed, how corruption and camaraderie thrive in Denmark, and how difficult it is to stop, as the Danish authorities do not want to interfere in the way banks like here Jyske Bank that make documents false and fraud.


Jyske Bank AS uses forgery, fraud, exploitation and bribery in the bank’s business methods.
The authorities do everything to cover this up by ignoring all inquiries regarding Jyske Bank’s criminal law violations.
The state institutions and authorities know all about, but have chosen to ignore by simply sticking their heads in the ground, and letting the Danish banks continue to violate the provisions of the Penal Code, as it is political for the elected representatives in the Danish state.
And the state, seemed to hold the hands over the criminal Danish banks.


Who dares to question my shared information.
Who dares to meet with me, and take a public debate about Jyske Bank’s many criminal law violations.


You all know that i have documentation for everything I say and write, so no one dares to answer me, or for that matter say me against.


Is it okay that Danmarks Nationalbank / Statbanken, municipalities and government institutions that all know about Jyske Bank’s many illegalities, use and cooperate with banks that, like Jyske Bank AS, who has committed forgery and fraud.


Share here The extract that deals with Danish banks’ business methods. A good and truthful story about abuse of power, document forgery, bribery as a return commission and camaraderie, where even a Danish Supreme Court judge Kurt Rasmussen has covered up the corrupt Lundgren’s lawyer partner company. I have written a lot about the problem of legal certainty in Denmark, on my website www. BANKNYT dk The case BS-402/2015-VIB has just been under main hearing in Viborg City Court 15. 16 and 23 November 2021. judgment will be handed down 21 December at 11. Jyske Bank’s witness Nicolai Hansen confirmed on 16 November that it must have been a mistake that he wrote that I had borrowed DKK 4,328,000 and said that the loan had not been repatriated. Jyske Bank’s next witness Lars Aaqvist then confirmed that the interest rate swap, of DKK 4,328,000, which is the largest claim in the case, was made to exchange the interest of the 4,328,000 loan that Nicolai Hansen had just confirmed was not taken home.


Note my personal number, appears on a few appendices, this number is for your eyes only, is just to confirm my story about abuse of power and bribery in Denmark, and which you are very welcome to share.


This drop link, is for you, and contains evidence of what I have written since 2016. on www. BANKNYT dk as I wrote in the previous email.


The page www. banknyt dk will be updated next time around December 21. 2021. To Jyske Bank, with last emails and news , where the case moves up to the next level.


I hope you will write about this here, so that several other similar cases come up, as my case is not the only one, and when you are the small one against a seemingly criminal organization, where even the board together agree to cheat and deceive those of the bank’s customers as seemed possible.
This is shared with the Folketing and the Danish authorities

Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup
Soevej 5
3100 Hornbaek
DK Denmark


I have here December 16 at. 12.30. written to Jyske Bank.
Whether the bank’s board of directors or executive board and the supervisory board want to comment, or have in some additions perhaps a comment they want me to include.

Kristian Ambjørn Buus-Nielsen • kbn@les.dk
Morten Ulrik Gade • MUG@jyskebank.dk
Philip Baruch • pb@les.dk
Justitsministeriet • jm@jm.dk
Postkasse – Klagesagsafdelingen • klagesagsafdelingen@advokatsamfundet.dk

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