A fraud case that ends up being about bribery in some of Denmark’s largest law firms and Danish banks.
If CEO Ander Christian Dam has another explanation, our number is +4522227713
And wants Jyske Bank’s group management to admit that we are exposed to fraud, and the Board has been aware of this fraud and false at least since May 2016.
01-09-2019 Remember this is only one of maybe 100 letters and mails to Lundgrens where we ask them to present our case against Jysk Bank A/S Silkeborg Denmark
Lundgren’s attorneys must be visually impaired and more blind than their client.
or even Jyske Bank A/S paid Jyske Bank many millions in return commission, to help cover Jyske Bank’s fraud and false and disappoint in residual conditions.
02-09-2019 1/5 The client’s attorneys Dan Terkildsen. Lawyer and Partner Pernille Hellesøe. Team Assistant. Mette-Marie Nielsen. Clerk / Student Emil Hald Winstrøm. Clerk / Student Sebastian Lysholm Nielsen. Attorney Director at Lundgren’s partner company cannot read and understand Danish, the question is whether Juske Bank’s group management has really bribed Lundgresn’s attorneys to counter their client’s case was brought to court, and Jo Dan Terkildsen you say there are conspiracy theories! are you sure
02-09-2019 1/5 The client’s attorneys Dan Terkildsen. Lawyer and Partner Pernille Hellesøe. Team Assistant. Mette-Marie Nielsen. Clerk / Student Emil Hald Winstrøm. Clerk / Student Sebastian Lysholm Nielsen. Attorney Director at Lundgren’s partner company cannot read and understand Danish, the question is whether Juske Bank’s group management has really bribed Lundgresn’s attorneys to counter their client’s case was brought to court, and Jo Dan Terkildsen you say there are conspiracy theories! are you sure
02-09-2019 1/5 The client’s attorneys Dan Terkildsen. Lawyer and Partner Pernille Hellesøe. Team Assistant. Mette-Marie Nielsen. Clerk / Student Emil Hald Winstrøm. Clerk / Student Sebastian Lysholm Nielsen. Attorney Director at Lundgren’s partner company cannot read and understand Danish, the question is whether Juske Bank’s group management has really bribed Lundgresn’s attorneys to counter their client’s case was brought to court, and Jo Dan Terkildsen you say there are conspiracy theories! are you sure
02-09-2019 1/5 The client’s attorneys Dan Terkildsen. Lawyer and Partner Pernille Hellesøe. Team Assistant. Mette-Marie Nielsen. Clerk / Student Emil Hald Winstrøm. Clerk / Student Sebastian Lysholm Nielsen. Attorney Director at Lundgren’s partner company cannot read and understand Danish, the question is whether Juske Bank’s group management has really bribed Lundgresn’s attorneys to counter their client’s case was brought to court, and Jo Dan Terkildsen you say there are conspiracy theories! are you sure
02-09-2019 1/5 The client’s attorneys Dan Terkildsen. Lawyer and Partner Pernille Hellesøe. Team Assistant. Mette-Marie Nielsen. Clerk / Student Emil Hald Winstrøm. Clerk / Student Sebastian Lysholm Nielsen. Attorney Director at Lundgren’s partner company cannot read and understand Danish, the question is whether Juske Bank’s group management has really bribed Lundgresn’s attorneys to counter their client’s case was brought to court, and Jo Dan Terkildsen you say there are conspiracy theories! are you sure
Ask the Danish bank Jyskebank if they can be trusted.
A fraud and false case, as the Danish police, if some laws are violated, by the state set up to halt and afterwards have to investigate, and take care of legal proceedings.
The Danish police have not wanted to fulfill this task, probably due to that here were the many reported criminal offenses, against Denmark’s second largest bank, Jyskebank.
The victim was instead replaced the prosecutor referred to, even fighting the giant company, to get the case and the evidence against the bank submitted to the court.
which also has been like going uphill.
Unfortunately, the police refused, as said in 2016, to investigate Jyske bank.
Otherwise, the charge could have been stopped there, all police officers and authorities, lawyers, bank directors whom we talked to. says unanimously next the same.
But want to be anonymous when we talk persistently fraud done by Danish banks.
We did not know that the Ministry of Justice, has made special rules that the law, does not apply to Danish banks, which it may look like.
We thought that the Danish laws should also be observed by the banks.
So the law is the same for everyone.
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“More at English further down”
En svig og falsk sag, som det danske politi hvis nogle love bliver overtrådt, af staten er oprettet for stanse, og bagefter skal efterforske og sørger for der skal ske retsforfølgning.
Denne opgave har det danske politiet ikke ville efterleve, nok grundet at her var de mange anmeldte kriminelle lovovertrædelser, imod Danmarks anden største bank, jyske bank.
Offeret blev i stedet af statsanklageren henvist til, selv at kæmpe imod gigant virksomheden, for at få sagen og beviserne fremlagt domstolen, hvilket også har været op af bakke.
Desværre nægtede politiet som sagt i 2016 at efterforske jyske bank.
Bedraget kunne ellers være standset der, alle politifolk og myndigheds personer, advokater, bank direktør som vi har talt med. siger enstemmigt næste det samme.
Men ønsker at være anonyme, når vi taler om vedvarende bedrageri udført af danske banker.
Vi vidste ikke at der i justitsministeriet er lavet er særlige regler om, at loven ikke gælder for danske banker, hvilket det kan se ud.
Vi troede at de danske love også skal overholdes af bankerne.
Altså loven er ens for alle.
Can customers rely trust on some Banks as the Danish banks, Jyskebank.
Can Danish Banks Jyskebank be trusted ?
After judgment in the fraud and false case against the group and management In Jyske Bank
Will you be more wise about Danish banks, Can ther be trusted.
Case BS 1-698 / 2015 Viborg Court the case begins September 30, 2019
The bank should have given their final remarks on February 19, presented evidence of gross fraud.
But failed and did not respond court.
Just for information, being exposed to Big fraud, and probably organized by the management In the Danish bank Jyske Bank.
It is psychologically and very stressful although, that it is a Danish bank, ther is behind this crafty fraud.
Does not make it less stressful, that the Danish police not will interfere with the Danish banks’ corporate methods, no matter how many laws and regulations the banks violate.
And it is no less psychic stressful pressing, that other Danish banks like Nykredit help to cover up the fraud.
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It is not just fraud this is about.
It’s also about a false interest rate swap, for a loan it doesn’t exists.
A Loan In Nykredit Bank, which the bank would not disclose about such a loan existed, until after we filed the Nykredit bank.
The bank’s lawyer Mette Egeholm Nielsen informed at a subsequent meeting, at Nykredit will not deliver evidence against the bank “jyske bank”
But Nykredit bank by Mette Egeholm Nielsen admitted some days later.
That the underlying loan 4.328.000 kr. as the bank, Jyskebank has told in writing to the court exists.
So the bank could take interest in a swap, of the same amount.
The interest rate swap, was made by Jyske bank itself for the purpose, and without agreement with customer.
Nykredit bank now admits, after summons, that there is no underlying loan 4.328.00 kr. for the swap, as jyske bank “Lund Elmer Sander lawyers, has lied about to court
But that’s just a tiny bit, of the extensive scam, as the Danish bank Jyske bank exposes customers.
Read more on the links to facebook pages, you can find at
Much is written in Danish,
And is a warning against trusting Danish banks.
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It’s just about power and money for the richest, in the top of Danish society.
Can the Danish government really allows the Financial Supervisory Authority, and the police dont want investigate all banks reports, for fraud and lies. ?
The task of the police is to maintain compliance with the laws and to take action against criminal offenses, investigation and prosecution.
We ask ourselves whether the police from above, have been ordered not to investigate Danish banks, like in the tibet case.
Have you also tried to report a bank to the police, where your review has been rejected and therefore not investigated.
Do you know of any cases against Danish banks that have been investigated by the Danish police, and not has been investigated by foreign authorities.
Politiets opgave er at opretholde at lovene overholdes, og at skride ind over for lovovertrædelser ved efterforskning og forfølgning.
Hvorfor mon bankens bestyrelse bare ikke vil modbevise vores påstande om bankens Dokumentfalsk & Bedrageri
Måske fordi vi har ret, ? Men har vi ikke ret.
Kan den fantatiske CEO Anders Dam ikke bare ringe 22227713 og så bede om et møde.
Her kan bankens mange advokater mod os gennemgå de fremlagte bilag
Dette tilbud om dialog er siden 2016 givet, her og der, ja alle veje
Vi er nok den der flest gange har skrevet til jyske bank, uden at få andet end et IKKE SVAR.
Samtids med banken fortsatte det vel nok flotte planlagte bedrageri.
Så er vi parate til at undskylde, og fjerne alle forkerte opslag, det kræver kun i accepterer at mødes.
Det virker da ret underligt at ikke en enste, i hele koncernen tør mødes med os.
🙂 🙂
Men hvis jyske bank har taget af kassen
Den pengekasse jyske bank og deres ansatte i banken skulle passe på.
Og jyske bank stadig, ved svig og falsk fortsætter med at tager af den kasse, banken er betroet til at passe på, til noget som ikke findes.
Så er det meget grimt gjort imod kunder af en så stor Dansk bank, som jyske bank jo er blevet.
At politiet så nægter at efterforske en veldokumenteret anmeldelse imod jyske bank for bla, bedrageri og dokumentfalsk, og anmeldelsen også er over Jyske Banks advokater for medvirken til dette her fortsatte Svig / Bedrageri, det giver følelsen af at nogle over politiet støtter bankers overtrædelser af flere love og regler.
Hvilket giver en stor utryghed i Befolkningens retssikkerhed, når de rigste bedrager de fattige og syge, for selv at få mere.
Er det så kun noget banken vil tale om i Domstolen, foran en dommer. ? Ud fra se fremlagte beviser 28. Dec
Så tager vi den jo der, men frem til den 30. September nu kattepinen skulle trækkes længst ud.
Har vi behov for at få talt om sagen, og dette er vores måde for ikke at blive sindsyge.
Vi skal ikke tale om, jyske bank måske har forsøgt at beskikke vores advokat, måske med tilbud om at kunne komme til at arbejde for jyske bank, ? Måske mod at tilbageholde beviser, måske tabe sagen ved ikke at fremlægge det svig og falsk vi har fremlagt, eller måske sågar ved at forsøge hæve sagen, og det uden vores samtykke ?
Nej det skal vi ikke tale om
🙂 🙂
Der er bare så længe til 30. Septemper
Så her har du altså Anders Dam, stadig mulighed for at forklare, hvilken bilag vi ikke kan forstå.
Og undskyld hvis vi tager fejl Anders Dam.
Vi fremlagde 28. December 2018 en processuelt skrevet underskrævet vidne forklaring, samt bilag 28 – 101.
Vi sendte dig Anders Dam en kopi til bestyrelsen 28. Januar 2019. Hvor vi bad om bestyrelsen svare på fremlagte anklager, 19. Februar 2019 som retten satte som frist for jyskebanks afsluttende bemærkninger.
Da vi 22. Marts bliver oplyst at jyske bank ikke gad og svare, blev vi lidt skuffede.
Lund Elmer Sandager Kristian skrev ellers til retten sidste forår, at jyske bank kun ville svare processuelt over for retten, og samtidens forlangte vi fik et advokat påbud, da sagen var komplex
Det må så være misforstået, det med at svare retten
🙂 🙂
Bolden har siden foråret 2016 været ved jyske bank, og ansvaret dit Anders, bestyrelsens, dine advokaters, også det fantastiske Advokatfirma Lund Elmer Sandager som har nægtet at udlevere nogle bilag der ellers kunne hjælpe vore efterforskning
Er der nogle her som ikke har opdaget vi kun ønsker dialog.
Har jyske bank ret i vi bare er nogle små dumme idioter, som ikke har forstået hvordan de danske banker laver deres foretninger.
Suk at banken ikke vil erkende banken altså bedrager deres kunder, det er der jo så mange andre der gør.
🙂 🙂
The Danish bank, Jyske Bank, chose not to stop fraud against the bank’s customer, despite the board’s knowledge of fraud least since May 2016
Here has the group management itself, with the group manager CEO Anders Christian Dam
Refused to stop fraud against the bank’s customer.
Therefore we say that the crime is performed In a union.
The management who just does what they usually do, looks forward to the fight in Viborg court.
We only have a letter from jyskebanks lawyer Lund Elmer Sandager Philip Baruch, back from 2016
Where the bank rejects a settlement.
So now we will look forward to meeting the Big Danish bank in court.
September 30. and October 1. 2019
If you have questions 0045 22227713 customer 0045 89898989 jyske bank
Only if the judge disagrees with the bank, and judges the bank according to the customer’s accusation against the jyskebank
Those that the customer himself, has presented the court. December 28th.
Appendices 100 and 101.
Only to get the evidence of fraud and false accusations, presented to the court, while it still was achievable.
The customer who started a case in the Appeals Board in 2013, and had to continue the case before the court in 2015.
First In early 2016, we discovered that the bank has manupled with evidence.
The bank customer did not know that the bank has lied, and deceived the company / customer
Who has been ill since 2009 after a brain bleeding, and was just an easy victim.
And therefore did not know, that the bank have lied in writing
To the Appeals Board in 2013 and 2014
But also lied to the Danish court since 2015
The main debate in the fraud case is now set for 30 September 2019 BS 1-698 / 2015 Viborg Court
It is an open trial, everyone is welcome
In court, the customer will explain in 1. hour.
How it the Denmark’s second largest bank Jyske Bank got success to deceive, the small business customer for over 10 years
An obvious deception by forgery, and exploitation of expired proxies, which the bank also has corrected in signed the document, after the document was signed by the customer.
It is about danish banks
Can you trust them, when even the danish police refuse to investigate Danish banks, for reported exploitation and fraud.
At banknyt.dk
You will find links and many listings that have been shared since 2013 they are in Danish.
So if you can trust on the Danish banks
That you will know after the case is presented
Great Danish bank’s management from #Jyskebank in bad faith, and continues the bank’s fraud for millions
Which is planned to last for several years. “20 years”
We are talking about a bank the Danish state has supported economic, with loans through several bank packages.
Maybe the bank would like to thank the Danish government / Danish state, by making fraud against customers. 🙂 just kidding
The big question then is how many more people like us, are exposed to the same exploit and fraud, in Danish banks.
Maybe that’s what the Danish state wants to help Jyske Bank cover?
We do not know, but it should be investigated whether there is corruption in Denmark, which has been successful in hiding.
This fraud case at Jyske Bank, can very easily be organized, by the board / management, and this is possibly the reason, why this Danish bank continues fraud, even several years after the bank’s fraud has been discovered, by the customer himself
The problem in Denmark
Is just that the Danish authorities, do not want to investigate Danish banks’ fraud, and therefore refuse to investigate fraud reports.
Therefore, it may be the EU commission itself to be informed
Do you really think cars like this would drove around
And with advertisements that the jyske Bank is lying and cheating?
That it is for free advertising for Denmark’s second largest bank, Jyske bank, if there was nothing about the talk
🙂 The journal Danish banks such as Jyske Bank have major problems in complying, with the law. Can Danish lawyers be bribed. Click and see more at Banknyt.dk 🙂 Read our claims BS-402/2015-VIB. Which after 2 lawyers Redstone Rødstenen in AArhus and Lundgrens in Copenhagen. Would not present the court, but as the Customer himself after 43 months here 28-10-2019 presents for the court. 🙂 You are probably wondering why this page about Danish banks is made ?. 🙂 THE ANSWER IS. 🙂 This is a call to the big Danish banks, to not lying to their customers. With a view to getting an unreported income to the bank. 🙂 A loss from the customer, who becomes a income to shareholders, who actually own the banks. 🙂 An income that becomes a crucial asset loss for the customer. In Danish it is fraud. 🙂 We know that the large Danish pension funds, own large shares of the Danish banks, such as ATP. And these act just like Blakstone. Which the danish government has so much against. 🙂 But the problem with the pension funds, is they don’t care how their wealth increases. 🙂 We already know that banks such as Jyske Bank, which in their cases succeed in calling cases for bad advice. And that the bank then chases limitation which is only 3 years. 🙂 This is a socially big Danish problem. As the Danish banks do everything they can, to ensure that their clients do not discover that they are subject to deliberate bad advice. 🙂 At least not until after 3 years have passed, and here is where the banks chase the obsolescence. 🙂 As banks like here, in the case mentioned Jyske bank, seemed to speculate on getting all their obsolete. 🙂 IS THAT IS A PROBLEM 🙂 In order to secure Danish banking customers. The parliament is forced to change the statute of limitations to the banks. The statute of limitations on the Danish banks, must be up to at least 5 years, if not 10 years. 🙂 If this does not happen, the banks like here Jyske bank Will not change their business methods. As our case BS 402/2015-VIB is a good example of. 🙂 The law of good custom must also be changed. So that it becomes a law that is punishable by transgression. 🙂 If you look at the Danish bank cases, and judgments in through, from Danish banks like Jyske Bank 🙂 Will you be able to read that Jyske bank does a lot of telling in court, they do not have to comply with good practice. As it does not have any consequence to violate good practice rules for banks. 🙂 If the statute of limitations was, at least 5 to 10 years. And good customary law made. 🙂 Wild cases like the hedge case, swap cases and many more cases, for many hundreds of millions hardly to be found. 🙂 But now the law, is as it is. If the state parliament, wants to help the banks, then the law should not be changed with lying to their customers either. 🙂 And then the banks won’t change. 🙂 In our case. We have found that banks, like Jyske Bank do not care about the law. And probably have violated most of the law before crimes. Remember, since 2016 we have been running around with advertisements, about the case. And wrote about it in the diary banknyt.dk here. Jyske Bank has been fully involved in Banknyt Since October 13, 2016. And Lundgrens has been doing it. Since April 16, 2018. But they will not realize there is something wrong with their businesses. 🙂 But that we as a client also experience, Jyske Bank bribing our lawyers, not to present the client’s case, to the court. Is an extension, and this was not expected. 🙂 The case that the customer himself has to present the court. Is that the customer accuses, Jyske bank of fraud. And now also bribery, in the form of return commission. 🙂 You can read this in the allegation document from 28-10-2019. We share our closing response from 28-10-2019 here. Try and compare our response, with the Lundgrens delivered 18-12-2018 Look at the bottom of the page, banknyt.dk And ask Lundgrens and Jyske bank. If they have been some payment, for not submitting the client’s claims, to the court 🙂 See Banknyt.dk bank news 🙂 See Nyforsikring.dk new insurance 🙂 See Nyadvokat.dk new lawyer 🙂 See Rignu.dk rich now 🙂 See Hurtigrig.dk fast rich 🙂 And no this is not fun. We try to get the management of Jyske Bank to apologize and apologize. But not least to admit, it is just not okay, to cheat and deceive its customers. And that it happens with the management behind, as in association. The management has decided to continue the Jyske bank’s fraud. What can we do when the Danish police will not investigate Jyske Bank for fraud against our customers. Police chase 0100-83966-00085 🙂 Ask yourself about, is Jyske Bank an honest, fair, and reputable, Danish bank ?. Or is there something about the talk of Danish Banks being dishonest ?. And uses Danish banks to bribe, and lie in legal matters, to disappoint in legal matters. We only ask because it seems to be a FACT. – Or do you have an explanation. Why the client here, must both fight against their own bank Jyske Bank. And also have to fight with their own lawyer. Who directly work against their own client. In a case that is about being honest, and honorable. 🙂 And what about the great Danish law firms, like Lundgrens. Have these lawyers acted as a reputable law firm ?. 🙂 We will continuously share all attachments on, among other things, diary since bank new “Banknyt.dk” 🙂 And now remember this diary, is due to the overall board of Jyske Bank. 🙂 It is the full responsibility of the Board of Directors that we are exposed to fraud, and who do not want dialogue, and that is why we are exposed to fraud today. 🙂 We do not want the case, but we are up against Denmark’s second largest bank, which has a different view of good banking. 🙂 While we are still trying to meet the bank Group President CEO Anders Christian Dam, for an explanation 🙂 Lundgren’s lawyers, Dan Terkildsen, have said on their office, 13-08-2019 That Jyske Bank’s Board of Directors has no responsibility. 🙂 We believe that Lundgrens, has only manipulated with us, not to present our claims, so that with the Jyske Bank Board of Directors having no responsibility for Jyske Bank’s fraud, we do not agree 🙂 WE WANT DIALOGUE 🙂 And, therefore, again asks the chief executive CEO Anders Dam to re-examine the matter 🙂 Isn’t something wrong 🙂 If Jyske Bank did not make money in the pants, then of course we have to pay Jyske bank their money. 🙂 But that we have to be exposed to this is outright evil. 🙂 Dear all of you at Jyske bank. Lund Elmer Sandager. Now read the letters we have sent since the beginning of the case. And see if there is something completely wrong. CALL US +4522227713 🙂 This is not written in a bad sense. But only like a breath of fresh air, to research your business for the way you make money. 🙂 From here the very best regards, to the Group Board of Jyske Bank Denmark. Storbjerg Erhverv Soevej 5. 3100 Hornbaek Danmark +4522227713 🙂 Hope this soon becomes a forgotten cause and we together can laugh at it. so look forward.