Husk altid at optage samtaler med de ansatte i Jyske Bank da banken er kendt for konsekvent at lyve.


I hereby send an official request to the European Central Bank. And requests that the Central Bank follow the decision of the National Bank of Denmark. I am writing to you and the ECB personally, requesting that the European Central Bank. Follow the case I write about on, which is my diary on a daily basis. I am writing about a case that concerns: Abuse of power, corruption and bribery carried out by the Danske bank Jyske Bank A/S. I have contacted the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority and the National Bank several times in Denmark, with information. That there are banks that demonstrably commit organized crime. To date August 6, no one in Denmark has wanted to have a conversation with me about the crime I have presented with watertight documentation that Jyske Bank A/S is behind. Medvirkende i sagen eller kender til sagen og ønsker ikke at rette fejl Fundament hæderlig ærlig åben retter fejl Nykredit jyske bank Advokat advokater strafferet øknomisk kriminelit Lund Elmer Sandager Michael Rasmussen CEO Nykredit Anders Christian Dam CEO Morten Ulrik gade Philip Baruch Mette Egholm Nielsen Birgit Bush Jyske bank erhverv Hillerød Helsingør Århus Aahus København Silkeborg Valby Østerbro Nicolai Hansen Anette Kirkeby Søren Woergaard Danske bank jysk Koncernledelse jyske bank Koncernbestyrelsen Sven Buhrkall Kurt Bligaard Pedersen Rina Asmussen Philip Baruch Jens A. Borup Keld Norup Christina Lykke Munk Haggai Kunisch Marianne Lillevang Koncerndirektionen Anders Dam Leif F. Larsen Niels Erik Jakobsen Per Skovhus Peter Schleidt finans nyt penge dr kontant DR KONTANT Penge Rådgivning And it must be taken into account that I have written continuously since 1 May 2019. to the Danish government and politicians who are part of Denmark’s National Bank. I have directly informed the National Bank of Denmark about the problem that Jyske Bank A/S has used bribes. Regardless of the fact that the Danish police have written that bribery between private companies, that is, between Lundgren’s law partner company and Jyske Bank A/S, since both are private companies. Jyske Bank A/S may bribe Lundgren’s lawyers to oppose the case, that the client and customer in Jyske Bank employed Lundgren’s lawyers to file against Jyske Bank A/S It is documented that Lundgren’s lawyers have withheld both documents from the client’s lawyer Lundgrens himself, but also that Lundgren’s lawyers have withheld the defendant Jyske Bank’s pleadings, and hidden court records, and have changed the client’s pleadings against Jyske Bank A/S. Which Lundgren’s lawyers hid from the client, knowing that Lundgrens would not hand over a copy of the pleadings submitted by Lundgrens lawyers themselves. Lundgren’s lawyers also concealed the fact that Lundgren had significant economic interests with Jyske Bank A/S and had therefore become highly incompetent. Since Lundgrens after Lundgrens had been bought by Jyske Bank A/S. And Lundgrens is hired by Jyske Bank A/S after the Jyske banks customer has hired Lundgrens to present the case against Jyske Banks A/S in which, the use of fraud and forgery is a large part of the case. When Jyske Bank A/S shortly after, chooses to bribe Lundgrens, under the cover of the return commission, by Jyske Bank giving Lundgrens a task and advising Jyske Bank A/S in a transaction for 600 million Danish kroner, then it is my personal opinion, that Jyske Bank A/S would therefore lose the right to conduct financial business in Denmark, or be placed under administration. This is where a problem comes. Because both the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority and the National Bank, together with the Minister of Finance, choose to ignore this way of Jyske Bank’s way of conducting banking business. For which full documentation has been presented, i.e. Jyske Bank’s criminal acts. I am informed that internal employees of the danish nationalbank, are talking about this case as a scandal, but nothing has been done about it to date. When the national police say. is not a criminal offence. I believe that there should be consequences when a Danish bank such as Jyske Bank A/S bribes a law firm “Lundgren’s lawyers.” Lundgrens there was a lawyer for a customer in Jyske Bank. When Jyske Bank A/S then bribes customers’ lawyers not to present customers’ fraud and false cases against Jyske Bank A/S Then I think Denmark has a problem with trust in Danish banks.

Dette som står på bilen er en direkte anklage.
Jeg opfordre Jyske Bank A/S til at kontakte politiet.
Hvis ikke Jeanett Kofoed-Hansen har lavet dokumentfalsk, misbrugt bortfaldet fuldmagter, og hvis ikke Nicolai Hansen sammen med mindst Jeanett Kofoed-Hansen er nogle af det der for Jyske Bank A/S startede et omfattende bedrageri.
Og jeg opfordre også Jyske Bank A/S ved CEO Anders Christian Dam til at lave en politi anmældelse hvis ikke Jyske Bank har lavet bedrageri og dokumentfalsk.
Jyske Bank bilen ved RealMæglerne som sammenarbejder tæt sammen med den kriminelle Jyske Bank.


Når Jyske Bank lyver, benægter Jyske Banks ansatte som regel bagefter hvad Jyske Banks ansatte har sagt, det er derfor nødvendigt altid nødvendigt at optage samtaler med de ansatte i Jyske Bank, da de ansatte ofte lyver.



Dette skriver jeg med henvisning til hvad jeg har fundet dokumentation for.

Customers continue to make fierce accusations against the Jyske Bank group, for being behind extensive crime, including for fraud, use of false documents, use of bribery, abuse of power of attorney, use of legal abuse, and much more.


når nu både Jyske Bank og Lundgrens advokater arbejder for at undergrave selskabets økonomi, så er det svært for den lille mand. Men denne her gang har i taget fejl, og i har taget røven på den måske lille og svage kunde, men også den eneste der har samlet beviser nok til at Finanstilsynet kan sætte Jyske Bank under skærpet tilsyn. Men når advokat samfundet og dommere samt myndighederne virker ved kammerateri, for at dække over venner, der som Jyske Bank og og Anders Christian Dam der er ridder af Dannebrog. Hvorfor den lille mand skal skydes for at, staten reelt kan dække over Jyske Banks forretningsmetoder, bedrageri som den Danske Stat formentlig selv er medvirkende til, med mindre myndighederne tager mod min anmodning om at få et møde med nationalBanken, Statsministeriet og Finanstilsynet for at fremlægge min dokumentation for Jyske Banks brug af mange strafbare handlinger. Og jeg siger ikke uden grund, at Jyske Bank A/S skal fratages retten til at drive finansiel virksomhed, herunder bankvirksomhed i Danmark. Jyske Bank har 1 februar 2019. Fremsat beskyldninger mod mig og min person for at lave strafbare handlinger. 23 oktober 2019. Efter de korrupte Lundgrens advokater blev fyret, fik jeg fat i en kopi, og uha jeg blev så bange.

Kunde advare andre mod Jyske Bank som bevisligt står bag omfattende kriminalitet mod bankens kunder.



Ved bankens brev af 15. april 2009 blev klageren orienteret om, at checken på 7.900 EUR var falsk, og at det oprindeligt indsatte beløb på 58.768,10 kr. plus et gebyr på 37,75 EUR var debiteret hans konto.

Ved brev af 3. maj 2009 anmodede klageren banken om at erstatte 18.920 kr.

Ved brev af 6. maj 2009 afviste banken kravet fra klageren.

Dette her er offentlig kendt, alle jer der er modtager denne her mail, og som kender til min fortælling, hvilket ikke en eneste af jer har kommenteret, dette her er mig alene og i kunne jo bede mig holde op, hvis i gerne vil have det, men det har ingen af jer gjort, så tal med mig og bed mig om at lade være med at skrive flere mails, og tag så stilling om i ønsker at bidrage med mere til min bog, end hvad jeg allerede siden 2016 har skrevet om, og som ingen tør tale om. Ja og Undskyld at jeg skriver om selv korruption i Danmark, jeg mener det er et problem for retssikkerheden,og når staten der reelt skal sørge for at de svage også får retfærdighed, reelt modarbejde retssikkerheden for den svage, for at dække over den stærke så er det en skandale. Derfor beder jeg jer alle sammen om at undersøge om jeg har har ret i noget af det jeg har skrevet. eller om jeg ikke har ret. Og jeg bede jer alle om at, når i har iværksat en tilbundsgående undersøgelse, og den er tilendebragt, at i så retter mig hvis jeg har taget fejl, for dette her skal ikke bare forties, fordi jeg er den lille mand mod en stor organisation, der både sammenarbejder med den Danske Stat og desuden nyder statens fulde støtte, som som beviseligt mindst købte mine tidligere Lundgrens advokater til en million stor opgave for Jyske Bank, så omtaler jeg klart at dette er returkommission eller bestikkelse om i vil. Hvad vil i stille op med dem der er som mig, og som bare gør opmærksom på at CEO Anders Christian Dam ikke er den rigtige for Jyske Bank, og når jeg siger at Anders Dam har hovedansvaret for mine små morsomheder, som jeg synes vi skal prøve at blive enig om skal stoppe nu, så er min anbefaling stadig at også at Jyske Bank får skiftet ledelsen ud, og dem der har medvirket til bedrageri for Jyske Bank bliver fyret, og i særdeleshed hvis Jyske Bank koncernen ikke mener de de står bag. I må da se at få ryddet op, og husk det her et et cirkus som ikke bør finde sted i en stat der på råber sig ikke at være styret ved korruption.


Parternes påstande.

Klageren har den 19. maj 2009 indbragt sagen for Ankenævnet med påstand om, at Jyske Bank tilpligtes at betale ham 18.920 kr.

Jyske Bank har principalt nedlagt påstand om frifindelse, subsidiært afvisning.

Parternes argumenter.

Finansministeriet, Justitsministeriet, Finanstilsynet, Retsudvalget, regeringen ved statsminister Mette Frederiksen, advokatsamfundet og advokat nævnet, Domstolsstyrelsen med flere, samt deles med Jyske Bank A/S Et par af dem der for Jyske Bank A/S påbegyndte bedrageri mod min virksomhed, og hjælp svindelen i gang ved at bruge dokument falsk ved at lyve, er Nicolai Hansen, Jeanett Kofoed-Hansen, Casper Dam Olsen og Anette Kirkeby for at nævne et par, mailen er derfor også dem. Jeg tilbyder at interviewe jer enkelt vis, og der er kun til brug for bøgerne, hvis Nicolai Hansen, Jeanett Kofoed-Hansen, Casper Dam Olsen og Anette Kirkeby ønsker at være blandt de første der blive interviewet til bøgerne, ring til mig på +4522227713 ønsker i ikke dette vil jeg blot bruge den dokumentation jeg allerede har, men i har her muligheden for at fortælle hvor mange kunder i har udsat for det samme, og om det skulle være noget i selv har fundet på. Jeg tilbyder desuden nu at interviewe Mette-Marie Nielsen og Emil Hald Veldelbo Winstrøm så kan I forklar om det kun var Dan Terkildsen var grunden til at I modarbejdet jeres klient, og i kan selv forklare hvorfor ikke fremlagt klientens svig og falsk påstande mod Jyske Bank A/S. ring til mig på +4522227713 så finder vi en tid, i er også vigtig for mine bøger om korruptionen og korrupte advokater i Danmark. Tidligere Revisor Frank Poulsen har meddelt, at han gerne medvirke, da han af sagens natur er en del af dem hvor Jyske Bank lyver hvad Frank Poulsen har sagt


Klageren har anført, at banken den 7. april 2009 telefonisk oplyste, at der var “dækning” på checken. Han returnerede på denne baggrund de 18.920 kr., som han havde modtaget for meget.

Hvis banken i stedet havde oplyst, at den ikke kunne sige, om der var dækning, havde han ikke refunderet – og mistet – 18.920 kr.

Banken er erstatningsansvarlig for hans tab.

Jyske Bank har til støtte for frifindelsespåstanden anført, at klageren som endossent indestår som checkskyldner for checkens betaling overfor Jyske Bank – og dermed hæfter for checkbeløbet (jf. checklovens § 18).

Banken har ikke misinformeret klageren om, hvorvidt der var dækning for checken, da denne senere blev afvist på grund af falsk – og ikke på grund af manglende dækning.

Klageren har bekræftet at have modtaget bankens generelle forretningsbetingelser, hvoraf fremgår, at “Indbetalinger på Deres konto, der ikke sker kontant, indsættes med forbehold af, at banken modtager beløbet. Dette gælder også for indbetalinger ved checks trukket på konti i banken. Forbeholdet gælder, selv om det ikke er nævnt i kvittering eller anden meddelelse om indbetalingen.”

Der vil altid være en risiko for, at en check efterfølgende kan vise sig at være falsk, og at et krediteret beløb vil blive debiteret kundens konto.

Falsk er en stærk ugyldighedsgrund, som kan gøres gældende overfor klageren som endossent/checkskyldner.

Banken har ikke begået ansvarspådragende fejl eller forsømmelser ved indløsning af checken.

En eventuel samtale med klageren den 7. april 2009 er ikke relevant for sagen, da checken ikke blev afvist på grund af manglende dækning, hvilket er dét forhold, som klageren påstår, at banken forholdt sig til i samtalen. Der er i øvrigt ikke nogen medarbejder, som erindrer en sådan samtale med klageren. Endelig forekommer det usandsynligt, at en medarbejder skulle have oplyst, at der var dækning på checken, for det er som udgangspunkt ikke muligt at lave dækningskontrol ved udenlandske checks. En samtale med det af klageren påståede indhold bestrides derfor.

Banken har til støtte for afvisningspåstanden anført, at en afgørelse af sagen forudsætter en bevisførelse i form af parts- og vidneforklaringer.

Ankenævnets bemærkninger og konklusion.

Who in Denmark is covering up that Denmark's second largest bank Jyske Bank AS is behind organized crime. I ask the Ministry of Justice, the Minister of Justice, the Danish Courts Agency, as well as your judges, the Bar Association, but all of you who receive this emai, and you who are mentioned in several of my many inquiries and postings. / Do you have any comments or questions about the content of this email, or do you have any questions about some of my previous emails, for example about my accusations about the corruption / and camaraderie that exists in Denmark, which also happens to be the authorities ther is covering up Jyske Bank's organized crime, which I still say and write. / When I write that the Danish politicians cover up Jyske Bank's fraud and false crimes, together with the Financial Supervisory Authority and the State Ministry together with the Danish politicians, and which Danmarks Nationalbank also covers up. so you is informed that you are an actor in the book /

Kunde siger at også advokat Morten Ulrik Gade for JYSKE BANK har haft en central rolle i Jyske Banks omfattende svindel. Morten Ulrik Gade der har selv medvirket til Jyske Banks organiseret bedrageri mod den lille virksomhed, da Morten Ulrik Gade skjult at kunden ikke har lånt de penge 4.328.000 dkk. som Jyske Bank hæver renter af. Jeres svar vil indgå i min bog, og eventuelle ikke svar vil blive registeret som at i er enige, men jeg beder jer alle samme om og tage en debat i folketinget og der stemme for om alle politikerne fortsat vil dække over Jyske Banks mange strafbare handlinger, eller om i lave en haste lov er undtager Danske banker fra at skulle overholde Dansk lov. Vil i som modtager denne her mail, medvirke til at dække danske bankers lovovertrædelser, og samtidig være med til at undergrave Danskernes retssikkerhed. Indsætter kopi af den sendte Gmail mail her med LINK. Eller. Vil i handle på de oplysninger i har modtaget til dato, i kunne starte med at se beviserne som jeg overbragte til folketinget 1 maj 2019, altså før jeg vidste at Lundgrens der var advokater på sagen mod Jyske Bank A/S, allerede i foråret 2018. var blevet købt og betalt af Jyske Bank A/S for at Lundgrens advokater ikke måtte fremlægge nogle af vore anklager mod Jyske Bank A/S

Kurt Rasmussen, the Supreme Court Judge has decided that the clients do not Need to know what their lawyers are doing.

Then the bar council with the chairman. Supreme Court judge Kurt Rasmussen, in front, chose to cover up Jyske Bank’s bribery of Lundgren’s lawyers, and decided that lawyers do not need to hand over either the plaintiff’s or the defendant’s pleadings to the client, the client has no right to get a copy of pleadings.


foto advokatnævnet.



Ankenævnet finder det ikke godtgjort, at Jyske Bank i en telefonisk samtale med klageren den 7. april 2009 ved utilstrækkelig rådgivning pådrog sig et erstatningsansvar overfor klageren.

Ankenævnet finder i øvrigt ikke grundlag for at fastslå, at Jyske Bank begik fejl i forbindelse med indløsningen og returneringen af den falske check.

Som følge heraf træffes følgende.



a f g ø r e l s e :

Klagen tages ikke til følge.


Et eksklusivt tilbud til Nationalbankens direktører, bestyrelsen sammen med repræsentantskabet. Hvis bare en af jer kan modbevise mine beviser for at. Jyske Bank står bag orgniceret kriminalitet. Og at. Jyske Banks A/S har lavet bedrageri. Og at. Jyske Banks A/S har lavet dokunent falsk. Og at. Jyske Banks A/S har betalt Lundgrens advokater bestikkelse, for at Lundgrens advokater ikke måtte fremlægge klients svig og falsk anklager mod Jyske Banks A/S Så tilbydes i alle sammen at kunne få 20 % i bonus for at kunne modbevise hver af mine første 9 påstande i konkurrencen. Klik på billed og se de 9 præmier af 5.000 dkk. og så med en bonus på 20 % hvis i kan modbevise mine beviser for Jyske Bank A/S mange strafbare forhold. Da jeg i mail 06-08.2022. har anmodet Nationalbankdirektør Lars Rohde om et møde for fremlæggelse og gennemgang af mine beviser for Jyske banks magtmisbrug og bankens kriminelle handlinger der er udført i forening, hvorfor National Banken Danmarks bestyrelse opfordres til at offenligt tage afstand til Jyske Banks forretnings metoder.

After the first 10 weeks, the Jyske Bank car is parked right outside the door of Jyske Bank A/S Frederiksberg Copenhagen.
Finally back with fresh commercials.
Do you have a good explanation as to why all the authorities and Jyske bank A/S themselves are completely silent,
to Jyske Bank the car that has been driving around since November 2015.
Haven’t received a single comment or note from either the Danish authorities who have to keep an eye on the criminal Danish banks.
Or why Jyske Bank itself does not want to speak to the customer who has parked the car right in front of the door of the criminal Danske bank, the customer is simply trying to get in touch with CEO Anders Christian Dam, who has personally refused to speak to the customer since 2016.
Do you have an explanation as to why the Danish state and the government are actually covering up this criminal Danish bank.
Then I would like to hear from you.

Hvem dækker over korruptionen og de kriminelle organisationer som Jyske Bank A/S i Danmark. Det gør Danmarks Nationalbank, Statsministeriet, regeringen ved Mette Frederiksen, Justitsministeriet og Domstolsstyrelsens ansatte ved korrupte dommere, som Højesteretsdommer Kurt Rasmussen, desliger med Byretsdommer Søren Ejdum. Disse af domstolsstyrelsens ansatte dækker over Jyske Banks organiseret kriminalitet. Samt dækker over at Jyske Bank også har bestukket Lundgrens advokater. Og dækker over at Jyske Bank A/S har betalt Lund Elmer Sandager advokater til at fremlægge falske oplysninger over for domstolen, hvilket var for at dække over Jyske banks brug af dokumentfalsk og bedrageri. Lund Elmer Sandager advokater arbejder i forvejen for Danmarks Nationalbank, som advokater for Nationalbankens whistleblowerordning, der handler om at stoppe de kriminelle banker, som Lund Elmer Sandager sandager advokater selv er medvirkende til at dække over og hjælpe med at slippe god for organiseret bedrageri. Nationalbanken er kontrolleret af politikerne på christiansborg som ligeledes her viden om Jyske Banks kriminalitet, men som vælger at dække over det, hvilke er undergravende virksomhed mod Lov og Orden. Spørg hvorfor ikke en eneste har ville forsvare deres passivitet, og hvorfor ikke en eneste tør at besvare mine mail som denne til Danmarks Nationalbank 29 juli 2022. Og spør Jyske Bank A/S CEO Anders Dam, om det der står på Jyske bank bilen er sandt eller ej. Huske dette handler kun om hvad Jyske Bank har lavet, ikke om hvad de er dømt for, Jyske Bank vil ikke blive dømt for brugen af strafbar lovovertrædelser, da Jyske Bank vil miste retten til at drive bankvirksomhed i danmark, derfor dækker den danske stat over den kriminelle Jyske Bank A/S Og hvis ikke er sandt, hvorfor svare Jyske Bank A/S så ikke, og eller anlægger en injurier sag mod Carsten Storbjerg for bagvaskelse og ærekrænkelse af Jyske Banks troværdighed. Du vil opdage at Jyske lyver, og vil bortlede din din opmærksomhed fra det jeg skriver, til forskellige retssager hvor Jyske Bank ved korruption bliver beskyttet. Hvem tør mødes og tage en debat om Jyske Bank lever op til betingelserne for at drive bankvirksomhed i Danmark.

Case of organized fraud carried out by Jyske Bank A/S

And corruption and organized crime in Denmark, which the Danish state, Denmark’s National Bank and the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority as well as the government, the Ministry of Justice and many others have covered up until today.

Can be taken over.

Contact Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup on phone +4522227713 if you are interested in taking over the company and or the case alone.

Nationalbankens bestyrelse, ved alt om at Jyske Bank er kriminelle, men alligevel vælger danmarks Nationalbank at dække over Jyske Bank`s mange og strafbare handlinger.

Og på den måde er Danmarks Nationalbank og bestyrelsen selv medvirken til Bedrageri.

Hvis ikke den Danske stats bank Nationalbanken, vil handle på information om Jyske Banks bedrageri, Jyske Banks brug af dokumentfalsk, Jyske banks misbrug af fuldmagter, Jyske Banks misbrug af den af tinglysningsretten givet adgang til at kunne fortage tinglysning.

Men hvis der noget jeg har misforstået.

Så tal da med mig siger Carsten Storbjerg fra Hornbæk.

Som jeg siger her i YouTube videoen fra 31. juli 2022.

Så vil jeg gerne sælge sagen mod Jyske Bank A/S

Når jeg tilbyder at sælge selskabet der har sagen mod Jyske Bank A/S

Og gerne overdrage sagen og selskabet til den, eller dem der har flere penge end mig, til at føre sag mod Jyske Bank A/S.

En sag der reelt handler om organiseret bedrageri og korruption i Danmark, så er det for at få mere til til at skrive min bog, om den omfattende korruption i Danmark.

Korruption hvilket den Danske regering, statsministeren i Danmark Mette Frederiksen, Statsministeriet, Finanstilsynet, Justitsministeriet, domstols stol styrelsens ansatte er medvirkende til

At Jyske Bank er dybt kriminelle, og ved Nicolai Hansen og Jeanett Kofoed Hansen i 2008 / 2009 for Jyske Bank A/S begyndte et million bedrageri mod min lille virksomhed er faktum

Jyske Banks ledelse ved CEO Anders Christian Dam som mindst siden maj 2016, personligt har medvirke til Jyske Banks bedrageri, og er den drivende part for Jyske Banks bedrageri.

Hvis Jyske Bank ikke har lavet Bedrageri, brugt dokumentfalsk, og mange flere kriminelle forhold.

Så ring da til politiet og anlæg en injurier sag mod mig for bagvaskelse, og ærekrænkelse af Jyske Bank A/S.

Her har i beviserne.

18 maj 2021. siger jeg her i videoen, Jyske Bank laver bedrageri og dokumentfalsk, og hvis de ikke er sandt så sæt jeres advokater i sving med at lave en injuriesag.

Og her den 19 maj 2021. Siger jeg igen Jyske Bank laver bedrageri og dokumentfalsk, sagsøg mig eller indrøm det.

Og her den 3 juni 2021. forslår jeg at Anders Dam står af, og beskylder Jyske Bank for også at have bestukket Lundgrens advokater.

Samt jeg siger at Lund Elmer Sandager advokater har fremlagt falske oplysninger for retten, for at skuffe i retsforhold, og at Jyske Bank må føre en sag hvis jeg ikke siger sandheden.

Her den 24 september 2021. Pandoras æske er åben, Jyske Bank i kan fører en injuriesag hvis det ikke er rigtigt at Jyske bank laver dokumentfalsk.

Og her 27 September 2021. kommer jeg igen med mange anklager mod Jyske Bank og også mod Lundgrens som har taget bestikkelse, og mod dommer Kurt Rasmussen for at dække over bestikkelse.

Igen 19. april 2022. Anders Dam jeg forsøger at komme i kontakt.

Jeg har lavet denne morsomme konkurrence som 30 juni 2022. er delt. Jeg giver muligheden for at Jyske Bank kan få 20 % ekstra i præmie. Hvis Jyske Bank kan modbevise at Jyske bank er kriminelle og lyver.

Her den 30 juli 2022. siger jeg at jeg gerne vil sælge selskabet og sagen mod Jyske Bank A/S reelt for bedrageri.

Hvilket den Danske Stat og regeringen sammen med advokat samfundet / nævnet og sammen med domstolsstyrelsens ansatte

Og ikke mindst rigspolitichefen, Justitsministeriet og Finanstilsynet sammen med altså Danmarks Nationalbank dækker over.

Men se her i LINKET alle mine delte YouTube videoer, og fortæl mig hvorfor ingen regere, np jeg kan få 2 års fængsel hvis jeg lyver.

Som jeg siger jeg vil heller skrive en bog om den korruption som styrer Danmark.

Hvis Jeg har misforstået noget, eller ikke forstår loven, så tal med mig, i kan jo bare ringe på +4522227713 hvis jeg er galt på den.

Men har jeg ret, så står Danmark og den Danske Stat over for en gigantisk skandale.

Mit forslag til den Danske regering og Danmarks nationalbank er, se og få ryddet op, og hvis Jyske Bank skal have frataget deres tilladelse til at drive bankvirksomhed i Danmark, så må det være sådan.

Så er det jeres alle sammens opgave at Jyske Bank bliver sat under skærpet tilsyn, eller helt frataget tilladelsen til at drive bankvirksomhed i Danmark.

Altså med mindre i som modtager en mail med dette billede, af Danmarks Nationalbank, vil være medvirkende til den kriminalitet som Jyske Bank A/S står bag, og som jeg gentagende og i mange mails, har gjort jer alle sammen opmærksom på.

Og det er mindst siden 1. maj 2019. hvor jeg indgav en klage til Finanstilsynet der ikke ville lave en undersøgelse af mine oplysninger mod Jyske Bank, for misbrug af fuldmagter og anden misbrug samt direkte strafbare lovovertrædelser.


Would you be so kind as to answer my inquiries. It is quite simple what I am asking of you. You are all informed about the economic crime that Denmark's second largest bank is behind, my question to all of you is what you will do about it. Will all of you, and therefore also Denmark's National Bank together with the Prime Minister and the government of Prime Minister Mette Fredriksen, cover up the obvious crimes of Jyske Bank, and thus undermine Danish legislation since the law, according to the Danish state's assessment, does not apply to Danish banks. And leave the victims of Danish banks' frauds left alone without any justice or legal certainty. You have all an option not to be involved, do anything, but first of all meet me and receive my personal presentation of my evidence for the fraud I write Jyske Bank is behind, and that it is done with the help of several people together in association. Which CEO Anders Christian Dam is instrumental in.

Direktionen. ​Signe Krogstrup, ​Lars Rohde, Per Callesen. Director of Denmark’s National Bank. Image is from Denmarks Nationalbank’s press photos.


Would you be so kind as to answer my inquiries. It is quite simple what I am asking of you. You are all informed about the economic crime that Denmark's second largest bank is behind, my question to all of you is what you will do about it. Will all of you, and therefore also Denmark's National Bank together with the Prime Minister and the government of Prime Minister Mette Fredriksen, cover up the obvious crimes of Jyske Bank, and thus undermine Danish legislation since the law, according to the Danish state's assessment, does not apply to Danish banks. And leave the victims of Danish banks' frauds left alone without any justice or legal certainty. You have all an option not to be involved, do anything, but first of all meet me and receive my personal presentation of my evidence for the fraud I write Jyske Bank is behind, and that it is done with the help of several people together in association. Which CEO Anders Christian Dam is instrumental in.

Signe Krogstrup. Director of Denmark’s National Bank. Image is from Denmarks Nationalbank’s press photos


Would you be so kind as to answer my inquiries. It is quite simple what I am asking of you. You are all informed about the economic crime that Denmark's second largest bank is behind, my question to all of you is what you will do about it. Will all of you, and therefore also Denmark's National Bank together with the Prime Minister and the government of Prime Minister Mette Fredriksen, cover up the obvious crimes of Jyske Bank, and thus undermine Danish legislation since the law, according to the Danish state's assessment, does not apply to Danish banks. And leave the victims of Danish banks' frauds left alone without any justice or legal certainty. You have all an option not to be involved, do anything, but first of all meet me and receive my personal presentation of my evidence for the fraud I write Jyske Bank is behind, and that it is done with the help of several people together in association. Which CEO Anders Christian Dam is instrumental in.

Per Callesen. Director of Denmark’s National Bank. Image is from Denmarks Nationalbank’s press photos

Would you be so kind as to answer my inquiries. It is quite simple what I am asking of you. You are all informed about the economic crime that Denmark's second largest bank is behind, my question to all of you is what you will do about it. Will all of you, and therefore also Denmark's National Bank together with the Prime Minister and the government of Prime Minister Mette Fredriksen, cover up the obvious crimes of Jyske Bank, and thus undermine Danish legislation since the law, according to the Danish state's assessment, does not apply to Danish banks. And leave the victims of Danish banks' frauds left alone without any justice or legal certainty. You have all an option not to be involved, do anything, but first of all meet me and receive my personal presentation of my evidence for the fraud I write Jyske Bank is behind, and that it is done with the help of several people together in association. Which CEO Anders Christian Dam is instrumental in.

Lars Rohde. Director of Denmark’s National Bank. Image is from Denmarks Nationalbank’s press photos


Advarsel mod Jyske Bank A/S der står bag omfattende og udsperkuleret bedrageri mod bankens kunder.



JYSKE BANK A/S HAR LAVET OG ELLER BRUGT. 1. Bedrageri. SVIG 2. Bondefangeri. 3. Dokument falsk. FALSK. 4. Vildledning. 5. Udnyttelse. 6. Lyver for kunde. 7. Vanhjemmel. 8. Bestikkelse / returkommission. Som da Jyske Bank Bestak Lundgrens advokater til at morarbejde den klient, som havde ansat Lundgrens til at fremlægge en sag om svig og falsk mod Jyske Bank A/S 9. Retsmisbrug. 10. Misbrugt adgang til Tinglysningsretten. 11. Fuldmagt misbrug. 12. Ond tro. 13. XXXXXXX. 14. Mandag svig. 15. Lyver overfor Penge Institut ankenævnet. 16. Lyver overfor domstolen. 17. Kan vel skrive MAGT MISBRUG, også. 18. Har taget overpant og sikkerheder for omkring 12 millioner, for en gæld på ca. 3 millioner, hvor der der givet pant i min ejendom på 3 millioner, et pantebrev Jyske Bank A/S iøvrigt ikke vil udlevere uden at stille krav, og det på trods af at jeg ikke skylder Jyske Bank noget som helst. 19. Nægter at udlevere de dokumenter hvori jeg private tidligere har givet Jyske Bank sikkerhed og kaution for selskabet, der

Lars Stensgaard Mørch. Jyske Bank A/S.
foto Jyske Bank.

Jeg kan ikke hamle op med korruption og kammerateri helt op i myndighederne herunder Statsministeriet, Finansministeriet, Finanstilsynet, Justitsministeriet og Domstolsstyrelsen samt Rigspolitiet, som styre hvem der i Danmark skal overholde lovgivningen. Det er klart at den danske stat ved folketinget, samlede set ikke ønsker at danske banker som bevisligt laver kriminalitet bliver straffet, efter det i 2013 blev aftalt at de største danske banker herunder Jyske Bank A/S ikke måtte gå konkurs, så hellere dække over Jyske Banks forbrydelser.. Hvis Jyske Bank ikke har lavet dokument falsk og bedrageri som er fremlagt for politiet der nægter at efterforske Jyske Bank A/S. Jeg opfordre Jyske Bank til at føre en injurier sag, og siger det kan give op til 2 års fængsel. hvis ikke jeg har skrevet sandt - Jyske Bank A/S Helsingør bag omfattende bedrageri udført af mindst. Jeanett Kofoed-Hansen og Nicolai Hansen. Og det med hjælp fra mindst Casper Dam Olsen. Anette Kirkeby. Søren Woergaard. Morten Ulrik Gade. Birgit Buch Thuesen. Philip Baruch. CEO Anders Christian Dam.

Anders Christian Dam. Jyske Bank.
foto Jyske Bank.

Jeg kan ikke hamle op med korruption og kammerateri helt op i myndighederne herunder Statsministeriet, Finansministeriet, Finanstilsynet, Justitsministeriet og Domstolsstyrelsen samt Rigspolitiet, som styre hvem der i Danmark skal overholde lovgivningen. Det er klart at den danske stat ved folketinget, samlede set ikke ønsker at danske banker som bevisligt laver kriminalitet bliver straffet, efter det i 2013 blev aftalt at de største danske banker herunder Jyske Bank A/S ikke måtte gå konkurs, så hellere dække over Jyske Banks forbrydelser.. Hvis Jyske Bank ikke har lavet dokument falsk og bedrageri som er fremlagt for politiet der nægter at efterforske Jyske Bank A/S. Jeg opfordre Jyske Bank til at føre en injurier sag, og siger det kan give op til 2 års fængsel. hvis ikke jeg har skrevet sandt - Jyske Bank A/S Helsingør bag omfattende bedrageri udført af mindst. Jeanett Kofoed-Hansen og Nicolai Hansen. Og det med hjælp fra mindst Casper Dam Olsen. Anette Kirkeby. Søren Woergaard. Morten Ulrik Gade. Birgit Buch Thuesen. Philip Baruch. CEO Anders Christian Dam.

Niels Erik Jakobsen. Jyske Bank.
foto Jyske Bank.

Jeg kan ikke hamle op med korruption og kammerateri helt op i myndighederne herunder Statsministeriet, Finansministeriet, Finanstilsynet, Justitsministeriet og Domstolsstyrelsen samt Rigspolitiet, som styre hvem der i Danmark skal overholde lovgivningen. Det er klart at den danske stat ved folketinget, samlede set ikke ønsker at danske banker som bevisligt laver kriminalitet bliver straffet, efter det i 2013 blev aftalt at de største danske banker herunder Jyske Bank A/S ikke måtte gå konkurs, så hellere dække over Jyske Banks forbrydelser.. Hvis Jyske Bank ikke har lavet dokument falsk og bedrageri som er fremlagt for politiet der nægter at efterforske Jyske Bank A/S. Jeg opfordre Jyske Bank til at føre en injurier sag, og siger det kan give op til 2 års fængsel. hvis ikke jeg har skrevet sandt - Jyske Bank A/S Helsingør bag omfattende bedrageri udført af mindst. Jeanett Kofoed-Hansen og Nicolai Hansen. Og det med hjælp fra mindst Casper Dam Olsen. Anette Kirkeby. Søren Woergaard. Morten Ulrik Gade. Birgit Buch Thuesen. Philip Baruch. CEO Anders Christian Dam.

Per Skovhus. Jyske Bank.
foto Jyske Bank.

Jeg kan ikke hamle op med korruption og kammerateri helt op i myndighederne herunder Statsministeriet, Finansministeriet, Finanstilsynet, Justitsministeriet og Domstolsstyrelsen samt Rigspolitiet, som styre hvem der i Danmark skal overholde lovgivningen. Det er klart at den danske stat ved folketinget, samlede set ikke ønsker at danske banker som bevisligt laver kriminalitet bliver straffet, efter det i 2013 blev aftalt at de største danske banker herunder Jyske Bank A/S ikke måtte gå konkurs, så hellere dække over Jyske Banks forbrydelser.. Hvis Jyske Bank ikke har lavet dokument falsk og bedrageri som er fremlagt for politiet der nægter at efterforske Jyske Bank A/S. Jeg opfordre Jyske Bank til at føre en injurier sag, og siger det kan give op til 2 års fængsel. hvis ikke jeg har skrevet sandt - Jyske Bank A/S Helsingør bag omfattende bedrageri udført af mindst. Jeanett Kofoed-Hansen og Nicolai Hansen. Og det med hjælp fra mindst Casper Dam Olsen. Anette Kirkeby. Søren Woergaard. Morten Ulrik Gade. Birgit Buch Thuesen. Philip Baruch. CEO Anders Christian Dam.

Peter Schleidt. Jyske Bank.
foto Jyske Bank.

Jeg kan ikke hamle op med korruption og kammerateri helt op i myndighederne herunder Statsministeriet, Finansministeriet, Finanstilsynet, Justitsministeriet og Domstolsstyrelsen samt Rigspolitiet, som styre hvem der i Danmark skal overholde lovgivningen. Det er klart at den danske stat ved folketinget, samlede set ikke ønsker at danske banker som bevisligt laver kriminalitet bliver straffet, efter det i 2013 blev aftalt at de største danske banker herunder Jyske Bank A/S ikke måtte gå konkurs, så hellere dække over Jyske Banks forbrydelser.. Hvis Jyske Bank ikke har lavet dokument falsk og bedrageri som er fremlagt for politiet der nægter at efterforske Jyske Bank A/S. Jeg opfordre Jyske Bank til at føre en injurier sag, og siger det kan give op til 2 års fængsel. hvis ikke jeg har skrevet sandt - Jyske Bank A/S Helsingør bag omfattende bedrageri udført af mindst. Jeanett Kofoed-Hansen og Nicolai Hansen. Og det med hjælp fra mindst Casper Dam Olsen. Anette Kirkeby. Søren Woergaard. Morten Ulrik Gade. Birgit Buch Thuesen. Philip Baruch. CEO Anders Christian Dam.

Kurt Bligaard Pedersen. Jyske Bank.
foto Jyske Bank.

Jeg kan ikke hamle op med korruption og kammerateri helt op i myndighederne herunder Statsministeriet, Finansministeriet, Finanstilsynet, Justitsministeriet og Domstolsstyrelsen samt Rigspolitiet, som styre hvem der i Danmark skal overholde lovgivningen. Det er klart at den danske stat ved folketinget, samlede set ikke ønsker at danske banker som bevisligt laver kriminalitet bliver straffet, efter det i 2013 blev aftalt at de største danske banker herunder Jyske Bank A/S ikke måtte gå konkurs, så hellere dække over Jyske Banks forbrydelser.. Hvis Jyske Bank ikke har lavet dokument falsk og bedrageri som er fremlagt for politiet der nægter at efterforske Jyske Bank A/S. Jeg opfordre Jyske Bank til at føre en injurier sag, og siger det kan give op til 2 års fængsel. hvis ikke jeg har skrevet sandt - Jyske Bank A/S Helsingør bag omfattende bedrageri udført af mindst. Jeanett Kofoed-Hansen og Nicolai Hansen. Og det med hjælp fra mindst Casper Dam Olsen. Anette Kirkeby. Søren Woergaard. Morten Ulrik Gade. Birgit Buch Thuesen. Philip Baruch. CEO Anders Christian Dam.

Keld Norup. Jyske Bank.
foto Jyske Bank.

Jeg kan ikke hamle op med korruption og kammerateri helt op i myndighederne herunder Statsministeriet, Finansministeriet, Finanstilsynet, Justitsministeriet og Domstolsstyrelsen samt Rigspolitiet, som styre hvem der i Danmark skal overholde lovgivningen. Det er klart at den danske stat ved folketinget, samlede set ikke ønsker at danske banker som bevisligt laver kriminalitet bliver straffet, efter det i 2013 blev aftalt at de største danske banker herunder Jyske Bank A/S ikke måtte gå konkurs, så hellere dække over Jyske Banks forbrydelser.. Hvis Jyske Bank ikke har lavet dokument falsk og bedrageri som er fremlagt for politiet der nægter at efterforske Jyske Bank A/S. Jeg opfordre Jyske Bank til at føre en injurier sag, og siger det kan give op til 2 års fængsel. hvis ikke jeg har skrevet sandt - Jyske Bank A/S Helsingør bag omfattende bedrageri udført af mindst. Jeanett Kofoed-Hansen og Nicolai Hansen. Og det med hjælp fra mindst Casper Dam Olsen. Anette Kirkeby. Søren Woergaard. Morten Ulrik Gade. Birgit Buch Thuesen. Philip Baruch. CEO Anders Christian Dam.

Rina Asmussen. Jyske Bank.
foto Jyske Bank.

Jeg kan ikke hamle op med korruption og kammerateri helt op i myndighederne herunder Statsministeriet, Finansministeriet, Finanstilsynet, Justitsministeriet og Domstolsstyrelsen samt Rigspolitiet, som styre hvem der i Danmark skal overholde lovgivningen. Det er klart at den danske stat ved folketinget, samlede set ikke ønsker at danske banker som bevisligt laver kriminalitet bliver straffet, efter det i 2013 blev aftalt at de største danske banker herunder Jyske Bank A/S ikke måtte gå konkurs, så hellere dække over Jyske Banks forbrydelser.. Hvis Jyske Bank ikke har lavet dokument falsk og bedrageri som er fremlagt for politiet der nægter at efterforske Jyske Bank A/S. Jeg opfordre Jyske Bank til at føre en injurier sag, og siger det kan give op til 2 års fængsel. hvis ikke jeg har skrevet sandt - Jyske Bank A/S Helsingør bag omfattende bedrageri udført af mindst. Jeanett Kofoed-Hansen og Nicolai Hansen. Og det med hjælp fra mindst Casper Dam Olsen. Anette Kirkeby. Søren Woergaard. Morten Ulrik Gade. Birgit Buch Thuesen. Philip Baruch. CEO Anders Christian Dam.

Anker Laden-Andersen. Jyske Bank.
foto Jyske Bank.

Jeg kan ikke hamle op med korruption og kammerateri helt op i myndighederne herunder Statsministeriet, Finansministeriet, Finanstilsynet, Justitsministeriet og Domstolsstyrelsen samt Rigspolitiet, som styre hvem der i Danmark skal overholde lovgivningen. Det er klart at den danske stat ved folketinget, samlede set ikke ønsker at danske banker som bevisligt laver kriminalitet bliver straffet, efter det i 2013 blev aftalt at de største danske banker herunder Jyske Bank A/S ikke måtte gå konkurs, så hellere dække over Jyske Banks forbrydelser.. Hvis Jyske Bank ikke har lavet dokument falsk og bedrageri som er fremlagt for politiet der nægter at efterforske Jyske Bank A/S. Jeg opfordre Jyske Bank til at føre en injurier sag, og siger det kan give op til 2 års fængsel. hvis ikke jeg har skrevet sandt - Jyske Bank A/S Helsingør bag omfattende bedrageri udført af mindst. Jeanett Kofoed-Hansen og Nicolai Hansen. Og det med hjælp fra mindst Casper Dam Olsen. Anette Kirkeby. Søren Woergaard. Morten Ulrik Gade. Birgit Buch Thuesen. Philip Baruch. CEO Anders Christian Dam.

Per Schnack. Jyske Bank.
foto Jyske Bank.

Jeg kan ikke hamle op med korruption og kammerateri helt op i myndighederne herunder Statsministeriet, Finansministeriet, Finanstilsynet, Justitsministeriet og Domstolsstyrelsen samt Rigspolitiet, som styre hvem der i Danmark skal overholde lovgivningen. Det er klart at den danske stat ved folketinget, samlede set ikke ønsker at danske banker som bevisligt laver kriminalitet bliver straffet, efter det i 2013 blev aftalt at de største danske banker herunder Jyske Bank A/S ikke måtte gå konkurs, så hellere dække over Jyske Banks forbrydelser.. Hvis Jyske Bank ikke har lavet dokument falsk og bedrageri som er fremlagt for politiet der nægter at efterforske Jyske Bank A/S. Jeg opfordre Jyske Bank til at føre en injurier sag, og siger det kan give op til 2 års fængsel. hvis ikke jeg har skrevet sandt - Jyske Bank A/S Helsingør bag omfattende bedrageri udført af mindst. Jeanett Kofoed-Hansen og Nicolai Hansen. Og det med hjælp fra mindst Casper Dam Olsen. Anette Kirkeby. Søren Woergaard. Morten Ulrik Gade. Birgit Buch Thuesen. Philip Baruch. CEO Anders Christian Dam.

Bente Overgaard. Jyske Bank. CBS
foto Jyske Bank.

Jeg kan ikke hamle op med korruption og kammerateri helt op i myndighederne herunder Statsministeriet, Finansministeriet, Finanstilsynet, Justitsministeriet og Domstolsstyrelsen samt Rigspolitiet, som styre hvem der i Danmark skal overholde lovgivningen. Det er klart at den danske stat ved folketinget, samlede set ikke ønsker at danske banker som bevisligt laver kriminalitet bliver straffet, efter det i 2013 blev aftalt at de største danske banker herunder Jyske Bank A/S ikke måtte gå konkurs, så hellere dække over Jyske Banks forbrydelser.. Hvis Jyske Bank ikke har lavet dokument falsk og bedrageri som er fremlagt for politiet der nægter at efterforske Jyske Bank A/S. Jeg opfordre Jyske Bank til at føre en injurier sag, og siger det kan give op til 2 års fængsel. hvis ikke jeg har skrevet sandt - Jyske Bank A/S Helsingør bag omfattende bedrageri udført af mindst. Jeanett Kofoed-Hansen og Nicolai Hansen. Og det med hjælp fra mindst Casper Dam Olsen. Anette Kirkeby. Søren Woergaard. Morten Ulrik Gade. Birgit Buch Thuesen. Philip Baruch. CEO Anders Christian Dam.

Marianne Lillevang. Jyske Bank.
foto Jyske Bank.

Jeg kan ikke hamle op med korruption og kammerateri helt op i myndighederne herunder Statsministeriet, Finansministeriet, Finanstilsynet, Justitsministeriet og Domstolsstyrelsen samt Rigspolitiet, som styre hvem der i Danmark skal overholde lovgivningen. Det er klart at den danske stat ved folketinget, samlede set ikke ønsker at danske banker som bevisligt laver kriminalitet bliver straffet, efter det i 2013 blev aftalt at de største danske banker herunder Jyske Bank A/S ikke måtte gå konkurs, så hellere dække over Jyske Banks forbrydelser.. Hvis Jyske Bank ikke har lavet dokument falsk og bedrageri som er fremlagt for politiet der nægter at efterforske Jyske Bank A/S. Jeg opfordre Jyske Bank til at føre en injurier sag, og siger det kan give op til 2 års fængsel. hvis ikke jeg har skrevet sandt - Jyske Bank A/S Helsingør bag omfattende bedrageri udført af mindst. Jeanett Kofoed-Hansen og Nicolai Hansen. Og det med hjælp fra mindst Casper Dam Olsen. Anette Kirkeby. Søren Woergaard. Morten Ulrik Gade. Birgit Buch Thuesen. Philip Baruch. CEO Anders Christian Dam.

Johnny Christensen. Jyske Bank.
foto Jyske Bank.

Jeg kan ikke hamle op med korruption og kammerateri helt op i myndighederne herunder Statsministeriet, Finansministeriet, Finanstilsynet, Justitsministeriet og Domstolsstyrelsen samt Rigspolitiet, som styre hvem der i Danmark skal overholde lovgivningen. Det er klart at den danske stat ved folketinget, samlede set ikke ønsker at danske banker som bevisligt laver kriminalitet bliver straffet, efter det i 2013 blev aftalt at de største danske banker herunder Jyske Bank A/S ikke måtte gå konkurs, så hellere dække over Jyske Banks forbrydelser.. Hvis Jyske Bank ikke har lavet dokument falsk og bedrageri som er fremlagt for politiet der nægter at efterforske Jyske Bank A/S. Jeg opfordre Jyske Bank til at føre en injurier sag, og siger det kan give op til 2 års fængsel. hvis ikke jeg har skrevet sandt - Jyske Bank A/S Helsingør bag omfattende bedrageri udført af mindst. Jeanett Kofoed-Hansen og Nicolai Hansen. Og det med hjælp fra mindst Casper Dam Olsen. Anette Kirkeby. Søren Woergaard. Morten Ulrik Gade. Birgit Buch Thuesen. Philip Baruch. CEO Anders Christian Dam.

Michael C. Mariegaard. Jyske Bank.
foto Jyske Bank.

How does the European Central Bank respond to information, that the Danish state and the government have politically, together with Denmark’s Narionalbank, opposed and covered up for years, that Denmark’s second largest bank, Jyske Bank A/S is behind organized crime against the bank’s customers, by using fraud, forgery and bribery in some of the bank’s Jyske Bank’s business methods. Carsten Storbjerg who himself has been in charge of the investigation into Jyske Bank’s criminal actions, which the Danish State through the National Police and the Financial Supervisory Authority has opposed was investigated. Therefore the victim alone has had to fight against the criminal Jyske bank, and also be responsible for the investigation, as both the police, the Financial Supervisory Authority and other authorities, as well as the government have refused to help the victim of Jyske Bank’s criminality. Since all Danish authorities have resisted or refused to talk to the victim of Jyske Bank A/S crimes. And at the same time the authorities have refused to investigate Jyske Bank, and have also refused to rule on some of the crimes that the victim has presented to the Danish authorities. And in this way it shows, that in Denmark the Danish state covers criminal banks, so it is only natural to involve the ECB. The European Central Bank, for their stance on banks that demonstrably commit organized fraud, and use bribes to avoid the customer being presented with their claims. It is a scandal for Denmark, and if the Danske Nationalbank does not stop covering up Jyske Bank’s crimes and acts on the information the bank has received, the Danish state will have to start removing a lot of laws, as Jyske Bank obviously sets the agenda for about Fraud, Document forgery, Bribery, Mandate fraud, and much more is actually allowed, or is it just the victim Carsten Storbjerg who does not understand the laws, that obviously do not apply when Danish banks expose their customers to fraud. Jyske Bank’s crimes that Carsten Storbjerg cannot understand the Danish state, the the Danish Nationalbank, the Financial Supervisory Authority, the Government, and even Danish judges, where several of whom themselves cover up Jyske Bank’s crimes. It makes sense to write my book about the corruption in Denmark, around the fact that the Danish state is clearly covering up the criminal Danish Bank’s, but right now, I just want to present my evidence of Jyske Bank’s criminal actions to the National Bank, and afterwards I want to request the Danish Prime Minister for a similar meeting. Because it is not reasonable that the victims of Danish banks’ criminal offenses have no legal certainty in Denmark. In this way the Danish authorities violate the legal security of the Danes, when the Danish banks deceive their customers,, and the Danish politicians together with the authorities passively cover up these crimes. The reason for Carstens Storbjerg has made a request to Denmarks Nationalbank director Lars Rohde, is to hand over and present to the National Bank documentation that Jyske Bank is criminal. You can find links to these emails f

Jeanett Kofoed-Hansen en af dem der for Jyske Bank, har stået bag omfattende bedrageri og som har lavet dokument falsk og misbrugt bortfaldet fuldmagt, for at tinglyse lån der aldrig har en eksisteret, for at Jyske Bank kunne lave omfattende bedrageri mod bankens kunder. Jyske Bank A/S.
foto Jyske Bank.


How does the European Central Bank respond to information, that the Danish state and the government have politically, together with Denmark’s Narionalbank, opposed and covered up for years, that Denmark’s second largest bank, Jyske Bank A/S is behind organized crime against the bank’s customers, by using fraud, forgery and bribery in some of the bank’s Jyske Bank’s business methods. Carsten Storbjerg who himself has been in charge of the investigation into Jyske Bank’s criminal actions, which the Danish State through the National Police and the Financial Supervisory Authority has opposed was investigated. Therefore the victim alone has had to fight against the criminal Jyske bank, and also be responsible for the investigation, as both the police, the Financial Supervisory Authority and other authorities, as well as the government have refused to help the victim of Jyske Bank’s criminality. Since all Danish authorities have resisted or refused to talk to the victim of Jyske Bank A/S crimes. And at the same time the authorities have refused to investigate Jyske Bank, and have also refused to rule on some of the crimes that the victim has presented to the Danish authorities. And in this way it shows, that in Denmark the Danish state covers criminal banks, so it is only natural to involve the ECB. The European Central Bank, for their stance on banks that demonstrably commit organized fraud, and use bribes to avoid the customer being presented with their claims. It is a scandal for Denmark, and if the Danske Nationalbank does not stop covering up Jyske Bank’s crimes and acts on the information the bank has received, the Danish state will have to start removing a lot of laws, as Jyske Bank obviously sets the agenda for about Fraud, Document forgery, Bribery, Mandate fraud, and much more is actually allowed, or is it just the victim Carsten Storbjerg who does not understand the laws, that obviously do not apply when Danish banks expose their customers to fraud. Jyske Bank’s crimes that Carsten Storbjerg cannot understand the Danish state, the the Danish Nationalbank, the Financial Supervisory Authority, the Government, and even Danish judges, where several of whom themselves cover up Jyske Bank’s crimes. It makes sense to write my book about the corruption in Denmark, around the fact that the Danish state is clearly covering up the criminal Danish Bank’s, but right now, I just want to present my evidence of Jyske Bank’s criminal actions to the National Bank, and afterwards I want to request the Danish Prime Minister for a similar meeting. Because it is not reasonable that the victims of Danish banks’ criminal offenses have no legal certainty in Denmark. In this way the Danish authorities violate the legal security of the Danes, when the Danish banks deceive their customers,, and the Danish politicians together with the authorities passively cover up these crimes. The reason for Carstens Storbjerg has made a request to Denmarks Nationalbank director Lars Rohde, is to hand over and present to the National Bank documentation that Jyske Bank is criminal. You can find links to these emails f

Birgit Buch Thuesen, en af dem der har hjulpet Jeanett Kofoed-Hansen og Nicolai Hansen med at dække over omfattende, og systematisk bedrageri mod bankens kunder.
Jyske bank A/S.
Foto privat Facebook Profil.

How does the European Central Bank respond to information, that the Danish state and the government have politically, together with Denmark’s Narionalbank, opposed and covered up for years, that Denmark’s second largest bank, Jyske Bank A/S is behind organized crime against the bank’s customers, by using fraud, forgery and bribery in some of the bank’s Jyske Bank’s business methods. Carsten Storbjerg who himself has been in charge of the investigation into Jyske Bank’s criminal actions, which the Danish State through the National Police and the Financial Supervisory Authority has opposed was investigated. Therefore the victim alone has had to fight against the criminal Jyske bank, and also be responsible for the investigation, as both the police, the Financial Supervisory Authority and other authorities, as well as the government have refused to help the victim of Jyske Bank’s criminality. Since all Danish authorities have resisted or refused to talk to the victim of Jyske Bank A/S crimes. And at the same time the authorities have refused to investigate Jyske Bank, and have also refused to rule on some of the crimes that the victim has presented to the Danish authorities. And in this way it shows, that in Denmark the Danish state covers criminal banks, so it is only natural to involve the ECB. The European Central Bank, for their stance on banks that demonstrably commit organized fraud, and use bribes to avoid the customer being presented with their claims. It is a scandal for Denmark, and if the Danske Nationalbank does not stop covering up Jyske Bank’s crimes and acts on the information the bank has received, the Danish state will have to start removing a lot of laws, as Jyske Bank obviously sets the agenda for about Fraud, Document forgery, Bribery, Mandate fraud, and much more is actually allowed, or is it just the victim Carsten Storbjerg who does not understand the laws, that obviously do not apply when Danish banks expose their customers to fraud. Jyske Bank’s crimes that Carsten Storbjerg cannot understand the Danish state, the the Danish Nationalbank, the Financial Supervisory Authority, the Government, and even Danish judges, where several of whom themselves cover up Jyske Bank’s crimes. It makes sense to write my book about the corruption in Denmark, around the fact that the Danish state is clearly covering up the criminal Danish Bank’s, but right now, I just want to present my evidence of Jyske Bank’s criminal actions to the National Bank, and afterwards I want to request the Danish Prime Minister for a similar meeting. Because it is not reasonable that the victims of Danish banks’ criminal offenses have no legal certainty in Denmark. In this way the Danish authorities violate the legal security of the Danes, when the Danish banks deceive their customers,, and the Danish politicians together with the authorities passively cover up these crimes. The reason for Carstens Storbjerg has made a request to Denmarks Nationalbank director Lars Rohde, is to hand over and present to the National Bank documentation that Jyske Bank is criminal. You can find links to these emails f

Line Braad Winding
Jyske Bank A/S.
foto Jyske Bank.

How does the European Central Bank respond to information, that the Danish state and the government have politically, together with Denmark’s Narionalbank, opposed and covered up for years, that Denmark’s second largest bank, Jyske Bank A/S is behind organized crime against the bank’s customers, by using fraud, forgery and bribery in some of the bank’s Jyske Bank’s business methods. Carsten Storbjerg who himself has been in charge of the investigation into Jyske Bank’s criminal actions, which the Danish State through the National Police and the Financial Supervisory Authority has opposed was investigated. Therefore the victim alone has had to fight against the criminal Jyske bank, and also be responsible for the investigation, as both the police, the Financial Supervisory Authority and other authorities, as well as the government have refused to help the victim of Jyske Bank’s criminality. Since all Danish authorities have resisted or refused to talk to the victim of Jyske Bank A/S crimes. And at the same time the authorities have refused to investigate Jyske Bank, and have also refused to rule on some of the crimes that the victim has presented to the Danish authorities. And in this way it shows, that in Denmark the Danish state covers criminal banks, so it is only natural to involve the ECB. The European Central Bank, for their stance on banks that demonstrably commit organized fraud, and use bribes to avoid the customer being presented with their claims. It is a scandal for Denmark, and if the Danske Nationalbank does not stop covering up Jyske Bank’s crimes and acts on the information the bank has received, the Danish state will have to start removing a lot of laws, as Jyske Bank obviously sets the agenda for about Fraud, Document forgery, Bribery, Mandate fraud, and much more is actually allowed, or is it just the victim Carsten Storbjerg who does not understand the laws, that obviously do not apply when Danish banks expose their customers to fraud. Jyske Bank’s crimes that Carsten Storbjerg cannot understand the Danish state, the the Danish Nationalbank, the Financial Supervisory Authority, the Government, and even Danish judges, where several of whom themselves cover up Jyske Bank’s crimes. It makes sense to write my book about the corruption in Denmark, around the fact that the Danish state is clearly covering up the criminal Danish Bank’s, but right now, I just want to present my evidence of Jyske Bank’s criminal actions to the National Bank, and afterwards I want to request the Danish Prime Minister for a similar meeting. Because it is not reasonable that the victims of Danish banks’ criminal offenses have no legal certainty in Denmark. In this way the Danish authorities violate the legal security of the Danes, when the Danish banks deceive their customers,, and the Danish politicians together with the authorities passively cover up these crimes. The reason for Carstens Storbjerg has made a request to Denmarks Nationalbank director Lars Rohde, is to hand over and present to the National Bank documentation that Jyske Bank is criminal. You can find links to these emails f

Anette Kirkeby en af dem der for Jyske Bank, har bistået Nicolai Hansen Jeanett Kofoed-Hansen med at udføre omfattende bedrageri mod bankens kunder.
Jyske Bank A/S.
foto Jyske Bank.

How does the European Central Bank respond to information, that the Danish state and the government have politically, together with Denmark’s Narionalbank, opposed and covered up for years, that Denmark’s second largest bank, Jyske Bank A/S is behind organized crime against the bank’s customers, by using fraud, forgery and bribery in some of the bank’s Jyske Bank’s business methods. Carsten Storbjerg who himself has been in charge of the investigation into Jyske Bank’s criminal actions, which the Danish State through the National Police and the Financial Supervisory Authority has opposed was investigated. Therefore the victim alone has had to fight against the criminal Jyske bank, and also be responsible for the investigation, as both the police, the Financial Supervisory Authority and other authorities, as well as the government have refused to help the victim of Jyske Bank’s criminality. Since all Danish authorities have resisted or refused to talk to the victim of Jyske Bank A/S crimes. And at the same time the authorities have refused to investigate Jyske Bank, and have also refused to rule on some of the crimes that the victim has presented to the Danish authorities. And in this way it shows, that in Denmark the Danish state covers criminal banks, so it is only natural to involve the ECB. The European Central Bank, for their stance on banks that demonstrably commit organized fraud, and use bribes to avoid the customer being presented with their claims. It is a scandal for Denmark, and if the Danske Nationalbank does not stop covering up Jyske Bank’s crimes and acts on the information the bank has received, the Danish state will have to start removing a lot of laws, as Jyske Bank obviously sets the agenda for about Fraud, Document forgery, Bribery, Mandate fraud, and much more is actually allowed, or is it just the victim Carsten Storbjerg who does not understand the laws, that obviously do not apply when Danish banks expose their customers to fraud. Jyske Bank’s crimes that Carsten Storbjerg cannot understand the Danish state, the the Danish Nationalbank, the Financial Supervisory Authority, the Government, and even Danish judges, where several of whom themselves cover up Jyske Bank’s crimes. It makes sense to write my book about the corruption in Denmark, around the fact that the Danish state is clearly covering up the criminal Danish Bank’s, but right now, I just want to present my evidence of Jyske Bank’s criminal actions to the National Bank, and afterwards I want to request the Danish Prime Minister for a similar meeting. Because it is not reasonable that the victims of Danish banks’ criminal offenses have no legal certainty in Denmark. In this way the Danish authorities violate the legal security of the Danes, when the Danish banks deceive their customers,, and the Danish politicians together with the authorities passively cover up these crimes. The reason for Carstens Storbjerg has made a request to Denmarks Nationalbank director Lars Rohde, is to hand over and present to the National Bank documentation that Jyske Bank is criminal. You can find links to these emails f

Tina Agergaard
Jyske Bank A/S.
foto Jyske Bank.

How does the European Central Bank respond to information, that the Danish state and the government have politically, together with Denmark’s Narionalbank, opposed and covered up for years, that Denmark’s second largest bank, Jyske Bank A/S is behind organized crime against the bank’s customers, by using fraud, forgery and bribery in some of the bank’s Jyske Bank’s business methods. Carsten Storbjerg who himself has been in charge of the investigation into Jyske Bank’s criminal actions, which the Danish State through the National Police and the Financial Supervisory Authority has opposed was investigated. Therefore the victim alone has had to fight against the criminal Jyske bank, and also be responsible for the investigation, as both the police, the Financial Supervisory Authority and other authorities, as well as the government have refused to help the victim of Jyske Bank’s criminality. Since all Danish authorities have resisted or refused to talk to the victim of Jyske Bank A/S crimes. And at the same time the authorities have refused to investigate Jyske Bank, and have also refused to rule on some of the crimes that the victim has presented to the Danish authorities. And in this way it shows, that in Denmark the Danish state covers criminal banks, so it is only natural to involve the ECB. The European Central Bank, for their stance on banks that demonstrably commit organized fraud, and use bribes to avoid the customer being presented with their claims. It is a scandal for Denmark, and if the Danske Nationalbank does not stop covering up Jyske Bank’s crimes and acts on the information the bank has received, the Danish state will have to start removing a lot of laws, as Jyske Bank obviously sets the agenda for about Fraud, Document forgery, Bribery, Mandate fraud, and much more is actually allowed, or is it just the victim Carsten Storbjerg who does not understand the laws, that obviously do not apply when Danish banks expose their customers to fraud. Jyske Bank’s crimes that Carsten Storbjerg cannot understand the Danish state, the the Danish Nationalbank, the Financial Supervisory Authority, the Government, and even Danish judges, where several of whom themselves cover up Jyske Bank’s crimes. It makes sense to write my book about the corruption in Denmark, around the fact that the Danish state is clearly covering up the criminal Danish Bank’s, but right now, I just want to present my evidence of Jyske Bank’s criminal actions to the National Bank, and afterwards I want to request the Danish Prime Minister for a similar meeting. Because it is not reasonable that the victims of Danish banks’ criminal offenses have no legal certainty in Denmark. In this way the Danish authorities violate the legal security of the Danes, when the Danish banks deceive their customers,, and the Danish politicians together with the authorities passively cover up these crimes. The reason for Carstens Storbjerg has made a request to Denmarks Nationalbank director Lars Rohde, is to hand over and present to the National Bank documentation that Jyske Bank is criminal. You can find links to these emails f

Søren Woergaard en af de ansvarlige, der for Jyske Bank, har støttet de kriminelle bag omfattende bedrageri mod bankens kunder.
Jyske Bank A/S.
foto Jyske Bank.

How does the European Central Bank respond to information, that the Danish state and the government have politically, together with Denmark’s Narionalbank, opposed and covered up for years, that Denmark’s second largest bank, Jyske Bank A/S is behind organized crime against the bank’s customers, by using fraud, forgery and bribery in some of the bank’s Jyske Bank’s business methods. Carsten Storbjerg who himself has been in charge of the investigation into Jyske Bank’s criminal actions, which the Danish State through the National Police and the Financial Supervisory Authority has opposed was investigated. Therefore the victim alone has had to fight against the criminal Jyske bank, and also be responsible for the investigation, as both the police, the Financial Supervisory Authority and other authorities, as well as the government have refused to help the victim of Jyske Bank’s criminality. Since all Danish authorities have resisted or refused to talk to the victim of Jyske Bank A/S crimes. And at the same time the authorities have refused to investigate Jyske Bank, and have also refused to rule on some of the crimes that the victim has presented to the Danish authorities. And in this way it shows, that in Denmark the Danish state covers criminal banks, so it is only natural to involve the ECB. The European Central Bank, for their stance on banks that demonstrably commit organized fraud, and use bribes to avoid the customer being presented with their claims. It is a scandal for Denmark, and if the Danske Nationalbank does not stop covering up Jyske Bank’s crimes and acts on the information the bank has received, the Danish state will have to start removing a lot of laws, as Jyske Bank obviously sets the agenda for about Fraud, Document forgery, Bribery, Mandate fraud, and much more is actually allowed, or is it just the victim Carsten Storbjerg who does not understand the laws, that obviously do not apply when Danish banks expose their customers to fraud. Jyske Bank’s crimes that Carsten Storbjerg cannot understand the Danish state, the the Danish Nationalbank, the Financial Supervisory Authority, the Government, and even Danish judges, where several of whom themselves cover up Jyske Bank’s crimes. It makes sense to write my book about the corruption in Denmark, around the fact that the Danish state is clearly covering up the criminal Danish Bank’s, but right now, I just want to present my evidence of Jyske Bank’s criminal actions to the National Bank, and afterwards I want to request the Danish Prime Minister for a similar meeting. Because it is not reasonable that the victims of Danish banks’ criminal offenses have no legal certainty in Denmark. In this way the Danish authorities violate the legal security of the Danes, when the Danish banks deceive their customers,, and the Danish politicians together with the authorities passively cover up these crimes. The reason for Carstens Storbjerg has made a request to Denmarks Nationalbank director Lars Rohde, is to hand over and present to the National Bank documentation that Jyske Bank is criminal. You can find links to these emails f

Nicolai Hansen en af dem der for Jyske Bank, har stået bag omfattende bedrageri mod bankens kunder.
Jyske Bank A/S.
foto Jyske Bank.

How does the European Central Bank respond to information, that the Danish state and the government have politically, together with Denmark’s Narionalbank, opposed and covered up for years, that Denmark’s second largest bank, Jyske Bank A/S is behind organized crime against the bank’s customers, by using fraud, forgery and bribery in some of the bank’s Jyske Bank’s business methods. Carsten Storbjerg who himself has been in charge of the investigation into Jyske Bank’s criminal actions, which the Danish State through the National Police and the Financial Supervisory Authority has opposed was investigated. Therefore the victim alone has had to fight against the criminal Jyske bank, and also be responsible for the investigation, as both the police, the Financial Supervisory Authority and other authorities, as well as the government have refused to help the victim of Jyske Bank’s criminality. Since all Danish authorities have resisted or refused to talk to the victim of Jyske Bank A/S crimes. And at the same time the authorities have refused to investigate Jyske Bank, and have also refused to rule on some of the crimes that the victim has presented to the Danish authorities. And in this way it shows, that in Denmark the Danish state covers criminal banks, so it is only natural to involve the ECB. The European Central Bank, for their stance on banks that demonstrably commit organized fraud, and use bribes to avoid the customer being presented with their claims. It is a scandal for Denmark, and if the Danske Nationalbank does not stop covering up Jyske Bank’s crimes and acts on the information the bank has received, the Danish state will have to start removing a lot of laws, as Jyske Bank obviously sets the agenda for about Fraud, Document forgery, Bribery, Mandate fraud, and much more is actually allowed, or is it just the victim Carsten Storbjerg who does not understand the laws, that obviously do not apply when Danish banks expose their customers to fraud. Jyske Bank’s crimes that Carsten Storbjerg cannot understand the Danish state, the the Danish Nationalbank, the Financial Supervisory Authority, the Government, and even Danish judges, where several of whom themselves cover up Jyske Bank’s crimes. It makes sense to write my book about the corruption in Denmark, around the fact that the Danish state is clearly covering up the criminal Danish Bank’s, but right now, I just want to present my evidence of Jyske Bank’s criminal actions to the National Bank, and afterwards I want to request the Danish Prime Minister for a similar meeting. Because it is not reasonable that the victims of Danish banks’ criminal offenses have no legal certainty in Denmark. In this way the Danish authorities violate the legal security of the Danes, when the Danish banks deceive their customers,, and the Danish politicians together with the authorities passively cover up these crimes. The reason for Carstens Storbjerg has made a request to Denmarks Nationalbank director Lars Rohde, is to hand over and present to the National Bank documentation that Jyske Bank is criminal. You can find links to these emails f

Casper Dam Olsen en af dem der for Jyske Bank, har stået bag omfattende bedrageri mod bankens kunder.
Jyske Bank A/S.
foto Jyske Bank.

Jyske Bank A/S Vestergade 8-16 8600 Silkeborg 29-12-2022. kl. 15.59 Bedes delt med alle i Jyske bank koncernen, og mindst de som er nævnt i de vedhæftet dokumenter. Please share with everyone in the Jyske bank group, and at least those mentioned in the attached documents. The Jyske Bank A/S group. By Anders Christian Dam, Niels Erik Jakobsen, Per Skovhus, Peter Schleidt and Lars Stensgaard Mørch. as well as all the rest of you. My latest video, there will probably be many more, unless you ask me nicely not to. I have hereby canceled the account I have left in the Jyske Bank group, as I do not want to be a customer of a bank that openly commits fraud against the bank's own customers. You can close my account at the end of December 31, 2022. Please read the attached documents, which are a copy of

I hereby wish everyone who follows and reads, a happy New Year, and remember if you are a ghost writer, or if you know someone who wants to write my story, or help me write the book about corruption in Denmark, please contact me Greetings from me Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup Soevej 5. 3100 Hornbaek. phone +4522227713.