Udsat for bedrageri i Dansk Bank Jyske Bank, mød sammenarbejdes partnerne i Jyske Bank A/S her Som finansiel virksomhed følger Jyske Bank en række retningslinjer om “God skik”. Det betyder blandt andet, at vi oplyser om, hvilke samarbejdspartnere, der betaler os for formidling og salg af produkter. Se dem herunder: Aarstiderne A/S Jyske Invest PFA Pension A/S Advantage Investment Partners Jyske Realkredit Priority Pass Limited AXA Partners Købstædernes forsikring Realkredit Danmark BankInvest Letpension A/S Schroders Credit Suisse MobilePay A/S SEB Kort A/S Deutsche Bank AG Morgan Stanley Skagen Fondene DLR Kredit A/S Nellemann Leasing Sparinvest/Nykredit Fidelity Investment Managers Nets Danmark A/S Storebrand Franklin Templeton Nordea Kredit Valueinvest GF Forsikring A/S Nykredit Visa Europe JP Morgan Nærpension A/S Visa International Jyske Finans A/S OBH Gruppen A/S Worldline

To The European central bank. Fwd: Can other countries trust a state that like Denmark covers up, that the country's second largest bank Jyske Bank is behind organized fraud against customers, now please come out of the bush and talk to me, let's talk together then I want you help to stop Jyske Bank exposing more customers to fraud.. This Mail is with reference to the many earlier letters that I have written directly to the government / and also that I have sent to the Prime Minister's Office, you still have not responded to a single inquiry. I have a strong suspicion that the Prime Minister will not respond to my requests, since the government as a whole and the parliament "The Folketinget." covers the Danish banks that, like Jyske Bank A/S, commit organized crime.

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