19-05-2016. S.2-5. Appendix 80. CEO Anders Dam asks for access to documents, offers DKK 50,000 in fee for documentation or is confirmed whether Nykredit has borrowed 4,328,000 or not. Jyske Bank refuses to respond. –

In the most prominent money-laundering case, Raul Arashukov, an adviser to the head of a Gazprom subsidiary, was detained on an allegation of stealing Rbs30bn ($460m) worth of gas. His son Rauf Arashukov was also detained. Father and son deny the allegations and remain in detention. While this money-laundering case is unlikely to have led to Monday’s top executive departures, it adds to the unsettled atmosphere at the gas producer. “We are talking about full-scale changes,” a London-based analyst said of the executive departures. “It is unlikely they were linked to the Arashukovs’ case. “But perhaps this case simply exhausted the patience at the top regarding the company’s management.” Kurt Bilgaard Pedersen,

19-05-2016. S.2-5.
Appendix 80. CEO Anders Dam asks for access to documents, offers DKK 50,000 in fee for documentation or is confirmed whether Nykredit has borrowed 4,328,000 or not. Jyske Bank refuses to respond.

The client who has found one lawyer.
Who is alone.
And who is honest.

And would like to help the client bring their case against Jyske Bank A/S for fraud and false in danish court.

Now at least these 5 lawyers.
at Lundgren’s partner company

Dan Terkildsen. Advokat og Partner
Pernille Hellesøe. Team Assistent.
Mette-Marie Nielsen. Fuldmægtig / Elev
Emil Hald Winstrøm. Fuldmægtig / Elev
Sebastian Lysholm Nielsen. Advokat Director

All these in Lundgren’s partner company, has had with our case to do, should so many lawyers at Lundgrens be able to misunderstand, what we have continuously written.

Or have Lundgrens, received a million payments from Jyske Bank A/S
In the form of return commission. just to misunderstand, and ignore everything, which we have constantly written, should be presented in court.

As Thomas Schioldan Sørensen has sent our case and many letters, and emails to Lundgren’s many attorneys, as so also has been able, to see and read the letters which we since February 2016, have been sent to Thomas Schioldan Sørensen rodstenen, about changing the client’s allegations against Jyske Bank A/S for fraud and false.

That Thomas Schioldan Sørensen from Rödstenen has ignored, our new allegations is on thing, but that Lundgrens can be bought by the defendant, to work for the defendant is abhorrent.

And so Lundgrens has even boasted about it on their own website. “by Niels Gram-Hanssen partner”

Although Partner Dan Terkildsen of Lundergren’s lawyers, after they were fired, has written
It is conspiracy theories.

And that Lundgrens has done a great job for us. Then we thought this is similar to more and more damaging business, and it seemed to happen by bribery between some of Denmark’s largest companies.

But here Goliath is up against little David, who does not intend to give up just because Jyske Bank has found political contacts.

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