Besøger Istedgade og får laver en tatovering :-). A case as this, where a regular customer has been fighting against, the Danish bank Jyskebank, through many years, just to avoid the bank’s constant fraud. After 10 years of fraud, and a fight since 2013, still unsuccessful. / However, the customer first discovered, that it was gross fraud in 2016, and after which the bank’s lawyers In Lund Elmer Sandager, and the executive management CEO Anders Christian Dam was informed about the fraud. Expects the customer that the bank “Jyske bank” itself, immediately stops the bank fraud against the customer. / But after 3 years, is the customer become more wise, and must be aware, that the Danish bank will not voluntarily, stop the scam. At least not voluntarily. :-) :-) Here is the fight, with a one single man against a whole army. :-) :-) Remember we have to do, with one of Denmark’s most powerful financial companies.

Svig mod kunder ? Kunde spørger koncernledelsen Sven Buhrækall Kurt Bligaard Pedersen Rina Asmussen Philip Baruch Jens Borup Keld Norup Christina Lykke Munk Johnny Christensen Marianne Lillevang Anders Dam Niels Erik Jakobsen Per Skovhus Peter Schleidt Om det er i orden at jyske bank lyver for kunder. Er koncern ledelsen ikke ansvarlig for dette fortsatte bedrageri :-( :-( Et par søgeord er smuttet med. #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #JeanettKofoed-Hansen #AnetteKirkeby #SørenWoergaaed #Gangcrimes #Crimes #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt

Får lige tatoveret på ryggen
Jyske bank er Danmarks nok største svindel bank

The Danske Bank Jyske Bank in Helsingoer Denmark where the fraud against the bank’s customer began back in 2008/2009 and with the help of Jyske Bank’s branch at Vesterbrogade in Copenhagen

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