The CEO of Anders Christian Dam is probably very scared, for the small customer who accuses Anders Dam of complicity in Jyske Bank’s continuing million fraud Klik and Read 30-09-2019 – – Klik and Read 03-10-2019 Why does the customer suspect that Jyske Bank uses Bribery to disappoint in legal matters? – – The customer himself has to make the final reply on 28-10-2019 and submit their claims to the court. – – Why else does Anders Dam meet as the mighty manager and talk about the evidence against Jyske Bank for gross fraud or fraudulent conduct, which is now presented by the customer himself in the case. – If Anders Christian Dam is just a lousy coward who leads a criminal organization, or has the client misunderstood something, that is what we have been trying to figure out since May 2016. – – Dear Anders Christian Dam Call us on 004522227713 And tell us if we have been wrong, we do not want the case against Jyske Bank for fraud if we have misunderstood the group’s reasonable intentions, and there is no talk at all and neither fraud nor false. – Then you should not wake up Anders Dam and answer us. And if we are right in that, Jyske Bank exposes us to fraud, and you Anders Dam as manager of Jyske Bank are aware of it, without wanting to stop it, then you should leave the board Anders Dam, along with the rest of the board of Jyske Bank. – – If the customer is right Anders Dam, then admit, and give a public apology for the entire group management, and sorry for Jyske Bank’s fraud. – – The fact that Dan Terkildsen told Lundgrens, that Philip Baruch would agree that Jyske Bank would not complain :-(. Did you think that was enough, when we talk about scams? Anders Dam. – – We do not want the case agents the Jyske Bank management like you Anders Dam want it, but we also know, that it is an apparent criminal organization that we are up against. – In 2008/2009 a former employee and thief was milking the plaintiff’s company, then the plaintiff suffered a major brain haemorrhage, epilepsy, depression, and then exposed to exploitation and fraud by the Jyske Bank Group, which would take everything from the plaintiff who some time considered whether life was worth living. ! Since 2009, the plaintiff has been struggling to get his life back, and to have Jyske Bank stop the bank’s continued fraud. “Fraud” which today is the fight against fraud the bank is all about. – BS-402/2015-VIB It is about the fraud in Jyske Bank against the bank’s customers. That Jyske Bank so chooses the sick and weak to expose fraud is just low. :-( – The client himself has had to make, and submit his claims against Jyske Bank and the management of the court 28/10/2019, after suspecting that their lawyer, Lundgrens may have been bribed by Jyske Bank’s group, not to submit any of the client’s fraud allegations against Jyske Bank’s group. – When Anders Dam, together with the other Group Board of Directors, chooses to stick his head in the ground, rather than engage in dialogue with the customer, it can only be because Jyske Bank is dishonest in Jyske Bank’s words and actions. – Banks are called greedy scammers and therefore, even the Executive Board, at Anders Dam has chosen not to say. – So when the President of Jyske Bank A/S Anders Christian Dam is personally accused of being involved in gross fraud against a customer in Jyske Bank, it is the responsibility of the Board of Directors, as they jointly stand behind Jyske Bank’s continuing fraudulent business. – Anders Dam is accused of being behind Jyske Bank’s deliberate fraud against the bank’s customer will continue. – – Customers also believe that Jyske Bank has paid Lundgren’s lawyers return commission. And that it is Anders Dam personally who is responsible for Jyske Bank A/S bribing the client’s lawyers LUNDGRENS, for not submitting the client’s fraud charges against the Jyske Bank group. Anyway this is what the customer sad that its looks like. – – BS-402/2015-VIB It is about the fraud in Jyske Bank against the bank’s customers. – The customer himself has to make the final reply on 28-10-2019 and submit their claims to the court. – Since Lundgren’s attorneys, who have been bought and paid for by Jyske Bank, work for Jyske Bank, and therefore certainly do not present the client’s fraud allegations against the Jyske Bank Group. – – If Lundgrens has not received a return commission “bribing”, for failing to present their client’s claims against Jyske Bank. Lundgrens then call us on 004522227713 And explain to us what word in our many letters, emails, sms that you may have misunderstood. – We can see that Lundgrens will only summon the witnesses Jyske Bank’s board itself wanted. :-( Is this something Lundgren’s lawyers have been paid for? Just ask ? – In answer writing 28/10/2019, as the customer has give to the court, in addition to Nicolai Hansen and Casper Dam Olsen, from Jyske Bank in Hillerød, which Jyske Bank A / S has wanted to call. Written, among other things, these witnesses from Jyske Bank on. Anders Christian Dam, Philip Baruch, Morten Ulrik Gade, Birgit Bush Thuesen. These witnesses must confirm the evidence presented as genuine, and in addition, witnesses must be heard in court. – – We have not initially written Anette Kirkeby, the manager of Jyske Bank Helsingor. Although Anette Kirkeby contributed to Jyske Bank Helsingor’s client being subjected to massive fraud, and this fraud was not stopped by Anette Kirkeby, who instead chooses to send the client for settlement, when the customer asks Anette Kirkeby to delete SWAP Appendix 1. This was denied by Anette Kirkeby, who insted chose that Jyske Bank can kill the customer. – – After our closing reply, we also think about convening Lundgren’s attorneys with partner Dan Terkildsen. – For Dan Terkildsen to testify, under witness responsibility, whether plaintiff has continuously asked Lundgren’s attorneys to present fraud and false allegations against Jyske Bank. – And to get Lundgren’s lawyers to confirm whether or not this has happened. Then you, as a court member, can even assess whether it may be due to Bribery. – When we want to hear Lundgren’s lawyers confirm whether Lundgren’s lawyers have been employed by Jyske Bank for a million jobs. – And about Lundgren’s lawyers, first contacted by Jyske Banks, after we assumed Lundgrens. And of course we would like to know if it was Anders Christian Dam personally behind. – This case is purely about Jyske Bank’s credibility. 

Main suspect in Danish bank fraud case Jyske BANK Anders Dam, Jyske Bank suspected of million scams and corruption. Philip Baruch Advokat og Partner I Lund Elmer Sandager Thomas Schioldan Sørensen - Lundgrens advokater. Dan Terkildsen. Rødstenen advokater. bestyrelsen Jyske Bank Sven Buhrækall. Kurt Bligaard Pedersen. Rina Asmussen. Philip Baruch. Jens Borup. Keld Norup. Christina Lykke Munk. Johnny Christensen. Marianne Lillevang. Anders Christian Dam. Niels Erik Jakobsen. Per Skovhus. Peter Schleidt. #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #GF Maresk #PhilipBaruch #LES #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #JeanettKofoed-Hansen #AnetteKirkeby #SørenWoergaaed #BirgitBushThuesen #Gangcrimes #Crimes #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #Chri

Come to tomorrow’s meeting with Lundgrens and learn how to fire Lundgren’s lawyers

Denne flotte bil skulle stå i Jyske Banks koncerns hovedsæde i Silkeborg

Bilen er en del af Jyske Banks historie og vidner om Jyske Banks værdier.

Bilen er lavet for at få dialog med koncernens Bestyrelse, som nægter enhver form for dialog, så længe ledelsen står bag Jyske Banks Bedrageri mod lille kunde.

Bente Overgaard 2020 nyt medlem
Anker Laden-Andersen 2019
Per Schnack 2019
Sven Buhrkall 2019
Kurt Bligaard Pedersen 2019
Rina Asmussen 2019
Philip Baruch 2019
Jens A Borup 2019
Keld Norup 2019
Christina Lykke Munk 2019
Haggai Kunisch 2018
Johnny Christensen 2019
Marianne Lillevang 2019
Anders Dam 2019
Leif F Larsen 2018
Niels Erik Jakobsen 2019
Per Skovhus 2019
Peter Schleidt 2019

Bente Overgaard 2020 nyt medlem

A Dane alone chooses to go against the state-supported Bank Jyske Bank A/S to stop the Group’s continued fraud.

Partner Dan Terkildsen tog sammen med kolleger i Lundgrens advokater røven på deres klient, ved at hjælpe modparten Jyske Bank med at holde svig påstande ude af retten.

Partner Dan Terkildsen, along with colleagues in Lundgren’s lawyers, robbed their client by helping counterpart Jyske Bank keep fraud allegations out of court.

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