This case should CLOSE the danish bank JYSKE BANK, and start the debate about how much corruption there is in Denmark. I urge all journalists to investigate my story. It is about the Danish bank Jyske Bank which commits and uses forgery, misuse of powers, uses bribery, commits fraud and such crimes. It seems that Denmark’s second largest bank is protected by the Danish state and government, which at the same time opposes justice. I have only been met with total silence in Denmark, and no one wants to talk to me about my watertight evidence that Denmark’s second largest bank has committed organized crime, and therefore should be deprived of the right to conduct banking in Denmark. That even the Danish state and government cooperate and use Jyske Bank, even though the state and the authorities have presented clear documentation that Jyske Bank is behind many criminal offenses. Get the story of my fight against corruption in Denmark. ! Det handler om det som står om Jyske Banks bedrageri på Jyske Bank Bilen. ! Is there just an independent journalist who can come up with a good explanation. This scandal in Denmark should be able to ask big questions about Denmark’s credibility, when even the Danish Government, and the Danish authorities together cover up the highly criminal Jyske Bank. Carsten Storbjerg, who since 1 May 2019. has tried to get the Danish state, to launch an investigation into Jyske Bank’s criminal acts, did not expect that the Danish state with all politicians and also the Danish National Bank, as well as the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, would cover over Jyske Bank’s many criminal activities, including bribery of Lundgren’s lawyers, to the detriment of justice. ? But then in 2019, the Danish citizen Carsten Storbjerg was not aware that Denmark was a corrupt society. And that there are several Danish judges in Denmark, who deliberately and dishonestly oppose justice and the rule of law. ! When Denmark’s elite, such as Danish banks like Jyske Bank, have been discovered, in the use of forgery and fraud. and when Carsten Storbjerg becomes aware that at least Jyske Bank must not comply with Danish law, it is clear that Denmark is corrupt, and therefore Denmark should be put in the class, with other corrupt countries. WHO DARE TO INVESTIGATE MY CLAIMS AGAINST JYSKE BANK. AND WHO DARE TO INVESTIGATE MY ACCUSE, THAT THE DANISH AUTHORITIES COVER CRIMINAL BANKS, AND COUNTER PREVENT INVESTIGATION. Is it conspiracy theories, or is it true. ! 🙁 You as a journalist, should ask yourself the question,. Why has Carsten Storbjerg since 2016, in public space been able to write and say that Jyske Bank are criminals. Without a single authority or politician would have commented on what Carsten Storbjerg has written. ? It is a scandal that Jyske Bank to such an extent pulls Denmark into the stall with corruption and bribery, at the same time as the authorities / the Danish state cover up the many criminal law violations that Jyske Bank is demonstrably behind. Why no Danish newspaper, none of Jyske Bank’s lawyers, not even a single employee in Jyske Bank’s management, has wanted to answer, how this Jyske Bank car, for 10 weeks, has been able to be parked outside the door of Jyske Bank’s branch in Frederiksberg / Copenhagen, with texts such as Jyske Bank taken for Fraud, about with several of the people who have assisted Jyske Bank with forgery, fraud, abuse of power of attorney and much more. Without a single Danish newspaper, or Danish TV station, or some government officials, or board members of Jyske Bank have wanted to say Carsten Storbjerg against. 🙁

Hvad er det nu jeg skriver på Jyske Bank bilen. Ihvertfald ikke noget politiet vil tage sig af, de kunder som Jyske Bank udsætter for groft bedrageri, de må klare sig selv, det er nemlig politiske at det ikke er politiets opgave, at hjælpe de kunder som banker udsætter for bedrageri. Derimod er det politiets opgave at efterforske og retsforfølge de kunder, som laver bedrageri mod banker, eller forsøger at udsætte banker som Jyske Bank for bedrageri. Jeg må ikke få hjælp, da Jyske Bank A/S ved kammerateri er beskyttet mod efterforskning og strafforfølgning.

2/7. Solnedgang over HMood pictures, Jyske Bank A/S.
Sunset, Sunrise, Animals, Nature, Danish beaches can be freely reproduced provided that:
Image borrowed from Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup, about the criminal Danish fraud bank Jyske Bank A/S.
See more advertisements for the Jutland fraud bank Jyske Bank A/S here. For CEO Anders Christian Dam and Jyske Bank A/Sornbæk.

Hvad er det nu jeg skriver på Jyske Bank bilen.
Ihvertfald ikke noget politiet vil tage sig af, de kunder som Jyske Bank udsætter for groft bedrageri, de må klare sig selv, det er nemlig politiske at det ikke er politiets opgave, at hjælpe de kunder som banker udsætter for bedrageri.
Derimod er det politiets opgave at efterforske og retsforfølge de kunder, som laver bedrageri mod banker, eller forsøger at udsætte banker som Jyske Bank for bedrageri.
Jeg må ikke få hjælp, da Jyske Bank A/S ved kammerateri er beskyttet mod efterforskning og strafforfølgning.

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