The Danish state and authorities cover up the criminal Danes who make documents false and fraud, and the state and Supreme Court judge Kurt Rasmussen have helped to cover up the corrupt Lundgren’s lawyers. These 6 banks Danske Bank, Nykredit, Nordea Danmark, Jyske Bank, BRFkredit and Sydbank, do not have to comply with Danish law, which gives free passes to Danish banks, to commit financial organized crime such as fraud, forgery, mandate fraud, disenfranchisement, exploitation, and use bribes without the state or the Danish authorities wanting to interfere, and when the whole of Christiansborg, and the Prime Minister’s Office by Mette Frederiksen have permission, insisted that banks may make gross exploitation, and crime, then it is an attack on the Danes’ legal security, therefore other nations and foreign companies, must know that the Danish state and the government deliberately covers up all crime that Danish banks make.

You must be warned Against the Danish law firm Lundgren's lawyers through their partner Dan Terkildsen and several employees / lawyers have countered their client, and directly against instructions, have chosen to withhold the client's false allegations before the court, at the same time Lundgren's lawyers have taken work for the defendant Danish bank, against which the client asked Lundgren to file a fraud case. / Lundgrens er ikke så dygtige, men vil du absolut bruge Lundgrens så find en advokat her. PERSONER SPECIALER KARRIERE OM OS KONTAKT ENGLISH Hvem søger du? SPECIALEOMRÅDE STILLING Skriv navn A ADAM FUSSING CLAUSEN ADVOKAT ALESSANDRO TRAINA ADVOKAT DIRECTOR AMALIE BILTOFT LEGAL TRAINEE AMALIE CHRISTEL BJERG NIELSEN SAGSCONTROLLER AMANDA EMILIA KAMPH LEGAL TRAINEE AMANDA GULDAGER CLAUSEN ADVOKATFULDMÆGTIG ANDERS OREBY HANSEN ADVOKAT (L)PARTNER ANDREAS LYSKJÆR TOLMAN LEGAL TRAINEE ANN FRØLUND WINTHER ADVOKATDIRECTOR ANNA FJORDSIDE ADVOKAT BARSEL ANNE HANSEN-NORD ADVOKAT ANNE LYSEMOSE ADVOKAT BARSEL ANNE

Despite the fact that since 2016, I have written to Jyske bank, and the Bank has still not spoken to me.

You have to believe what I write CEO Anders Christian Dam, Niels Erik Jakobsen, Per Skovhus, Peter Trier Schleidt, and now also to Lars Stensgaard Mørch, and more as Martin Ulrik Gade, Martin Skovsted-Nielsen and many more.


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