Tobias’ advokatkarriere spænder over 20 år med fokus på fast ejendom. Tobias indledte sin karriere i asset management og har siden i sin udøvelse af juraen fastholdt en praktisk tilgang til juraen, hvor juraen ikke må blive akademisk og skal være afbalanceret i forhold til drift og kommercielle hensyn. Tobias’ personlige, effektive og “no nonsense” holdning til juraen har tiltrukket et bredt spænd af klienter herunder fra formuende individer, pensionskasser og andre institutionelle investorer af både dansk og udenlandsk nationalitet. Tobias beskriver sig selv som en praktiker med mursten i blodet og har opholdt sig en årrække i udlandet og trives med at arbejde med mange nationaliteter. Uanset udfordringer faglige såvel som kulturelle kan man nå langt med en åben og konstruktiv attitude krydret med humor. Tobias beskæftiger sig primært med transaktioner af større ejendomme eller ejendomsselskaber, projektudvikling samt erhvervs- og boliglejeret og kan derudover trække på et netværk i branchen, der er second to none.

The government and Prime Minister Frederiksen, together with the other politicians at Christiansborg, do not want to do anything about the Danish banks that commit serious economic crimes, for which all authorities have been provided with watertight evidence. Organized crime in Denmark such as the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, the Prime Minister’s Office, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Justice, the Danish National Bank, the National Board of Justice and the Danish Bar Council has provided strong evidence that the Jyske Bank Group has used forgery and fraud, happened when Jyske Bank bribed Lundgren’s lawyer, so that Lundgren’s partner Dan Terkildsne was not allowed to present my fraud and false allegations with evidence, against the criminal Jyske Bank. JYSK BANK HAS BECOME A PROBLEM FOR THE DANISH STATE, WHICH COVERS BANK’S CRIMINAL ACTS.

Tobias Vieth from the corrupt Lundgren’s lawyer partner company. Advokat Formand For Bestyrelsen Partner Fast Ejendom & Entreprise Mail Mobil +4530612224 Telefon +4535252878

Thomas Kræmer , Tobias Vieth, Lars Kjær
These 3 Lundgren’s lawyers have blocked their mail, which is incredible considering the seriousness of the case.
Since September 24, 2019. I have been writing and accusing Lundgren’s law firm of being a corrupt law firm.
I say on videos and write on many notices, and have on 3 Jyske Bank cars, since March 2020, driven around with advertisements that Lundgren’s lawyers, have been bribed by Jyske Bank, for not presenting “my” their client’s claims against Jyske Bank.
I have even called on both Jyske Bank and Lundgren’s lawyers to bring an libel case against me if Lundgren’s lawyers want to deny that the law firm has accepted bribes from Jyske Bank.
Here is what Lundgren’s lawyers answer, they are scared and stick their heads into the bush and hide.

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