16-12-2018. kl. 15.01 SMS 2-8. Hej Mette hvis du finder noget i mine bilag der skal strege ud, så spørg, ALT SKAL KUNNE BEVISES I RETTEN

16-12-2018. kl. 15.01 SMS 2-8.

Hej Mette hvis du finder noget i mine bilag der skal strege ud, så spørg, ALT SKAL KUNNE BEVISES I RETTEN

In the most prominent money-laundering case, Raul Arashukov, an adviser to the head of a Gazprom subsidiary, was detained on an allegation of stealing Rbs30bn ($460m) worth of gas. His son Rauf Arashukov was also detained. Father and son deny the allegations and remain in detention. While this money-laundering case is unlikely to have led to Monday’s top executive departures, it adds to the unsettled atmosphere at the gas producer. “We are talking about full-scale changes,” a London-based analyst said of the executive departures. “It is unlikely they were linked to the Arashukovs’ case. “But perhaps this case simply exhausted the patience at the top regarding the company’s management.” Kurt Bilgaard Pedersen,

16-12-2018 time 15.01 Tekst 2/8. In a text message to Mette Marie Nielsen at Lundgrens, informs that Jyske Bank has all supporting documents and everything is openly forward,
Mette reply just 16-12-2018 thank you for your messages I will return tomorrow
But as you can see in the Lundgrens Presenter 18-12-2018, Mette has proven to have omitted the client’s claims and documents.
This is how they work in Lundgren’s lawyers, if only some will pay for it.


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