Jysk Bank’s customer throws a bomb and tries to draw attention to the problem of fraud and forgery as well as bribery in Denmark’s largest companies.
Probably Denmark’s largest organized bank fraud case, where the Danish authorities prevent an investigation and criminal prosecution.
I would like to share some of the emails I have sent to the Danish authorities, and lawyers who have been involved in the continuing economic crime the Danish bank Jyske Bank has been behind, emails containing information about Danish banks’ use of Bribes to cover Jyske Bank’s organized crime, but which the Danish state has so far chosen to cover.
Is the Danish bank, Jyske Bank, at risk of being closed down due to organized crime.
The Danish authorities have been presented several times with evidence that here Jyske Bank violates the sections of the Penal Code in a row, but what will the state do about the criminal Danish bank, to date no one has wanted to interfere.
But would you like to write about the problem, about Danish banks that use bribes to cover up banks’ criminal acts.
Dear you who are a journalist or writer.
I am looking for a skilled writer who will write my history and society’s harmful companies in Denmark, and you who just want to write a journalistic article about Denmark’s perhaps biggest scandal, probably everyone in Denmark is trying to cover up.
I have written several emails sent to the Danish authorities and lawyers, among others, as the authorities in Denmark openly seemed to want to cover up the criminal Danish banks, and their use of bribes to disappoint in legal matters.
Has also presented that a Danish Supreme Court judge, Kurt Rasmussen, from the Bar Council has chosen to cover the Danish corrupt law firm, Lundgren’s lawyers, who also have assignments in, among other places, the USA.
My story on www.banknyt.dk includes several named lawyers and law firms such as Lundgren’s lawyers and Elmer Sandager lawyers.
I vouch for the truth in what I write about organized crime in Denmark, where Denmark’s second largest bank, the Jyske Bank Group, which, together with the management, is behind it.
At www.banknyt.dk mails and letters can be read, and if you want original mails copies sent to you, you are welcome to do so.
My name is
Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup
I live in Hornbæk “Hornbaek” Denmark Søvej 5. “Soevej 5.”
phone +4522227713
24-09-2021. I disse bestyrelser finder du Thomas Kræmer for Lundgrens advokater. Thomas Kræmer, ønsker ikke at at forholde sig til, at Lundgrens advokater har taget mod den returkommission / bestikkelse, som Jyske Banks ledelse betalte Lundgrens advokater, for ikke at fremlægge nogle af klientens SVIG & FALSK anbringer mod Jyske Bank koncernen. finder du Partner for Lundgrens bestyrelse Thomas Kræmer, ønsker ikke at at forholde sig til, at Lundgrens advokater har taget mod den returkommission / bestikkelse, som Jyske Banks ledelse betalte Lundgrens advokater, for ikke at fremlægge nogle af klientens SVIG & FALSK anbringer mod Jyske Bank koncernen.
Thomas Kræmer
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Afkastningsgrad: -71,8% (2020)