All sms to Mette Marie Nielsen Lundgrens Attorneys The period 15-12-2018 to 28-02-2019.
Lundgrens answer the first time which is 16-12-2018. that Mette Marie Nielsen will respond the day after
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All SMS as well as audio recordings are shared here
The period 15-12-2018 to 28-02-2019. Lundgrens reply to SMS the first and only once time.
Which is 16-12-2018. that Mette Marie Nielsen will respond later.
Is that what Partner Dan Terkildsen
Believes is to do a great deal of work, under difficult conditions, and therefore believes that Lundgrens can afford to invoice the client barely. 200,000 dkk.
Do you have a serious case and you go to the grove.
Then their students may also be ready to help you.
Here the case is that Jyske Bank is making a fraud against a customer.
Jyske Bank’s Group Leader knows this.
See letter of 30-04-2017 below sms.
The Jyske Bank Board also knows this.
The problem is that the top of the Jyske Bank A/S Group.
Don’t care that Jyske Bank is doing Document False and Fraud against the bank’s customers.
Maybe by Jyske Bank CEO Anders Christian Dam.
That the biggest Danish Lawyers can be bribed for not helping their clients.
Just the price is to get work for Jyske Bank.
Customer here asks if LUNDGRENS is corrupt.
Is it the reason that the client after 43 months with 2 lawyers.
Even 28-10-2019 have had to present their claims against Jyske Bank A/S.
28-10-2019. Final Prosecution case BS-402 2015-VIB claims Appendic 1. i false date 27-10-2019
Has been presented with some spelling and writing errors as Lundgren counteracted the case.
Organization for fraud and contributing to continued fraud.

27-09-2019 / 24-09-2019. S.5-8. mail. Lundgrens fired due to inability. with. rationale attached. Lundgrens is believed to have done a great job, for 200,000 dkk for not presenting the client’s claims.

24-09-2019. S.6-8. mail. Lundgrens fired due to inability. with. rationale attached. Lundgrens is believed to have done a great job, for 200,000 dkk for not presenting the client’s claims.
SMS 1. through 8.
Mette Marie Nielsen Lundgrens Attorneys. It doesn’t seem that our Danish is understandable to Lundgren’s lawyers.
Or maybe Lundgrens has been paid to counteract their client.

15-12-2018 time. 10.51 Tekst 1/8. In a text message to Mette Marie Nielsen at Lundgrens, we write that annex 19-113 must be submitted.
It is also to be able to go after the board of directors for the fraud and false case in connection with the mandate fraud.
Mette reply just 16-12-2018 thank you for your messages I will return tomorrow.
And a bit off the top of sma 2/8 16-12-2018. pm. 1.15

16-12-2018 time 15.01 Tekst 2/8. In a text message to Mette Marie Nielsen at Lundgrens, informs that Jyske Bank has all supporting documents and everything is openly forward,
Mette reply just 16-12-2018 thank you for your messages I will return tomorrow
But as you can see in the Lundgrens Presenter 18-12-2018, Mette has proven to have omitted the client’s claims and documents.
This is how they work in Lundgren’s lawyers, if only some will pay for it.

16-12-2018. Kl. 20.47-
SMS 3-8. The only time Mette Marie Nielsen responds to text messages, and writes she will return tomorrow, THEN LUNDGREN’S REPLY NOT ON CLIENT’S CLAIM.
The only SMS that should be an answer is this one. Thanks for your messages, I’ll be back, some same answers we’ll get on Mail, or have vacation, are on course.
BUT we NEVER get the answer.

16-12-2018. Kl. 20.59-
SMS 4-8. Klienten takke for at Lundgrens Mette Marie Nielsen vil vende tilbage. hvilket først bliver 18-12-2018. kl. ca 17.43 telefonisk , den kommer vi tilbage til.

04-02-2019. pm. 12.18
part 1 of 2. SMS 5-8.
If we are going to review evidence and testimony, refer to Appendix 28-101. we follow Jyske Bank’s overall management for contributing to corporate fraud.

04-02-2019. pm. 12.18
part 2 of 2. SMS 5-8.
If we are going to review evidence and testimony, refer to Appendix 28-101. we follow Jyske Bank’s overall management for contributing to corporate fraud.

19-02-2019. pm. 14.19
SMS 7/8. to Lundgren’s Mette Marie Nielsen, it is important Jyske Bank respond to our testimony, with evidence appendix 28-99.
Mette does not say they are not presented

28-02-2019. pm. 09.09
SMS 8-8. S.1.-2. to Mette Marie Nielsen, asks if there is any news about witnesses, the board is written as responsible.
Mette again chooses not to answer Lundgren’s client.

28-02-2019. pm. 09.09
SMS 8-8. S.1.-2. to Mette Marie Nielsen, asks if there is any news about witnesses, the board is written as responsible.
Mette again chooses not to answer Lundgren’s client.
Now Mette Marie Nielsen from Lundgrens has no more time to go to the course.
And Emil Hald Winstrøm takes over, as he is well into the matter.
Lundgrens advokater svare aldrig deres klient.
Selv om klienten giver meget klare instrukser om at fremlægge deres påstande som er svig og falsk.
In addition, it makes clear that Jyske Bank’s Board of Directors is responsible for Jyske bank’s fraud.
The first time Lundgren’s attorneys respond to their client’s charges is at Lundgren’s office 13-08-2019.
Here Dan Terkildsen says that Jyske Bank’s Board of Directors has no responsibility.
Since Lundgren subsequently submits a Process Letter 2. 02-09-2019. None of the client’s claims are included
Dan Terkildsen and Lundgren’s lawyers also choose that the attorneys will not share this Petition with their client, who in fact subsequently asks Lundgren’s partner Dan Terkildsen.
Whether he wants to send a copy.
Dan Terkildsen sends nothing.
Just as Dan Terkildsen did not respond to Lundgren’s client either, in order to obtain a copy of the court book.
We have repeatedly asked Jyske Bank to investigate the case and help us.
Read for example the letter of 30-04-2017.
Here we write to Jyske bank’s Group Management Group 30-04-2017 The letter is to all of them.
Which is why their names are all included.
A few are no longer in Jyske Bank.
Print friendly copy of the letter.

30-04-2017. S.1-9. Letter to CEO Anders Dam Group Management, and Legal Director Peter Stig Hansen, informs that the customer is exposed to fraud and asks the Group. to govern – wishes to be presented as Appendix 169.
It is about that Management has personal responsibility for Jyske Bank’s fraud against customers is not stopped.

30-04-2017. S.2-9. Letter to CEO Anders Dam Group Management, and Legal Director Peter Stig Hansen, informs that the customer is exposed to fraud and asks the Group. to govern – wishes to be presented as Appendix 169.
It is about that Management has personal responsibility for Jyske Bank’s fraud against customers is not stopped.

30-04-2017. S.3-9. Letter to CEO Anders Dam Group Management, and Legal Director Peter Stig Hansen, informs that the customer is exposed to fraud and asks the Group. to govern – wishes to be presented as Appendix 169.
It is about that Management has personal responsibility for Jyske Bank’s fraud against customers is not stopped.

30-04-2017. S.4-9. Letter to CEO Anders Dam Group Management, and Legal Director Peter Stig Hansen, informs that the customer is exposed to fraud and asks the Group. to govern – wishes to be presented as Appendix 169.
It is about that Management has personal responsibility for Jyske Bank’s fraud against customers is not stopped.

30-04-2017. S.5-9. Letter to CEO Anders Dam Group Management, and Legal Director Peter Stig Hansen, informs that the customer is exposed to fraud and asks the Group. to govern – wishes to be presented as Appendix 169.
It is about that Management has personal responsibility for Jyske Bank’s fraud against customers is not stopped.

30-04-2017. S.6-9. Letter to CEO Anders Dam Group Management, and Legal Director Peter Stig Hansen, informs that the customer is exposed to fraud and asks the Group. to govern – wishes to be presented as Appendix 169.
It is about that Management has personal responsibility for Jyske Bank’s fraud against customers is not stopped.

30-04-2017. S.7-9. Letter to CEO Anders Dam Group Management, and Legal Director Peter Stig Hansen, informs that the customer is exposed to fraud and asks the Group. to govern – wishes to be presented as Appendix 169.
It is about that Management has personal responsibility for Jyske Bank’s fraud against customers is not stopped.

30-04-2017. S.8-9. Letter to CEO Anders Dam Group Management, and Legal Director Peter Stig Hansen, informs that the customer is exposed to fraud and asks the Group. to govern – wishes to be presented as Appendix 169.
It is about that Management has personal responsibility for Jyske Bank’s fraud against customers is not stopped.

30-04-2017. S.9-9. Letter to CEO Anders Dam Group Management, and Legal Director Peter Stig Hansen, informs that the customer is exposed to fraud and asks the Group. to govern – wishes to be presented as Appendix 169.
It is about that Management has personal responsibility for Jyske Bank’s fraud against customers is not stopped.
The letter is to Jyske Bank’s Group Executive Group.