JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD – CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 – Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold​ Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad​ Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ———— Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank’s fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank’s CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding – As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe – Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. – Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud – But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing – There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank’s customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group’s Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /———–/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank’s management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / IMG_3091

Medvirkende i sagen eller kender til sagen og ønsker ikke at rette fejl Fundament hæderlig ærlig åben retter fejl Nykredit jyske bank Advokat advokater strafferet øknomisk kriminelit Lund Elmer Sandager Michael Rasmussen CEO Nykredit Anders Christian Dam CEO Morten Ulrik gade Philip Baruch Mette Egholm Nielsen Birgit Bush Jyske bank erhverv Hillerød Helsingør Århus Aahus København Silkeborg Valby Østerbro Nicolai Hansen Anette Kirkeby Søren Woergaard Danske bank jysk Koncernledelse jyske bank Koncernbestyrelsen Sven Buhrkall Kurt Bligaard Pedersen Rina Asmussen Philip Baruch Jens A. Borup Keld Norup Christina Lykke Munk Haggai Kunisch Marianne Lillevang Koncerndirektionen Anders Dam Leif F. Larsen Niels Erik Jakobsen Per Skovhus Peter Schleidt Sagen historien om Nykredit og jyskebank handler om: Bedrageri Svindel Løgne Tyveri Underslæb Mandatsvig Svig Dokumentfalsk, At dække over forbrydelser At skjule forbrydelser Om at lyve over for retten udelukket for at kunne fortsætte bedrageriske forhold. Mercedes BMW

Lær jyskebank at kende
Hvem dækker over Jyske Banks fortatte svigforretninger.

Bribery at the top of the Danish business seems to have been politically approved.

Following Jyske Bank’s fraud case.
Lundgren’s lawyer partner company paid several million Danish kroner, moreover, the same Lundgren’s lawyers who would not bring a case against the Danish bank Jyske Bank for fraud.

Which Lundgren’s lawyer partner company regrettably forgot to submit to the court.

That it happened according to Jyske Bank’s management, certainly by CEO Anders Dam who is directly contributing to Jyske Bank’s continued crimes.

When Jyske Bank then chose to give the large law firm Lundgren’s lawyers a huge order.

It became very clear that the overall board of directors of Jyske Bank continues to expose the customer to very serious fraud transactions.

And that Jyske Bank’s board of directors is still behind millions of scams and now probably also corruption.

All to disappoint in legal matters, and to serve the shareholders in the Danish Bank’s financial interests.

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