Den Danske stat kaster den første bombe i krigen om Danskernes retssikkerhed, ved at dække over den kriminelle Jyske Bank.
24-02-2022. DANSK. and 24-02-2022. ENGELSK.
23-02-2022. I fight against camaraderie and corruption in Denmark.
Read my story about corrupt Denmark, where the state supports criminal banks.
With Denmark’s biggest scandal case, against Danish fraud bank, in the case where also the Danish state is involved 23-02-2022.
Get my exclusive story about the organized crime that the Danish state covers. Feel free to buy the company that is suing Jyske Bank, and help to give Jyske Bank and the danish state a big slap in the face, and tell them that the Danish state covers criminal Danish banks.
The case shows that judges in Denmark cover corruption, certainly a Supreme Court judge Kurt Rasmussen, but also a partner Jens Steen Jensen from Kromann Reumert, as well as Martin Lavesen from DLA Piper Advokater, who all have a different view of justice, corruption and camaraderie than I have.
Interested can contact me by phone
+4522227713. or mail
With best regards
Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup
Soevej 5. 3100 Hornbaek
Denmark DK
The plaintiff is Storbjerg Erhverv have tried to get the case into a new company, Banknyt Holding ApS
Jyske Bank has blocked this.
You will receive all my original documents and all emails in my case, where only some of them have been submitted.
The company in charge of the case has no other activities, and does not own anything, other than the case.
With strong forces and lawyers, you will probably in court be able to give the Danish state a good deal of slaps.
You will discover the Danish state is contributing to corruption taking place in Denmark, as the government and the Danish judges ingurie it happens.
It is clear that the government, as well as the Danish authorities and politicians, cover up banks’ crime against customers, “my case is unique.”
You can say the Danish lawyer board, which is works with camaraderie.
I have strived for this on
If it is done correctly, you will probably have a good storry to tale about korruptionen in Denmark.
I would like if Denmark’s second largest bank being closed, as the bank does not live up to having a license to operate a bank.
I am informed the Danish National Bank internally refers to my case as a scandal.
One from behind the police said in 2016 it was political to stop my case.
Here you will find the verdict in the case BS-402/2015-ViB. Included in text and link.
LINK to the extract BS-402/2015-VIB
23-02-2022. Mail til Advokatsamfundet og Martin Lavesen fra DLA Piper Advokater, Kurt Rasmussen Domstolsstyrelsen, Jens Steen Jensen fra Kromann Reumert, samt de danske myndigheder og poliktikerene samt pressen.
22-02-2022. Mail til danske myndigheder og poliktikerene samt pressen.
Rettes til med blandt andet billeder.
Der er 19 januar 2022. klaget til den særlige klageret over Søren Ejdum, for ikke at have citeret vidner Korrekt, den særlige klareret er i højsteret hvor højesteretsdommer Kurt Rasmussen selv har medvirket til at dække over Jyske Banks forbrydelser, ved at afvise alle 27 klage forhold over Lundgrens advokater, og dette er også omfattende Jyske Bank’s bestikkelse af Lundgrens advokater.
Here you will find the verdict in the case BS-402/2015-ViB. Included in text and link.
/ LINK to the extract BS-402/2015-VIB
Judgment in case BS-402/2015-VIB. with the errors and omissions that the judge forgot to present a completely correct rendering of witness explanation, witnesses said in some places something a little different than what is reproduced. This is how it is in the Danish courts, why I expect the court will actually cover up that Jyske Bank has committed fraud, and not relate to the fact that Jyske Bank has made forged documents, to hide the fact that there was no loan, which Jyske Bank has withdrawn millions of Danish kroner interest to exchange interest.
Denmark is a corrupt country.
Sådan handler kammarater for at dække over kriminelle banker og korupte Advokater i Danmark. GOD ADVOKAT SKIK.
Get my exclusive story about the organized crime that the Danish state covers. Feel free to buy the company that is suing Jyske Bank, and help to give Jyske Bank a big slap in the face, and tell them that the Danish state covers criminal Danish banks.
Get her my exclusive story about the organized crime that the Danish state covers. Feel free to buy the company that is suing Jyske Bank, and help to give Jyske Bank and the danish state a big slap in the face, and tell them that the Danish state covers criminal Danish banks.
The Danish state drops the first bomb in the war.
Do you want the right to write about the war, and the evidence that Denmark as a state covers organized crime, carried out by some of Denmark’s largest companies, helped directly or indirectly by large law firms, such as MINDST, Lund Elmer Sandager lawyers by Philip Baruch and Kristian Ambjørn Buus Nielsen. Lundgren’s lawyers by Dan Terkildsen. Kromann Reumert lawyers by Jens Steen Jensen. Hjorten lawyers by Birgitte Frølund. DLA Piper lawyers by Martin Lavesen. Lawyer Rikke Skadhauge Seerup Krogsgaard from the Consumer Complaints Board. and Henrik Hyltoft from the Danish business community. from the National Board of Justice, Supreme Court Judge Kurt Rasmussen, and many more.
If you want the case against Jyske Bank for fraud, then you must use the evidence as you wish, the Danish government and the politicians at Christiansborg are all well aware of Jyske Bank’s fraud, the use of false documents, and Jyske Bank’s bribery of Lundgren’s lawyers, to Dan Terkildsen was not allowed to present the client’s fraud and false allegations against the Jyske Bank Group.
When the Prime Minister’s Office, which deliberately covers organized crime, carried out by some of Denmark’s largest companies, the Danish state is complicit in Jyske Bank’s fraud against the bank’s customers, which is why the bank’s crimes continue, this is a problem for justice in Denmark.
The small bank customer who has presented the government, and Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, very clear evidence that Jyske Bank is criminal and Lundgren’s lawyers are corrupt, shows that the Danish state and government, directly cover the largest Danish criminal companies in Denmark, this by not to interfere in the crime of Danish banks when the Danish state incurs corruption, abuse of power, camaraderie and bribery.
But I wonder if the reason is political, as the Danish state, which itself uses, takes care of the criminal Danish bank.
Since the Government in 2013 decided that Jyske Bank and Brf credit must not go bankrupt.
Which then meant a permit for Danish banks to no longer have to comply with the law, and therefore this case is clear.
The Danish banks are not subject to the legislation, and can therefore freely violate the law, including the provisions of the Penal Code.
The Danish Financial Supervisory Authority is depriving Jyske Bank of its license for financial activities in Denmark, where both the Prime Minister’s Office, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Justice, the Danish National Bank and the Prime Minister’s Office internally refer to this as a scandal, but without wanting to do anything about it.
Can the Danish state say that the state itself is not involved in organized crime.
A retaliatory attack on Denmark’s second largest Danish bank should be initiated by the Danish government, and not the victim.
Perhaps Denmark’s biggest scandal ever. The Danish authorities support Danish fraud bank, and cover the bank’s many criminal acts, fully aware that the Danish bank should be deprived of the right to conduct banking business.
Når stat og myndighederne giver fanden i danskernes retssikkerhed, for at dække over en kriminel organisation som Jyske Bank A/S, så er det en skandale.
Nok Danmarks farligste mand Anders Christian Dam, særligt for danskernes retssikkerhed, der samme med de magtfulde venner, blandt store advokat virksomheder og organisationer, kæmper sammen med Jyske Banks ledelse, for at slippe af sted med Jyske Banks mange svig forbrydelser.
Men Anders Dam risikerer istedet at lukke Jyske Bank A/S grundet måden han som hersker har fået Jyske Banks fundament til at rådne, sammen med Niels Erik Jakobsen, Per Skovhus og Peter Schleidt.
Anders Christian Dam Ordførende direktør
Telefon: 89 89 20 01
Og som Jyske Bank ved Casper Dam Olsen har skrevet 9 Januar. 2012. var omlagt.
Med hensyn til spørgsmål i brevet 25 maj 2016. om indgåelse af swappen 16 juli 2008. til det enslydende bagvedliggende lån, som Nicolai Hansen 19. Februar. 2010. skrev fandtes. Men som kunden ikke mente fandtes, hvilket Jyske Banks ledelse og Anders Dam undlod at svare, på trods af at bankens ansatte vidste, at Jyske Bank 16 juli. og 24 Juli. samt igen 30 Juli. 2008.
altså hele 3 gange, havde forsøgt at få kunden til at indgå swappen W015785. Med Jyske Bank A/S.
Vidneforklaring blev dog først fremlagt den 2 september 2019, med Processkrift 2.
Hvilket først skete efter trusler om fyring.
Vidneforklaring er fremlagt som Bilag 164. Hvilket sker uden at forklare noget om vidneforklaring i Processkrift 2. hvorfor den ikke ville kunne bruges, en bevidst strategi af de korrupte Lundgrens advokater, med Dan Terkildsen som en af bagmændene fra Lundgrens advokater.
Hør også samtale fra 8 juli 2019. del 1. og 8 juli 2019. del 2.
Kan du hører at Emil Hald Vendelbo Bekræfter ikke at fremlægge noget uden vi er fuldstændig enig, lyt til de samlede delte 4 samtaler, og læs Processkrift 2. som Lundgrens advokater Dan Terkildsen ikke engang efterfølgende ville udlevere en kopi af, hvilket højesteretsdommer Kurt Rasmussen har bestemt at klienten heller ikke har krav på.
Og så spørg hvorfor politiet ikke må efterforske Lundgrens advokater, for at være blevet bestukket af Jyske Bank koncernen, til at ændre klientens påstande mod Jyske Bank A/S, igen for at Jyske Bank koncernen ikke må straffes for det bedrageri og dokumentfalsk Jyske Bank A/S bevisligt har udført.
Du kan her i linket hører de samlede 4 samtaler med Lundgrens, 14. December 2018. og 18 december 2018. Samt 22 marts 2019. og 8 Juli 2019.