16-07-2022. While Denmark is probably facing the biggest business scandal in this millennium. Says the Danish bank Jyske Bank that is the reason for the scandal, to their customers. Jyske Bank says We take it as a JOKE, which to me is incomprehensible as Jyske Bank is in risks being closed, and Jyske Bank’s shareholders will lose a lot of money.

17-07-2022. time sendt 14.53. Updated and corrected recently 18-07-2022. time 10.45 I have made a repetition in a few places.
This email is an information, about the corruption that governs in Denmark at government level, you could perhaps ask questions about why not a single authority or judicial person in Denmark’s second largest bank Jyske Bank A/S has responded to not a single request.
That I as a Dane can get 2 years prison if I lie, and the employees of Jyske Bank can get up to 8 years prison for fraud and complicity in organized crime, and Jyske Bank can lose the right to conduct banking business in Denmark.
If not just the Danish government and the authorities chose to cover up Jyske Bank`s crime against citizens in Danish society.
If you have questions, you can write to me here banknyt@gmail.com or to carsten.storbjerg@gmail.com
I would be grateful if you would write in Danish.
Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup
Hornbaek Denmark.
De nye Jyske Bank biler, , , , Morten Ulrik Gade , Kristian Ambjørn Buus-Nielsen , Philip Baruch , Statsministeriet , , , , , Dan Terkildsen Lundgren Advokater , , , , Postkasse - Klagesagsafdelingen Cc: , Anja Dam Rasmussen , , Justitsministeriet , Jura og Forretning , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Casper Dam Olsen , , , Tina Agergaard , , "\\" , , , , , , ,

Jyske Bank car promises prizes in the competition for NOW up to DKK 45,000 – 54,000 CLICK HERE.

You just have to disprove that Jyske Bank has committed fraud and forgery as well as paid Lundgren’s bribes, lies and that kind of crime.LINK, vi Hjælper med at find en Jyske bank rådgiver her.

The green butcher, with a good offer for you, Jyske Bank would slaughter the customer, but the customer will now slaughter Jyske Bank’s credibility as a bank in Denmark.

Denmark has a major problem with legal certainty, as employees of the National Courts Administration knowingly and dishonestly, and by camaraderie, cover up economic crime, including corruption, which some of the largest Danish companies, including Jyske Bank A/S, are behind. Jyske Banks medarbejdere lyver igen 22-06-2022, da medarbejdere i Jyske Banks afdeling på Gammel Kongevej 136, siger, til den kunde der spørger om det der står på Jyske Bank bilen uden for Jyske Bank, er sandt. Kunden fortæller at i Jyske Bank på Frederiksberg er være blevet oplyst, at den omtalte verserende sag mellem Storbjerg Erhverv ApS og mod Jyske Bank A/S. Er tabt 2 gange. både i byretten og landsretten ?. Men det var ikke det kunden stillede spørgsmål om, kunden spurgte de ansat i banken på Frederiksberg, om det der står på bilen uden for bankens facade er sandt. JYSKE BANKS MEDARBEJDERE KAN FÅ 44.000 DKK. FOR AT MODBEVISE DET JEG SKRIVER. Og du kan få op til 40.000 DKK hvis du kan modbevise det jeg skriver, hør hvad jeg siger til Jyske Bank og dig der vil være med i konkurrencen.

Jyske Bank employees tell us it’s just a joke.

And Jyske Bank’s employees at Gammel Kongevej 136. Lying and saying the case against Jyske Bank has been lost in the High Court, even though the case has not even been scheduled for now.

Denmark has a major problem with legal certainty, as employees of the National Courts Administration knowingly and dishonestly, and by camaraderie, cover up economic crime, including corruption, which some of the largest Danish companies, including Jyske Bank A/S, are behind.

The new Jyske Bank car has clear questions for Jyske Bank here.

Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup encourages everyone to go into Jyske Bank and ask what this Jyske Bank car is for, and whether it is true that Jyske Bank commits fraud, forgery, uses bribes, and power of attorney abuse and abuse of the bank’s access to the land registry, and much more.

Jyske Bank has also been urged to contact the police if what is stated is not true, but CEO Anders Christian Dam does not dare, for fear of an investigation it will support the customer’s accusations against the criminal Jyske Bank.


Dear Jyske Bank and CEO Anders Christian Dam, Jyske Bank has major problems, and you may risk losing your license to run a banking business in Denmark, and then the board uses such meager forces to avoid me, when it is now me who becomes Jyske Bank problem, if Jyske Bank does not resolve our conflict, Call me Anders Dam before the press starts writing about Jyske Bank committing fraud and forgery.

17-07-2022. time sendt 14.53.

Mail to

Morten Ulrik Gade <mug@jyskebank.dk>,
Philip Baruch <pb@les.dk>,
Kristian Ambjørn Buus-Nielsen <kbn@les.dk>,
“<NSJ@politi.dk>” <nsj@politi.dk>,
Statsministeriet <stm@stm.dk>,
Jura og Forretning <jur@domstolsstyrelsen.dk>,
Postkasse – Klagesagsafdelingen <klagesagsafdelingen@advokatsamfundet.dk>,
Justitsministeriet <jm@jm.dk>,



And a few more.


Jyske Bank A/S
Vestergade 8-16
8600 Silkeborg

Director CEO Anders Christian Dam

And all of you who receive this email.

Anders Dam this is your fault, and there are several who must have a dismissal notice, and it is your opportunity to make my anger less, Andres Dam you should have been fired in 2016,  as you made your first big mistake, you should have spoken with me already then, now in my opinion you have put Jyske Bank at risk of losing the right to conduct financial business in Denmark, if Jyske Bank is subject to the law.


But of course, if I have made a mistake and Jyske Bank has not committed a single offense for which I blame Jyske Bank, then Jyske Bank must bring an libel case against me, Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup, when Jyske Bank will now fight against us little ones customers, Jyske Bank should be Closed, I have said and written this many times, but it does not happen as long as the Danish state, and government cover the crime for which I have provided documentation that Jyske Bank is behind it.

If you have any objections or corrections, you must reply to me.

And do not continue to ignore me and my many calls, to conduct an investigation of my allegations and evidence against Jyske Bank A/S for using forgery, fraud, bribery, exploitation and the like that.

When not a single one has the answer to what I write about, despite the fact that I have written since 2016. and which I have continuously since 1 May 2019. have written to the Danish government and politicians, as well as authorities and institutions as to:

Denmark’s Nationalbank, the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, the Ministry of Justice, the Prime Minister, the Legal Affairs Committee, former Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen and to Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, the Ministry of Finance, the National Courts Administration, the National Police Chief Copenhagen, Jyske Bank management, Jyske Bank group management team, Jyske Bank’s lawyers such as Martin Nielsen, Morten Ulrik Gade, Lund Elmer Sandager lawyers by Philip Baruch, Kristian Ambjørn Buus-Nielsen.


“Danmarks Nationalbank, Finanstilsynet, Justitsministeren, Justitsministeriet, Statsministeriet, Retsudvalget, tidligere statsminister Lars Løkke Rasmussen og til statsminister Mette Frederiksen, Finansministeriet, Domstolsstyrelsen, Rigspolitichefen København, Anklagemyndigheden, Advokatnævnet og Advokatsamfundet, ATP pension samt naturligvis Jyske Banks bestyrelse, Jyske Banks repræsentantskabet, Jyske Bank ledelse, Jyske Bank koncern ledergruppe, Jyske Banks advokater som Martin Nielsen, Morten Ulrik Gade, Lund Elmer Sandager advokater ved Philip Baruch, Kristian Ambjørn Buus-Nielsen.”

And also the Lundgren’s lawyer partner company that I accuse of having taken on the bribe that Jyske Bank, presumably under the leadership of Philip Baruch and Ander Christian Dam has been instrumental in paying Lundgren’s lawyers, under cover for not presenting fraud and false the case against Jyske Bank A/S.

Why not.

Lundgren’s partners and those who directly contributed to Jyske Bank’s fraud being able to continue, have all blocked my email address not only partner Dan Terkildsen but all partners in Lundgren’s lawyers.

And since I accuse Lundgren’s lawyers of taking action against the bribe, of losing a fraud case against Jyske Bank, these are rather serious accusations, Lundgren’s would not have threatened an libel case if I did not stop.

This is very very strange, everyone shuts up and I continue as usual.
And I believe I have gathered enough evidence to be able to say that Denmark is a corrupt society where the largest companies in Denmark are not subject to Danish and international law when these companies are caught for fraud and organized crime.

If I have misunderstood something, you will not help me, it can not be true that the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority does not initiate an investigation of my allegations against Jyske bank, as if I am right, Jyske Bank must be placed under stricter supervision, but in have perhaps already examined my evidence, and have decided to sacrifice the little Dane’s legal security, by counteracting law and justice, so that a criminal bank like Jyske Bank can go free.

But one thing you need to know.
The money the Jyske Bank Group has fraudulently stolen from my company, and as the friends who are employees of the National Board of Justice also cover, it will hopefully be the most expensive fraud for Jyske Bank to be able to carry out in the bank’s history.

And this is due to an incompetent management in Jyske Bank, under CEO Anders Christian Dam who since May 2016. has been able to talk to me, and then correct.

And I suspect Jyske Bank has exploited their friends in the Danish state to be able to commit and complete fraud, my question will then be whether the Danish state would still like to help cover up the fraud that I have presented evidence that Jyske Bank with several employees together in association are behind, then all authorities must of course, as hitherto, do nothing.

Yes, I know that YOU internally say that this is a scandal, but I can not use it for anything.


I am also aware that this is political, to cover Jyske Bank.

And then I can do nothing.


And then I am also informed that, I can not touch Jyske Bank, the bank has so much power in Denmark.

But you know what, I do not agree.

I want to be the one for the Danes to fight to draw attention to the fact that corruption (camaraderie.) Contributes to undermining the Danes’ legal security when organizations like Jyske Bank expose customers to fraud.



But you know what, I do not agree I want to be the one for the Danes to fight to draw attention to the fact that corruption (camaraderie.) Contributes to undermining the Danes’ legal security when organizations like Jyske Bank expose customers to fraud.

And then I say again.
CEO Anders Christian Dam you have to apologize a lot that’s why i’m I keep teasing you and your comrades, who are behind this scam, which is done by the use of forgery, bad faith, deception, manipulation of documents, bribery and more.

You Anders Dam have a call me here, talk to me and solve our U-compliance, you and your contributing helpers can still, whenever you want, ask me to remove what I write about Jyske Bank.

If there is just a misunderstanding, you Christian Anders Dam for Jyske Bank A/S should see to it that Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup agrees with me that I must remove all notices.

Which I just want you Anders Dam talking to me.


And then I say again to Jyske Bank you must not say and write anything about me that is not true.

And Jyske Bank i must not back down either, write that I write untruths, and expose Jyske Bank and the employees who have contributed to fraud either actively or passively, actually to slander.

If Jyske Bank has a problem with what I write and say, THEN COME TO ME.

Remember the conversation I have shared with you, from 18 December 2018. and notice what I say.

It’s only getting worse, and it can not be right that a little man like me should shout.

Appendix 91. Bilag 91. 18-12-2018. Udskrift at af samtale Mette Marie Nielsen Lundgrens, samtale kl. 14.41 til 18.01. Jyske bank lyver. Mette bekræfter.

Appendix 91. A. Bilag 91.A. MP3. 18-12-2018. kl. 17.41 Mette Marie Nielsen lundgrens RINGER. Mette Marie og Dan mener at fremlægge svig, skader sag.


Incidentally, it is from the complaint against the corrupt Lundgren’s lawyers, 05-06-2020.

I have shared this email here.


Mail 16-07-2022. Time 15.43


By shared mail, a recording has been inserted here. the one you received from Gammel Kongevej 136. which was attached to the original in the email.

With regard to your case where you helped with advice for tax fraud, when you wanted DR handed over the entire recording.

Therefore, I also share entire recordings, so Jyske Bank can hear I do not fiddle or manipulate vouchers and recordings as Jysk Bank itself does.

This is the case I am referring to, the DR journalists subsequently received a cavling award for this documentary.

Link is more that Jyske Bank will not deny.






Therefore, recordings are shared which I refer to, as I write that Jyske Bank Lies and claims the case in the High Court between Storbjerg Erhverv and Jyske Bank has been lost.

And also the fact that your employee says.




16-07-2022. While Denmark is probably facing the biggest business scandal in this millennium. Says the Danish bank Jyske Bank that is the reason for the scandal, to their customers. Jyske Bank says We take it as a JOKE, which to me is incomprehensible as Jyske Bank is in risks being closed, and Jyske Bank’s shareholders will lose a lot of money.

Mail sendt 16-07-2022. Time 15.43

“Corrected 17-07-2022. time 12.15.” There were errors in the Youtube link address, these are corrected here
Morten Ulrik Gade <mug@jyskebank.dk>,
Philip Baruch <pb@les.dk>,
Kristian Ambjørn Buus-Nielsen <kbn@les.dk>,
“<NSJ@politi.dk>” <nsj@politi.dk>,
Statsministeriet <stm@stm.dk>,
Jura og Forretning <jur@domstolsstyrelsen.dk>,
Postkasse – Klagesagsafdelingen <klagesagsafdelingen@advokatsamfundet.dk>,
Justitsministeriet <jm@jm.dk>,

And a few more.


This email is due to everyone in Denmark trying to hide Jyske Bank’s use of criminal offenses, which I believe undermines a rule of law, The law must be equal for everyone, corruption must not absolve Danish banks that have committed crime, and Corrupt lawyers from being exposed to investigation.


Dear all of you at Jyske Bank And all the Danish authorities, the Danish state, Denmarks Nationalbank, the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Finance, the Government and the Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, the Legal Affairs Committee, all Danish politicians at Christiansborg, the Danish Courts Agency, the Danish Bar Association, ATP, and who else governs Denmark.


Have I been wrong.


Or does Denmark as a society, have a problem with the law not applying to Danish banks and lawyers.

Dialogue would be an advantage, as I am only trying to draw attention to the fact that Denmark probably has problems with corruption.


While Denmark is probably facing the biggest business scandal in this millennium.

Says the Danish bank Jyske Bank that is the reason for the scandal, to their customers.


Jyske Bank says We take it as a JOKE, which to me is incomprehensible as Jyske Bank is in risks being closed, and Jyske Bank’s shareholders will lose a lot of money.


I have explained it as best I can on this page.

Remember that I am just a simple craftsman, who can not spell, and who has no book education, and I am not a lawyer either, so plise will not talk to me and help me understand if it is me or Jyske Bank who has a problem.

And maybe it is me it can not read and understand the text of the penal code, so therefore, I ask everyone who receives this email to HELP ME UNDERSTAND WHAT IS IN THE LAW AND WHICH I HAVE REFERRATELY REFERRED TO.

Denmark has a major problem with legal certainty, as employees of the National Courts Administration knowingly and dishonestly, and by camaraderie, cover up economic crime, including corruption, which some of the largest Danish companies, including Jyske Bank A/S, are behind.






If Denmark has problems with the authorities, covering Danish banks, that commit criminal acts, then it has to that extent a problem for legal certainty in Denmark, that is undermined by the authorities. who cover up that Jyske Bank has committed a string of criminal offenses.


Dear Jyske Bank and the Danish state and government, in short all of you. have at no time any of you, ruled or responded to a single mail, or letter.

Do you really believe that your attempt to ingure me with silence, is causing this to disappear ?

I have been informed that the company that has a case against Jyske Bank is having a summer holiday, so if there are any of you who would like to make an agreement with me that I should stop teasing Jyske Bank and their lawyers.

Soplease call me at phone +4522227713

as I have been writing for years, I do not want this to continue. 


It only takes 5 minutes to get this to stop.

And if Jyske Bank wants to talk to me, then Anders Dam or someone else from Jyske Bank, is still welcome to call me to find a solution.


It does not have to be that difficult, I would like to invites Nicolai Hansen for lunch, so he and I can get an agreement, that this writings and campaigns  must be corrected and stopped, but we are forced to talk together. That there is not a single who dare to meet me, is a problem if you want me to make stop teasing Jyske Bank.


And of course I know that I may be the reason why Jyske Bank loses its license to operate a bank in Denmark, but that is not my problem.

Jyske Bank must comply with the law.


And there are more than one in Jyske Bank who must and must be fired, if Jyske Bank has a place in Danish society as a bank in the future.

.Jyske Bank bilen ved Jyske Bank Vesterbrogade 9. bemærk pil til tekster, Jyske Bank udsætter kunde for groft bedrageri. Jyske Bank tør ikke sige noget.

Jyske Bank og CEO Anders Christian Dam er gentagende gange blevet opfordret til at politianmelde mig Carsten Storbjerg for injurier, og bagvaskelse af Jyske Bank A/S, hvis Jyske Bank ikke har lavet dokument falsk og bedrageri, for de har vel styr på deres bilag. YouTube videoer, og her en video fra 18 maj 2021, hvor jeg opfordre Jyske Bank til at føre en injurier sag, og siger det kan give op til 2 års fængsel. JEG OPFORDRE IGEN I DAG. 18 MAJ 2022. I EN MAIL LINK. AT ALLE I JYSKE BANK A/S. BESTYRELSE OG REPRÆSENTANTSKABET. SAMT DERES ADVOKATER SOM PHILIP BARUCH, MORTEN ULRIK GADE, OG ALLE I JYSKE BANKS JURIDISKE AFDELING, OM AT POLITI ANMELDE MIG FOR INJURIER OG BAGVASKELSE AF JYSKE BANK A/S. ALTSÅ HVIS DET JEG SKRIVER OG SIGER OM JYSKE BANKS OMFATTENDE KRIMINALITET IKKE ER SANDT. Mit navn er Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup, jeg bor på Søvej 5. 3100 Hornbæk. Mit telefonnummer er +4522227713 i kan bare kommer hvis i mener jeg lyver. Og enten så gør Jyske Bank følgende. Jyske Bank Politi anmelder mig, for injurier og bagvaskelse af Jyske Bank A/S Holder kæft fordi jeg skriver sandheden, om Jyske Banks forretnings metoder. Ringer til mig på +4522227713 og beder mig om at stoppe mine tiltagende kampagner, og små drillerier mod Jyske Bank, og dem der har medvirket, direkte eller indirekte til Jyske Banks organiseret bedrageri. Ignorer mig og kæmper for at beholde hvad Jyske Bank A/S ved brug af dokumentfalsk, mandatsvig, fuldmagtmisbrug, bedrageri med mere har stjålet. Det er CEO Anders Dam ledelsen og repræsentantskabet Som bestemmer hvad Jyske Bank A/S står for. Da dette her er min private dagbog, skriver jeg det jeg tænker en del på, jeg kan ikke hamle op med korruption og kammerateri helt op i myndighederne herunder Statsministeriet Finansministeriet Finanstilsynet Justitsministeriet og Domstolsstyrelsen samt Rigspolitiet, som styre hvem der i Danmark skal overholde lovgivningen, det er klart at den danske stat ved folketinget, samlede set ikke ønsker at danske banker som bevisligt laver kriminalitet bliver straffet efter det i 2013 blev aftalt at de største danske banker ikke måtte gå konkurs.

You can also read my facebook entry below. And I must apologize if I have misunderstood something, which is also why I again urge the Jyske Bank Group and Anders Dam to resolve any errors and misunderstandings.

And for my sake, we do not need to talk about it anymore, even though it is only me who says something, while the rest of Denmark keeps quiet.


While Denmark is probably facing the biggest business scandal in this millennium.

Says the Danish bank Jyske Bank, ther is the reason for the Danish scandal, to their customers.


Carsten Storbjerg

Has repeatedly called on Jyske Bank to bring an defamation case against me, if Jyske Bank has not committed forgery and fraud.

But Jyske Bank is afraid that the Police will be involved in the bank’s fraud.

Jyske Bank has here the evidence to the police, that I accuse Jyske Bank of being behind extensive crime, and if that is not true.

Contact the police on telephone +45 114

But you does not dare.


12 maj 2022.



With reference to previous recordings and emails.

If Jyske Bank is not behind extensive crime, then contact the police and get them to investigate the evidence that Copenhagen’s police already ate in 2016. by case number. 0100-83966-00085-16 has received.

Vedtægter § 1 Stk. 1: Bankens navn er Jyske Bank A/S. Stk. 4: Bankens formål er som bank og som moderselskab at drive bankvirksomhed efter lovgivningen Stk. 5: Banken drives i overensstemmelse med redelig forretningsskik, god bankpraksis og bankens værdier og holdninger :-) :-) Lidt søge ord. #Justitsministeriet #Finansministeriet #Statsministeriet JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK / #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #Boxen Jyske Bank Boxen #KristianAmbjørnBuus-Nielsen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #JeanettKofoed-Hansen #AnetteKirkeby #SørenWoergaaed #BirgitBushThuesen #Gangcrimes #Crimes #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisc

Dækker politiet og statsadvokaten over danske bankers bedrageri

At that time, the police would not talk with me either, their written answer after the reception was that Jyske Bank would not be punished, and then the police did not have to talk to me.

So it is up to you all, if I Carsten Storbjerg is not right, then see now that I get a direct inquiry to the police, and please refer to all notices and what I have written since 2016.



Because it is probably the task of the police to protect the criminal banks against the customers who have found evidence, that Jyske Bank is a criminal and should be deprived of the right to conduct banking business in Denmark


18 maj. 2021.





3 juni. 2021.





18 sep. 2021.





24 sep. 2021.





27 sep. 2021.





1 OKT. 2021.





6 OKT. 2021.





12 JAN. 2022.





27 marts 2022.




Then you have here all the evidence you need to file a police report against me.

Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup for libel and slander of Jyske Bank A/S


Jyske Bank says. We take it as a JOKE.


Which to me is incomprehensible as Jyske Bank is risks being closed, and Jyske Bank’s shareholders will lose a lot of money.

I try again, while Jyske Bank maybe still thought, what the bank still say.



That is just a joke.
You Tube 

And do say. The police have something else to do, when your as the customers ask, why Jyske Bank does not do anything about my continued campaigns, which is aimed directly at Jyske bank.


The Jyske Bank car is clearly marked.
Jyske bank exposes customers to gross fraud.

And Jyske Bank is responsible for a million scams.

In other words, if this is not true, then Jyske Bank must immediately contact the police, and that is also stated on the car, the only thing Jyske Bank has to say, after this car has been outside one of Jyske Bank’s stores for 10 weeks.

The police have other things to do, but the truth is that it is true what is written on the Jyske banking car, and then Jyske Bank can do nothing.

Jyske Bank chose to deceive the perhaps only customer, who is not afraid to go to the meat of Denmark’s second largest bank, and CEO Anders Christian Dam dare not even answer me.


The danish bank, Jyske Bank by CEO Anders Christian Dam has repeatedly been offered, that the deceived customer in Jyske Bank removes notices, about the organized crime, that Jyske Bank started by Nicolai Hansen and Jeanett Kofoed-Hansen, but the Group Management does not care, as long as the Danish government covers Jyske Bank’s continued crimes.

And until Anders Dam no longer refuses to talk with the victim of Jyske Bank’s organized fraud.
Then my campaigns will continue, says Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup from Hornbaek.


It is Jyske Bank that has chosen this match, to show other customers, that they should not think they have a chance for justice, once Jyske Bank, exposes their customers to fraud.

Odd Jyske Bank uses the unequal balance of power to eradicate their victims.

But as the customer Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup does not like that the Danish government, and the danish state cover banks’ crimes, and that the police are not allowed to investigate the criminal banks in Denmark, so now it is my job to tell about it, as no other newspaper or Danish television to date has wanted to mention corruption in Denmark.


And problems with the Danish authorities covering criminal Danish banks.

Not a single word is written or said in Denmark, as I write is governed by corruption.

Comradeship and Corruption are and will remain the same.


This post is for you, who are a journalist either here in Denmark, or who is a journalist in any other country.
I ask for your help to tell how Denmark is a corrupt country, and here are members of the court system, right up to Supreme Court, There is helping to counteract law and justice, to protect some of the richest criminal companies in Denmark.
This is, of course, Denmark’s second largest bank Jyske Bank I am referring to.

And if there are some here in Denmark, who do not agree with what I write, then you are all welcome to have a conversation with me, and if I am wrong, I will be happy to correct.

But since not a single one since 2016 has wanted to talk to me, and review my evidence, for the organized crime I write that several employees and lawyers for Jyske Bank have agreed on, and that it is fraud committed jointly.
Then my alarm bells ring, and say Denmark has a terrible problem with corruption, and I probably only have the upper layer of the problem.


Author of this post, and investigator of Jyske Bank’s crimes in Denmark.

Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup

Soevej 5.

3100. Hornbaek

My phone number is +452222771.

And my private Mail is carsten.storbjerg@gmail.com

You are also welcome to send me an email here banknyt@gmail.com

YouTube Tube videos.

If you want to talk to me or know more.
This of course also applies to all the Danish authorities, the mentioned lawyers, and of course Jyske Bank A/S as well as their chairman and CEO Anders Christian Dam.

PS: Anders Dam this post is because, you do not want to talk to me, when I only want to find a solution to our little conflict between us 2 fighting cocks, you Anders Dam as the scared who does not dare to meet me.



Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup

Read in my diary Banknyt – dk and understand that I want to be in dialogue with you all together, even if you just injure me.


I just want to meet and talk to Jyske Bank, to find a solution.

And it is Jyske Bank that chooses, whether I should continue, or stop writing as I have done since 2016.


Let us now meet and put this nonsense behind us.
I would rather do something else, which I have written many times.


Best regards

Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup

Soevej 5.
3100. Hornbaek

Phone +4522227713
Mail carsten.storbjerg@gmail.com



If Jyske Bank has not committed forgery and fraud, as well as other criminal offenses.

So you have here all the evidence you need, to file a police report against me.
Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup for libel and slander of Jyske Bank A/S


Jyske Bank says. We take it as a JOKE.
Which to me is incomprehensible as Jyske Bank is risks being closed, and Jyske Bank’s shareholders will lose a lot of money.

I try again, while Jyske Bank maybe still thought, what the bank still say.



That is just a joke.

You Tube


And do say. The police have something else to do, when your as the customers ask, why Jyske Bank does not do anything about my continued campaigns, which is aimed directly at Jyske bank.


The Jyske Bank car is clearly marked.
Jyske bank exposes customers to gross fraud.

And Jyske Bank is responsible for a million scams.

In other words, if this is not true, then Jyske Bank must immediately contact the police, and that is also stated on the car, the only thing Jyske Bank has to say, after this car has been outside one of Jyske Bank’s stores for 10 weeks.

The police have other things to do, but the truth is that it is true what is written on the Jyske banking car, and then Jyske Bank can do nothing.

Jyske Bank chose to deceive the perhaps only customer, who is not afraid to go to the meat of Denmark’s second largest bank, and CEO Anders Christian Dam dare not even answer me.


The danish bank, Jyske Bank by CEO Anders Christian Dam has repeatedly been offered, that the deceived customer in Jyske Bank removes notices, about the organized crime, that Jyske Bank started by Nicolai Hansen and Jeanett Kofoed-Hansen, but the Group Management does not care, as long as the Danish government covers Jyske Bank’s continued crimes.

And until Anders Dam no longer refuses to talk with the victim of Jyske Bank’s organized fraud.

Then my campaigns will continue, says Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup from Hornbaek.


It is Jyske Bank that has chosen this match, to show other customers, that they should not think they have a chance for justice, once Jyske Bank, exposes their customers to fraud.

Odd Jyske Bank uses the unequal balance of power to eradicate their victims.

But as the customer Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup does not like that the Danish government, and the danish state cover banks’ crimes, and that the police are not allowed to investigate the criminal banks in Denmark, so now it is my job to tell about it, as no other newspaper or Danish television to date has wanted to mention corruption in Denmark.

And problems with the Danish authorities covering criminal Danish banks.

Not a single word is written or said in Denmark, as I write is governed by corruption.

Comradeship and Corruption are and will remain the same.


This post is for you, who are a journalist either here in Denmark, or who is a journalist in any other country.

I ask for your help to tell how Denmark is a corrupt country, and here are members of the court system, right up to Supreme Court, There is helping to counteract law and justice, to protect some of the richest criminal companies in Denmark.

This is, of course, Denmark’s second largest bank Jyske Bank I am referring to.

And if there are some here in Denmark, who do not agree with what I write, then you are all welcome to have a conversation with me, and if I am wrong, I will be happy to correct.

But since not a single one since 2016 has wanted to talk to me, and review my evidence, for the organized crime I write that several employees and lawyers for Jyske Bank have agreed on, and that it is fraud committed jointly.

Then my alarm bells ring, and say Denmark has a terrible problem with corruption, and I probably only have the upper layer of the problem.


Author of this post, and investigator of Jyske Bank’s crimes in Denmark.

Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup

Soevej 5.

3100. Hornbaek

My phone number is +452222771.

And my private Mail is carsten.storbjerg@gmail.com

You are also welcome to send me an email here banknyt@gmail.com

YouTube video.

If you want to talk to me or know more.
This of course also applies to all the Danish authorities, the mentioned lawyers, and of course Jyske Bank A/S as well as their chairman and CEO Anders Christian Dam.

PS: Anders Dam this post is because, you do not want to talk to me, when I only want to find a solution to our little conflict between us 2 fighting cocks, you Anders Dam as the scared who does not dare to meet me.



Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup


Read in my diary Banknyt – dk and understand that I want to be in dialogue with you all together, even if you just injure me.


I just want to meet and talk to Jyske Bank, to find a solution.

And it is Jyske Bank that chooses, whether I should continue, or stop writing as I have done since 2016.


Let us now meet and put this nonsense behind us.
I would rather do something else, which I have written many times.


Best regards

Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup

Soevej 5.
3100. Hornbaek

Phone +4522227713
Mail carsten.storbjerg@gmail.com


And do say. The police have something else to do, when your as the customers ask, why Jyske Bank does not do anything about my continued campaigns, which is aimed directly at Jyske bank.


The Jyske Bank car is clearly marked.
Jyske bank exposes customers to gross fraud.

And Jyske Bank is responsible for a million scams.

In other words, if this is not true, then Jyske Bank must immediately contact the police, and that is also stated on the car, the only thing Jyske Bank has to say, after this car has been outside one of Jyske Bank’s stores for 10 weeks.

The police have other things to do, but the truth is that it is true what is written on the Jyske banking car, and then Jyske Bank can do nothing.

Jyske Bank chose to deceive the perhaps only customer, who is not afraid to go to the meat of Denmark’s second largest bank, and CEO Anders Christian Dam dare not even answer me.


The danish bank, Jyske Bank by CEO Anders Christian Dam has repeatedly been offered, that the deceived customer in Jyske Bank removes notices, about the organized crime, that Jyske Bank started by Nicolai Hansen and Jeanett Kofoed-Hansen, but the Group Management does not care, as long as the Danish government covers Jyske Bank’s continued crimes.

And until Anders Dam no longer refuses to talk with the victim of Jyske Bank’s organized fraud.

Then my campaigns will continue, says Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup from Hornbaek.


It is Jyske Bank that has chosen this match, to show other customers, that they should not think they have a chance for justice, once Jyske Bank, exposes their customers to fraud.

Odd Jyske Bank uses the unequal balance of power to eradicate their victims.

But as the customer Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup does not like that the Danish government, and the danish state cover banks’ crimes, and that the police are not allowed to investigate the criminal banks in Denmark, so now it is my job to tell about it, as no other newspaper or Danish television to date has wanted to mention corruption in Denmark.

And problems with the Danish authorities covering criminal Danish banks.

Not a single word is written or said in Denmark, as I write is governed by corruption.

Comradeship and Corruption are and will remain the same.


This post is for you, who are a journalist either here in Denmark, or who is a journalist in any other country.

I ask for your help to tell how Denmark is a corrupt country, and here are members of the court system, right up to Supreme Court, There is helping to counteract law and justice, to protect some of the richest criminal companies in Denmark.

This is, of course, Denmark’s second largest bank Jyske Bank I am referring to.

And if there are some here in Denmark, who do not agree with what I write, then you are all welcome to have a conversation with me, and if I am wrong, I will be happy to correct.

But since not a single one since 2016 has wanted to talk to me, and review my evidence, for the organized crime I write that several employees and lawyers for Jyske Bank have agreed on, and that it is fraud committed jointly.

Then my alarm bells ring, and say Denmark has a terrible problem with corruption, and I probably only have the upper layer of the problem.


Author of this post, and investigator of Jyske Bank’s crimes in Denmark.

Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup

Soevej 5.

3100. Hornbaek

My phone number is +452222771.

And my private Mail is carsten.storbjerg@gmail.com

You are also welcome to send me an email here banknyt@gmail.com

You Tube

If you want to talk to me or know more.
This of course also applies to all the Danish authorities, the mentioned lawyers, and of course Jyske Bank A/S as well as their chairman and CEO Anders Christian Dam.

PS: Anders Dam this post is because, you do not want to talk to me, when I only want to find a solution to our little conflict between us 2 fighting cocks, you Anders Dam as the scared who does not dare to meet me.



Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup

Read in my diary Banknyt – dk and understand that I want to be in dialogue with you all together, even if you just injure me.


I just want to meet and talk to Jyske Bank, to find a solution.

And it is Jyske Bank that chooses, whether I should continue, or stop writing as I have done since 2016.


Let us now meet and put this nonsense behind us.

I would rather do something else, which I have written many times.


Best regards

Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup

Soevej 5.
3100. Hornbaek

Phone +4522227713

LUK Jyske Bank. Nationalbanken ved de sammenarbejder med stor Kriminel Dansk Bank. Hvor kunde udfordrer dem der står bag svindlen, eller har dækket over den organiseret økonomisk kriminalitet, som Jyske Bank koncernen har stået bag. Anders Christian Dam, Niels Erik Jakobsen, Per Skovhus, Peter Schleidt, og Lund Elmer Sandager advokater ved ledelsen & Philip Baruch, Lundgrens advokater ved ledelsen & Dan Terkildsen, advokat samfundet ved formand Martin Lavesen, advoknævnet ved formand Højesterets dommer Kurt Rasmussen, Birgitte Frølund, Jens Steen Jensen, Jurist Rikke Skadhauge Seerup Krogsgaard, Henrik Hyltoft, tør i mødes og gennemgå mine beviser for Jyske Banks organiserede bedrageri, som ret mange dækker over. Jeg siger Jyske Bank A/S har bestukket Lundgrens advokater. TØR I MØDES MED MIG, OG GENNEMGÅ BEVISERNE. I KAN JO BARE SVARE, OG MENER I DET ER BAGVASKELSE, SÅ KOMMER I BARE.

Jyske Bank Boxen har fint besøg.