22-07-2022. “and 25-07-2022” I know I can’t write and that I don’t spell very well. But is that the reason that not a single person in Denmark has wanted to answer me, nor has he wanted to raise the problem of corruption and bribery in Denmark. Just as the Danish State by the government is effectively covering up the criminal Danish bank “Jyske Bank” by passivity.

Mail sendt 22-07-2022. tid. 16.27. Updated has made a few corrections updated 07-25-2022. hour 16.45 and resent to everyone. I have inserted some atmospheric pictures, which are advertisements for the Jyske Bank car.


To the National Bank of Denmark, as well as other authorities and Jyske Bank A/S.

Danmarks Nationalbank Langelinie Allé 47.

2100 Copenhagen East.



Jyske Bank A/S
Vestergade 8-16
8600 Silkeborg.

Legal department. as well as the executive board.

Do you want to accuse me of libel and slander against Jyske Bank A/S

Or is this something you want to talk about, because I want to.

And here, after fighting against Jyske Bank for many years, and trying to enter into a dialogue since May 2016 with Anders Dam, you probably no longer believe that I will stop without an explanation.



Are you well aware that this problem and this scandal that you have created together will just disappear, now stop trying to dialogue.

My name is Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup, and for those of you who haven’t discovered it, this is a call to CEO Anders Christian Dam


CALL +4522227713 AND TALK TO ME.


Denmark has a major problem with legal certainty, as employees of the National Courts Administration knowingly and dishonestly, and by camaraderie, cover up economic crime, including corruption, which some of the largest Danish companies, including Jyske Bank A/S, are behind. Jyske Banks medarbejdere lyver igen 22-06-2022, da medarbejdere i Jyske Banks afdeling på Gammel Kongevej 136, siger, til den kunde der spørger om det der står på Jyske Bank bilen uden for Jyske Bank, er sandt. Kunden fortæller at i Jyske Bank på Frederiksberg er være blevet oplyst, at den omtalte verserende sag mellem Storbjerg Erhverv ApS og mod Jyske Bank A/S. Er tabt 2 gange. både i byretten og landsretten ?. Men det var ikke det kunden stillede spørgsmål om, kunden spurgte de ansat i banken på Frederiksberg, om det der står på bilen uden for bankens facade er sandt. JYSKE BANKS MEDARBEJDERE KAN FÅ 44.000 DKK. FOR AT MODBEVISE DET JEG SKRIVER. Og du kan få op til 40.000 DKK hvis du kan modbevise det jeg skriver, hør hvad jeg siger ti

One of the new advertising signs for the car that Jyske Bank takes as a JOKE.
Is this here for Jyske Bank still just a joke, or are you getting the seriousness of it.
Jyske Bank may lose their license to conduct banking business in Denmark, due to the use of fraud, forgery, bribery and much more.


My name is Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup.

My address is Soevej 5. 3100 Hornbaek.



I write again and again. since the Jyske Bank group together with the Danish state as a whole refuses to talk to me about the problems I am writing about, which the Danish government as well as the state’s institutions and authorities all want to cover up, this is not the way to resolve a conflict , it just grows, conversation and dialogue you should try.

Jyske Bank is not only fighting to get away with fraud and forgery and bribery of customers, but also to survive as a bank in Denmark.



This email to the National Bank of Denmark, and the entire Danish state, it is because the Danish government, is ignoring my information and evidence,  about the Danish criminal bank, and that the Danish authorities and politicians is covering up the criminal Danish bank, is it a misunderstanding, or why is Jyske Bank not deprived of the right to the right to conduct financial business in Denmark.


I have been informed that I cannot do anything to the criminal bank, as it is political for the Danish state and the authorities to cover up Jyske Bank’s crimes, and then everyone hopes that I will get tired of writing and advertising for the organized crime that the Danish state effectively covers it, so as not to deprive Jyske Bank of the right to conduct banking business.


It is entirely up to Jyske Bank A/S and their CEO Anders Christian Dam how long time. I will continue to write factual information about Jyske bank’s way of banking.


And no, Anders Dam, this is not a Joke as you say to your customers, and with conversation and understanding, I would like to stop teasing you, Anders Dam, you just have to call to talk to me, it’s so difficult.

Listen to the conversations that I have chosen to share, and note my words on December 18, 2018. where I say to Mette Marie Nielsen.

It will only get worse, and I also say I don’t want this. Let’s talk so this war can stop, Anders Christian Dam call me +4522227713. and spend the 5 minutes it takes to solve our little problems.

CEO Anders Dam there and becomes your personal responsibility, and this is because you have not learned about conflict management, these emails, videos and postings are your fault, and if Jyske Bank loses reputation then it is your fault Anders Dam.

I am aware that I cannot fight corruption in Denmark alone, but I hope that Jyske Bank will realize that crimes can be expensive, so Jyske Bank should stop them, even if your shareholders like ATP Danish Pension do not care.




Jyske Bank has major problems, and the management and CEO Anders Christian Dam are personally the reason for postings like this. I just want to talk to someone in Jyske Bank about the bank’s problems. I make it very clear, that I do not stop writing articles about the fraud, that Jyske Bank exposes their customers to, without I having been in dialogue with the management. Customer says to the Management of Jyske Bank, hopes it is worth all the money to expose us customers to organized fraud. Your indifference to my campaigns only damages Jyske Bank’s credibility well into the fifties, and whoever says that the Danish state will continue to cover up the crime that Jyske Bank is behind, do you really believe that this is a joke, when you tell your customers and shareholders in Jysk Bank about it. That is why these problems i Jyske Bank have only grown and grown. Here I give Jyske Bank the opportunity to talk with me, and then Anders Christian Dam could ask me nicely, if I would stop exposing Jyske Bank to my writings and teasing. I would like to stop my attacks on Jyske Bank’s credible. But only if Jyske Bank and their CEO and management want it, which requires dialogue. Anders Christian Dam you can call me on +4522227713.

.Warning against Jyske Bank.

Jyske Bank car promises prizes in the competition for NOW up to DKK 45,000 – 54,000 CLICK HERE.

You just have to disprove that Jyske Bank has committed fraud and forgery as well as paid Lundgren’s bribes, lies and that kind of crime.LINK, vi Hjælper med at find en Jyske bank rådgiver her.

The green butcher, with a good offer for you, Jyske Bank would slaughter the customer, but the customer will now slaughter Jyske Bank’s credibility as a bank in Denmark.

Mail has been sent to.




Morten Ulrik Gade <mug@jyskebank.dk>,
Philip Baruch <pb@les.dk>,
Kristian Ambjørn Buus-Nielsen <kbn@les.dk>,
“<NSJ@politi.dk>” <nsj@politi.dk>,
Statsministeriet <stm@stm.dk>,
Jura og Forretning <jur@domstolsstyrelsen.dk>,
Postkasse – Klagesagsafdelingen <klagesagsafdelingen@advokatsamfundet.dk>,
Justitsministeriet <jm@jm.dk>,

And CC. sent to.

EMW@lundgrens.dk, “Emil, who represented Lundgren’s lawyers as having contributed to Jyske Bank’s fraud, has been employed as a lawyer at Rambøll Danmark A/S ehvw@ramboll.dk. Hannemanns Allé 53, 2300 Copenhagen S,  Denmark.Phone: 51611000, Email: info@ramboll.com.
atv@lundgrens.dk ,
ths@lundgrens.dk ,
tkr@lundgrens.dk ,
shi@lundgrens.dk ,
sdr@lundgrens.dk ,
pem@lundgrens.dk ,
pcc@lundgrens.dk ,
pbn@lundgrens.dk ,
pmo@ lundgrens.dk ,
nri@lundgrens.dk ,
nwk@lundgrens.dk ,
ngh@lundgrens.dk ,
nbs@lundgrens.dk ,
mg@lundgrens.dk ,
mma@lundgrens.dk ,
mki@lundgrens.dk ,
lkj@lundgrens. dk . dk ,
kra@lundgrens.dk ,
djur@lundgrens.dk ,
csc@lundgrens.dk ,
Casper Dam Olsen <Casper-dam@jyskebank.dk>,
Tina Agergaard <AGERGAARD@jyskebank.dk>,
“\\\\” <frank.ryan@dlapiper.com>,
Arbejderen Redaktion <redaktion@arbejderen.dk>,
BT-1929 1929 <1929@bt.dk>,
EB 1224 <1224@eb.dk>,
danskebank@danskebank.dk, tpou@danskebank.dk Please share with the management for information about your competitor who plays dirty and uses dirty tricks as a bribe.
“Corrected and sent to Danske Bank with a notice of attack on Jyske Bank’s credibility, as a criminal bank.”
Which CEO Anders Christian Dam for Jyske Bank has decided that Jyske Bank doesn’t care, because nobody does anything to Jyske Bank once Jyske Bank A/S has decided to deceive their customers.

metnie@danskebank.dk, ehvw@ramboll.dk and for the benefit of your employers.


Denmark has a major problem with legal certainty, as employees of the National Courts Administration knowingly and dishonestly, and by camaraderie, cover up economic crime, including corruption, which some of the largest Danish companies, including Jyske Bank A/S, are behind.

The new Jyske Bank car has clear questions for Jyske Bank here.

Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup encourages everyone to go into Jyske Bank and ask what this Jyske Bank car is for, and whether it is true that Jyske Bank commits fraud, forgery, uses bribes, and power of attorney abuse and abuse of the bank’s access to the land registry, and much more.

Jyske Bank has also been urged to contact the police if what is stated is not true, but CEO Anders Christian Dam does not dare, for fear of an investigation it will support the customer’s accusations against the criminal Jyske Bank.


.Jyske Bank bilen ved Jyske Bank Vesterbrogade 9. bemærk pil til tekster, Jyske Bank udsætter kunde for groft bedrageri. Jyske Bank tør ikke sige noget.

Jyske Bank the car with a clear call to CEO Anders Dam.
Call the police if it’s not true it says on the car.

Add on July 25, and therefore not included in the mail that is sent to stated mail addresses.



metnie@danskebank.dk  Copy sent 25-07-2022. to Mette Marie Nielsen who acting for Lundgren’s lawyers, has opposed to present the client’s fraud and false claims and submissions against Jyske Bank A/S.

Mette Marie Nielsen is subsequently the shared complaint, where it is really about complicity in Jyske Bank fraud, by withholding the client’s submissions to the court, has now been employed as a lawyer for Danske Bank A/S 3911. Group Legal. Holmens Kanal 2. 1060 Copenhagen K. Denmark. Phone: 33440000. Copy is also sent to the new employer Danish Bank.


ehvw@ramboll.dk Copy sent 25-07-2022. to Emil Hald Vendelbo Winstrøm who acting for Lundgren’s lawyers, has opposed to present the client’s fraud and false claims and submissions against Jyske Bank A/S.

Emil Hald Vendelbo Winstrøm is subsequently the shared complaint, where it is really about complicity in Jyske Bank fraud, by withholding the client’s submissions to the court, has now been employed as a lawyer for Rambøll Danmark A/S. Hannemanns Allé 53. 2300 København S.
Danmark. Tlf.: 51611000. Email: info@ramboll.com Copy is also sent to the new employer Rambøll A/S


Listen to the conversation 14-12-2018. and the interview on 18-12-2018. these recordings and had Lundgrens by Mette Marie Nielsen and Emil Hald Vendelbo Winstrøm, together with the complaint 05-06-2020. supports that Jyske Bank has bribed Lundgren’s lawyers. Which just shows that corruption in Denmark is thriving and that there are many lawyers who are instrumental in working against law and order, as long as they get a good recommendation.




Mette Marie Nielsen said that the client had to trust Lundgrens.

Appendix 87. Bilag 87. written off 14-12-2018 Transcript of conversation with Mette Marie Nielsen Lundgren regarding fraud case. Mette promises to include it all in the written response.

Appendix 87.A. Bilag 87.A. Mp3. 14-12-2018 Listen to a conversation with Mette Marie Nielsen Lundgren regarding fraud case. Mette promises to include it all in the written response.

Appendix 91. Bilag 91. 18-12-2018. Transcript of conversation Mette Marie Nielsen Lundgrens, conversation at 14.41 to 18.01. Jyske bank is lying. Mette confirms.

Appendix 91. A. Bilag 91.A. MP3. 18-12-2018. kl. 17.41 Mette Marie Nielsen Lundgren’s calls. Mette Marie and Dan Terkildsen believe that presenting fraud damages the case.


Emil Hald Vendelbo Winstrøm claimed that Lundgrens would not present anything to the court without the Client and Lundgrens completely agreeing, Emil does this personally against instructions, and hides the pleadings from the client. SEE THE COMPLAINT AGAINST Lundgrens

As you can hear in the interview on 8 June,
Conversation part 2. 2019. at 15.45 read item 68.

Emil says bluntly that Dan Terkildsen is indeed a vorherre.
So a GOD.

Which the Danish Dictionary also translates Our Lord into.


I have no doubt that Partner Dan Terkildsen and Philip Baruch are 2 of the main people behind Jyske Bank having bribed Lundgrens to work against justice.

Og hvorfor den danske stat og regeringen dækker over den korruption og det kammerateri der styrer Danmark, og som ledes af magtfulde personer, så som myndighedspersoner med tråde i Statsministeriet, Retsudvalget, Domstolsstyrelsen samt Finanstilsynet og Rigspolitiet med flere. Hvilket blandt andet sker ved hjælp af nogle de mest magtfulde advokater og organisationer i Danmark, her med henvisning og tråde til den danske Frimurerloge. Hvorfor mon ikke en eneste af disse mægtige medlemmer har turde at svare mig, eller tage en konfrontation med mig.

Jyske bank bilen.

Appendix 92. Bilag 92. 22-03-2019 Read conversation Lundgren’s Emil Hald Winstrøm and Carsten at 14.51 it’s about Jyske Bank committing fraud.

Appendix 92. A. Bilag 92.A. MP3. 22-03-2019. 14.51 Listen to the conversation with Emil Hald Winstrøm Lundgrens confirms there are 9 witnesses, and all attachments are taken. read Appendix 62. 63. 135.


Appendix 93. Bilag 93. 08-07-2019. Read interview part 1 and 2. Emil Hald Winstrøm Lundgrens and the client Emil confirm that it is about fraud.

Appendix 93. A. Part 1. Bilag 93. del 1. MP3. 08-07-2019. Listen to the conversation between Emil Hald Winstrøm Lundgren and the client Emil Confirms it is about fraud. Confirming again 9 witnesses.

Appendix 93. B. Part 2. Bilag 93. del 2. MP3. 08-07-2019. Listen to the conversation between Emil Hald Winstrøm Lundgren and the client Emil Confirms it is about fraud. Confirming again 9 witnesses.


I will make it short, Emil Hald Vendelbo presents a pleading on 2 September 2019. Emil does not provide the client with a copy, and then on 5 September 2019. the client asks Dan Terkildsen if the client can get a copy of the pleading that Lundgrens and Emil Hald Vendelbo presented to the court on 2 September, Lundgren’s partner Dan Terkildsen did not answer at all.


The client does not know that Jyske Bank A/S has bribed Lundgrens in spring 2018. and on 20 September, at email  02.52 and by email at 04.10. Asks the client Lundgren’s lawyers.

If the Lundgren’s partner Dan Terkildsen refuses to answer a clear question, whether Lundgren’s works, or whether some one in Lundgren’s has worked for Jyske Bank A/S.

Lundgren’s partner Dan Terkildsen would not answer this either.


On 21 September 2019, the client finds a document on Lundgren’s own website which shows that Lundgren worked for Jyske Bank shortly after Lundgren’s 30 January 2018. Otherwise, by this email. was presented that the client specifically wanted help with the presentation of a case against Jyske Bank A/S where there were several cases of fraud.
In the email of 30 January, this letter is attached.


Lundgren’s client finds this posting 21 September 2019.

It is dated 21 June 2018, which shows that everyone in Lundgrens has shown that Jyske Bank has employed Lundgrens in a case with a deal for DKK 600,000,000

So both Mette Marie Nielsen and Emil Hald Vendelbo Windstrøm are in bad faith.

They both know very well that they have no intention of helping the client, yet they hide from the client that
Lundgrens works for Jyske Bank’s interests, and therefore Lundgren’s employees also mislead the client in telephone conversations into trusting Lundgrens, who has thus been bribed not to present the client’s case against Jyske Bank.


I would recommend that you all read the complaint against Lundgren’s lawyers and lawyer Dan Terkilsden.

And put in the decision that neither the name of the lawyer nor the Danish legal community wants to be publicly known.


A decision which is basically about corruption in Denmark. And how many actually contribute to corruption thriving in Denmark.

Which at least these people are helping to continue,


Which they have all unanimously decided, that it does not benefit the client that their lawyer works for the other party, in another case worth many millions.

These people also agree that the client’s lawyer can present what the lawyer wants, without asking the client.

Likewise all the members agree that the Client has no right to obtain either court records, or the pleadings that their lawyer has withheld, and therefore will not hand over to the client.


And it appears that the client actually asked the court twice, as in this email, for insight into the client’s case against Jyske Bank, since Lundgrens would not answer the client.


The lawyer ethical rules which Supreme Court Judge Kurt Rasmussen, from domstolsstyrelsen and lawyers as Birgitte Frølund from Horten Advokater. / Jens Steen Jensen from Kromann Reumert Advokater. / Jurist Rikke Skadhauge Seerup Krogsgaard from Forbrugerklagenævnet. / Henrik Hyltoft from Dansk erhverv. And as a lawyer named chairman Martin Lavesen from DLA Piper Advokater who, all in agreement, interpret what is not a violation of good lawyer practice.

It must be said that the law firm Horten, where Birgitte Frølund is a partner 30-06-2021. and who acquitted Lundgren in 27 complaints, has himself delivered a new lawyer to Lundgren’s lawyers Christina Bach Rasmussen who has been at Horten for 5 years, comes over to Lundgrens.




Bemærk at Højesteretsdommer Kurt Rasmussen, der udover at være en højt placeret dommer, også er formand i advokat nævnet, som den 30. Juni 2020 HER PDF KOPI. var med til at afviste hele denne her klage fra 5 juni 2020. med alle 27 forhold, HER PDF KOPI. mod Lundgrens advokater/ Partner Dan Terkildsen, Dan Terkildsen der selv er ansat som Voldgift dommer, svarede ikke på en eneste af de 26 opfordringer, hvilken advokat nævnet ingurer HER PDF. KOPI.


Read the complaint here Appendix 233. with links in the complaint to these appendices. 

And Appendix 233. without links or corrections to the complaint against Lundgren’s lawyers for countering the injustice and counteracting justice.

JYSKE BANK A/S HAR LAVET OG ELLER BRUGT. 1. Bedrageri. SVIG 2. Bondefangeri. 3. Dokument falsk. FALSK. 4. Vildledning. 5. Udnyttelse. 6. Lyver for kunde. 7. Vanhjemmel. 8. Bestikkelse / returkommission. Som da Jyske Bank Bestak Lundgrens advokater til at morarbejde den klient, som havde ansat Lundgrens til at fremlægge en sag om svig og falsk mod Jyske Bank A/S 9. Retsmisbrug. 10. Misbrugt adgang til Tinglysningsretten. 11. Fuldmagt misbrug. 12. Ond tro. 13. XXXXXXX. 14. Mandag svig. 15. Lyver overfor Penge Institut ankenævnet. 16. Lyver overfor domstolen. 17. Kan vel skrive MAGT MISBRUG, også. 18. Har taget overpant og sikkerheder for omkring 12 millioner, for en gæld på ca. 3 millioner, hvor der der givet pant i min ejendom på 3 millioner, et pantebrev Jyske Bank A/S iøvrigt ikke vil udlevere uden at stille krav, og det på trods af at jeg ikke skylder Jyske Bank noget som helst. 19. Nægter at udlevere de dokumenter hvori jeg private tidligere har givet Jyske Bank sikkerhed og kaution for selskabet, der

Til Jyske Bank bilen



It must be announced that both lawyer Mette Marie Nielsen and lawyer Emil Hald Vendelbo Winstrøm will be witnesses called.


On 24-02-2023. in Case BS-32089/2021-HEL. where Lundgrens wants DKK 232,000, for having worked against the client, and for having withheld court records, and for having withheld several pleadings.

The court set the time for the main hearing as 24 February 2023 at
9.15 to 15.30 in courtroom G. everyone is welcome, Audio recordings and transcripts will be used in connection with witness interviews.



Denmark has a major problem with legal certainty, as employees of the National Courts Administration knowingly and dishonestly, and by camaraderie, cover up economic crime, including corruption, which some of the largest Danish companies, including Jyske Bank A/S, are behind. Jyske Banks medarbejdere lyver igen 22-06-2022, da medarbejdere i Jyske Banks afdeling på Gammel Kongevej 136, siger, til den kunde der spørger om det der står på Jyske Bank bilen uden for Jyske Bank, er sandt. Kunden fortæller at i Jyske Bank på Frederiksberg er være blevet oplyst, at den omtalte verserende sag mellem Storbjerg Erhverv ApS og mod Jyske Bank A/S. Er tabt 2 gange. både i byretten og landsretten ?. Men det var ikke det kunden stillede spørgsmål om, kunden spurgte de ansat i banken på Frederiksberg, om det der står på bilen uden for bankens facade er sandt. JYSKE BANKS MEDARBEJDERE KAN FÅ 44.000 DKK. FOR AT MODBEVISE DET JEG SKRIVER. Og du kan få op til 40.000 DKK hvis du kan modbevise det jeg skriver, hør hvad jeg siger ti

Nationalbanken tilkendegiver sine holdninger til ny finansiel lovgivning bl.a. ved afgivelse af høringssvar. Det er Finanstilsynet, der fører tilsyn med de finansielle virksomheders overholdelse af den finansielle regulering i Danmark. ​
Problemet er bare at Finanstilsynet dækker over bankers brug, af kriminelle og strafbare forbrydelser.

With this re-sent and slightly corrected email, I would again like to encourage you all to try dialogue, because conversation and dialogue can be used to advantage to avoid these conflicts becoming disturbances.

You must also remember 1 thing.
it is not me who wants this, but since Denmark is ruled by corruption, it must be cleaned up.

Who would like to have an interview with me Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup.

So together we can find out if it is me who is breaking some laws and rules by telling about the crime that the Jyske Bank group is behind, and which I tell you there are many people in Denmark who are covering up, which happens through camaraderie, that is the same as corruption.

How bad is corruption in Denmark and are you, the recipient of this email, at all interested in putting an end to the corruption that rules Denmark.

It’s no use for you all to shut up and hope I stop researching and writing about this huge problem for Denmark.

I’m just trying to talk to some of you, I know since May 2016 I’ve been trying to get in touch with the Jyske Bank group without success, quite frankly.


Wasn’t it time for Jyske Bank A/S to call me on +4522227713

And find a solution so that this writing can stop, I’ve written it a hundred times, I’m fed up with this nonsense and would rather do something else.


Jyske Bank CEO Anders Christian Dam this is and will be your fault.



I just want to talk to some people, and no one wants to talk to me, is the way to resolve conflicts in Denmark to keep your mouth shut.


I don’t understand why you don’t call me, I’m offering YOU to stop this.

CEO Anders Christian Dam you have created the problem and you should also find a solution so that this can stop before Jyske Bank comes to harm Denmark as a nation, because who in the Danish state will continue to cover up the crimes of Jyske Bank, I have written directly to the National Bank of Denmark, as they are ultimately responsible.



Jyske Bank og CEO Anders Christian Dam er gentagende gange blevet opfordret til at politianmelde mig Carsten Storbjerg for injurier, og bagvaskelse af Jyske Bank A/S, hvis Jyske Bank ikke har lavet dokument falsk og bedrageri, for de har vel styr på deres bilag. YouTube videoer, og her en video fra 18 maj 2021, hvor jeg opfordre Jyske Bank til at føre en injurier sag, og siger det kan give op til 2 års fængsel. JEG OPFORDRE IGEN I DAG. 18 MAJ 2022. I EN MAIL LINK. AT ALLE I JYSKE BANK A/S. BESTYRELSE OG REPRÆSENTANTSKABET. SAMT DERES ADVOKATER SOM PHILIP BARUCH, MORTEN ULRIK GADE, OG ALLE I JYSKE BANKS JURIDISKE AFDELING, OM AT POLITI ANMELDE MIG FOR INJURIER OG BAGVASKELSE AF JYSKE BANK A/S. ALTSÅ HVIS DET JEG SKRIVER OG SIGER OM JYSKE BANKS OMFATTENDE KRIMINALITET IKKE ER SANDT. Mit navn er Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup, jeg bor på Søvej 5. 3100 Hornbæk. Mit telefonnummer er +4522227713 i kan bare kommer hvis i mener jeg lyver. Og enten så gør Jyske Bank følgende. Jyske Bank Politi anmelder mig, for injurier og bagvaskelse af Jyske Bank A/S Holder kæft fordi jeg skriver sandheden, om Jyske Banks forretnings metoder. Ringer til mig på +4522227713 og beder mig om at stoppe mine tiltagende kampagner, og små drillerier mod Jyske Bank, og dem der har medvirket, direkte eller indirekte til Jyske Banks organiseret bedrageri. Ignorer mig og kæmper for at beholde hvad Jyske Bank A/S ved brug af dokumentfalsk, mandatsvig, fuldmagtmisbrug, bedrageri med mere har stjålet. Det er CEO Anders Dam ledelsen og repræsentantskabet Som bestemmer hvad Jyske Bank A/S står for. Da dette her er min private dagbog, skriver jeg det jeg tænker en del på, jeg kan ikke hamle op med korruption og kammerateri helt op i myndighederne herunder Statsministeriet Finansministeriet Finanstilsynet Justitsministeriet og Domstolsstyrelsen samt Rigspolitiet, som styre hvem der i Danmark skal overholde lovgivningen, det er klart at den danske stat ved folketinget, samlede set ikke ønsker at danske banker som bevisligt laver kriminalitet bliver straffet efter det i 2013 blev aftalt at de største danske banker ikke måtte gå konkurs.

Do you know the Jyske bank car, which is here parked outside Jyske Bank at Gammel Kongevej 136.
Ask Jyske bank if what is written on the car is true, since not a single one dares to confront Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup.



Denmark is plagued by corruption and camaraderie when Danish banks commit organized crime, and the government and the Prime Minister do not want to change, therefore all the authorities incur the knowledge, they have no objection to Jyske Bank is committing fraud, and no problems about Jyske Bank's continued fraud, and the use of forgery as well as bribery and other criminal offenses.

Sunset over Langebro in Hellebæk. Ålsgårde. The picture was taken from Helsingør 11 June 2022.

Here is the full email that was sent on 22 July 2022


Før du læser min mail, så stil dig selv dette spørgsmål.


Hvorfor har ikke en eneste fra Jyske Bank ønsket at svare på noget, i betragtning af at jeg siden maj 2016 har skrevet direkte til ledelsen i Jyske Bank.


Jeg mener, at Jyske Bank har skadet Danmark som stat ved bankens handlinger, og derfor forstår jeg ikke, at den danske stat arbejder så hårdt for lov og orden for at dække over denne kriminelle bank, når Jyske Bank ikke har ret til at have en licens. at drive bank i Danmark.



Med mindre Danmark er fuldstændig korrupt, så må der være nogen, der tør møde mig på nationalt tv og svare på mine spørgsmål.

Jeg vil blot stille op med mine beviser på, at Jyske Bank står bag organiseret kriminalitet.

And then all the lawyers of Jyske Bank and the Danish state or your judges can meet me and explain on TV that what is written in the law is not correct, or that the law simply does not apply to Danish banks that break the law.

I have already stated that Supreme Court Justice Kurt Rasmussen is the only one who knows
his actions that covered up criminal offences, such as Jyske Bank bribing Lundgren’s lawyers.

Who dares to meet me and speak against me, and then stop sticking your head in the ground, to cover up the fraudulent bank I have presented documentation for.


Medvirkende i sagen eller kender til sagen og ønsker ikke at rette fejl Fundament hæderlig ærlig åben retter fejl Nykredit jyske bank Advokat advokater strafferet øknomisk kriminelit Lund Elmer Sandager Michael Rasmussen CEO Nykredit Anders Christian Dam CEO Morten Ulrik gade Philip Baruch Mette Egholm Nielsen Birgit Bush Jyske bank erhverv Hillerød Helsingør Århus Aahus København Silkeborg Valby Østerbro Nicolai Hansen Anette Kirkeby Søren Woergaard Danske bank jysk Koncernledelse jyske bank Koncernbestyrelsen Sven Buhrkall Kurt Bligaard Pedersen Rina Asmussen Philip Baruch Jens A. Borup Keld Norup Christina Lykke Munk Haggai Kunisch Marianne Lillevang Koncerndirektionen Anders Dam Leif F. Larsen Niels Erik Jakobsen Per Skovhus Peter Schleidt finans nyt penge dr kontant DR KONTANT Penge Rådgivning


When you are now again informed by this email about Jyske Bank’s criminal business methods, can none of you can be in any doubt, that Jyske Bank is deeply criminal.

You can choose to continue to Ignore this information.

And in that way choose for the Danish State to cover up the criminal Danish bank, and thus possibly become accomplices.

Or you can choose to act, on the information you have received.


The Danish state and the Government initiate an investigation into the allegations and evidence ther are directly against Jyske Bank A/S and the bank’s management for being behind crime, committed in association, and that Jyske Bank has also bribed Lundgrens lawyers to lose a fraud lawsuit against Jyske Bank A/S. simply by not presenting the client’s accusations against Jyske Bank.

Or else.

Helping you all, your cooperation partner as CEO Anders Christian Dam.

And help Jyske Bank A/S. with a defamation case, is being brought against me Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup for slander against Jyske Bank A/S.

Because you all cannot continue to ignore my many inquiries, with information And waterproof evidence, that the Danish State and Danish institutions as well as the Danish National Bank are still cooperating with banks, which you all know are demonstrably behind organized crime.

I Carsten Storbjerg have at least since 1 May 2019. continuously written to all of you about Jyske bank’s crimes to all Danish politicians since 1 May 2019.

And not a single one has wanted to save or rule, that’s why I’m asking with this email.

As an informed politician, are you complicit in a bank’s fraud if you cover up organized crime.





Jyske Bank og CEO Anders Christian Dam er gentagende gange blevet opfordret til at politianmelde mig Carsten Storbjerg for injurier, og bagvaskelse af Jyske Bank A/S, hvis Jyske Bank ikke har lavet dokument falsk og bedrageri, for de har vel styr på deres bilag. YouTube videoer, og her en video fra 18 maj 2021, hvor jeg opfordre Jyske Bank til at føre en injurier sag, og siger det kan give op til 2 års fængsel. JEG OPFORDRE IGEN I DAG. 18 MAJ 2022. I EN MAIL LINK. AT ALLE I JYSKE BANK A/S. BESTYRELSE OG REPRÆSENTANTSKABET. SAMT DERES ADVOKATER SOM PHILIP BARUCH, MORTEN ULRIK GADE, OG ALLE I JYSKE BANKS JURIDISKE AFDELING, OM AT POLITI ANMELDE MIG FOR INJURIER OG BAGVASKELSE AF JYSKE BANK A/S. ALTSÅ HVIS DET JEG SKRIVER OG SIGER OM JYSKE BANKS OMFATTENDE KRIMINALITET IKKE ER SANDT. Mit navn er Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup, jeg bor på Søvej 5. 3100 Hornbæk. Mit telefonnummer er +4522227713 i kan bare kommer hvis i mener jeg lyver. Og enten så gør Jyske Bank følgende. Jyske Bank Politi anmelder mig, for injurier og bagvaskelse af Jyske Bank A/S Holder kæft fordi jeg skriver sandheden, om Jyske Banks forretnings metoder. Ringer til mig på +4522227713 og beder mig om at stoppe mine tiltagende kampagner, og små drillerier mod Jyske Bank, og dem der har medvirket, direkte eller indirekte til Jyske Banks organiseret bedrageri. Ignorer mig og kæmper for at beholde hvad Jyske Bank A/S ved brug af dokumentfalsk, mandatsvig, fuldmagtmisbrug, bedrageri med mere har stjålet. Det er CEO Anders Dam ledelsen og repræsentantskabet Som bestemmer hvad Jyske Bank A/S står for. Da dette her er min private dagbog, skriver jeg det jeg tænker en del på, jeg kan ikke hamle op med korruption og kammerateri helt op i myndighederne herunder Statsministeriet Finansministeriet Finanstilsynet Justitsministeriet og Domstolsstyrelsen samt Rigspolitiet, som styre hvem der i Danmark skal overholde lovgivningen, det er klart at den danske stat ved folketinget, samlede set ikke ønsker at danske banker som bevisligt laver kriminalitet bliver straffet efter det i 2013 blev aftalt at de største danske banker ikke måtte gå konkurs.


Read my shared email here.

Jyske Bank A/S and the Danish state.

If there is one of you who receives this email, who can say that, I Carsten Storbjerg, was wrong, and that Jyske Bank has in no way violated any laws and regulations.

So I would like to apologize for my countless writings since 2016.

But if you can’t do that, it must be the Danish state that has to take away Jyske bank’s license to do banking in Denmark, if Denmark doesn’t want to show the world, that Denmark as a nation means, that the Danish politicians want to do away with corruption.

And that everyone who knows about the crime that you know about, and has been presented with evidence that Jyske Bank is behind it.



Dear everyone.
As promised, I am working on the new texts, for the cars must be installed, before the harbor festival in Hornbaek, afterwards the car will come in, and stand in Copenhagen again.

Texts will this time be in English, due to the many followings outside of Denmark.

I know I can’t NOT write, and that I don’t spell very well.
But is that the reason, that not a single person in Denmark has wanted to answer me, nor has he wanted to raise the problem of corruption and bribery in Denmark.


Just as the Danish State by the government effectively, is covering up the criminal Danish bank “Jyske Bank” by passivity.


I will try to give myself more time when I write, and that I proofread more, as there are often both missing words, and more spelling mistakes, which can give a wrong experience to those who read along.
But I do the best I can.

Therefore, the competition where you and Anders Christian Dam, and you who are in the management can win up to DKK 54,000. in prize.
Simple if there is just one person, who can disprove what I write about the problem with Jyske Bank, and that.

Jyske Bank is lying.
Jyske bank commits fraud.
Jyske Bank creates a fake document.
Jyske Bank uses bribery.
Jyske Bank misuses power of attorney.

Jyske Bank is abusing the access granted by the Land Registry to be able to list liabilities that do not exist.

Jyske Bank is abusing the access granted by the Land Registry to be able to remove mortgages, without consent, without power of attorney and directly against instructions.

which is a violation of Section 11 of the Land Registration Act.

Jyske Bank makes Vanhjemmel. 

This is just to name a few of Jyske Bank’s illegal and criminal business methods.

Denmark’s biggest scandal ever, without a doubt must be. That the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, which has provided watertight evidence that Jyske Bank AS is behind extensive crime. Although all the members of the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority are aware that Jyske Bank has made a string of criminal offenses. Has the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority chosen to approve Jyske Bank’s acquisition of Svenske Handelsbanken’s Danish branches. This is a scandal which makes the Mink case with the Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen seem small. In the case that Jyske Bank writes about here, Jyske Bank is about being able to keep the money Jyske Bank has taken, by used forgery, and fraud to cheat the customer, by sad that the fraud was not discovered within 3 years. This is how Jyske Bank works, and it is quite important to share with the public. Also to warn other nations, and warn against the corruption and camaraderie that rules Denmark. It is sad that even the Danish authorities

Til Jyske Bank bilen


Og her på dansk.

Since google translate doesn’t always translate what I write quite correctly.

Jyske Bank lyver.
Jyske bank laver bedrageri.
Jyske Bank laver dokumentfalsk.
Jyske Bank bruger bestikkelse.
Jyske Bank laver fuldmagt misbrug.
Jyske Bank misbruger den af tinglysningsretten givet adgang til at kunne lyse hæftelser der ikke findes.
Jyske Bank misbruger den af tinglysningsretten givet adgang til at kunne fjerne pantebreve, uden samtykke, uden fuldmagt og direkte mod instruks.

Hvilket er en overtrædelse af tinglysningslovens § 11. https://danskelove.dk/tinglysningsloven/11

Jyske Bank laver Vanhjemmel.
Dette er blot for at nævne en smule af Jyske Banks ulovlige og kriminelle forretningsmetoder.


Due to the fact that Jyske Bank refuses to comply with Danish legislation.
And also that the Danish state knows passivity, and directly opposes law and order in Denmark, when Danish banks like here Jyske bank commit criminal acts.

In this way, effectively covering up corrupt Danish lawyers, and covering up the Danish banks, which, as here, are demonstrably criminal.

Since no authorities wanted to help me, against the criminal Jyske bank, I personally and completely alone had to be in charge of the investigation, I have presented full documentation to the Danish authorities, and presented waterproof evidence that Jyske Bank is behind organized crime, which it is when several people have jointly exposed Jyske Bank’s customers to fraud.

My evidence has been presented to the Danish government, as well as to Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen,”olso. Lars Lykke Rasmussen.” the State Ministry, the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, the Danish Courts Authority, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Finance, the legal community, and a large number of lawyers, and also a Supreme Court judge who all hold powerful positions. several are employees of Kromann Reumert lawyers, Horten lawyers, Lundgren lawyers, and thus have contributed to Jyske Bank’s fraud by opposing justice and law and order.


Og her på dansk.

Since google translate doesn’t always translate what I write quite correctly.


Mine beviser er fremlagt den danske regering, som til statsminister Mette Frederiksen, “også. Lars Lykke Rasmussen.” Statsministeriet, Finanstilsynet, Domstolsstyrelsen, Justitsministeriet, Finansministeriet, advokat samfundet, og en lang række advokater, og også en højesteretsdommer der alle bestrides magtfulde poster. flere er ansatte i Kromann Reumert advokater, Horten advokater, Lundgrens advokater,, og dermed har disse medvirket til Jyske Banks bedrageri ved at modvirke retfærdighed, samt lov og orden.


Therefore this competition, can you disprove that Jyske Bank is a criminal organisation.


Since CEO Anders Dam is not a worthy leader, who has understood how to correct and admit that Jyske Bank has violated the law, my call is still to Jyske Bank that CEO Anders Christian Dam resign as Jyske Bank’s managing director.

I also still encourage Jyske Bank to contact me, Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup, so that we can find a solution together.
As I do not think that Jyske Bank’s current business methods are healthy for the bank’s credibility.

it is also my opinion that it is unhealthy for the trust in the Danish state and government, that YOU AND THE DANISH AUTHORITIES cover the Danish banks that commit fraud.

This case is far too serious for the Danish authorities and the Danish government to ignore all my inquiries.


I am therefore writing again, and requesting AGAIN with this email.
That the UNITED DANISH STATE, as a minimum, initiates an impartial investigation of all my claims and evidence.
That I have presented and widely shared in my diary.

If not the Danish State and government will be instrumental in covering up a Danish bank.
For which the Danish state has been presented with strong evidence, is behind organized crime.

Then the Danish State, the Danish politicians, the Danish authorities must of course, who in my countless and many previous inquiries once again ignore my mail and calls.

If no one in Denmark, not even members of the Danish courts, wants to prevent corruption and cronyism, which is intended to prevent law and order when someone in the association breaks the law.

Then of course I can’t do anything about it, other than to write and say that corruption rules in Denmark.

If I, Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup, have misunderstood, that the Danish State and the Danish government cover the largest Danish criminal enterprises, then I thought you should try to talk to me.

Jyske Bank and the Danish authorities, yes you all know my Jyske Bank cars. But I have also driven around in other cars, than the ones you know.

As I also in Viborg last year, said to Jyske bank’s lawyer Kristian Ambjørn Buus-Nielsen, I didn’t want to drive that far, in a van, which is why I took a private car.

And if Jyske Bank wanted me to only drive around in cars without the colorful advertisements, then I would also like to stop doing that.

Therefore I have repeatedly written directly to the Executive Board at CEO Anders Dam in Jyske Bank, and announced that I would like to stop writing anywhere if this is relevant.

The only thing Anders Christian Dam had to do was talk to me.
Why I have repeatedly urged CEO Anders Dam to call me +4522227713.
And simple as here in the shared recording that is directly addressed to Jyske Bank, where Anders Christian Dam could ask me to stop teasing.


Hvad er det nu jeg skriver på Jyske Bank bilen. Ihvertfald ikke noget politiet vil tage sig af, de kunder som Jyske Bank udsætter for groft bedrageri, de må klare sig selv, det er nemlig politiske at det ikke er politiets opgave, at hjælpe de kunder som banker udsætter for bedrageri. Derimod er det politiets opgave at efterforske og retsforfølge de kunder, som laver bedrageri mod banker, eller forsøger at udsætte banker som Jyske Bank for bedrageri. Jeg må ikke få hjælp, da Jyske Bank A/S ved kammerateri er beskyttet mod efterforskning og strafforfølgning.

2/7. Solnedgang over Hornbæk.

I have spared myself, and Jyske Bank does not know how to put advertisements on, for example, these slightly nice cars, even though it could be fun, and give a good eye-catcher
And I, who thought I was completely anonymous in a private car, am still recognized, as in this blue Blue BMW, and some of the questions that are the first I get are.

Where is the Jyske bank car.


Could be referring to this car.



Where I again call on Jyske Bank’s director CEO Anders Dam to step down as director of Jyske Bank.

As Anders Dam is a major detriment to Jyske bank’s credibility.


After all, it is CEO Ander Christian Dam who is the reason for this email as well, as he could have asked me not to write more.

Billeder af brugt bil i 2021, der ikke fik reklamer på, selv om jeg forsøgte at være anomyn blever jeg aligevel genkendt bag Jyske Bank reklamerne..jpg

Billeder af brugt bil der ikke fik rellamer på, har dog lagt nogle vidioer ud hvor bilen er med, som her ved kirken..jpg
This photo was taken in conjunction with videos like this one.


From here.


Kristian Ambjørn Buus-Nielsen from Lund Elmer Sandager lawyers asked the same question when we met in Viborg, he wanted to see the Jyske Bank car, as he also thought I only drove Jyske bank cars.

But I arrived in a smaller Black BMW

Billeder af biler der ikke fik monteret reklamer, da jeg valgte at holde i gen med med mine Jyske Bank reklamer..jpg

I would like to stop and completely stop making these advertisements, but what would Jyske Bank and your management and CEO Anders Dam want most.

I request that Jyske Bank respond and tell me whether the executive board, the board of directors, the board of representatives, the management and the acting chairman Anders Dam would like me to stop making these campaigns.

Since not a single person at any time has approached me, and not a single person has accused or said that Jyske bank or others in Jyske bank’s network do not like what I do, how should I know Jyske bank’s position on my post and campaigns, of which I alone am the author.

Og så her på dansk.

Jeg anmoder at Jyske Bank svare og fortæller mig, om direktionen, bestyrelsen, repræsentantskabet, ledelsen og om den ordførende formand Anders Dam, gerne vil have at jeg holder op med at lave disse kampagner.

Efter som ikke en eneste på noget som helst tidspunkt har rettet henvendelse til mig, og ikke en eneste har påtalt eller sagt, at Jyske bank eller andre i Jyske banks netværk ikke kan lide det jeg laver, hvordan skal jeg så kendte Jyske bank holdning til min opslag og kampagner, som jeg alene er ophavsmand til.



Confidence in Denmark as a rule of law will break.

If Fraud and Falsehood and Bad Faith do not stop a statute of limitations, and a judgment in the High Court that gives Jyske Bank the right to keep what the bank has stolen by fraud, only the bank by cunning misrepresentation and lies, and by Jyske Bank having withdrawn the case in the long run, to aim for a statute of limitations, so that Jyske Bank will also be able to get away with organized fraud in the future.

The courts will have a problem if the judges do not judge according to the law, about the interruption of the limitation period.
If not the use of fraud, falsehood, bad faith, misrepresentation and the fact that Jyske Bank has lied to lead a customer astray, the statute of limitations will stop, in order to again be able to expose customers to fraud.

When Jyske Bank itself says that the bank takes my campaigns as a Joke LISTEN RECORDING INSERTED. when Jyske Bank has been encouraged to contact the police, if what I write is not the truth.



And then Jyske Bank is to the detriment of Denmark, not least if Jyske Bank itself does not internally correct a management problem.

You are all welcome to contact me, because I do not want this war.

But it is not me who has chosen for us to be unfriended, you can just call and talk to me, and we will read the agreements together.

This one is addressed to you CEO Anders Christian Dam.

You all must have a really nice weekend.

And now think about whether it wouldn’t be better that we talked together, and that you actually bothered to answer me, and get a glimpse of the problems that Jyske Bank has created, not least for Denmark as a country.


Your very best friend who wants to make Denmark free of bribery and corruption, and that in the future law and order and justice will be equal for everyone.

Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup

Soevej 5.
3100. Hornbaek

Denmark   DK
Phone +4522227713

5 attachments

Forsmag på YouTube-video Gratis konkurrence om Jyske Banks troværdighed 9 x 5.000 DKK til dig der kan modbevise det som står.

Forsmag på YouTube-video Mit navn er Carsten Storbjerg og jeg har et godt tilbud til dig Anders Christian Dam Jyske Bank gåaf

Forsmag på YouTube-video Når Jyske Bank udsætter deres kunder for bedrageri og får hjælp af Lund Elmer Sandager og Lundgrens