A case against a large Danish bank, that goes against their own statutes Rules § 1. And quite deliberately expose customers to fraud.

Jyske Bank A/S.

BANKING News Denmark.


A case against a large Danish bank, that goes against their own statutes Rules § 1.

And quite deliberately expose customers to fraud.

The fun part on facebook 

Statutes Jyske Bank A/S

§ 1


Paragraph. 1

The name of the bank is Jyske Bank A/S.

Paragraph. 4:

The purpose of the bank is as a bank and as a parent company to conduct banking as well as others under the legislation.



Paragraph. 5:

The bank operates in accordance with fair business practice, good banking practices and the bank’s values ​​and attitudes.

Medvirken direkte eller indirekte i jyske bank 11 års svindel / bedrageri mod kunde Et par søgeord er smuttet med. #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #JeanettKofoed-Hansen #AnetteKirkeby #SørenWoergaaed #BirgitBushThuesen #Gangcrimes #Crimes #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt

Help us against the Danish criminal banks, our former lawyer Lundgrens was bought by Jyske bank A/S to work for Jyske Bank A/S Group Management.




Which can only have been to harm our case, and withhold our claims were not presented to the Danish courts.


See the evidence here at BANKNYT.dk




A case of a major Danish bank’s financial fraud, by document fake and fraud, that Lundgren’s Attorney’s in denmark, by not countering the client’s claims against Jyske Bank A/S

really, has helped the Danish bank Jyske Bank enable the bank to continue deceiving its customer.


By not presented the client’s claims to the courts, in order to help the defendant the Danish Jyske bank to disappoint in legal matters.




Partner in Lundgren’s Attorneys, Dan Terkildsen wrote in September 2019, that it is Conspiracy Theories, that the Management in Jyske Bank A/S by Philip Baruch


#PhilipBaruch ther also are Partner in Lund Elmer Sandager attorneys, who are also are Jyske Bank’s lawyers, has answered the court that Jyske Bank strongly condemns charges of having bribed Lundgren’s attorneys, for not submitting plaintiff’s fraud allegations against Jyske Bank A/S and against the board as a contributor.





#Lundgrens who was hired on February 5, 2018 to present multiple fraud allegations against Jyske Bank, but then so was fired again 25. september 2019, for failing to disclose some of their clients’ fraud and false allegations against the Jyske Bank Group.



On suspicion of receiving bribes, in the form of a return commission, and for being incompetent, after Lundgrens in the spring of 2018 entered into an agreement with Jyske Bank in connection with advising a trade for DKK 600 million.


Which the client believes is the reason why Lundgren subsequently worked against their own client, and did the exact opposite of, what Lundgren was instructed to do.




This million assignment for Jyske Bank A/S is considered to have brought Lundgren’s lawyer partner company around DKK 20 million.


And as payment for advice, but has been under the guise that, in turn, Lundgrens did not have to submit their client’s claims against Jyske Bank’s group and the management too grossly fraud for over 10 years.




Whether it is simply Conspiracy Theories



Lund Elmer Sandager attorneys

Lundgren’s Lawyers


The second largest Danish bank. Jyske Bank A/S


As with the overall Board of Directors, Jyske Bank contributes to exposing the customer to fraud.


All of the above must be said to be among the top of the Danish finance world.


Should all these persons and large Danish law firms be involved in this small case for Jyske Bank.




Thus, Lund Elmer Sandager lawyers have helped Jyske Bank in such a way.


By lying in legal relationships.


By withholding evidence the evidence of the court.


By presenting evidence that is manipulated and false.




And have Lundgren’s lawyers as the client employed on February 5, 2018. to present their client’s fraud allegations against Jyske Bank A/S


Turned out to be corrupt, and really worked in Jyske Bank’s financial interest, by not presenting some of the client’s allegations against Jyske Bank and their board of directors.





And is this why the plaintiff himself has had to write and present their numerous fraud and false charges on October 28, 2019. against the Jyske Bank Group before the court.


The big question is actually quite simple.


Exposes Jyske Bank A/S to the bank’s board of directors, the bank’s customer for fraud.




And have Lund Elmer Sandager and Lundgren’s lawyers really helped Jyske Bank’s group management to do everything they can to disappoint in legal matters.




If Lundgren’s advocate partner company at Dan Terkildsen is right, that there are conspiracy theories, isn’t that something we can talk about ?.




Worse, though, if all that the customer and client have written on BANKNYT dk since 2016 is true


Then this is a magically endangered case, for Denmark and the indifference to Jyske Bank’s reputation as a state-supported bank.





Do you have any questions



Or if you found something that is not true

You can write to facebook, or send an SMS at +4522227713



Then we should immediately correct any errors and apologize Jyske bank, Lundgrens, Lund Elmer Sandager for that.




Remember, the only thing we have wanted and it is dialogue with the Group management at Jyske Bank.


But the group has rejected every form of dialogue, and we write here, so as it not to break down psychologically. 🙂


Since we have a need to talk about this.


We ask CEO Anders Dam really nice


Talking to us, are we wrong ? and we will immediately delete.




But if we are not mistaken.

Then we would like again, asks Jyske Bank management by CEO #AndersDam


Jyske Bank we ask again your mighty group, do not expose your customers to fraud.


Remember Dialogue promotes understanding


Since May 19, 2016. we have written directly to Jyske Bank’s Board of Directors, who have been able to explain whether what we are exposed to is a huge fraud, or this is just normal banking in the Jyske Bank groups




With best regards

Storbjerg Business


Sorvej 5.

3100 Horenbark DK


And Anders Dam you are still welcome to call +4522227713