Warning against Danish banks
The danish bank fraud, as the danish state seems to want to be hidden.
A case as this, where a regular customer has been fighting against, the Danish bank Jyskebank, through many years, just to avoid the bank’s constant fraud.
After 10 years of fraud, and a fight since 2013, still unsuccessful.
However, the customer first discovered, that it was gross fraud in 2016, and after which the bank’s lawyers In Lund Elmer Sandager, and the executive management CEO Anders Christian Dam was informed about the fraud.
Expects the customer that the bank “Jyske bank” itself, immediately stops the bank fraud against the customer.
But after 3 years, is the customer become more wise, and must be aware, that the Danish bank will not voluntarily, stop the scam.
At least not voluntarily.
🙂 🙂
Here is the fight, with a one single man against a whole army.
🙂 🙂
Remember we have to do, with one of Denmark’s most powerful financial companies.
And this company obviously does not work, according to the same rules, as the other Danish population
As the law otherwise prescribes, to be equal for all
/ 🙂
It’s all about evidence and they are presented to the court.
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But now the case will comes into the Danish courtrooms, and the customer, can finally see an end to this one fortune criminal act.
This should very much show, how danish banks consciously dishes in documents, abusing expired agreements, lying to court, lying to customers and their lawyers, only to be able to continue fraud.
If the bank jyske bank disagrees, would a meeting could uncover,
Whether it is a crime against the customer.
The customer, simple do not understand, how danish banks are running, and that with state loans.
Therefore beware trusting Danish banks as jysk bank.
Beware before you buying shares in denmark, perhaps the truth is not as you think.
That Danish pension funds, which ATP has a large investments, in Danish banks equities, hold the course up.
But should the Danish owners, themselves stop having equities In Danish bank and support companies.
That commit illegality, because the price would probably fall, on the Danish bank shares in jyske bank, if danish investors chose not to support companies, who expose customers to fraud.
It seems that the danish state allows the Danish banks to do fraud against customers, while the state prosecutor block investigation of the danish bank’s obvious crime.
Therefore become danish banks not thoroughly investigated, by the danish police, for money laundering or other forms of crime, such as fraud.
🙂 🙂
Try to think about this, and then answer.
Why is it always, a foreign government examining Danish banks. for economic Crimes as money laundering.
And I punish the banks with millions of fines, and more.
And not Denmark itself !
Just asking.
🙂 🙂
Can other countries rely trust on the Danish banks.
And relying trust on the Danish state ensures that Danish banks comply all laws and rules. !
🙂 🙂
In the case BS 1-698/2015 which will soon come to the Danish court trial
This happens alone due to one single man’s fight against big Danish bank for fraud and document false
Danish Bank gross fraud against customers seems to be Jyske Bank’s foundation.
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The corporate management of the Jyske Bank.
Anders Christian Dam Niels Erik Jakobsen Per Skovhus Peter Schleidt
Stands together, with the rest of the management.
Sven Buhrækall Kurt Bligaard Pedersen Rina Asmussen Philip Baruch Jens Borup Keld Norup Christina Lykke Munk Johnny Christensen Marianne Lillevang
And continued together in union, the bank fraud against customer.
The bank does not want to admit fraud itself, or apologize for anything.
And this Danish bank does not want to stop the fraud, except after a judgment.
Beware the Danish banks as Jyske Bank, there lying and cheating customers, lies to court to hide gross fraud.
Follow the case against the Danish bank jyske bank, in the Danish courtroom.
Viborg court Case number BS 1-698/2015
Court negotiation 30th of September and October 1st 2019
The bank jyske bank behind the fraud.
Do not want to talk to the customer, as the bank through almost 11 years of gross fraud, continues to deceive.
The customer has since May 2016, attempted to enter into dialogue with the management, which rejects any attempt to meet, to review the case for if it was true, the bank made fraud against the customer.
But no one in the Danish bank jyske bank wants to talk with us.
The customer must still wait 6 months, before the case can be processed in court
30 September 2019
And there will have the court’s words, to stop the Danish bank’s continued fraud, against the firm
Do you have question to the case “The Danish bank fraud”
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“we hide nothing / but the Danish banks do”
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The Danske Bank Jyske Bank in Helsingoer Denmark where the fraud against the bank’s customer began back in 2008/2009 and with the help of Jyske Bank’s branch at Vesterbrogade in Copenhagen
While we fix the bank news.
If we move the many sub-pages to the block, this is done to tell you more about the many different criminal conditions, where the Jyske Bank Group very clearly violates the Criminal Code, and thus is to be described as criminal.
And individually we will review and explain on the pages, each one of Jyske Bank’s many violations of the penal code provisions, and document them with 1st conditions on each page.
As well as making a page. With our total allegations against Jyske Bank A/S for fraud, and insert the said attachments, where they are mentioned in the closing reply letter from 28-10-2019.
The customer accuses Jyske Bank’s group management, in association, to stand behind, the bank’s continued fraud against Jyske Bank’s own customer.
This will be the case with the Danish authorities, which the police do not control, which is why Danish bank customers, in fact, stand alone against the largest and most powerful, apparently criminal organizations in Denmark.
There will also be audio clips shared with the client’s former attorneys, so you can hear both.
Law firm Rödstenen. Dalgas Ave 42, 8000 Aarhus +4586121999
Lundgrens Advokat partner company. Tuborg Boulevard 12. DK-2900 Hellerup +4535252535
In the shared recorded conversations, you will hear both Lundgrens and Rödstenen employees, even very clearly, and may be clearly informed by telephone.
Partly the client’s many repetitive allegations against Jyske Bank A/S for fraud, but not least emphasizes the seriousness of the case, where the client repeatedly, says that it is a fraud and false case.

The Jyske Bank Group has on several occasions been offered to admit fraud against the bank’s customers, which the management refuses, while the large Danish bank Jyske Bank by the Group management, continues the serious fraud and exploitation, the case fraud allegations are presented to the court.
Which most recently Lundgren’s staff, attorney Emil Hald Winstrøm in all telephone conversations has been disclosed.
Emil Hald Winstrøm confirms by telephone, that he has understood. that this is a fraud case.
Nevertheless, on behalf of partner Dan Terkildsen and Lundgren’s attorneys on September 2, 2019, Emil Hald Winstrøm presents the case to the court, without including any of the client’s claims.
And without sharing Lundgren’s claim document with the client.
Although Lundgren’s lawyer, and partner Dan Terkildsen is subsequently sued for a copy of their own claim document from 2 September 2019.
(since it has nothing to do with the client’s claims.)

Dear partner of Lundgren’s lawyer partner company.
Remember now. A false or corrupt lawyer is a threat to the Danish legal community.
Lundgren’s lawyers at Dan Terkildsen choose again not to share court documents, with their client.
We will continually, share a lot where we can clearly prove, that several Lundgren’s attorneys must have planned, not to submit their client’s claims.

05-02-2018 på vej til Lundgrens
The client has really been without a lawyer since February 5, 2018 when Lundgrens was hired, and up to Lundgrens 25. September 2019 was fired.

Lundgren’s lawyers, 19 September 2019 were asked to answer a simple question:
Lundgrens works for Jyske bank A / S.
Lundgrens does not answer their client.
Lundgrens also decided that they would not share the allegation document 2 made by Lundgrens and presented the court on September 2, 2019.
Lundgrens, due to suspicion of carrying, has been bribed. then fired September 25, 2019.
Then the client himself 28-10-2019. had to present their claims against Jyske Bank A/S to the court.

24-09-2019. page 6-6
Lundgren’s lawyers, 19 September 2019 were asked to answer a simple question:
Lundgrens works for Jyske bank A / S.
Lundgrens does not answer their client.
Lundgrens also decided that they would not share the allegation document 2 made by Lundgrens and presented the court on September 2, 2019.
Lundgrens, due to suspicion of carrying, has been bribed. then fired September 25, 2019.
Then the client himself 28-10-2019. had to present their claims against Jyske Bank A/S to the court.
This case clearly shows how some of Denmark’s biggest lawyers, by their actions, are a serious threat to legal certainty.
The case here is a terrible example of how Danish lawyers, like here the plaintiffs’ lawyers Lundgrens have really, counteracted their client.
At the same time that Plaintiff’s Attorneys really worked for Defendants in the case, removing Plaintiff’s claims against Defendants.
As here in the case where plaintiff’s claims against Jyske Bank A/S were not presented to the court.
Plaintiff’s attorney here Lundgrens, in this way, has shown that the law firm, in fact, has work to disappoint in legal matters, by going directly against the client’s instructions.
As Lundgrens Advokater chooses not only to work against their client, but also chose to pursue another case against Jyske Bank A/S.

Lundgren’s attorneys at Dan Terkildsen will receive this first folder of evidence on 5 February 2018 for Jutland Bank to carry out Mandate Fraud, Fraud, Document Fake, Proxy Abuse, Exploitation OSV.
Than the case against Jyske Bank for fraud as the client February 5, 2018, transferred to Lundgren’s lawyers.
Lundgren’s Attorneys have harmed the confidence of the Danish lawyers, by unethical, dishonesty and possibly by violations of the law, made every effort to prevent their client’s claims from being brought to court.

Poor lawyer advice in LUNDGRENS.
Lundgren’s attorneys at Dan Terkildsen receive a folder of evidence on 5 February 2018 for Jutland Bank to carry out Mandate Fraud, Fraud, Document Fake, Proxy Abuse, Exploitation OSV.
Lundgrens is requested to proceed with the case and to present the Client’s claims to the court.
Can clients in the large law firms soon rely on the lawyers they employ if Jyske Bank A/S may pay Lundgrens, or otherwise have caused Lundgrens to do the exact opposite of what their client has 100 times said and written to be presented.
What do we have to do with great Danish lawyers like Lundgren’s Lawyers.
The case here is about the big Danish lawyer’s houses really to be trusted.
We can prove that several of those employed in Lundgrens, have proven to work against the client, rather than working for the client.
One thing here is that the client wants Denmark’s second largest bank, Jyske Bank A/S, to stop the bank’s fraud against the customer.
This they asked Lundgrens to help them with, instead Lundgrens is employed by Jyske Bank, and what happened then ?.
The client believes that the Jyske Bank groups have paid Lundgrens for not submitting their client claims to the court.
This is a serious problem for all Danes
And if the same lawyers as here Lundgrens, has clients in the US., ENGLAND, RUSSIA, CHINA, JAPAN, GERMANY Can these clients also get into the same problems as us?
When Danish clients obviously can’t trust big Danish lawyer houses like Lundgrens.
Then Lundgrens becomes a major threat to legal certainty.
If you cannot trust the lawyer you hire will be loyal to you, as their client, this is a grave problem.
Lundgrens chose not to answer their client, or to share court documents with the client, which does not look good.

Scam case. Have Lundgren’s lawyers for an unknown million, taken work for Jyske Bank in the period after February 5, 2018. How small a bank a former employee of Lundgren’s lawyers, by partner Dan Terkildsen, who directly contradicts the client’s instructions, and in saddness with good lawyer custom, chooses to withhold the client’s claims about Jyske Bank’s Fraud cases before the court.

Nu handler det om Lundgrens partnerselskab hvori Dan Terkildsen er Partner.
Om Dan Terkildsen i mod alt hvad Konservative måtte stå for.
Dan Terkildsen har for Lundgrens
Direkte modarbejdet klients retssikkerhed.
Ved ikke at ville fremlægge klienten sag for domstolen.
Er det sådanne medlemmer Konservative ønsker.
Alle medlemmer af de konservative se her hvordan
Dan Terkildsen modarbejder retssikkerheden i at ske fyldest.
ved tilsyneladende at varetage modparten Her Jyske banks interesser
Dan Terkildsen er tæt knyttet til toppen i konservative, hvor vi formoder at Dan Terkildsen har haft politisk indflydelse, på den konservative politiske holdning til landes love.
Jyske Banks Koncernchef og Bestyrelse.
Er i åben krig med lille bank kunde.
Som påstår at Jyske bank A/S står bag million bedrageri
Hvilket kunden selv må fremlægge for domstolen 28-10-2019
Efter som Lundgren advokatpartnerselskab sammen har valgt
Direkte at modarbejde klienten, for i stedet at hjælpe Danmarks næststørste bank, Jyske bank i at kunne fortsætte svigforeting mod bankens kunde.
CEO Anders Dam står fast, Jyske Banks kunde skal i tyve år, betale 5,32 %, i renter af 4.328.000 DKK
Ved en rente swap, på 4.328.000 DKK som Jyske Banks ansatte i afdelingen på Vesterbrogade har lavet 16-07-2008
Og det uden at der 16-07-2008 er nogle aftale med kunden.
En falsk SWAP på 4.328.000 kr. der har en værdi på mindst 2.500.000 dkk for Jyske bank.
og som bliver et tab for kunden, kaldes lovmæssig for bedrageri.
Jyske banks direktion er ligeglade.
Da Jyske Bank har et stort politisk netværk, gennem bankens bestyrelse og deres kontakter.
Som Jyske Banks medarbejdere, i et årti usandt har fortalt kunden
At er den Swap, der er lavet 15-07-2008.
Til det lån på 4.328.000 DKK som Jyske Banks mange advokater og ansatte har påstået deres kunde skulle have hjemtaget.
Og senere så omlagt.
Alt dette mens kunden har ligget syg efter en hjerneblødning.
Lundgrens skulle fremlægge de originale syge papir fra fra Hillerød sygehus
Dette ville Lundgrens ikke.
Lundgrens ville slet ikke fremlægge kundens påstande.
Mette-Marie ringer sent 18-12-2018
Og siger der er nogle grove beskyldninger vi kommer med, imod Jyske Bank A/S
Hvortil vi siger men det er jo fakta.
Lundgrens fremlægger ingen af vores påstande, og arbejder som de selv vil uden om klientens.
Kan sige at Lundgrens fører en sag, som ikke er den sag Lundgrens er blevet antaget til.
Hvilket Lundgrens vil have 185.000 dkk for.
Lundgrens har nægtet at tilbagebetale de penge vi har overført, som Dan Terkildsen skriver, så har Lundgrens lavet et stort stykke arbejde.
Noget som klienten ikke kan få øje på.
Vi har heldigvis taget billeder med telefon, af sygejournal, på Lundgrens kontor før Mette Marie Nielsen fik dem, før 18-12-2018, med INSTRUKSER på at fremlægge dem den 18-12-2018
Lundgrens advokater Mette-Marie Nielsen
Påstår nu telefonske 18-12-2018 kl 17-18 at det kan skade vores sag, at fremlægge bevis for at kunden i perioden 2009-2015 led af hukommelses besvær.
Vi har derfor måtte fremlægge disse bilag i ringe kvalitet, da Lundgrens advokater ikke har afleveret vores bilag retur, som vi bad Dan Terkildsen om, i det samme brev hvor vi fryer Lundgrens advokater, efter mistanke om at være blevet bestukket.

Dan Terkildsen partner i Lundgrens advokater partner selskab.

Dear partner of Lundgren’s lawyer partner company.
Remember now. A false or corrupt lawyer is a threat to the Danish legal community.

Kurt Bligaard Pedersen er direktør i Gazprom.
Socialdemokratisk rådgiver.
Han har tidligere arbejdet i Socialdemokratiet, i Finansministeriet, på Københavns Rådhus og i Dong Energy.
Bliver ny formand for bestyrelsen i Jyske Bank, mens Bente Overgaard tidligere Nykredit direktør og Board Member kommer i Jyske Banks bestyrelse.