Mail 12 november 2021. 13.10
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Morten Ulrik Gade •
To The Danish bank Jyske Bank A/S Vestergade 8-16 8600 Silkeborg. Att: CEO Anders Christian Dam.
And to the entire Board of Directors, and the Board of Representatives of Jyske Bank.
And CC
Klaus Bjørn Rühne •
Justitsministeriet •
Postkasse – Klagesagsafdelingen •
Dear Anders Dam Since May 2016, I have tried in all sorts of ways, to get in touch and dialogue with Jyske Bank, about Jyske Bank exposing me as a customer of Jyske Bank to organized fraud.
Neither you nor other of Jyske Bank’s henchmen have answered, but maintained that I have to pay “swap” via an interest rate swap “interest on a loan that never existed, but which Jyske Bank in bad faith pictured me in, while I was seriously ill.
An interest rate swap of DKK 4,328,000 as Jyske Bank’s expert Lars Aaqvist in the court in Viborg, on 16 November 2021, confirmed was made for a loan of the same amount of DKK 4,328,000. which your employee Nicolai Hansen had shortly before admitted, was not taken home, after being questioned about the email Nicolai had written you have this loan in question and have exchanged the loan with Jyske Bank.
![Dårlig omtale er bedre end ingen omtale. Jyske Bank Anders Dam. En sag om retssikkerheden for den lille mand, når danmarks største virksomheder som her Jyske Bank står bag organiseret kriminalitet, bistået af nogle af danmarks største advokat virksomheder, herunder Lundgrens og Lund Elmer Sandager. Når advokat nævnets medlemmer, i deres afgørelse på klagen 2020-1932. 30-06-2021. har valgt også at dækker over de rådne Lundgrens advokater, må grunden være tråde mellem Jyske Bank, Lundgrens og Lund Elmer Sandager op til advokatsamfundet, ellers ville advokat nævnets medlemmer næppe skrive, at det er advokaten i en sag, som alene selv bestemmer “her indsat i opslag 14-05-2021.”. Når advokaterne ikke behøver at inddrage deres klienter i hvad advokaten fortager sig, er retssikkerheden fjernet, og advokaten kan i vid udstrækning modarbejde at en dommer kan efterleve grundlovens § 64. Da advokater med advokat nævnets afgørelse må fjerne klientens påstande, uden aftale med klienten, så en dommer ikke kan dømme efter loven, da advokat nævnet har godkendt at advokater må fjerne klientens anbringer og beviser i en retssag.](
Bilag 29.A. 19-02-2010.
Unfortunately, Judge Søren Ejdum in the city court forgot to include parts of witnesses’ explanations, as it apparently did not exactly fit into his verdict, in that connection.
I have written to the National Board of Justice, and asked for a complaint guidance, the verdict has also been appealed.
I have just written 3 emails to you CEO Anders Dam and Jyske Bank’s legal department, and asked you if you want us to talk together, if the Jyske Bank Group might have a wish, that I would remove all notices on various websites and Facebook pages, with more about Jyske Bank and Lund Elmer Sandager lawyers,
Like this q=jyske+Bank+og+andes+ Christian+Dam+bag+organiseret+ bedrageri+mod+kunde&client=ms- android-motorola-rev2&prmd= isnxv&sxsrf=AOaemvJiF0im_ kewE0q7JzpA7yVMVMTD2g: 1641984846005&source=lnms&tbm= isch&sa=X&ved= 2ahUKEwjSmeObhqz1AhUeSfEDHQZgA dEQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=360&bih= 681&dpr=3
And q=Jyske+Bank+bilen&client=ms- android-motorola-rev2&hl=da& tbm=isch&prmd=imsxvn&sxsrf= AOaemvL8okG9fi3MTFFWffHW_ mCCcUjBlQ:1641985009859& source=lnms&sa=X&ved= 2ahUKEwiSqfTphqz1AhVySfEDHTQAA WQQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=360&bih= 681&dpr=3
Just as I have asked, if Jyske Bank and Lund Elmer Sandager lawyers might have wanted me to remove all my advertisements on the cars, when I again offered and especially you Anders Christian Dam that we talk together, and put this case behind us.
Unfortunately, this time too we did not succeed in getting Jyske Bank’s attention, you probably thought it was funny that Jyske Bank could expose their customers to exploitation fraud and false, and then know that the Danish state and authorities to this day have chosen to cover Jyske Bank’s criminal offenses, in that I know I am writing the truth, the question is how much the Danish state dares not refrain from investigating the allegations on against the Jyske Bank Group.
I think that Jyske Bank will also expose state institutions and municipal companies to the same fraud and exploitation, using forged documents if the opportunity arises, as Jyske Bank has exposed me to fraud, which Jyske Bank has deliberately hidden.
I simply request that Jyske Bank accept an offer from Jyske Bank for a friendly conversation, if you, as Denmark’s second largest bank, want us to resolve this small discrepancy together, so that we can move forward before Jyske Bank may damage Denmark’s reputation. by conducting socially harmful business.
When Jyske Bank bribed Lundgren’s lawyers not to present some of the company’s fraud and false allegations against Jyske Bank, which the Supreme Court judge Kurt Rasmussen thought was perfectly fine, in other words, in Denmark, a Danish Supreme Court judge does not think that it is wrong for a law firm, as here Lundgrens has taken against Bribery, not to present some of the client’s claims against Jyske Bank. While another judge Søren Ejdum does not believe that when a Danish bank as a defendant Jyske Bank in the case commits fraud and falsehood and has been in bad faith, and then hired the plaintiff’s lawyer company, so that these Lundgren’s lawyers may not present some of the plaintiff’s claim against defendant Jyske Bank.
It is very possible that judges who are employees of the National Board of Justice would also like to be best friends with Jyske Bank, but camaraderie is unhealthy for the rule of law.
And for information, the statute of limitations stops in a case when, as here, exploitation, bad faith, fraud and falsehood have been used, and when Jyske Bank has also repeatedly presented false information to the court, and bought the plaintiff’s law firm to help Jyske Bank, but honestly that the judge also just forgot to include it in his judgment.
I still want to solve this little case, but again it requires 2 for tango. I have written to the Danish National Bank and the Ministry of Finance, and requested that the state investigate all allegations against Jyske Bank, which are written on Jyske Bank and your lawyers can read what I have written below.
And as I also said to Mette Marie Nielsen 18 December 2016. it will only gets worse, and I do not want this, but it does in from Jyske Bank and Lund Elmer Sandager lawyers. I will write it again, I will continue as long as it should be, Jyske Bank wants us to find a peaceful solution together, so you know where I am.
And my goal is just that Jyske Bank corrects and dismisses those who are actually the reason for my bile and humorous feature on I’m actually quite nice, you should just try to talk to me before Jyske Bank itself damages the bank’s reputation.
Your probably most sour deceived customer. Remember now it’s fun, the only thing you have to do is talk to me and solve this little task. For Jyske Bank, an explanation washes over me, in your way of committing fraud or Bundefangeri against me and or my company. In war and peace ☮️ you choose for yourself.
No matter what, see you next time in the High Court, you will come Anders Dam yourself with best regards Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup. Søvej 5. 3100 Hornbæk Denmark.
To the Board of Representatives, and the Board of Directors as well as shareholders in Jyske Bank, shared with the Danish state and authorities
And the press.
you are very welcome to share
Watch all the videos about Jyske Bank here, where there are also links to YouTube.
Watch all videos here on BANKNYT and link to YouTube videos that can be freely shared here in the LINK.
Read the original Danish email 12 January 2022. to the Denmarks Nationalbank here in LINK.
Does the Danish bank Jyske bank have a future as a state bank in Denmark, or will the Danish state and authorities rule that Jyske Bank has exposed customers to Exploitation and million fraud, ask the Danish elected representatives. 2022-kaere-alle-jeg-anmoder- hermed-de-danske-myndigheder- og-nationalbanken-samt- finansministeriet-om-at- undersoege-alle-anklager-mod- den-danske-bank-jyske-bank- for-brug-af-dokumentfals/
12. januar 2022
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Mail 12 november 2021. 00.56
Dear all, I hereby request the Danish authorities and the Danish Nationalbank and the Ministry of Finance to investigate all accusations against the Danish bank Jyske bank for the use of forgery and fraud as well as bribery, which is shared on and find the true ones, I hereby request that the Danish state and Danish authorities stop using Jyske Bank as a bank for Denmark.
nationalbanken@nationalbanken. dk
With more. As well as the press.
Text in the email.
You can read the email in Danish here.
Dear all members of the Board of Directors and members of the Board of Representatives of Danmarks Nationalbank, as well as the ministries listed below at Danmarks Nationalbank.
Christian Schultz
Michael Dithmer
Per Bank
Grete Christensen
Jakob Ellemann-Jensen ft
Christian Rabjerg Madsen ft
Professor Christian Schultz
Michael Dithmer
Johan Legarth
Peter E. Storgaard
As well as to the Ministry of Finance as well as the Prime Minister and all 179 members of Parliament, a couple of you inserted CC. This email is to everyone in the Folketing, as you are also responsible for the state not using banks that have violated the provisions of the Penal Code, to some extent.
Since Danmarks Nationalbank is responsible for Denmark’s finances, I want to make sure that you take care of the Danish state, and do not risk trading with companies that have done what I write below that Jyske Bank A / S has at least exposed my company and or me to.
False. / Document false.
Evil belief.
Violated section 11 of the Land Registry Act.
Power of attorney abuse.
I have previously written and shared information with both Denmark’s Nationalbank and the Folketing, financial supervision and others, to date not a single one has ruled, on warning against Jyske Bank A S, but this time I ask Denmark’s Nationalbank, and the Ministry of Finance to take care to ensure that the state’s money can not be endangered, by using a bank that is demonstrably forging documents, and has committed bottom trapping.
When I discovered that Jyske Bank A / S has exposed their customers Storbjerg Erhverv ApS and or Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup to the above, and has shared evidence with the authorities such as the police, without anyone having initiated an investigation of evidence and circumstances, I find it necessary to now directly warn the Danish state and States Bank Denmark’s Nationalbank.
I have therefore requested, and make it quite clear, that this is a review written to Denmark’s Nationalbank’s administration and management as mentioned above.
In order for Danish citizens to be able to trust that the state does not gamble with the people’s money, by using banks that have proven, or making documents false and fraud and using bribes to get an unjustified gain that becomes a decisive loss of wealth for customers of Jyske Bank, I must request that you, as mentioned, and mentioned here in the email, take care to make sure that the state does not do business with banks, that have made Document False, Fraud, Power of Attorney, Mandate fraud, Vanhjemmel and more.
If the state and the authorities, including Denmark’s Nationalbank and also the municipalities, want to use Jyske Bank A S as a co-operation partner for the Danish state, I, as a Danish citizen, I must request that you, the state at Denmark’s
Nationalbank, and the Ministry of Finance ensure that what is written about Jyske Bank A S at has been investigated for whether it is true or false, if you do not find a part which is not true, or all of it is true, I as a Danish citizen must request that the State and Denmark’s Nationalbank cease using Jyske Bank A S Group.
I hereby make it very clear that I request Danmarks Nationalbank to launch an investigation into the allegations on the website.
Has been made against the second largest bank in Denmark, Jyske Bank A S and acts on the basis of evidence.
I Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup has been writing since 2016. And regularly presented evidence on for all the allegations made against the Jyske Bank A S Group and CEO Anders Christian Dam as the chief responsible chairman.
These are quite serious and punishable matters, which are continuously written on the website
And many other places, these are also shared with Danmarks Nationalbank, which is internally aware that this is a scandal.
Yes, it is a scandal here where Jyske Bank A S by several of their employees, has been behind fraud and forgery, which has been carried out by gross exploitation, and which Jyske Bank A S by the management has jointly been behind was continued.
I maintain that my evidence for all allegations against Jyske Bank A / S is genuine, and that Jyske Bank has thus, in the sense of the law, committed organized crime.
And I have repeatedly called on Jyske Bank A S and their lawyers to bring an INJURY CASE AGAINST ME FOR BASHWASHING.
In that case, Jyske Bank A S does not believe that the Jyske Bank A S group has committed Document Forgery and Fraud.
Dear all members of Denmarks Nationalbank’s Board of Directors, this email is not an invitation, but it is a clear and distinct request to Denmarks Nationalbank, and that together with the Ministry of Finance to conduct an in-depth investigation of all allegations, and with the evidence ther is shared on about Jyske Bank A S and you are also asked to investigate who is responsible for Jyske Bank’s fraud or Bundefangeri.
Now the question to the Ministry of Finance and Denmarks Nationalbank, whether in the ways of the Folketing and the Danish state, dare not refrain from investigating the case against the Danish Bank Jyske Bank, as it is presented and is shared on
And thus gamble with the state’s finances, and take the chance that Jyske Bank will only expose individuals and companies to fraud, fraud and that it is done by Ond Tro, and the use of bribes (return commission.)
I have in connection with also found there is a lot of camaraderie in div. Authorities and Boards, which can only be to cover the crime that Jyske Bank A S has exposed me and my company to here, as Danish banks may not be investigated and subjected to criminal prosecution.
This camaraderie does not change the fact that Jyske Bank A S has made it fraudulent and false, etc., which I write on just as I write that Jyske Bank A S has used bribery to disappoint in legal matters .
All this I have also written shared with Denmarks Nationalbank, which has not previously ruled, on some of the shared information.
Therefore, I now directly request Denmarks Nationalbank to investigate all allegations against Jyske Bank A S that have been made and shared on
This is about the state and the municipalities together with Denmarks Nationalbank having guarantees that Jyske Bank A S will only expose private companies and private individuals to fraud and false, and expose private individuals to Bundefangeri if the opportunity arises.
I request that Denmarks Nationalbank initiate an investigation, and make sure that the state does not use banks that have violated the law for financial companies, or some of the provisions of the penal code.
Regardless of what a judgment in the city court, the high court, the EU court will be, it does not end.
The fact that Denmarks Nationalbank knows and has been presented evidence, that Jyske Bank A S has committed several violations of, among other things, the provisions of the Penal Code.
Therefore, I have previously called on Denmarks Nationalbank, to initiate a study for what I have written on and shared with you, this is hereby changed so that I request and ask Denmarks Nationalbank, to initiate a study and investigation of all allegations against Jyske Bank A S which are shared on
I denote camaraderie, on an equal footing with corruption and bribery.
The fact that camaraderie, as here, is to cover up the crime Jyske Bank A S has committed, and that the Danish authorities cover up the crime of banks, does not change the fact, that it is a fact i writes.
It is also a fact that Jyske Bank A S has bribed Lundgren’s lawyers, ie with a return commission, Jyske Bank has paid Lundgren’s lawyers for not to present any of the client’s claims against Jyske Bank A S.
Since May 2016, I have tried to get in touch and dialogue with Jyske Bank A S and their lawyers as well as chairman and CEO Anders Christian Dam.
Most recently last week, I wrote 3 times to the Management and Legal Department of Jyske Bank A S, who did not want to respond.
Why I have not been able to carry out an in-depth investigation together with Jyske Bank, why I today ask Denmarks Nationalbank and the Ministry of Finance to investigate the matter, to make sure that Statens Bank Denmarks Nationalbank, does not use banks that have violated any rules or laws that are the conditions to obtain a license for financial companies and or banking operations in Denmark.
I am of course available to cooperate with the National Bank and the Ministry of Finance as well as the other authorities in connection with the investigation.
And if I have made a mistake in some of the many accusations against Jyske Bank A S, I would like to apologize, but the massive silence is most likely due to the fact that I have written the truth about the Danish Bank Jyske Banks, and the people behind the organization.
Share this email with the press, who are welcome to ask questions about this and previous emails, as well as the content of what has been shared and written on the page
I am happy to admit, that I alone am behind all the announcements about my desire, to stop the corruption and bribery as well as the camaraderie. That governs the country Denmark, which not a single authority to date has shown a desire to participate in.
Remember that I am dyslexic, but therefore you can understand what I write.
“I have 12 / 1-2022. At 08.20 corrected a few typos and spelling errors, in the email I have sent to the National Bank and the Ministry of Finance, which you and also the press have received. I will share more emails with various links from “
Justitsministeriet •
When Danish banks demonstrably falsify documents, and deceive customers, and then refuse to comply with the law, it is a problem for society.
Yours sincerely