Tidligere forside velkommen er EN DEL ER PÅ ENGELSK 17-08-2021. flyttet hertil LINK.
Der findes mange lings til relevante opslag, som du finder på FORSIDE 17/8-2021. FORSIDE 9/12 2020. FORSIDE 8/7 2020. FORSIDE 14/3-2020. FORSIDE 22/2-2020. FORSIDE 18/5-2018. FORSIDE 18/2-2016.

Jyske Bank
Where the fraud against the bank’s customer began back in 2008/2009 and with the help of Jyske Bank’s branch at Vesterbrogade in Copenhagen
This case shows that to date it has been worthwhile to commit crime in Denmark, and no matter if you are discovered, only you are rich enough.
Hope you find our fight against Danish corrupt banks, and law firms in order.
It should not be so that customers of the Danish bank can not count on getting police help.
But when large wealthy organizations, like Jyske Bank A/S get help from some of the largest Danish law firms.
To continue exposing customers to fraud, just because Jyske bank A/S has members who have a large and powerful political network.
So it should not go beyond the legal security of Denmark.
But the reality is different hard, for the weak customers in Danish banks, like here where a customer is up against a whole organization.
Customer asks why both Lundgren’s and Rödstenen’s lawyers, Was possible to buy / bribe or persuade, to directly against their client’s instructions, have chosen to counteract their small client, to help Jyske Bank A/S want to disappoint in legal matters.
Vice Chairman of Jyske Bank Kurt Bligaard Pedersen is to take over the chair of Jyske Bank after Sven Buhrkal’s exit.
In this way, the bank gets a chairman who has also been centrally located in the political system.
A big congratulations to Jyske Bank’s Board of Directors.
Kurt Bligaard Pedersen has previously worked in the Social Democracy as Social Democratic advisor.
Kurt Bligaard Pedersen has been the office manager and CFO and CEO of the City of Copenhagen.
Kurt Bligaard Pedersen has also been chairman of Copenhagen Airports A / S.
Executive Vice President of Dong Energy “Ørsted.” that got Gazprom a billion orders.
Kurt Bligaard Pedersen was fired from Dong after the sale to a foreign capital fund, and then hired as CEO of Gazprom.
So yes, there are certain powerful people, at the top of Jyske Bank’s board of directors, and they must not be held accountable, for their involvement in the group’s fraud continued fraud deals against their small customer here.

group’s board of directors
Bente Overgaard 2020 nyt medlem
Anker Laden-Andersen 2019
Per Schnack 2019
Sven Buhrkall 2019
Kurt Bligaard Pedersen 2019
Rina Asmussen 2019
Philip Baruch 2019
Jens A Borup 2019
Keld Norup 2019
Christina Lykke Munk 2019
Haggai Kunisch 2018 ud
Johnny Christensen 2019
Marianne Lillevang 2019
Anders Dam 2019
Leif F Larsen 2018 ud
Niels Erik Jakobsen 2019
Per Skovhus 2019
Peter Schleidt 2019
Bente Overgaard 2020 nyt medlem tidligere Koncernchef i Nykredit
Is all behind Jyske Bank’s continuing fraud, which must be to the detriment of the customer as much as possible.
Here is the case against Jyske Bank which the client himself had to make and present to the court, after the client discovers their lawyer Lundgren’s partner company works in Jyske bank’s interests.
Before you lie flat out laughing at this here unhelpful defense statement here in case BS-402/2015-VIB.
So think about just why Jyske Bank bought our lawyers if it was not to disappoint in legal matters through bribery.
See the letters where we instruct Lundgren’s lawyers to present our case / allegations against Jyske bank A/S here.
And then see what Lundgren’s present to the court.
Remember that as Lundgrens has presented 09-06-2019 and 02-09-2019 Have Lundgrens kept secret from their client. (former client)

If you want to help us financially against the Danish big bank Jyske Bank A/S.
We would like to receive your contribution.
IBAN NR. DK0854790004563376
Here in the case BS-402/2015-VIB.
The entire board supports whether Jyske bank A/S
continued fraud against their customer.
Would you like to help with an economical contribution.
Now Jyske Bank seems to have bought our latest 2 law firms
Rödstenen and Lundgrens lawyers,
Not to present our claims against Jyske Bank A/S to the court.
Which is why we have had to make fun of ourselves with this closing defense.
See letters to Lundgren’s lawyer partner company here

If you want to help us financially against the Danish big bank Jyske Bank A/S.
We would like to receive your contribution.
IBAN NR. DK0854790004563376
Here in the case BS-402/2015-VIB.
The entire board supports whether Jyske bank A/S
continued fraud against their customer.
Would you like to help with an economical contribution.
Now Jyske Bank seems to have bought our latest 2 law firms
Rödstenen and Lundgrens lawyers,
Not to present our claims against Jyske Bank A/S to the court.
Which is why we have had to make fun of ourselves with this closing defense.
See letters to Lundgren’s lawyer partner company here

If you want to help us financially against the Danish big bank Jyske Bank A/S.
We would like to receive your contribution.
IBAN NR. DK0854790004563376
Here in the case BS-402/2015-VIB.
The entire board supports whether Jyske bank A/S
continued fraud against their customer.
Would you like to help with an economical contribution.
Now Jyske Bank seems to have bought our latest 2 law firms
Rödstenen and Lundgrens lawyers,
Not to present our claims against Jyske Bank A/S to the court.
Which is why we have had to make fun of ourselves with this closing defense.
See letters to Lundgren’s lawyer partner company here

If you want to help us financially against the Danish big bank Jyske Bank A/S.
We would like to receive your contribution.
IBAN NR. DK0854790004563376
Here in the case BS-402/2015-VIB.
The entire board supports whether Jyske bank A/S
continued fraud against their customer.
Would you like to help with an economical contribution.
Now Jyske Bank seems to have bought our latest 2 law firms
Rödstenen and Lundgrens lawyers,
Not to present our claims against Jyske Bank A/S to the court.
Which is why we have had to make fun of ourselves with this closing defense.
See letters to Lundgren’s lawyer partner company here

If you want to help us financially against the Danish big bank Jyske Bank A/S.
We would like to receive your contribution.
IBAN NR. DK0854790004563376
Here in the case BS-402/2015-VIB.
The entire board supports whether Jyske bank A/S
continued fraud against their customer.
Would you like to help with an economical contribution.
Now Jyske Bank seems to have bought our latest 2 law firms
Rödstenen and Lundgrens lawyers,
Not to present our claims against Jyske Bank A/S to the court.
Which is why we have had to make fun of ourselves with this closing defense.
See letters to Lundgren’s lawyer partner company here

If you want to help us financially against the Danish big bank Jyske Bank A/S.
We would like to receive your contribution.
IBAN NR. DK0854790004563376
Here in the case BS-402/2015-VIB.
The entire board supports whether Jyske bank A/S
continued fraud against their customer.
Would you like to help with an economical contribution.
Now Jyske Bank seems to have bought our latest 2 law firms
Rödstenen and Lundgrens lawyers,
Not to present our claims against Jyske Bank A/S to the court.
Which is why we have had to make fun of ourselves with this closing defense.
See letters to Lundgren’s lawyer partner company here

If you want to help us financially against the Danish big bank Jyske Bank A/S.
We would like to receive your contribution.
IBAN NR. DK0854790004563376
Here in the case BS-402/2015-VIB.
The entire board supports whether Jyske bank A/S
continued fraud against their customer.
Would you like to help with an economical contribution.
Now Jyske Bank seems to have bought our latest 2 law firms
Rödstenen and Lundgrens lawyers,
Not to present our claims against Jyske Bank A/S to the court.
Which is why we have had to make fun of ourselves with this closing defense.
See letters to Lundgren’s lawyer partner company here

If you want to help us financially against the Danish big bank Jyske Bank A/S.
We would like to receive your contribution.
IBAN NR. DK0854790004563376
Here in the case BS-402/2015-VIB.
The entire board supports whether Jyske bank A/S
continued fraud against their customer.
Would you like to help with an economical contribution.
Now Jyske Bank seems to have bought our latest 2 law firms
Rödstenen and Lundgrens lawyers,
Not to present our claims against Jyske Bank A/S to the court.
Which is why we have had to make fun of ourselves with this closing defense.
See letters to Lundgren’s lawyer partner company here

If you want to help us financially against the Danish big bank Jyske Bank A/S.
We would like to receive your contribution.
IBAN NR. DK0854790004563376
Here in the case BS-402/2015-VIB.
The entire board supports whether Jyske bank A/S
continued fraud against their customer.
Would you like to help with an economical contribution.
Now Jyske Bank seems to have bought our latest 2 law firms
Rödstenen and Lundgrens lawyers,
Not to present our claims against Jyske Bank A/S to the court.
Which is why we have had to make fun of ourselves with this closing defense.
See letters to Lundgren’s lawyer partner company here

If you want to help us financially against the Danish big bank Jyske Bank A/S.
We would like to receive your contribution.
IBAN NR. DK0854790004563376
Here in the case BS-402/2015-VIB.
The entire board supports whether Jyske bank A/S
continued fraud against their customer.
Would you like to help with an economical contribution.
Now Jyske Bank seems to have bought our latest 2 law firms
Rödstenen and Lundgrens lawyers,
Not to present our claims against Jyske Bank A/S to the court.
Which is why we have had to make fun of ourselves with this closing defense.
See letters to Lundgren’s lawyer partner company here

Jyske Bank employees on the catfish who have written that they are not bank trained. Writes in 2017 that it is up to the law
But at the same time,
Jyske bank together with our 2 earlier lawyers
Thomas Schioldan Sørensen rodstenen.dk
at least these 5 lawyers.
at Lundgren’s partner company
Dan Terkildsen. Advokat og Partner
Pernille Hellesøe. Team Assistent.
Mette-Marie Nielsen. Fuldmægtig / Elev
Emil Hald Winstrøm. Fuldmægtig / Elev
Sebastian Lysholm Nielsen. Advokat Director
Have made major changes in the fact that our case had to be presented to the court.

If you want to help us financially against the Danish big bank Jyske Bank A/S.
We would like to receive your contribution.
IBAN NR. DK0854790004563376
Here in the case BS-402/2015-VIB.
The entire board supports whether Jyske bank A/S
continued fraud against their customer.
Would you like to help with an economical contribution.
Now Jyske Bank seems to have bought our latest 2 law firms
Rödstenen and Lundgrens lawyers,
Not to present our claims against Jyske Bank A/S to the court.
Which is why we have had to make fun of ourselves with this closing defense.
See letters to Lundgren’s lawyer partner company here

If you want to help us financially against the Danish big bank Jyske Bank A/S.
We would like to receive your contribution.
IBAN NR. DK0854790004563376
Here in the case BS-402/2015-VIB.
The entire board supports whether Jyske bank A/S
continued fraud against their customer.
Would you like to help with an economical contribution.
Now Jyske Bank seems to have bought our latest 2 law firms
Rödstenen and Lundgrens lawyers,
Not to present our claims against Jyske Bank A/S to the court.
Which is why we have had to make fun of ourselves with this closing defense.
See letters to Lundgren’s lawyer partner company here