15-07-2022-. mail. One question: If an authority person covers a criminal organization, then that person has a co-responsibility for the crime that the person covers. ?. /. Anders Christian Dam I continue to post about Jyske Bank’s criminal business methods, which you can see here. And if you want me to stop, just call +4522227713. And so can we 2 make an agreement that I will stop exposing Jyske Bank to my little teasing.

Jyske Bank slanders customer to third party and claims that customer is lying, when customer tells that Jyske Bank is behind extensive fraud against customer, and mentions the persons who for Jyske Bank have exposed or indirectly for the bank contributed to fraud against customer in Jyske Bank.

The customer says here to Jyske Bank now stop lying, and now stop slandering us customers who have found it proven, that Jyske Bank drivers as a criminal organization, and by lies, coercion, exploitation, abuse of law, misdemeanor, forgery, bribery expose us customers for gross fraud.

If you, or if you CEO Anders Christian Dam have any problems with what I write, then come to me and do not expose me to Defamation by lying about me to third parties, in order to better get away with Jyske Banks fraud.



Også delt her på YouTube. 26 sekunder.

Mail sendt  ons. 15. jul. time. 13.14 til . Indsætter stemningsbilleder.

Morten Ulrik Gade <mug@jyskebank.dk>,
Philip Baruch <pb@les.dk>,
Kristian Ambjørn Buus-Nielsen <kbn@les.dk>,
“<NSJ@politi.dk>” <nsj@politi.dk>,
Statsministeriet <stm@stm.dk>,
Jura og Forretning <jur@domstolsstyrelsen.dk>,
Postkasse – Klagesagsafdelingen <klagesagsafdelingen@advokatsamfundet.dk>,
Justitsministeriet <jm@jm.dk>,


Jyske Bank A/S koncernen

og jeres dygtige advokater.

Jyske Bank A/S
Vestergade 8-16
8600 Silkeborg

Att. CEO Anders Christian Dam.

Denne mail er til alle modtager som får den.

Da i alle forsøger at tie mig ihjel, og sikkert tænker at plejer at virke, så skal i vide at det dur ikke her, i er nødsaget til at tage dette problem alvorligt.

Jeg beder faktisk om at få noget hjælp her, da det er en skandale at jeg som dansk statsborger skal kæmpe mod korruption i Danmark, og hvilken der er del som synes at dække over.

Anders Christian Dam, hvis du og Jyske Bank vil forklare jeres sammen arbejdes partner, hvordan det kan være at jeg skriver at Jyske Bank laver bedrageri / bondefangeri og bruger dokumentfalsk.

Nu deler jeg her CC med en af jeres samarbejdspartnere, så kan i jo forklare om i Jyske Bank er en kriminel organisation, eller om det er mig der lyver. 


Nåh ja og danmarks nationalbank, som kender alt til denne her sag og problemstilling med Jyske Bank forståelse af loven. og i ved at også selv internt i nationalbanken omtaler medarbejderne denne her sag, som en skandale.

Og Jyske Bank ikke forsvare sig, jeg har opfordret til dialog og gerne en offentlig debat med en konfrontation mellem mig Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup og dig Anders Christian Dam.

Men du tør jo ikke møde mig ansigt til ansigt.

If you, as a collaborator with Jyske Bank in Denmark, know well that Jyske Bank has made a document false and fraud as well as other criminal offenses, which has been committed by several employees together in association, otherwise you will be notified shortly, you can now email Jyske Bank, and ask what this is, and why CEO Anders Christian Dam ingure my inquiries. +45898989.




Printer friendly front page, text is left aligned 👈. small mood pictures 300.X.xxx. And here is pictures of Jyske Bank and the Jyske Bank advertising cars.

Jeg vil gerne holde op med at udsætte Jyske Bank for mine drillerier og morsomheder samt angreb på Jyske Banks troværdighed.

Det kræver kun at vi 2 taler sammen.


Og som jeg sagde til Mette Marie Nielsen fra Lundgrens advokater den 18 december 2018.

Det bliver kun værre.

Appendix 91. Bilag 91. 18-12-2018. Udskrift at af samtale Mette Marie Nielsen Lundgrens, samtale kl. 14.41 til 18.01. Jyske bank lyver. Mette bekræfter.

Appendix 91. A. Bilag 91.A. MP3. 18-12-2018. kl. 17.41 Mette Marie Nielsen lundgrens RINGER. Mette Marie og Dan mener at fremlægge svig, skader sag.

Delt herfra.


Bemærk venligst at Mette Marie Nielsen siger 14-12-2018. vi må stole på at Lundgrens advokater gør det de er ansat til, stadig samtidig med at Mette Marie Nielsen skjulte, at Lundgrens advokater har lavet million forretning for Jyske Bank.

Appendix 87. Bilag 87. afskrevet 14-12-2018 Udskrift af Samtale med Mette Marie Nielsen Lundgrens vedr. svig sag. Mette lover at få det hele med i svarskrift.

Appendix 87.A. Bilag 87.A. Mp3. 14-12-2018 Hør Samtale med Mette Marie Nielsen Lundgrens vedr. svig sag. Mette lover at få det hele med i svarskrift.

Mette Marie Nielsen der i dag er ansat i Danske Bank som advokat, har også været medvirkende til Jyske Banks bedrageri, ved at modarbejde klienten påstande mod Jyske Bank blev fremlagt, og skjulte at Lundgrens advokater rent faktisk har fået flere millioner kroner af Jyske Bank i forbindelse med den returkommission som Jyske Bank betalte Lundgrens advokater for at modvirke retfærdighed.

Den mail jeg senest 13 juli sendte til jer og myndighederne, indeholder som forventet nogen skrive og stave fejl

Jeg retter det jeg kan finde, og deler mailen som er både dansk / engelsk. Til oversat til dansk og engelsk

Den originale mail bliver også delt.

Foreløbig er jeg ved at rette et opslag på engelsk.


Jeg håber ikke jeg er helt til grin, fordi jeg ikke kan stave

Og til de danske myndigheder herunder Statsministeriet, Finansministeriet, Finanstilsynet, Justitsministeriet, Nationalbanken, Domstolsstyrelsen, Rigspolitiet, Anklagemyndigheden, Statsadvokaten, og ikke mindst Retsudvalget og regeringen ved statsminister Mette Frederiksen.

I ved alle sammen udmærket godt alt jeg skriver at Jyske Bank med flere af bankens ansatte står bag omfattende svindel, hvilket i kan læse i tidligere mail og bilag.

Jeg ved god at det her er en varm kartoffel, og i til dato alle sammen har stukket hovedet i busken, for at dække over Jyske Banks strafbare forretningsmetoder.

Men da jeg jo bare er en simpel lille håndværker, der hverken kan skrive eller stave, har ingen boglige uddannelse.

Vil i gerne svare mig på dette spørgsmål her.

Hvis en person eventuelt en myndighedsperson dækker over en enten.

Kriminel organisation.

Kriminel handling.

For at modvirke retfærdighed og stoppe at kriminelle handling bliver efterforsket, for på den måde at modvirke til at der ikke findes retssikkerhed, som når en kriminel organisation der er personen / Myndighedspersonen bekendt.

Altså er en person / myndighedsperson der har kendskab til organiseret bedrageri, men som i sin stilling, vælger at ignorere og på den måde dækker over den / de kriminelle handlinger som myndighedspersonen er blevet oplyst og derfor bevidste om.

Mit spørgsmål er enkelt.

Er en sådan myndighedspersonen medvirkende og dermed medansvarlig for for den organiserede kriminalitet som, myndighedspersonen dækker over.

Det var et teknisk spørgsmål.

Vil nogle af jer svare ?.

Så beder jeg et JA eller NEJ svar.

Og så med en kort begrundelse.

Jeg forventer ikke noget svar.


Ligesom Ingen i hverken advokatnævnet eller advokat samfundet vil bekræfte at dette som nævnet ikke mener er en overtrædelse af god advokatskik er gældende for alle andre advokater.

Og det er delt her på siden samt også andre steder.


Har jeg ret eller har jeg ikke ret, det skal tænke over, og så finde ud af hvad i og den danske stat og regering vil gøre ved de banker der som Jyske Bank overtræder straffeloven. 


Med venlig hilsen

Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup

Søvej 5

3100 Hornbæk



Opslag på forløbet Facebook.

Hvis Jyske Bank har nogle indsigelser eller spørgsmål måske rettelser.

Så venligst ring og eller skriv til mig, hvad der skal rettes.

The post which is a call is in English below.



Jeg er blevet træt af at høre at Jyske Bank bag min ryg, spreder beskyldninger mod min person, for at lave strafbare forhold, og tale usandt om Jyske Banks medarbejdere og bankens organiseret kriminalitet.

Jyske Bank udtaler INGURENDE udtalelser om mig som kunde bag kundes ryg, og beskylde mig som kunde for at lyve om Jyske Banks forretnings metoder, såsom organiseret bedrageri mod min lille virksomhed.


Hvis Jyske Bank ikke har lavet dokumentfalsk og bedrageri samt anden strafbar kriminalitet.

Så har i her alle de beviser i skal have for at indgive en politianmeldelse mod mig
Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup for injurier og bagvaskelse af Jyske Bank A/S


Og jeg skal igen opfordre Jyske Bank til tale med politiet om det her, jeg har beviser for det jeg skriver

Men jeg er oppe mod korruption og kammerateri, hvilket jeg ikke har mulighed for at ændre på.

Jeg synes det er en skandale og en cirkusforestilling.


En cirkus forestilling som her fremstilles af mig, som den ordblinde, og som Jyske Bank nok synes er lidt dum, siden jeg bliver ved med at drille den mægtige Jyske Bank.

Jeg skriver sandheden, og det gør jeg med henvisning til grundloven om ytringsfrihed, og de Europæiske menneskerettigheder

Og også min frihed til i ord og handling at skrive om denne her kæmpe skandale for danmark, og danskernes retssikkerhed.


Det her er for at provokere og få Jyske Bank til at tale med mig.

For vi skal løse vores lille konflikt sammen.

Vil Jyske Bank ikke det, så politianmeld mig, og få gerne hjælp af Højesteretsdommer Kurt Rasmussen, med henvisning til at han har medvirket til at dække over de korrupte Lundgrens advokater.


Kan du læse hvordan advokat samfundet fortolker hvad der ikke er en overtrædelse af god advokatskik, medlemmer fra store danske advokatfirmaer er medvirkende til at dække over de korrupte Lundgrens advokater som Jyske Bank bestak til ikke at fremlægge klientens anbringer mod Jyske Bank

Så derfor ved jeg naturligvis godt at jeg ikke kan få retfærdighed i danmark, og danske banker gerne må bedrager deres kunder hvis de kan.




Hvis Jyske Bank ikke mener at Nicolai Hansen Jyske Bank Hillerød, sammen med Jeanett Kofoed Hansen Jyske Bank København, sammen startede det bedrageri som Jyske Bank har udsat min virksomhed for.

Og hvis ikke Jeanett Kofoed-Hansen for Jyske Bank har lavet dokument falsk.

Og hvis ikke Jeanett Kofoed-Hansen for Jyske Bank har lavet fuldmagt misbrug.

Og hvis i ikke Jeanett Kofoed Hansen for Jyske Bank har misbrugt Jyske Banks afgang til tinglysningsretten.

Og hvis ikke andre i Jyske Bank har misbrugt bankens adgang til tinglysningsretten.

Og hvis ikke Casper Dam Olsen, Anette Kirkeby samme med Nicolai Hansen har stået bag Jyske Banks fortsatte million bedrageri mod bankens kunde.

Og hvis ikke Jyske Bank i ond tro, ved Nicolai Hansen har løjet for kunde, at kunde har lånt 4.328.000 dkk. som Jyske Bank har hævet renter af siden 30 december 2008.

Og hvis ikke Jyske Bank i ond tro, ved Nicolai Hansen sammen med Casper Dam Olsen har løjet for kunde, at kunde har omlagt et lån på 4.328.000 dkk. som Jyske Bank har hævet renter af siden 30 december 2008.

Og hvis ikke advokat Morten Ulrik Gade har løjet for Penge Institut ankenævnet, blandt andet at kunden i Jyske Bank har et bagvedliggende lån til en rente sikring.

Og hvis ikke advokat Morten Ulrik Gade i ond tro har tilbageholdt dokumenter for Penge Institut ankenævnet, der viste at Jyske Bank har lavet bilag’s manipulation.
Altså at Jyske Bank har lavet dokumentfalsk.

Og hvis ikke advokat Philip Baruch har løjet for retten i flere forhold, blandt andet at kunden i Jyske Bank har et bagvedliggende lån til en rente sikring.


Og hvis ikke Philip Baruch, der er bestyrelsesmedlem i Jyske Bank, og som også er advokat for Jyske Bank.
Philip Baruch fra Lund Elmer Sandager advokater.
I ond tro har tilbageholdt dokumenter for Penge Institut ankenævnet, der viste at Jyske Bank har lavet bilag’s manipulation.
Altså at Jyske Bank har lavet dokumentfalsk.

Og hvis ikke Jyske Banks ordførende direktør CEO Anders Christian Dam, personligt har nægtet at fremlægge kunden dokumentation for at kunden har lånt de 4.328.000 dkk i Nykredit, og hvordan dette lån skulle være omlagt.

Og hvis ikke Jyske Bank har bestukket Lundgrens advokater til ikke at fremlægge klientens svig og falsk anbringer mod Jyske Bank.
Lundgrens advokater var kort før disse blev bestukket af Jyske Bank, blevet ansat af Jyske Banks kunde til at føre sag mod Jyske Bank, og fremlægge Jyske Banks brug af Svig, Falsk, Ond Tro, Vildledning, udnyttelse med mere.


Så har jeg gentagne gange opfordret Jyske Bank som her i et par af de delte Youtube videoerne sagt det meget tydeligt.

At hvis ikke Jyske Bank har lavet dokument falsk og bedrageri.

Så har jeg senest 13 juli 2022. Igen opfordret Jyske Bank til at indgive en politianmeldelse, eller at Jyske Bank ved CEO Anders Christian Dam taler med mig om Jyske Banks problemer.

Her er kopi af de videoer som jeg 13/7-2022. sendte til Jyske Bank, men også til politiet og myndighederne herunder Finanstilsynet og politiet for økonomisk kriminalitet samt også anklage myndigheden.


Hvis Jyske Bank vil påstå jeg lyver og skriver, siger noget som helst, der er i modstrid med sandheden.

Så må det stå Jyske Bank A/S frit for, at lave en politianmeldelse mod mig Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup for bagvaskelse og injurier mod Jyske Bank.

Politiet har telefon 114.


Med henvisning til tidligere optagelser og mails.

18 maj. 2021.

3  juni. 2021.

18 sep. 2021.

24 sep. 2021.

27 sep. 2021.

1 OKT. 2021.

6 OKT. 2021.

12 JAN. 2022.

27 marts 2022.


Hvis Jyske Bank ikke har lavet dokumentfalsk og bedrageri, samt anden strafbar kriminalitet.

Så har i her alle de beviser i skal have for at indgive en politianmeldelse mod mig
Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup for injurier og bagvaskelse af Jyske Bank A/S


Jeg har skrevet og sagt sandheden, og har mange gange i flere år, ja faktisk siden maj måned 2016. Kæmpet for at komme i kontakt og dialog med CEO Anders Christian Dam, så denne her sag kunne løses.

I sagen mod Jyske Bank har Jyske Bank nu skylden for at den danske stat, regeringen, Danmarks nationalbank, Justitsministeriet, Finansministeriet, Finanstilsynet, Domstolsstyrelsens medarbejdere også er blevet inddraget, og da de danske myndigheder herunder Statsministeriet, ved statsminister Mette Frederiksen selv er medvirkende til at dække over Jyske Banks bedrageri mod bankens kunde.

Er sagen og historien om korruption i Danmark ikke ligefrem blevet mindre, at der er nævnt Højesterets dommer Kurt Rasmussen, advokater fra Horten advokater og Kromann Reumert advokater samt medlemmer af Dansk Erhverv, og byretsdommer Søren Ejdum også er nævnt.


Alt sammen i forbindelse med det kammerateri som styre Danmark.

Jeg har skrevet det mange gange: Kammerateri og korruption er det samme.


Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup.
Søvej 5.
3100. Hornbæk.


Jyske Bank i er blevet oplyst til at kontakte politiet, og at Jyske Bank ved CEO Anders Christian Dam indgiver en politianmeldelse for  injurier mod Jyske Bank mod mig.

Og gør Jyske Bank ikke det, skal Jyske Bank straks holde op med bagtale mig over for tredjemand.


Hvis Jyske Bank ønsker at tale med mig Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup, så er jeg stadig indstillet på at Jyske Bank og jeg finder en løsning.

Og kære alle sammen i Jyske Bank. Juridisk afdeling.

Bestyrelsen, Ledelsen, Repræsentantskabet, Koncernen ledergruppen og ikke mindst dig CEO Anders Christian Dam

Også jer i Lund Elmer Sandager advokater.


Jeg vil igen opfordre jer alle sammen til at finde en løsning på vores lille konflikt.

Det tager kun 5 minutter at løse vores problemer os i mellem.


Det kræver kun at jeres medarbejdere som lederen der er grunden til dette opslag, han Anders Dam kan bare ringe til mig og bede mig holde op med at udsætte Jyske Bank for mine drillerier.

Så finder vi da også sammen en løsning.
Jyske Bank må dog selv forsøge at rette deres eftermæle.

Men kære alle sammen, det er jeres problem om Jyske Bank af mig, vil hænges ud for at være en kriminel organisation, eller i gerne vil have jeg laver noget andet, hvilket jeg har skrevet til Jyske Bank og deres mange advokater.

Mens Jyske Bank tænker, så fortsætter jeg med at skrive og drille Jyske Bank, hvorfor ?

Fordi Jyske Bank fortjener det.



Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup
Soevej 5.
3100. Hornbaek.

Denmark.  Dk





I have been tired of hearing that Jyske Bank is behind my back, spreading accusations against my person, for making criminal offenses, and telling lies about Jyske Bank’s employees and the bank’s organized crime.

Jyske Bank makes INGURING statements about me as a customer behind the customer’s back, and accuses me as a customer of lying about Jyske Bank’s business methods, such as organized fraud against my small business.


If Jyske Bank has not committed forgery and fraud as well as other criminal offenses.

Then you have here all the evidence you need to file a police report against me
Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup for libel and slander of Jyske Bank A/S


And I must again urge Jyske Bank to talk to the police about this, I have evidence of what I am writing

But I am up against corruption and camaraderie, which I have no opportunity to change.

I think it’s a scandal and a circus show.


A circus performance like this is produced by me, as the dyslexic, and which Jyske Bank probably thinks is a bit silly, since I keep teasing the mighty Jyske Bank.

I write the truth, and I do so with reference to the Constitution on freedom of expression, and European human rights

And also my freedom to write in words and deeds about this huge scandal here for Denmark, and the Danes’ legal security.


This is to provoke and get Jyske Bank to talk to me.

Because we have to resolve our little conflict together.

If Jyske Bank does not want it, then the police report me, and get help from Supreme Court Judge Kurt Rasmussen, referring to the fact that he has helped to cover up the corrupt Lundgren’s lawyers.

Can you read how the law society interprets what is not a violation of good law practice, members from large Danish law firms are helping to cover up the corrupt Lundgren’s lawyers as Jyske Bank ordered not to present the client’s plea against Jyske Bank.

So, of course, I know very well that I can not get justice in Denmark, and Danish banks are happy to deceive their customers if they can.




If Jyske Bank does not believe that Nicolai Hansen Jyske Bank Hillerød, together with Jeanett Kofoed Hansen Jyske Bank Copenhagen, together started the fraud that Jyske Bank has exposed my company to.

And unless Jeanett Kofoed-Hansen for Jyske Bank has made the document false.

And unless Jeanett Kofoed-Hansen for Jyske Bank has abused power of attorney.

And if not Jeanett Kofoed Hansen for Jyske Bank has abused Jyske Bank’s departure to the registration court.

And unless others in Jyske Bank have abused the bank’s access to the right of registration.

And if not Casper Dam Olsen, Anette Kirkeby together with Nicolai Hansen have been behind Jyske Bank’s continued million fraud against the bank’s customer.

And if not Jyske Bank in bad faith, Nicolai Hansen has lied to the customer that the customer has borrowed DKK 4,328,000. which Jyske Bank has raised interest rates on since 30 December 2008.

And if not Jyske Bank in bad faith, Nicolai Hansen together with Casper Dam Olsen has lied to the customer that the customer has restructured a loan of DKK 4,328,000. which Jyske Bank has raised interest rates on since 30 December 2008.

And if not lawyer Morten Ulrik Gade has lied to the Money Institute Appeals Board, among other things that the customer in Jyske Bank has an underlying loan for an interest rate hedging.

And if not lawyer Morten Ulrik Gade in bad faith has withheld documents for the Money Institute Appeals Board, which showed that Jyske Bank has made vouchers’ manipulation.
That is, Jyske Bank has forged documents.


And if lawyer Philip Baruch has not lied to the court in several matters, including that the customer in Jyske Bank has an underlying loan for an interest rate hedging.

And if not Philip Baruch, who is a board member of Jyske Bank and who is also a lawyer for Jyske Bank.
Philip Baruch from Lund Elmer Sandager lawyers.
In bad faith, withheld documents for the Money Institute Appeals Board, which showed that Jyske Bank had manipulated the vouchers.
That is, Jyske Bank has forged documents.

And if Jyske Bank’s CEO Anders Christian Dam has not personally refused to provide the customer with documentation that the customer has borrowed the DKK 4,328,000 from Nykredit and how this loan should have been restructured.

And if Jyske Bank has not bribed Lundgren’s lawyers not to present the client’s fraud and false plea against Jyske Bank.
Shortly before these, Lundgren’s lawyers were bribed by Jyske Bank, hired by Jyske Bank’s customer to sue Jyske Bank, and present Jyske Bank’s use of Fraud, False, Bad Faith, Misleading, exploitation and more.



Then I have repeatedly called on Jyske Bank, as here in a couple of the shared Youtube videos, to say it very clearly.

That if Jyske Bank has not made a document false and fraudulent.

Then I have no later than 13 July 2022. Again called Jyske Bank to submit a police report, or that Jyske Bank through CEO Anders Christian Dam talks to me about Jyske Bank’s problems.


Here is copy of the videos that I 13 / 7-2022. sent to Jyske Bank, but also to the police and the authorities, including the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority and the police for economic crime, as well as accusing the authority.


If Jyske Bank wants to claim that I am lying and writing, say anything that is contrary to the truth.

Then Jyske Bank A / S must be free to make a police report against me Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup for defamation and libel against Jyske Bank.

The police have telephone 114.


With reference to previous recordings and emails.

18 May. 2021

June 3. 2021

Sep 18 2021

Sep 24 2021

Sep 27 2021

1 OCT. 2021

6 OCT. 2021

12 JAN. 2022

March 27, 2022.



If Jyske Bank has not committed forgery and fraud, as well as other criminal offenses.


Then you have here all the evidence you need to file a police report against me
Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup for libel and slander of Jyske Bank A/S


I have written and told the truth, and have many times for several years, in fact since May 2016. Struggled to get in touch and dialogue with CEO Anders Christian Dam, so this case could be resolved.

In the case against Jyske Bank, Jyske Bank is now to blame for the involvement of the Danish state, the government, Danmarks Nationalbank, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Finance, the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, the National Board of Justice’s employees, and as the Danish authorities, including the Prime Minister, to cover Jyske Bank’s fraud against the bank’s customer.

Has the case and the history of corruption in Denmark not exactly diminished, that the Supreme Court judge Kurt Rasmussen, lawyers from Horten lawyers and Kromann Reumert lawyers as well as members of the Danish Chamber of Commerce, and city court judge Søren Ejdum have also been mentioned.


All in connection with the camaraderie that governs Denmark.

I have written it many times: Comradeship and corruption are the same thing.


Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup.
Søvej 5.
3100. Hornbæk.

Jyske Bank i has been urged to contact the police, and that Jyske Bank, through CEO Anders Christian Dam, submit a police report for libel against Jyske Bank against me.

And if Jyske Bank does not do so, Jyske Bank must immediately stop slandering me to third parties.


If Jyske Bank wants to talk to me Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup, then I am still willing for Jyske Bank and I to find a solution.

And dear everyone in Jyske Bank. Legal Department.

The Board of Directors, the Management, the Board of Representatives, the Group management team and not least you CEO Anders Christian Dam

Also you in Lund Elmer Sandager lawyers.


I would again urge all of you to find a solution to our little conflict.

It only takes 5 minutes to solve our problems between us.


It only requires that your employees as the manager is the reason for this posting, he Anders Dam can just call me and ask me to stop exposing Jyske Bank to my teasing.

Then we will also find a solution together.
However, Jyske Bank itself must try to correct their legacy.


But dear all, this is your problem about Jyske Bank by me, will be hung out to be a criminal organization, or you want me to do something else, which I have written to Jyske Bank and their many lawyers.

While Jyske Bank is thinking, I continue to write and tease Jyske Bank, why?

Because Jyske Bank deserves it.



Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup
Soevej 5.
3100. Hornbaek.

Denmark. Dk




Område med vedhæftede filer


Forsmag på YouTube-video kunde beskylder Jyske Bank for brugen af dokumentet falsk og bedrageri, Jyske Bank i har et problem

Forsmag på YouTube-video Mit navn er Carsten Storbjerg og jeg har et godt tilbud til dig Anders Christian Dam Jyske Bank gå af.

Forsmag på YouTube-video Jyske Bank bestak Lundgrens for at Dan Terkildsen ikke måtte fremlægge klientens anbringer mod Jyske Bank.

Denmark’s biggest scandal ever, without a doubt must be. That the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, which has provided watertight evidence that Jyske Bank AS is behind extensive crime. Although all the members of the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority are aware that Jyske Bank has made a string of criminal offenses. Has the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority chosen to approve Jyske Bank’s acquisition of Svenske Handelsbanken’s Danish branches. This is a scandal which makes the Mink case with the Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen seem small. In the case that Jyske Bank writes about here, Jyske Bank is about being able to keep the money Jyske Bank has taken, by used forgery, and fraud to cheat the customer, by sad that the fraud was not discovered within 3 years. This is how Jyske Bank works, and it is quite important to share with the public. Also to warn other nations, and warn against the corruption and camaraderie that rules Denmark. It is sad that even the Danish authorities, cover criminal companies that, like Jyske Bank, have proven organized crime, which emphasizes that Denmark has major problems with corruption and bribery at the highest level. Therefore, not a single one has dared to talk to me to date, as everyone also knows the Danish government and Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen that I have watertight evidence of Jyske Bank’s organized fraud When customers in Denmark are up against the criminal Danish Bank, like Jyske Bank, which enjoys support from the Danish state and authorities, it is important that i write about Jyske Bank’s business methods. Just because Jyske Bank writes in a pleading in the case that is pending in the High Court, it has nothing to do with my campaign. I am a private person who Jyske Bank has exposed to serious crime, this crime covers the Danish state, why i think it is my duty to warn other countries, that in Denmark there is corruption and camaraderie, which helps to limit legal certainty, when the largest Danish companies commit fraud If Jyske Bank does not like my notices and campaigns, then they must talk to me, they can call +4522227713 This Jyske Bank car has become a regular advertisement, and a warning against Jyske Bank A/S. When the fact is that Jyske Bank does not comply with current legislation to run a tanker business in Denmark. The official Denmark with the Government ignores and continues to cover the crime that the authorities have presented that Jyske Bank is proven to be behind. If there is just one person in Jyske Bank, or in the Danish authorities, or in the Ministry of Justice or in the National Board of Justice, who thinks they can disprove what I say and write. So participate in the competition, and try to disprove that Jyske Bank is a criminal organization that has committed fraud, which has been carried out by several employees together. And you can not If you have a problem, Jyske Bank must be under stricter supervision, or deprived of the right to conduct financial business in Denmark. You all know that I would rather spend my time photographing, and that the Danish state itself should clean up the Danish criminal banks, which, like Jyske Bank, expose customers to fraud.

Jyske Bank bilen

Jyske Bank bestak Lundgrens for at Dan Terkildsen ikke måtte fremlægge klientens anbringer mod Jyske Bank.


Forsmag på YouTube-video Jyske Bank pandoras æske er lukket op, Danmark står overfor en skandale og er fremlagt myndighederne.

Denmark’s biggest scandal ever, without a doubt must be. That the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, which has provided watertight evidence that Jyske Bank AS is behind extensive crime. Although all the members of the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority are aware that Jyske Bank has made a string of criminal offenses. Has the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority chosen to approve Jyske Bank’s acquisition of Svenske Handelsbanken’s Danish branches. This is a scandal which makes the Mink case with the Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen seem small. In the case that Jyske Bank writes about here, Jyske Bank is about being able to keep the money Jyske Bank has taken, by used forgery, and fraud to cheat the customer, by sad that the fraud was not discovered within 3 years. This is how Jyske Bank works, and it is quite important to share with the public. Also to warn other nations, and warn against the corruption and camaraderie that rules Denmark. It is sad that even the Danish authorities, cover criminal companies that, like Jyske Bank, have proven organized crime, which emphasizes that Denmark has major problems with corruption and bribery at the highest level. Therefore, not a single one has dared to talk to me to date, as everyone also knows the Danish government and Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen that I have watertight evidence of Jyske Bank’s organized fraud When customers in Denmark are up against the criminal Danish Bank, like Jyske Bank, which enjoys support from the Danish state and authorities, it is important that i write about Jyske Bank’s business methods. Just because Jyske Bank writes in a pleading in the case that is pending in the High Court, it has nothing to do with my campaign. I am a private person who Jyske Bank has exposed to serious crime, this crime covers the Danish state, why i think it is my duty to warn other countries, that in Denmark there is corruption and camaraderie, which helps to limit legal certainty, when the largest Danish companies commit fraud If Jyske Bank does not like my notices and campaigns, then they must talk to me, they can call +4522227713 This Jyske Bank car has become a regular advertisement, and a warning against Jyske Bank A/S. When the fact is that Jyske Bank does not comply with current legislation to run a tanker business in Denmark. The official Denmark with the Government ignores and continues to cover the crime that the authorities have presented that Jyske Bank is proven to be behind. If there is just one person in Jyske Bank, or in the Danish authorities, or in the Ministry of Justice or in the National Board of Justice, who thinks they can disprove what I say and write. So participate in the competition, and try to disprove that Jyske Bank is a criminal organization that has committed fraud, which has been carried out by several employees together. And you can not If you have a problem, Jyske Bank must be under stricter supervision, or deprived of the right to conduct financial business in Denmark. You all know that I would rather spend my time photographing, and that the Danish state itself should clean up the Danish criminal banks, which, like Jyske Bank, expose customers to fraud.

Jyske Bank Bilen

Jyske Bank pandoras æske er lukket op, Danmark står overfor en skandale og er fremlagt myndighederne.


Forsmag på YouTube-video Pandoras æske er lukket op Danmark står overfor en skandale af uset omfang er fremlagt myndighederne.

Denmark’s biggest scandal ever, without a doubt must be. That the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, which has provided watertight evidence that Jyske Bank AS is behind extensive crime. Although all the members of the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority are aware that Jyske Bank has made a string of criminal offenses. Has the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority chosen to approve Jyske Bank’s acquisition of Svenske Handelsbanken’s Danish branches. This is a scandal which makes the Mink case with the Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen seem small. In the case that Jyske Bank writes about here, Jyske Bank is about being able to keep the money Jyske Bank has taken, by used forgery, and fraud to cheat the customer, by sad that the fraud was not discovered within 3 years. This is how Jyske Bank works, and it is quite important to share with the public. Also to warn other nations, and warn against the corruption and camaraderie that rules Denmark. It is sad that even the Danish authorities, cover criminal companies that, like Jyske Bank, have proven organized crime, which emphasizes that Denmark has major problems with corruption and bribery at the highest level. Therefore, not a single one has dared to talk to me to date, as everyone also knows the Danish government and Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen that I have watertight evidence of Jyske Bank’s organized fraud When customers in Denmark are up against the criminal Danish Bank, like Jyske Bank, which enjoys support from the Danish state and authorities, it is important that i write about Jyske Bank’s business methods. Just because Jyske Bank writes in a pleading in the case that is pending in the High Court, it has nothing to do with my campaign. I am a private person who Jyske Bank has exposed to serious crime, this crime covers the Danish state, why i think it is my duty to warn other countries, that in Denmark there is corruption and camaraderie, which helps to limit legal certainty, when the largest Danish companies commit fraud If Jyske Bank does not like my notices and campaigns, then they must talk to me, they can call +4522227713 This Jyske Bank car has become a regular advertisement, and a warning against Jyske Bank A/S. When the fact is that Jyske Bank does not comply with current legislation to run a tanker business in Denmark. The official Denmark with the Government ignores and continues to cover the crime that the authorities have presented that Jyske Bank is proven to be behind. If there is just one person in Jyske Bank, or in the Danish authorities, or in the Ministry of Justice or in the National Board of Justice, who thinks they can disprove what I say and write. So participate in the competition, and try to disprove that Jyske Bank is a criminal organization that has committed fraud, which has been carried out by several employees together. And you can not If you have a problem, Jyske Bank must be under stricter supervision, or deprived of the right to conduct financial business in Denmark. You all know that I would rather spend my time photographing, and that the Danish state itself should clean up the Danish criminal banks, which, like Jyske Bank, expose customers to fraud.

Jyske Bank bilen

Pandoras æske er lukket op Danmark står overfor en skandale af uset omfang er fremlagt myndighederne.


Forsmag på YouTube-video Nationalbanken og folketinget ved alle at Jyske Bank koncernen har lavet Dokumentfalsk og Bedrageri

Denmark’s biggest scandal ever, without a doubt must be. That the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, which has provided watertight evidence that Jyske Bank AS is behind extensive crime. Although all the members of the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority are aware that Jyske Bank has made a string of criminal offenses. Has the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority chosen to approve Jyske Bank’s acquisition of Svenske Handelsbanken’s Danish branches. This is a scandal which makes the Mink case with the Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen seem small. In the case that Jyske Bank writes about here, Jyske Bank is about being able to keep the money Jyske Bank has taken, by used forgery, and fraud to cheat the customer, by sad that the fraud was not discovered within 3 years. This is how Jyske Bank works, and it is quite important to share with the public. Also to warn other nations, and warn against the corruption and camaraderie that rules Denmark. It is sad that even the Danish authorities, cover criminal companies that, like Jyske Bank, have proven organized crime, which emphasizes that Denmark has major problems with corruption and bribery at the highest level. Therefore, not a single one has dared to talk to me to date, as everyone also knows the Danish government and Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen that I have watertight evidence of Jyske Bank’s organized fraud When customers in Denmark are up against the criminal Danish Bank, like Jyske Bank, which enjoys support from the Danish state and authorities, it is important that i write about Jyske Bank’s business methods. Just because Jyske Bank writes in a pleading in the case that is pending in the High Court, it has nothing to do with my campaign. I am a private person who Jyske Bank has exposed to serious crime, this crime covers the Danish state, why i think it is my duty to warn other countries, that in Denmark there is corruption and camaraderie, which helps to limit legal certainty, when the largest Danish companies commit fraud If Jyske Bank does not like my notices and campaigns, then they must talk to me, they can call +4522227713 This Jyske Bank car has become a regular advertisement, and a warning against Jyske Bank A/S. When the fact is that Jyske Bank does not comply with current legislation to run a tanker business in Denmark. The official Denmark with the Government ignores and continues to cover the crime that the authorities have presented that Jyske Bank is proven to be behind. If there is just one person in Jyske Bank, or in the Danish authorities, or in the Ministry of Justice or in the National Board of Justice, who thinks they can disprove what I say and write. So participate in the competition, and try to disprove that Jyske Bank is a criminal organization that has committed fraud, which has been carried out by several employees together. And you can not If you have a problem, Jyske Bank must be under stricter supervision, or deprived of the right to conduct financial business in Denmark. You all know that I would rather spend my time photographing, and that the Danish state itself should clean up the Danish criminal banks, which, like Jyske Bank, expose customers to fraud.

Jyske Bank Bilen

Nationalbanken og folketinget ved alle at Jyske Bank koncernen har lavet Dokumentfalsk og Bedrageri.


Forsmag på YouTube-video Jyske Banks Løgnagtige Lund Elmer Sandager siger til e korrupte Lundgrens, det er strafbar handling.

Denmark’s biggest scandal ever, without a doubt must be. That the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, which has provided watertight evidence that Jyske Bank AS is behind extensive crime. Although all the members of the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority are aware that Jyske Bank has made a string of criminal offenses. Has the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority chosen to approve Jyske Bank’s acquisition of Svenske Handelsbanken’s Danish branches. This is a scandal which makes the Mink case with the Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen seem small. In the case that Jyske Bank writes about here, Jyske Bank is about being able to keep the money Jyske Bank has taken, by used forgery, and fraud to cheat the customer, by sad that the fraud was not discovered within 3 years. This is how Jyske Bank works, and it is quite important to share with the public. Also to warn other nations, and warn against the corruption and camaraderie that rules Denmark. It is sad that even the Danish authorities, cover criminal companies that, like Jyske Bank, have proven organized crime, which emphasizes that Denmark has major problems with corruption and bribery at the highest level. Therefore, not a single one has dared to talk to me to date, as everyone also knows the Danish government and Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen that I have watertight evidence of Jyske Bank’s organized fraud When customers in Denmark are up against the criminal Danish Bank, like Jyske Bank, which enjoys support from the Danish state and authorities, it is important that i write about Jyske Bank’s business methods. Just because Jyske Bank writes in a pleading in the case that is pending in the High Court, it has nothing to do with my campaign. I am a private person who Jyske Bank has exposed to serious crime, this crime covers the Danish state, why i think it is my duty to warn other countries, that in Denmark there is corruption and camaraderie, which helps to limit legal certainty, when the largest Danish companies commit fraud If Jyske Bank does not like my notices and campaigns, then they must talk to me, they can call +4522227713 This Jyske Bank car has become a regular advertisement, and a warning against Jyske Bank A/S. When the fact is that Jyske Bank does not comply with current legislation to run a tanker business in Denmark. The official Denmark with the Government ignores and continues to cover the crime that the authorities have presented that Jyske Bank is proven to be behind. If there is just one person in Jyske Bank, or in the Danish authorities, or in the Ministry of Justice or in the National Board of Justice, who thinks they can disprove what I say and write. So participate in the competition, and try to disprove that Jyske Bank is a criminal organization that has committed fraud, which has been carried out by several employees together. And you can not If you have a problem, Jyske Bank must be under stricter supervision, or deprived of the right to conduct financial business in Denmark. You all know that I would rather spend my time photographing, and that the Danish state itself should clean up the Danish criminal banks, which, like Jyske Bank, expose customers to fraud.

Jyske bank bilen

Jyske Banks Løgnagtige Lund Elmer Sandager siger til e korrupte Lundgrens, det er strafbar handling.


Forsmag på YouTube-video Jyske Bank har et stort problem, efter banken valgte at udsætte kunde for bondefangeri og blev taget.

Denmark’s biggest scandal ever, without a doubt must be. That the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, which has provided watertight evidence that Jyske Bank AS is behind extensive crime. Although all the members of the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority are aware that Jyske Bank has made a string of criminal offenses. Has the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority chosen to approve Jyske Bank’s acquisition of Svenske Handelsbanken’s Danish branches. This is a scandal which makes the Mink case with the Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen seem small. In the case that Jyske Bank writes about here, Jyske Bank is about being able to keep the money Jyske Bank has taken, by used forgery, and fraud to cheat the customer, by sad that the fraud was not discovered within 3 years. This is how Jyske Bank works, and it is quite important to share with the public. Also to warn other nations, and warn against the corruption and camaraderie that rules Denmark. It is sad that even the Danish authorities, cover criminal companies that, like Jyske Bank, have proven organized crime, which emphasizes that Denmark has major problems with corruption and bribery at the highest level. Therefore, not a single one has dared to talk to me to date, as everyone also knows the Danish government and Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen that I have watertight evidence of Jyske Bank’s organized fraud When customers in Denmark are up against the criminal Danish Bank, like Jyske Bank, which enjoys support from the Danish state and authorities, it is important that i write about Jyske Bank’s business methods. Just because Jyske Bank writes in a pleading in the case that is pending in the High Court, it has nothing to do with my campaign. I am a private person who Jyske Bank has exposed to serious crime, this crime covers the Danish state, why i think it is my duty to warn other countries, that in Denmark there is corruption and camaraderie, which helps to limit legal certainty, when the largest Danish companies commit fraud If Jyske Bank does not like my notices and campaigns, then they must talk to me, they can call +4522227713 This Jyske Bank car has become a regular advertisement, and a warning against Jyske Bank A/S. When the fact is that Jyske Bank does not comply with current legislation to run a tanker business in Denmark. The official Denmark with the Government ignores and continues to cover the crime that the authorities have presented that Jyske Bank is proven to be behind. If there is just one person in Jyske Bank, or in the Danish authorities, or in the Ministry of Justice or in the National Board of Justice, who thinks they can disprove what I say and write. So participate in the competition, and try to disprove that Jyske Bank is a criminal organization that has committed fraud, which has been carried out by several employees together. And you can not If you have a problem, Jyske Bank must be under stricter supervision, or deprived of the right to conduct financial business in Denmark. You all know that I would rather spend my time photographing, and that the Danish state itself should clean up the Danish criminal banks, which, like Jyske Bank, expose customers to fraud.

Jyske Bank Bilen

Jyske Bank har et stort problem, efter banken valgte at udsætte kunde for bondefangeri og blev taget.


Forsmag på YouTube-video Statsminister Mette Frederiksen dækker over Jyske Banks organiseret bedrageri mod bankens kunder.

Denmark’s biggest scandal ever, without a doubt must be. That the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, which has provided watertight evidence that Jyske Bank AS is behind extensive crime. Although all the members of the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority are aware that Jyske Bank has made a string of criminal offenses. Has the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority chosen to approve Jyske Bank’s acquisition of Svenske Handelsbanken’s Danish branches. This is a scandal which makes the Mink case with the Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen seem small. In the case that Jyske Bank writes about here, Jyske Bank is about being able to keep the money Jyske Bank has taken, by used forgery, and fraud to cheat the customer, by sad that the fraud was not discovered within 3 years. This is how Jyske Bank works, and it is quite important to share with the public. Also to warn other nations, and warn against the corruption and camaraderie that rules Denmark. It is sad that even the Danish authorities, cover criminal companies that, like Jyske Bank, have proven organized crime, which emphasizes that Denmark has major problems with corruption and bribery at the highest level. Therefore, not a single one has dared to talk to me to date, as everyone also knows the Danish government and Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen that I have watertight evidence of Jyske Bank’s organized fraud When customers in Denmark are up against the criminal Danish Bank, like Jyske Bank, which enjoys support from the Danish state and authorities, it is important that i write about Jyske Bank’s business methods. Just because Jyske Bank writes in a pleading in the case that is pending in the High Court, it has nothing to do with my campaign. I am a private person who Jyske Bank has exposed to serious crime, this crime covers the Danish state, why i think it is my duty to warn other countries, that in Denmark there is corruption and camaraderie, which helps to limit legal certainty, when the largest Danish companies commit fraud If Jyske Bank does not like my notices and campaigns, then they must talk to me, they can call +4522227713 This Jyske Bank car has become a regular advertisement, and a warning against Jyske Bank A/S. When the fact is that Jyske Bank does not comply with current legislation to run a tanker business in Denmark. The official Denmark with the Government ignores and continues to cover the crime that the authorities have presented that Jyske Bank is proven to be behind. If there is just one person in Jyske Bank, or in the Danish authorities, or in the Ministry of Justice or in the National Board of Justice, who thinks they can disprove what I say and write. So participate in the competition, and try to disprove that Jyske Bank is a criminal organization that has committed fraud, which has been carried out by several employees together. And you can not If you have a problem, Jyske Bank must be under stricter supervision, or deprived of the right to conduct financial business in Denmark. You all know that I would rather spend my time photographing, and that the Danish state itself should clean up the Danish criminal banks, which, like Jyske Bank, expose customers to fraud.

Jyske Bank bilen.