Find Jyske Bank afdeling her.
Find Jyske Bank medarbejder her link til den afafdeling du søger.
31-08-2022. The letter inserted in the email to the national bank att Lars Rohde and Denmark’s 179 members of parliament as well and the Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, about Jyske Bank and the bank’s obvious crimes.
I have written many emails and letters to the Danish State and Jyske Bank about the bank’s business methods that do not stand up to investigation, and share here on banknyt only a small part of these letters, if you need information, please ask.
Gmail Copy of Gmail 31-08-2022, and Copy of the letter to the National Bank.
22-08-2022. Mail to the Management is shared publicly 31-08-2021. Since Jyske Bank A/S still rejects my inquiries.
Below is the message that the email is written after.
Due to corruption and bribery in Denmark, where Denmark’s second largest bank Jyske Bank is involved, I still want to present my accusations and evidence, because when I accuse the Danske Bank Jyske Bank A/S of fraud, it is disgraceful, which I want Denmark’s national bank find a meeting date. For the delivery of evidence, and a personal presentation with evidence, in timeline to national bank director Lars Rohde. Referring to my earlier emails and requests which have still not been answered, why I am moving again to arrange a meeting.
It is your choice and it is your responsibility whether you are members of the management, the board and the representative office, what will you do with the knowledge you have already obtained about Jyske Bank’s many violations of the law, and your choice whether you will refuse me as a citizen of Denmark to present and present full documentation of my information against Jyske Bank A/S and against The management for complicity in fraud against the bank’s customers.
31-08-2022. Letter to the National Bank of Denmark. Due to corruption and bribery in Denmark, where Denmark’s second largest bank Jyske Bank is involved, I still want to present my accusations and evidence.
Værdibaseret adfærd og ledelse, samt brugen af bedrageri og dokumentfalsk samt brugen af bestikkelse i Jyske Bank.
Se om Jyske Banks kriminelle forretningsmetoder, støttet af den Danske stat ved folketinget det er bekendt med Jyske Banks brug af mange strafbare handlinger, men som vælger at dække over der omfattende svindel som Jyske Bank A/S står bag, udført af flere medarbejder sammen i forening.
Læs mere på om Jyske Banks bedrageri mod bankens kunder.
23-08-2022. Gmail – anmodning om at få et møde, med ststsminister Mette Frederiksen. Jeg ønsker personlig at fremlægge beviser for at Jyske Bank AS har lavet mange lovovertrædelser
23-08-2022. Kopi af forside 23-08-2022. kl. 15.45 sendt til regeringen Statsminister Mette Frederiksen
31-08-2022. Letter to the National Bank of Denmark. Due to corruption and bribery in Denmark, where Denmark’s second largest bank Jyske Bank is involved, I still want to present my accusations and evidence.
31-08-2022. Gmail sent with links – To the board of the National Bank of Denmark and to bank director Lars Rohde, and Mette Frederiksen. –
19-08-2022. Gmail til Jyske Banks ledelse – Tillader mig at bringe mit forslag i erindring Re: FORLIG og fred. : Omkring mine private opslag, omhandlende Jyske Bank A/S og en masse nævnte navne. JEG FORESLÅR AT DETTE SKRIVERI OG OPSLAG OMHANDLEDE JYSKE BANK STOPPER NU. Kan vi sammen finde ud af at give hånd, og få sat en stopper for mine skriverier. Så vil jeg stadig gerne medvirke til en sådanne aftale.
22-08-2022. Gmail til Jyske banks ledelse Tillader mig at bringe mit forslag i erindring FORLIG og fred. Omkring mine private opslag.
01-09-2022. ENGLISH. About Jyske Bank and the bank’s fraud shared with DANISH STAT, Lund Elmer Sandager and others. Lund Elmer Sandager whistleblower scheme for Danmarks Nationalbank
01-09-2022. DA. Om Jyske Bank og bankens bedrageri delt med DANSKE STAT, Lund Elmer Sandager med flere. Lund Elmer Sandager whistleblowerordning for Nationalbanken
01-09-2022. ENGLISH. About Jyske Bank and the bank’s fraud shared with DANISH STAT, Lund Elmer Sandager and others. Lund Elmer Sandager whistleblower scheme for Danmarks Nationalbank.
Lokalt Erhverv København Jyske Bank. It was Supreme Court judge Kurt Rasmussen, who is employed by the Danish Courts Agency and who works in the “left .” High Court, who is one of those, who approved that Jyske Bank A/S was willing to bribe Lundgren’s lawyers, even if payment was made by return commission.
Internationalt Erhverv København Jyske Bank. It was Supreme Court judge Kurt Rasmussen, who is employed by the Danish Courts Agency and who works in the “left .” High Court, who is one of those, who approved that Jyske Bank A/S was willing to bribe Lundgren’s lawyers, even if payment was made by return commission.
Servicecenter København Jyske Bank. It was Supreme Court judge Kurt Rasmussen, who is employed by the Danish Courts Agency and who works in the “left .” High Court, who is one of those, who approved that Jyske Bank A/S was willing to bribe Lundgren’s lawyers, even if payment was made by return commission.
Large Corporates København Jyske Bank. It was Supreme Court judge Kurt Rasmussen, who is employed by the Danish Courts Agency and who works in the “left .” High Court, who is one of those, who approved that Jyske Bank A/S was willing to bribe Lundgren’s lawyers, even if payment was made by return commission.
Private Banking København Jyske Bank. It was Supreme Court judge Kurt Rasmussen, who is employed by the Danish Courts Agency and who works in the “left .” High Court, who is one of those, who approved that Jyske Bank A/S was willing to bribe Lundgren’s lawyers, even if payment was made by return commission.
Nationalt Erhverv København Jyske Bank. It was Supreme Court judge Kurt Rasmussen, who is employed by the Danish Courts Agency and who works in the “left .” High Court, who is one of those, who approved that Jyske Bank A/S was willing to bribe Lundgren’s lawyers, even if payment was made by return commission.
Erhvervscenter Silkeborg Jyske Bank. It was Supreme Court judge Kurt Rasmussen, who is employed by the Danish Courts Agency and who works in the “left .” High Court, who is one of those, who approved that Jyske Bank A/S was willing to bribe Lundgren’s lawyers, even if payment was made by return commission.
Servicecenter Silkeborg Jyske Bank. It was Supreme Court judge Kurt Rasmussen, who is employed by the Danish Courts Agency and who works in the “left .” High Court, who is one of those, who approved that Jyske Bank A/S was willing to bribe Lundgren’s lawyers, even if payment was made by return commission.
Institutions and Client Support Jyske Bank. It was Supreme Court judge Kurt Rasmussen, who is employed by the Danish Courts Agency and who works in the “left .” High Court, who is one of those, who approved that Jyske Bank A/S was willing to bribe Lundgren’s lawyers, even if payment was made by return commission.
Jyske Bank Private Banking Jyske Bank. It was Supreme Court judge Kurt Rasmussen, who is employed by the Danish Courts Agency and who works in the “left .” High Court, who is one of those, who approved that Jyske Bank A/S was willing to bribe Lundgren’s lawyers, even if payment was made by return commission.
Kommunikation Jyske Bank. It was Supreme Court judge Kurt Rasmussen, who is employed by the Danish Courts Agency and who works in the “left .” High Court, who is one of those, who approved that Jyske Bank A/S was willing to bribe Lundgren’s lawyers, even if payment was made by return commission.
Jyske Bank Erhverv Jyske Bank. It was Supreme Court judge Kurt Rasmussen, who is employed by the Danish Courts Agency and who works in the “left .” High Court, who is one of those, who approved that Jyske Bank A/S was willing to bribe Lundgren’s lawyers, even if payment was made by return commission.
IR og Bæredygtighed Jyske Bank. It was Supreme Court judge Kurt Rasmussen, who is employed by the Danish Courts Agency and who works in the “left .” High Court, who is one of those, who approved that Jyske Bank A/S was willing to bribe Lundgren’s lawyers, even if payment was made by return commission.
Risikostyring Jyske Bank. It was Supreme Court judge Kurt Rasmussen, who is employed by the Danish Courts Agency and who works in the “left .” High Court, who is one of those, who approved that Jyske Bank A/S was willing to bribe Lundgren’s lawyers, even if payment was made by return commission.
Backoffice Jyske Bank. It was Supreme Court judge Kurt Rasmussen, who is employed by the Danish Courts Agency and who works in the “left .” High Court, who is one of those, who approved that Jyske Bank A/S was willing to bribe Lundgren’s lawyers, even if payment was made by return commission.
Regnskab Jyske Bank. It was Supreme Court judge Kurt Rasmussen, who is employed by the Danish Courts Agency and who works in the “left .” High Court, who is one of those, who approved that Jyske Bank A/S was willing to bribe Lundgren’s lawyers, even if payment was made by return commission.
Jyske Invest. Kontakt Jyske Bank. It was Supreme Court judge Kurt Rasmussen, who is employed by the Danish Courts Agency and who works in the “left .” High Court, who is one of those, who approved that Jyske Bank A/S was willing to bribe Lundgren’s lawyers, even if payment was made by return commission.
Nordsjælland Erhverv Jyske Bank. It was Supreme Court judge Kurt Rasmussen, who is employed by the Danish Courts Agency and who works in the “left .” High Court, who is one of those, who approved that Jyske Bank A/S was willing to bribe Lundgren’s lawyers, even if payment was made by return commission.
Sydvestsjælland og Øerne Erhverv Jyske Bank. It was Supreme Court judge Kurt Rasmussen, who is employed by the Danish Courts Agency and who works in the “left .” High Court, who is one of those, who approved that Jyske Bank A/S was willing to bribe Lundgren’s lawyers, even if payment was made by return commission.
Landbrug Øst Jyske Bank. It was Supreme Court judge Kurt Rasmussen, who is employed by the Danish Courts Agency and who works in the “left .” High Court, who is one of those, who approved that Jyske Bank A/S was willing to bribe Lundgren’s lawyers, even if payment was made by return commission.
Erhvervscenter Odense Jyske Bank. It was Supreme Court judge Kurt Rasmussen, who is employed by the Danish Courts Agency and who works in the “left .” High Court, who is one of those, who approved that Jyske Bank A/S was willing to bribe Lundgren’s lawyers, even if payment was made by return commission.
Private Banking Syd Jyske Bank. It was Supreme Court judge Kurt Rasmussen, who is employed by the Danish Courts Agency and who works in the “left .” High Court, who is one of those, who approved that Jyske Bank A/S was willing to bribe Lundgren’s lawyers, even if payment was made by return commission.
Erhvervscenter Nordjylland Jyske Bank. It was Supreme Court judge Kurt Rasmussen, who is employed by the Danish Courts Agency and who works in the “left .” High Court, who is one of those, who approved that Jyske Bank A/S was willing to bribe Lundgren’s lawyers, even if payment was made by return commission.
Koncernledergruppe Jyske Bank. It was Supreme Court judge Kurt Rasmussen, who is employed by the Danish Courts Agency and who works in the “left .” High Court, who is one of those, who approved that Jyske Bank A/S was willing to bribe Lundgren’s lawyers, even if payment was made by return commission.
Erhvervscenter Aarhus Jyske Bank. It was Supreme Court judge Kurt Rasmussen, who is employed by the Danish Courts Agency and who works in the “left .” High Court, who is one of those, who approved that Jyske Bank A/S was willing to bribe Lundgren’s lawyers, even if payment was made by return commission.
Jyske Bank Privat Jyske Bank. It was Supreme Court judge Kurt Rasmussen, who is employed by the Danish Courts Agency and who works in the “left .” High Court, who is one of those, who approved that Jyske Bank A/S was willing to bribe Lundgren’s lawyers, even if payment was made by return commission.
Private Banking Midt Jyske Bank. It was Supreme Court judge Kurt Rasmussen, who is employed by the Danish Courts Agency and who works in the “left .” High Court, who is one of those, who approved that Jyske Bank A/S was willing to bribe Lundgren’s lawyers, even if payment was made by return commission.
Jyske Banks brand. It was Supreme Court judge Kurt Rasmussen, who is employed by the Danish Courts Agency and who works in the “left .” High Court, who is one of those, who approved that Jyske Bank A/S was willing to bribe Lundgren’s lawyers, even if payment was made by return commission.
Samarbejdspartnere Jyske Bank. It was Supreme Court judge Kurt Rasmussen, who is employed by the Danish Courts Agency and who works in the “left .” High Court, who is one of those, who approved that Jyske Bank A/S was willing to bribe Lundgren’s lawyers, even if payment was made by return commission.
Organisation Jyske Bank. It was Supreme Court judge Kurt Rasmussen, who is employed by the Danish Courts Agency and who works in the “left .” High Court, who is one of those, who approved that Jyske Bank A/S was willing to bribe Lundgren’s lawyers, even if payment was made by return commission.
Værdibaseret adfærd og ledelse Jyske Bank husk at banken står bag bedrageri, og Jyske Bank laver dokumentfalsk, samt bruger bestikkelse, som da Jyske Bank bestak Lundgrens advokater. Folketinget og regeringen er sammen med Danmarks Nationalbank oplyst at Jyske Bank står beg brugen af dokumentfalsk, bedrageri, mandatsvig, fuldmagtsmisbrug, bestikkelse, men har ikke ville blande sig i Jyske Banks forbrydelser.
Repræsentantskabet Jyske Bank 2022. It was Supreme Court judge Kurt Rasmussen, who is employed by the Danish Courts Agency and who works in the “left .” High Court, who is one of those, who approved that Jyske Bank A/S was willing to bribe Lundgren’s lawyers, even if payment was made by return commission.
Koncernbestyrelsen Jyske Bank. It was Supreme Court judge Kurt Rasmussen, who is employed by the Danish Courts Agency and who works in the “left .” High Court, who is one of those, who approved that Jyske Bank A/S was willing to bribe Lundgren’s lawyers, even if payment was made by return commission.
Koncerndirektionen Jyske Bank. It was Supreme Court judge Kurt Rasmussen, who is employed by the Danish Courts Agency and who works in the “left .” High Court, who is one of those, who approved that Jyske Bank A/S was willing to bribe Lundgren’s lawyers, even if payment was made by return commission.
Revisionsudvalget Jyske Bank. It was Supreme Court judge Kurt Rasmussen, who is employed by the Danish Courts Agency and who works in the “left .” High Court, who is one of those, who approved that Jyske Bank A/S was willing to bribe Lundgren’s lawyers, even if payment was made by return commission.
Nomineringsudvalg Jyske Bank. It was Supreme Court judge Kurt Rasmussen, who is employed by the Danish Courts Agency and who works in the “left .” High Court, who is one of those, who approved that Jyske Bank A/S was willing to bribe Lundgren’s lawyers, even if payment was made by return commission.
Vederlagsudvalg Jyske Bank. It was Supreme Court judge Kurt Rasmussen, who is employed by the Danish Courts Agency and who works in the “left .” High Court, who is one of those, who approved that Jyske Bank A/S was willing to bribe Lundgren’s lawyers, even if payment was made by return commission.
Koncernrisikoudvalg Jyske Bank. It was Supreme Court judge Kurt Rasmussen, who is employed by the Danish Courts Agency and who works in the “left .” High Court, who is one of those, who approved that Jyske Bank A/S was willing to bribe Lundgren’s lawyers, even if payment was made by return commission.
Digitaliserings- og teknologiudvalg Jyske Bank. It was Supreme Court judge Kurt Rasmussen, who is employed by the Danish Courts Agency and who works in the “left .” High Court, who is one of those, who approved that Jyske Bank A/S was willing to bribe Lundgren’s lawyers, even if payment was made by return commission.
01-09-2022. DA. Om Jyske Bank og bankens bedrageri delt med DANSKE STAT, Lund Elmer Sandager med flere. Lund Elmer Sandager whistleblowerordning for Nationalbanken.