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Der findes mange lings til relevante opslag, som du finder på FORSIDE 17/8-2021. FORSIDE 9/12 2020. FORSIDE 8/7 2020. FORSIDE 14/3-2020. FORSIDE 22/2-2020. FORSIDE 18/5-2018. FORSIDE 18/2-2016.
Now, we just want Jyske Bank Group management to admit that the bank is exposing us to fraud.
And then stop deceiving us.
The fact that Jyske Bank has paid our earlier, lawyer Lundgren’s lawyers to withhold our claims against Jyske Bank A/S to disappoint in legal matters, is disgusting banking business.
If Lundgrens does not believe they have countered the client’s allegations in being presented to the court.
Or if Lundgrens has not worked for Jyske Bank A/S.
Then we receive your “Lundgrens” explanation on phone +4522227713.
Since the Danish police will not investigate Jyske Bank for fraud, we also do not think the police will investigate whether Jyske Bank A/S has paid Lundgrens bribery, hidden as a return commission, for not submitting our allegations against Jyske Bank for Bedrageri. “FRAUD”
Remember that Lundgren’s lawyers must be corrupt
Since what we write and ask Lundgren to present here September 1, 2019.
And like Lundgrens, the day after September 2, 2019, is Lundgrens presented a chase as is 100% against the client’s instructions
Note the email of September 1 at. 11.44
And just below read what Lundgrens presents without sharing with the client, and without the client’s approval, September 2.
And then read Lundgren’s partner writes on September 5 that we do not agree.
Hope that Jyske bank has paid many millions to Lundgrens to disappoint in legal matters, and Lundgren’s lawyer is paying our fees back, although Dan Terkildsen thought Lundgrens has done a great job for us.
Lundgren’s attorneys must be visually impaired and more word blind than their client.
Or even if Jyske Bank A/S paid Lundgrens many millions dkk, hidden as return commission, to help cover Jyske Bank’s A/S fraud and false, against the bank’s customer, and disappoint in residual conditions.
5479 – 4563376 Nykredit
IBAN DK0854790004563376
Help us stop the criminal Danish banks.
When you have just read what we wrote to Lundgren’s lawyers on September 1. 2019
And what Lundgren’s submission to the court on September 2. 2019
Without wanting to send the client a copy, which we otherwise asked Partner Dan Terkildsen to send a copy of.
And then ask yourself, if there is a reason we since may 2016, have tried to enter into dialogue, with Jyske Bank Group CEO Anders Christian Dam
To clarify whether, this was simply a mistake, that the group in 2016 could immediately rectify.
Or if there is nothing wrong with Jyske Bank A/S Organization
If a company makes a mistake.
Then the most stupid thing is to lie to the court.
And stupid to submit a manipulated document to disappoint in legal matters.
And then it is also stupid to bribe the client’s lawyer not to submit the client’s claims in court.
Is what the customer here is up to.
The customer’s new lawyer phoned shortly before Christmas 2019 and said that Jyske Bank A/S did not want a dialogue.
and by the way, did not respond to our closing remarks of 28-10-2019.
We are only waiting for our new lawyer, to put on his boxing gloves as we are up against Denmark’s next largest bank Jyske Bank, as is lying and misleading where the bank can.
See the letters, mails and sms sent to, among others, Lundgren’s lawyers.
Where the client very clearly asks their lawyers, to present their customer’s claims against Jyske Bank A/S, and what witnesses to call.
We make it easy for you to look by letters, and emails during the period 11 August 2019 and until 1 September 2019.
And compare what we write to Lundgren’s attorneys, and what Lundgren’s attorneys present on September 2, 2019 in Petition 2.
And when and read it, as Lundgrens presents to the court partner by Dan Terkildsen in Lundgren
Dan Terkildsen writes on September 5, 2019. : There is a need to discuss the stradigy, as we obviously do not agree.
Now we getting pretty angry.
The Danish police would not investigate the Jyske Bank A/S Group for fraud and document false.
The police and the state attorney refuse to interrogate the notifier, or investigate the fraud, by writing Jyske bank will not be convicted.
Where the customer is told that they can present their case to the cevil court themselves, the damn thing is that we are trying.
But that large Danish lawyers companies such as Lundgrens are corrupt, and obviously have been bribed by Jyske Bank A/S
For not having to present their client’s case in court.
This is a threat to the Danish legal system.
The police know we are fraudulent and refuse to interfere.
During the period May June 2019, the Danish Parliament was informed of Jyske Bank’s fraud and document falsification
And has been provided with documentation, no one has answered.
The FSA “Finance oversight” has been asked to look into the case, but has refused to investigate the case, as it is a civil trial.
But when the costumers Danish lawyer Lundgrens seemed to be corrupt.
And the lawyers, do not want to present the clients case to the court, and instead try to manipulate the client, to disappoint in legal matters.
How can customers in the Danish banks then stop the banks’ ongoing fraud against them.
That Lundgrens does not even think they are corrupt, and Lund Elmer Sandager’s lawyers, on behalf of Jyske Bank A/S, write that they strongly distance themselves from allegations of bribery.
In view of the fact that Lundgrens, had already been employed by Jyske bank A/S
Only a few months after the grove was hired to file a case against Jyske Bank for gross fraud
And subsequently against the client’s instructions, did not submit a single statement of the customer’s claims against Jyske Bank’s group and management for participation.
And Lundgren’s lawyers also did not share the court book, nor did they choose to share more litigation with the client.
If the Danske Bank Jyske Bank A/S has not bribed Lundgren’s lawyer partner company, to help Jyske Bank’s board to disappoint in legal matters. What do you want to call this?
Now read our letters to Lundgrens and see how consistently Lundgren’s attorneys, quite deliberately and in bad faith, did exactly the opposite of what their client repeatedly instructed their attorneys to submit to Jyske bank A/S
We share all letters to Jyske Bank, Lundgrens, Lund Elmer Sandager, the Court, and Rødstenen here.
If there’s something you can’t find, text us at +4522227713
But when you, like a half-crazy electrician without some book training, have to be your own lawyer while Lundgrens is out to disappoint in legal matters, it’s not easy. Picture is from the hospital where the client was rushed twice after his brain haemorrhage.
When law firms such as Lundgren’s knowingly counteract their client.
It can only be because Lundgrens has been bribed by Jyske Bank A/S
For not presenting their client’s fraud and false allegations against Jyske Bank A/S
This means that everyone must comply with the law.
And no one should undermine the Danish state, or the Danish legal system.
By entering into agreements with powerful friends, not to be investigated them for fraud.
When large companies such as Jyske Bank A/S is make fraud against their customers, it is then the customer, itself that has to fight the giant to stop the fraud.
Or it is not what the police are for.
When Jyske Bank appeared to use bribery against those of their customers.
To stop their clients ‘attorneys who are going to file their clients’ cases against Jyske bank A/S.
Then this is a country-damaging business.
Danish and intonational law, of course, also apply to Danish banks Jyske Bank and Lundgren’s lawyers.
The former client in Lundgrens, says here to Lundgren’s partner company.
You must stop taking bribes, or what the board of directors of both Lundgrens and Jyske Bank call it.
When Lundgrens in bad faith, chose to manipulate with the client.
And not to present their clients’ claims against the Danish dank JYSKE BANK A/S. which deliberately violates Danish criminal law, in many respects.
But this is not a matter for the Group Board. REMEMBER
We just ask to get in dialogue.
We definitely think that the board of Jyske Bank should meet and call +4522227713
And then admit and apologize for the bank’s fraud.
When yes and then find a grimace that can fit and say sorry
HJÆLP MIG AT SAGSØGE JYSKE BANK for bedrageri, falsk, svig, dokumentfalsk.
Just see the letter of September 1, 2019. to Lundgren’s lawyers with clear instructions, that the case is a fraud, and we claim that Appendix 1.
a swap from 16-07-2008 is false.
And we will summon 9 witnesses.
Compare the Prosecution 2. which Lundgrens submits to the court on September 2, 2019,
And will share some copies with the client. Lundgrens writes in Prosecution 2.
Nothing that the case is presented with allegations of fraud and false.
Lundgrens has removed 7 of the client’s 9th witnesses.
Lundgrens change the client’s claim that Appendix 1. is false, that Appendix 1. the swap is agreed.
And when we fire Lundgrens you will not repay our money.
Then Dan Terkildsen think they have done a great job, but it must be for the counterparty Jyske Bank A/S.
This is about your legal certainty.
Because if it turns out to be politicians, who stand behind and support that Jyske bank must not be investigated for fraud by the police.
With such clear evidence of both document false and mandatory fraud, then something is wrong in Denmark.
Where does Lundgren’s board stand in this fraud case, against Jyske bank, everyone is involved,
or only the client the 5 lawyers we have mentioned.
these 5 lawyers. at Lundgren’s partner company
Dan Terkildsen. Advokat og Partner
Pernille Hellesøe. Team Assistent.
Mette-Marie Nielsen. Fuldmægtig / Elev
Emil Hald Winstrøm. Fuldmægtig / Elev
Sebastian Lysholm Nielsen. Advokat Director
Not funny.
But just try to read the letters we have sent, find them in our case, or follow along here.
Letters come a little below And inserted continuously.
This is a true story of when Jyske Bank stole from us 12 years of our lives.
While Jyske Bank exposes us to gross fraud.
And the fact that the danish bank Jyske Bank A/S used a document falsely, and make mandated fraud, even lied to the court, is just one of Jyske Bank’s business areas, when the board maintains that fraud is a great way to operate a bank in Denmark.
Anders Christian Dam has been able to stop the scam since May 2016, but he has refused.
Our home before we were exposed to fraud in Jyske Bank denmark
Watch the little movie. after Jyske Bank was slaughtering us, and ours had to be sold for a candy, to satisfy the greedy bank employees of Jyske Bank.
We also have to share photos from when our home was cleared after scams from Denmark’s second largest bank Here is a scanned copy of our own closing reply 28/10/2019 since Lundgrens seemed a bit corrupt and has not helped their client, but chose to help Jyske Bank against Lundgren’s own client, at the bottom you can see evidence that Jyske Bank has lied to the court, to disappoint in legal matters.
It may be that you think we are crazy.
But this is the truth about Jyske Bank’s business methods.
Methods such as Jyske Bank A/S will hardly only expose us.
And therefore it is a major Danish social problem.
Hope for your understanding and that you can read it as we explain.
After all, it is the small customer, in the large Danske Bank Jyske Bank A/S
Who not only had to fight against serious illnesses, and then against Jyske Bank A/S who is grossly deceiving their customer.
But that we as a customer, have also really had to fight against our 2 most recently lawyers Rödstenen and Lundgrens, who must be extremely corrupt, since they have merged the pillars with Jyske Bank against us.
Jyske Bank’s debt collection department demanded that our house be sold.
Just as when Jyske Bank at Anette Kirkeby department head Jyske Bank Helsingoer, and Casper Dam Olsen Jyske Bank Hilleroed, sales of the building site demanded Bybjergvej 45.
Which Jyske Bank afterwards denies any knowledge of.
Now we did not think that Lundgrens would harm our case against Jyske Bank A/S by simply not presenting it.
Birgit Buch Thuesen Jyske Bank Silkeborg
Then refused to open a deposit account, or receive the sale proceeds.
The buyer could therefore not pay for the building site for over 3 years.
While Jyske Bank tries to harm their customer financially as much as possible.
As today 2020, when the groups continue the bank’s fraud, by continuing to raise interest rates 5,32 %, also that part of the loan, that has been forcibly repaid, whether the customer has a swap or not.
But the management of Jyske Bank’s group is completely indifferent.
The Board of Directors has been there at least since 19-05-2016. been 100% aware that Jyske Bank A/S, by forcibly reducing an alleged underlying loan, to Jyske Bank’s swap, which is allegedly restructured, Annex D.
Without letting the Bank Swap. from 16-07-2008 Annex 1. follow down.
Remember that we have not agreed on any interest rate swap 16-07-2008, but have one from 15-07-2008 if we want to borrow 4,328,000 dkk. Appendix Y.
Here you see the fake swap of 4,328,000 dkk, a result of Annex 1.
Which Jyske Bank itself made on 16-07-2008. without agreement with the customer.
But as Jyske Bank for every price wants the customer to deceived.
Here is the swap that was made on 15-07-2008 and is agreed with the customer if they take out an underlying loan of 4,328,000 dkk. in Nykredit, to the interest rate swap.
But Jyske Bank chooses not only to lie to the client, and so the client’s attorneys, even against the court, Jyske Bank A/S by Lund Elmer Sandager lies to want to disappoint in legal matters.
Here you can see that Jyske Bank consistently lies.
And likes to lie to the court as well.
As you can see, Jyske Bank has not only paid to the court. Jyske Bank Board member Philip Baruch has also withheld information.
As if the interest approved by the customer on 15-07-2008 exchange for the offer Appendix Y.
But also withheld that the swap will be closed 30-12-2008.
In addition, the bank’s attorney and board member Philip Baruch have also provided manipulated and false information to the court.
As the annual report 2008 Appendix O. where Jyske Bank has manipulated the annual report, and removed 2 agreement documents.
Jyske Bank did not come to say that it showed nothing to the bank when Philip Baruch himself presented Appendix E. pages 4 and 5 of the swap from 15-07-2008.
But in addition to this, there are many more manipulated and counterfeit documents, which supports that Jyske Bank’s organization is criminal, and that is what we are up against.
Read our submitted closing Reply of 28/10/2019.
We have had to make and present it ourselves, after we got a corrupt lawyer company, that turned out not to be reputable, just like Jyske bank A/S Denmark
28-10-2019. Final Prosecution Case BS-402 2015-VIB Claims Appendix 1 is False
Date 27-10-2019 presented with some spelling and typos as Lundgrens counteracted the submission of the case.
We have to complain a lot as there are some spelling and typos
But got only on the 13 scale 05 in Danish and 03 in English, and thus has no book education,
That was also why we sought help from Lundgrens lawyers, who work with several Danish banks.
For 43 months up to this submission, we have in reality been without a lawyer, although the last 2 have forgiven to be our lawyer, they have real work for Jyske Bank A/S
So for those of you who want dishonest lawyers, you must of course still choose Lundgrens lawyers or you can also choose Lund Elmer Sandager, who has shown they are willing to lie in legal matters as well.
That is, 1 year before the customer chooses 03-07-2009 to pick up, a late and other offer for a new project of 4,300,000 dkk
From 06-05-2009.
Note that Jyske Bank still raises 5.32% in interest, and that of DKK 2,514,583.
While the customer owes Dk 976,439 on the loan the customer was offered 06-05-2009 at Annex AG.
And thus returned home on 03/07/2009 at an interest rate of 2,4987%
See Annex AH.
Was sent to Jyske Bank I.L.Tvedesvej 7. 3000 helsingore. After Jyske Bank then forces the plot Bybjergvej to be sold, and 3 years after goes to the loan repayment Annex AH. If Jyske Bank refuses to duck at Jyske Bank, the customer is forced into a legal battle, where Jyske bank also buys the Customer’s lawyers to work for Jyske Bank.
The Jyske Bank Group is now deliberately, and dishonestly exposing their customer to deliberate and gross fraud.
We update the banking news page and make it more manageable.
Moves most subpages to the blog.
Instead, there are some pages where we describe Jyske Bank’s many violations of the Criminal Code, that is to say, economical crimes.
Regardless of whether Jyske Bank’s board members, have several political friends, who can have political influence, that neither the Danish police, the State Attorney, nor the Ministry of Justice have wanted to help the victim, who is exposed to gross exploitation and financial crime in Jyske Bank A/S, well and the brand is supported by Jyske Bank’s group management in association.
Although we did not think this is funny
We have only been able to fight against Jyske Bank, by writing about the group’s crimes against us as a customer.
Since the Jyske Bank Group management, with a very high probability, has paid our former lawyer
Lundgren’s lawyer partner company.
By Partner Dan Terkildsen and his co-head, at least Sebastian Lysholm Nielsen, Pernille Hellesøe, Mette Marie Nielsen, Emil Hald Winstrøm.
Not very likely had plans to present the client’s claims in court.
Page about Jyske Bank’s claims and their denials, where at Jyske Bank A/S has written off our loan offered 06-05-2009 Appendix AG.
reduced with the sale, without letting the interest rate swap Appendix 1. follow down.
Regardless of Appendix 1. is false or not.
The Jyske bank group commits gross fraud, roughly because Jyske Bank knows this, and that the Board of Directors supports the bank’s fraud.
As Mette Marie Nielsen from Lundgrens said, when she called on 18 December 2018 approx. 5 pm and told
These are some very serious accusations we make against Jyske Bank.
To which Mette Marie Nielsen is informed, that she must look in the folder with the evidence, that she has personally been given.
The fact that the Danish lawyer’s houses, such as the law firm Rödstenen in aarhus, choose to cover up a bank’s crimes by directly opposing their client’s extension of allegations against Jyske Bank A/S never presented to the court, is critical when the same lawyer’s house Rödstenen by Thomas Schioldan Sørensen, tries wanted to close the case against Jyske bank A/S, and claims it was agreed by telephone.
In one case we write to Thomas Schioldan Sørensen Rödstenen attorneys and ask if there is anything new in the case.
Thomas answer so we have agreed to close the case, which he sent a letter about.
A little funny.
That this alleged letter has never come, only because we move we get stuck in the agreement Rödstenen and Jyske Bank A/S with great sense made to close the case.
When Thomas Schioldan Sørensen is claiming that there was a telephone agreement, between the plaintiff and 2 attorneys from Rödstenen in Århus, as a client, we would stand badly.
There are, after all, the words of Rödsten’s 2 lawyer against, the small plaintiff, who is up against Denmark’s second largest bank Jyske Bank.
Fortunately we had already become suspicious that Rödsten’s lawyers could be corrupt, but could not prove it.
Therefore we have also contacted, our lawyer from the Appeals Board in Case 328/2013. Søren Narv, who has been extremely helpful.
And has in 2017 seen some of the papers we have found, and which did not seem to agree with what Jyske Bank A/S “Lund Elmer Sandager” has presented, Søren looks puzzled at the appendices and says.
If the documents are genuine:
Then it looks completely criminal.
That is why we decide, that it is probably best to record the conversation between the plaintiff and Rödstenens 2 attorneys.
Which should prove to be a good decision.
Since we have subsequently been able to prove that Rödstenens attorneys, at Thomas Schioldan Sørensen have lied in order to bring the case against Jyske Bank.
If Thomas Schioldan Sørensen still does not believe to have lied to the client.
Then we should like to lay the record on her.
And in order to help Jyske bank A/S, to disappoint in legal matters, partly by not presenting the client’s many fraud allegations against Jyske bank, with the worst would, Thomas have tried to close the case, behind the back of the client.
And in direct contravention of the customer’s instructions.
After the law firm Rödstenen, by Thomas Schioldan Sørensen, is revealed to have acted dishonestly and dishonestly against the client, Thomas Schioldan Sørensen himself chooses to withdraw from the case.
But Thomas Schioldan Sørensen is not done
Thomas writes repeatedly and recommends that we give up as we have a very bad case.
Which is not the case with Lundgren’s Partner Dan Terkildsen 28-08-2019. pm. 15.42 in mail writing.
I think we have a good case if we stick to the very simple, as I have written earlier written that the swap agreement concerns a loan that has never been paid off.
Dan Terkildsen also writes in mail 28-08-2019
That Lundgrens will not use strong words about “should probably stand as” fraud and false.
Partly because we don’t have to.
And partly because it does not benefit our cause.
And not necessary.
In other words, Lundgren’s attorneys who were transferred to the case on February 5, 2018, and repeatedly instructed to present the case as fraud and false, now write August 28, 2019, that they will not submit it.
If not, because Lundgrens works for Jyske Bank A/S and will harm our case, simply by not presenting the client’s claims at all.
Then, before Lundgrens entered into their million kroner’s cooperation with Jyske Bank A/S, Lundgrens should have withdrawn.
That is unless this cooperation, was entered into between Lundgrens and Jyske Bank in order to disappoint in legal matters.
So when so many lawyers at Lundgrens, have actively helped not to present their client’s claims against Jyske Bank A/S
Then it smells of corruption and bribery done between Lundgren’s lawyer partner company and Jyske Bank’s group management.
Who with their over 100 employees, have actively chosen to help Jyske Bank A/S disappoint in legal matters, by not providing what the client has given instructions to provide.
This here feels like an assault and is outright evil, and dishonest business practices.
We already accuse Jyske Bank of being fraudulent.
Just read the sea there since Nov 2016 has been written on the car here.
But now also Lundgren’s lawyers for being corrupt.
Since Lundgrens cannot find out to present our claims.
Like present our claim against Jyske Bank’s regarding the sale of the land, and thus an extra ordinary installment on the loan, from 03-07-2009 in Nykredit, which Jyske bank forgives to interest swap, without simultaneously reducing the swap, at the same time as the actual loan.
Jyske Bank, as always, denies whether it is help with money laundering, their poor advice or otherwise, Jyske Bank always has a different opinion.
But that Jyske Bank refuses to have anything to do with the case of the building site Bybjergvej 45, and refuses to close the transaction, as it took 3 half a year, before Nykredit finally replied, that they would now like to close the deal, even though Nykredit was not obliged to do so.
Thus, we also had to pay interest on that loan in Nykredit and 3% in Contribution during the period when Jyske Bank tried to undermine our business financially, while also exposing us to fraud.
All of this here seems to Lundgrens not important, and it will hurt our case against Jyske Bank to present.
This is at least what Lundgrens Dan Terkildsen writes in his email 28-08-2019, and deliberately does not write our 9 witnesses, only the 2 witnesses that Jyske Bank itself wants to approve Lundgrens will be called.
Since Lundgrens does not submit one, of our allegations against Jyske bank A/S for gross exploitation and fraud
As Dan Terkildsen says it will harm our case
And that Lundgrens will not even send us a copy of the Prosecution dated 02-09-2019 supports our suspicion, of that Lundgren’s lawyer’s business is corrupt.
The case is about FRAUD, Exploitation, withholding of evidence, document manipulation, and lying in legal matters, that’s some of Jyske Bank’s preferred tools in the bank’s struggle to disappoint in legal matters.
But we do not want to find ourselves in Jyske Bank A/S is deceiving, one is that the Danish police refuse to interrogate and investigate Jyske Bank for fraud, and say that you have to bring your claims even in the district court.
Jyske Bank has submitted supporting documents such as these to win the right to raise interest rates of DKK 4,328,000. At the same time, Lundgrens will not submit that the Bank has forced the customer to sell land, and reduce the bank loan in Nykredit Annex AH.
without Lading the interest rate swap down, Dan terkildsen says it will hurt my case to submit the seed something, and we will must agree with what Jyske Bank and Lundgrens must have agreed
Jyske Bank has repaid our loan 4,300,000 dkk offered 06-05-2009 Annex AG.
reduced by sale of building land, without leaving interest rate swap Appendix 1. down.
Regardless of Appendix 1. is false or not
The Jyske Bank Group commits gross fraud, roughly because Jyske Bank employees know it. and roughly Jyske Bank’s board of directors in association supports the bank’s convoluted fraud.
Jyske Bank’s management, believes that they have the right to take interest from Appendix 1.
And that it should be paid to Jyske Bank, That the customer has not discovered.
At the customer has not discovered, Jyske Bank has repeatedly maligned with appendices.
That Jyske Bank has succeeded in lying to the customer since 2008 / 2009 that the Customer has taken out the loan of 4,328,000 in Nykredit.
That it has succeeded in lying to the customer that the loan of the DKK 4,300,000 in Nykredit, has been repaid.
That Jyske Bank has succeeded in covering the swap, customer approved 15-07-2008 which was closed on 30-12-2008.
That the customer has not discovered that Jyske Bank has made one year’s settlement from 2008 Appendix O. where Jyske bank has removed an agreement attachment that starts on 15-07-2008 and closes on 30-12-2008
That the client was ill about 5 years after a brain haemorrhage, and therefore has not discovered the massive lies.
And that Jyske Bank has made a false document.
According to Jyske Bank,
The Jyske Bank must be harmed. And for safety’s sake, made an agreement with Lundgrens, not to submit any of the customer’s claims.
Well, they are proficient in the Danish banks.
Here are Appendices that should have been removed 20-11-2008.
But as Jyske Bank’s Board of Directors now uses towards their customer.
Appendices that should only be used if we wanted to repay the offered loan of DKK 4,328,000.
Nicolai Hansen got these attachments signed on 10-07-2008
Because they were ready, and assured the customer, that they would not be used if we did not take the loan offer.
But Jyske Bank’s Board of Directors will now use all shootings against their customers.
And try to get these cashiers’ attachments to be a disbursed loan in Nykredit, even though Nykredit has informed Jyske bank 06-05-2009 that they have lapsed.
Although Nykredit writes to Jyske Bank 06-05-2009 that the earlier offer and mortgage deed have lapsed.
Jyske Bank is in bad faith, and 20-05-2009 Resevere upward repayment to Nykredit of DKK 4,328,000, in connection with claims about more mortgage.
Annex 18 and 19. / 18-12-2018
Since Lundgrens Mette Marie Nielsen 18-12-2018 agrees to present these 2 appendices, as appendices 18 and 19.
It was almost during protest that I asked for more of my annexes to be presented but I did not have to, if more documents were to be submitted, Dan Terkildsen had to approve it, and he sat in a partner meeting.
You can hear Mette Marie Nielsen say on the recordings, that Lundgren’s lawyers had control with our case. Even dayes, before December 18, you can hear the assumptions Mette Marie Nielsen confirms that they will probably get it all and that it is controlled.
But the lawyers in Lundgrens who have their eyes on the case obviously have other plans, than to present our case against Jyske Bank for fraud.
Before you consider using or working for Lundgren’s attorneys, you should read the page here to know if Lundgrens is a corrupt law firm it is bribed to harm some of their clients’ cases.
Here a LINK to the same page. But in Danish
Here comes a LINK to all Appendix
You hopefully do not think this is too funny. We have of course sent a jersey similar to CEO Anders Christian Dam, who has not even called and said thank you. 🙂 And why is Jyske bank so indifferent, and Lundgren’s lawyers who say it is damn well done with this advertising car, which since 2016 November has been seen in the Copenhagen street picture. What we need is dialogue. Which Jyske Bank’s management refuses. Then we need a lawyer, that’s what you read in the shared letters below. But it is incredibly difficult of leading cases against criminal organs. When plaintiff’s attorneys can be bought by defendants When yes Jyske bank has then tried to get Thomas Schioldan Sørensen to lure us, to a meeting with Jyske Bank’s lawyer Philip Baruch,. Which has clearly been to entice us to, accept a Swap for the loan we took home on 03-07-2009, but as nothing to do with Appendix 1. Appendix 1. Which Jyske Bank board member also has lied to the court about. You can also read in the letters we sent to the court the court has not ruled on any of the inquiries
Letters come a little below And inserted continuously.
You need to keep up as, we insert more and more letters, to help you understand how big this case has become. – Small for Jyske bank A/S But big for us, who have had, to present our claims to the court by ourself.
On this page, you should be able to see many of the letters we have sent on a regular basis,
for the most part that Lundgrens has not answered.
Read and see how we have been begging Lundgren’s lawyer partner company to help us, and present our claims to the court.
Which Lundgrens did not live up to.
So you can understand, that this case ranks very high, in the political system, where no government will help the victim, which is exposed to the Danish bank Jyske bank’s crimes against the small company.
The company therefore only fights 1 man against Denmark’s second largest bank Jysk bank, to get the bank’s fraud against the customer stopped.
The client who has found one lawyer.
Who is alone. And who is honest.
And would like to help the client bring their case against Jyske Bank A/S for fraud and false in danish court.
Now at least these 5 lawyers. at Lundgren’s partner company
Dan Terkildsen. Advokat og Partner
Pernille Hellesøe. Team Assistent.
Mette-Marie Nielsen. Fuldmægtig / Elev
Emil Hald Winstrøm. Fuldmægtig / Elev
Sebastian Lysholm Nielsen. Advokat Director
All these in Lundgren’s partner company, has had with our case to do, should so many lawyers at Lundgrens be able to misunderstand, what we have continuously written. ! Hardly.
Or have Lundgrens, received a million payments from Jyske Bank A/S In the form of return commission.
Just to misunderstand, and ignore everything, which we have constantly written, should be presented in court.
As Thomas Schioldan Sørensen has sent our case and many letters, and emails to Lundgren’s many attorneys, as so also has been able, to see and read the letters which we since February 2016, have been sent to Thomas Schioldan Sørensen rodstenen, about changing the client’s allegations against Jyske Bank A/S for fraud and false.
That Thomas Schioldan Sørensen from Rödstenen has ignored, our new allegations is on thing.
But that Lundgrens can be bought by the defendant, to work for the defendant is abhorrent.
And so Lundgrens has even boasted about it on their own website. “by Niels Gram-Hanssen partner”
Although Partner Dan Terkildsen of Lundergren’s lawyers, after they were fired, has written It is conspiracy theories. And that Lundgrens has done a great job for us.
Then we thought this is similar to more and more damaging business, and it seemed to happen by bribery between some of Denmark’s largest companies.
But here Goliath is up against little David, who does not intend to give up just because the danish bank Jyske Bank has found political contacts.
The Danske Bank Jyske Bank in Helsingoer Denmark where the fraud against the bank’s customer began back in 2008/2009 Anette Kirkeby helped to send the customer for settlement in Silkeborg. Anette Kirkeby has become department director And with the help of Jyske Bank’s branch at Vesterbrogade 9. in Copenhagen It was the employees Søren Woergaard, Nicolai Hansen and Casper Dam Olsen here who helped everyone to do so much shit, for the customer in Jyske bank, to be slaughtered. Today the Management has taken over responsibility for what is really fraud. At Jyske Bank, everyone is against the customers the bank is exposing to fraud.
As we the plaintiff has written several times to management.
Then we just want dialogue, not to be exposed to continued fraud. Again, we ask everyone involved to call +4522227713 If there is anything here on the page that is wrong, so it can be fixed right away, but this is not the first time we are writing this.
As you can see here are a few letters “but more and more are coming” to Lundgren’s lawyers about the fraud case against the Danish bank Jyske bank A/S, try to look through letters and then ask yourself if there is corruption in Denmark’s largest law firms and the Danish banks.
Som du kan se, er her er par breve til Lundgrens advokat partner selskab, omkring svig sagen i mod den danske bank Jyske bank A/S, prøv at se breve igennem og spørg så dig selv, om der findes korruption i Danmarks største advokatvirksomheder og nogle af de danske banker.
See appendix we believe supports that Jyske bank in Denmark has paid return commission
Bribe to Lundgren’s lawyers for not presenting some of our claims against Jyske Bank A/S, English texts appear on all pictures that come much more, since it no longer only is a case of fraud as it is written in all emails and written to Lundgren’s lawyer partner company.
We have of course written to our talented lawyer Thomas Schioldan Sørensen from Rödstenen’s attorneys, as we want free trial.
Thomas has applied but not explained why, as explaining that the case has the public interest, why we ourselves are forced to seek free trial in the fraud case against Jyske bank.
We want the police to investigate Jyske Bank’s continued crimes against the bank’s customer. And get it stopped. But, in response to the Easter 2016 notification, Police write Case No. 0100-83966-00085-16 just briefly. There is no need for investigation Jyske bank A/S or the board.
Will not be convicted.
The State Attorney recommends that the client himself get a lawyer to present the case in civil court.
For which there is a need for legal assistance, the client “plaintiff” then hires a lawyer on February 5, 2018. Unfortunately, the client in Jyske Bank A/S chooses Lundgren’s lawyers, who have been highly recommended, by a former bank director.
Lundgren’s lawyer partner company which turned out to be for sale to the highest bidder.
Shortly thereafter, Lundgrens will be purchased by the Danish bank Jyske Bank A/S, the same bank that exposes the customer to fraud.
You may also think it is perfectly fine as several large shareholders in Jyske Bank who all know the case here.
BS-402/2015-VIB But we found this here, similar to more and more damaging business. We are probably not as smart as Jyske Bank’s powerful board. And it then appeared that bribery between some of Denmark’s largest companies is, in the applicant’s belief, fraudulent, if not malicious, business. But as Lundgrens partner Dan Terkildsen says it is nothing, but conspiracy theories. There are no others who would comment on our case officially. Would you like to comment on the case, and the evidence of the case Be free to call 004522227713