03-01-2023. Can other countries trust a state that like Denmark covers up, that the country’s second largest bank Jyske Bank is behind organized fraud against customers, now please come out of the bush and talk to me, let’s talk together then want help to stop Jyske Bank exposing more customers to fraud.. This Mail is with reference to the many earlier letters that I have written directly to the government / and also that I have sent to the Prime Minister’s Office, you still have not responded to a single inquiry. I have a strong suspicion that the Prime Minister will not respond to my requests, since the government as a whole and the parliament “The Folketinget.” covers the Danish banks that, like Jyske Bank A/S, commit organized crime.

Nederst er delt de som har modtaget denne her mail.

Til jeres orientering har ingen turde at besvare not en enste mail, hvilket kun understøtter at alle involverede i Jyske Banks organiseret bedrageri forretning mod bankens kunder, ønsker at fortie den kriminelletet som selv den Danske Stat og myndighederne bevidst dækker over Jyske Banks svindel, mens jeg som den bedraget kunde fortsætter med at skrive, at efter loven er Jyske Bank ikke berettiget til at have en tilladelse til at drive bank virksomhed i Danmark, hvorfor Jyske Bank bør fratages retten til at drive finansiel virksomhed herunder bankvirksomhed i Danmark, mens det officielle Danmark fortsat fortier at Jyske Bank har store problemer med at overholde samfundets love, og nok også vil påstå at statens tavshed om Jyske Banks kriminalitet ikke har offentlighedens interesse.

03-01-2023 kl. 15.39 Gmail – Can other countries trust a state that like Denmark covers up, that the country’s second largest bank Jyske Bank is behind organized fraud against customers, now please come out of the bush and talk to me, let’s talk together then want help to stop Jyske Bank exposing more customers to fraud.. This Mail is with reference to the many earlier letters that I have written directly to the government / and also that I have sent to the Prime Minister’s Office, you still have not responded to a single inquiry. I have a strong suspicion that the Prime Minister will not respond to my requests, since the government as a whole and the parliament “The Folketinget.” covers the Danish banks that, like Jyske Bank A/S, commit organized crime.


Statsministeriet                                         03-01-2023.

Statsminister Mette Frederiksen.
Prins Jørgens Gård 11
1218 København K

Telefon: +45 33 92 33 00
E-mail: stm@stm.dk



Det her er ikke nogle statshemmelighed, spørgsmålet er bare, om i ønsker at gøre noge ved kriminelle danske banker, eller i fortsat vil dække over deres mange lovovertrædelser.


This letter must also be seen and treated as a direct inquiry, and a request to also have a meeting with the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority and Denmarks Nationalbank, including references to earlier emails, of which I am re-sending a few.

Also include letters that have been sent directly to the management of Jyske Bank, so that it is made clear that the board of directors, the board of representatives and the management of Jyske Bank are aware of what I write and do.

And that none of these wish or dare to speak to me, since everyone knows that I have full documentation of Jyske bank’s criminality, and it is this that I am asking the Prime Minister Mette Fredereiksen to give me permission, to present my evidence to the government, so that it can be raised in the parliament “Folketinget.” whether the Danish State should use and cooperate with banks there like Jyske Bank also works for crime.

You have not responded to a single inquiry, are there other reasons than that the Danish State and the government are covering up the many crimes that I have repeatedly written, and still write and say that Denmark’s second largest bank Jyske Bank is behind.

My question to the government and parliament, do you contribute to Denmark being governed by cronyism, i.e. corruption, or do you want to do something about it.

I am trying to call out the Danish State about the problem that you yourself cover up banks that, like Jyske Bank, commit fraud, which the state will not stop, I see it as a problem that even members of the court are involved in covering up too corrupt lawyer companies.

If I’m wrong, this is an invitation to meet with me and review my documentation, if I’m wrong, I’ll correct myself too, and I’m happy to say sorry, but only if I’m wrong, which I’m not that suggests, after which you all keep silent

I am again requesting for a meeting within 30 – 60 days and I am requesting a response by January 14, 2023.

Either you grant my wish, or you can write that you refuse to talk to me, without going into the issue of the Danish State collaborating with banks that the authorities have known for years that Jyske Bank have been behind fraud, document forgery and bribery and more.

If you think I have made a mistake, you hereby have the opportunity to help me correct any mistakes or misunderstandings, all that is required is that you want to meet with me.

Since 2016, I have given Jyske Bank every opportunity to talk to me about what I write, which Jyske Bank through CEO Ander Dam refuses, I therefore write that as long as the Danish State covers criminal banks, banks like Jyske Bank will never comply with their promises that applies to the Danish population.

This Mail is with reference to the many earlier letters that I have written directly to the government / and also that I have sent to the Prime Minister’s Office, you still have not responded to a single inquiry.
I have a strong suspicion that the Prime Minister will not respond to my requests, since the government as a whole and the parliament “The Folketinget.” covers the Danish banks that, like Jyske Bank A/S, commit organized crime.

And that is precisely why, I am again asking the Prime Minister to find a date for a meeting where I can present my evidence for Jyske Bank’s fraud and other punishable crimes.
I therefore resend some copies of some of my earlier requests to have a meeting with the Prime Minister or representatives from the Prime Minister’s Office.

This is the top of the page www.banknyt.dk 



Copy of www.banknyt.dk Mail to Statsministeriet 03-01-2023.
Statsminister Mette Frederiksen.
Prins Jørgens Gård 11
1218 København K

Insert org, copy of the top of page www.banknyt.dk




The question is what will the Danish state and the government of Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen do with the information you have received about Jyske Bank’s crimes.

The fact that the authorities prevent criminal Danish banks from being subjected to investigation and prosecution does not change the fact that Jyske Bank is behind the fraud I am writing about.

I therefore again call on the State Ministry by Mette Frederiksen, the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority by Jesper Berg and the National Bank of Denmark by Lars Rohde to set up a meeting where I will be allowed to present my evidence that the Jyske Bank group is behind organized crime, which has been carried out by several people together in association.


You know that on 30 December 2022 have canceled my account in Jyske Bank myself, since I did not want to use a criminal bank, with this I must point out, that the Danish State itself uses Jyske Bank, which uses lawyers who as Lund Elmer Sandager lawyers have presented false information for the court, I draw attention to the fact that Lund Elmer Sandager lawyers, who have demonstrably lied to the court, themselves work for the National Bank of Denmark, which should set your alarm bells ringing, unless you yourself are deeply involved in the actions I am writing about, which is also why you should take my inventory to be interviewed, for use in my book on corruption and organized crime among Danish banks.

Again, if there are misunderstandings, and Jyske Bank has not made some of the punishable prohibitions that I am writing about, then this could be resolved by the Prime Minister and the Denmarks Nationalbank’s management as well as the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority’s management meeting with me, and you will be given the opportunity to sign that every matter I present that Jyske Bank is behind is not a violation of the provisions of the Criminal Code, and other criminals can refer to the authorities signing that, for example, forgery, fraud, bribery, etc., is not a criminal offense at all, according to which the law should be the same for all. And as I see it, the law does not apply to banks like Jyske Bank.

I request that you reply to the emails and letters I have written.
And that you answer what I have written, as well as my question.

Do the law applies to Danish banks.
Are those who cover up criminality and contribute to thwarting justice, even to be described as complicit.

I have many questions, which I will present in writing at the desired meeting, and you can answer them at the meeting.
But you only have to answer, if the Danish State, the parliament and also judges like Kurt Rasmussen have not covered up, that Jyske Bank are criminals and that Jyske Bank has bribed Lundgren’s lawyers not to present my case against Jyske Bank, i.e. what I have written many times.

If you do not want to answer, and do not want to receive my evidence for what I write, and you do not want to allow me to present my accusations of Jyske Bank’s fraud, I must assume that you are complicit in that the Danish State covers up the crime which Jyske Bank exposes customers to, which is why there is no legal certainty in Denmark.

In the event that the Danish State and the authorities continue to cover up Jyske Bank and continue to refuse to answer me, then I intend to write in my book, that the Danish State is a direct contributor to the organized crime Jyske Bank group is behind, so unless the politicians who will get a new offer to be interviewed for my book about corruption in Denmark, want to bring clarity about whether I am lying about Jyske bank’s fraud, and that the politicians would now like to help stop the cronyism that in Denmark governs to whom the law applies.

The story itself is good, and this is the reason why I am asking for help in writing it, and also although I am well aware that I cannot stop corruption in Denmark, only those who help to oppose justice can, in order to cover some of the most criminals in Denmark.

I have said and written this many times, I do not want to single out some as criminals, if it is simply a matter of misunderstandings, I have repeatedly tried to find a solution with Jyske Bank’s management and the board of directors, as well as the board, who refuse to answer me, which I suspect is because the Danish State has chosen to cover up the crimes I write Jyske Bank is behind.

My story is not about winning in court, I cannot do that, regardless of the fact that Jyske Bank has committed crimes such as document forgery and misleading, I am writing this because Supreme Court Judge Kurt Rasmussen, who is one of those who has decided that a lawyer cannot does not need to share either, as here, Jyske Bank’s pleadings, and that Kurt Rasmussen also does not believe that the client’s law firm should share the client’s own pleadings with the client, whereby the client does not have the lawyer’s knowledge.

Judge Kurt Rasmussen also did not think it was the client’s fault that the client’s lawyer firm Lundgrens had entered into a million dollar collaboration with Jyske Bank, which is connected to the fact that the Danish Judges want to cover up Jyske Bank’s crime

Jyske Bank has refrained from finding a solution with the company’s lawyer, so if Jyske Bank wants a solution to my paperwork, the bank’s management must hold a meeting with me.
Then maybe we can figure out together to solve this growing scandal, otherwise I will continue and write my book, as already announced.

Read and re-read these earlier emails / letters that are pasted and attached in a random order.

In dialogue we could meet and talk together, but when a state wants to cover up criminal banks, only my keyboard is available, if you have something you want me to correct, this also applies to Jyske Bank.
It is not me who is trying to cover up Jyske Bank by silence, it is the Danish state and Jyske Bank itself.

I’m just trying to get in touch and dialogue, and you refuse to answer, which makes me keep writing.

The story and all martials and naming rights are mine alone.



Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup.

Soevej 5. 3100 Hornbaek. Denmark

Phone +4522227713

Email banknyt@gmail.com



 01-09-2022. DA. Om Jyske Bank og bankens bedrag…


 01-09-2022. ENGLISH. About Jyske Bank and the b…


 02-09-2019. Processkrift 2. Lundgrens Dan Terki…


 02-09-2022 14.08 Gmail – Til alle Lederer i Jys…


 02-09-2022. Brev til Jyske Bank Koncerndirektør…


 04-08-2022 19.21 Gmail – National Bank Director…


 05-06-2020. Appendix List to the complaint agai…


 05-06-2020. Bilag-233. 27 klageforhold over Lu…


 05-07-2022 13.02 Gmail – Vil i som myndigheder …


 05-09-2022. 19.31 Gmail – Prime Minister’s Offi…


 05-09-2022. 21.30 Gmail – Prime Minister’s Offi…


 05-09-2022. Brev til alle folketingets 179 poli…


 06-11-2022 kl. 14.53. Gmail – Jeg ønsker at tal…


 6. november 2022. kl. 14.53. Gmail. rettet., Je…


 07-12-2022 kl. 18.31 Gmail – Mangler stadig at…


 07-12-2022. Banking News. The danish bank Jyske…


 07-12-2022. kl. 17.49. Gmail – Hvad vil den Dan…


 07-12-2022. kl. 18.01. Gmail – Hvad vil den Dan…


 08-09-2020 svare Dan Terkildsen på 4 sider, kla…


 09-05-2019. Gmail – Fwd_ anmoder Folketinget un…


 10-10-2022 14.16 Gmail – Kære Kristian Ambjørn …


 10-10-2022 14.16 Gmail – Kære Philip Baruch Du …


 10-10-2022 19.08 Gmail – Kære Anders Christian …


 11-08-2022. to Denmarks Nationalbank and ECB.pdf


 11-08-2022. to The Danish Government and Prime …


 11-12-2021 19.04 Gmail – Til Repræsentantskabet…


 11-12-2022. kl. 14.52 Gmail – Kære alle sammen …


 15-10-2022 15.47 Gmail – Dear Prime Minister Me…


 15-11-2022. kl. 17.45 Gmail – Kære alle sammen…


 16-04-2019. dengang vidste vi ikke at Jyske ban…


 16-10-2022 13.41 Gmail – Dear Prime Minister an…


 16-11-2022 23.37. Gmail – Jeg gør alt jeg kan f…


 16-11-2022 kl. 23.23. Kære alle sammen, I VED H…


 19-09-2020. Til advokatsamfundet. med 26 opford…


 21-10-2022 14.43 Gmail – Kære alle sammen i er …


 22-08-2022. Brev til Jyske Bank AS Bestyrelsen….


 23-08-2022. brev. til Regeringen og Statsminist…


 23-08-2022. Gmail – anmodning om at få et møde,…


 23-10-2022 22.08 Gmail – Kære statsminister Met…


 23-10-2022 23.01 Gmail – Kære statsminister Met…




 23.-10-2022 22.08 Gmail – Kære statsminister Me…


 24-08-2022. Gmail – Request to Danmarks Nationa…


 24-08-2022. Request to Denmarks Nationalbank’s …


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 24-10-2022 12.07 Gmail – Kære Jeanett Kofoed-Ha…


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 24-10-2022 13.42 Gmail Jyske Bank – Jeg ønsker …


 24.-10-2022 12.14 Gmail – Kære Nicolai Hansen. …


 25-02-2022. Gmail – Jeg skal venligst igen bede…




 25-04-2019. Brev til Folketinget og Justitsmini…


 26-04-2019. Brev til Folketinget Naser Kharder …


 27-10-2019. Sagsøger måtte selv at lave process…


 27-10-2022 kl. 00.46 Gmail – Dear Jyske Bank CE…


 28-01-2019. Jyske Bank AS kopi af bilag 28 – 10…


 28-04-2019. Brev til Finanstilsynet, anmoder Fi…


 28-04-2019. Brev til Folketinget Naser Kharder …


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 30-04-2019. Brev til ERU@ft.dk retsudvalg. Til …


 30-04-2019. Brev til Finanstilsynet. med kopi a…


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 30-04-2019. Brev til Folketinget, Venstre og ti…


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 31-08-2022 17.50 Gmail – To the board of the Na…


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 31-08-2022. Letter to the National Bank of Denm…

sent to.

Statsministeriet • stm@stm.dk
Kommunikation • kommunikation@nationalbanken.dk
Folketingets Oplysning • folketinget@ft.dk
Justitsministeriet • jm@jm.dk

CC to.

Morten Ulrik Gade • mug@jyskebank.dk
Statsministeriet • stm@stm.dk
Folketingets Oplysning • folketinget@ft.dk
Justitsministeriet • jm@jm.dk
Postkasse – Klagesagsafdelingen • klagesagsafdelingen@advokatsamfundet.dk
Casper Dam Olsen • Casper-dam@jyskebank.dk
Kristian Ambjørn Buus-Nielsen • kbn@les.dk
Philip Baruch • pb@les.dk
Hotline (FT) • Hotline@ftnet.dk

når nu både Jyske Bank og Lundgrens advokater arbejder for at undergrave selskabets økonomi, så er det svært for den lille mand. Men denne her gang har i taget fejl, og i har taget røven på den måske lille og svage kunde, men også den eneste der har samlet beviser nok til at Finanstilsynet kan sætte Jyske Bank under skærpet tilsyn. Men når advokat samfundet og dommere samt myndighederne virker ved kammerateri, for at dække over venner, der som Jyske Bank og og Anders Christian Dam der er ridder af Dannebrog. Hvorfor den lille mand skal skydes for at, staten reelt kan dække over Jyske Banks forretningsmetoder, bedrageri som den Danske Stat formentlig selv er medvirkende til, med mindre myndighederne tager mod min anmodning om at få et møde med nationalBanken, Statsministeriet og Finanstilsynet for at fremlægge min dokumentation for Jyske Banks brug af mange strafbare handlinger. Og jeg siger ikke uden grund, at Jyske Bank A/S skal fratages retten til at drive finansiel virksomhed, herunder bankvirksomhed i Danmark. Jyske Bank har 1 februar 2019. Fremsat beskyldninger mod mig og min person for at lave strafbare handlinger. 23 oktober 2019. Efter de korrupte Lundgrens advokater blev fyret, fik jeg fat i en kopi, og uha jeg blev så bange.