Mail. 05-09-2022. Engelsk. Læs siden på engelsk, klik her på Link.
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Some pictures of the atmosphere have been inserted, notice the letter below what I have written, the cover of my diary has been inserted, why no authority or political watcher can disclaim ignorance when I write that the Danish State and Nationalbank work together and use a bank who make and use power of attorney abuse, document forgery, fraud and bribery and more.
I draw everyone’s attention to the fact that all those mentioned can become part of the book I am writing about corruption and criminal banks in Denmark, which is a direct reference to Jyske Bank A/S

Read here in the link the letter from August 8 to Direktionen. Signe Krogstrup, Lars Rohde, Per Callesen. Director of Denmark’s National Bank. Image is from Denmarks Nationalbank’s press photos
This email is being sent because Jyske Bank’s management is behind the bank’s criminal profit-making methods, it is to a large extent these 4 people, the group management of Jyske Bank, who are to be thanked for Jyske Bank getting so much free advertising, such as my Jyske Bank cars.
And now that the Danish state and government as well as all 179 politicians here are being asked to decide whether the Danish government wants to cooperate and use a bank that openly uses criminal business methods to extort money from Jyske Bank’s shareholders, such as ATP, PFA and other pension schemes.
Jyske Bank and its Group Management, Board of Directors, Representative Office and Group Management, led by CEO Anders Christian Dam, have been invited to dialogue and conversation for several years.
But unfortunately, Jyske Bank has apparently made use of the camaraderie found in the Danish authorities and among politicians as well as in the Danish Judicial Agency, to be able to commit organized crime, at the same time that Jyske Bank A/S has made use of the Danish State has actually covered up the criminal Jyske Bank.
In the letter to the Danish politicians, I request all the politicians and persons in authority to check with their lawyers whether they become complicit in Jyske Bank’s crimes, if these authorities and politicians continue to cover up the many criminal acts that Jyske Bank A/S has committed, and which the Danish politicians at least since April 2019 have been aware of, such as that Jyske Bank A/S is behind organized crime carried out of several employees and lawyers together in an association.

Anders Christian Dam. Jyske Bank. Læs nu mine mails igen, og i kan jo starte med denne fra 19 augusts 2022. og rykkeren for at komme i dialog den 22 august som i heller ik har reageret på.

Niels Erik Jakobsen. Jyske Bank. Læs nu mine mails igen, og i kan jo starte med denne fra 19 augusts 2022. og rykkeren for at komme i dialog den 22 august som i heller ik har reageret på.

Per Skovhus. Jyske Bank. Now read my emails again, and you can start with this one from 19 August 2022. and the reminder to enter into dialogue on 22 August, which you have not responded to either.

Peter Schleidt. Jyske Bank. Now read my emails again, and you can start with this one from 19 August 2022. and the reminder to enter into dialogue on 22 August, which you have not responded to either.

Mette Frederiksen, what will you and the the Ministry of State do, when you and Christiansborg have been presented with clear evidence?
These bank. Jyske Bank,
Has forged documents, fraud, exploitation, deception, mandate fraud, and has paid Lundgren’s lawyers a bribe, so that Lundgren’s Dan Terkildsen was not allowed to present the plaintiff’s fraud allegations against Jyske Bank.
On August 23. 2022. I request Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen. about getting a meeting, about, about evidence for Jyske Bank’s criminal activity, the Prime Minister’s office has not responded to a single inquiry either, and I have been writing since April 2019.

You probably ask yourself , why the Danish state by the authorities, all covers the Danish banks’ crime.
Here is the Gmail’s time is 19.31. and Gmail Time 21.30. inserted with letter as PDF document of 5 September 2022.
You can also read the email at 9.30 p.m. below
To the Prime Minister’s Office, Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, the Judicial Committee, and to each of the 179 members. and the authorities. / To the Danish State. I am asking the Danish Parliament to answer my inquiries when I ask the government whether you want the Danish population to accept in the future that the Danish authorities and politicians cover up the Danish banks that carry out organized crime, or do you want to take action on the knowledge and evidence you have received from me.
Til: Statsministeriet <>, Justitsministeriet <>,,,,, Jura og Forretning <>
Ministry of State, and
Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen
the Danish parliament
The Judiciary Committee
Will you please ensure that all 179 politicians in Christiansborg have received this email sent here.
Ministry of Finance.
The Financial Supervisory Authority, please include this email in the supervisory authority’s assessment, in order for Jyske Bank A/S to obtain approval to take over the company Handelsbanken’s Swedish branches in Denmark, as well as to consider whether Jyske Bank A/S complies with the Rules for conducting financial business including banking in Denmark.
Read the email below, which is the forwarded one
If the email gives rise to questions, I am available as always.
Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup
Soevej 5.
3100 Hornbaek

Advarsel mod den kriminelle Jyske Bank.
Jyske Bank car promises prizes in the competition for NOW up to DKK 45,000 – 54,000 CLICK HERE.
Fra: Editor Banking News <>
Date: man. 5. sep. 2022 19.31
Subject: To the Prime Minister’s Office, Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, the Judicial Committee, and to each of the 179 members. and the authorities. / To the Danish State. I am asking the Danish Parliament to answer my inquiries when I ask the government whether you want the Danish population to accept in the future that the Danish authorities and politicians cover up the Danish banks that carry out organized crime, or do you want to take action on the knowledge and evidence you have received from me.
To: Kommunikation <kommunikation@nationalbanken. dk>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <nationalbanken@>, <>, And the Danish State Ministry <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, < >, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <jens.henrik.thulesen.dahl@ft. dk>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <kirsten.normann.andersen@ft. dk>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, < >, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <> , <>, <>, Justitsministeriet <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <> , <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, < >, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, Jura og Forretning <>, < >, Postkasse – Klagesagsafdelingen <klagesagsafdelingen@>, <>, <>, <>, <>
To the Danish Parliament and authorities.
I request you as Danish politicians and authorities to read the attached letter, which is a copy of my diary report from inserted in the letter
Below is a section of the letter, it is at the top in Danish, which I have googled translated, for those who would rather have it in English.
I am asking here if it is not a problem that the Danish State does not act on information about Danish banks that do not comply with Danish legislation.
If I have to accept that Jyske Bank is deceiving the bank’s customers, here it is me and my company.
Then I must request that you write, Danish Citizens must accept that banks do not have to comply with any laws or regulations.
And the Danish authorities are free to decide whether they want to cover up some criminal matters, as it serves the interest of the Danish State to cover up criminal Danish banks, as here Jyske Bank A/S.
If this is a misunderstanding then you have to talk to me, because I don’t find myself in your silence, because you hope that I will get tired, it’s not going to happen.
But what is your share in covering up banks that commit criminal acts.?
Are there any of you 179 Danish politicians who think this is funny, or what do you want to do about it, Jyske Bank knows that you, as a person in power, cover up Jyske Bank’s many criminal acts, and therefore their CEO Anders Dam refuses to have an interview with me, because if it was just a little misunderstanding.

Case of organized fraud carried out by Jyske Bank A/S
And corruption and organized crime in Denmark, which the Danish state, Denmark’s National Bank and the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority as well as the government, the Ministry of Justice and many others have covered up until today.
Someone needs to come and shake things up, because corruption in Denmark must be stopped.
And I would like to be the one who takes the first step so that Denmark can be free of not only corrupt lawyers, but also the judges who cover up crimes, it should be the politicians themselves who take up this problem.
You must be aware that cronyism and corruption are the same, and if there are some of you who do not agree, then you must speak up.
I would like some help to make the Danish population aware that Jyske Bank is breaking the law and the Danish authorities have covered it up to this day.
I am asking you to stop covering up banks that have proven to have committed criminal acts.

Jyske Bank A/S Helsingoer behind extensive fraud carried out by at least.
Jeanett Kofoed-Hansen and Nicolai Hansen.
And that with the help of at least Casper Dam Olsen. Anette Kirkeby. Soren Woergaard. Morten Ulrik Gade. Birgit Buch Thuesen. Philip Baruch. and CEO Anders Christian Dam.

Jyske Bank A/S Helsingoer behind extensive fraud carried out by at least.
Jeanett Kofoed-Hansen and Nicolai Hansen.
And that with the help of at least Casper Dam Olsen. Anette Kirkeby. Soren Woergaard. Morten Ulrik Gade. Birgit Buch Thuesen. Philip Baruch. and CEO Anders Christian Dam.
And here a small excerpt from the attached letter, which has not been corrected, and there are many pages, so take the time to read them from your PC. and print it out in will talk about,
I request that you take a debate inside parliaments “The Folketing.”
And if criminal banks haven’t caught your attention by now, this is an eye opener.
I have written to you “you all.” many times.
And to date, not one of you has wanted to answer a single one of my inquiries, not one of you has wanted to answer or enter into a dialogue with me, regarding the many criminal acts that I accuse Jyske Bank A/S and the management of, together with a number of employees to stand behind.
Your silence indicates more that we are talking about a scandal, and that with many actors who have promised their tasks, I am not aware whether you yourselves, as politicians and civil servants, have a whistleblower scheme, and if so whether there are some who have used it.

Christiansborg Slotsplads
Denmark Copenhagen

Jyske Bank’s board of directors and lawyers from Lund Elmer Sandager, together with the Danish state, are sticking their heads in the ground, while Jyske Bank is deceiving their customers, which I will present to Nationabank Danmark, as well as to the Prime Minister of Denmark.
If I am not right in what I write, I must request that you respond, if there are some of you who do not agree with my accusations against Jyske Bank A/S
Those of you who may disagree with what I write about Jyske Bank A/S having committed organized crime, according to the dictionary and the explanations of the law, please reply and write to me personally, at mail or to my private email
Your answers will be included in my book, and any non-answers will be registered as you agree, but I ask you all to take part in a debate in the Parliament and vote for whether all the politicians will continue to cover up Jyske Bank’s many criminal acts, or if you make an urgent law exempting Danish banks from having to comply with Danish law.
Will you as the recipient of this email, help to cover up Danish banks’ violations of the law, and at the same time help to undermine Danes’ legal certainty.?

1 maj 2019.
If you want to act on the information you have received to date, you could start by looking at the evidence that I presented to the Danish Parliament on 1 May 2019, i.e. before I knew that the Lundgrens were lawyers in the case against Jyske Bank A/S, already in the spring of 2018 . had been bought and paid for by Jyske Bank A/S so that Lundgren’s lawyers could not present some of our accusations against Jyske Bank A/S
I would think that those of you who continue to ignore my inquiries, and who passively still cover up Jyske Bank’s crimes, will be described as complicit, which you are encouraged to investigate, and answer me if you become complicit in Jyske Bank’s fraud, by to cover up the bank’s crimes, and by obstructing justice.
Your answers will later be included in whole or in part in my book about corruption, cronyism about bribery in Denmark, my book is no longer only about Jyske Bank, but about the center of power “the people’s parliament” and whether you will cover up Jyske Bank’s crimes.
Crimes involving Jyske Bank A/S is bribing Lundgren’s lawyers not to present the client’s fraud and false case against Jyske Bank A/S.
And that, among other things, Supreme Court Judge Kurt Rasmussen has helped to cover up the corrupt Lundgren’s lawyers, and that also District Court Judge Søren Ejdum in the District Court has omitted the statements of the witnesses that damage Jyske Bank’s presentation in the civil court, with reference to the complaint submitted to the special the complaint, as well as that judge Søren Ejdum did not take into account in his rejection of the case that Jyske Bank used fraud, was in bad faith, fabricated, and led Jyske Bank’s customer astray.
If Jyske Bank does not close this case itself, and is acquitted by a verdict, Danske Banker will in the future be able to lie all they want, and will be able to forge documents and commit fraud with impunity, and lead their customers astray without this having any consequences, why the Agreements Act must be rewritten, and sections such as § 30, 31, 30, 36, can be removed in whole or in part.
xx The full text is in the attached document. xx
It is of course the Danish politicians and the National Bank, together with the Financial Supervisory Authority, who bear the responsibility for whether you want to contribute to Jyske Bank being allowed to commit fraud, forge documents, use bribes and at the same time function as a bank for the Danish state.

The Danish Parliament has received information that the Danish bank, which the government has previously granted state aid, is now exposing customers to fraud and fraud
I can only write in my book how the Danish politicians, as mentioned, work together with the authorities to secure the justice that the Danish people, as your believe is best for the Danish people, when Danske Banker, as here where Jyske Bank A/S, commits fraud, as is factually the case presented here, with documentation.
Here is a bit of partial documentation, but what I want to present to the Prime Minister’s Office will be presented in a timeline, with reference to violations of criminal law provisions where Jyske Bank is acting in bad faith and by using forged documents is committing fraud.
Remember that it is you who have chosen to cover up Jyske Bank instead of helping a victim of the bank’s use of many criminal offences, I would prefer to do something else, but some have to speak up, I will, because if I don’t, is it really crap for the rule of law in Denmark.
In the National Bank of Denmark, they have for several years internally referred to my case as a scandal, but they do nothing.
With best regards
Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup
Søvej 5.
3100. Hornbæk.
telephone +4522227713.

Billeder til Finans Danmark, Ledelsen og deres Juridiske.
I forbindelsen med mailen 14-08-2022.
Syntes i også som Jyske Bank A/S at dette her bare er en JOKE.
Eller har i alle sammen tændt jeres MØRKE LYGTE.
For at skjule og dække over Jyske Banks organiseret kriminalitet, forbrydelser der er lavet i forening.

Advarsel mod den kriminelle Jyske Bank.
Jyske Bank car promises prizes in the competition for NOW up to DKK 45,000 – 54,000 CLICK HERE.
You just have to disprove that Jyske Bank has committed fraud and forgery as well as paid Lundgren’s bribes, lies and that kind of crime.LINK, vi Hjælper med at find en Jyske bank rådgiver her.
The green butcher, with a good offer for you, Jyske Bank would slaughter the customer, but the customer will now slaughter Jyske Bank’s credibility as a bank in Denmark.