Tag: JyskeBank AndersDam

27-12-2021. Mail. / Dear all, all of you who are the recipient of this email, Jyske Bank has chosen war against their customers, and they must too, it is simply a matter of whether Jyske bank should have a place in Danish society, because can the Danish authorities allow to use a bank that has deliberately exposed customers to financial crime, what does the Danish National Bank say to banks that commit fraud and forgery

DET HER HANDLER OM JYSKE BANKS FREMTID SOM BANK FOR DEN DANSKE STAT OG DE OFFENTLIGE KOMMUNALE INSTITUTIONER. Mailen 27-12-2021. Kl 03.57 til  “rettet stave og skrive fejl 27-12-2021. Kl. 13.00.” direktion@jyskebank.dk lillevang@jyskebank.dk johnny.christensen@jyskebank.dk clm@jyskebank.dk beo@cbs-executive.dk ala@70151000.dk rina.asmussen@gmail.com kn@skovadvokater.dk nicolai-hansen@jyskebank.dk Casper Dam Olsen • Casper-dam@jyskebank.dk jkh@jyskebank.dk kirkeby@jyskebank.dk Tina Agergaard • AGERGAARD@jyskebank.dk sw@jyskebank.dk martin.nielsen@jyskebank.dk Morten Ulrik…

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To the press in Denmark and the world press, dare you be the first to put a newspaper column for my fight in the corrupt Danish country, where I alone fight to stop the state, ie the Danish authorities in covering up the crime that here the Danish bank Jyske bank has exposed me to, follow my fight where I alone am up against some of the largest criminal companies in Denmark.

Dear press in Denmark and the world press, dare you be the first to put a newspaper column for my fight in the corrupt Danish country, where I alone fight to stop the state, ie the Danish authorities in covering up the crime that here the Danish bank Jyske bank has exposed me to, follow…

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16-12-2021. Deler her ekstrakten BS-402/2015-VIB med pressen myndighederne og folketinget.

Indsat link til ekstrakten i sagen. BS-402/2015-VIB.   Har netop i aftes skrevet om Jyske Banks forretnings metoder til myndighederne, og delt dette med pressen. Senere i dag vil jeg dele hele sagen med pressen, myndighederne og folketinget.   Jeg sendte denne her tekst kl. 12.30. 16-12-2021 Jeg deler senere i dag denne her meddelelse…

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Tyv.dk velkommen 11-3

Dagbogen om bedrageri af kunder i stor Dansk bank 11. marts 2018 Som en ny Klovn film JYSKE BANK STIKKER HOVED I JORDEN. JYSKE BANK EN BANK SOM IKKE TØR TAGE, EN DIALOG MED DEN KUNDE. DER HAR PÅVIST BEDRAGERI OG DOKUMENTFALSK I JYSKE BANK 🙂 Imens familien Skaarup fra Hornbæk siger, kom frit frem,…

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