11-08-2022. mail. I request that Danish Financial Supervisory Authority Strandgade 29, 1401 Copenhagen Director Jesper Berg. Will reply to my email regarding the Danish Bank Jyske Bank A/S being behind organized crime within the meaning of the law, and request that you act according to the knowledge gained under your supervision. I look forward to us being able to arrange a meeting after I have had a meeting with Denmark’s Nationalbank where I will first present my documentation for the crimes that I say Jyske Bank A/S is behind.


It is no secret that the politicians in Christiansborg have until today refused to deal with the fact that the Danish State cooperates with and uses a bank that deliberately commits fraud and uses bribery, this has emailed to get the problem of criminal banks taken care of in Denmark and the corruption that thrives and controls who must comply with the law and who does not have to comply with the law.

JEG NÆVNER OGSÅ HØJESTERETS DOMMER KURT RASMUSSEN, / JENS STEEN JENSEN FRA KROMANN REUMERT ADVOKATER, / BIRGITTE FRØLUND FRA HORTEN ADVOKATER, / RIKKE SKADHAUGE SEERUP KROGSGAARD FRA FORBRUGERKLAGENÆVNET OG HENRIK HYLDETOFT FRA DANSK ERHVERV SAMT MARTIN LAVESEN FRA DLA PIPER ADVOKATER SOM ER ENIG. Derfor nævner jeg advokatnævnet som medvirke til organiseret kriminalitet, uanset de ikke direkte er medvirkende, men ved at dække over at Jyske Bank reelt har købt Lundgrens advokater for at disse ikke måtte fremlægge klientens svig påstande mod Jyske Bank, er advokat rådet indirekte medvirkende til at modvirke retfærdighed og hjælpe til at Jyske Bank’s mange strafbare handlinger kan fortsætte, også i fremtiden.

sendt CC. for information to.

Justitsministeriet <jm@jm.dk>,
“<NSJ@politi.dk>” <nsj@politi.dk>,
Statsministeriet <stm@stm.dk>,
Jura og Forretning <jur@domstolsstyrelsen.dk>,
Postkasse – Klagesagsafdelingen <klagesagsafdelingen@advokatsamfundet.dk>,
Arbejderen Redaktion <redaktion@arbejderen.dk>,
BT-1929 1929 <1929@bt.dk>,
EB 1224 <1224@eb.dk>,


Click and read this email as a PDF document.

11-08-2022. to The Danish Financial Supervisory Authority and ECB.


The Danish Financial Supervisory Authority

Strandgade 29, 1401 Copenhagen

Director Jesper Berg

11. august 2022. 01.00 p.m.

This email has been shared with the European Central Bank, as this is also about a disregard of the law, which gives Danish banks free rein to violate all laws and regulations.


My question to the ECB is whether  Danish Banks are not subject to the legislation, I have repeatedly asked this question to the Danish authorities, who all refuse to answer. I therefore suspect that the problem is that the Danish state has covered up Jyske Bank A/S, and continues to want to cover up Jyske bank’s offences, which I wish to draw the European Central Bank attention to.

Please read my email and attached document.

And then decide whether it is right to cover up the many crimes of the provisions of the Criminal Code.

Which has been stated several times and received documentation that Jyske Bank A/S is demonstrably behind it.

I have already requested a meeting with the National Bank, afterwards I want a similar meeting with the Government and the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority.


After all, it is your responsibility that Jyske Bank complies with all laws and regulations, at the meeting I will make it absolutely clear to all of you that Jyske Bank A/S has major problems with understanding and complying with the law, and that there are rules that apply for Danske Banker.

I reserve the right to record the meeting, so that I can document what you will answer when I present documentation for my claims against Jyske Bank A/S

Jyske Bank A/S and the bank’s management and CEO Andres Christian Dam have not wanted dialogue, and rejected any approach by ignoring all my inquiries.

That is why I am now writing to each of you.

I will of course share this email with the ECB.

FrontPage www.banknyt.dk 11-08-2022.

This copy is specially made for.

Denmarks Nationalbankhttp://www.banknyt.dk/
Langelinie Allé 47
2100 Copenhagen

Director Lars Rohde.

The Danish Financial Supervisory Authority
Strandgade 29, 1401 Copenhagen

Director Jesper Berg, who is also bank director for Nykredit.

The Government and Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen.
Prins Jørgens Gård 1.
1218 København.

If some of you have something to add, maybe something you want to correct, or maybe you want to talk to me soon.

For Denmark as a state has a problem when the state together with the authorities cover up criminal Danish banks.


Since no Danish authority, no Danish politician, or some of the lawyers who have actually helped Jyske Bank with fraud, want to dialogue with me as a victim of the fraud Denmark’s second largest bank has carried out, with several people together in association.


Then I orient the European central bank, around the problem that Denmark has some problems with banks that violate the legislation in order to have permission to conduct banking business in Denmark, and that the state itself has not managed to get these banks like here Jyske Bank to comply laws and rules.

When Denmark itself cannot keep track of the banks that, like Jyske Bank A/S, demonstrably do not comply with Danish legislation, and do not comply with the rules for having a license to conduct banking business in Denmark.

And that the Danish State has also been informed that Jyske Bank has violated several more of the provisions of the Criminal Code, but has not managed to act on the information and evidence that has been shared.

And if not, someone can disprove my claims and contradict what I write on YouTube says.

And the Danish state, and the National Bank still do not know how Denmark should deal with a bank that is proven to be behind organized crime.

And even after I had a meeting where I personally presented Jyske Bank’s many offenses to Danske Nationalbank director Lars Rohde.


Then I would strongly recommend, that the Danish Nationalbank itself addresses a direct inquiry to the European Central Bank, in order to get information on how the Danish state should deal with the banks that have repeatedly violated many laws and regulations.

Here you can read what I write on the front page, remember that I am dyslexic and have no formal education, I am simply writing about my experiences with criminal Danish banks, and the corruption and cronyism in Denmark that prevent justice and are a subversive enterprise for a country that was supposed to be a rule of law.

I have written in my diary since 2015-2016, and have written many times both to the Danish authorities and to Jyske Bank’s boss CEO Anders Christian Dam.

At no time has a single one of you wanted to talk to me, and no matter how much you want to cover up the crime the Danish bank Jyske Bank A/S is behind, I will fight just as hard to enter into a dialogue, not only with Jyske Bank A/S also with the Danish authorities who have chosen to cover up Jyske bank’s crimes.

If someone in the Danish State, government or authorities or perhaps Jyske Bank A/S would like to explain themselves, I would really like you to call Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup with not all of you, will cover up that Denmark has a problem with banks that refuse to comply with Danish legislation.

Because you should all have red ears, the question is just how long you think you have it to help Jyske Bank with organized crime, without risking becoming an accomplice yourself.

You can just talk to me, then I wouldn’t have to write all the time.

As I have repeatedly said and written, if I have made a mistake, I correct it and apologize.

But if I am not mistaken, you all have a problem and it is Jyske Bank A/S and its board of directors, whether this bank has a future as a bank in Denmark.

The question is how long the Danish population will have to put up with the fact that the Danish state and government cover up Banks that, like Jyske Bank A/S, clearly refuse to comply with the law, as corruption and cronyism in Denmark is a contributing factor to not a single wish to take up the problems surrounding Jyske Bank A/S and the bank’s violation of the legislation.

I want to make a difference and that this is taken seriously, and it should not just be me being so dry, and I want to write about bribery and fraud carried out by Danish banks.


Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup

Soevej 5.
3100 Hornbaek.

Mail carsten.storbjerg@gmail.com

Telephone. +4522227713

Frontpage attached copy of the diary of Jyske Bank’s punishable offences. The PDF document is on 155 pages.


LUK Jyske Bank. Nationalbanken ved de sammenarbejder med stor Kriminel Dansk Bank. Hvor kunde udfordrer dem der står bag svindlen, eller har dækket over den organiseret økonomisk kriminalitet, som Jyske Bank koncernen har stået bag. Anders Christian Dam, Niels Erik Jakobsen, Per Skovhus, Peter Schleidt, og Lund Elmer Sandager advokater ved ledelsen & Philip Baruch, Lundgrens advokater ved ledelsen & Dan Terkildsen, advokat samfundet ved formand Martin Lavesen, advoknævnet ved formand Højesterets dommer Kurt Rasmussen, Birgitte Frølund, Jens Steen Jensen, Jurist Rikke Skadhauge Seerup Krogsgaard, Henrik Hyltoft, tør i mødes og gennemgå mine beviser for Jyske Banks organiserede bedrageri, som ret mange dækker over. Jeg siger Jyske Bank A/S har bestukket Lundgrens advokater. TØR I MØDES MED MIG, OG GENNEMGÅ BEVISERNE. I KAN JO BARE SVARE, OG MENER I DET ER BAGVASKELSE, SÅ KOMMER I BARE.

Little Dane offers criminal Danish bank employees up to 40,000 + 10 % Danish kroner, corresponding to 5,377 € / EUR. or 5,660 US dollars. Joust to disprove what the customer in the criminal Jyske Bank writes on www.banknyt.dk Joust to disprove what the customer in the criminal Jyske Bank writes on www.banknyt.dk The Danish police forces and authorities can also participate, and should participate in washing Jyske Bank’s facade clean, as corruption / comrades have given Jyske Bank a black view. This is a direct provocation to Jyske Bank answer, and take a conversation about the bank’s future, regardless of whether the Danish state and government cover Jyske Bank’s offenses, then Jyske Bank has a credibility problem.

We end with some atmospheric pictures.

While we are still waiting for an answer and action plan to liquidate Jyske Bank A/S or what the Danish State intends to do with the criminal bank.


Director of the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority since October 2015. Past as e.g. bank director in the Nykredit Group with responsibility for regulation and rating from 2010-2015. Has previously worked for a number of years at Danmarks Nationalbank, i.a. as head of the financial stability department, the trade department and the payment processing office. Head of the ECB’s department for capital market relations and financial structures from 2000-2004. Economist at the IMF from 1988-1991.


FrontPage www.banknyt.dk 11-08-2022. This copy is specially made for. Denmarks Nationalbank Langelinie Allé 47 2100 Copenhagen Director Lars Rohde. The Danish Financial Supervisory Authority The Danish Financial Supervisor Authority Strandgade 29, 1401 Copenhagen Director Jesper Berg, who is also bank director for Nykredit. The Government and Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen. Prins Jørgens Gård 1. 1218 København. If some of you have something to add, maybe something you want to correct, or maybe you want to talk to me soon. For Denmark as a state has a problem when the state together with the authorities cover up criminal Danish banks. Since no Danish authority, no Danish politician, or some of the lawyers who have actually helped Jysje Bank with fraud, want to dialogue with me as a victim of the fraud Denmark's second largest bank has carried out, with several people together in association. Then I orient the European central bank, around the problem that Denmark has some problems with banks that violate the legislation in order to have permission to conduct banking business in Denmark, and that the state itself has not managed to get these banks like here Jyske Bank to comply laws and rules. When Denmark itself cannot keep track of the banks that, like Jyske Bank A/S, demonstrably do not comply with Danish legislation, and do not comply with the rules for having a license to conduct banking business in Denmark. And that the Danish State has also been informed that Jyske Bank has violated several more of the provisions of the Criminal Code, but has not managed to act on the information and evidence that has been shared. And if not, someone can disprove my claims and contradict what I write on YouTube says. And the Danish state, and the National Bank still do not know how Denmark should deal with a bank that is proven to be behind organized crime. And even after I had a meeting where I personally presented Jyske Bank's many offenses to Danske Nationalbank director Lars Rohde. Then I would strongly recommend, that the Danish Nationalbank itself addresses a direct inquiry to the European Central Bank, in order to get information on how the Danish state should deal with the banks that have repeatedly violated many laws and regulations. Here you can read what I write on the front page, remember that I am dyslexic and have no formal education, I am simply writing about my experiences with criminal Danish banks, and the corruption and cronyism in Denmark that prevent justice and are a subversive enterprise for a country that was supposed to be a rule of law. I have written in my diary since 2015-2016, and have written many times both to the Danish authorities and to Jyske Bank's boss CEO Anders Christian Dam. At no time has a single one of you wanted to talk to me, and no matter how much you want to cover up the crime the Danish bank Jyske Bank A/S is behind, I will fight just as hard to enter into a dialogue, not only with Jyske Bank A/S also with the Danish authorities who have chosen to cover up Jyske bank's crimes. If someone in the Danish State, government or authorities or perhaps Jyske Bank A/S would like to explain themselves, I would really like you to call Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup with not all of you, will cover up that Denmark has a problem with banks that refuse to comply with Danish legislation. Because you should all have red ears, the question is just how long you think you have it to help Jyske Bank with organized crime, without risking becoming an accomplice yourself. You can just talk to me, then I wouldn't have to write all the time. As I have repeatedly said and written, if I have made a mistake, I correct it and apologize. But if I am not mistaken, you all have a problem and it is Jyske Bank A/S and its board of directors, whether this bank has a future as a bank in Denmark. Regards Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup Soevej 5. 3100 Hornbaek. Denmark Mail. carsten.storbjerg@gmail.com Telephone. +4522227713 Frontpage in my diary today 11-08-2022. The President of the European Central Bank Christine Madeleine Odette Lagarde has been informed, that a Danish citizen has requested Denmark's national bank by bank directors Lars Rohde, Signe Krogstrup and Per Callesen for a meeting, where he can hand over the full documentation for Jyske Bank's organized crime. The customer wants to know if the National Bank and the Danish State by Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen still choose to continue cover Jyske Bank's many crimes, as using fraud, document forgery and bribery.FrontPage www.banknyt.dk 11-08-2022. This copy is specially made for. Denmarks Nationalbank Langelinie Allé 47 2100 Copenhagen Director Lars Rohde. The Danish Financial Supervisory Authority The Danish Financial Supervisor Authority Strandgade 29, 1401 Copenhagen Director Jesper Berg, who is also bank director for Nykredit. The Government and Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen. Prins Jørgens Gård 1. 1218 København. If some of you have something to add, maybe something you want to correct, or maybe you want to talk to me soon. For Denmark as a state has a problem when the state together with the authorities cover up criminal Danish banks. Since no Danish authority, no Danish politician, or some of the lawyers who have actually helped Jysje Bank with fraud, want to dialogue with me as a victim of the fraud Denmark's second largest bank has carried out, with several people together in association. Then I orient the European central bank, around the problem that Denmark has some problems with banks that violate the legislation in order to have permission to conduct banking business in Denmark, and that the state itself has not managed to get these banks like here Jyske Bank to comply laws and rules. When Denmark itself cannot keep track of the banks that, like Jyske Bank A/S, demonstrably do not comply with Danish legislation, and do not comply with the rules for having a license to conduct banking business in Denmark. And that the Danish State has also been informed that Jyske Bank has violated several more of the provisions of the Criminal Code, but has not managed to act on the information and evidence that has been shared. And if not, someone can disprove my claims and contradict what I write on YouTube says. And the Danish state, and the National Bank still do not know how Denmark should deal with a bank that is proven to be behind organized crime. And even after I had a meeting where I personally presented Jyske Bank's many offenses to Danske Nationalbank director Lars Rohde. Then I would strongly recommend, that the Danish Nationalbank itself addresses a direct inquiry to the European Central Bank, in order to get information on how the Danish state should deal with the banks that have repeatedly violated many laws and regulations. Here you can read what I write on the front page, remember that I am dyslexic and have no formal education, I am simply writing about my experiences with criminal Danish banks, and the corruption and cronyism in Denmark that prevent justice and are a subversive enterprise for a country that was supposed to be a rule of law. I have written in my diary since 2015-2016, and have written many times both to the Danish authorities and to Jyske Bank's boss CEO Anders Christian Dam. At no time has a single one of you wanted to talk to me, and no matter how much you want to cover up the crime the Danish bank Jyske Bank A/S is behind, I will fight just as hard to enter into a dialogue, not only with Jyske Bank A/S also with the Danish authorities who have chosen to cover up Jyske bank's crimes. If someone in the Danish State, government or authorities or perhaps Jyske Bank A/S would like to explain themselves, I would really like you to call Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup with not all of you, will cover up that Denmark has a problem with banks that refuse to comply with Danish legislation. Because you should all have red ears, the question is just how long you think you have it to help Jyske Bank with organized crime, without risking becoming an accomplice yourself. You can just talk to me, then I wouldn't have to write all the time. As I have repeatedly said and written, if I have made a mistake, I correct it and apologize. But if I am not mistaken, you all have a problem and it is Jyske Bank A/S and its board of directors, whether this bank has a future as a bank in Denmark. Regards Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup Soevej 5. 3100 Hornbaek. Denmark Mail. carsten.storbjerg@gmail.com Telephone. +4522227713 Frontpage in my diary today 11-08-2022. The President of the European Central Bank Christine Madeleine Odette Lagarde has been informed, that a Danish citizen has requested Denmark's national bank by bank directors Lars Rohde, Signe Krogstrup and Per Callesen for a meeting, where he can hand over the full documentation for Jyske Bank's organized crime. The customer wants to know if the National Bank and the Danish State by Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen still choose to continue cover Jyske Bank's many crimes, as using fraud, document forgery and bribery.FrontPage www.banknyt.dk 11-08-2022. This copy is specially made for. Denmarks Nationalbank Langelinie Allé 47 2100 Copenhagen Director Lars Rohde. The Danish Financial Supervisory Authority The Danish Financial Supervisor Authority Strandgade 29, 1401 Copenhagen Director Jesper Berg, who is also bank director for Nykredit. The Government and Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen. Prins Jørgens Gård 1. 1218 København. If some of you have something to add, maybe something you want to correct, or maybe you want to talk to me soon. For Denmark as a state has a problem when the state together with the authorities cover up criminal Danish banks. Since no Danish authority, no Danish politician, or some of the lawyers who have actually helped Jysje Bank with fraud, want to dialogue with me as a victim of the fraud Denmark's second largest bank has carried out, with several people together in association. Then I orient the European central bank, around the problem that Denmark has some problems with banks that violate the legislation in order to have permission to conduct banking business in Denmark, and that the state itself has not managed to get these banks like here Jyske Bank to comply laws and rules. When Denmark itself cannot keep track of the banks that, like Jyske Bank A/S, demonstrably do not comply with Danish legislation, and do not comply with the rules for having a license to conduct banking business in Denmark. And that the Danish State has also been informed that Jyske Bank has violated several more of the provisions of the Criminal Code, but has not managed to act on the information and evidence that has been shared. And if not, someone can disprove my claims and contradict what I write on YouTube says. And the Danish state, and the National Bank still do not know how Denmark should deal with a bank that is proven to be behind organized crime. And even after I had a meeting where I personally presented Jyske Bank's many offenses to Danske Nationalbank director Lars Rohde. Then I would strongly recommend, that the Danish Nationalbank itself addresses a direct inquiry to the European Central Bank, in order to get information on how the Danish state should deal with the banks that have repeatedly violated many laws and regulations. Here you can read what I write on the front page, remember that I am dyslexic and have no formal education, I am simply writing about my experiences with criminal Danish banks, and the corruption and cronyism in Denmark that prevent justice and are a subversive enterprise for a country that was supposed to be a rule of law. I have written in my diary since 2015-2016, and have written many times both to the Danish authorities and to Jyske Bank's boss CEO Anders Christian Dam. At no time has a single one of you wanted to talk to me, and no matter how much you want to cover up the crime the Danish bank Jyske Bank A/S is behind, I will fight just as hard to enter into a dialogue, not only with Jyske Bank A/S also with the Danish authorities who have chosen to cover up Jyske bank's crimes. If someone in the Danish State, government or authorities or perhaps Jyske Bank A/S would like to explain themselves, I would really like you to call Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup with not all of you, will cover up that Denmark has a problem with banks that refuse to comply with Danish legislation. Because you should all have red ears, the question is just how long you think you have it to help Jyske Bank with organized crime, without risking becoming an accomplice yourself. You can just talk to me, then I wouldn't have to write all the time. As I have repeatedly said and written, if I have made a mistake, I correct it and apologize. But if I am not mistaken, you all have a problem and it is Jyske Bank A/S and its board of directors, whether this bank has a future as a bank in Denmark. Regards Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup Soevej 5. 3100 Hornbaek. Denmark Mail. carsten.storbjerg@gmail.com Telephone. +4522227713 Frontpage in my diary today 11-08-2022. The President of the European Central Bank Christine Madeleine Odette Lagarde has been informed, that a Danish citizen has requested Denmark's national bank by bank directors Lars Rohde, Signe Krogstrup and Per Callesen for a meeting, where he can hand over the full documentation for Jyske Bank's organized crime. The customer wants to know if the National Bank and the Danish State by Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen still choose to continue cover Jyske Bank's many crimes, as using fraud, document forgery and bribery.Når flere myndigheder i Danmark dækker over den kriminalitet, Jyske Bank beviseligt står bag. Så er det ikke kun et problem for retssikkerheden. Det er nok danmarks største skandale i historien, som bare en mand Carsten Storbjerg alene har efterforsket, og samtidig måtte kæmpe mod de korrupte Lundgrens advokater, som Jyske Bank betalte Lundgrens der, gjorde alt for at tabe sagen mod Jyske Bank. Det handler ikke længer så meget om den sag, men mere og mere om at danmark i styres af korruption, og kammerateri. Hvorfor tror du ellers alle myndigheder og Jyske Bank samt deres advokater forsøger at slå Carsten Storbjerg ihjel med tavshed og samtide dække over den kriminalitet Jyske Bank står bag.FrontPage www.banknyt.dk 11-08-2022. This copy is specially made for. Denmarks Nationalbank Langelinie Allé 47 2100 Copenhagen Director Lars Rohde. The Danish Financial Supervisory Authority The Danish Financial Supervisor Authority Strandgade 29, 1401 Copenhagen Director Jesper Berg, who is also bank director for Nykredit. The Government and Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen. Prins Jørgens Gård 1. 1218 København. If some of you have something to add, maybe something you want to correct, or maybe you want to talk to me soon. For Denmark as a state has a problem when the state together with the authorities cover up criminal Danish banks. Since no Danish authority, no Danish politician, or some of the lawyers who have actually helped Jysje Bank with fraud, want to dialogue with me as a victim of the fraud Denmark's second largest bank has carried out, with several people together in association. Then I orient the European central bank, around the problem that Denmark has some problems with banks that violate the legislation in order to have permission to conduct banking business in Denmark, and that the state itself has not managed to get these banks like here Jyske Bank to comply laws and rules. When Denmark itself cannot keep track of the banks that, like Jyske Bank A/S, demonstrably do not comply with Danish legislation, and do not comply with the rules for having a license to conduct banking business in Denmark. And that the Danish State has also been informed that Jyske Bank has violated several more of the provisions of the Criminal Code, but has not managed to act on the information and evidence that has been shared. And if not, someone can disprove my claims and contradict what I write on YouTube says. And the Danish state, and the National Bank still do not know how Denmark should deal with a bank that is proven to be behind organized crime. And even after I had a meeting where I personally presented Jyske Bank's many offenses to Danske Nationalbank director Lars Rohde. Then I would strongly recommend, that the Danish Nationalbank itself addresses a direct inquiry to the European Central Bank, in order to get information on how the Danish state should deal with the banks that have repeatedly violated many laws and regulations. Here you can read what I write on the front page, remember that I am dyslexic and have no formal education, I am simply writing about my experiences with criminal Danish banks, and the corruption and cronyism in Denmark that prevent justice and are a subversive enterprise for a country that was supposed to be a rule of law. I have written in my diary since 2015-2016, and have written many times both to the Danish authorities and to Jyske Bank's boss CEO Anders Christian Dam. At no time has a single one of you wanted to talk to me, and no matter how much you want to cover up the crime the Danish bank Jyske Bank A/S is behind, I will fight just as hard to enter into a dialogue, not only with Jyske Bank A/S also with the Danish authorities who have chosen to cover up Jyske bank's crimes. If someone in the Danish State, government or authorities or perhaps Jyske Bank A/S would like to explain themselves, I would really like you to call Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup with not all of you, will cover up that Denmark has a problem with banks that refuse to comply with Danish legislation. Because you should all have red ears, the question is just how long you think you have it to help Jyske Bank with organized crime, without risking becoming an accomplice yourself. You can just talk to me, then I wouldn't have to write all the time. As I have repeatedly said and written, if I have made a mistake, I correct it and apologize. But if I am not mistaken, you all have a problem and it is Jyske Bank A/S and its board of directors, whether this bank has a future as a bank in Denmark. Regards Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup Soevej 5. 3100 Hornbaek. Denmark Mail. carsten.storbjerg@gmail.com Telephone. +4522227713 Frontpage in my diary today 11-08-2022. The President of the European Central Bank Christine Madeleine Odette Lagarde has been informed, that a Danish citizen has requested Denmark's national bank by bank directors Lars Rohde, Signe Krogstrup and Per Callesen for a meeting, where he can hand over the full documentation for Jyske Bank's organized crime. The customer wants to know if the National Bank and the Danish State by Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen still choose to continue cover Jyske Bank's many crimes, as using fraud, document forgery and bribery.FrontPage www.banknyt.dk 11-08-2022. This copy is specially made for. Denmarks Nationalbank Langelinie Allé 47 2100 Copenhagen Director Lars Rohde. The Danish Financial Supervisory Authority The Danish Financial Supervisor Authority Strandgade 29, 1401 Copenhagen Director Jesper Berg, who is also bank director for Nykredit. The Government and Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen. Prins Jørgens Gård 1. 1218 København. If some of you have something to add, maybe something you want to correct, or maybe you want to talk to me soon. For Denmark as a state has a problem when the state together with the authorities cover up criminal Danish banks. Since no Danish authority, no Danish politician, or some of the lawyers who have actually helped Jysje Bank with fraud, want to dialogue with me as a victim of the fraud Denmark's second largest bank has carried out, with several people together in association. Then I orient the European central bank, around the problem that Denmark has some problems with banks that violate the legislation in order to have permission to conduct banking business in Denmark, and that the state itself has not managed to get these banks like here Jyske Bank to comply laws and rules. When Denmark itself cannot keep track of the banks that, like Jyske Bank A/S, demonstrably do not comply with Danish legislation, and do not comply with the rules for having a license to conduct banking business in Denmark. And that the Danish State has also been informed that Jyske Bank has violated several more of the provisions of the Criminal Code, but has not managed to act on the information and evidence that has been shared. And if not, someone can disprove my claims and contradict what I write on YouTube says. And the Danish state, and the National Bank still do not know how Denmark should deal with a bank that is proven to be behind organized crime. And even after I had a meeting where I personally presented Jyske Bank's many offenses to Danske Nationalbank director Lars Rohde. Then I would strongly recommend, that the Danish Nationalbank itself addresses a direct inquiry to the European Central Bank, in order to get information on how the Danish state should deal with the banks that have repeatedly violated many laws and regulations. Here you can read what I write on the front page, remember that I am dyslexic and have no formal education, I am simply writing about my experiences with criminal Danish banks, and the corruption and cronyism in Denmark that prevent justice and are a subversive enterprise for a country that was supposed to be a rule of law. I have written in my diary since 2015-2016, and have written many times both to the Danish authorities and to Jyske Bank's boss CEO Anders Christian Dam. At no time has a single one of you wanted to talk to me, and no matter how much you want to cover up the crime the Danish bank Jyske Bank A/S is behind, I will fight just as hard to enter into a dialogue, not only with Jyske Bank A/S also with the Danish authorities who have chosen to cover up Jyske bank's crimes. If someone in the Danish State, government or authorities or perhaps Jyske Bank A/S would like to explain themselves, I would really like you to call Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup with not all of you, will cover up that Denmark has a problem with banks that refuse to comply with Danish legislation. Because you should all have red ears, the question is just how long you think you have it to help Jyske Bank with organized crime, without risking becoming an accomplice yourself. You can just talk to me, then I wouldn't have to write all the time. As I have repeatedly said and written, if I have made a mistake, I correct it and apologize. But if I am not mistaken, you all have a problem and it is Jyske Bank A/S and its board of directors, whether this bank has a future as a bank in Denmark. Regards Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup Soevej 5. 3100 Hornbaek. Denmark Mail. carsten.storbjerg@gmail.com Telephone. +4522227713 Frontpage in my diary today 11-08-2022. The President of the European Central Bank Christine Madeleine Odette Lagarde has been informed, that a Danish citizen has requested Denmark's national bank by bank directors Lars Rohde, Signe Krogstrup and Per Callesen for a meeting, where he can hand over the full documentation for Jyske Bank's organized crime. The customer wants to know if the National Bank and the Danish State by Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen still choose to continue cover Jyske Bank's many crimes, as using fraud, document forgery and bribery.FrontPage www.banknyt.dk 11-08-2022. This copy is specially made for. Denmarks Nationalbank Langelinie Allé 47 2100 Copenhagen Director Lars Rohde. The Danish Financial Supervisory Authority The Danish Financial Supervisor Authority Strandgade 29, 1401 Copenhagen Director Jesper Berg, who is also bank director for Nykredit. The Government and Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen. Prins Jørgens Gård 1. 1218 København. If some of you have something to add, maybe something you want to correct, or maybe you want to talk to me soon. For Denmark as a state has a problem when the state together with the authorities cover up criminal Danish banks. Since no Danish authority, no Danish politician, or some of the lawyers who have actually helped Jysje Bank with fraud, want to dialogue with me as a victim of the fraud Denmark's second largest bank has carried out, with several people together in association. Then I orient the European central bank, around the problem that Denmark has some problems with banks that violate the legislation in order to have permission to conduct banking business in Denmark, and that the state itself has not managed to get these banks like here Jyske Bank to comply laws and rules. When Denmark itself cannot keep track of the banks that, like Jyske Bank A/S, demonstrably do not comply with Danish legislation, and do not comply with the rules for having a license to conduct banking business in Denmark. And that the Danish State has also been informed that Jyske Bank has violated several more of the provisions of the Criminal Code, but has not managed to act on the information and evidence that has been shared. And if not, someone can disprove my claims and contradict what I write on YouTube says. And the Danish state, and the National Bank still do not know how Denmark should deal with a bank that is proven to be behind organized crime. And even after I had a meeting where I personally presented Jyske Bank's many offenses to Danske Nationalbank director Lars Rohde. Then I would strongly recommend, that the Danish Nationalbank itself addresses a direct inquiry to the European Central Bank, in order to get information on how the Danish state should deal with the banks that have repeatedly violated many laws and regulations. Here you can read what I write on the front page, remember that I am dyslexic and have no formal education, I am simply writing about my experiences with criminal Danish banks, and the corruption and cronyism in Denmark that prevent justice and are a subversive enterprise for a country that was supposed to be a rule of law. I have written in my diary since 2015-2016, and have written many times both to the Danish authorities and to Jyske Bank's boss CEO Anders Christian Dam. At no time has a single one of you wanted to talk to me, and no matter how much you want to cover up the crime the Danish bank Jyske Bank A/S is behind, I will fight just as hard to enter into a dialogue, not only with Jyske Bank A/S also with the Danish authorities who have chosen to cover up Jyske bank's crimes. If someone in the Danish State, government or authorities or perhaps Jyske Bank A/S would like to explain themselves, I would really like you to call Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup with not all of you, will cover up that Denmark has a problem with banks that refuse to comply with Danish legislation. Because you should all have red ears, the question is just how long you think you have it to help Jyske Bank with organized crime, without risking becoming an accomplice yourself. You can just talk to me, then I wouldn't have to write all the time. As I have repeatedly said and written, if I have made a mistake, I correct it and apologize. But if I am not mistaken, you all have a problem and it is Jyske Bank A/S and its board of directors, whether this bank has a future as a bank in Denmark. Regards Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup Soevej 5. 3100 Hornbaek. Denmark Mail. carsten.storbjerg@gmail.com Telephone. +4522227713 Frontpage in my diary today 11-08-2022. The President of the European Central Bank Christine Madeleine Odette Lagarde has been informed, that a Danish citizen has requested Denmark's national bank by bank directors Lars Rohde, Signe Krogstrup and Per Callesen for a meeting, where he can hand over the full documentation for Jyske Bank's organized crime. The customer wants to know if the National Bank and the Danish State by Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen still choose to continue cover Jyske Bank's many crimes, as using fraud, document forgery and bribery.FrontPage www.banknyt.dk 11-08-2022. This copy is specially made for. Denmarks Nationalbank Langelinie Allé 47 2100 Copenhagen Director Lars Rohde. The Danish Financial Supervisory Authority The Danish Financial Supervisor Authority Strandgade 29, 1401 Copenhagen Director Jesper Berg, who is also bank director for Nykredit. The Government and Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen. Prins Jørgens Gård 1. 1218 København. If some of you have something to add, maybe something you want to correct, or maybe you want to talk to me soon. For Denmark as a state has a problem when the state together with the authorities cover up criminal Danish banks. Since no Danish authority, no Danish politician, or some of the lawyers who have actually helped Jysje Bank with fraud, want to dialogue with me as a victim of the fraud Denmark's second largest bank has carried out, with several people together in association. Then I orient the European central bank, around the problem that Denmark has some problems with banks that violate the legislation in order to have permission to conduct banking business in Denmark, and that the state itself has not managed to get these banks like here Jyske Bank to comply laws and rules. When Denmark itself cannot keep track of the banks that, like Jyske Bank A/S, demonstrably do not comply with Danish legislation, and do not comply with the rules for having a license to conduct banking business in Denmark. And that the Danish State has also been informed that Jyske Bank has violated several more of the provisions of the Criminal Code, but has not managed to act on the information and evidence that has been shared. And if not, someone can disprove my claims and contradict what I write on YouTube says. And the Danish state, and the National Bank still do not know how Denmark should deal with a bank that is proven to be behind organized crime. And even after I had a meeting where I personally presented Jyske Bank's many offenses to Danske Nationalbank director Lars Rohde. Then I would strongly recommend, that the Danish Nationalbank itself addresses a direct inquiry to the European Central Bank, in order to get information on how the Danish state should deal with the banks that have repeatedly violated many laws and regulations. Here you can read what I write on the front page, remember that I am dyslexic and have no formal education, I am simply writing about my experiences with criminal Danish banks, and the corruption and cronyism in Denmark that prevent justice and are a subversive enterprise for a country that was supposed to be a rule of law. I have written in my diary since 2015-2016, and have written many times both to the Danish authorities and to Jyske Bank's boss CEO Anders Christian Dam. At no time has a single one of you wanted to talk to me, and no matter how much you want to cover up the crime the Danish bank Jyske Bank A/S is behind, I will fight just as hard to enter into a dialogue, not only with Jyske Bank A/S also with the Danish authorities who have chosen to cover up Jyske bank's crimes. If someone in the Danish State, government or authorities or perhaps Jyske Bank A/S would like to explain themselves, I would really like you to call Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup with not all of you, will cover up that Denmark has a problem with banks that refuse to comply with Danish legislation. Because you should all have red ears, the question is just how long you think you have it to help Jyske Bank with organized crime, without risking becoming an accomplice yourself. You can just talk to me, then I wouldn't have to write all the time. As I have repeatedly said and written, if I have made a mistake, I correct it and apologize. But if I am not mistaken, you all have a problem and it is Jyske Bank A/S and its board of directors, whether this bank has a future as a bank in Denmark. Regards Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup Soevej 5. 3100 Hornbaek. Denmark Mail. carsten.storbjerg@gmail.com Telephone. +4522227713 Frontpage in my diary today 11-08-2022. The President of the European Central Bank Christine Madeleine Odette Lagarde has been informed, that a Danish citizen has requested Denmark's national bank by bank directors Lars Rohde, Signe Krogstrup and Per Callesen for a meeting, where he can hand over the full documentation for Jyske Bank's organized crime. The customer wants to know if the National Bank and the Danish State by Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen still choose to continue cover Jyske Bank's many crimes, as using fraud, document forgery and bribery.FrontPage www.banknyt.dk 11-08-2022. This copy is specially made for. Denmarks Nationalbank Langelinie Allé 47 2100 Copenhagen Director Lars Rohde. The Danish Financial Supervisory Authority The Danish Financial Supervisor Authority Strandgade 29, 1401 Copenhagen Director Jesper Berg, who is also bank director for Nykredit. The Government and Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen. Prins Jørgens Gård 1. 1218 København. If some of you have something to add, maybe something you want to correct, or maybe you want to talk to me soon. For Denmark as a state has a problem when the state together with the authorities cover up criminal Danish banks. Since no Danish authority, no Danish politician, or some of the lawyers who have actually helped Jysje Bank with fraud, want to dialogue with me as a victim of the fraud Denmark's second largest bank has carried out, with several people together in association. Then I orient the European central bank, around the problem that Denmark has some problems with banks that violate the legislation in order to have permission to conduct banking business in Denmark, and that the state itself has not managed to get these banks like here Jyske Bank to comply laws and rules. When Denmark itself cannot keep track of the banks that, like Jyske Bank A/S, demonstrably do not comply with Danish legislation, and do not comply with the rules for having a license to conduct banking business in Denmark. And that the Danish State has also been informed that Jyske Bank has violated several more of the provisions of the Criminal Code, but has not managed to act on the information and evidence that has been shared. And if not, someone can disprove my claims and contradict what I write on YouTube says. And the Danish state, and the National Bank still do not know how Denmark should deal with a bank that is proven to be behind organized crime. And even after I had a meeting where I personally presented Jyske Bank's many offenses to Danske Nationalbank director Lars Rohde. Then I would strongly recommend, that the Danish Nationalbank itself addresses a direct inquiry to the European Central Bank, in order to get information on how the Danish state should deal with the banks that have repeatedly violated many laws and regulations. Here you can read what I write on the front page, remember that I am dyslexic and have no formal education, I am simply writing about my experiences with criminal Danish banks, and the corruption and cronyism in Denmark that prevent justice and are a subversive enterprise for a country that was supposed to be a rule of law. I have written in my diary since 2015-2016, and have written many times both to the Danish authorities and to Jyske Bank's boss CEO Anders Christian Dam. At no time has a single one of you wanted to talk to me, and no matter how much you want to cover up the crime the Danish bank Jyske Bank A/S is behind, I will fight just as hard to enter into a dialogue, not only with Jyske Bank A/S also with the Danish authorities who have chosen to cover up Jyske bank's crimes. If someone in the Danish State, government or authorities or perhaps Jyske Bank A/S would like to explain themselves, I would really like you to call Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup with not all of you, will cover up that Denmark has a problem with banks that refuse to comply with Danish legislation. Because you should all have red ears, the question is just how long you think you have it to help Jyske Bank with organized crime, without risking becoming an accomplice yourself. You can just talk to me, then I wouldn't have to write all the time. As I have repeatedly said and written, if I have made a mistake, I correct it and apologize. But if I am not mistaken, you all have a problem and it is Jyske Bank A/S and its board of directors, whether this bank has a future as a bank in Denmark. Regards Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup Soevej 5. 3100 Hornbaek. Denmark Mail. carsten.storbjerg@gmail.com Telephone. +4522227713 Frontpage in my diary today 11-08-2022. The President of the European Central Bank Christine Madeleine Odette Lagarde has been informed, that a Danish citizen has requested Denmark's national bank by bank directors Lars Rohde, Signe Krogstrup and Per Callesen for a meeting, where he can hand over the full documentation for Jyske Bank's organized crime. The customer wants to know if the National Bank and the Danish State by Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen still choose to continue cover Jyske Bank's many crimes, as using fraud, document forgery and bribery.FrontPage www.banknyt.dk 11-08-2022. This copy is specially made for. Denmarks Nationalbank Langelinie Allé 47 2100 Copenhagen Director Lars Rohde. The Danish Financial Supervisory Authority The Danish Financial Supervisor Authority Strandgade 29, 1401 Copenhagen Director Jesper Berg, who is also bank director for Nykredit. The Government and Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen. Prins Jørgens Gård 1. 1218 København. If some of you have something to add, maybe something you want to correct, or maybe you want to talk to me soon. For Denmark as a state has a problem when the state together with the authorities cover up criminal Danish banks. Since no Danish authority, no Danish politician, or some of the lawyers who have actually helped Jysje Bank with fraud, want to dialogue with me as a victim of the fraud Denmark's second largest bank has carried out, with several people together in association. Then I orient the European central bank, around the problem that Denmark has some problems with banks that violate the legislation in order to have permission to conduct banking business in Denmark, and that the state itself has not managed to get these banks like here Jyske Bank to comply laws and rules. When Denmark itself cannot keep track of the banks that, like Jyske Bank A/S, demonstrably do not comply with Danish legislation, and do not comply with the rules for having a license to conduct banking business in Denmark. And that the Danish State has also been informed that Jyske Bank has violated several more of the provisions of the Criminal Code, but has not managed to act on the information and evidence that has been shared. And if not, someone can disprove my claims and contradict what I write on YouTube says. And the Danish state, and the National Bank still do not know how Denmark should deal with a bank that is proven to be behind organized crime. And even after I had a meeting where I personally presented Jyske Bank's many offenses to Danske Nationalbank director Lars Rohde. Then I would strongly recommend, that the Danish Nationalbank itself addresses a direct inquiry to the European Central Bank, in order to get information on how the Danish state should deal with the banks that have repeatedly violated many laws and regulations. Here you can read what I write on the front page, remember that I am dyslexic and have no formal education, I am simply writing about my experiences with criminal Danish banks, and the corruption and cronyism in Denmark that prevent justice and are a subversive enterprise for a country that was supposed to be a rule of law. I have written in my diary since 2015-2016, and have written many times both to the Danish authorities and to Jyske Bank's boss CEO Anders Christian Dam. At no time has a single one of you wanted to talk to me, and no matter how much you want to cover up the crime the Danish bank Jyske Bank A/S is behind, I will fight just as hard to enter into a dialogue, not only with Jyske Bank A/S also with the Danish authorities who have chosen to cover up Jyske bank's crimes. If someone in the Danish State, government or authorities or perhaps Jyske Bank A/S would like to explain themselves, I would really like you to call Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup with not all of you, will cover up that Denmark has a problem with banks that refuse to comply with Danish legislation. Because you should all have red ears, the question is just how long you think you have it to help Jyske Bank with organized crime, without risking becoming an accomplice yourself. You can just talk to me, then I wouldn't have to write all the time. As I have repeatedly said and written, if I have made a mistake, I correct it and apologize. But if I am not mistaken, you all have a problem and it is Jyske Bank A/S and its board of directors, whether this bank has a future as a bank in Denmark. Regards Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup Soevej 5. 3100 Hornbaek. Denmark Mail. carsten.storbjerg@gmail.com Telephone. +4522227713 Frontpage in my diary today 11-08-2022. The President of the European Central Bank Christine Madeleine Odette Lagarde has been informed, that a Danish citizen has requested Denmark's national bank by bank directors Lars Rohde, Signe Krogstrup and Per Callesen for a meeting, where he can hand over the full documentation for Jyske Bank's organized crime. The customer wants to know if the National Bank and the Danish State by Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen still choose to continue cover Jyske Bank's many crimes, as using fraud, document forgery and bribery.FrontPage www.banknyt.dk 11-08-2022. This copy is specially made for. Denmarks Nationalbank Langelinie Allé 47 2100 Copenhagen Director Lars Rohde. The Danish Financial Supervisory Authority The Danish Financial Supervisor Authority Strandgade 29, 1401 Copenhagen Director Jesper Berg, who is also bank director for Nykredit. The Government and Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen. Prins Jørgens Gård 1. 1218 København. If some of you have something to add, maybe something you want to correct, or maybe you want to talk to me soon. For Denmark as a state has a problem when the state together with the authorities cover up criminal Danish banks. Since no Danish authority, no Danish politician, or some of the lawyers who have actually helped Jysje Bank with fraud, want to dialogue with me as a victim of the fraud Denmark's second largest bank has carried out, with several people together in association. Then I orient the European central bank, around the problem that Denmark has some problems with banks that violate the legislation in order to have permission to conduct banking business in Denmark, and that the state itself has not managed to get these banks like here Jyske Bank to comply laws and rules. When Denmark itself cannot keep track of the banks that, like Jyske Bank A/S, demonstrably do not comply with Danish legislation, and do not comply with the rules for having a license to conduct banking business in Denmark. And that the Danish State has also been informed that Jyske Bank has violated several more of the provisions of the Criminal Code, but has not managed to act on the information and evidence that has been shared. And if not, someone can disprove my claims and contradict what I write on YouTube says. And the Danish state, and the National Bank still do not know how Denmark should deal with a bank that is proven to be behind organized crime. And even after I had a meeting where I personally presented Jyske Bank's many offenses to Danske Nationalbank director Lars Rohde. Then I would strongly recommend, that the Danish Nationalbank itself addresses a direct inquiry to the European Central Bank, in order to get information on how the Danish state should deal with the banks that have repeatedly violated many laws and regulations. Here you can read what I write on the front page, remember that I am dyslexic and have no formal education, I am simply writing about my experiences with criminal Danish banks, and the corruption and cronyism in Denmark that prevent justice and are a subversive enterprise for a country that was supposed to be a rule of law. I have written in my diary since 2015-2016, and have written many times both to the Danish authorities and to Jyske Bank's boss CEO Anders Christian Dam. At no time has a single one of you wanted to talk to me, and no matter how much you want to cover up the crime the Danish bank Jyske Bank A/S is behind, I will fight just as hard to enter into a dialogue, not only with Jyske Bank A/S also with the Danish authorities who have chosen to cover up Jyske bank's crimes. If someone in the Danish State, government or authorities or perhaps Jyske Bank A/S would like to explain themselves, I would really like you to call Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup with not all of you, will cover up that Denmark has a problem with banks that refuse to comply with Danish legislation. Because you should all have red ears, the question is just how long you think you have it to help Jyske Bank with organized crime, without risking becoming an accomplice yourself. You can just talk to me, then I wouldn't have to write all the time. As I have repeatedly said and written, if I have made a mistake, I correct it and apologize. But if I am not mistaken, you all have a problem and it is Jyske Bank A/S and its board of directors, whether this bank has a future as a bank in Denmark. Regards Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup Soevej 5. 3100 Hornbaek. Denmark Mail. carsten.storbjerg@gmail.com Telephone. +4522227713 Frontpage in my diary today 11-08-2022. The President of the European Central Bank Christine Madeleine Odette Lagarde has been informed, that a Danish citizen has requested Denmark's national bank by bank directors Lars Rohde, Signe Krogstrup and Per Callesen for a meeting, where he can hand over the full documentation for Jyske Bank's organized crime. The customer wants to know if the National Bank and the Danish State by Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen still choose to continue cover Jyske Bank's many crimes, as using fraud, document forgery and bribery.FrontPage www.banknyt.dk 11-08-2022. This copy is specially made for. Denmarks Nationalbank Langelinie Allé 47 2100 Copenhagen Director Lars Rohde. The Danish Financial Supervisory Authority The Danish Financial Supervisor Authority Strandgade 29, 1401 Copenhagen Director Jesper Berg, who is also bank director for Nykredit. The Government and Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen. Prins Jørgens Gård 1. 1218 København. If some of you have something to add, maybe something you want to correct, or maybe you want to talk to me soon. For Denmark as a state has a problem when the state together with the authorities cover up criminal Danish banks. Since no Danish authority, no Danish politician, or some of the lawyers who have actually helped Jysje Bank with fraud, want to dialogue with me as a victim of the fraud Denmark's second largest bank has carried out, with several people together in association. Then I orient the European central bank, around the problem that Denmark has some problems with banks that violate the legislation in order to have permission to conduct banking business in Denmark, and that the state itself has not managed to get these banks like here Jyske Bank to comply laws and rules. When Denmark itself cannot keep track of the banks that, like Jyske Bank A/S, demonstrably do not comply with Danish legislation, and do not comply with the rules for having a license to conduct banking business in Denmark. And that the Danish State has also been informed that Jyske Bank has violated several more of the provisions of the Criminal Code, but has not managed to act on the information and evidence that has been shared. And if not, someone can disprove my claims and contradict what I write on YouTube says. And the Danish state, and the National Bank still do not know how Denmark should deal with a bank that is proven to be behind organized crime. And even after I had a meeting where I personally presented Jyske Bank's many offenses to Danske Nationalbank director Lars Rohde. Then I would strongly recommend, that the Danish Nationalbank itself addresses a direct inquiry to the European Central Bank, in order to get information on how the Danish state should deal with the banks that have repeatedly violated many laws and regulations. Here you can read what I write on the front page, remember that I am dyslexic and have no formal education, I am simply writing about my experiences with criminal Danish banks, and the corruption and cronyism in Denmark that prevent justice and are a subversive enterprise for a country that was supposed to be a rule of law. I have written in my diary since 2015-2016, and have written many times both to the Danish authorities and to Jyske Bank's boss CEO Anders Christian Dam. At no time has a single one of you wanted to talk to me, and no matter how much you want to cover up the crime the Danish bank Jyske Bank A/S is behind, I will fight just as hard to enter into a dialogue, not only with Jyske Bank A/S also with the Danish authorities who have chosen to cover up Jyske bank's crimes. If someone in the Danish State, government or authorities or perhaps Jyske Bank A/S would like to explain themselves, I would really like you to call Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup with not all of you, will cover up that Denmark has a problem with banks that refuse to comply with Danish legislation. Because you should all have red ears, the question is just how long you think you have it to help Jyske Bank with organized crime, without risking becoming an accomplice yourself. You can just talk to me, then I wouldn't have to write all the time. As I have repeatedly said and written, if I have made a mistake, I correct it and apologize. But if I am not mistaken, you all have a problem and it is Jyske Bank A/S and its board of directors, whether this bank has a future as a bank in Denmark. Regards Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup Soevej 5. 3100 Hornbaek. Denmark Mail. carsten.storbjerg@gmail.com Telephone. +4522227713 Frontpage in my diary today 11-08-2022. The President of the European Central Bank Christine Madeleine Odette Lagarde has been informed, that a Danish citizen has requested Denmark's national bank by bank directors Lars Rohde, Signe Krogstrup and Per Callesen for a meeting, where he can hand over the full documentation for Jyske Bank's organized crime. The customer wants to know if the National Bank and the Danish State by Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen still choose to continue cover Jyske Bank's many crimes, as using fraud, document forgery and bribery.FrontPage www.banknyt.dk 11-08-2022. This copy is specially made for. Denmarks Nationalbank Langelinie Allé 47 2100 Copenhagen Director Lars Rohde. The Danish Financial Supervisory Authority The Danish Financial Supervisor Authority Strandgade 29, 1401 Copenhagen Director Jesper Berg, who is also bank director for Nykredit. The Government and Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen. Prins Jørgens Gård 1. 1218 København. If some of you have something to add, maybe something you want to correct, or maybe you want to talk to me soon. For Denmark as a state has a problem when the state together with the authorities cover up criminal Danish banks. Since no Danish authority, no Danish politician, or some of the lawyers who have actually helped Jysje Bank with fraud, want to dialogue with me as a victim of the fraud Denmark's second largest bank has carried out, with several people together in association. Then I orient the European central bank, around the problem that Denmark has some problems with banks that violate the legislation in order to have permission to conduct banking business in Denmark, and that the state itself has not managed to get these banks like here Jyske Bank to comply laws and rules. When Denmark itself cannot keep track of the banks that, like Jyske Bank A/S, demonstrably do not comply with Danish legislation, and do not comply with the rules for having a license to conduct banking business in Denmark. And that the Danish State has also been informed that Jyske Bank has violated several more of the provisions of the Criminal Code, but has not managed to act on the information and evidence that has been shared. And if not, someone can disprove my claims and contradict what I write on YouTube says. And the Danish state, and the National Bank still do not know how Denmark should deal with a bank that is proven to be behind organized crime. And even after I had a meeting where I personally presented Jyske Bank's many offenses to Danske Nationalbank director Lars Rohde. Then I would strongly recommend, that the Danish Nationalbank itself addresses a direct inquiry to the European Central Bank, in order to get information on how the Danish state should deal with the banks that have repeatedly violated many laws and regulations. Here you can read what I write on the front page, remember that I am dyslexic and have no formal education, I am simply writing about my experiences with criminal Danish banks, and the corruption and cronyism in Denmark that prevent justice and are a subversive enterprise for a country that was supposed to be a rule of law. I have written in my diary since 2015-2016, and have written many times both to the Danish authorities and to Jyske Bank's boss CEO Anders Christian Dam. At no time has a single one of you wanted to talk to me, and no matter how much you want to cover up the crime the Danish bank Jyske Bank A/S is behind, I will fight just as hard to enter into a dialogue, not only with Jyske Bank A/S also with the Danish authorities who have chosen to cover up Jyske bank's crimes. If someone in the Danish State, government or authorities or perhaps Jyske Bank A/S would like to explain themselves, I would really like you to call Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup with not all of you, will cover up that Denmark has a problem with banks that refuse to comply with Danish legislation. Because you should all have red ears, the question is just how long you think you have it to help Jyske Bank with organized crime, without risking becoming an accomplice yourself. You can just talk to me, then I wouldn't have to write all the time. As I have repeatedly said and written, if I have made a mistake, I correct it and apologize. But if I am not mistaken, you all have a problem and it is Jyske Bank A/S and its board of directors, whether this bank has a future as a bank in Denmark. Regards Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup Soevej 5. 3100 Hornbaek. Denmark Mail. carsten.storbjerg@gmail.com Telephone. +4522227713 Frontpage in my diary today 11-08-2022. The President of the European Central Bank Christine Madeleine Odette Lagarde has been informed, that a Danish citizen has requested Denmark's national bank by bank directors Lars Rohde, Signe Krogstrup and Per Callesen for a meeting, where he can hand over the full documentation for Jyske Bank's organized crime. The customer wants to know if the National Bank and the Danish State by Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen still choose to continue cover Jyske Bank's many crimes, as using fraud, document forgery and bribery.COMPETITION FOR 45,000 DANISH KRONER FOR YOU WHO CAN DISPROVE, THAT JYSKE BANK IS A CRIMINAL ORGANIZATION, WHICH THE DANISH STATE AND GOVERNMENT COVER UP. IT IS WHAT IS WRITTEN ON THE JYSKE BANK CAR. THE CARS. 30. juni 2022 | Ingen kommentarer Updated 7 August 2022. 11.55 p.m. with special offer too Denmark’s Nationalbank’s top management, gets 20% extra to disprove that Jyske Banks has not committed any violations of Denmark’s laws and regulations, especially the laws described in the Criminal Code. Link to copy of the page in a word document, corrected 07-08-2022. About the competition this side English. and here comes the competition Danish. Copy of Facebook post. Take part in this competition for free and win up to DKK 54,000. you really only have to disprove that Jyske Bank is a criminal organization, supported by the Danish state and government. In other words, disprove what is written on the Jyske Bank car. HERE is a link to one of the other many places the competition, is shared, and to show a couple LINK’S. there is also help for customers to find the right employee in Jyske Bank, these postings are in Danish. Find employee the employee in Jyske Bank whom you want to ask, if these people also thought this was a JOKE, as one employee said in the interview Recording, Jyske Bank’s position is clear, VI. In other words, Jyske Bank takes the Jyske Banking car, as if it were just a JOKE. Free competition, everyone can participate. ( in Danish below. https://youtu.be/40nVwMSuN8M and in this video.) Win up to 45,000 dkk. You just have to disprove that Jyske Bank is behind organized crime, which is done with the intention of deceiving their customers, as I have written on the homepage banknyt dkCOMPETITION FOR 45,000 DANISH KRONER FOR YOU WHO CAN DISPROVE, THAT JYSKE BANK IS A CRIMINAL ORGANIZATION, WHICH THE DANISH STATE AND GOVERNMENT COVER UP. IT IS WHAT IS WRITTEN ON THE JYSKE BANK CAR. THE CARS. 30. juni 2022 | Ingen kommentarer Updated 7 August 2022. 11.55 p.m. with special offer too Denmark’s Nationalbank’s top management, gets 20% extra to disprove that Jyske Banks has not committed any violations of Denmark’s laws and regulations, especially the laws described in the Criminal Code. Link to copy of the page in a word document, corrected 07-08-2022. About the competition this side English. and here comes the competition Danish. Copy of Facebook post. Take part in this competition for free and win up to DKK 54,000. you really only have to disprove that Jyske Bank is a criminal organization, supported by the Danish state and government. In other words, disprove what is written on the Jyske Bank car. HERE is a link to one of the other many places the competition, is shared, and to show a couple LINK’S. there is also help for customers to find the right employee in Jyske Bank, these postings are in Danish. Find employee the employee in Jyske Bank whom you want to ask, if these people also thought this was a JOKE, as one employee said in the interview Recording, Jyske Bank’s position is clear, VI. In other words, Jyske Bank takes the Jyske Banking car, as if it were just a JOKE. Free competition, everyone can participate. ( in Danish below. https://youtu.be/40nVwMSuN8M and in this video.) Win up to 45,000 dkk. You just have to disprove that Jyske Bank is behind organized crime, which is done with the intention of deceiving their customers, as I have written on the homepage banknyt dkCOMPETITION FOR 45,000 DANISH KRONER FOR YOU WHO CAN DISPROVE, THAT JYSKE BANK IS A CRIMINAL ORGANIZATION, WHICH THE DANISH STATE AND GOVERNMENT COVER UP. IT IS WHAT IS WRITTEN ON THE JYSKE BANK CAR. THE CARS. 30. juni 2022 | Ingen kommentarer Updated 7 August 2022. 11.55 p.m. with special offer too Denmark’s Nationalbank’s top management, gets 20% extra to disprove that Jyske Banks has not committed any violations of Denmark’s laws and regulations, especially the laws described in the Criminal Code. Link to copy of the page in a word document, corrected 07-08-2022. About the competition this side English. and here comes the competition Danish. Copy of Facebook post. Take part in this competition for free and win up to DKK 54,000. you really only have to disprove that Jyske Bank is a criminal organization, supported by the Danish state and government. In other words, disprove what is written on the Jyske Bank car. HERE is a link to one of the other many places the competition, is shared, and to show a couple LINK’S. there is also help for customers to find the right employee in Jyske Bank, these postings are in Danish. Find employee the employee in Jyske Bank whom you want to ask, if these people also thought this was a JOKE, as one employee said in the interview Recording, Jyske Bank’s position is clear, VI. In other words, Jyske Bank takes the Jyske Banking car, as if it were just a JOKE. Free competition, everyone can participate. ( in Danish below. https://youtu.be/40nVwMSuN8M and in this video.) Win up to 45,000 dkk. You just have to disprove that Jyske Bank is behind organized crime, which is done with the intention of deceiving their customers, as I have written on the homepage banknyt dkLa présidente de la Banque centrale européenne, Christine Madeleine Odette Lagarde, a été informée qu’un citoyen danois a demandé à la banque nationale du Danemark, par les directeurs de banque Lars Rohde, Signe Krogstrup et Per Callesen, une réunion au cours de laquelle il pourra remettre la documentation complète de Jyske Bank. crime organisé. Le client veut savoir si la Banque nationale et l’État danois par le Premier ministre Mette Frederiksen choisissent toujours de continuer à couvrir les nombreux crimes de Jyske Bank, comme l’utilisation de la fraude, la falsification de documents et la corruption. How does the European Central Bank respond to information, that the Danish state and the government have politically, together with Denmark’s Narionalbank, opposed and covered up for years, that Denmark’s second largest bank, Jyske Bank A/S is behind organized crime against the bank’s customers, by using fraud, forgery and bribery in some of the bank’s Jyske Bank’s business methods.La présidente de la Banque centrale européenne, Christine Madeleine Odette Lagarde, a été informée qu’un citoyen danois a demandé à la banque nationale du Danemark, par les directeurs de banque Lars Rohde, Signe Krogstrup et Per Callesen, une réunion au cours de laquelle il pourra remettre la documentation complète de Jyske Bank. crime organisé. Le client veut savoir si la Banque nationale et l’État danois par le Premier ministre Mette Frederiksen choisissent toujours de continuer à couvrir les nombreux crimes de Jyske Bank, comme l’utilisation de la fraude, la falsification de documents et la corruption. How does the European Central Bank respond to information, that the Danish state and the government have politically, together with Denmark’s Narionalbank, opposed and covered up for years, that Denmark’s second largest bank, Jyske Bank A/S is behind organized crime against the bank’s customers, by using fraud, forgery and bribery in some of the bank’s Jyske Bank’s business methods.La présidente de la Banque centrale européenne, Christine Madeleine Odette Lagarde, a été informée qu’un citoyen danois a demandé à la banque nationale du Danemark, par les directeurs de banque Lars Rohde, Signe Krogstrup et Per Callesen, une réunion au cours de laquelle il pourra remettre la documentation complète de Jyske Bank. crime organisé. Le client veut savoir si la Banque nationale et l’État danois par le Premier ministre Mette Frederiksen choisissent toujours de continuer à couvrir les nombreux crimes de Jyske Bank, comme l’utilisation de la fraude, la falsification de documents et la corruption. How does the European Central Bank respond to information, that the Danish state and the government have politically, together with Denmark’s Narionalbank, opposed and covered up for years, that Denmark’s second largest bank, Jyske Bank A/S is behind organized crime against the bank’s customers, by using fraud, forgery and bribery in some of the bank’s Jyske Bank’s business methods.La présidente de la Banque centrale européenne, Christine Madeleine Odette Lagarde, a été informée qu’un citoyen danois a demandé à la banque nationale du Danemark, par les directeurs de banque Lars Rohde, Signe Krogstrup et Per Callesen, une réunion au cours de laquelle il pourra remettre la documentation complète de Jyske Bank. crime organisé. Le client veut savoir si la Banque nationale et l’État danois par le Premier ministre Mette Frederiksen choisissent toujours de continuer à couvrir les nombreux crimes de Jyske Bank, comme l’utilisation de la fraude, la falsification de documents et la corruption. How does the European Central Bank respond to information, that the Danish state and the government have politically, together with Denmark’s Narionalbank, opposed and covered up for years, that Denmark’s second largest bank, Jyske Bank A/S is behind organized crime against the bank’s customers, by using fraud, forgery and bribery in some of the bank’s Jyske Bank’s business methods.La présidente de la Banque centrale européenne, Christine Madeleine Odette Lagarde, a été informée qu’un citoyen danois a demandé à la banque nationale du Danemark, par les directeurs de banque Lars Rohde, Signe Krogstrup et Per Callesen, une réunion au cours de laquelle il pourra remettre la documentation complète de Jyske Bank. crime organisé. Le client veut savoir si la Banque nationale et l’État danois par le Premier ministre Mette Frederiksen choisissent toujours de continuer à couvrir les nombreux crimes de Jyske Bank, comme l’utilisation de la fraude, la falsification de documents et la corruption. How does the European Central Bank respond to information, that the Danish state and the government have politically, together with Denmark’s Narionalbank, opposed and covered up for years, that Denmark’s second largest bank, Jyske Bank A/S is behind organized crime against the bank’s customers, by using fraud, forgery and bribery in some of the bank’s Jyske Bank’s business methods.La présidente de la Banque centrale européenne, Christine Madeleine Odette Lagarde, a été informée qu’un citoyen danois a demandé à la banque nationale du Danemark, par les directeurs de banque Lars Rohde, Signe Krogstrup et Per Callesen, une réunion au cours de laquelle il pourra remettre la documentation complète de Jyske Bank. crime organisé. Le client veut savoir si la Banque nationale et l’État danois par le Premier ministre Mette Frederiksen choisissent toujours de continuer à couvrir les nombreux crimes de Jyske Bank, comme l’utilisation de la fraude, la falsification de documents et la corruption. How does the European Central Bank respond to information, that the Danish state and the government have politically, together with Denmark’s Narionalbank, opposed and covered up for years, that Denmark’s second largest bank, Jyske Bank A/S is behind organized crime against the bank’s customers, by using fraud, forgery and bribery in some of the bank’s Jyske Bank’s business methods.La présidente de la Banque centrale européenne, Christine Madeleine Odette Lagarde, a été informée qu’un citoyen danois a demandé à la banque nationale du Danemark, par les directeurs de banque Lars Rohde, Signe Krogstrup et Per Callesen, une réunion au cours de laquelle il pourra remettre la documentation complète de Jyske Bank. crime organisé. Le client veut savoir si la Banque nationale et l’État danois par le Premier ministre Mette Frederiksen choisissent toujours de continuer à couvrir les nombreux crimes de Jyske Bank, comme l’utilisation de la fraude, la falsification de documents et la corruption. How does the European Central Bank respond to information, that the Danish state and the government have politically, together with Denmark’s Narionalbank, opposed and covered up for years, that Denmark’s second largest bank, Jyske Bank A/S is behind organized crime against the bank’s customers, by using fraud, forgery and bribery in some of the bank’s Jyske Bank’s business methods.La présidente de la Banque centrale européenne, Christine Madeleine Odette Lagarde, a été informée qu’un citoyen danois a demandé à la banque nationale du Danemark, par les directeurs de banque Lars Rohde, Signe Krogstrup et Per Callesen, une réunion au cours de laquelle il pourra remettre la documentation complète de Jyske Bank. crime organisé. Le client veut savoir si la Banque nationale et l’État danois par le Premier ministre Mette Frederiksen choisissent toujours de continuer à couvrir les nombreux crimes de Jyske Bank, comme l’utilisation de la fraude, la falsification de documents et la corruption. How does the European Central Bank respond to information, that the Danish state and the government have politically, together with Denmark’s Narionalbank, opposed and covered up for years, that Denmark’s second largest bank, Jyske Bank A/S is behind organized crime against the bank’s customers, by using fraud, forgery and bribery in some of the bank’s Jyske Bank’s business methods.La présidente de la Banque centrale européenne, Christine Madeleine Odette Lagarde, a été informée qu’un citoyen danois a demandé à la banque nationale du Danemark, par les directeurs de banque Lars Rohde, Signe Krogstrup et Per Callesen, une réunion au cours de laquelle il pourra remettre la documentation complète de Jyske Bank. crime organisé. Le client veut savoir si la Banque nationale et l’État danois par le Premier ministre Mette Frederiksen choisissent toujours de continuer à couvrir les nombreux crimes de Jyske Bank, comme l’utilisation de la fraude, la falsification de documents et la corruption. How does the European Central Bank respond to information, that the Danish state and the government have politically, together with Denmark’s Narionalbank, opposed and covered up for years, that Denmark’s second largest bank, Jyske Bank A/S is behind organized crime against the bank’s customers, by using fraud, forgery and bribery in some of the bank’s Jyske Bank’s business methods.Und noch ein paar mehr, und das ist meine Schimpftirade gegen die Korruption in Dänemark. Dänische Nationalbank 04-08-2022. Langelinie Allé 47 2100 København Ø Telefon: +45 33 63 63 63 Email: kommunikation@nationalbanken.dk Post an die Nationalbank von Dänemark. Att. Nationalbank direktor Lars Rohde. Ich habe mehrere E-Mails an die Dänische Nationalbank gesendet, diese E-Mail ist direkt an den Direktor der Bank, Lars Rohed, adressiert. Mein Antrag auf Überprüfung meiner Beweise gegen Jyske Banks A/S wegen Straftat. Meine Empfehlung lautet, die Jyske Bank A/S einer verstärkten Aufsicht zu unterstellen, bis meine Vorwürfe gegen die Jyske Bank A/S wegen zahlreicher Rechtsverstöße überprüft wurden. Und wenn ich nur in einem kleinen Teil meiner Forderungen Recht habe, erfüllt die Jyske Bank A/S nicht die Vorschriften der Finanzaufsichtsbehörde, um eine Lizenz zum Betreiben von Bankgeschäften in Dänemark aufrechterhalten zu können. Da meine Anfrage an Bankdirektor Lars Rohde von gesellschaftlichem Interesse ist und den dänischen Staat und die dänischen Institutionen betrifft, kann ich darauf vertrauen, dass die Jyske Bank den dänischen Staat nicht denselben Dingen aussetzen wird, denen die Jyske Bank mich und mein Unternehmen ausgesetzt hat. Daher muss ich ein Treffen mit der dänischen Nationalbank beantragen, bei dem ich meine Beweise vorlegen werde, dass die Jyske Bank A/S hinter organisierter Kriminalität nach dänischem Recht steht, d. Die Dänische Nationalbank wird gebeten, vor dem Treffen zu prüfen, was ich schreibe und auf www.banknyt.dk geöffnet habe, und wenn Bankdirektor Lars Rohde Fragen zu meinen Unterlagen hat, bitte ich um Kommentare und Fragen innerhalb von 3 Wochen ab dem Datum bis Tag, damit ich eventuelle Fragen vor einem Treffen beantworten kann. Im Zusammenhang mit diesem gewünschten Treffen und nachdem ich die Möglichkeit habe, die kriminellen Handlungen, hinter denen die Jyske Bank A/S steht, vorzustellen und zu beschreiben, werde ich unter Bezugnahme auf meine Beweise und die Bestimmungen des Strafgesetzbuchs um eine direkte Antwort bitten zu jedem meiner Ansprüche. Mit anderen Worten, die Dänische Nationalbank unterschreibt, ob es illegal ist oder nicht. Dass eine dänische Bank Dokumente nach der Unterzeichnung korrigiert. Dass eine dänische Bank verfallene / abgelaufene Dokumente verwendet, um Schulden anzumelden, die nicht existieren. Dass eine dänische Bank ihren Zugang zum Grundbuchgericht missbraucht und Hypotheken gegen die Anweisung des Kunden löscht, wovon das beigefügte Dokument beweist, dass die Jyske Bank dahintersteckt. Dass eine dänische Bank wie die Jyske Bank die Anwälte eines Kunden kauft, damit diese Anwälte die Vorwürfe des Kunden nicht gegen die Jyske Bank vorbringen dürfen. Dass eine dänische Bank bereit ist, ihre Anwälte zu bezahlen, um vor Gericht falsche Angaben zu machen, um in rechtlichen Angelegenheiten zu enttäuschen..Jyske Bank bilen ved JyskeUnd noch ein paar mehr, und das ist meine Schimpftirade gegen die Korruption in Dänemark. Dänische Nationalbank 04-08-2022. Langelinie Allé 47 2100 København Ø Telefon: +45 33 63 63 63 Email: kommunikation@nationalbanken.dk Post an die Nationalbank von Dänemark. Att. Nationalbank direktor Lars Rohde. Ich habe mehrere E-Mails an die Dänische Nationalbank gesendet, diese E-Mail ist direkt an den Direktor der Bank, Lars Rohed, adressiert. Mein Antrag auf Überprüfung meiner Beweise gegen Jyske Banks A/S wegen Straftat. Meine Empfehlung lautet, die Jyske Bank A/S einer verstärkten Aufsicht zu unterstellen, bis meine Vorwürfe gegen die Jyske Bank A/S wegen zahlreicher Rechtsverstöße überprüft wurden. Und wenn ich nur in einem kleinen Teil meiner Forderungen Recht habe, erfüllt die Jyske Bank A/S nicht die Vorschriften der Finanzaufsichtsbehörde, um eine Lizenz zum Betreiben von Bankgeschäften in Dänemark aufrechterhalten zu können. Da meine Anfrage an Bankdirektor Lars Rohde von gesellschaftlichem Interesse ist und den dänischen Staat und die dänischen Institutionen betrifft, kann ich darauf vertrauen, dass die Jyske Bank den dänischen Staat nicht denselben Dingen aussetzen wird, denen die Jyske Bank mich und mein Unternehmen ausgesetzt hat. Daher muss ich ein Treffen mit der dänischen Nationalbank beantragen, bei dem ich meine Beweise vorlegen werde, dass die Jyske Bank A/S hinter organisierter Kriminalität nach dänischem Recht steht, d. Die Dänische Nationalbank wird gebeten, vor dem Treffen zu prüfen, was ich schreibe und auf www.banknyt.dk geöffnet habe, und wenn Bankdirektor Lars Rohde Fragen zu meinen Unterlagen hat, bitte ich um Kommentare und Fragen innerhalb von 3 Wochen ab dem Datum bis Tag, damit ich eventuelle Fragen vor einem Treffen beantworten kann. Im Zusammenhang mit diesem gewünschten Treffen und nachdem ich die Möglichkeit habe, die kriminellen Handlungen, hinter denen die Jyske Bank A/S steht, vorzustellen und zu beschreiben, werde ich unter Bezugnahme auf meine Beweise und die Bestimmungen des Strafgesetzbuchs um eine direkte Antwort bitten zu jedem meiner Ansprüche. Mit anderen Worten, die Dänische Nationalbank unterschreibt, ob es illegal ist oder nicht. Dass eine dänische Bank Dokumente nach der Unterzeichnung korrigiert. Dass eine dänische Bank verfallene / abgelaufene Dokumente verwendet, um Schulden anzumelden, die nicht existieren. Dass eine dänische Bank ihren Zugang zum Grundbuchgericht missbraucht und Hypotheken gegen die Anweisung des Kunden löscht, wovon das beigefügte Dokument beweist, dass die Jyske Bank dahintersteckt. Dass eine dänische Bank wie die Jyske Bank die Anwälte eines Kunden kauft, damit diese Anwälte die Vorwürfe des Kunden nicht gegen die Jyske Bank vorbringen dürfen. Dass eine dänische Bank bereit ist, ihre Anwälte zu bezahlen, um vor Gericht falsche Angaben zu machen, um in rechtlichen Angelegenheiten zu enttäuschen. Bank Vesterbrogade 9. bemærk pil til tekster, Jyske Bank udsætter kunde for groft bedrageri. Jyske Bank tør ikke sige noget.Und noch ein paar mehr, und das ist meine Schimpftirade gegen die Korruption in Dänemark. Dänische Nationalbank 04-08-2022. Langelinie Allé 47 2100 København Ø Telefon: +45 33 63 63 63 Email: kommunikation@nationalbanken.dk Post an die Nationalbank von Dänemark. Att. Nationalbank direktor Lars Rohde. Ich habe mehrere E-Mails an die Dänische Nationalbank gesendet, diese E-Mail ist direkt an den Direktor der Bank, Lars Rohed, adressiert. Mein Antrag auf Überprüfung meiner Beweise gegen Jyske Banks A/S wegen Straftat. Meine Empfehlung lautet, die Jyske Bank A/S einer verstärkten Aufsicht zu unterstellen, bis meine Vorwürfe gegen die Jyske Bank A/S wegen zahlreicher Rechtsverstöße überprüft wurden. Und wenn ich nur in einem kleinen Teil meiner Forderungen Recht habe, erfüllt die Jyske Bank A/S nicht die Vorschriften der Finanzaufsichtsbehörde, um eine Lizenz zum Betreiben von Bankgeschäften in Dänemark aufrechterhalten zu können. Da meine Anfrage an Bankdirektor Lars Rohde von gesellschaftlichem Interesse ist und den dänischen Staat und die dänischen Institutionen betrifft, kann ich darauf vertrauen, dass die Jyske Bank den dänischen Staat nicht denselben Dingen aussetzen wird, denen die Jyske Bank mich und mein Unternehmen ausgesetzt hat. Daher muss ich ein Treffen mit der dänischen Nationalbank beantragen, bei dem ich meine Beweise vorlegen werde, dass die Jyske Bank A/S hinter organisierter Kriminalität nach dänischem Recht steht, d. Die Dänische Nationalbank wird gebeten, vor dem Treffen zu prüfen, was ich schreibe und auf www.banknyt.dk geöffnet habe, und wenn Bankdirektor Lars Rohde Fragen zu meinen Unterlagen hat, bitte ich um Kommentare und Fragen innerhalb von 3 Wochen ab dem Datum bis Tag, damit ich eventuelle Fragen vor einem Treffen beantworten kann. Im Zusammenhang mit diesem gewünschten Treffen und nachdem ich die Möglichkeit habe, die kriminellen Handlungen, hinter denen die Jyske Bank A/S steht, vorzustellen und zu beschreiben, werde ich unter Bezugnahme auf meine Beweise und die Bestimmungen des Strafgesetzbuchs um eine direkte Antwort bitten zu jedem meiner Ansprüche. Mit anderen Worten, die Dänische Nationalbank unterschreibt, ob es illegal ist oder nicht. Dass eine dänische Bank Dokumente nach der Unterzeichnung korrigiert. Dass eine dänische Bank verfallene / abgelaufene Dokumente verwendet, um Schulden anzumelden, die nicht existieren. Dass eine dänische Bank ihren Zugang zum Grundbuchgericht missbraucht und Hypotheken gegen die Anweisung des Kunden löscht, wovon das beigefügte Dokument beweist, dass die Jyske Bank dahintersteckt. Dass eine dänische Bank wie die Jyske Bank die Anwälte eines Kunden kauft, damit diese Anwälte die Vorwürfe des Kunden nicht gegen die Jyske Bank vorbringen dürfen. Dass eine dänische Bank bereit ist, ihre Anwälte zu bezahlen, um vor Gericht falsche Angaben zu machen, um in rechtlichen Angelegenheiten zu enttäuschen. Und noch ein paar mehr, und das ist meine Schimpftirade gegen die Korruption in Dänemark. Dänische Nationalbank 04-08-2022. Langelinie Allé 47 2100 København Ø Telefon: +45 33 63 63 63 Email: kommunikation@nationalbanken.dk Post an die Nationalbank von Dänemark. Att. Nationalbank direktor Lars Rohde. Ich habe mehrere E-Mails an die Dänische Nationalbank gesendet, diese E-Mail ist direkt an den Direktor der Bank, Lars Rohed, adressiert. Mein Antrag auf Überprüfung meiner Beweise gegen Jyske Banks A/S wegen Straftat. Meine Empfehlung lautet, die Jyske Bank A/S einer verstärkten Aufsicht zu unterstellen, bis meine Vorwürfe gegen die Jyske Bank A/S wegen zahlreicher Rechtsverstöße überprüft wurden. Und wenn ich nur in einem kleinen Teil meiner Forderungen Recht habe, erfüllt die Jyske Bank A/S nicht die Vorschriften der Finanzaufsichtsbehörde, um eine Lizenz zum Betreiben von Bankgeschäften in Dänemark aufrechterhalten zu können. Da meine Anfrage an Bankdirektor Lars Rohde von gesellschaftlichem Interesse ist und den dänischen Staat und die dänischen Institutionen betrifft, kann ich darauf vertrauen, dass die Jyske Bank den dänischen Staat nicht denselben Dingen aussetzen wird, denen die Jyske Bank mich und mein Unternehmen ausgesetzt hat. Daher muss ich ein Treffen mit der dänischen Nationalbank beantragen, bei dem ich meine Beweise vorlegen werde, dass die Jyske Bank A/S hinter organisierter Kriminalität nach dänischem Recht steht, d. Die Dänische Nationalbank wird gebeten, vor dem Treffen zu prüfen, was ich schreibe und auf www.banknyt.dk geöffnet habe, und wenn Bankdirektor Lars Rohde Fragen zu meinen Unterlagen hat, bitte ich um Kommentare und Fragen innerhalb von 3 Wochen ab dem Datum bis Tag, damit ich eventuelle Fragen vor einem Treffen beantworten kann. Im Zusammenhang mit diesem gewünschten Treffen und nachdem ich die Möglichkeit habe, die kriminellen Handlungen, hinter denen die Jyske Bank A/S steht, vorzustellen und zu beschreiben, werde ich unter Bezugnahme auf meine Beweise und die Bestimmungen des Strafgesetzbuchs um eine direkte Antwort bitten zu jedem meiner Ansprüche. Mit anderen Worten, die Dänische Nationalbank unterschreibt, ob es illegal ist oder nicht. Dass eine dänische Bank Dokumente nach der Unterzeichnung korrigiert. Dass eine dänische Bank verfallene / abgelaufene Dokumente verwendet, um Schulden anzumelden, die nicht existieren. Dass eine dänische Bank ihren Zugang zum Grundbuchgericht missbraucht und Hypotheken gegen die Anweisung des Kunden löscht, wovon das beigefügte Dokument beweist, dass die Jyske Bank dahintersteckt. Dass eine dänische Bank wie die Jyske Bank die Anwälte eines Kunden kauft, damit diese Anwälte die Vorwürfe des Kunden nicht gegen die Jyske Bank vorbringen dürfen. Dass eine dänische Bank bereit ist, ihre Anwälte zu bezahlen, um vor Gericht falsche Angaben zu machen, um in rechtlichen Angelegenheiten zu enttäuschen.Und noch ein paar mehr, und das ist meine Schimpftirade gegen die Korruption in Dänemark. Dänische Nationalbank 04-08-2022. Langelinie Allé 47 2100 København Ø Telefon: +45 33 63 63 63 Email: kommunikation@nationalbanken.dk Post an die Nationalbank von Dänemark. Att. Nationalbank direktor Lars Rohde. Ich habe mehrere E-Mails an die Dänische Nationalbank gesendet, diese E-Mail ist direkt an den Direktor der Bank, Lars Rohed, adressiert. Mein Antrag auf Überprüfung meiner Beweise gegen Jyske Banks A/S wegen Straftat. Meine Empfehlung lautet, die Jyske Bank A/S einer verstärkten Aufsicht zu unterstellen, bis meine Vorwürfe gegen die Jyske Bank A/S wegen zahlreicher Rechtsverstöße überprüft wurden. Und wenn ich nur in einem kleinen Teil meiner Forderungen Recht habe, erfüllt die Jyske Bank A/S nicht die Vorschriften der Finanzaufsichtsbehörde, um eine Lizenz zum Betreiben von Bankgeschäften in Dänemark aufrechterhalten zu können. Da meine Anfrage an Bankdirektor Lars Rohde von gesellschaftlichem Interesse ist und den dänischen Staat und die dänischen Institutionen betrifft, kann ich darauf vertrauen, dass die Jyske Bank den dänischen Staat nicht denselben Dingen aussetzen wird, denen die Jyske Bank mich und mein Unternehmen ausgesetzt hat. Daher muss ich ein Treffen mit der dänischen Nationalbank beantragen, bei dem ich meine Beweise vorlegen werde, dass die Jyske Bank A/S hinter organisierter Kriminalität nach dänischem Recht steht, d. Die Dänische Nationalbank wird gebeten, vor dem Treffen zu prüfen, was ich schreibe und auf www.banknyt.dk geöffnet habe, und wenn Bankdirektor Lars Rohde Fragen zu meinen Unterlagen hat, bitte ich um Kommentare und Fragen innerhalb von 3 Wochen ab dem Datum bis Tag, damit ich eventuelle Fragen vor einem Treffen beantworten kann. Im Zusammenhang mit diesem gewünschten Treffen und nachdem ich die Möglichkeit habe, die kriminellen Handlungen, hinter denen die Jyske Bank A/S steht, vorzustellen und zu beschreiben, werde ich unter Bezugnahme auf meine Beweise und die Bestimmungen des Strafgesetzbuchs um eine direkte Antwort bitten zu jedem meiner Ansprüche. Mit anderen Worten, die Dänische Nationalbank unterschreibt, ob es illegal ist oder nicht. Dass eine dänische Bank Dokumente nach der Unterzeichnung korrigiert. Dass eine dänische Bank verfallene / abgelaufene Dokumente verwendet, um Schulden anzumelden, die nicht existieren. Dass eine dänische Bank ihren Zugang zum Grundbuchgericht missbraucht und Hypotheken gegen die Anweisung des Kunden löscht, wovon das beigefügte Dokument beweist, dass die Jyske Bank dahintersteckt. Dass eine dänische Bank wie die Jyske Bank die Anwälte eines Kunden kauft, damit diese Anwälte die Vorwürfe des Kunden nicht gegen die Jyske Bank vorbringen dürfen. Dass eine dänische Bank bereit ist, ihre Anwälte zu bezahlen, um vor Gericht falsche Angaben zu machen, um in rechtlichen Angelegenheiten zu enttäuschen.Und noch ein paar mehr, und das ist meine Schimpftirade gegen die Korruption in Dänemark. Dänische Nationalbank 04-08-2022. Langelinie Allé 47 2100 København Ø Telefon: +45 33 63 63 63 Email: kommunikation@nationalbanken.dk Post an die Nationalbank von Dänemark. Att. Nationalbank direktor Lars Rohde. Ich habe mehrere E-Mails an die Dänische Nationalbank gesendet, diese E-Mail ist direkt an den Direktor der Bank, Lars Rohed, adressiert. Mein Antrag auf Überprüfung meiner Beweise gegen Jyske Banks A/S wegen Straftat. Meine Empfehlung lautet, die Jyske Bank A/S einer verstärkten Aufsicht zu unterstellen, bis meine Vorwürfe gegen die Jyske Bank A/S wegen zahlreicher Rechtsverstöße überprüft wurden. Und wenn ich nur in einem kleinen Teil meiner Forderungen Recht habe, erfüllt die Jyske Bank A/S nicht die Vorschriften der Finanzaufsichtsbehörde, um eine Lizenz zum Betreiben von Bankgeschäften in Dänemark aufrechterhalten zu können. Da meine Anfrage an Bankdirektor Lars Rohde von gesellschaftlichem Interesse ist und den dänischen Staat und die dänischen Institutionen betrifft, kann ich darauf vertrauen, dass die Jyske Bank den dänischen Staat nicht denselben Dingen aussetzen wird, denen die Jyske Bank mich und mein Unternehmen ausgesetzt hat. Daher muss ich ein Treffen mit der dänischen Nationalbank beantragen, bei dem ich meine Beweise vorlegen werde, dass die Jyske Bank A/S hinter organisierter Kriminalität nach dänischem Recht steht, d. Die Dänische Nationalbank wird gebeten, vor dem Treffen zu prüfen, was ich schreibe und auf www.banknyt.dk geöffnet habe, und wenn Bankdirektor Lars Rohde Fragen zu meinen Unterlagen hat, bitte ich um Kommentare und Fragen innerhalb von 3 Wochen ab dem Datum bis Tag, damit ich eventuelle Fragen vor einem Treffen beantworten kann. Im Zusammenhang mit diesem gewünschten Treffen und nachdem ich die Möglichkeit habe, die kriminellen Handlungen, hinter denen die Jyske Bank A/S steht, vorzustellen und zu beschreiben, werde ich unter Bezugnahme auf meine Beweise und die Bestimmungen des Strafgesetzbuchs um eine direkte Antwort bitten zu jedem meiner Ansprüche. Mit anderen Worten, die Dänische Nationalbank unterschreibt, ob es illegal ist oder nicht. Dass eine dänische Bank Dokumente nach der Unterzeichnung korrigiert. Dass eine dänische Bank verfallene / abgelaufene Dokumente verwendet, um Schulden anzumelden, die nicht existieren. Dass eine dänische Bank ihren Zugang zum Grundbuchgericht missbraucht und Hypotheken gegen die Anweisung des Kunden löscht, wovon das beigefügte Dokument beweist, dass die Jyske Bank dahintersteckt. Dass eine dänische Bank wie die Jyske Bank die Anwälte eines Kunden kauft, damit diese Anwälte die Vorwürfe des Kunden nicht gegen die Jyske Bank vorbringen dürfen. Dass eine dänische Bank bereit ist, ihre Anwälte zu bezahlen, um vor Gericht falsche Angaben zu machen, um in rechtlichen Angelegenheiten zu enttäuschen.Und noch ein paar mehr, und das ist meine Schimpftirade gegen die Korruption in Dänemark. Dänische Nationalbank 04-08-2022. Langelinie Allé 47 2100 København Ø Telefon: +45 33 63 63 63 Email: kommunikation@nationalbanken.dk Post an die Nationalbank von Dänemark. Att. Nationalbank direktor Lars Rohde. Ich habe mehrere E-Mails an die Dänische Nationalbank gesendet, diese E-Mail ist direkt an den Direktor der Bank, Lars Rohed, adressiert. Mein Antrag auf Überprüfung meiner Beweise gegen Jyske Banks A/S wegen Straftat. Meine Empfehlung lautet, die Jyske Bank A/S einer verstärkten Aufsicht zu unterstellen, bis meine Vorwürfe gegen die Jyske Bank A/S wegen zahlreicher Rechtsverstöße überprüft wurden. Und wenn ich nur in einem kleinen Teil meiner Forderungen Recht habe, erfüllt die Jyske Bank A/S nicht die Vorschriften der Finanzaufsichtsbehörde, um eine Lizenz zum Betreiben von Bankgeschäften in Dänemark aufrechterhalten zu können. Da meine Anfrage an Bankdirektor Lars Rohde von gesellschaftlichem Interesse ist und den dänischen Staat und die dänischen Institutionen betrifft, kann ich darauf vertrauen, dass die Jyske Bank den dänischen Staat nicht denselben Dingen aussetzen wird, denen die Jyske Bank mich und mein Unternehmen ausgesetzt hat. Daher muss ich ein Treffen mit der dänischen Nationalbank beantragen, bei dem ich meine Beweise vorlegen werde, dass die Jyske Bank A/S hinter organisierter Kriminalität nach dänischem Recht steht, d. Die Dänische Nationalbank wird gebeten, vor dem Treffen zu prüfen, was ich schreibe und auf www.banknyt.dk geöffnet habe, und wenn Bankdirektor Lars Rohde Fragen zu meinen Unterlagen hat, bitte ich um Kommentare und Fragen innerhalb von 3 Wochen ab dem Datum bis Tag, damit ich eventuelle Fragen vor einem Treffen beantworten kann. Im Zusammenhang mit diesem gewünschten Treffen und nachdem ich die Möglichkeit habe, die kriminellen Handlungen, hinter denen die Jyske Bank A/S steht, vorzustellen und zu beschreiben, werde ich unter Bezugnahme auf meine Beweise und die Bestimmungen des Strafgesetzbuchs um eine direkte Antwort bitten zu jedem meiner Ansprüche. Mit anderen Worten, die Dänische Nationalbank unterschreibt, ob es illegal ist oder nicht. Dass eine dänische Bank Dokumente nach der Unterzeichnung korrigiert. Dass eine dänische Bank verfallene / abgelaufene Dokumente verwendet, um Schulden anzumelden, die nicht existieren. Dass eine dänische Bank ihren Zugang zum Grundbuchgericht missbraucht und Hypotheken gegen die Anweisung des Kunden löscht, wovon das beigefügte Dokument beweist, dass die Jyske Bank dahintersteckt. Dass eine dänische Bank wie die Jyske Bank die Anwälte eines Kunden kauft, damit diese Anwälte die Vorwürfe des Kunden nicht gegen die Jyske Bank vorbringen dürfen. Dass eine dänische Bank bereit ist, ihre Anwälte zu bezahlen, um vor Gericht falsche Angaben zu machen, um in rechtlichen Angelegenheiten zu enttäuschen.Und noch ein paar mehr, und das ist meine Schimpftirade gegen die Korruption in Dänemark. Dänische Nationalbank 04-08-2022. Langelinie Allé 47 2100 København Ø Telefon: +45 33 63 63 63 Email: kommunikation@nationalbanken.dk Post an die Nationalbank von Dänemark. Att. Nationalbank direktor Lars Rohde. Ich habe mehrere E-Mails an die Dänische Nationalbank gesendet, diese E-Mail ist direkt an den Direktor der Bank, Lars Rohed, adressiert. Mein Antrag auf Überprüfung meiner Beweise gegen Jyske Banks A/S wegen Straftat. Meine Empfehlung lautet, die Jyske Bank A/S einer verstärkten Aufsicht zu unterstellen, bis meine Vorwürfe gegen die Jyske Bank A/S wegen zahlreicher Rechtsverstöße überprüft wurden. Und wenn ich nur in einem kleinen Teil meiner Forderungen Recht habe, erfüllt die Jyske Bank A/S nicht die Vorschriften der Finanzaufsichtsbehörde, um eine Lizenz zum Betreiben von Bankgeschäften in Dänemark aufrechterhalten zu können. Da meine Anfrage an Bankdirektor Lars Rohde von gesellschaftlichem Interesse ist und den dänischen Staat und die dänischen Institutionen betrifft, kann ich darauf vertrauen, dass die Jyske Bank den dänischen Staat nicht denselben Dingen aussetzen wird, denen die Jyske Bank mich und mein Unternehmen ausgesetzt hat. Daher muss ich ein Treffen mit der dänischen Nationalbank beantragen, bei dem ich meine Beweise vorlegen werde, dass die Jyske Bank A/S hinter organisierter Kriminalität nach dänischem Recht steht, d. Die Dänische Nationalbank wird gebeten, vor dem Treffen zu prüfen, was ich schreibe und auf www.banknyt.dk geöffnet habe, und wenn Bankdirektor Lars Rohde Fragen zu meinen Unterlagen hat, bitte ich um Kommentare und Fragen innerhalb von 3 Wochen ab dem Datum bis Tag, damit ich eventuelle Fragen vor einem Treffen beantworten kann. Im Zusammenhang mit diesem gewünschten Treffen und nachdem ich die Möglichkeit habe, die kriminellen Handlungen, hinter denen die Jyske Bank A/S steht, vorzustellen und zu beschreiben, werde ich unter Bezugnahme auf meine Beweise und die Bestimmungen des Strafgesetzbuchs um eine direkte Antwort bitten zu jedem meiner Ansprüche. Mit anderen Worten, die Dänische Nationalbank unterschreibt, ob es illegal ist oder nicht. Dass eine dänische Bank Dokumente nach der Unterzeichnung korrigiert. Dass eine dänische Bank verfallene / abgelaufene Dokumente verwendet, um Schulden anzumelden, die nicht existieren. Dass eine dänische Bank ihren Zugang zum Grundbuchgericht missbraucht und Hypotheken gegen die Anweisung des Kunden löscht, wovon das beigefügte Dokument beweist, dass die Jyske Bank dahintersteckt. Dass eine dänische Bank wie die Jyske Bank die Anwälte eines Kunden kauft, damit diese Anwälte die Vorwürfe des Kunden nicht gegen die Jyske Bank vorbringen dürfen. Dass eine dänische Bank bereit ist, ihre Anwälte zu bezahlen, um vor Gericht falsche Angaben zu machen, um in rechtlichen Angelegenheiten zu enttäuschen.