Tag: Birgitte Frølund hjorten

10-06-2022. Tidligere forside Frontpage BANKNYT.dk er flyttet hertil.

Overskrift. Ønsker du at arbejde for den kriminelle Jyske Bank, og måske også Medvirke til organiseret kriminalitet. RING. 89898989. Here at Banknyt you can read more about organized crime in Denmark, where judges and large international law firms and the Danish government are complicit in Danish banks’ fraud against the bank’s customers can continue.  …

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24-02-2022. The Danish state drops the first bomb in the war.

  Get my exclusive story about the organized crime that the Danish state covers. Feel free to buy the company that is suing Jyske Bank, and help to give Jyske Bank and the danish state a big slap in the face, and tell them that the Danish state covers criminal Danish banks. The Danish state…

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The Danish authorities and the Danish government cover up Jyske Bank’s financial fraud crimes.

Deler her under mail fra 21-02-2022. Til Mette Frederiksen og de danske myndighederne. It is crystal clear to me that the Danish state and the Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen wants to sacrifice the Danes’ legal security and justice, to ensure that Jyske Bank does not go bankrupt, which will probably happen when it emerges that…

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28-01-2022. This email is to the Danish state, and thus all Danish authorities such as the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority and all politicians at Christiansborg. / My case with Jyske Bank is probably very small in size, but it may have major consequences for Denmark if I alone have to fight against all of you, if you continue to cover up Jyske Bank’s violation of the penal code.

Mail 28-01-2022. to. Time 13.38 At the very bottom you can read the first notices that are shared, to warn against bribery and corruption as well as camaraderie by Danish lawyers, as well as a direct warning against blindly trusting Danish companies.   corrected 29-01-2022. time 19.20. Will the Danish state with the government and…

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27-12-2021. Mail. / Dear all, all of you who are the recipient of this email, Jyske Bank has chosen war against their customers, and they must too, it is simply a matter of whether Jyske bank should have a place in Danish society, because can the Danish authorities allow to use a bank that has deliberately exposed customers to financial crime, what does the Danish National Bank say to banks that commit fraud and forgery

DET HER HANDLER OM JYSKE BANKS FREMTID SOM BANK FOR DEN DANSKE STAT OG DE OFFENTLIGE KOMMUNALE INSTITUTIONER. Mailen 27-12-2021. Kl 03.57 til  “rettet stave og skrive fejl 27-12-2021. Kl. 13.00.” direktion@jyskebank.dk lillevang@jyskebank.dk johnny.christensen@jyskebank.dk clm@jyskebank.dk beo@cbs-executive.dk ala@70151000.dk rina.asmussen@gmail.com kn@skovadvokater.dk nicolai-hansen@jyskebank.dk Casper Dam Olsen • Casper-dam@jyskebank.dk jkh@jyskebank.dk kirkeby@jyskebank.dk Tina Agergaard • AGERGAARD@jyskebank.dk sw@jyskebank.dk martin.nielsen@jyskebank.dk Morten Ulrik…

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Dommen i Byretten i sagen BS-402/2015-vib. 21-12-2021. Jyske Banks bedrageri mod kunde, bliver ved dom dømt forældet, da kunde ikke i tide opdagede at Jyske Bank og bankens ansatte udsatte kunde for millionsvindel. Sådan handler Jyske Bank, Jyske banks fundament er at snyde og bedrage ders kunder.

PDS. kopi af byrettens dom 21-12-2021. kl. 11.00   RETTEN I VIBORG DOM afsagt den 21. december 2021 Sag BS-402/2015-VIB Storbjerg Erhverv ApS (advokat Claes Hahn Balle) mod Jyske Bank A/S (advokat Kristian Ambjørn Buus-Nielsen) Denne afgørelse er truffet af dommer Søren Ejdum. Sagens baggrund og parternes påstande: Retten har modtaget sagen den 22. juni…

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20-12-2021. find de dygtige Horten advokater her. Partnere i Hjorten advokater

Jeg gør det lige klart, at jeg ikke ved om alle ansatte i Hjorten advokater vil optræde på sammme måde som Lundgrens advokater og Dan Terkildsen har optrådt i mod mig som klient, men kan blot konstater at en Partner Birgitte Frølund i Hjorten har været med til at fortolke hvad der ikke er en…

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19-12-2021. Read here the rules of legal ethics, which they are followed by Kromann Reumert’s lawyers, DLA Piper lawyers, Hjorten lawyers, and which the Bar Council interprets what is not a violation of good legal practice.

Read here the rules of legal ethics, which they are followed by Kromann Reumert’s lawyers, DLA Piper lawyers, Hjorten lawyers, Danske erhverv, Forbrugerkagenævnet, Højsterets dommer domstolstolstyrelsen, and which advokatnævnet the Bar Council interprets what is not a violation of good legal practice.   Find Partnere in Kromann Reumert, DLA Piper, Hjorten. Which persons judges and…

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