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Lundgren’s lawyers are corrupt, as Lundgrens accepted a bribe from Jyske Bank A/S not to present a client’s fraud and false case against Jyske Bank A/S. Lundgren’s lawyers who have chosen together with Jyske Bank A/S to undermine the client’s and Jyske Bank’s customer’s finances, in order to prevent the customer from having the financial opportunity to conduct a fraudulent case against the criminal Jyske Bank A/S Employees such as Supreme Court judge Kurt Rasmussen also help with this, the Danish Courts Agency is responsible to the Ministry of Justice, which has submitted that Denmark also has a problem with corruption in the Danish Courts Agency’s employees.
With the Danish State’s permission, Jyske Bank A/S commits fraud against customers who have no legal certainty.
Here you can easily see proof that Jyske Bank are criminals and use false and misleading documents to defraud the bank’s customers.

While the National Bank of Denmark is thinking about whether criminal banks have a future in Denmark, the advertisements directed at Jyske Bank’s credibility as a bank for the Danish state continue.
12-08-2022. and corrected 14 august. Mail To the Finans Danmark board and lawyers. Finans Danmark hereby has the opportunity to disassociate itself from Jyske Bank’s A/S organized crime in denmark.
Or the Finans Denmark can do like the rest of the friends, in the authorities and political system, to prevent to prevent law and order among criminal banks in Denmark, and share responsibility for Finans Danmark allowing their members to commit fraud and use bribery.
If there are some of you who are mentioned on this page, or elsewhere, and have corrections, or want a meeting before I have had my meeting with Lars Rohde Denmarks Nationalbank, please call Carsten Storbjerg +4522227713 and arrange a meeting.

The picture is from before 2019. when the client in Lundgrens knew nothing about, that Jyske Bank A/S had already bribed Lundgren’s lawyers in 2018 not to present the client’s fraud and false allegations against Jyske Bank A/S.
So when Lundgren’s lawyers and their many contributing employees concealed the fact that Jyske Bank A/S had actually bribed Lundgren’s lawyers to oppose the client, it was hardly intended that the client should discover that their Lundgren’s lawyers were corrupt, Which the Bar Council chaired by Supreme Court Judge Kurt Rasmussen is instrumental in covering up, and by letter 03-09-2021. writes that they will therefore not answer or publish the complaint 05-06-2020. and what the judges and partners in Horten lawyers, as well as Kromann Reumert lawyers did not think, and do not find it was a violation of good lawyer practice. That is why we talk about corruption.
The client who was misled by Partner Dan Terkildsen.
And was misled by Lawyer Mette Marie Nielsen as today is employed by Danske Bank A/S. Holmens Kanal 2-12, 1092 København K.
You can ask Maj Stefan Singh Kailay, Helga Heyn, Morten Herrup Poulsen and more, why Danish Bank hired Mette Marie Nielsen.
When on Danske Bank could find information with a single Google search that Mette Marie Nielsen has been instrumental in opposing his client’s case against Jyske Bank A/S was not presented to the court.
And also was misled by Lawyer Emil Hald Vendelbo Winstrøm as today is employed by Rambøll A/S Hannemanns Allé 53. DK-2300 København S.
You can ask Maj Westh Johansen and Jesper Fabricius, why Rambøll hired Emil Hald. when on Rambøll could find information with a single Google search that Emil Hald Wendelbo has been instrumental in opposing his client’s case was presented to the court.
Rambøll is a leading international architect, engineering and consulting company.
The former employees of Lundgrens, who all by knowingly and in bad faith manipulated the client’s claims, and let the client believe that Lundgrens worked for the client against Jyske Bank A/S.Therefore the complaint 05-06-2020. where the bar council chooses to cover up the corruption among Danish lawyers, and show that there are also corrupt judges in Denmark.
While Lundgrens hid, that Lundgrens received millions from Jyske Bank A/S hidden as return commission.
The corrupt judges like supreme court judge Kurt Rasmussen in the Danish Judicial Agency, are the reason why the little man in Denmark can never get justice, when organized crimes is committed by Danish banks.
Who like Jyske Bank A/S choose to use document forgery.
And that Jyske Bank abuse power of attorney.
As well as use bribery, to get away with the bank’s organized crimes such as fraud and false.
Which is carried out jointly, and with several employees starting with Nicolai Hansen Jyske Bank business, Jeanett Koefoed-Hansen, and with help from Casper Dam Olsen Jyske Bank business, Anette Kirkeby Jyske Bank business. Lars Aaquest. who is currently employed and works for Danske bank A/S.
With help also of Jyske Bank’s lawyers as Morten Ulrik Gade, including Philip Baruch from Lund Elmer Sandager lawyers, who also work for Denmarks Nationalbank, to ensure that the law is complied.
At management level, Jyske Bank has contributed to the bank’s fraud all the way up to CEO Ander Christian Dam.
It is about an offer of DKK 4,328,000 from 20-05-2008. with validity until 20-11-2008. for which it was mandatory for Jyske Bank to make and start an interest rate swap to.
Even if Jyske Bank knew that there was no loan.
It was so imperative for Jyske Bank that the bank by Jeanett Kofoed-Hansen have committed falsification of documents and, among other things, was instrumental in Jyske Bank A/S committing mandate fraud.
Attachments were prepared at the request of Nicolai Hansen Jyske Bank, for any loan 10-07-1008. and has lapsed and otherwise been discarded on 20-11-2008. then to be abused in April. 2009. COPY. Annex. Y. Z. Æ. Ø. Å. AB. AC. AD. AE. AG. AH. AJ. and Annex 7. Dokuments. / See. Annex 7. – Annex Z. – Annex 171. – Annex Å. – Annex AE.
Annex K. 19-05-2009 page 1. and Annex K. Page 2. – Please note the date on Annex K. page 2 presented by LES. Annex K. was submitted to the court on 10-09-2015. as if it had been made on 10-07-2008, which is a falsified document and lying to the court.
And see that the entered amount DKK 4,300.00 is from an offer Annex AG Read Page 1. Page 3. and Page 4. with date. 06-05-2009. this is clearly a case of document forgery, and that Lund Elmer Sandager lawyers have presented false evidence to the court.
Annex AC. Mortgage to loan 4.328.000 dkk. from 10-07-2008. Page 1. Page 2. Page 6. and Page 7. which expired together with the offer 20-11-2008, Which Jeanett Kofoed-Hansen in bad faith, 15-04-2009. signs, and then abuses Jyske Bank’s access to the land registry, and registers a debt that does not exist, Jyske Bank becomes 06-05-2009. informed that the mortgage has been canceled and lapsed.
Which Jyske Bank instigates as their plan is clearly to defraud the customer for around DKK 2,500,000 in interest on the DKK 4,328,000 loan. As Jyske Bank decides to lie is recorded and then rescheduled.
Even if Jyske Bank knew that there was no loan, Jyske Bank wanted to keep the customer in a state of confusion, which was quite easy after Jyske Bank A/S took advantage of the customer in November 2009 to suffer a brain haemorrhage.
Jyske Bank continued to lie in bad faith in order to keep the customer confused, in order to continue fraud.
Read the mail 01-02-2010. Nicolai Hansen.
Read the mail 09-01-2012. Casper Dan Olsen. and by Nicoilai Hansen.
The customer must not discover that Jyske Bank is lying, and has exposed the customer to fraud, it is why Jyske Bank 18.06-2013. sends the customer for settlement at the green butcher Birgit Buch Thuesen. read the mail 19-08-2013. your properties must be forcibly sold.
First 10/18/2016. does the customer succeed in finding out, that the loan 4.328.000 dkk as Jyske Bank A/S by lawyer Morten Ulrik Gade in 2013 / 2014 has lied to the bank appeal board, was taken home. as an underlying loan for an interest rate swap.
and as Lund Elmer Sandager at Philip Baruch in 2015. in front of the court, has allegedly taken possession,
It is CEO Anders Dam who has proven and dishonestly refused to inform the customer, that the customer has never borrowed the DKK 4,328,000 that Jyske Bank A/S has claimed was both taken home and then rescheduled.
Anders Christian Dam is therefore directly involved in complicity in economic crime against Jyske Bank’s own customer.
I know I cannot win over the criminal Jyske Bank, when the Danish state, through authorities such as the Financial Supervisory Authority together with the government and several judges, cover up Jyske Bank’s organized fraud, that is why I have written to the European central bank that Denmark has a problem with banks that, like Jyske Bank, use tipping, and that the Danish authorities accept this.
The fact that I know the judge Kurt Rasmussen, who has covered up that Jyske Bank has bribed Lundgrens, will probably be a contributing judge, just confirms that Nicolai corruption has a good grip on the Danish judges as well.

Here are a couple of those who have helped Jyske Bank A/S with organized fraud, and the Danish authorities are covering it up.
I want to point out that Denmark has a big problem with corruption, I have misunderstood something so please correct me.
And to the politicians, officials and employees in the authorities who have helped to confirm that this is a scandal that has not been seen before, thank you for the information, I am writing this to give Jyske Bank A/S and the authorities the opportunity to correct the ship up, and remember the Titanic couldn’t sink either.
I want dialogue and conversation, which you all refuse to answer.

Funny commercials for the criminal Danish Bank Jyske Bank. / Pictures for Finance Denmark, Management and their Legal Department.
In connection with the email 14-08-2022.
Do you also like Jyske Bank A/S think that this is just a JOKE.
Or have you all turned on your DARK LIGHTS.
To hide and cover up Jyske Bank’s organized crime, crimes committed in association.
Click on the image and read the email of 6 August 2022 to the president of the European Central Bank read the email 4 August 2022 to National Bank Director Lars Rohde, and note that no one has responded to any emails until 14 August. ECB has been asked to follow what Denmarks Nationalbank will do with regard to the criminal Jyske Bank A/S
Read here the 3 emails, from 11 August 2022. respectively to 1. The National Bank of Denmark. 2. Prime Minister Mette FerderiksenThe government and 3. the Financial Supervisory Authority, whether Jyske Bank has a future in Denmark, after the use of document forgery, fraud, bribery, email has also been sent to the European central bank.
11-08-2022. This copy PDF file. frontpage, is specially made for. Denmarks Nationalbank, The Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, The Government and Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen.

Is it a criminal offense for the Danish state to cover up a criminal Danish bank’s, or is it completely normal in Denmark.
This here is about members of the Danish authorities, and also the Danish Courts Authority with positions as judges of the Supreme Court helping to undermine Danes’ legal certainty, when Danish banks like Jyske Bank A/S are behind obvious crime.
And IT is a problem for legal certainty, that Jyske Bank A/S would like to bribe the customer’s lawyers “Lundgren’s.” To oppose the case against Jyske Bank A/S is presented.
It was Supreme Court judge Kurt Rasmussen, who is employed by the Danish Courts Agency and who works in the “left .” High Court, who is one of those, who approved that Jyske Bank A/S was willing to bribe Lundgren’s lawyers, even if payment was made by return commission.
Sustainability has become a value-creating parameter in several parts of companies’ value chains. Sustainability is particularly evident in ESG key figures, which help manage the development of many companies. However, ESG key figures are more than a management tool, and the figures and risks associated with these figures must be included both in reporting to authorities and in the company’s own risk management.
Section 99a of the Danish Financial Statements Act stipulates that companies in accounting classes C and D must account for their social responsibility in their annual reports. The requirements and demand for such reporting of non-financial ratios is a trend that is evolving rapidly. Both investors and analysts are increasingly demanding these figures. Reporting of ESG key figures is therefore not only a regulatory issue but is increasingly a commercial issue that companies should focus on and be at the forefront of. In that way, the company will be attractive in the market, taking into account the key figures in its risk management.
In addition to companies and authorities, the increased focus on ESG key figures is also seen among consumers where the sustainability of products and companies is high on the agenda.
The increased focus means for companies that greater accuracy and transparency must be demonstrated when reporting and using ESG key figures in a marketing context as the figures may be of crucial importance for business with customers and business partners. The discrepancy in the figures or the information behind may entail a significant risk of claims and sanctions from customers, business partners, or competitors. Companies should take such ESG key figure risks into account in their internal risk assessment and in their contracts and other documents originating from the company, just as any regulatory factors should be included in the company’s own risk assessment.
Under the Companies Act, company management has a duty to identify significant risks in the company’s operations. The management should therefore be aware of the increased risk associated with the use of ESG key figures as the management may incur personal liability for failure to identify and properly handle these key figures.
The increased relevance of ESG key figures may result in an opportunity for companies to profit from their sustainability. However, it also entails a risk for the company and its management in the event of a discrepancy between the information provided and the actual figures. Managing such risks in the company’s operations has become part of the management’s risk assessment.
Companies should therefore have a special focus on ESG key figures both internally and externally in relation to reporting, and in terms of living up to business partners’ and customers’ expectations.
At Lundgrens’ litigation department, our assistance includes identifying and regulating risks when using ESG key figures, as well as assisting with dispute resolution with customers, business partners, and authorities.