Tag: Janneet Kapoor

ADVARSEL MOD LUNDGRENS ADVOKATER. Beviserne for at Lundgrens advokater er korrupte og gerne tager mod bestikkelse, for at undergrave retssikkerheden for den enkelte klient.

Article 21 Bribery in the private sector. Each State Party shall consider adopting such legislative and other measures as may be necessary to establish as criminal offences, when committed intentionally in the course of economic, financial or commercial activities: (a) The promise, offering or giving, directly or indirectly, of an undue advantage to any person…

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25-02-2023. Bestikkelse kendt som nepotisme og korruption i Danmark er ikke til at stoppe, derfor vil ingen tale om det.

Et Facebook opslag fra 25 februar 2023, se det her. opdateret 4 marts 2023.   Korruption i Danmark er ikke til at stoppe, derfor vil ingen tale om det. Her set du et af de danske advokat firmaer, der med glæde ville tage mod den bestikkelse som den Jyske Bank koncernen tilbød Lundgrens, og vil…

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23-01-2023. Jeg skriver her og beder alle modtagere af dette brev, inklusive Regeringen og Statsminister Mette Frederiksen om at du og i bekræfter at i er enige med. – Jens Steen Jensen fra Kromann Reumert advokater, Birgitte Frølund fra Horten advokater, Kurt Rasmussen fra Domstolene, Rikke Skadhauge Seerup Krogsgård og Henrik Hyltoft fra Dansk Erhverv. i at. 1. Det er ikke en overtrædelse af god advokatskik når. En advokat som Lundgrens advokater skjuler og tilbageholder egne processkrifter over for advokatens egen klient.

26 januar time 01.30  is not ready to send. January 2023. this is the draft of the letter I am sending to at least these mentioned authorities, companies and persons.   The Prime Minister’s Office. The Danish Parliament and the Government Prince Jørgens Gård 1. 1218 Copenhagen. Denmark. Please present it to Prime Minister Mette…

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15-01-2023. Afventer svar fra Justitsministeriet. Justitsminister Peter Hummelgaard. – Mens jeg venter på at Justitsministeriet svare om det er god advokatskik, at skjule og tilbageholde flere processkrifter over for sin klient. Eller at de svarer at det er ikke en overtrædelse af god advokatskik, når et advokatfirma skjuler og tilbage flere processkrifter overfor deres klient.

Bliver opdateret med hele mail, som i Link.  opdateret senest 17-01-2023. kl. 11.40. Hvad siger AP Møller til at være hjemmehørende i et land styret af korruption, ?. Se her den mail der er sendt til Jyske bank og CC. Justitsministeriet 16-01-2023. kl. 16.32.     15-01-2023. kl. 16.12. SØGER DIALOG DER KAN STOPPE MINE…

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12-04-2023. Here you will find the Resent mail from 12-01-2023. at 04.01. to the European Central Bank, information about Danish banks that use bribes.

kladde Corrected and attached the forwarded email in a good readable format. I want contact and for the Danish police to stop covering up Jyske Bank’s crimes, I also want director of Jyske Bank CEO Anders Christian Dam to resign his mandate. As well as Jyske Bank itself launching an impartial investigation into the organized…

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09-07-2022. To the PRESS. the Danish state and the government. As well as Jyske Bank A/S CEO Anders Dam.

To the PRESS 09-07-2022. the Danish state and the government. As well as Jyske Bank A/S CEO Anders Dam. Read the email here in the link.   A single Dane, Carsten Storbjerg, has gone to war against corruption in Denmark. But Carsten asks for your help, as camaraderie in Denmark has so much power, that…

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01-09-2022. ENGLISH. About Jyske Bank and the bank’s fraud which is shared with the DANISH STATE, and Lund Elmer Sandager and others. It must be pointed out that Lund Elmer Sandager works as an aid to the whistleblower scheme for the National Bank of Denmark, and that Lund Elmer Sandager’s lawyers themselves contributed to Jyske Bank’s fraud.

  Read here the letter  31 August 2022. to the National Bank of Denmark, and to all of Denmark’s 179 politicians as well as to the Prime Minister of Denmark and the Prime Minister’s office. The letter is in English and contains evidence that Jyske Bank is using forged documents and that Jyske Bank at…

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22-08-2022. Jyske Bank der selv bruger bestikkelse, skriver på bankens hjemmeside: I Jyske Bank-koncernen tager vi afstand fra enhver form for korruption og andre uredelige forretningsmetoder. Korruption omhandler bl.a. bestikkelse, bedrageri, underslæb og afpresning.

Privat Erhverv Private Banking Finansnyt Søg  KONTAKT  LOG PÅ PRIVAT  LOG PÅ ERHVERV   IR Vælg side Regnskaber & præsentationer Meddelelser Kapital & regulering Governance Bæredygtighed Værdibaseret adfærd og ledelse Jyske Bank var i 90’erne en af de første banker til at arbejde med værdibaseret adfærd og ledelse – som modvægt til en ledelsesstil baseret…

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02-05-2022. News Risk management and ESG: Conflict management Litigation & Arbitration. Contact Peter Clemmen Christensen Attorney Partner, and Christina Bach Rasmussen Attorney.

  Lundgrens advokater YouTube.     With the Danish State’s permission, Jyske Bank A/S commits fraud against customers who have no legal certainty.   Here you can easily see proof that Jyske Bank are criminals and use false and misleading documents to defraud the bank’s customers.         12-08-2022. and corrected 14 august….

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28-07-2022. Mail to Denmark’s Nationalbank. It is Denmark’s Nationalbank that is ultimately fully responsible, and the The Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, due to corruption will not investigate a bank’s crimes, in order to counteract LAW and ORDER, and in that way, when banks like Jyske Bank A/S are actually committing fraud against their business customers.

Sent 28-07-2022. at 12:20 p.m corrected 12.33 p.m. Dear Denmark’s National Bank, including the Danish politicians, I hope you understand, that I do not believe that the Danish state and authorities are covering up Danish criminal banks, as I know very well. I cannot do anything about the corruption that governs Denmark, but if you…

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