27-09-2023. opdateret
Unique collector’s item, the first Jyske Bank car, which has been an advertisement for the organized fraud, performed by Jyske Bank’s many employees since 2015.
With the car comes the right to screw the criminal Danish bank JYSKE BANK A/S, and it is with full documentation of the bank’s fraud, repeated use of forged documents, mandate fraud, and the story about why Jyske Bank bribed Lundgren’s lawyers, and how Danish authorities, judges and lawyers is cover up the extensive crime that Denmark’s second largest bank Jyske Bank exposes customers to.
See sales ad here, the car and the right to write a comprehensive history of Corrupt Denmark, contact Carsten Storbjerg banknyt@gmail.com +4522227713, see more photos on GOOGLE.
The Jyske Bank’s board and management CEO Anders Dam and the Legal Director Martin Skovsted-Nielsen wrote on 11 August 2023.
Whom Jyske Bank’s employees at least by Nicolai Hansen together with Jeanett Kofoed-Hansen exposed to cunning fraud.
The legal director of the criminal Jyske Bank Martin Skovsted-Nielsen wrote that:
If I do not remove the shared evidence of Jyske Bank’s extensive criminality, which I have shared publicly since February 2016.
Then the bank have intended to investigate Jyske Bank’s optionsa, against the former customer.
There will soon be copies of several translated and shared emails to Jyske Bank, and to the Danish authorities, as well as mails to the parliament and the Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, and others, so you can easily get a good overview of the extensive corruption in Denmark” or
Camaraderie. ” in Denmark which is the same.
Please note that the Danish legal community, as well as members of large Danish legal firms such as Kromann Reumert lawyers, Horten lawyers, Lundgrens lawyers, Lund Elmer Sandager lawyers with the nickname “LES”, as well as employees of the Danish Courts, are involved in doing subversive activities against Legal certainty in Denmark, which is to cover up the extensive crime that several employees in the Jyske Bank group, together in union are demonstrably behind.
THE MAIL IS BELOW. Opdate and corrected 12 juli. 15.20
What does the Maersk Board of Directors say about being Denmark’s largest company.
When the Government in Denmark at the Prime Minister’s Office, is covering up Danish organisations’ use of forgery, bribery and fraud.
Maersk you have a large shareholding in Danish Bank, which has employees such as lawyer Mette Marie Nielsen, who have helped Jyske bank to undermine legal certainty, in order to help the Jyske bank with organized fraud.
The board of directors of Danske Bank A/S
Danske Banks A/S
Carsten Egeriis, Magnus Agustsson, Berit Behring, Christian Bornfeld, Karsten Breum, Stephan Engels, Johanna Norberg, Frans Woelders, Jan Thorsgaard Nielsen, Lars-Erik Brenøe, Jacob Dahl, Raija-Leena Hankonen-Nybom, Bente Avnung Landsnes, Allan Polack, Helle Valentin, Bente Bang, Kirsten Ebbe Brich, Aleksandras Cicasovas, Louise Aggerstrøm Hansen,
Meet Jyske Bank’s enemy no. 1 Carsten Storbjerg. on YouTube. nickname @Jyskebank.
Facebook, YouTube, Twitter,
No one can stop my advertising about the Danish bank. Jyske Banks crime, supported by the Danish state, and the government, and Employees in Lundgrens lawyers, Kromann Reumert lawyers, Horten lawyers, Lund Elmer Sandager lawyers, Dansk Erhverv, Forbrugerklagenævnet, the Danish Court and many more.
See some of the shared documents at banking news and emails here.
16-05-2023. 18.15. Advokat Mette Marie Nielsen i Danske Bank. Du er blevet inviteret til at blive interviewet til brug for bøgerne om bankers kriminalitet og korruption i Danmark,
22-06-2023. 12.36. mail – Om korruptionen i Danmark og Jyske Banks bedrageri er en skandale, eller om i mener jeg er dum fordi jeg skriver om den korruption der forhindrer retfærdighed, når banker bedrager, det vil jeg da gerne tale om. Jeg ønsker dialog og samtale for at få sat en stopper for dette her skriveri, hvis ikke i vil tale med mig omkring mine beviser for det jeg skriver så er det jeres problem, og jeg vil antage at den der ved passivet dækker over økonomiske forbrydelser, selv bliver medvirkende. Jeg anmoder også ved denne her mail Jyske Bank ved Anders Dam oim at ringe til mig, for at vi sammen kan finde en løsning, hvis Jyske Bank ikke har overtrådt nogle love og regler, har Jyske Bank jo intet at være bange for. Og hvis der er tale om en fejl, så se og få den rettet op. Hvis i mener jeg lyver så ret mig
Danish Bank A/S has been informed many times about their employee Mette Marie Nielsen, who according to Lundgren’s lawyers, has helped Jyske Bank to withhold the client’s fraud and false claims against Jyske Bank A/S.
Therefore Mette Marie Nielsen has become an accessory, to Jyske Bank’s financial crime.
And again, I say to all of you.
If you have som corrections, or perhaps objections, your silence is not the way to communicate.
And I only want to get the truth out, if you who have been mentioned, believe that I have misunderstood the law, and that the law does not apply to Danish banks, and that Danish lawyers are freely to keep their clients out of the client’s own case.
As the Bar Council, would like to deprive the Danish population of the right to a fair trial, since Employees of the Danish Courts, Kromann Reumert lawyers, Horten lawyers, Dansk Erhverv and Nævnenes Hus, in union have decided, that it is only the lawyers who decide what their client may present to the court.
THAT IS UNDERMINING LEGAL CERTAINTY, in order to cover up Jyske Bank’s many criminal violations.
Since 2021, has Jyske Bank been encouraged to file a police report for slander, but only if Jyske Bank is not a criminal and a lying Bank.
CEO Anders Christian Dam, Niels Erik Jakobsen, Per Skovhus og Peter Schleidt and the Layers Martin Skovsted-Nielsen, Steen Jul Petersen, Tine Lundøe Poulsen, Morten Ulrik Gade, Mette Lindekvist Højsgaard, Anette Holck, Anne Voss Winkler, Bende Paulsen, Christine Bernstorn, Dion Daa Petersen, Heidi Skovbjerg, Helle Isselin Hansen, Pernille Borowy, Suzanne Holst, Peter Krüger Andersen, Berit Fredberg, Hans Christian Nielsson, Henrik da Silva, Jane Rabek Sørensen, Jens Aakjær Madsen, Marcus Kølbæk-Nyborg, Michael Friis, Stefan Klit, Stine Kragelund Nielsen, Tine Jørgensen, Volker Nowak, naturally does not dare to do this.
Since everything I write about Jyske Bank’s abuse, and use of forgery and corruption by Lundgren’s lawyers is the true.
Some of the people who, in effect, have contributed to organized fraud for Jyske Bank A/S, by depriving victims of Jyske Bank’s fraud of the right to decide on their own legal proceedings.
In other words, employees/partners in these companies have deliberately and in bad faith worked against legal certainty and thus they have done subversive activities against the population of the state, by depriving the individual of the right to decide on their own legal case.
Is that compatible with the Maersk foundation, that the Danish government will not investigate criminal Danish banks and corruption deep into the bar association, and among judges.
As well covering the organized crime in the Danish companies such as Jyske Bank.
Bernard L. Bot, Arne Karlsson, Amparo Moraleda, Marc Engel, Robert Mærsk Uggla, Rabab Boulos, Rotem Hershko, Johan Sigsgaard, Keith Svendsen, Ditlev Blicher, Narin Phol, Aymeric Chandavoine, Karsten Kildahl, Henriette Hallberg Thygesen, Katharina Poehlmann, Silvia Ding, Caroline Pontoppidan, Susana Elvira, Navneet Kapoor, Patrick Jany, Vincent Clerc, Kasper Rørsted, Thomas Lindegaard Madsen, Marika Fredriksson, Julija Voitiekute, Kromann Reumert lawyer, Christina Bruun Geertsen, Morten Møller Enegaard, Jeppe Buskov, Jacob Møller, Jacob Høeg Madsen, Marianne Granhøj, Jakob Hans Johansen,
What does the DLA Piper CEO Simon Levine in London, say to the fact that their department in Denmark at Martin Lavesen Managing Partner, does not believe that clients have the right to participate in their own legal proceedings, and that DLA Piper lawyers do not believe it is a breach of good legal practice when lawyers as Lundgren’s lawyers withhold and hide several pleadings from their own client, and that in the client’s own lawsuit against Jyske Bank, which chose to bribe Lundgren’s lawyers who wanted to accept bribes.
The Danish State in the government led by Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen.
Is covering up Jyske Bank’s organized fraud, as well as the fact that Jyske Bank has violated the Land Registration Act, the Penal Code, the power of attorney rules, and probably Jyske Bank has also violated section 73 of the Constitution. “Grundloven.”
23-08-2022. to The Danish Government and Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, and til ECB.
07-02-2023. kl. 14.27. Gmail To The Danish Parliament and the Government. and Ministry of Justices of Justice . Please read this document carefully, and reply to me by confirming or dispelling my fears that you are working together to undermine the Danes’ right to self-determination, in order to cover up Jyske Bank’s criminality.
13-02-2023. Jeg beder Statsministeret om hjælp, da Jeg mener at været udsat for en sammensværgelse bestående af flere advokater og også dommere som står bag, hvis hensigt har været at fratage mig retten til selvbestemmelse, og for at modarbejde mig retten til at kunne får en retfærdig retssag, hvilket alt sammen er sket for at dække over Jyske Bank A/S ikke overholder danske regler og love.
03-06-2023. To the Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, and yhe Danish Parliament Please share the mail for all Members of the Danish Parliament. .with links pdf
Corruption among those who contribute to undermining legal security for the Danish population, is controlled from here, at least by Supreme Court judge Kurt Rasmussen, and managing partner in DLA Piper lawyers Martin Lavesen.
I have repeatedly offered the Bar Association to assist in clarifying, whether Partner Birgitte Frølund from Horten lawyers, and partner Jens Steen Jensen from Kromann Reumert lawyers have contributed to undermining the legal security of individual citizens in Denmark, in order to cover up corruption among the Bar Association members.
More precisely when the Jyske Bank group chose to bribe Lundgren’s lawyers, not to present their own client’s fraud and false allegations against the Jyske Bank group.