1 August 2023. Opdate at English 8 August. READ The original Danish mail HERE.
The page LINK is hee being translated.
Jyske Bank A/S
Vesterbrogade 8-16.
Susanne Soerensen
s-sorensen@jyskebank.dk, telefon 89894863
And Cc to.
MA_Redaktion <redaktion@midtjyllandsavis.dk>
Mail 29 July. 2023 18.32. Is here Corrected August 1st.
Which I have re-sent, since you, Susanne Soerensen, have not replied to a single one, of the emails I have written to you, in which I ask you to admit, that you have violated section 11 of the Land Registration Act on behalf of the Jyske Bank group.
Or that you document that you Susanne Sørensen, or that another employee of Jyske Bank A/S with me Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup, have agreed to change my right over a servient property “my property and my property right.”, this only requires consent from the owner of the ruling property, namely me.
14-06-2023. dokumenter der samlet viser Jyske banks overtrædelse af tinglysningsloven, brug af falsk fuldmagt og ved ond tro udsletter pant, mod instruks. samt nok over laver overtrædelse af grundlovenes § 73.
I request by this email that you, Susanne Soerensen, document to me that I have given you or other Jyske Bank employees the right to cancel my mortgage of DKK 3,000,000 in the Property located at Soevej 5, 3100 Hornbaek.
If you or others have got my approval to take this action, please Susanne Sowrensen, within 7 days from today 1 August 2023, document in front of me Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup, and in writing, that you and or that others from Jyske The bank’s employees have got my approval to cancel the mortgage on the DKK 3,000,000.
Lawyer Morten Ulrik Gade from Jyske Bank Silkeborg, does not think that the mortgage on the property has been extinguished,so if the Legal Department in the bank, wants to prove that I am lying, Jyske Bank’s many lawyers have this chance again, and you can set up a meeting in, for example, Jyske Bank Vesterbrogade 9. In Vesterbro.
And show me where the mortgage of DKK 3,000,000 has gone, because I can’t see it, since Jyske Bank by Susanne Soerensen has wiped out the mortgage.
I can inform you Susanne Soerensen, that Jyske Bank’s Legal Department, and that partners in Lund Elmer Sandager lawyers do not believe that Jyske Bank Bank has violated the provisions of the Land Registration Act by your action.
But what is your own opinion,
do you want to cancel the mortgage on a property again, and at any time, even if the owner has given instructions that this must not happen under any circumstances.
It is political to cover up Jyske Bank’s offences, Jyske Bank will at any time, probably commit the offenses that Jyske Bank’s lawyers as well as the management and employees want, this is a sort of what I write about in my books, which are based on my memories of Jyske Bank’s many offences.
From today, August 1 and the next 5 days, I will stop or, I will only make a few, or no posts at all, and prepare the next campaign, which also includes you, Susanne Soerensen.
Servicecenter Silkeborg ved Susanne Sørensen, 89894863 s-sorensen@jyskebank.dk har overtrådt tinglysningsloven. find medarbejder
I am writing so that you can understand, that if you have received an order to cancel my personal mortgage of DKK 3,000,000 on the Property Soevej 5. 3100 Hornbaek, against my instructions, then it is now time for you to respond.
I gladelig delete my many postings and advertisements about you Susanne Soerensen, and the postings by the many employees, who for Jyske Bank, deliberately and dishonestly have chosen to forge documents and commit fraud against my former company, and that this was to secure Jyske Bank’s financial interests, you can read that about for example.
I mention here that I have repeatedly sought to have a meeting with the Jyske Bank group, which is simply to avoid future misunderstandings, as lawyer Morten Ulrik Gade himself suggested on 17 November 2015.
So IF, Jyske Bank has clean flour in the bag, and if Jyske Bank has not violated any laws or regulations, then you Susanne Soerensen CALL me as soon as you and/or Jyske Bank’s management or lawyers read this email, and that within 7 days. from today August 1st.
I write to yoy, that if not you Susanne Soerensen, or Jyske Bank’s employees and partners as well as management, such as CEO Anders Christian Dam, Niels Erik Jakobsen, Per Skovhus and Peter Schleidt, Lars Stensgaard Mørch, Martin Skovsted-Nielsen, Morten Ulrik Gade, and the others that I have mentioned or written to.
Does not believe that Jyske Bank has violated at least the Land Registration Act,
And that if the Jyske Bank A/S group does not, as a starting point believe, that the property right over the mortgage, in a real estate is inviolable.
Why all employees in the Jyske Bank group and partners of Jyske Bank are of the opinion, that Jyske Bank A/S can freely cancel a customer’s mortgage on a real estate at any time.
Even if Jyske Bank deletes the customer’s mortgage without the agreement.
And even if it is directly against the customer’s instructions.
And it goes without saying that some in the Jyske Bank group believe that this is also NOT a violation of section 73 of the constitution.
Just like Jyske Bank’s Legal Director and Partners in Lund Elmer Sandager lawyers believe that it is NOT a violation of paragraph 11. of the Property Registration Act, that Jyske Bank refuses to let the owners themselves decide on their mortgage.
About this, and together with Jyske Bank’s other offences, is the reason why Jyske Bank’s employees and management will not answer me, will not talk to me, as the Jyske Bank group is of the opinion that it is not a violation of my basic human rights, to deprive me of the right to decide on my own property.
Jyske Bank DIRKTION must respond.
Just as when the bar council of the many mentioned persons, who are also employees of Horten lawyers, Kromann Reumert lawyers, who already work for Jyske Bank, if you do not think I have the right to decide anything in my own court case, which I on behalf of my company led sagainst the Jyske Bank.
A case that I had to give up, due to corruption among employees in the Danish courts, where, among other Supreme Court Justice Kurt Rasmussen has violated i have not right to be able to have a fair trial.
Susanne Sørensen, you are just a little piece in the criminal Jyske Bank, and of course you do not have to answer if you are aware of having violated the Land Registration Act, and by abusing a power of attorney have violated the law, and are therefore complicit in Jyske Bank’s general illegal actions.
I have several times previously sent a copy of the PDF DOCUMENT on the 85 pages.
And or I have sent a link to documentation for Jyske bank’s violation of the Property Registration Act.
The 85. Pages I have sent both to you, and several others in the Jyske Bank group, including Morten Ulrik Gade, Martin Skovsted-Nielsen and many others, which not a single one has dared to respond to me, about these inquiries.
I am writing about a violation of the Land Registration act, among a lot of other things, which even the press wants to cover up, as the Danish population does not nead to know that, the Jyske Bank consistently violates the law.
I have written to Midtjylland’s Avis by the editor-in-chief Hans Krabbe
And have called the newspaper, which already has a good cooperation with the Jyske Bank group, and I have arsk Midtjylland’s newspaper, and arsk them to investigate, whether Jyske Bank has in fact violated the Property Registration Act, or whether Jyske Bank is NOT subject to Danish legislation, according to which the Danish government is behind, and deliberately covers up Jyske Bank’s offences, in order to protect the state’s own financial interests in Jyske Bank.
Where I wrote to.
Midtjyllands avis
Hans Krabbe
Chief editor
Tel. +4587228405 / +4524221626
When I write that Jyske Bank has abused its access to the land registry, and deleted a mortgage without right, which is a violation of Section 11 of the Land Registry Act.
And that Jyske Bank has probably thereby also violated Section 73 of the Basic Law.
When I write that Jyske Bank has abused its access to the land registry and deleted a mortgage without right, which is a violation of Section 11 of the Land Registration Act.
And that Jyske Bank probably also, has violated Section 73 of the Constitution
“Denne opfattelse af § 73, stk. 1 er delt af såvel professorner dr.jur. Max Sørensen (Statsforfatningsret, 2. udg. 1973 s.406-407), dr.jur. Alf Ross (Dansk statsforfatningsret bd. II, 3. udgave ved Ole Espersen, 1980 s. 674-675), dr.jur. Peter Germer (Statsforfatningsret, 4. udgave 2007 s. 274-275) og dr.jur. Poul Andersen (Dansk forvaltningsret, 1954 730-734), samt af hele Højesterets praksis.“
Se U1967.22H der beskriver ekspropriation af andet end fast ejendom, og om almenvellet, der i sagen 3.3 Case 3 – U 1967.22 H. Side 33. Århus universitet beskriver i en afhandling dommen om ekspropriation af Islandske håndskrifter, hvilket skal ske ved lov.
Jyske Bank by Susanne Sørensen has not legally right, as Jyske Bank unlawfully canceled my private mortgage of DKK 3,000,000 in a real estate, which is why, in my view, the Jyske Bank group in that way has committed an unconstitutional act.
I request that the Danish state, and Justice Minister Peter Hummelgaard, initiate an investigation
Is there anyone who wants or dares to carry out an investigation into whether I am right or wrong when I say that Jyske Bank has violated the Land Registration Act § 11.
§ 11
Cancellation or change of a right over a servient property “mortgage” requires only the consent of the owner of the ruling property, the “Mortgage Deed.”
Servicecenter Silkeborg ved Susanne Sørensen, 89894863 s-sorensen@jyskebank.dk har overtrådt tinglysningsloven. find medarbejder
It is of course you Hans Krabbe, who decide whether the bad news about Jyske Bank may be written, and therefore it is your responsibility.
A newspaper must be critical of information received, now I ask you to investigate whether I am right that Jyske Bank has violated the bank’s powers, since the bank, without my permission, cancels the mortgage on a property without the owner’s permission.
And so I am still waiting, as Midtjylland’s Avis, with its editor-in-chief Hans Krabbe, continues to be silent and passive.
Use the link and view the shared document here.
DK text. Service center Silkeborg by Susanne Sørensen, 89894863 s-sorensen@jyskebank.dk has violated the property registration act. find employees..
Hans Krabbe, there must be some of your colleagues in the Jyske Bank group that you work with who can help you answer this email.
Servicecenter Silkeborg find medarbejder i Jyske Bank Snak med en af vores 48 medarbejdere, heraf har den ene overtrådt tinglysningslovens §11. Ole Brondbjerg, Gitte Møller Hindkær, Iben Riis, Anette Kalhøj, Birgit Forsom, Birthe Rindom Færgemann, Cecilie Mølgaard, Charlotte Kjærgaard, Connie Lykke Nielsen, Hanne Lindgård Holm, Hanne O. Eriksen, Henriette Kirkegaard, Karina Vindum, Karyna D. Jensen, Marco Roed Ditlevsen, Ole Bach Krejlgaard, Tanja Køpke Svenstrup, Tina Lund Nielsen, Vibeke Morsing Abildskov, Anda Rosing, Erik Callesen, Gunnar Ellegaard Møller, Ida Toft, Karen Lægård, Katrine Samine Yildiz, Kristian Lauritsen, Lilian Friis Mortensen, Lone Nielsen, Lotte Melgaard Birch, Louise Thygaard Geisshirt, Marianne Bryde Laursen, Rikke Brøgger, Susanne Storm Mortensen, Alice Frank, Charlotte Vester, Dorthe Stenby Brixen, Helle Duemark, Henriette Bach Christensen, Jeanette Nielsen, Michelle Haastrup Stæhr Bengtsen, Rikke Frits Bjerregaard, Rikke Holm Martinussen, Susanne Sørensen, Vibeke Rask, Winnie Mølsted Mikkelsen, Gitta Anna Dahl Jensen, Jens Carl Winkler, Kirsten Toft,
You are all welcome to help Susanne Sørensen to answer this email within 7 days.
Tinglysningsloven § 11
§ 11
Udslettelse eller forandring af en ret over en tjenende ejendom kræver kun samtykke fra ejeren af den herskende ejendom, medmindre andre i denne berettigede har ladet en særlig erklæring tinglyse på den tjenende ejendom om, at deres samtykke skal indhentes til udslettelsen eller forandringen.
Stk. 2.
Til udslettelse af pantebreve eller rettigheder i et ejerpantebrev kræves samtykke fra den ifølge tingbogen berettigede eller bevis for, at retten er ophørt ifølge retsbeslutning. Pantebreve til statskassen og de af staten etablerede låneinstitutioner samt realkreditinstitutter, der er godkendt af staten, kan dog efter rettens bestemmelse udslettes mod kvittering af den ifølge tingbogen berettigede.
My corrected email from 29 Jul. 2023.
Jyske Bank A/S
Vesterbrogade 8-16.
Susanne Sørensen
s-sorensen@jyskebank.dk, 89894863
And Cc.
The following employees in Jyske Bank have quit, changed jobs.
benny-pedersen@jyskebank.dk. Benny Laibach Pedersen, Pensioneret Finanssektorens Uddannelsescenter, Skanderborg, Denmark Jyske BankSilkeborg, Midtjylland, Danmark.
dyndegaard@jyskebank.dk, Henrik dyndegaard Afdelingsdirektør Erhverv, Spar Nord, jul. 2023. Hillerød, Hovedstaden, Danmark. Ny kontrakt mail hedy@sparnord.dk
Susanne Sørensen, who said you had to cancel the DKK 3,000,000 mortgage on the property in question,
For which there is a link to a full documentation.
You probably know very well yourself, that you have violated Paragraph 11 of the Land Registration Act, and have probably also committed an unconstitutional act in violation of Section 73 of the Constitution.
Regardless of the fact that the Danish government and the land registration court, do not care about Jyske Bank’s violation of the land registration act, which I have also written about, the land registration court employees have written, something similar to this.
That if you are dissatisfied with Jyske Bank’s action, and you wish to complain that the bank has abused the bank’s access to land registration rights, and by abusing a limited power of attorney, an employee of Jyske Bank has canceled a mortgage on a property, without the right to this.
Then I, the owner myself, must bring a private case against the Jyske Bank group, as it does not concern the right of land registration, that Jyske Bank, and in the case of repetition, has committed legal offences, by making a notification contrary to the customer’s wishes, and which also without a valid power of attorney has registered a non-existent debt in a private property.
I’ve seen that spelling mistakes have been made at Jyske bank car, with words as existing, but you all know what I mean, otherwise call 004522227713 and ask me.
Now I know clearly, that there is corruption in the Danish courts, and that Supreme Court Justice Kurt Rasmussen is among those who oppose justice towards those who are cheated and deceived by Jyske Bank.
You can read more about all this yourself at www.banknyt.dk
And no, it is not my task to conduct legal proceedings in a corrupt society, to get Jyske Bank to stop violating the Danish laws, I am neither a police officer nor an authority, nor someone who has been chosen by the Ministry of Justice, as the one who must ensure that Jyske Bank also complies with Danish rules and laws.
I am just a little gnat, and I point out that Jyske Bank has exposed my former private company to extensive fraud, and that Jyske Bank has bribed Lundgren’s lawyers not to present the client’s FRAUD AND FALSE allegations against the Jyske Bank group to the court.
If you still have no comment or any questions, perhaps some corrections, you know everyone in the Jyske Bank family, I only want to write the truth, so help me write the history.
In the new advertisements, is also mention Jens Steen Jensen from Kromann Reumert attorneys, and Birgitte Frølund from Horten attorneys, all of whom have a collaboration with Jyske Bank, and were therefore incompetent when they, together with Supreme Court Judge Kurt Rasmussen, have decided on behalf of the board of attorneys.
That it did not concern me, what Lundgren’s lawyers did in the case against Jyske Bank.
That it did not concern me, that Lundgrens had been bought and paid for by Jyske Bank.
That it was not a violation of good legal practice, when Lundgren’s lawyers withheld and concealed the pleadings Lundgren’s lawyers presented in my name, i.e. in my companys case against Jyske Bank.
And that it was also not a violation of good legal practice, when Lundgren’s lawyers withheld and hid the pleadings, that Jyske bank lawyers themselves presented in the Frud case, Lundgren’s lawyers had to present against Jyske Bank for me.
In other words, Lundgren’s lawyers are the company that Jyske bank has bribed not to present my fraud case to the court, as that Jyske Bank has exposed the customer, and the plaintiff to organized fraud, i.e. in the case against Jyske Bank which the former customer has dropped, as no one can win against corruption, among Danish lawyers and judges.
Susanne Soerensen, this email is made for you, and you don’t have to be afraid that someone besides me will say something, as it is political to cover up Jyske Bank’s many violations of the law.
I have invited Jyske Bank to a duel on national TV, regarding Jyske Bank’s violations, and as hers is also about your violations.
Without Jyske Bank wanting to help me with clarification, and even though Jyske Bank’s Legal Department at Morten Ulrik Gade and Kristian Ambjørn Buus-Nielsen, from Lund Elmer Sandager lawyers ther deny having violated the Land Registration Act.
I have found that it is you Susanne Sørensen on the roads of the Jyske Bank group, that has violated the Property Registration Act.
Is there it something of you, ther want to deny, i.e. that you have violated the provisions of the Land Registration Act, and thar you do not want me to continue sharing this information, then you need to answer me.
Susanne Sørensen, you have not replied to the previous inquiries, why the advertisements have started to be shared little by little.
I will continue to do this sharing, you Jyske Bank and yourself Susanne Soerensen involved in, for the books I am write.
As I also mentioned to your colleagues, I thought that we should meet, and talk together, just to find a peaceful solution, it just seemed quite impossible as Jyske Bank would not admit anything, and would not give anything, but that Jyske Bank would only have in a possible peace agreement, with out give something
If Jyske Bank does not believe, that the Bank is subject to Danish legislation, since the Danish State and government, together with persons such as Supreme Court judges, the bar association and others, have jointly decided to cover up Jyske Bank’s offences.
Then I thought the bank should show me the agreement, Jyske Bank may have made with the government not to comply with the law, unless it is an oral agreement.
Talk to me now.
I have been writing since February 2016, and I will not stop writing, unless Jyske Bank shows me, that it is I who have made a mistake.
Or that Jyske bank can understand making a peace agreement, as I have mentioned a few times, but it must not only be according to Jyske Bank’s needs.
The agreement must be reconciled with the bank’s offenses and the bank’s actions.
I have written several different proposals, and Jyske Bank has written 1st proposal, which I have rejected.
But back to you Susanne Sørensen.
Do you have any comments, objections to my writing, that you have violated the Land Registration Act, and deleted the mortgage, without legal authority, against the owner’s instructions.
Read more here.
Susanne sørensen fra Jyske Bank A/S har fået sine egne reklamer, for overtrædelse af tinglysningsloven, spørg gerne om SUSANNE SØRENSEN har noget at sige til, at hun for Jyske Bank har overtrådt tinglysnings lovens bestemmelser, og dermed har fortaget en en grundlovsstridig handling.
Susanne sørensen from Jyske Bank A/S has received her own, advertisements for violating the land registration act, please ask SUSANNE SØRENSEN, if Susanne has anything to say, that you has violated the provisions of the land registration act, for Jyske Bank, and thus has taken an act contrary to the constitution.
Jyske Bank bilen kan ses på Vesterbrogade nr 9. Vesterbro. Denne her reklame for s-sorensen@jyskebank.dk Susanne Sørensen 89894863 holder lige nu parkeret i Hornbæk ved havnen, se den der.
Susanne Sørensen Jyske Bank s-sorensen@jyskebank.dk, 89894863
Servicecenter Silkeborg ved Susanne Sørensen, 89894863 s-sorensen@jyskebank.dk har overtrådt tinglysningsloven. find medarbejder
www.banknyt.dk extract.
This is a WARNING against some of the largest Danish criminal companies, as the Danish Bank JYSKE BANK.
JYSKE BANK BILEN. / The Banking News. UPDATED LATEST 29-07-2023. Time. 10.10
One of the Jyske Bank cars, is parked Vesterbrogade nr 9. Vesterbro, Contact Susanne Sørensen 89894817. If you have any questions.
Meet Jyske Bank’s enemy no. 1 Carsten Storbjerg. on YouTube. nickname @Jyskebank.
Facebook, YouTube and Twitter no one can stop my advertising about the Danish bank. Jyske Banks crime, supported by the Danish state, and the government, and Employees in Lundgrens lawyers, Kromann Reumert lawyers, Horten lawyers, Lund Elmer Sandager lawyers, Dansk Erhverv, Forbrugerklagenævnet, the Danish Court and many more.
Print a English. copy of the last bank news page from this link. 08-02-2023.
SEE there sheared letters and mails.
19 juni. 2023 See the many new advertisements that appear on the car before they comes back to Copenhagen and park in a selected place.
I have written and said that I would like to stop writing, and that it is only if Jyske Bank’s management, lawyers and management who, together with the board of representatives, shown a desire for Jyske Bank to come up with a solution themselves.
CEO ANDERS CHRISTIAN DAM, should be deprived of the right to decide on anything in Jyske Bank, as he is really the background of my writings.
You know what to do, and conversation is the way forward, and above all, stop thinking I’m stupid.
P.S. This email has still only been sent to those of you who are part of the Jyske Bank group.
Sharing it here:
Today’s code is 12345678 “the code has been deleted on Monday 07-08-2023.”
PS. Denne her mail er stadig “forløbet” kun til jer der er med i Jyske Bank koncernen, samt Chefredaktør Hans Krabbe fra Midtjyllands Avis
Hans Krabbe YOU may not share anything from this email, until it is released, in 8 days at the earliest.
As of today, August 8, 2023, so now I am waiting Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup only for Midtjylland’s Avis, by the editor-in-chief Hans Krabbe, to have investigated some of what I have written about Jyske Bank having violated the provisions of the Property Registration Act, and against the law has proceeded to delete customer’s private mortgage on a property
Best regards
Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup
Soevej 5.
3100. Hornbaek.