Tag: BT-1929 1929

19-09-2023. Text in Facebook posts with links. – Dear Jyske Bank group, dismiss CEO Anders Christian Dam, and admit to violation of Section 11 of the Land Registration Act, and give me a written apology, and then talk to me, so that together we can resolve our small but funny conflict. clearly Anders Dam must be thrown out of the Jyske Bank group as he is the reason for my advertisements about Jyske Bank’s many violations of the law.

19-09-2023. 01.52. til Jyske Bank og myndigheder. Jeg prøver faktisk at hjælpe Jyske Bank med at lære lovgivningen at kende, da selv jeres juridiske dirktør Martin Skovsted-Nielsen åbenbart ikke kender til lovgivningen, med henvisning til tinglysningslovens § 11. To the Danish Prime Ministers Office. Christiansborg. Prins Joergens Gaard.11 1218. Copenhagen K. mail stm@stm.dk Phone +4533923300….

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18-09-2023. Dear Jyske Bank group, dismiss CEO Anders Christian Dam, and admit to violation of Section 11 of the Land Registration Act, and give me a written apology, and then talk to me, so that together we can resolve our small but funny conflict. clearly Anders Dam must be thrown out of the Jyske Bank group as he is the reason for my advertisements about Jyske Bank’s many violations of the law.

18-09-2023. 13.01. Dear Jyske Bank group, dismiss CEO Anders Christian Dam, and admit to violation of Section 11 of the Land Registration Act, and give me a written apology, and then talk to me, so that together we can resolve our small but funny conflict, it only take 5 minutes, to find solution, but clearly…

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17-09-2023. News at banking news about corruption in Denmark between Danish lawyers and banks, like when Jyske Bank bribed Lundgrens lawyers not to present the client’s fraud case against the Jyske Bank group. Ther is behind organized crime.

18-09-2023. 13.01. Dear Jyske Bank group, dismiss CEO Anders Christian Dam, and admit to violation of Section 11 of the Land Registration Act, and give me a written apology, and then talk to me, so that together we can resolve our small but funny conflict, it only take 5 minutes, to find solution, but clearly…

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