Hvor mange danske advokate huse i danmark er korupte, kan Lundgrens forklare deres sammenarbejde med Jyske bank A/S ikke også er grunden til at klienten måtte fyre Lundgrens, for at få deres sag mod Jyske Bank fremlagt for domstolen

  While we fix the bank news. If we move the many sub-pages to the block, this is done to tell you more about the many different criminal conditions, where the Jyske Bank Group very clearly violates the Criminal Code, and thus is to be described as criminal. And individually we will review and explain…

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How many Danish lawyers’ houses in Denmark are corrupt, Lundgrens can explain their cooperation with Jyske bank A/S is also not the reason why the client had to fire Lundgrens, to have their case against Jyske Bank presented to the court

  While we fix the bank news. If we move the many sub-pages to the block, this is done to tell you more about the many different criminal conditions, where the Jyske Bank Group very clearly violates the Criminal Code, and thus is to be described as criminal. And individually we will review and explain…

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Lundgren’s lawyers must be paid by Jyske Bank’s group management, paid or received a return commission. In order to restrain the client’s fraud claims against Jyske Bank A/S before the court. Which is directly against Danish legal certainty.

  Are Lundgren’s lawyers corrupt.   Former client of Lundgren’s lawyer’s partner company. Asking big questions about Lundgren’s honesty Lundgren’s lawyers must be paid by Jyske Bank’s group management, paid or received a return commission. In order to restrain the client’s fraud claims against Jyske Bank A/S before the court. Whichis directly against legal certainty….

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Lundgrens advokater må af Jyske Banks koncernledelse, fået betaling, eller modtaget returkommission. For at tilbageholde klientens svig påstande imod Jyske Bank A/S for domstolen. Hvilket er dirækte imod den danske retssikkerhed.

Er Lundgrens advokater korrupte. Tidligere klient i Lundgrens, stiller spørgsmålstegn ved Lundgrens hæderlighed.     Lundgrens advokater må af Jyske Banks koncernledelse, fået betaling, eller modtaget returkommission. – For at tilbageholde klientens svig påstande imod Jyske Bank A/S for domstolen. . Hvilket er dirækte imod retssikkerheden. – . Sebastian Lysholm Nielsen, Pernille Hellesøe, Dan Terkildsen…

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Help us, are we wrong or expose Jyske Bank to fraud, and have Jyske Bank paid Lundgren’s lawyers to damage our case and disappoint in legal matters. sorry but no one wants to talk to us.

It may be that you think we are crazy. But this is the truth about Jyske Bank’s business methods. Methods such as Jyske Bank A/S will hardly only expose us. And therefore it is a major Danish social problem. 🙂   Hope for your understanding and that you can read it as we explain. After…

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Read a true story about how, a large Danish banks like here Jyske Bank cooperate with several lawyers. Stand behind millions of fraud against their own customer.

Opdatering 20 oktober 2023. redigere med links SEE there sheared letters and mails. Documents have been shared August 6, 2023.  Not a single one has replied to one of my emails, of which you can see a few in the link. SEE there sheared videos YouTube 15 august 2023, and Banknyt.dk. Tags. BLOG.   Read a true story…

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Here we explain with 2 appendices that Jyske Bank’s group must have bribed Lundgren’s lawyers, to counteract their client, instead of helping Jyske Bank’s board, by trying to disappoint in legal matters.

BANKING News Denmark. Help us against Danish criminal banks, our former lawyer Lundgrens was bought by Jyske bank A/S to harm our case And withhold our claims before the court. see the evidence here.   Her kan du klikke hvis du ønsker at læse dette opslaget på Dansk Read a true story about how large…

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Her forklare vi med 2 bilag at Jyske Banks koncern må have bestukket Lundgrens advokater, til at modarbejde deres klient, for istedet at hjælpe Jyske Banks bestyrelse, ved at prøve at skuffe i retsforhold.

Her kommer den danske oversættelse af Banknyt.dk You can click here if you want to read this entry in English – Velkommen til bank nyt. Engelsk version En sag for SØIK Bagmandspolitiet. Om særlig økonomisk kriminalitet. Vi intet om Bestikkelse, Bedrageri, Dokumentfalsk, Mandatsvig ja eller om det at lyve overfor retten i et retsforhold, er…

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25-11-2021. GL. forside Banknyt velkommen, udskiftes efter hoved forhandling af sagen BS-402/2015-VIB. i byretten, inden fortsættelse i Landsretten

Her er den gamle forsiden fra banknyt indsat pr. 25-11-2021. Sagen mod Jyske Bank overgår nu til Landsretten og bliver beskrevet. fra 15 marts 2020. www.banknyt.dk OPDATERET SENEST 22-11-2021. KL11.30.  BILLEDER OG BILAG INDSÆTTES. Er du Journalist og ønsker at spørge ind til min historie og mine bilag så ring til mig på +4522227713. Vh…

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14/3-20. Gl. forside. As their 2 earlier lawyers were in the pocket of the defendant Danish bank A/S

This case shows that to date it has been worthwhile to commit crime in Denmark, and no matter if you are discovered, only you are rich enough. Hope you find our fight against Danish corrupt banks, and law firms in order. It should not be so that customers of the Danish bank can not count…

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Udkast. Previous front page until new, During update.

11-03-2020 Previous front page until new, During update.   The customer keeps an eye on the largest criminal banking companies, and corrupt lawyer houses in Denmark. – If you think you can rely troust on Lundgren’s or Lund Elmer Sandager lawyers, or if you can trust Denmark’s second-largest Bank Jyske bank, So just try to…

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Side 1 til 13 Jyske Banks Organisation og ledelse 2018

Nu handler det om Lundgrens partnerselskab hvori Dan Terkildsen er Partner. Om Dan Terkildsen i mod alt hvad Konservative måtte stå for. Dan Terkildsen har for Lundgrens Direkte modarbejdet klients retssikkerhed. Ved ikke at ville fremlægge klienten sag for domstolen. Er det sådanne medlemmer Konservative ønsker. Alle medlemmer af de konservative se her hvordan Dan…

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This beautiful car was to be located at Jyske Bank’s corporate headquarters in Silkeborg. The car is part of Jyske Bank’s history and testifies to Jyske Bank’s values. JYSKE BANKS REKLAME BIL SÆLGES BILLIGT

01-02-2020 This beautiful car was to be located at Jyske Bank’s corporate headquarters in Silkeborg. The car is part of Jyske Bank’s history and testifies to Jyske Bank’s values. JYSKE BANKS REKLAME BIL SÆLGES BILLIGT Hvem er årets svindel bank Danske bank med lidt hvidvask eller Jyske bank og bankens million bedrageri med Anders And…

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Bribery is not only a problem of Danish society. See picture gallery Jyske Bank. and Lundgrens

Bribery is not only a problem of Danish society. See picture gallery Jyske Bank. Corruption is a huge problem for business Klik and see the danish newsletter. A fraud case that ends up being about bribery in some of Denmark’s largest law firms and Danish banks. If CEO Ander Christian Dam has another explanation, our…

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Pictures of Jyske Bank and the well-known Danish bank cars, that have been running in the Danish cities since November 2016. And which will soon be replaced. If you are interested in owning one of the cars here you can write an SMS to 004522227713. best regards Lundgrens and Lund Elmer Sandager from the deceived customer in the danish Bank Jyske Bank.

Pictures of Jyske Bank and the well-known Danish bank cars, that have been running in the Danish cities since November 2016. And which will soon be replaced. If you are interested in owning one of the cars here you can write an SMS to 004522227713. best regards Lundgrens and Lund Elmer Sandager from the deceived…

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Jyske Bank reviews on Trustpilot, we can not even read it, and Danish bank loses case of money laundering in Cort.

The case against Jyske Bank A/S is about the very foundation of the Jyske Bank group. While all members of the Jyske Bank gang are hiding for the small customer in Hornbæk Denmark, The case BS-402/2015-VIB against Jyske Bank is just about Jyske Bank’s employees and the Board lie or are honest and honorable, Therefore…

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LETTER Lund Elmer Sandager. do you dare to trust Lund Elmer Sandager’s lawyers if the lawyers are contributing to Jyske Bank’s bribery of the Bank’s customer ?. Read all the letters here, and understand why partner in Lund Elmer Sandager, Philip Baruch must testify, and explain in court whether the false and incorrect information provided by Lund Elmer Sandager Attorneys provided, partly to cover Jyske Bank’s continuing fraud, but also to disappoint in legal matters.

LETTER Lund Elmer Sandager. do you dare to trust Lund Elmer Sandager’s lawyers if the lawyers are contributing to Jyske Bank’s bribery of the Bank’s customer ?. Read all the letters here, and understand why partner in Lund Elmer Sandager, Philip Baruch must testify, and explain in court whether the false and incorrect information provided…

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Here is the first Appendix to the case. This is where the case starts back in 2013. as Case 328/2013. before the case in 2015 was continued, and brought to justice. BS-402/2015-VIB / Update regularly with attachments, and explanation of appendices trust danish banks

01-12-2019 Here is the first Appendix to the case. This is where the case starts back in 2013. as Case 328/2013. before the case in 2015 was continued, and brought to justice. BS-402/2015-VIB / Update regularly with attachments, and explanation of appendices trust danish banks     Perhaps Denmark’s biggest fraud case, where a large…

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Financial services industry including, Danish fraud business in the danish banks.

  JyskeBank CEO Anders Dam and the Lundgrens, is it possible this site is currently, and the truth about the president himself is behind fraud business agents costamars. ? We arsk again. Lundgrens advokater fik svig og falsk sagen, mod jyske bank 5 febuar 2018. En sag mod jyske bank om millionsvindel. Partner Dan Terkildsen…

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A state bank is what Denmark needs, so why has the state not made a bank the Danes can trust.

A signature from Danske Bank, or another bank, to comply with the law. Will hardly get the Danish banks to comply with the law, as the banks have a reputation for using all tricks to avoid complying with the law in pursuit of 💰 money. In the 3 largest banker in Denmark, money laundering has…

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