09-08-2022. To the Danish State, Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, and the Danish courts for your information, I do not know whether all Danish authorities and the government think it is a good idea to cover up the Danish banks that operate by using criminal acts, I would like to point out that This is getting close to me filing a complaint with the European Court of Human Rights for violating my legal certainty. But if Denmark as a state cannot deal with banks that like Jyske Bank A/S use bribes and commit forgery and fraud, I must sue Denmark for covering up Jyske Bank’s criminal actions.

Mail will be readable in both Danish and English after the flood. Inserts some mood pictures in connection with translation into English as well, Corrected 10 August. 2022. and makes a new PDF copy of the email.   09-08-2022.  time. 15.51 Til: Jura og Forretning <jur@domstolsstyrelsen.dk>, Justitsministeriet <jm@jm.dk>, Statsministeriet <stm@stm.dk> Cc: Kommunikation <kommunikation@nationalbanken.dk>, kf@nationalbanken.dk, nationalbanken@nationalbanken.dk,…

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08-08-2022. Kindly request that for permission to hand over full documentation to Denmark’s national bank, that Denmark’s second largest bank, Jyske Bank, has committed mandate fraud, forgery of documents, used bribes and made use of powers of attorney as well as fraud and more, I want to review the evidence material with those who are responsible for the borrower’s legal security when it concerns criminal Danishs Banker.

Mail is shared 08-08-2022. at 13.25 13.33. p.m with the press, and is added with notes and pictures, which is re-sent to everyone listed as recipient.   IN WORD dokument. Denmark’s national bank Langelinie Allé 47 2100 Copenhagen East. TO the Executive Board of the National Bank of Denmark At Signe Krogstrup, Lars Rohden and…

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07-08-2022. FRONT PAGE Cover of bank news Copy of Banking news as it is today. With some pictures that show that Jyske Bank has tried to silence the customer to death, and at the same time defraud the customer for millions of kroner. This is the foundation of Jyske Bank A/S.

UPDATED LATEST 07-08-2022. KL. 16.50. The page and posts are in both Danish and English. 22-07-2022. Frontpage copy www.storbjerg.dk If you, as a collaborator with Jyske Bank in Denmark, know well that Jyske Bank has made a document false and fraud as well as other criminal offenses, which has been committed by several employees together…

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06-08-2022. President of the European Central Bank. Christine Madeleine Odette Lagarde. my question to the ECB. Is it normal and is it permissible for banks to use bribes, to oppose justice and to disappoint in legal matters. Regarding the danish bank Jyske Bank’s use of bribes, the entire board of Jyske Bank A/S is probably behind it.

European Central Bank.          06-08-2022 60640 Frankfurt am Main Germany.   President of the European Central Bank. Christine Madeleine Odette Lagarde.     06-08-2022. Here you can read and save the original email in a word document.   On this page, a couple of photos of the vote have been inserted, in…

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04-08-2022. courrier au directeur de la Banque nationale Lars Rohde pour la Banque nationale du Danemark. À. Je dois demander un entretien et que la banque procédera à un examen de mes preuves contre Jyske Bank A/S pour usage de faux, fraude, corruption, exploitation, mauvaise foi, abus de procuration, abus de l’accès de la banque à la terre droits d’enregistrement. et une copie à LES pour effectuer une vérification de mes informations, dans Si la banque nationale Danmarks choisit de continuer à dissimuler les infractions pénales de Jyske Bank.

Mail La traduction partielle de l’e-mail en anglais adressé au directeur de la Danmarks Nationalbank, Lars Rohde. LIEN vers une traduction française. deutsche et LIEN vers une traduction allemande.   Cet e-mail 04-08-2022. du lien. au directeur de la Nationalbank Lars Rohde est inséré en bas. À propos du crime organisé et de l’utilisation de la…

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Google Übersetzer. Mail  Teilweise deutsche Übersetzung. La traduction partielle de l’e-mail en anglais adressé au directeur de la Danmarks Nationalbank, Lars Rohde. LIEN vers une traduction française. deutsche et LIEN vers une traduction allemande. Mail Dies E-Mail 08.04.2022. aus dem link. an Nationalbank direktor Lars Rohde ist unten eingefügt. Über das organisierte Verbrechen und den Einsatz…

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04-08-2022. mail to the National Bank Director Lars Rohde for National Bank of Denmark. To. I must request an interview and that the bank will conduct a review of my evidence against Jyske Bank A/S for the use of forgery, fraud, bribery, exploitation, bad faith, abuse of power of attorney, abuse of the bank’s access to land registration rights. and a copy to LES to carry out a check of my information, in If Danmarks national bank chooses to continue to cover up Jyske Bank’s criminal offences.

Mail  Teilweise deutsche Übersetzung. La traduction partielle de l’e-mail en anglais adressé au directeur de la Danmarks Nationalbank, Lars Rohde. LIEN vers une traduction française. deutsche et LIEN vers une traduction allemande. Inserts some mood pictures edited 07-08-2022.     This email 04-08-2022. from the link. to Nationalbank Director Lars Rohde is inserted at the bottom….

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01-08-2022. and 31-07-2022. When Jyske Bank itself takes my advertisements about Jyske bank’s organized crime as a Joke, and Jyske Bank knows that through corruption the Danish State is covering up Jyske bank’s crimes, then I am up against a force I cannot win over, therefore I will offer to sell the company together with the case against Jyske Bank to whoever wants to have documentation that Denmark is a corrupt country. If you want the case and, at the same time, a good story about corruption in Denmark, contact Carsten Storbjerg

E-mail 1 August 2022. time 15.36 to the Danish authorities, and in particular to the National Bank of Denmark and its board of directors, originally to the Financial Supervisory Authority and its board of directors.  LINK E-mail. 01-08-2022. Word Text documentation. Kommunikation <kommunikation@nationalbanken.dk>, kf@nationalbanken.dk, nationalbanken@nationalbanken.dk, anne.paulin@ft.dk, jakob.ellemann-jensen@ft.dk, pso@nationalbanken.dk, lisbeth.bech-nielsen@ft.dk, kristian.thulesen.dahl@ft.dk, jens.joel@ft.dk, sophie.lohde@ft.dk, sofie.carsten.nielsen@ft.dk, troels.poulsen@ft.dk, Justitsministeriet…

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29-07-2022. Hvis ikke i som ansvarlige for Danmarks Nationalbank, og som her er modtager, regeret på mine henvendelser, og iværksætter en uvildig undersøgelse af mine påstande mod Jyske Banks A/S som beskrevet på www.Banknyt.dk Så er i medvirken til Jyske Banks bedrageri og orgniceret svindel.

29-07-2022. sendt klokken 10.12.  Redigeret en smule og indsat stemningsbilleder 31-07-2022. kl. 19.00. gensendes efter færdigredigering.   Indset indledende stemnings billeder.   Spørg så dig selv, hvorfor ingen af de nævnte myndigheder, advokater, Jyske bank eller nogle danske journalister, har svaret på en eneste henvendelse, i betragtning at jeg Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup kan få 2…

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28-07-2022. Mail to Denmark’s Nationalbank. It is Denmark’s Nationalbank that is ultimately fully responsible, and the The Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, due to corruption will not investigate a bank’s crimes, in order to counteract LAW and ORDER, and in that way, when banks like Jyske Bank A/S are actually committing fraud against their business customers.

Sent 28-07-2022. at 12:20 p.m corrected 12.33 p.m. Dear Denmark’s National Bank, including the Danish politicians, I hope you understand, that I do not believe that the Danish state and authorities are covering up Danish criminal banks, as I know very well. I cannot do anything about the corruption that governs Denmark, but if you…

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Kladde til opslag arbejdes dokument

Du som udlansk myndighed eller journalist, der ser denne side, og mine opslag bør stille spørgsmål til Danmarks troværdighed. For når de danske myndigheder dækker over kriminelle danske banker og også korrupte danske advokater, og ingen tør eller vil tale med mig der har fremlagt beviser for at Jyske Bank står bag organiseret kriminalitet samt…

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24-07-2022. Mail to Denmark’s Nationalbank. It is Denmark’s Nationalbank that is ultimately fully responsible, and the The Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, due to corruption will not investigate a bank’s crimes, in order to counteract LAW and ORDER, and in that way, when banks like Jyske Bank A/S are actually committing fraud against their business customers.

24-07-2022. Time 15.03.                                                                  Corrected 28-07-2022. at 09.20. To Danmarks Nationalbank. Danmarks Nationalbank Langelinie Allé 47. 2100 København Ø. Phone: 33 63 63 63….

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23-07-2022. Here is the competition to disprove that Jyske bank is a criminal bank, 23-07-2022. time 13.43. has been sent to Jyske Bank and the Danish state.

Updated 7 August 2022. 7.20 p.m. with special offer too Denmark’s Nationalbank’s top management, gets 20% extra to disprove that Jyske Banks has not committed any violations of Denmark’s laws and regulations, especially the laws described in the Criminal Code. Red this page here in word dokument.   The first competition ever, in which a…

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23-07-2022. Mail To Danmarks Nationalbank. Please, based on the information you have received about Jyske Bank’s fraud and the use of forged documents as well as bribery of Lundgren’s lawyers and more, make sure you keep yourself informed at www.banknyt.dk where there is a lot of evidence that Jyske Bank A/S does not is worthy of having permission to conduct banking business in Denmark.

To Danmarks Nationalbank.  23-07-2022.     Danmarks Nationalbankhttps: //www.nationalbanken.dk   Danmarks Nationalbank Langelinie Allé 47. 2100 København Ø. Telefon: 33 63 63 63. E-mail: kommunikation@nationalbanken.dk  Mail to kommunikation@nationalbanken.dk, kf@nationalbanken.dk, nationalbanken@nationalbanken.dk, anne.paulin@ft.dk, jakob.ellemann-jensen@ft.dk CC. direktion@jyskebank.dk, benny-pedersen@jyskebank.dk, birger-nielsen@jyskebank.dk, bac@jyskebank.dk, ctm@jyskerealkredit.dk, gadeberg@jyskebank.dk, eqh@jyskebank.dk, erling.kristensen@jyskebank.dk, fbk@jyskebank.dk, hbm@jyskebank.dk, jes.rosendal@jyskebank.dk, naur@jyskefinans.dk, noerbo@jyskebank.dk, lm@jyskebank.dk, sandberg@jyskebank.dk, martin.nielsen@jyskebank.dk, prp@jyskebank.dk, rune@jyskebank.dk, sej@jyskebank.dk, hoejsgaard@jyskebank.dk, ahk@jyskebank.dk, bpa@jyskebank.dk, heidi.skovbjerg@jyskebank.dk,…

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22-07-2022. “and 25-07-2022” I know I can’t write and that I don’t spell very well. But is that the reason that not a single person in Denmark has wanted to answer me, nor has he wanted to raise the problem of corruption and bribery in Denmark. Just as the Danish State by the government is effectively covering up the criminal Danish bank “Jyske Bank” by passivity.

Mail sendt 22-07-2022. tid. 16.27. Updated has made a few corrections updated 07-25-2022. hour 16.45 and resent to everyone. I have inserted some atmospheric pictures, which are advertisements for the Jyske Bank car.   To the National Bank of Denmark, as well as other authorities and Jyske Bank A/S. Danmarks Nationalbank Langelinie Allé 47. 2100…

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PRESS RELEASE. August 3 at 6 p.m. About corruption in Denmark as I write..

Print friendly word document from mail. August 3, 13.34. and hour 16.21. This side. The page is updated 03-08-2022. 23.50.   🗣️✍️📝🎥 Time 16.21. 3 August 2022. press release, Mail is abbreviated. Danish citizen here again asks the Danish state and authorities, government and the National Bank of Denmark what will you do with corruption…

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18-07-2022. Facebook mail 17-07-2022. Dear Jyske Bank and CEO Anders Christian Dam, Jyske Bank has major problems, and you may risk losing your license to run a banking business in Denmark, and then the board uses such meager forces to avoid me, when it is now me who becomes Jyske Bank problem, if Jyske Bank does not resolve our conflict, Call me Anders Dam before the press starts writing about Jyske Bank committing fraud and forgery.

Et facesbook opslag. 18-07-2022.   Og har Jyske Bank eller andre rettelser, eller indsigelser så skal i blot skrive dem og anmode om en gennemgang, jeg rette alt der kan dokumenteres at være fejl belagt. Mvh Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup. Dear PRESS read this. About corruption and bribery in Denmark, which is to cover up criminal banks….

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16-07-2022. While Denmark is probably facing the biggest business scandal in this millennium. Says the Danish bank Jyske Bank that is the reason for the scandal, to their customers. Jyske Bank says We take it as a JOKE, which to me is incomprehensible as Jyske Bank is in risks being closed, and Jyske Bank’s shareholders will lose a lot of money.

17-07-2022. time sendt 14.53. Updated and corrected recently 18-07-2022. time 10.45 I have made a repetition in a few places. This email is an information, about the corruption that governs in Denmark at government level, you could perhaps ask questions about why not a single authority or judicial person in Denmark’s second largest bank Jyske…

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15-07-2022-. mail. One question: If an authority person covers a criminal organization, then that person has a co-responsibility for the crime that the person covers. ?. /. Anders Christian Dam I continue to post about Jyske Bank’s criminal business methods, which you can see here. And if you want me to stop, just call +4522227713. And so can we 2 make an agreement that I will stop exposing Jyske Bank to my little teasing.

Jyske Bank slanders customer to third party and claims that customer is lying, when customer tells that Jyske Bank is behind extensive fraud against customer, and mentions the persons who for Jyske Bank have exposed or indirectly for the bank contributed to fraud against customer in Jyske Bank. The customer says here to Jyske Bank…

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13-07-2022.The original sent mail with spelling errors. Mail to the Danishs State and Jyske Bank.

Mail vil  blivet korigeret, rettelser vises: sådan. LINK. Her er den rettet mail på Dansk. LINK. Her er den rettet mail på Engelsk.   Sendt  ons. 13. jul. time. 22.22 direktion@jyskebank.dk, benny-pedersen@jyskebank.dk, birger-nielsen@jyskebank.dk, bac@jyskebank.dk, ctm@jyskerealkredit.dk, gadeberg@jyskebank.dk, eqh@jyskebank.dk, erling.kristensen@jyskebank.dk, fbk@jyskebank.dk, hbm@jyskebank.dk, jes.rosendal@jyskebank.dk, naur@jyskefinans.dk, noerbo@jyskebank.dk, lm@jyskebank.dk, sandberg@jyskebank.dk, martin.nielsen@jyskebank.dk, prp@jyskebank.dk, rune@jyskebank.dk, sej@jyskebank.dk, hoejsgaard@jyskebank.dk, ahk@jyskebank.dk, bpa@jyskebank.dk, heidi.skovbjerg@jyskebank.dk, mac@jyskebank.dk, pborowy@jyskebank.dk,…

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