Tag: Birgitte Frølund advokat

30-06-2021. Advokatnævnet har vedtaget hvad der ikke er en overtrædelse af god advokatskik. hvilket Advokatsamfundet ved Martin Lavesen fra DLA Piper Advokater ønsker at skjule for offentligheden. : De advokat etiske regler som Højesteretsdommer Kurt Rasmussen, fra domstolsstyrelsen og advokater som Birgitte Frølund fra Horten Advokater. / Jens Steen Jensen fra Kromann Reumert Advokater. / Jurist Rikke Skadhauge Seerup Krogsgaard fra Forbrugerklagenævnet. / Henrik Hyltoft fra Dansk erhverv.

De advokat etiske regler som Højesteretsdommer Kurt Rasmussen, fra domstolsstyrelsen og advokater som Birgitte Frølund fra Horten Advokater. / Jens Steen Jensen fra Kromann Reumert Advokater. / Jurist Rikke Skadhauge Seerup Krogsgaard fra Forbrugerklagenævnet. / Henrik Hyltoft fra Dansk erhverv. Og som advokat nævnet formand Martin Lavesen fra DLA Piper Advokater tolker hvad der ikke…

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10-06-2022. Tidligere forside Frontpage BANKNYT.dk er flyttet hertil.

Overskrift. Ønsker du at arbejde for den kriminelle Jyske Bank, og måske også Medvirke til organiseret kriminalitet. RING. 89898989. Here at Banknyt you can read more about organized crime in Denmark, where judges and large international law firms and the Danish government are complicit in Danish banks’ fraud against the bank’s customers can continue.  …

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24-02-2022. The Danish state drops the first bomb in the war.

  Get my exclusive story about the organized crime that the Danish state covers. Feel free to buy the company that is suing Jyske Bank, and help to give Jyske Bank and the danish state a big slap in the face, and tell them that the Danish state covers criminal Danish banks. The Danish state…

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17-01-2022. FREE Advertising for Danish bank Jyske Bank. Pictures may be reproduced with source information Jyske Bank www.banknyt.dk

Advertising for Jyske Bank since November 2015 and until January 2022 can be seen here, especially pictures of the Jyske Bank cars can be seen here, and it is free advertising for CEO Anders Christian Dam. Pictures may be reproduced with source information Jyske Bank www.banknyt.dk Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup Soevej 5. 3100 Hornbaek. 😄 Read…

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19-12-2021. Read here the rules of legal ethics, which they are followed by Kromann Reumert’s lawyers, DLA Piper lawyers, Hjorten lawyers, and which the Bar Council interprets what is not a violation of good legal practice.

Read here the rules of legal ethics, which they are followed by Kromann Reumert’s lawyers, DLA Piper lawyers, Hjorten lawyers, Danske erhverv, Forbrugerkagenævnet, Højsterets dommer domstolstolstyrelsen, and which advokatnævnet the Bar Council interprets what is not a violation of good legal practice.   Find Partnere in Kromann Reumert, DLA Piper, Hjorten. Which persons judges and…

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05-06-2020. Appendix List to the complaint against Lundgren’s lawyers, for being bribed, not to submit their client’s claims against the Jyske Bank Group. / and read what Dan Terkildsen responds to the complaint. 2020-1932.

Update 29-10-2023. Kl.13.00.  Perhaps Denmark’s biggest scandal ever. Extensive cronyism and corruption among Danish lawyers is a direct violation of the principles of legal certainty, and not a single one wants to stop it.   27-06-2023. Kl. 11.30 and to the Danish state. The management of Jyske bank and your lawyers YES or NO this…

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