This is a WARNING against some of the largest Danish criminal companies, as the Danish Bank JYSKE BANK.
JYSKE BANK BILEN. / The Banking News. UPDATED LATEST 05-10-2023. Time. 11.00
Google and see several earlier covers of banking news
You can see the extensive descriptions of Jyske Bank’s extensive crime, as well as read more about the criminal employees of Jyske Bank A/S. AT THIS LINK.
Criminals that the bank’s management and the bank’s lawyers themselves cover up.
Crime as the Danish government and Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen together with the Minister of Justice Peter Hummelgaard, and the authorities who all are fully aware, that CEO Anders Christian Dam is at the head of the organized crimes that Jyske Bank A/S is demonstrably behind.
The criminal Jyske Bank, which even officials and employees of Danmarks Nationalbank have referred to as a scandal.
That the Danish State as the government supports Jyske Bank`s crimes over provisions of the law, is a scandal for the entire population, who have no legal certainty when the Danish banks like Jyske Bank A/S obvious commits fraud and use forging documents, or even using bribes of the clients’ lawyers.
As when Jyske Bank A/S bribed Lundgren’s lawyers not to present the client’s fraud case to the court, and in order for Lundgrens to hide pleadings from the client, then the client did not know, what Jyske Bank presented in cort, and did not know, what Lundgrens the client’s own lawyer presented in the case against Jyske Bank.
Bribery as Supreme Court Judge Kurt Rasmussen Together with partner in kromann Reumert lawyers and Horten lawyers who already have close working relationships with Jyske Bank.
This is how Denmark is ruled by corruption far in among employees of the Danish courts.
The Danish court Judge Kurt Rasmussen approve this as good lawyer practice, in order to maintain the continued fraud against the bank’s customers.
Previous front page banking news
Læs del af siden på Dansk her i Linket, bliver imellem oversat delvist.
SEE there sheared letters and mails. Documents have been shared August 2, 2023.
Not a single one has replied to one of my emails, of which you can see a few in the link.
SEE there sheared videos YouTube 15 august 2023, and Tags. BLOG.
Jyske Bank, which has been accused of extensive crime, is powerless in the face of the former customer, who openly writes about the Bank’s many different crimes.
Unique collector’s item, the first Jyske Bank car, which has been an advertisement for the organized fraud, performed by Jyske Bank’s many employees since 2015.
With the car comes the right to screw the criminal Danish bank JYSKE BANK A/S, and it is with full documentation of the bank’s fraud, repeated use of forged documents, mandate fraud, and the story about why Jyske Bank bribed Lundgren’s lawyers, and how Danish authorities, judges and lawyers is cover up the extensive crime that Denmark’s second largest bank Jyske Bank exposes customers to.
See sales ad here, the car and the right to write a comprehensive history of Corrupt Denmark, contact Carsten Storbjerg +4522227713.
See more photos on GOOGLE.
The Jyske Bank’s board and management CEO Anders Dam and the Legal Director Martin Skovsted-Nielsen wrote on 11 August 2023.
Whom Jyske Bank’s employees at least by Nicolai Hansen together with Jeanett Kofoed-Hansen exposed to cunning fraud.
The legal director of the criminal Jyske Bank Martin Skovsted-Nielsen wrote that:
If I do not remove the shared evidence of Jyske Bank’s extensive criminality, which I have shared publicly since February 2016.
Then the bank have intended to investigate Jyske Bank’s optionsa, against the former customer.
There will soon be copies of several translated and shared emails to Jyske Bank, and to the Danish authorities, as well as mails to the parliament and the Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, and others, so you can easily get a good overview of the extensive corruption in Denmark” or
Camaraderie. ” in Denmark which is the same.
Please note that the Danish legal community, as well as members of large Danish legal firms such as Kromann Reumert lawyers, Horten lawyers, Lundgrens lawyers, Lund Elmer Sandager lawyers with the nickname “LES”, as well as employees of the Danish Courts, are involved in doing subversive activities against Legal certainty in Denmark, which is to cover up the extensive crime that several employees in the Jyske Bank group, together in union are demonstrably behind.
The Danish population must turn to the banks’ crime as long as the Danish government and the state through the prime minister choose to let banks defraud their customers.
DONATE. To help me, to inform about corruption in Denmark, as well as about the criminality that the Danish by the prime minister Mette Frederiksen, and state covers up, in particular over the Danish Bank Jyske Bank A/S.
Se alle YouTube videoer her i link.
Even though I repeatedly say that it’s bloody funny, and CEO Anders Dam is probably laughing flat out, knowing that the government led by Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen is covering up 100% of Jyske Bank’s crimes, which is undermining the rule of law.
Then Jyske Bank’s management and/or the owners of Jyske Bank should, anyway, immediately dismiss CEO Anders Christian Dam, as a direct result of this scandal, which Mr. Anders Dam himself has created, or in which the director is personally involved.
Statsministeren, folketinget.
Prins Joergens Gaard.11
1218. Copenhagen K.
I refer to my many earlier emails and letters.
And will the Prime Minister’s office please ensure that this email with a link is shared on the Danish Parliament’s website so that everyone can read what I write.
19-09-2023. 12.58. Til Statsminister Mette Frederiksen samt regeringen – Er det en overtrædelse af loven eller er det ikke nogen overtrædelse. når Jyske Bank sletter en pant i en ejendom, stik imod ejernes instrukser, altså at Jyske Bank uden samtykke sletter en kundes pant, og laver ændringer i et pantebrev.
18-09-2023. 13.01. Dear Jyske Bank group, dismiss CEO Anders Christian Dam, and admit to violation of Section 11 of the Land Registration Act, and give me a written apology, and then talk to me, so that together we can resolve our small but funny conflict, it only take 5 minutes, to find solution, but clearly Anders Dam must be thrown out of the Jyske Bank group as he is the reason for my advertisements about Jyske Bank’s many violations of the law.
Draft letter, and that with extensive information about Jyske Bank’s many crimes, which several lawyers, judges and authorities together with the government cover up, a scandal that could close Denmark’s second largest bank, Jyske Bank A/S, if the Danish government and authorities stop cover up the Jyske Bank’s many offenses against customers of the bank.
To date, the Danish state and government, with the Prime Ministers Lars Løkke Rasmussen and Mette Frederiksen who have known about Jyske Bank’s many violations of the law since at least May 2019, have done nothing, i.e. apart from covering Den Danske Bank, Jyske Bank’s crimes or offenses.
17-09-2023. 12.28. Danish Prime Ministers Office. Mette Frederiksen. shares. Se the latest videos om my Facebook. Corruption in Denmark, between Danish lawyers “Lundgrens lawyers” and Danish Bank “JYSKE BANK A/S. Read the corrected mail to Jyske Bank’s management, regarding thad this is a good story about a criminal bank in Denmark. Does Jyske Bank still want a war against the smal Danish people, or should we meet and agree on peace?, as a peace agreement is still proposed
Since I suspect that the Legal Director Martin Skovsted-Nielsen in Jyske Bank does not know the provisions of the Property Registration Act, and the Basic Law, since he denies violating these laws for Jyske Bank.
Neither you nor any of your many lawyers hardly have the courage to meet with me, which is why you are hiding.
16-09-2023. 14.42. Jyske Bank’s management This is a good story about a criminal bank in Denmark, Does Jyske Bank still want a war or should we meet and agree on peace?, as a peace agreement is still proposed.
15-09-2023. 16.41. SÆT EN EFTERFORSKNING I GANG AF JYSKE BANKS LOVOVERTRÆDELSER. Til Jyske Bank A/S og venner af banken. læs venligst mail vedhæftet brev / Mail 15-09. 2023. samt dokumenterne. – og forstå at Jyske Bank har lavet overtrædelse af dansk lovgivning. OVERTRÆDELSE AF TINGLYSNINGS LOVENS § 11. og at Jyske Bank har holdt mit originale dokument som gidsel, Jyske Bank stiller rets misbrug krav for at udlevere mit private gamle dokument.
Would you please share these 2nd YouTube videos with CFO Anders Christian Dam and Legal Director Martin Skovsted-Nielsen Jyske Bank.
Jeg har klaget til Finans Danmark, at deres medlem Jyske Bank A/S har lavet en overtrædelse af grundloves § 73, i forbindelse med at Jyske Bank ved fuldmagtmisbrug overtrådte tinglysningslovens § 11. SE FLERE DOKUMENTER HER:
07-09-2023. 10.30. Til Finans Danmark. Klage over jeres medlem Jyske Bank AS ved Anders Dam, for overtrædelse af Tinglysningsloven der er en grundlovsstridig handling. Opfordre også Jyske Bank til Dialog.
Mail til den Kriminelle organisation med link til seneste mails.
9/11-2023. 23.59. 9/11. JYSKE BANK A/S Overtræder TINGLYSNINGSLOVEN. anmeldelse. Tilsyn I JYSKE BANK. / Martin Skovsted-Nielsen i dag er det 1 måned siden du skrev, og antyde at Jyske Bank ønskede en fredsløsning som du skrev. : interesserede i at få en ende på sagen. / Vi er fortsat indstillet på at lave en aftale. Jyske Bank min klage til jeres organisation finans Danmark kan tilbagekaldes, så de ikke behøver svare. Alternativt kan Banken kontakte politiet hvis i påstår jeg lyver.
Kladde er til brev, og det med omfattende information om Jyske Banks mange forbrydelser, hvilket flere advokater, dommere og myndigheder sammen med regeringen dækker over, en skan dale der kan lukke Danmarks anden største bank Jyske Bank, hvis den Danske regering og myndighederne stopper med at dække over Jyske Banks mange lovovertrædelser mod kunder i banken.
Kladde 03-09-2023. mail Jeg anmoder Jyske Bank A/S ved Anders Christian Dam. Niels Erik Jakobsen. Per Skovhus. Peter Schleidt. at underskrive at Jyske Bank gerne må overtræde Tinglovens § 11. samt overtræde grundlovens § 73, Da Jyske Bank A/S selv bestemmer om banken og bankens ansatte vil overholde de Danske love og regler der er stadfæstet ved lov. ELLER AT JYSKE BANK A/S SELV FINDER EN LØSNIG PÅ BANKENS LOVOVERTRÆDELSER. En undskyldning og en bortvisning af CEO Anders Dam bør være en selvfølge.
Når brevet er færdigt bliver det oversat til engelsk, og delt bredt med oplysning at den Danske Stat regeringen samt nævnte de medvirkende ingen rettelser eller kommentar har til noget af det jeg har fundet beviser for, og derfor skriver i befolkningens interesse.
26-08-2023. 13.26. Corruption in Denmark and criminal Danish banks. CEO ANDERS DAM YOU ARE THE REASON FOR THESE MAILS. Jeg har givet dig og banken mange tilbud og forslag til Dialog uden at få svar. Anders Dam du retter op, siger undskyld for så at sætte sit mandat frit. Og hvis Jyske Bank kan fremvise en lov der giver Jyske Bank lov til at overtræde love og regler, så send et link, Jeg henviser igen til alle de tidligre mails og breve.
Her samler jeg en Dansk beskrivelse af Jyske Banks mange lovovertrædelser, og det med henvisning til beviserne og lovgivningen. Jeg har kontinuerligt anmodet Jyske Bank koncernen om at oplyse mig om banken, og bankens venner har rettelser, indsigelser til det jeg skriver, Jyske Bank har aldrig svaret.
Kære alle sammen.
Kopi af Mail 15-2023. med dokumenter og div. til Juridisk direktør i Jyske Bank Martin Skovsted-Nielsen med flere.
Jeg ønsker stadig at gennemgå de enkelte lovovertrædelser med Jyske Bank, og i særdeleshed efter at Jyske Bank der 11 august 2023 ved Juridisk direktør Martin Skovsted-Nielsen, der har benægtet alle overtrædelser, og dermed siger at det er mig der lyver, i alle de overtrædelser jeg skriver om som her.
• Jyske Bank lyver. / har løjet.
• Jyske Bank har lavet bedrageri. “Bondefangeri.”
• Jyske Bank har lavet flere forhold af mandatsvig.
• Jyske Bank har fjernet 2 aftale dokumenter.
• Jyske Bank har lavet / brugt retsmisbrug.
• Jyske Bank har brugt bestikkelse / returkommission til Lundgrens for at Lundgrens ikke måtte fremlægge klientens svig anklager mod Jyske Bank, og holde klienten uden af sagen.
• Jyske Bank bruger / har brugt udnyttelse.
• Jyske Bank har lavet flere forhold af fuldmagtmisbrug.
• Jyske Bank har lavet flere forhold af dokumentfalsk.
• Jyske Bank har sammenblandet flere virksomheder til samme konto i Jyske Bank A/S både samtidig og overlappende.
• Jyske Bank har flere gange fremlagt falske oplysninger / løjet over for domstolen, for at vildlede og skuffe i retsforhold.
• Jyske Bank har tinglyst pant i en ejendom for et lån det ikke fandtes, og ikke var noget gyldigt tilbud for,
• Jyske Bank har lavet vanhjemmel, eller hvad det kaldes at overtræde / fjerne en kundes ret over et pant.
• Jyske Bank har lavet en grundlovsstridig handling ved at lave overtrædelse af grundlovens § 73, med henvisning til. Ejendomsretten er ukrænkelig.
• Jyske Bank har misbrugt bankens adgang til tinglysningsretten som anmelder.
• Jyske Bank har overtrådt tinglysningsloven og det i gentagelsestilfælde, senest ved overtrædelsen af tinglysningslovens § 11.,
Susanne Sørensen 89894863 from Jyske Bank A/S has her own advertisements, for violation of the Property Registration Act, please ask if SUSANNE SØRENSEN has anything to say that she has violated the provisions of the Property Registration Act on behalf of Jyske Bank, and with great probability has taken an unconstitutional action.
09-08-2023. 22.52. Til Jyske bank alle delt med staten, Jeg er klar over at der kan ske fejl, men i så fald, Jyske bank koncernen ved de i denne her mail nævnte personer, vil påberåbe sig at det var en fejl. Så forventer jeg at Jyske Banks direktion inden lørdag 12 oktober 2023. har fremsendt en redegørelse og vedlægger en underskrevet indrømmelse og undskyldning. ELLER LØSES VORES KONFLIKT
Videos are also shared here in the link to YouTube.
Meet Jyske Bank’s enemy no. 1 Carsten Storbjerg. on YouTube. nickname @Jyskebank.
Facebook, YouTube and Twitter no one can stop my advertising about the Danish bank. Jyske Banks crime, supported by the Danish state, and the government, and Employees in Lundgrens lawyers, Kromann Reumert lawyers, Horten lawyers, Lund Elmer Sandager lawyers, Dansk Erhverv, Forbrugerklagenævnet, the Danish Court and many more.
Print a English. copy of the last bank news page from this link. 08-02-2023.
SEE there sheared letters and mails.
19 juni. 2023 See the many new advertisements that appear on the car before they comes back to Copenhagen and park in a selected place.
17-07-2023. 15.58. mail to the brotherhoods. The Danish Bar Association. ABOUT corruption in Denmark. : My request is quite simple, I want an answer to whether Denmark’s second largest bank Jyske Bank is behind extensive and organized fraud against former customers, and that the Danish Bar Association is riddled with corrupt members, that by Cort members covers up, that Jyske Bank has bribed Lundgrens not to present the client’s fraud case against Jyske Bank, it is too much to ask.
Here you can read the Mail at Danish to Jyske bank Susanne Soerensen. 1 August 2023. 01-08-2023.
I request by this email that you, Susanne Sørensen, document to me that I have given you or other Jyske Bank employees the right to cancel my mortgage of DKK 3,000,000 on a property. OTHERWISE, ON BEHALF OF THE JYSKE BANK GROUP, YOU HAVE BREACHED AT LEAST THE REGULATORY REGISTRATION ACT.
Read the mail of 1 August 2023. 01-08-2023. To Susanne Sørensen translated to English here.
Dear Gitte Møller Hindkær, you are the head of Business at Service Center Silkeborg, and Susanne Sørensen’s superior.
Your statement “Is this him who is completely from it?” violates me, would you please explain yourself, and at the same time I ask you to document that the bank has not violated Section 11 of the Property Registration Act and Section 73 of the Basic Law.
I have sent a combined email, to all of you in order for you to help Susanne Soerensen, to document that Jyske Bank legally mat delete the customer’s mortgage, without the owner’s consent, and without it being a violation and an offence, thes emails will be shared here in the link.
Ole Brondbjerg, +4589895602,, Gitte Møller Hindkær, +4589893563,, Iben Riis, +4589898330,, Anette Kalhøj, +4589894841,, Birgit Forsom, +4589894865,, Birthe Rindom Færgemann, +4589894873,, Cecilie Mølgaard,+4589894894,, Charlotte Kjærgaard, Kjærgaard, +4589894866, charlotte.kjaergaard@, Connie Lykke Nielsen, +4589899542,, Hanne Lindgård Holm, Lindgård, +4589894884,, Kristian Lauritsen, Lauritsen, +4589894888, kristian.lauritsen@jyskebank. dk, Lilian Friis Mortensen, Friis, +4589894854,, Lone Nielsen, +4589894912,, Lotte Melgaard Birch, Melgaard, Birch, +4589894909,, Louise Thygaard Geisshirt, Thygaard, Geisshirt, +4589894862,, Marianne Bryde Laursen, Bryde, +4589894852,, Rikke Brøgger, Brøgger, +4589894844,, Susanne Storm Mortensen, Storm, +4589894869,, Alice Frank, +4589894887,, Charlotte Vester, Vester, +4589899712,, Dorthe Stenby Brixen, Stenby, Brixen, +4589897305,, Helle Duemark, Duemark, +4589894893,, Henriette Bach Christensen, Bach, +4589894898,, Jeanette Nielsen, +4589891279,, Michelle Haastrup Stæhr Bengtsen, Haastrup, Stæhr, Bengtsen, +4589899504,, Rikke Frits Bjerregaard, Frits, Bjerregaard, +4589894878,, Rikke Holm Martinussen, Holm, Martinussen, +4589894868,, Susanne Sørensen, +4589894863,, Vibeke Rask, Rask, +4589894886,, Winnie Mølsted Mikkelsen, Mølsted, +4589894881,, Gitta Anna Dahl Jensen, +4589894845,, Jens Carl Winkler, +4589894899,, Kirsten Toft, +4589894847,,
A.P. Møller-Mærsk A/S.
Esplanaden 50
1263 København K Danmark.
DLA Piper lawyers.
Simon Levine
160 Aldersgate Street
15-07-2023. 16.30. mail til Maersk. En bombe under Danmark. / A bomb under Denmark. Dear Maersk Legal Department, Would you please help and answer a question about corruption in the country where Maersk is based. I would like to point out that although Maersk is mentioned in my story about corruption Denmark, it is made clear that Maersk is not is a party but only does business in a corrupt country.
In the Danish Bar Council and DLA Piper Managing Partner Martin Lavesen, there is full agreement that.
It is not a breach of good legal practice when Danish lawyers hide and withhold one or more Legal documents from their own clients.
And the Bar Council emphasizes, that it is not the clients who decide on the case they have hired a lawyer to present, it is only the lawyer who decides on the client’s case, and this lawyer does not need to tell the client, what the law firm does, nor tell the client that also the other party in a fraud case, has given the same law firm a large million task.
Please reply to this email 11 juli 2023. Read it here with comments, videos and more.
11-07-2023. 12.39. I have not received your reply, and I hereby ask again. Fwd: Is it correctly understood that DlA Piper at Martin Lavesen chairman in Denmark. Provided that Dla Piper has the same attitude towards their clients all over the world, as DLA Piper lawyers in Denmark emphasize. Thar the client of DLA Piper lawyers has no right to see either their own pleadings, or the opposing party’s pleadings, in their own case.
Here is a review by Martin Lavesen, lawyer and Managing Partner in DLA Piper Denmark.
Unbelievable you have to give a star. Because they don’t deserve it.. Similar to a corrupt company with lies and Latin, you have to look for a long time
You can find Martin Lavesen from DLA Pipper lawyers private here.
49180103 – 26115213
Strandmarken 3 A.
3050 Humlebæk.
All companies, authorities who have employees, who have actually contributed to organized crime i Denmark, such as those of you who have employees, who have covered up Jyske Bank’s crimes, including that Jyske Bank bribe Lundgren’s lawyers.
You will be found in the many videos and notices, about the corruption that is undermining legal certainty in Denmark.
If you want me to stop my advertising, all you need to do, is make a meeting with me, call +4522227713 and make an appointment.
Everyone who is mentioned in mails and notices, who are employees of the companies and authorities, that have helped to cover up Jyske Bank’s organized crime, will receive an invitation like these LINK. to be interviewed for use in the books about the Danish criminal bank Jyske Bank and corruption in Denmark.
I have propose Jyske Bank’s CEO Anders Dam and lawyers as legal director for over 1 year, and offered to stop my advertising, in Facebook, YouTube and Twitter, and several other social media LINK, I have made a several different proposals to the management, that we together by dialog can solve Jyske Bank’s problems together.
An agreement does not have to cost anything, if only Anders Christian Dam, Niels Erik Jakobsen. Per Skovhus. Peter Schleidt.
A signatory, on a document like this below, then I will focus exclusively on the books about corruption among Danish lawyers, judges and the civil criminal companies, and them there have covered up Jyske Bank, and the corrupt Lundgren lawyers.
If you are mentioned, or if you just want to provide information, you can write privately here.
• Jyske Bank lyver. / har løjet.
• Jyske Bank har lavet bedrageri. “Bondefangeri.”
• Jyske Bank har lavet mandatsvig.
• Jyske Bank har fjernet 2 aftale dokumenter.
• Jyske Bank har lavet / brugt retsmisbrug.
• Jyske Bank har brugt bestikkelse / returkommission til Lundgrens for at Lundgrens ikke måtte fremlægge klientens svig anklager mod Jyske Bank, og holde klienten uden af sagen.
• Jyske Bank bruger / har brugt udnyttelse.
• Jyske Bank har lavet flere forhold af fuldmagtmisbrug.
• Jyske Bank har lavet flere forhold af dokumentfalsk.
• Jyske Bank har sammenblandet flere virksomheder til samme konto i Jyske Bank A/S både samtidig og overlappende.
• Jyske Bank har flere gange fremlagt falske oplysninger / løjet over for domstolen, for at vildlede og skuffe i retsforhold.
• Jyske Bank har tinglyst pant i en ejendom for et lån det ikke fandtes, og ikke var noget gyldigt tilbud for,
• Jyske Bank har lavet vanhjemmel, eller hvad det kaldes at overtræde / fjerne en kundes ret over et pant.
• Jyske Bank har lavet en grundlovsstridig handling ved at lave overtrædelse af grundlovens § 73, med henvisning til. Ejendomsretten er ukrænkelig.
• Jyske Bank har misbrugt bankens adgang til tinglysningsretten som anmelder.
• Jyske Bank har overtrådt tinglysnings loven, og det i gentagelsestilfælde, senest ved overtrædelsen af tinglysningslovens § 11.
Jeg underskriver på vegne af Jyske Bank A/S
Foto Jyske Bank.
____________________. ____________________. ____________________. ____________________.
Anders Christian Dam. Niels Erik Jakobsen. Per Skovhus. Peter Schleidt.
Donate to my fight, and information against the corruption in the Danish government, ther are cover op Jyske bank A/S grossen fraud, carried out and continued by Jyske Bank’s Board by CEO Anders Dam, of Directors, and that since may 2016.
IBAN DK0854790004563376.
Help me one man’s fight, against the corruption that the government and state covers up, and help me to inform and warn other nations, about the corruption in Denmark.
Help me stop the criminal Danish banks, and corrupt judges as well as lawyers and criminal Danish companies, which Supreme Court Justice Kurt Rasmussen dishonorably covers up, as he is part of the BIG network, that decides who must comply with the legislation, and Judge Kurt Rasmussen is also instrumental in covering them up, and the “certainly members of the lodge / Masonic Order” friends he does not want to be held accountable for their offenses.
If Judge Kurt Rasmussen wants to explain himself, and take part in an interview, for use in the books on corruption in Denmark, and among large corrupt Danish law firms, then please ask the employed judge privately, without Kurt Rasmussen again abusing his position of power in Danish society, respond to my request to meet, so that we can review my evidence.
My phone number is +4522227713.
You, who are reading this, will you tell the Danish Courts Agency, and the Ministry of Justice, that I want a meeting on corruption in the Danish authorities and among Danish lawyers.
If the lawyers hus do not believe, that they are governed by cronyism, i.e. corruption, then you Martin Lavesen from DLA Piper lawyers, should at least answer my many inquiries.
I want the legal community to publish, that in all cases where clients complain, that their lawyers have hidden and withheld 1. or more pleadings, in order to keep the client completely out of the client’s own legal case, which in my complaint 05-06-2020.
The Danish Supreme Court Judge Kurt Rasmussen chairman of the bar councilas, have decided that there was no violation of good legal practice.
I request that the lawyer board will publish, that the board will always come with the same decision, that it is no violation of good legal practice, when lawyers withhold both plaintiff’s and defendant’s pleadings from their clients.
If the Danish legal community still refuses to answer me, and confirm.
I will write in capital letters, that the Danish legal community is deeply corrupt, i.e. doing subversive activities against the Danish population, in order to be able to cover up criminal friends as Jyske Bank, and corrupt lawyers, which Lundgren’s lawyers are.
Corrupt lawyers in the Danish bar association, did not show until June 2021.
When it turned out, that there were many corrupt lawyers, and judges in Denmark, who dishonorably, have chosen to cover over the corrupt Lundgrens lawyers.
The corrupt lawyers and the judge were, among other things employés of the following companies Horten lawyers, Kromann Reumert lawyers, and at the Danish Supreme Court.
The will all become part, of the new car commercials for the corrupt Denmark.
It started with Nicolai Hansen from Jyske Bank Hillerød, there together with Jeanett Kofoed-Hansen from Jyske Bank Copenhagen, who together, in union from Jyske Bank Helsingør started this cunning fraud for Jyske Bank A/S.
It is this, that has involved the Danish State, through the government and Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen as contributors.
When the Danish Government by Mette Frederiksen, has chooses to cover up Jyske Bank’s obvious fraud and other crimes, the Danish State, and the Prime Minister herself become part, to the extensive fraud against the citizens of the Danish state.
The Danish government and friends, wants to cover this crime up at all costs, and tries to keep its mouth shut, and refuses to respond to some inquiries with questions.
Remember that camaraderie and corruption are the same.
It really starts when the corrupt law firm. LUNDGRENS.
Lundgren’s lawyer partner company, shows their dirty tendencies, then the criminal Jyske Bank group, probably led by CEO Ander Christian Dam, together with Philip Baruch Lund Elmer Sandagers lawyers, chose to bribe Lundgren’s lawyers, not to present the client’s fraudulent case against the Jyske Bank group.
Dan Stampe-Terkildsen was there together, with Mette Marie Nielsen.”note that Mette Marie Nielsen Is now employed at Danske Bank A/S.” and Emil Hald Vendelbo Winstrøm. “there is now employed at Rambøll A/S.” Who all dishonestly chose, to work against the legal certainty of the client in Lundgren’s lawyers.
Emil Hald Vendelbo Winstrøm and Dan Stampe-Terkildsen, chose to withhold and hide several pleadings from the client, who was not allowed to know that the Jyske Bank group, had partly bribed Lundgren’s lawyers, so that Lundgren’s lawyers would keep the client out of his case, by not presenting the client’s case against Jyske Bank to court.
Lundgren’s lawyers also concealed from the client that they were in fact corrupt.
04-01-2023. Read the correct mail to the Jyske Bank and the Danish State and government here.
I have repeatedly proposed a peace agreement to Jyske Bank, CEO Anders Dam is still thinking about my proposal.
From July 11, I will share the latest emails to Maersk, Horten, Kromann Reumert, the Danish government, Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen Lundgrens, and many more here.
04-07-2023. 19.23. Dear Jyske Bank by CEO Anders Dam. Call me or have someone call me on +4522227713 and ask me to come to the bank and sign a peace agreement there and I will stop writing more. But you will be forced to answer me.
And plise sheare it with, The Danish state and government, including the Prime Minister, and Jyske Bank CEO, aswell as Lundgrens lawyers, Kromann Reumert lawyers, Horten lawyers, DLA Pipper lawyers, Danish business, lawyer board,
Also feel free to ask Foreign Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen at why the Danish government covers large Danish companies that do business outside of Denmark.
The new large advertisements on the cars, will deal with the corruption found in the bar council, and the lawyers’ house, where the management, such as Supreme Court judge Kurt Rasmussen and Martin Lavesen DLA Piper, have deliberately and dishonestly worked to undermine the Danes’ legal certainty, by depriving the client of self-determination, and depriving the client the right to a fair trial. Since the Danish Government has major financial interests in the opposite party, the criminal Danish bank Jyske Bank.
See the new images included in new advertisements about corruption in Denmark here.
Read the mail to the public press. 30-06-2023.
Please share
Read Facebook by this link 30-06-2023. and read the letter to the PRESS.
To the Public Notice.
Perhaps Denmark’s biggest scandal ever.
Extensive cronyism and corruption among Danish lawyers, is a direct violation of the principles of legal certainty, and not a single one in the Danish parliament wants to stop it.
Read here my open letter 27 Jun. on the website, it’s to the Danish government and Ministry of Justice, aswell to the Jyske Bank management, Lund Elmer Sandager, and plise share it with the Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, and them you now are making busses, with som Danish companies.
27-06-2023. Kl. 11.30 and to the Danish state. The management of Jyske bank and your lawyers YES or NO. If you want this writingto stop, so talk to me.
Who is behind the subversive business in Denmark.
Some of the people who, in effect, have contributed to organized fraud for Jyske Bank A/S, by depriving victims of Jyske Bank’s fraud of the right to decide on their own legal proceedings.
In other words, employees/partners in these companies have deliberately and in bad faith worked against legal certainty and thus they have done subversive activities against the population of the state, by depriving the individual of the right to decide on their own legal case.
A battle between the Danish authorities and the government how together
leads against the people, to deprive the individual of their right to self-determination, and the deprivation of the right to a fair trial.
Which the Danish authorities are behind to cover up, the fact that Jyske Bank has committed organized fraud, and that Jyske Bank in this connection has bribed Lundgren’s lawyers, so that they could not present the client’s allegations against Jyske Bank, for the many criminal offenses, that can deprive Jyske Bank the right to conduct financial business in Denmark.
Was it deliberate, or was it a mistake, when the Danish State at the government by Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen chose to do subversive activities, to cover up Jyske Bank’s crimes against the small customer, which here tells about the problem of cronyism and corruption deep into the Danish authorities.
Again Carsten says you should just call me, and book me for a meeting, because there is something I want to talk to you all about, and that is corruption in Denmark, which you all seem to be a part of.
Who is behind the undermining legal business in Denmark, when lawyers and judges, together with the authorities, deprive the population of legal certainty, in the fight to protect Jyske Bank, i.e. to cover up Jyske Bank’s crimes.
There is 100% agreement among the participating lawyers and judges, that a client who hires a lawyer in Denmark, does not have the right to decide on his own trial, Jens Steen Jensen from Kromann Reumert lawyers, Birgitte Frølund from Horten lawyers, Kurt Rasmussen from the Supreme Court, Rikke Skadhauge Seerup Krogsgård from the consumer complaints board, and Henrik Hyltoft from the Organization Dansk Erhverv, are agree that the client has no right to decide on his own trial.
A decision that Martin Lavesen from DLA Pipper lawyers all agree with.
And ther say, it is no violation of good legal practice, when Danish lawyers hide several pleadings from their client.
So in Danish, these members of the dirty gang have dishonorably decided, that no client has any right whatsoever to see what their lawyers present in their own trial, in that way they cover up, som of the most rotten lawyers of their gang.
Who has really contributed to Jyske Bank’s fraud, either actively or by passively covering up the crimes and where they work, in the upcoming advertisements on the cars I will share this information.
In the Danish Bar Council there is full agreement that.
It is not a breach of good legal practice when Danish lawyers hide and withhold one or more pleadings from their own clients.
And the Bar Council emphasizes, that it is not the clients who decide on the case they have hired a lawyer to present, it is only the lawyer who decides on the client’s case, and this lawyer does not need to tell the client, what the law firm does, nor tell the client that also the other party in a fraud case, has given the same law firm a large million task.,,,,
Morten Ulrik Gade <>,
Kristian Ambjørn Buus-Nielsen <>,
Statsministeriet <>,
Justitsministeriet <>,
Kommunikation <>,,
Jura og Forretning <>,,,,
Folketingets Oplysning <>,,,,,,,,
The Danish State by the government and the Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, can’t stop the advertisements about Jyske Bank’s organized crime, therefore the parliament chooses to keep their mouths shut, because it matters to the Danish State that safe Jyske Bank’s survival comes before legal certainty.
Be careful which Danish authorities and companies you work with, and remember that there are criminal or corrupt employees among the Danish law firms and among judges and the other authorities, who are all parties to cover up the crimes of the criminal Jyske Bank, all the mentioned have chosen to oppose justice by doing subversive activities against legal certainty, it is about the actors maintaining power and the right to cover up their criminal friends.
Jyske Bank has not ruled on the email yesterday 20 June, therefore I have sent a new email to Jyske Bank A/S, more if the organization has not understood the earlier emails.
25-06-2023. 13.10. mail til Jyske bank – Susanne Sørensen Du har ikke svaret, derfor har jeg delt mailen jeg sendte. Har du kommentar skal jeg slette noget så ring for et møde. Re: Susanne Sørensen Jyske Bank. I forbindelse med at du har overtrådt tinglysningsloven, og ved misbrug af fuldmagt mod instruks har slettet et pant på 3.000.000 dkk
23. juni 2023. 11.44 mail til Susanne Sørensen Jyske Bank. I forbindelse med at du har overtrådt tinglysningsloven, skal jeg høre om du har nogle kommentarer for dette, inden du kommer til at indgå som reklame for den kriminalitet Jyske Bank koncernen bevisligt står bag. Vil du erkende at have overtrådt tinglysningsloven, og uden gyldig fuldmagt mod min ordre har foretaget udslettet af pantet 3 millioner dkk som du i PDF dokumenterne kan konstaterer.
21. juni 2023 kl. 01.51 Gmail – Denne her mail erstatter mailen af 20. juni 2023 kl. 14.37. – Jeg ønsker at Jyske Bank giver Nicolai Hansen fuldstændig fuldmagt til sammen med mig at få ryddet op.
20-06-2023. 14.37. Jeg ønsker at Jyske Bank giver Nicolai Hansen fuldstændig fuldmagt til sammen med mig at indgå en aftale om at jeg starter med at slette mine mange opslag og reklamer samt videoer
Read the mail 24 juni 2023. to the Danish government Mette Frederiksen and to Jyske Bank A/S.
Since Jyske Bank did not respond to my inquiries, and the Danish Parliament, through Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, has continued to choose, to ignore my many inquiries, in order to cover up Jyske Bank’s many violations of the law, several of which are criminal offences.
And the government then leaves it up to the offender for a criminal act which, as here was carried out by a several of the same in association, more precisely, an offense carried out by Denmark’s second largest bank “JYSKE BANK”, thus the governing parties have decided that it is the victims of Danske banks’ crimes against their customers, who have to fend for themselves, as Danish banks are under political protection.
In doing so, the Danish government is helping to undermine legal security for the Danish population, since the state puts the financial interests of Denmark’s second largest bank, above the people’s right to be able to achieve justice in a society ruled by corruption. “cronyism and nepotism far into Parliament.”
The legal community under the Ministry of Justice has also decided and deliberately helped to deprive the Danish people of the right to decide for themselves about their own legal proceedings.
I again bring up the problem of corruption / cronyism among judges, Danish lawyers and the government.
And if the Danish press for the editors-in-chief is not allowed to write about the problem of corruption among judges and lawyers in Denmark, then someone else must do it.
And that has become my task, because if I don’t write about the corrupt judges and lawyers in Denmark, no one will.
Please read my emails and messages and initiate an impartial investigation of my many accusations against Jyske Bank and against the Danish State for covering up Jyske Bank’s offences.
A concerned citizen who wants the Danish state to start fighting corruption in Denmark from within.
Remember that dialogue promotes understanding, and we also avoid misunderstandings if there are some of you who believe that Jyske Bank has not violated a single law or regulation.
If anyone thinks I’m wrong about anything, speak up, because silence is no way to get the truth out.
Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup
Soeevej 5.
3100. Hornbaek
When I repeatedly say that it was Nicolai Hansen, together with Jeanett Kofoed-Hansen, who for Jyske Bank A/S and who together in association started the systematic and elaborate fraud against customers of Jyske Bank.
And that this fraud, as well as Jyske Bank’s bribery of Lundgren’s lawyers to disappoint in legal matters, which the Danish State and the Government under Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen have deliberately and dishonestly chosen to cover up, the Danish Prime Minister also formerly Lars Løkke Rasmussen was together when the government in the period April 2019 to June 2023. chose to react passively to the many inquiries with information about Jyske Bank’s organized crime.
The government has both by Venstre and by the Social Democrats as their chairmen, who now are Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, who is considered to be instrumental in doing subversive activities, and undermining the legal security of the Danish population, this by the government knowingly and dishonestly covering up the crimes of Jyske Bank, for to secure the State’s financial interests in Jyske Bank A/S
Why Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, together with the government, is a direct contributory cause of Jyske bank’s continued crimes against the people.
I am pointing out several violations of criminal law and violations of laws and regulations, which I wish to present personally to the Government through Minister of State Mette Frederiksen.
The Prime Minister can either refuse to give me a meeting in the Prime Minister’s Office, or respond and give me an answer to what I write and have written.
And then the Prime Minister’s Office can give me a date when the Government can have a personal presentation of Jyske Bank’s crime and the evidence.
Although the Danish State and Government have an ongoing collaboration with Jyske Bank and have large financial interests in Jyske Bank, the Prime Minister’s silence is not an answer or solution to a social problem, as it is about legal certainty and corruption in Denmark.
Since Jyske Bank by CEO Anders Christian Dam and Legal Director Martin Skovsted-Nielsen will not answer me, nor talk to me, and since Jyske Bank will not involve the police at all, who are not allowed to investigate Jyske Bank’s fraud, or other financial crimes like Jyske The bank group is behind.
So I would like to get in touch with the government, as it is political to block an investigation into Jyske Bank’s crimes, I want permission to present full documentation to the Prime Minister’s Office, for Jyske bank’s many offences.
I request that Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen answer my inquiries and to set aside time in the calendar, so that I can deliver my evidence of Jyske Bank’s criminality and I present the many offenses to the government.
Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup +4522227713
SEE the MAIL 18. juni. 2023.
TO the Danish Prime minister Mette Frederiksen.
Det handler om retssikkerheden i Danmark, og det at Advokatnævnet har frataget borge retten til at bestemme over deres egen retssag, og ved afgørelse har besluttet: At det er ikke en overtrædelse af god advokatskik når advokater tilbageholder både sagsøgers og sagsøgtes processkrifter over for sin klient.
It is about legal certainty in Denmark, and the fact that the Bar Council has deprived citizens of the right to decide on their own trial, and by decision has decided: That it is not a breach of good legal practice when lawyers withhold both plaintiff’s and defendant’s pleadings from their client .
See the mail here at the link, dk / english.
The Prime Minister’s Office
Prins Jørgens Gård 11
1218 Copenhagen K
Mette Frederiksen.
Read these 2 documents, which are in Danish, support documentation that Jyske Bank is criminal with support from the Danish government, by the Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen is contributes to.
14-06-2023. dokumenter der samlet viser Jyske banks overtrædelse af tinglysningsloven, brug af falsk fuldmagt og ved ond tro udsletter pant, mod instruks. samt nok over laver overtrædelse af grundlovenes § 73.
18 juni 2023. Kladde 4. til Jyske Bank. rettet og indsat billeder til mail 06-03-2023. mail Kære CEO Anders Christian Dam og Jyske Bank koncernen, med link til alle delte YouTube videoer.
If you want a true story about corruption in Denmark, and how the Danish state through the government and by the Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen and judges, and by help of several large law firms, ther deliberately and dishonestly cover up some of Denmark’s probably largest criminal organizations, then you have come to the right place.
Documented fraud carried out by Denmark’s second largest bank Jyske Bank.
If you have any questions about anything you read, call me on +4522227713.
If you have questions for the Prime Minister’s Office about the state’s share in covering Danish criminal organisations, call
The Prime Minister’s Office
Prins Jørgens Gård 11
1218 Copenhagen K
01-06-2023. til Statsministeret Sagen der er politisk, ønsker regeringen eller statsministeren Mette Frederiksen at afse tid til at få overbragt bevis for Jyske Banks bedrageri
12-02-2023. kl. 03.50. Til statsministeriet jeg anmoder om at i svare, da jeg ønsker DIALOG og en løsning, og ikke ønsker at klage over den Danske stat for overtrædelse af menneskerettighederne.
07-02-2023. Paged. sendt 06.54. To Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen State Ministry and others. It is not right that the Danish State is complicit or allows Danish Banks to use bribes. I am still waiting for the Prime Minister and the Minister of Justice that you want to answer me. English copy from 7 February 2023.
05-09-2022. 21.30 Gmail – Prime Minister’s Office, Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, the 179 members. and the authorities.. To the Danish State. I am asking the Danish Parliament to answer my inquiries.
Phone: +45 33 92 33 00
While the frightened managers in Denmark’s second largest bank, together with several criminal employees in the Jyske Bank group, are hiding behind the Danish government, which, with Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen at the helm, has dishonorably chosen to cover up the largest Danish criminal organizations, which as Jyske Bank demonstrably uses fraud, bribery, abuse of power of attorney, forgery and much more, but which also covers the organized crime that Nicolai Hansen started together with Jeanett Kofoed-Hansen against me and my company.
All rescue members, including the Prime Minister’s Office, with Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen there together with employees in Jyske Bank are very afraid of the customer who says that Jyske Bank uses bribes and that Denmark is ruled by corrupt lawyers, politicians, judges and more, why cronyism and nepotism, i.e. corruption, is deeply integrated in Denmark.
No one can deny that Jyske Bank is a criminal bank, therefore no one dares to answer.
Link to YouTube video 07-06-2022.
Please note that to date the Danish press has not written about Jyske Bank’s organized crimes against the bank’s own customers, and not a single person in Jyske Bank or the bank’s shareholders such as ATP has dared to answer even a single question.
It is about power and corruption in Denmark.
When the Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, through passivity, together with the government chooses to cover up the organized crime that large Danish companies are demonstrably behind, because the government wants to secure the state’s own economic interests in these companies, then it becomes a problem for those who these companies expose to fraud and other punishable crimes.
The Danish state, which has major financial interests in Jyske Bank, is doing everything to cover up Jyske Bank’s crimes, and in order for Jyske Bank to survive, the government will not launch an investigation into the many evidences that the Jyske Bank group is behind cunning financial crime.
How far will the Danish state, the government of Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen continue to go to save the Jyske Bank group from going bankrupt.
Since no bank can survive without having the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority’s permission to operate a bank, the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority’s management, which at present is itself instrumental in covering up Jyske Bank’s crimes, has chosen to block an investigation of the many pieces of evidence of Jyske Bank’s use of document forgery and other crime.
1 Danes have chosen to tell about corruption / cronyism / nepotism in Denmark, which even members of the government and judges from the Supreme Court are instrumental in continuing to rule in the largest Danish companies, including the Jyske Bank group.
Since I am right, no one dares to talk to me, and therefore the press should follow up on what I write and ask questions.
I do not stop my attacks in order to have an honorable society, without the Danish government, the Ministry of State, the Ministry of Justice and the police together with large law firms and employed judges allowing large Danish organizations as Jyske Bank to commit fraud, use forgery and bribery.
On June 14, 2023, I wrote to the Land Registry Court in Denmark about the Danish bank Jyske Bank A/S is not only making fraud, forging document false. and using bribes, but that Jyske Bank also violated the Land Registry Act, through abuse of power of attorney, and presumably that the Land Registry Court has thus helped Jyske Bank to violate § 73 of the Danish Constitution.
SEE there sheared letters and mails.
Read here the email of 14 June, documents that prove Jyske Bank’s offense as of 14 June. has been sent to the Land Registry Court and also Jyske Bank, as well as read the letter to the Land Registry Court of 14 June, everything is shared here in the link, note these documents are all in Danish.
Til tinglysningsretten 14-06-2023. – Læs om Jyske banks overtrædelse af tinglysningsloven her. 14. juni 2023 kl. 18.36 Gmail – Re Tinglysningsretten Sag nr. 43526071 delt med mange
14-06-2023. dokumenter der samlet viser Jyske banks overtrædelse af tinglysningsloven, brug af falsk fuldmagt og ved ond tro udsletter pant, mod instruks. samt nok over laver overtrædelse af grundlovenes § 73.
14-06-2023. brev til tinglysningsretten med dokumentation for Jyske banks overtrædelse af tinglysningsloven, og for at have lavet fuldmagtmisbrug.
18 juni 2023. Kladde 4. til Jyske Bank. rettet og indsat billeder til mail 06-03-2023. mail Kære CEO Anders Christian Dam og Jyske Bank koncernen, med link til alle delte YouTube videoer.
I have written on Constitution Day 5 June 2023 to Jyske Bank’s management.
And Cc: to the Danish State and the government of Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, and the authorities such as the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority.
In this email, I again offer to delete all videos and posts about Jyske Banks crime, as well as the bank’s business methods, so if CEO Anders Christian Dam wishes then I will delete this story about organized crime and corruption in Jyske Bank, you will later be able to read the email to Anders Dam here in the LINK, unless the Jyske Bank group asks me not to share more.
Jyske Bank is repeatedly for over 2 years, been encouraged to file a police report against me for slander, but only if the Jyske Bank group believes, that I am lying about the bank’s actions, this is told in the videos, in posts and emails, but I would rather be in contact and get in dialogue with Jyske Bank A/S, which is the reason for the many emails.
CEO Anders Dam call me on +4522227713
Try asking the State Ministry and the Government as well as Jyske Bank’s lawyers at Legal Director Martin Skovsted-Nielsen. why neither the Danish government nor Jyske Bank can say anything about the many advertisements for Jyske Bank’s organized crime against the bank’s “sick” customers.
I am writing about Jyske Bank’s fraud, which was demonstrably carried out by several employees together.
And no one can say anything about these videos and advertising which are warnings against named lawyers and the management of Jyske Bank.
Here are a few of the latest emails to the Danish government and the management of Jyske Bank regarding fraud and corruption in Denmark with the help of the Danish authorities / Court members.
If there are some who do not know, this is a call to the management of Jyske Bank to stop committing fraud, and for the Danish State and Government to stop covering up Jyske Bank’s use of organized crime
03-06-2023. Jyske bank can still take over the Jyske bank cars and what belongs to them, I don’t have many other ideas to stop this writing, do you.
03-06-2023. To the Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, and the Danish Parliament Please share the mail for all Members of the Danish Parliament. .with links pdf
30-05-2023. Dear all, first all of you at Jyske Bank, you know I want dialogue and that Jyske Bank and the many actors get peace for my many inquiries.
01-06-2023. til Statsministeret Sagen der er politisk, ønsker regeringen eller statsministeren Mette Frederiksen at afse tid til at få overbragt bevis for Jyske Banks bedrageri
When the government in Denmark chooses to cover up the criminal organizations, such as Jyske Bank, in which the Danish State itself has a major financial interests in.
Then the Danish state and the government itself is helping to undermine the legal security of the weak in Denmark, as those who are exposed to organized economic crime, by the largest Danish companies.
It is the Jyske Bank group that I write about, when I write about criminal Danish banks.
Jyske Bank and their political friends in the Danish State, can do nothing to stop my videos that mention the organized fraud, corruption, cronyism, Nebotism in Denmark, where several of the government members, and authorities play a significant role, as they have worked to cover up Jyske Bank’s crimes.
I have repeatedly requested the Prime Minister’s Office, and the Danish government through the Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen for permission to hand over my evidence of Jyske Bank’s many violations of the law.
Violations that the Danish State does not want to receive.
The Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen has not wanted to answer any inquiries about Jyske Bank’s organized fraud, which the State clearly has great financial interests in.
The state and government do not want to have a dialogue, about the crime that Jyske Bank knowingly and demonstrably stands behind.
I am writing openly as to the Prime Minister’s Office, that has refused to respond to some inquiries, as members of the government around Jyske Bank’s many criminal offenses in the period April 2019 and until May 2023, all is aware of.
The Danish State and authorities are fully aware that their cooperation partner, the Jyske Bank group, has forged documents and committed fraud, as well as bribed Lundgren’s lawyers, for which I would like permission from the Prime Minister’s Office to present full documentation for this to Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen.
Neither the Prime Minister’s Office nor the members of the government, want to appear, and have evidence handed over of Jyske Bank’s violations of the law, as the Government has greater interests in Jyske Bank A/S than in the legal security of Danish citizens.
Jyske Bank and their friends’ best weapon against customers who Jyske Bank by CEO Anders Christian Dam wants to deceive is silence.
Everyone is clearly scared and won’t answer, but the fact that even the Danish government is covering up Jyske Bank’s crimes is a scandal.
I continuously encourage the Jyske Bank group to dialogue, and offer to delete and remove posts and advertisements that deal with Jyske Bank’s illegal business methods.
So I say it again, the Jyske Bank concern at CEO Anders Christian Dam, and the bank’s lawyers and friends, would you like me to stop advertising Jyske Bank’s violations of the law, or the bank’s fraudulent business methods, so try dialogue.
CEO Anders Christian Dam the head of Jyske Bank you can call me at +4522227713
And we can talk together, if has the Jyske Bank group made a mistake, or is it just a small misunderstanding, why doesn’t Jyske Bank just talk with me, so that my postings and advertisements can ceases.
Otherwise you can call me Anders Dam, and say that the Jyske Bank group and your friends don’t care about what I write, and that Jyske Bank does not want me to stop exposing Jyske Bank as a criminal Dansk Bank, because the Danish State covers up Jyske Bank’s crimes can continue to violate laws and regulations on a regular basis.
The Jyske Bank group and their many employees, will not stop committing fraud and forgery, or other punishable crimes, at least not as long as the Danish government and Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, together with the authorities, and judges in the Court as in Supreme Court by Kurt Rasmussen, have chosen to cover up corruption, and cover up abuse of power in which they themselves are complicit.
As then the Government not will stop the use of bribery, which has become a natural part of Denmark’s largest companies, as when Denmark’s second largest bank, the Jyske Bank group, at the board of directors dishonestly chose to bribe Lundgren’s lawyers, so that Lundgren’s lawyers would deliberately lose their client’s fraud case against the Jyske Bank group, by simply not presenting their client’s fraud case against Jyske Bank, and keeping the client out of the case by deliberately and systematically withholding several pleadings for the client.
And of course also that Lundgren’s deposed had to hide from the client, that Jyske Bank had bribed Lundgren’s lawyer partner company, not to present their client’s fraud case against Jyske Bank.
Then the corruption will continue thrives among the Danish organizations and lawyers, and that by cronyism and nepotism, and not a single Danish politician dares to ask questions, or raise the issue in the Danish parliament.
When Denmark as a society is governed by corruption, which the state and government will neither investigate nor stop, then the reason alone can be in the financial interests between the Danish state and Jyske Bank, which has become a subversive activity against the Danish population and those who act with large Danish organizations that, like Jyske Bank, are happy to commit financial crimes for the government in order to increase earnings.
You will find more videos and posts like this LINK. which is due to the management at Anders Dam and the many employees of Jyske Bank, who have demonstrably committed fraud and forgery of documents for Jyske Bank A/S, which several lawyers from, for example, Lundgren lawyers, Horten lawyers, Kromann Reumert lawyers, Lund Elmer Sandager lawyers, Jyske The Bank’s legal team has contributed to this, you can read more about that here in the diary, and then ask yourself the reason why those who cover up Jyske Bank’s crimes do not dare to answer anything, but choose to hide out of fear, so that this scandal must not become public knowledge.
Why does no one dare to write about corruption and the Danish criminal banks, I ask because silence does not stop me and shared posts, which no one can contradict is the truth about the corruption many of the biggest companies themselves are one of.
And not a single person can stop the many advertisements about organized crime and corruption in Denmark, unless the Jyske Bank group itself through CEO Anders Dam asks me Carsten Storbjerg not to write more.
Jyske Bank and Anders Dam have not to this day, would ask me to stop advertising about Jyske Banks crime.
Anders Christian Dam you can call me on +4522227713
If you would like me to stop advertising for Jyske Bank, and rights about the way Jyske Bank commits fraud and forgery or uses bribery, Jyske Bank would you like me to stop writing more, then you Anders Dam just have to talk with me.
The management and the bank’s lawyers have been repeatedly called for dialogue, and that they can go to the police if not Jyske Bank Group through their lawyers, is behind extensive fraud, but those who are behind Jyske Bank’s fraud dare not to do that.
Jyske Bank you should try dialogue, instead of living out those who, for Jyske Bank, have become complicit in the bank’s organized crime.
Jyske Bank is afraid of the customers whom the bank exposes to gross fraud, therefore no one in the group dares to answer.
As I say in the video of 15 May 2023. to the gang leader in Jyske Bank. Anders Dam you are scared and you are a coward
Read the mail to Jyske Bank. 17 may 2023 Dk.
See the shared videos on banking news here.
Read the mail to Danish Bank and lawyer Mette Marie Nielsen. 16 may 2023 Dk.
Read the mail to Jyske Bank. 12 may 2023 Dk.
Read the mail to Jyske Bank and the Danish government. 9 may 2023 Dk.
Anders Christian Dam I hereby again challenge you, to have a public debate with me and on national TV.
Do you dare or are you a coward.
I challenge CEO Anders Dam to hold a debate about Jyske Bank’s legal offences, and about the bank’s criminal employees, do you dare Mr. CEO Anders Dam.
It’s you against me, or me against you as the leader of the criminal Danish fraud company Jyske Bank.
I say again that Jyske Bank is a criminal bank, that knowingly and dishonestly and verifiably commits fraud, abuses power of attorney, lies, forges documents, commits mandate fraud, uses bribes to cover up Jyske Bank’s many crimes.
So when I write that Jyske Bank cheats and deceives the bank’s customers, while the Danish Prime Minister, and the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority ignore the bank’s fraud thats is the fact
Then it is simply a fact, and when I write about corruption between the Danish authorities and large Danish companies such as banks in Denmark, no one dares to comment on this fact.
The fact that there are powerful and influential corrupt lawyers and judges, as well as corruption among Danish politicians and authorities in Denmark, is a problem for those who do business with Danish companies.
If you yourself are not part of the corrupt Danes who, by cronyism and nepotism, decide who is allowed to commit fraud against their customers in front of the parliament, then ask why not a single one of those who are actually contributing to Jyske Bank’s organized crime dare to speak with victims of organized crime by Danish organisations.
is there one of you who dares to talk to me and review my evidence, or are you all afraid that Jyske Bank will lose the right to conduct banking business, due to the bank’s many crimes, if the Danish authorities stop covering up Jyske Bank’s fraud.
Jyske Bank and you Anders Dam, you can do nothing to stop my advertising about the Jyske Bank’s organized crime.
Regardless of the fact that Denmark is governed by nepotism, i.e. corruption in connection with the Danish companies’ crimes against customers, the government keeps a close eye on Jyske Bank’s illegalities.
It is not illegal to tell the truth about Denmark’s criminal banks, nor about Jyske Bank, which must be one of Denmark’s largest criminal enterprises, which has the support of the Danish State, the Government and Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, the National Bank of Denmark, and therefore Jyske Bank’s criminal employees continue to violate the Danish laws and regulations.
Jyske Bank dares not to claim that it runs an honest banking business without committing fraud and forgery.
So mr. Anders Christian Dam you have my challenge to meet with me on national TV, but of course if Jyske Bank is afraid to meet and hold a debate, and review my evidence for your fraud, then you can hide behind Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, who covers up Jyske Bank’s many criminal acts.
Anders Dam call me on +4522227713 and set up a meeting, either privately or on national television.
Then we can start the dialogue about whether the Jyske Bank group is a criminal organization and whether you, as a manager, are the one most responsible for the bank’s fraud.
Best regards
Maybe your worst enemy.
Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup
Hornbaek Denmark
And a WARNING against the Danish corrupt lawyers such as Lundgren’s lawyer partnership.
Which the Danish authorities and corrupt lawyers as well as several judges and lawyers in Denmark is cover up, since the Danish government and parliament continue to want to cooperate with these criminals, even if Jyske Bank is behind corruption, the Danish government does not want to contribute to criminal banks must be fought or stopped.
Jyske Bank The car is now parked in front of the Jyske Bank Box on Vesterbrogade no. 9 in Copenhagen. Read here the email from 9 May 2023. The email to Jyske Bank and the Danish State is written mainly in Danish.
Here you can read both about the fraudster and about those who have been behind the fraud, and you can read about who has covered up the company for the fraud, as well as those who have reacted passively to the knowledge they have received about the crime Denmark’s second largest bank demonstrably is behind.
Samlet dokumenter der understreger at Jyske Bank har overtrådt tinglysningslovens paragraf 11, og nægter at indrømme dette.
When the Danish State deliberately and dishonestly covers up Danish criminal organisations, it is also a problem for trust in the Danish State.
Anyone i Denmark who sticks their head in the bush, and passively allows Jyske Bank to expose customers to systematic and organized fraud, is in my view, contributing to Jyske Bank’s ability to commit crime.
In Denmark there is a single man Carsten Storbjerg who is trying to call out the Danish State and the government, but the Parliament will not respond, or answer some of my many inquiries, because they are more busy covering up their criminal comrade, and it is the Jyske Bank group that I am talking and writing about.
If there are some of you who I write to and about, and those there are are part of my story about corruption in Denmark, who might want to talk to me.
So you all have my phone number, and I would very much like to talk to you about the crime, that I wrote to you about, that the Jyske Bank group is behind.
And that especially for the Denmark’s Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, you have not handled this scandal properly, but simply ignored my inquiries, so that the government itself has covered up the crime that I write that the Jyske Bank group is behind, and which is a problem for legal certainty i Denmark, if all members of parliament, keeps his head down, and continues to ignore my inquiries.
Call and ask me if I think we should talk, then the answer is YES.
I think we should talk.
With best regards
Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup
Soevej 5.
3100 Hornbaek
Phone +4522227713
If Jyske Bank is in doubt that they use bribes, and like to take the corrupt and offer them return commission for not presenting their clients’ fraud cases against Jyske Bank, then the bank can read the legal document that was sent to the court on 13 April 2023.
Documents that explain why corruption, which is also found among judges in Denmark, cannot be stopped.
13-04-2023 Meddelelse til retten i BS-261-2022-VLR. af 13. april 2023 hæver sagen mod Jyske Bank
13-04-2023. Meddelse Ledelsesberetning cvr 27374476 2023. fremlagt retten i forbindelse med sagen hæves
13-04-2023. kvittering BS-261-2022-VLR hæver sagen mod Jyske Bank. Kvittering for modtagelse af dokument
13-04-2023. Kvittering – Ledelsesberetning hæver sagen mod Jyske Bank BS-261-2022-VLR
Citizens in Denmark are tired of the Danish State and the government are covering up the largest Danish criminal organizations, and are therefore calling out.
Dear everyone in Parliament, stop now covering up the organized crime of Danish banks.
Question for the Danish Government, by Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, when the Parlament has decided that Danish Banks such as Jyske Bank, are allowed to forge documents, as well as commit fraud, and use bribes to disappoint in legal matters, does this also apply to, for example Maersk Line ?, which by the government have been exempted from complying with the legislation like other large organisations, ie Jyske Bank is a good example at, and therefore Maersk may be allowed to use bribes, as well the Jyske Bank group has done it.
The Government / Parliament has refused to confirm or answer the question of whether the law is equal for all.
Click here or on the Jyske Bank car, and watch all videos on the YouTube channel.
DK. 08-04-2023. THE JYSKE BANK CARS CAN BE TAKEN OVER. Dear all, if you as I do think, that Jyske Bank should solve this little story, which should also be a problem for the Danish State, the Danish State which is itself instrumental in undermining the legal security of the Danes.
DK. 07-04-2023. PROPOSAL to Jyske Bank how about you get the Jyske Bank cars, and my story, and then you can clean up yourself yourself.
THOSE ARE PRETTY SERIOUS ACCUSATIONS, and regardless of the fact that even the Government and the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority are covering up Jyske Bank’s violations of the law.
It is about when Nicolai Hansen, together with Jeanette Kofoed-Hansen, chose to expose Jyske Bank customer for document forgery, and gross fraud.
Fraud that Casper Dam Olsen was also involved in.
Jyske Bank i think we should talk together, and then find a solution, ask Nicolai Hansen and Jeanett Kofoed-Hansen who were part in the million fraud against my company, and which Casper Dam Olsen quickly helped to deceive the customer, ask if they think it’s all is a misunderstanding.
CALL ME AND PROPOSAL A SOLUTION SO THAT THIS STOPS, if you Anders Dam want these emails and postings to stop, then talk to me, please.
Regards your perhaps most famous victim.
Before I apply to the Mærsk Foundation for financial help, to promote information about the corruption in Denmark.
THEN I STATE HERE. That it is my wish to enter into dialogue with Jyske bank , and to you who cover Jyske Bank, so if there are some who actually want to have a chat with me, call and arrange a meeting with me.
Until now not a single one, has dared to answer me, or call me for an interview, despite the fact that the government and parliament since April 2019 have had knowledge, that Jyske Bank refuses to comply with the law, which is evident from the attached documents.
If I have been wrong this is an opportunity to explain to me that I have been wrong, I have not been wrong, have the Danish State a problem with appearing as a rule of law when the authorities themselves cover up organized crime, carried out by Denmark’s second largest bank Jyske Bank.
03-04-2023. 18.55. Because Jyske Bank bribed Lundgrens not to present more fraud and false claims against Jyske Bank, read the email to Danish Bank and the attached documents for Jyske Bank’s fraud, see the linked documents to Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, the National Bank of Denmark, the parliament “The most letters are in Danish” copy has been sent to the Maersk Foundation, as Denmark’s largest company, what does Maersk say to Nebotisme “corruption” rule the Danish state.
I am investigating whether Kromann Reumert lawyers are a regular part of those who want to undermine the public’s legal certainty, like their partner Jens Steen Jensen, who has covered up the corrupt Lundgren lawyers, and has chosen that the client has no right to see them pleadings their own lawyers receive and present in the client’s own trial.
It seems that the management of Christina Bruun Geertsen, Morten Møller Enegaard, Jeppe Buskov, Jacob Møller, Jacob Høeg Madsen, Marianne Granhøj and Jakob Hans Johansen at Kromann Reumert lawyers all agree and that Kromann Reumert himself wants to cover up corruption among Denmark’s largest law firms.
All employees of Kromann Reumert lawyers, Horten lawyers, Lundgren’s lawyers, DLA Piper lawyers will be asked questions in connection with the investigation of corruption among the Danish law firms, which the management of Kromann Reumert has also been asked.
Read the email 3 April 2023. to Kromann Reumert where the entire management to date supports 100% about Jens Steen Jensen who does not think some clients of Danish lawyers have the right to know what their lawyers receive or present in the client’s own legal case.
Supreme Court Judge Kurt Rasmussen, like Kromann Reumert lawyers, completely agrees that it is the lawyers themselves who sovereignly decide what and which pleadings they want to hand over to their clients.
This has been established by the Corrupt Lawyers Board, together with employees of the Danish Business Association, Horten lawyers, the Consumer Complaints Board and with Kromann Reumert Lawyers, the lawyer board will not comment on their decision, but states that it is not in the public’s interest to know that anyone who seeks out a Danish lawyer will be disenfranchised.
If there are some who think they have corrections, then you have been called on several times to answer the accusations, but the truth is sometimes hard to avoid, even if everyone puts their heads in the ground, it does not stop the discs like others either have added on.
One writes thus:
DK. Carsten’s fight is not only his own, he is also fighting for you. Don’t turn your back, because one day you may find yourself in a situation like this, where all doors close and no one in charge will listen to you. Support people like Carsten, who don’t give up and fight for the rights of all our mothers. Help Carsten fight corruption in Denmark, sign and share. What those responsible are afraid of is being exposed and us coming together in the fight against their evil.
DK. Management report for Storbjerg Erhverv ApS 2023.
06-03-2023. The original email. To Kromann Reumert management, and the group Jyske Bank, is corrected in a word document and images are inserted, here there are only links to images.
Denmark will not, on the part of the state, comply with the UNITED NATIONS CONVENTION AGAINST CORRUPTION.
I am about to write a letter to Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen and this and other violations by the state as a violation of human rights, and would like help in suing the Danish State.
Article 21
Bribery in the private sector
Each State Party shall consider adopting such legislative and other measures as may be necessary to establish as criminal offences, when committed intentionally in the course of economic, financial or commercial activities:
(a) The promise, offering or giving, directly or indirectly, of an undue advantage to any person who directs or works, in any capacity, for a private sector entity, for the person himself or herself or for another person, in order that he or she, in breach of his or her duties, act or refrain from acting;
(b) The solicitation or acceptance, directly or indirectly, of an undue advantage by any person who directs or works, in any capacity, for a private sector entity, for the person himself or herself or for another person, in order that he or she, in breach of his or her duties, act or refrain from acting.
14 February 2023. Mail to the Prime Minister’s Office by Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen. A lawyer’s rights are always above the client’s.
If you, as a journalist, want to ask questions to some of the Danish authorities, who are all fully informed about Denmark’s second largest bank, Jyske Bank’s fraud, and about why employees in the Government, the Financial Supervisory Authority, the Danish Courts Authority as well as partners in Kroman Reumert, Horten, Danish business with several, have deliberately and dishonestly chosen to cover up the corrupt Lundgren lawyers who have accepted bribes not to present their client’s fraud allegations against Jyske Bank.
And also ask the Danish Courts Authority, ask the judges who have really contributed to Jyske Bank’s fraud being able to continue, by covering up Jyske Bank’s fraud and false crimes, if you have any questions just ask, I am not hiding as the government that is responsible for the safety of the kingdom, and must ensure that the law is equal for all.
It is the state itself that undermines legal certainty by covering up the biggest criminal Danish companies, of which Jyske Bank must be assumed to be among.
I have tried to get an answer, and comment page April 2019. and there is not a single one in Denmark, not even a politician who dares to answer, or to claim that I have not spoken and written the truth.
If the truth comes out, Jyske Bank may lose the right to conduct banking business in Denmark and will probably go bankrupt.
But since the Danish State has very large economic interests in Jyske Bank, the Danish State only wants to cover up the criminal bank.
Which must be the reason why Denmark chooses to violate human rights, in order to undermine the rule of law itself
If I have made a mistake or misunderstood something, the Danish authorities should accept my many calls for dialogue, rather than all the authorities and the members of parliament hiding behind their thick walls, in order to retain the power to be able to deprive the individual Danish citizen the right to self-determination.
My name is Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup. and I want dialogue about the corruption and bribery that governs Denmark.
I live in Hornbæk.
Soevej 5.
3100. Hornbaek
My phone number is +4522227713
and email could be this
If you or someone in the Government, the Parliament, have the courage to meet with me, then as I have written to the Parliament since April 2019, I would still like to talk to you.
Silence strongly emphasizes that this is a matter of gigantic problems for the Danish State and the Government itself, to live up to the provisions of the law and not that Denmark as a state itself violates human rights.
Den Danske Stat overtræder at menneskerettighederne, og i den forbindelse gennemgår vi Lundgrens og danske advokaters rettigheder til at tage mod bestikkelse, eller korruption for at hjælpe en eller flere med strafbare forbrydelser, i dette link finder du en mail 13 februar. 2023. med kladen af brev til Statsminister Mette Frederiksen, men som også er til de korrupte Lundgrens advokater som er bange for at svarer på.
Do you want to write an article, or make a documentary about corrupt judges and a legal system in disrepair.
Here is a good story about judicial murder, corruption and bribery, fraud, and abuse of power.
When Danish banks bribe lawyers not to present fraud cases against themselves, and employed Supreme Court judges say this is not a violation of good legal practice, then the population and the legal community have lost.
When the government and the Danish state themselves cover up corruption in Denmark, the reason must be that the government itself is directly involved, or protects its own economic interests, such as the state’s cooperation with Jyske Bank in particular.
08-02-2023. kl. 06.53. – Gmail. Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen and the Minister of Justice Peter Hummelgaard, It is right that the Danish State is complicit or allows Danish Banks like Jyske Bank A/S to use bribes.
Which is attached this page banking news. with an inserted letter to the Danish State att the Prime Minister, and the Minister of Justice, attached copys of documentation that supports the accusations against Denmark’s second largest bank, Jyske Bank, for having bribed Lundgren’s lawyer partner company, 2 of the former employees of Lundgren’s lawyers Mette Marie Nielsen and Emil Hald Wendelbo Vindstrøm who helped Jyske Bank to oppose the presentation of the client’s fraud case against Jyske Bank, and who helped the bank to continue the fraud.
Collective documentation that precisely Mette Marie Nielsen together with Emil Hald Wendelbo Vindstrøm have worked to undermine their client’s case, and that these 2 lawyers have actually helped Jyske Bank with organized fraud, can be found in the complaint 05-06-2020. appendix 1 to 233. which you can see a little further down the page here.
The have since changed jobs, and you can find the 2 lawyers here today February 2023.
Mette Marie Nielsen. LinkedIn. You can here send a Mail to Mette Marie Nielsen. Attorney-at-law @ Danske Bank A/S. Homepage Danske Bank A/S.
Emil Hald Wendelbo Vinstrøm. LinkedIn. You can here send a Mail to Emil Hald Wendelbo Vinstrøm. Attorney-at-law @ Rambøll A/S. Homepage Rambøll A/S.
Find Lundgren’s employees here, those who train students to lie to the client and assist in Jyske Bank’s fraud, this is a warning against Lundgren’s
Here in the post 8 February 2023, you can see and read in Danish the documentation, that Lundgren’s lawyers are corrupt, as well as get to know some of those from Lundgren’s who have allowed Lundgren’s lawyers to thwart justice towards their own client, because instead that he contributed to Jyske Bank’s organized crime.
A law firm that, like Lundgren’s lawyers, ther accepts bribes from Jyske Bank A/S is corrupt, and therefore no partner or employee of Lundgren’s lawyers can be trusted.
This posting is not only about the corrupt Lundgrens, but about corruption within the Ministry of Justice, including the Danish courts and the bar association.
The Ministry of Justice, and the Minister of Justice have the opportunity at any time to explain themselves, and explain why the Ministry of Justice still does harve sign this document.
05-02-2023. The 6 questions for what, according to the Bar Council, is not a breach of good legal practice. they are spread over 6 pages. to Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen and Minister of Justice Peter Hummelgaard with reference to earlier inquiries.
With the wording
If the ministry agrees with the bar council that the Danes have no right to decide on their own case.
Or at least not in those cases where the state’s financial interests are above the law, which is what you can read here at
I am going to write about the employees of Lundgren’s lawyers who have helped to undermine the plaintiff’s finances, have helped to undermine legal certainty in order to help Jyske Bank A/S with organized fraud, a fraud Lundgren’s lawyers themselves have become complicit in.
Lundgren’s lawyers, their management and management and the partners have not dared to answer, they have full confidence that the corrupt Danish judges and the equally corrupt Bar Council cover up corruption when corruption serves the kingdom’s financial interests in a criminal organization, here I am talking about Jyske Bank A/S
Read here an announcement / post which was written on 13 August 2019. before I even knew that Lundgren’s lawyers were corrupt, at that time I also did not show that there was corruption among Danish judges.
Read and see the attachment here in the link, there set up in the period after 8 February 2023. and understand how much corruption exists in Denmark, and among some of the largest Danish law firms such as Lundgren’s lawyers, as well as in Denmark’s courts, where judges such as Søren Ejdom have manipulated evidence and witness statements , to help the Danish state’s financial interests in Jyske Bank.
It is about the combined Danish State and Parliament / the government deliberately covering up the Danish banks that commit serious crimes, such as here where the Jyske Bank A/S group commits fraud and which subsequently chose to bribe Lundgren’s lawyer partner company, which had been hired for to conduct a fraud and false case against Jyske Bank A/S
Jyske Bank bribes Lundgren’s lawyers so that they would oppose the client’s submissions against Jyske Bank were not presented to the court, and so that Lundgren’s lawyers would deprive their client of their right to decide for themselves.
This is the opinion of Supreme Court Judge Kurt Rasmussen, Jens Steen Jensen from Kromann Reumert lawyer together with partner Birgitte Frølund from Horten lawyers and Henrik Hyltoft ind Danish Erhverv are saying.
Is good legal practice, in any case it is not a violation of the rules for good legal practice.
A position such as that of the Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen and the Danish Minister of Justice Peter Hummelgaard, if they do not sign this declaration that they disagree with the corrupt bar council, which has collectively covered up Jyske Bank’s crimes and that Jyske Bank has bribed Lundgren’s lawyers to oppose the client who employed Lundgren’s lawyers to present the client’s fraud and false case and allegations against Denmark’s second largest bank Jyske Bank A/S.
So when I warn you here against cooperating with Lundgren’s lawyers, and warn against the lawyers who are trained at Lundgren’s, such as Mette Marie Nielsen and Emil Hald Vendelbo Winstrøm, who have deliberately, dishonestly and systematically worked to manipulate their client , and in that way hid their work from a criminal enterprise, it is to warn against the further spread of corrupt and dishonest lawyers in Danish society.
Those who, with a simple search on the internet, could ascertain that lawyers such as Mette Marie Nielsen and Emil Hald Vendelbo Winstrøm have really helped Jyske Bank with organized fraud, and yet choose to hire these lawyers as you can see here in these appendices and with audio recordings have helped the Jyske Bank group to be able to continue fraud, by having work in Jyske Bank’s interest, in order to thereby have to disappoint in legal matters.
The evidence will be in the post on February 8, 2023. very clear that the Jyske Bank group bribed Lundgren’s lawyers to hide from the client what Lundgren’s lawyers are doing, which was the reason why Lundgren’s lawyers hid the fact that they had become deeply incompetent after Jyske Bank assumed Lundgren’s lawyers to provide Jyske Bank with advice on trading to the tune of DKK 600,000,000.
08-02-2023. kl. 21.30. Engelsk kopi til Statsminister Mette Frederiksen Statsministeriet og flere.
Since both Mette Marie Nielsen together with Emil Hald Wendelbo Vindstrøm, have a central role in helping Jyske Bank with fraud, and that they did not present some of the client’s fraud and false allegations against Jyske Bank A/S, and that their former employer Lundgrens has sued the client, for together with Jyske Bank, to undermine the former client’s economy, in order to prevent the client and plaintiff from economically, to being able to pursue and continue the fraud case against the criminal Jyske Bank A/S to get the court’s word, that Lundgren’s lawyers must have a total of DKK 232,000 for not presenting the client’s case against Jyske Bank.
By the fact that they both Mette Marie Nielsen together and Emil Hald Wendelbo Vindstrøm, in bad faith and dishonestly, did not present the client case against Jyske Bank, with the allegations that you can read here, and then compare with what Lundgrens presented, and note that Lundgrens, will not hand over the pleadings, that Emil Hald Wendel presented on 2 September 2019. pleading 2. read and be convinced that Lundgrens is a corrupt law firm.
Try to compare conversations with what I say must be presented, and with what Mette Marie Nielsen presents, and what Emil Hald Wendelbo Vinstrøm. And read the complaint and what the judge Kurt Rasmussen has decided together with Jens Steen Jensen who has close contacts with Jyske Bank director Per Skovhus, you will be able to see more about this in the attachment which was shared on 08-02-2023.
There is a main hearing in this case. BS-32089-2021.HEL Court Helsingør on 24 February 2023. I would just like to request that the 2 lawyers confirm confirm the transcript conversations, as these are included as evidence, Both have actually helped Jyske Bank with fraud against their customer.
This document an email from 6 February 2023. To the Prime Minister’s Office and Parliament as well as Jyske Bank, with attachments, shows that the Danish state and government, at least since April 2019.
have witnessed that Denmark’s second largest bank, Jyske Bank, is behind organized crime, that Jyske Bank also use bribes, was first detected in 2019. No one dares to answer, since a even several judges are involved in the corruption, to cover up the criminal Danish Bank.
06-02-2023. kl. 17.47. Gmail to Jyske Bank. Shall we be helped to clean up together. ?. I would rather take pictures of nature and do other hobbies, I therefore arsk Jyske Bank to help me, and that we forget everything that happened.
My calls have the following purpose, and my contact attempts have, in addition to the following purpose, a desire for change, understanding.
The purpose of my appeal is partly to come into contact and dialogue with Jyske Bank’s board and management, as I want to help Jyske Bank become a better bank, that will comply with all rules and legislation.
And is Jyske Bank making mistakes, or is someone in the group doing something that goes against common sense, or against common decency, or has the bank violated the rules of good practice for banks.
Or has Jyske Bank violated the law in some other way.
And it is my wish that the board of directors, or someone else in Jyske Bank, an employee, lawyer, the management or someone else in the Jyske Bank group, is immediately made aware of one or more errors, initiates or contributes to inquiries being investigated, and that Jyske and to correct any mistakes, rather than trying to hide them in every possible way, as this will worsen Jyske Bank’s chances of becoming a better bank.
In short, I want to help Jyske Bank with my knowledge, to date I have not been able to get in touch, and get the group management or the board members to see, or listen to me yet, but I am still struggling to communicate with Jyske Bank’s group management, as I believe that the Jyske Bank group has some problems with running a decent bank, and regardless of the fact, that no Danish authorities or politicians want Danish Bank to comply with all rules and laws, this in no way prevents Jyske Bank from following and comply with the rules and laws that apply to the rest of the population.
And then I want the Danish government, the parliament and all their 179 politicians to join the fight to preserve legal certainty for all citizens in Denmark.
And that the authorities including the State Ministry, the Ministry of Justice, the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, Danmarks Nationalbank and others respond to my inquiries.
And that the Danish authorities launch an impartial investigation of my information and shared documents as well as minor charges.
If Jyske Bank A/S, and the Danish authorities continue to refuse to answer me to some of my inquiries.
I will write in my books and elsewhere that Denmark, as a sovereign state, is directly contributing to the fact that large international Danish companies can violate the law as they wish, and that the Danish parliament puts the largest Danish companies above the Danish and international legislation.
Try asking yourself how a Jyske Bank car, with texts like:
Jyske Bank taken for million frauds.
Jyske Bank exposes the customer to gross fraud.
Jyske Bank has bribed Lundgren’s lawyers.
For years it has been able to drive around, and here it is parked right outside the door to Jyske Bank store, where it has been parked for a total of 4 months.
Without a single comment.
Or that some have dared to make a single claim that it is a defamatory statement, and that without a single one wanting to make a comment.
We are talking here about organized crime, which is carried out by several people together, which should cause the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority to put Jyske Bank under stricter supervision, or that the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority deprives Jyske Bank A/S of the right to operate a bank in Denmark.
What started as a joke back in 2016, has now become more serious, as it has involved both the Financial Supervisory Authority, the National Police, the prosecution, several members of the court board as well as the Danish State for actual complicity in Jyske Bank’s fraud against customers, which I will get closer to .
I have repeatedly offered CEO Anders Dam to meet, and if Jyske Bank wants it I would like to remove my advertisements, Jyske Bank just needs to talk to me and we can agree to clean things up together and remove these advertisements.
Here you see the first Jyske Bank car, with the first of many funny texts, which a customer sent to Jyske Bank, with the words asks BRASK THOMSEN STILL IN THE BANK, the car has constantly changed its transmission, which no one, not even a single one, has any comment on, you can guess why.
And here are a few more Jyske Bank cars.
If the The Danish Financial Supervisory Authority members and the board of Nina Dietz Legind, Preben Lund Hansen, Marianne Rørslev Bock, Peter E. Storgaard, Svein Andresen, Paul Brüniche-Olsen, Thomas Elholm, Martin Tvede Zachariasen, Carsten Holdum, Steen Lohmann Poulsen were not to initiate an investigation of Jyske Bank’s many criminal violations of the law can only be due to the fact that their intention is that the Danish The Danish Financial Supervisory Authority itself is instrumental in covering up Jyske Bank’s open crimes which Ludgrens has also helped with, I will get to this further down the page.
Unfortunately, the Danish FSA refuses to this date, to examine and verify some of my evidence against Jyske Bank, as these are matters that will cause Jyske Bank to lose the right to operate a financial business, which is why Jyske Bank loses its business foundation and Jyske Bank probably goes bankruptcy.
Since the Danish state has large financial interests in Jyske Bank A/S, state and the authorities will and do everything in their power to cover up Jyske Bank’s crimes, which even Danish judges are complicit in, and if there are some who have a second opinion, then book me for a meeting and conversation, so that we can correct any misunderstandings.
My name is Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup, and I am apparently the only Dane, who wants to stop corruption in the Danish state, since no members of the government will answer some my inquiries, you have my telephone number, and I am looking for dialogue, as this could damage Denmark and Denmark’s credibility, which is not my intention, and therefore I again invite Jyske Bank and the Prime Minister to a dialogue.
Dear Mette Frederiksen and Anders Christian Dam, call me on +4522227713.
Since I want to talk to you, I have positioned myself so that it is difficult for me to avoid coming into contact with you.
It should be noted that Marianne Rørslev Bock is the CFO of Scandinavian Tobacco Group A/S, the company that employed Mette Marie Nielsen, just after she had deliberately and I-Loyalt worked for Lundgren’s lawyers to damage the client’s fraud and false case against Jyske Banks A/ S, who had bribed Lundgren’s lawyers for this task.
It should be noted that Peter E. Storgaard is deputy director and head of the Financial Stability department at Danmarks Nationalbank, who are also aware and aware that Jyske Bank is behind extensive abuse and exploitation in order to be able to do and get away with the bank’s fraud.
Explanation.: This is how Jyske Bank starts fraud against the customers, fraud that develops into organized fraud, and where more and more employees become aware of the fraud, and help the criminals’ masterminds to cover up simple fraud.
This page is a story about Jyske Bank’s business methods, and where no illegalities are a problem for the Jyske Bank group, and their many employees, who are united in deceiving their customers.
This page is part of my diary’s story, but is also information about the state corruption, that exists in Denmark, and deals with several corrupt Danish judges and lawyers, who I write knowingly and dishonestly worked to cover up the corrupt lawyers, such as Lundgren’s lawyer partner company who has deliberately and dishonestly helped the Jyske Bank group to disappoint in legal matters, in order to undermine the legal security of the amiable citizen in Danish society.
I will touch on who, in addition to Lundgren’s lawyers, has directly helped Denmark’s second largest bank, Jyske Bank, to commit and continue organized fraud, and I will name the persons, and authorities who have actively or passively covered up the fraud, that the 2 employees Nicolai Hansen and Jeanett Kofoed-Hansen in Jyske Bank A/S Helsingør together started back in 2008. a fraud I only by coincidence discovered in 2016, which was after Lund Elmer Sandager lawyers, by mistake, produced a document that Jyske Bank has hidden and used in connection with the beginning of the fraud.
I will make links to each of the many more criminal matters, that Jyske Bank in my story and against me is demonstrably behind, as it would be too extensive to describe here on the front page, which are mostly about corruption, and how corruption between Danish banks and lawyers takes place, as well as how the the Danish state has become complicit in corruption, by the authorities knowingly covering up the criminal and corrupt companies, as the Danish state itself has large financial interests in the criminal bank.
Nicolai Hansen Jyske Bank Nordsjælland Erhverv Hillerød, started 30 December 2008. along with Jeanett Kofoed-Hansen Service center Copenhagen, an organized and cunning fraud against their customer, when the cheating bank starts, an interest rate swap, called an interest rate swap, which goes without saying you exchange interest rates.
Jyske Bank starts by calculating interest at a fixed rate of 5.32% on a loan of DKK 4,328,000. which does not exist, and since Jyske Bank raises a larger amount in interest on that loan, Jyske Bank at a similar interest rate SWAP 4,328,000 swaps interest.
Jeanett Kofoed-Hansen Jyske Bank A/S.
Nicolai Hansen Jyske Bank A/S.
Casper Dam Olsen. Jyske Bank A/S.
It is factually documented, that after Jeanett Kofoed-Hansen committed several violations of the provisions of the Criminal Code in 2009, such as abuse of power of attorney, forgery of documents, abuse of the bank’s access to the land registry, that Jyske Banks employed Nicolai Hansen and Casper Dam Olsen again, and still together in association knowingly lies to the customer claiming that the customer has borrowed DKK 4,328,000. and subsequently rescheduled the loan.
Nicolai Hansen and Casper Dam Olsen do this solely with the intention of hiding Jyske Bank’s use of forged documents and abuse of power of attorney.
And to continue deceiving the customer, so that Jyske Bank can fraudulently collect around DKK 2,500,000 in interest over the next 20 years. of a loan that does not exist and has never existed.
Note that Jyske Bank’s fraud is far more extensive than that, which is why the state and parliament cover up Jyske Bank as the bank will lose the right to conduct banking business and probably go bankrupt.
The site also contains material for my books, in which I will describe in more detail the corruption that has infiltrated even the Danish courts.
The books are about the corrupt judges and lawyers as well as authorities in Denmark, who alone decide who does not need to comply with Danish legislation, since the law in Denmark is not equal for everyone, I will of course document this.
I also want to write a book which will be a description of Jyske Bank’s business and how Jyske Bank cheats and deceives, which is mainly aimed at sick and weak customers, and when someone like me was ill after a major brain haemorrhage, the criterion is met.
Still while the customer, i.e. me, is ill, Jyske Bank wants to take everything from me, and sends the customer to liquidation, which is to pressure the customer as much as possible, so that the customer does not discover Jyske Bank’s fraud.
The books are about the corrupt judges and lawyers as well as authorities in Denmark, who alone decide, who i Denmark does not need to comply with Danish legislation, since the law in Denmark is not equal for everyone, I will of course document all this.
I also want to write a book which will be a description of Jyske Bank’s business methods, and how Jyske Bank cheats and deceives, which is mainly aimed at sick and weak customers. Naturally, in this connection I will document all Jyske Bank’s offences.
When I write how Jyske Bank commits crime, as well as which laws and regulations the bank violates the least in the pursuit of their customers’ money.
Many appendices and recordings are original and in Danish.
Link to the attachments that are shared on this page, as well as to the attachments that deal with the corrupt Lundgren lawyers, which are presented in the complaint 05-06-2020.
Read in Danish Click here. “Under update and translation.”
01-02-2023. Previous front page /previous front page welcome.
Here is a new front page, about the organized crime in Denmark, which the Danish state parliament, the government and several court members support.
If there is anyone in the government in Denmark or authorities, as well as in the criminal’s Jyske Bank, perhaps in the corrupt Lundgren’s lawyers who have corrections or comments, please call +45222227713. or send me your comments here LINK to MAIL.
I want to tell in a new way, how the Danish state and government are behind the fact that Denmark’s second largest bank can continue to deceive their customers with the government support.
While I write which lawyers and companies and authorities there support or directly help Jyske Bank with fraud, please read the old front page LINK. and see how I have written for many years, without receiving a single remark.
What started with a little writing about a large criminal Danish bank, has been added to historical information about corruption in Denmark, which Danish judges and lawyers are instrumental in, they now get the opportunity to admit, and signs that they do not agree with, Jens Steen Jensen, Birgitte Frølund, Kurt Rasmussen, Rikke Skadhauge Seerup Krogsgård and Henrik Hyltoft, when they sign the 6 and, then the 23. points below, to which are added translations from the complaint 5 June 2020. against Lundgrens for being disloyal and corrupt, and with regard to the decision 30 June 2021, in a specific complaint with 27 violations of good legal practice.
My questions to many selected authorities and individuals are to ascertain whether the board’s decision is a source of corruption, which I am asking the Danish State by Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen and the Ministry of Justice by Peter Hummelgaard for help to confirm, or perhaps deny.
The ministers’ answers will confirm that corruption is the governing power factor in Denmark.
Welcome to one of Denmark’s probably biggest scandals, which no one, either the Financial Supervisory Authority, the authorities or the Parliament, dare not to ask questions about, my charges against Jyske Bank, Lundgrens or the staten for fear that Jyske Bank the big Danish Bank risks coming under strict supervision or that this Danish bank goes bankrupt.
Would you invest and cooperate with the organizations in the Danish state, now that you know that the Danish state through the parliament covers 100% of the largest criminal Danish companies.
I am in the process of ascertaining how bad it is with corruption in the Danish state and corruption among the Danish lawyers and the members of the bar council, their answers will soon show who and how many corrupt members are willing to cover up financial crime themselves.
It is about the Danish state, through the country’s highest authorities, the Ministry of State, the Ministry of Justice, the Courts, the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, the National Police and not least the Bar Council, either actively or passively covering up crimes, such as when Jyske Bank exposes its customers to criminal offences, and about the Bar Council really contributes to Jyske Bank’s fraud, by covering up the bribery of Lundgren’s lawyers, the lawyers’ committee and their members will all get the chance to answer the individual questions again.
This is about the Danish state, through the country’s highest authorities, the State Ministry, the Ministry of Justice, the Courts, the Financial Supervisory Authority, the National Police and not least the Bar Council, either actively or passively covering up the crime, that Jyske Bank exposes its customers to, around the Bar Council contributing to Jyske Bank’s fraud and bribery of Lundgren’s lawyers, the bar committee and their members, will all have the chance to answer the individual questions.
If the members of the bar committee do not appear, i.e. refuse to answer, it can only be inferred that corruption is the one controlling it Danish judiciary, and the bar association.
All authorities and those who are part of the network involved in the economic crime Jyske Bank is behind will be asked to confirm that the 6 points below are not a breach of good legal practice.
I have written again 30 January 2021. to all contributors who for the Danish State have covered up and thus probably contributed to organized crime, what do I know about it, I am dyslexic and not civically educated, that is why I am asking questions.
When I write about the corruption, that has infiltrated the Danish state, the parliament, the courts and the bar association, in order to protect the state’s own financial interests in the criminal Jyske Bank group.
What I write has caused several lawyers and judges to participate, and help to undermine the law in order to secure Jyske Bank’s survival as a bank for the Danish State.
I have written to the bar association, that they are corrupt, and that the bar association is ruled by corruption, the board’s decisions are made, among other things by judges of the Supreme Court, and the board’s decision cannot be appealed to other instances.
But when the board’s members knowingly and dishonestly, exonerate the corrupt Lundgren’s lawyer’s office for having accepted bribes, and exonerate Lundgren’s lawyers for having withheld and hidden several pleadings and court records from the client, which was to hide that Lundgren’s lawyer was corrupt, who already worked for Jyske Bank, and ONLY worked in Jyske Bank’s interests.
This can be fully documented, which is why Lundgren’s lawyers cannot say anything about my attacks against Lundgren’s lawyers.
Lundgren’s lawyers there are part of a larger group of lawyers, who work and are in control of corruption, a collaboration that takes place together with several judges, in which several of the members of the Bar Association is contributingn, if not all of them.
As the lawyer mentioned in their decision 30-06-2021. by writes that there is no violation of good legal practice, when lawyers hide and withhold both the client’s own pleadings, but who have also hidden the opposing party’s pleadings from a client, this is simply a finding that the bar association, through abuse of power, exploits the board’s position in society by Jens Steen Jensen from Kromann Reumert lawyers, Birgitte Frølund from Horten lawyers, Kurt Rasmussen from the Supreme Court, Rikke Skadhauge Seerup Krogsgård from the consumer complaints board and Henrik Hyltoft from the Organization Danish business “Dansk Erhverv”, a decision that Martin Lavesen from DLA Pipper lawyers is agree with, and in this way, employees of some of Denmark’s largest law firms, and employees of the Danish Courts Agency themselves can participate to cover the crime that, for example, the Jyske Bank group is behind.
My one book is about how the Danish government, and the state itself are instrumental in undermining the law, as the courts are not impartial, but act based on the state’s own financial interests in certain companies, which is how corruption i Denmark works in practice.
Since in Denmark according to the bar council’s decision, it is only the lawyers and law firms, which can decide over their clients, own wishes, and which claims the client must present to the court.
This is a disempowerment of the client, which in turn is a violation of human rights, since Denmark’s courts, through their judges, have deprived the Danes of the right NOT to decide for themselves.
While Lundgren’s lawyers, by several employees, starting with Dan Terkildsen. Sebastian Lysholm Nielsen, Emil Hald Windstrøm “today employed in Rambøll A/S”, Pernille Hellesøe, Jens Grunnet-Nielsson, Mette Marie Nielsen “today employed in Danish Bank A/S”. together in an association keep the client out of the case against the criminal Jyske Bank as
Completely by chance on 21 September 2019, I find evidence that Lundgren’s lawyers around March April 2018 had been bribed by Jyske Bank, under the guise of the return commission, all those involved have hidden this from their client.
Listen to the recording 14. dec. 2018. in the Link.
Mette Marie Nielsen says clearly on 14 December 2018. in telephone conversations.
You can read the interview 14. dec. 2018. as printed with comments here in the link.
Listen to the recording 18. dec. 2018. in the Link.
And again, in the conversation on 18 December 2018, the client says that it is about fraud, falsehood and abuse and manipulation of documents.
It is clear that Mette Marie Nielsen “today employed at Danske Bank A/S”. herself contributes to wanting to manipulate the client, and at the same time, Mette Marie Nielsen has knowledge that Lundgren’s lawyers have acquired large financial interests in Jyske Bank.
You can read the interview 18. dec. 2018. as printed with comments here in the link.
There is clear evidence that Lundgren’s lawyers are deeply corrupt and I-Loyal to their own client.
After they were fired for being corrupt, Lundgren’s lawyers have only one comment, namely the claim that these are conspiracy theories.
If Lundgren’s lawyers were not corrupt, the law firm would of course accuse me of exposing Lundgren’s lawyers to libel, which Lundgren’s parties know very well they cannot claim, as the evidence against Lundgren’s lawyers is enormous.
At that time I showed nothing about, that the lawyer board also was passed of corrupt members, whose only wish was to cover up Lundgren’s lawyers.
Just as when the bar council acquits Lundgren’s lawyers, and states that the client must trust that Lundgren’s lawyers did what was best for the client, members of the bar council have thus become complicit in the corruption mentioned above.
Since October 2019, I have publicly written and said that Lundgren’s lawyers are deeply corrupt and that Jyske Bank has bribed Lundgren’s lawyers to act I-loyally and has worked against the client, in order to help Jyske Bank to defraud to defraud their mutual customer and client.
CEO Anders Christian Dam, now set your mandate free, you are a detriment to both Jyske Bank and the Danish State, and your rants about the inability to resolve conflicts may give Jyske Bank a hard time, and Jyske Bank may lose the right to operate a bank in Denmark, i.e. if the law is equal for all and applies to Jyske Bank.
Mail. 28. jan. 2023 21.33.
Jyske Bank A/S now solve your problems internally before I have to complain about Denmark and the Danish state for violation of human rights.
I do not believe that the governments and the states, such as Denmark should cover up Banks which here like Jyske Bank, are demonstrably in breach of Danish legislation, and which in particular have deliberately and dishonestly breached a several of the provisions of the Criminal Code.
I have therefore on 27 January 2023 sent the Ministry of State and the Ministry of Justice 6 questions, all of which are about Disable the rights of the Danish population,
And of those who request help from the Danish lawyers, such as Lundgren’s lawyer partner company.
While we wait for a response from the Prime Minister’s Office and Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen.
Can the Lundgrens be in doubt that they should present Jyske Bank’s use of fraud and false. ?
Is the lawyer board corrupt, when the members together in association decide, that Lundgrens would like to keep the client out of the case, and hide that Lundgrens works for Jyske Bank and therefore not present the fraud and false that the client hired Lundgrens for.
I Carsten Storbjerg, say there are serious problems with collusion far up in the Danish state and the courts, which work to secure the state’s economic interests in the criminal banks that parliament and the state itself use and collaborate with.
Problems that I point out here are a scandal.
Jyske Bank has on 1 February 2019. against a third party, which is Lundgren’s alleged that I am committing a criminal offense when I advertise Jyske Bank’s fraud.
Also read my email of 28 January 2019. to Jyske Bank’s management, as I, which was written before the discovery of Jyske Bank’s letter, with something that looks like a reply to Lundgren’s lawyers.
The letter sent on 1 February 2019 to Dan Terkildsen, who chooses to hide the letter from me the client, as Lundgrens did not think the client needs to knew about it, despite the fact that Jyske Bank writes in the letter claims, that the client is violating the law.
The client, who is me, comes into possession of the letter 23 October 2019. and becomes very scared after reading, what Jyske bank by their board member Philip Baruch wrote.
The client is so scared Laughing is too far-fetched. criminals who claim that the aggrieved party is a criminal just because he shares information about the criminal Danish Bank.
Appendix 172. 28-01-2019. Letter to Jyske Bank’s group management, copy to Lundgrens with Annex 56. 01-02-2019. IT IS ABOUT FRAUD.
Jyske Bank’s response 1 February 2019. from the complaint’s Appendix 55. I only found out about 23 October, after Lundgren’s lawyers were fired 25 September 2019.
Appendix 55. Lundgren has not shared this accusation with me, who was their client, and Jyske Bank has never claimed to me that I violate any laws, but I would like Jyske Bank to talk to me about whether I am lying or writing the truth, the problem is that Jyske Bank does not dare.
Ask yourself why not a single one, has said anything to my advertising cars, because of Jyske Bank’s fraud, which started for fun in 2015/2016. and which today runs with rather outrageous accusations, which Jyske Bank thinks is funny, it takes it anyway as a joke, while the parliament, politicians, authorities all keep their mouths shut, because they all know very well that Jyske Bank is behind organized crime.
Jyske Bank could stop this advertisement itself, as I want dialogue, but Anders Christian Dam who is the king, does not want dialogue, at least not as long as the state and authorities and the investors that covers Jyske Bank.
The Danish state, the government If and of course also Jyske Bank A/S, do you still think this is funny, even if the Danish state is covering up a criminal bank, it doesn’t change that what I say and write is the truth.
Remember that the law says it is illegal to spread false rumours, so now that several cars are driving around with the text Jyske Bank A/S
by several employees, as Nicolai Hansen, Jeanet Kofoed-Hansen are behind economic crime against customers, and this has happened and continues with the help of at least Casper Dam Olsen, Anette Kirkeby, Birgit Buch Thuesen, Søren Woergaard, as well as the Jyske Bank board as Philip Baruch and Lund Elmer Sandager lawyers.
Is fraud that even the management with Anders Christian Dam at the front, Niels Erik Jakobsen, Per Skovhus, Peter Trier Schleidt, and that also Lars Stensgaard Mørch allows Jyske Bank to carry out against the customers that the bank can defraud.
Other active and passive contributors to Jyske Bank’s organized crime include lawyers such as Morten Ulrik Gade, Martin Skovsted-Nielsen, Philip Baruch, Lund Elmer Sandager, and this is continued with help from Kristian Ambjørn Buus-Nielsen. An organized fraud that Lundgren’s lawyers have also helped with, and this at least with the help of Dan Terkildsen, Jens Grunnet-Nilsson, Sebastian Lysholm Nielsen, Pernille Hellesøe, Emil Hald Vendelbo Winstrøm, who is currently employed in Rambøll A/S, Mette Marie Nielsen who is employed in Danske Bank A/S
I have personally and repeatedly called on Jyske Bank’s management to request the police to conduct an investigation to see if what is written on the cars is true, which Jyske Bank does not dare, CEO Anders Dam is afraid that the police will just confirm that Jyske Bank is behind organized crime
Jyske Bank is afraid to give me more evidence than I already have.
I want to give you the opportunity to speak up.
Since my story and books, will show and document that Denmark is ruled by corruption, and that several individuals, as well as authorities and those there is behind it, have abuse of power, worked to undermine legal certainty, and deprive individual Danish citizens of their right to decide for themselves.
It is not only a scandal but also a good story.
Parliament, authorities and lawyers and more, you still have the opportunity to speak out, and oppose the corruption that I say runs the country.
You can start by replying to the emails you have received, as well as confirming or denying the questions.
Then you yourself, can contribute to the investigation of criminal Danish banks and those corruptions, that are used to undermine the legal security of the Danish population.
How will you answer the questions yourself?. which prominent politicians, civil servants and lawyers as well as organizations will receive, with direct reference to how Supreme Court Justice Kurt Rasmussen judges, to give Danish lawyers full power over all clients.
States with these here 6 questions.
I give these 3 answer options, and therefore ask the Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen and the Minister of Justice Peter Hummelgaard to each answer with one.
I totally agree.
I completely disagree.
I do not know.
And that for every question.
It is not a violation of good legal practice when.
A lawyer hides and withholds own pleadings from the lawyer’s own client.
I completely disagree. ___________________________. ____________________________.
I do not know. ___________________________.
It is not a violation of good legal practice when.
A lawyer also does not, on request, provide the client with a copy of the lawyer’s own pleadings.
I completely disagree. ___________________________. ____________________________.
I do not know. ___________________________.
It is not a violation of good legal practice when.
A lawyer hides and withholds the other party’s pleadings from the lawyer’s own client.
I completely disagree. ___________________________. ____________________________.
I do not know. ___________________________.
It is not a violation of good legal practice when.
When a lawyer withholds parts of the court record from the lawyer’s own client.
I completely disagree. ___________________________. ____________________________.
I do not know. ___________________________.
It is not a violation of good legal practice when.
When a lawyer does not present the client’s claims in the client’s case, and at the same time does not respond to the client’s inquiries, what the client says is important and must be presented in court.
I completely disagree. ___________________________. ____________________________.
I do not know. ___________________________.
It is not a violation of good legal practice when.
I completely disagree. ___________________________. ____________________________.
I do not know. ___________________________.
28-01-2023 21.33. Gmail – JYSKE BANK and The Danish State. Now solve your problems internally before I have to go to the state for accomplices, in which case they will not participate in my investigation.
A case and story about those who in the Danish State decide, who must comply with Danish Law and who themselves are governed by corruption.
I am naturally disposed to meet and review my charges and accusations against the Bar Council for being corrupt.
And that these members, at least in my example, have deliberately and dishonestly worked to undermine legal certainty, to cover up not only Jyske Bank’s fraud, but to cover up that Lundgren’s lawyers are corrupt.
A corruption of which the Bar Council itself is a part, so that Danish lawyers themselves can decide on their clients.
Corrupt lawyers in the Danish legal community have become a visible problem that the state has the right to allow Danish banks to commit fraud and use forgery and bribery in their quest to enrich themselves through fraud.
Ole Hasselgaard has a background from the Ministry of Justice, and if Ole Hasselgaard agrees that none of the examples mentioned are violations of good legal practice, I must request that the bar council give the public a notice about this, so that the public is aware that they cannot be trusted on Danish lawyers, where several of these are corrupt, and can be bought to change the client’s case, in order to then keep the client out of the case, which is with the found support the members of the bar council.
Ole Hasselgaard do you agree with the bar association’s chairman Martin Lavesen partner in DLA Piper lawyers. and the Chairman of the Board of Appeal “the former Chairman.”
Supreme Court Judge Kurt Rasmussen in that board decisions that are important for legal certainty are not made public.
As here, where Jyske Bank A/S has clearly bribed Lundgren’s lawyers to withhold and hide several pleadings and court records from their own client.
When Jyske Bank paid a bribe to Lundgren’s lawyers, so that the client would be kept out of his own case against Jyske Bank A/S, Kurt Rasmussen chose, together with the other members, come up with a ruling, in which the unanimous members decide that it is the lawyer, who alone decides, has to be in the client’s interest, and that the client has no right to decide on their own case.
I am therefore asking in an inquiry the new chairman Supreme Court judge Ole Hasselgaard, who has been at the head of the prosecution, which has refused to investigate the organized crime which Jyske Bank A/S has been behind by several employees together in association.
And with a direct reference, the bar association’s rejection of 27 complaints against Lundgrens lawyer partner company, which through several lawyers and employees working together in association, has directly and deliberately worked against the interests of the client.
Then lawyer mentioned 1 July 2020. in the complaint 2020-1933. refused to investigate the complaint against Lundgrens lawyer partner company.
Since the board’s members only thought it was about 1 lawyer, Partner Dan Terkildsen, this despite the fact that I in the complaint.
“which is shared here in a link in Danish, this will be translated and a link to the appendix inserted.”
My claims are that Denmark’s courts and lawyers as well as the Bar Association have the ultimate right, to manipulate those they want, in order to be able to cover up cases, in which the Danish State has great economic interests, which is what I write more precisely in my posts, concerning the corruption that governs Denmark, through abuse of power, to keep inflamed cases away from the court.
Which means that no one can trust the Danish state, which puts its own economic interests above laws and regulations.
Denmark has a big problem, which Jyske Bank has helped draw attention to.
Read the complaint here Appendix 233. with links in the complaint to these appendices.
Annex 240. with mentioned annexes in the complaint against Lundgrens, with Annex Y. Z. Æ. Ø. Å. AB. AC. A.D. AE. AG. AH. AJ. and Annex 7. from the case against Jyske Bank for use of fraud and forgery carried out in bad faith. . Submitted by Philip Baruch 05-11-2018. in the case where Lund Elmer Sandager lawyers actually help Jyske Banks to continue fraud / fraud against customers in Jyske bank A/S.
05-06-2020. provisionally as of 30-01-2023. will be fixed with link. from all Annexes. is called complaint annex -233. with 27 complaints against Lundgren’s lawyer partner company. and Partner Dan Terkildsen. 2020-1932.
In the complaint against Lundgren’s lawyer partner company, I have mentioned that these employees are some of those who have opposed the client presenting his fraud allegations against Jyske Bank, and whom Lundgren’s lawyers had been employed by and work for, so if there is no talking about corruption what is it then.
I insert here the 3 pages that Lundgrens presented to the court, of which Lundgrens did not want to share their latest from 2 September 2019, your task is to find the places where Lundgrens presents Jyske Bank using fraud and forgery.
28-09-2018. The case against Jyske Bank by Morten Ulrik Gade and CEO Anders Christian Dam for being instrumental in Jyske Bank A/S being able to deceive their customers, forging documents and lying to the court, involved Lund Elmer Sandager lawyers and Philip Baruch, Lundgrens by Dan Terkildsen, Mette Marie Nielsen, Emil Hald Vendelbo. 28-09-2018. Process document 1.
Appendix 22. 28-09-2018. pp. 1-3. Procedural document 1. Lundgrens sends this without presenting without approval, sends copy 01-10-2018.
18-12-2018. final pleadings. The case against Jyske Bank by Morten Ulrik Gade and CEO Anders Christian Dam for being instrumental in Jyske Bank A/S being able to deceive their customers, forging documents and lying to the court, involved Lund Elmer Sandager lawyers and Philip Baruch, Lundgrens by Dan Terkildsen, Mette Marie Nielsen, Emil Hald Vendelbo. 18-12-2018. closing pleadings, and 2 appendices without submissions.
Appendix 47. 18-12-2018. final pleadings with Appendices 18 and 19. still without some of the client’s claims and demands.
Procedural document 2. 02-09-2019 and list of attachments 105 to 164.
Lundgren’s lawyers at Dan Terkildsen and Emil Hald Wendelbo Vinstrøm present Appendix 164.
An appendix in which the client’s allegations of the client are briefly and precisely described, including fraud and false allegations against Jyske Bank A/S.
Read the complaint 05-06-2020. and the complaint documents that have been inserted.
Since Lundgren’s lawyers 2 September 2019. again without entering some of the client’s claims in pleading 2. and at the same time, concealing the pleading from the client, Lundgren’s can hide that Lundgren has not presented some of the client’s claims against Jyske Bank, why the client, in advance lost.
The worst part of the case here is not that Lundgrens has accepted a bribe for not presenting the client’s fraud and false allegations against Jyske Bank.
But that the entire bar council is corrupt enough to cover it up, to help Jyske Bank deceive their customer, without the court’s intervention.
If there is no corruption / cronyism in the Bar Council to cover up the corrupt Lundgren’s lawyers have been bribed by Jyske Bank not to present the client’s fraud and false case against Jyske Bank.
Then the bar council and their members respond to my request to print, and signed first the 6 points, then points 1-24 together, which are all with reference to the rejection of all the 27 complaints against Lundgrens and Dan Terkildsen.
So there is clarity and that the rules are the same for everyone who uses Danish lawyers.
So if the judges and lawyers on the board have another explanation, that in my case the client has NO right to know, what their own lawyer does and presents, and the client is not allowed to participate in their own cases, then of course it must apply to everyone else, and if that is not the case, the Bar Council is governed by corruption.
Which is the reason why the board’s members have approved, that the client must pay DKK 232,000 to Lundgren’s lawyers for not presenting the client’s allegations against Jyske Bank A/S, since the clients of Danish lawyer have no rights.
And therefore Lundgrens lawyer has sued the client to get the DKK 232,000 for the 3 pleadings, which contain nothing of what the client employed Lundgren’s lawyers for.
Following the Bar Council’s decision on 30-06-2021. may Danish lawyers like Lundgren’s employees mislead their clients, and at the same time undermine the client’s finances, while the lawyers deliberately and dishonestly is working against the client, and hide this as best the lawyers can, as here by hiding court books and pleadings from the client, as according to a unanimous panel of lawyers consisting of lawyers and judges have no rights.
Therefore, the client, who is an earlier client in Lundgrens lawyer says, now I want to know if the Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen and the Minister of Justice Peter Hummelgaard are involved, or if they want to distance themselves from the abuse of power by the bar association to cover up organized crime, where Jyske Bank A/S is behind.
This could very well become Denmark’s biggest scandal ever.
And there is only 1 man, Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup from Hornbæk, who seemed to want to put an end to corruption in Denmark, and who reaches far into the Danish State authorities, in reality it is about camaraderie and looking after one’s own financial interests, before legal certainty and for the Danes’ human rights.
I believe that this in my story proves that Denmark, from at least members of the Danish Courts, is governed by corruption, when the state’s financial interests in a company, shows to mean more to the state than the Danes’ legal certainty, therefore large parts of the Danish authorities and many lawyers, chose to cover up that Jyske Bank not only have committed fraud, but also have bribed Lundgren’s lawyers not to present the client’s fraud case against Jyske Bank, we only need the Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen and the Minister of Justice Peter Hummelgaard to consider the 6 questions, that are connected with in a total of 24 points.
I only have a desire for dialogue, but there is none as of today 7 February 2023. as no one that has dared to answer, or talk to me, therefore I am again sending your an email to the many actors in my story about corrupt Denmark.
Is it because I as the victim of a conspiracy, and I can see, that the Danish state can help Denmark’s second largest bank to expose me to fraud, that is decidedly Justice murder, by solely to cover up Jyske Bank A/S and their many criminal law violations-
Or am I just a fool, as the employees of Jyske Bank said to one of their customers, who allowed themselves to question the accuracy of what is written on Jyske Bank cars.
Lawyer appointed by Supreme Court Judge Kurt Rasmussen at the head.
Has decided, among other things, that there are no violations of good legal practice
When a lawyer presents something other than what the client asks for.
Just as the bar council also has decided, that the client does not have any demands, or has some right to see what their lawyer will present in the client’s case.
And that neither before the client’s lawyer presents a pleading, nor after the client’s lawyer has presented a pleading in the client’s case, and regardless of the fact that the client has given the lawyer clear and distinct instructions that the lawyer must not present anything to the court, without the client’s first has given its approval.
Meant pleadings and court documents.
Then the collective board of lawyers believes, that the client has no right to decide for himself, and have no right to decide what the client must be informed and presented in their case, that is something the lawyer himself and all alone decides, and then the bar council writes, that the client must trust their lawyer, this is impossible, since the client has employed a law firm that is corrupt, the Bar Council does not believe that the client has any right to decide for himself.
This decision was given on 30-06-2021. and adopted by, among others.
Supreme Court Judge Kurt Rasmussen, Jens Steen Jensen who is a partner in Kromann Reumert lawyers, Birgitte Frølund who is a partner in Horten lawyers and Henrik Hyltoft from Dansk Erhverv.
Which the association’s chairman Martin Lavesen from DLA Piper lawyers completely agrees with.
Understood in this way, from now on, it is the lawyers who alone decide in the cases in which they are employed to help a client.
In order to know, if it is an infringement on my right to decide for myself, I have requested the bar association to sign that these rules apply to everyone in Denmark, the bar association refuses to sign this, the bar association does not respond.
The Bar Council would also not publish either the complaint or the board’s decision, as the legal community did not believe that their decision was of any public interest.
So the public will not know, that the Bar Council has decided that all clients who seek out a lawyer in Denmark have lost the right to decide on their own case.
Which can be a violation of human rights.
Since the Bar Council’s decisions cannot be appealed, or brought elsewhere, I am writing to Denmark’s highest authorities, the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Justice, I am doing this to get the Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen and the Minister of Justice Peter Hummelgaard to confirm that the Danish people lose their right to decide for themselves, at the same moment they hire a Danish lawyer, and thus become lawless.
If the Prime Minister, together with the Minister of Justice decides, that it is legally correct, according to the principles of the Administration of Justice Act, that clients who hire a Danish lawyer lose the right to decide for themselves, then Denmark can probably be sued for the Human Rights Court.
And if the prime minister, together with the minister of justice, decides that it is only me, who has lost the right to be able to decide freely in my own case, it is really a case of judicial murder.
Here is Denmark’s sharpest minds, such as judges, the Danish Parliament, the Financial Supervisory Authority, and lawyers from some of the country’s largest law firms, the are up against the small tradesman, who does not even have any legal or other bookish training, and who is also dyslexic.
How do you think you yourself cope, corruption against the truth, a war Jyske Bank A/S and the bank’s management with CEO Anders Christian Dam has started, and which I have a several times urged Jyske Bank’s management to find a solution for themselves, the only one I have encountered, is total silence.
In other words, the Danish State, in order to promote its own financial interests in Jyske Bank, is instrumental in depriving me of my rights, and the right to self-determination.
How do I think the Danish state, can it really be complicit in Jyske Bank’s financial crime, which was carried out by several people together in association.
But since the Danish police are not allowed to investigate Jyske Bank A/S, which is surely a political decision, again because the Danish State puts their own financial interests, before the legal security of the Danes.
As when it applies to the state’s own financial interests in the Jyske Bank A/S group.
Then the state’s interests are above Danish law.
This has become a problem for the legal certainty of all Danes, and if I don’t write about this problem, who will?
The state is undermining Danes’ legal certainty in this way, since they the population have no right to decide for themselves.
The right to decide for themselves has temporarily been taken away from them, by the employees of the court board, and partners from Kromann Reumert lawyers, Horten lawyers, Danish business (Dansk erhverv.)
The Jyske Bank group has been caught for fraud against customers, and this fraud is covered by the Danish State through several authorities, partly so that Jyske Bank A/S must not be held responsible for the bank’s crimes, since Jyske Bank A/S in fall would lose the right to conduct financial business, including banking business in Denmark, therefore the State believes that it is better for the State to protect the State’s own financial interests in Jyske Bank, rather than protect the Danes’ legal security which is in decline.
Appendix 138. 05-09-2019. at 15.14 Wants to see Prosecskrift 2 Dan does not answer. Dan writes at 15.20 we need to discuss the strategy
While I wait for the state authorities and Supreme Court judges such as Kurt Rasmussen and Ole Hasselgaard, Minister of Justice Peter Hummelgaard and Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen to confirm that a lawyer does not need to answer the client nor hand over any pleadings, if the lawyer himself does not want it.
Which Supreme Court judge Kurt Rasmussen, from the Danish Courts Agency and lawyers like Birgitte Frølund from Horten lawyers. / Jens Steen Jensen from Kromann Reumert lawyers. / Lawyer Rikke Skadhauge Seerup Krogsgaard from the former Consumer Complaints Board. now the Danish Medicines Agency. / Henrik Hyltoft from Danish business, agrees, which I will ask them to sign, and which they will only refuse if the committee’s members are corrupt.
Martin Lavesen from DLA PIPER lawyers, who agrees with the 5 members of the bar council, is also requested to sign.
I am probably small, and you have power, which you abuse, to cover up criminal acts, as well as the fact that Jyske Bank has bribed Lundgren’s lawyers, to keep the client out of the case against Jyske Bank, which is emphasized by Dan Terkildsen, who does not want to hand it over pleadings which Lungrens himself has drawn up and submitted to the Court.
Watch here a couple of videos where an earlier client talks about the corrupt Lundgren lawyers.
Carsten talks here about the corrupt lawyers who live for rent with REGUS in the same building, videos are all in Danish.
Watch the video. of 19 March 2022. click on LINK. time 3.33. And listen to the Warning against the corrupt Lundgren lawyers, Dan Terkildsen, Mette Marie Nielsen, Emil Hald Vendelbo, about the complaint 05-06-2020, and the problem of corruption.
Watch the video. of 19 March 2022. click on LINK. time 6.26. And listen to Warning against the corrupt Lundgren’s lawyers, The corrupt Lundgren’s lawyers took against Jyske Bank’s bribe to not submit a fraud claim.
Watch the video. of 19 March 2022. click on LINK. time 3.20. And listen to the Warning against the corrupt Lundgren’s lawyers, The corrupt Lundgren’s lawyers took against Jyske Bank’s bribe in order not to submit a fraud claim against Jyske Bank.
Watch the video. of 19 March 2022. click on LINK. time 3.04. Jyske Bank car at Christiansborg Parlament, why do Danish politicians support Jyske bank committing fraud, have ben presented to the Danish Parliament since the first time April 2019. but the Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen covers up with the authorities
everything about Jyske Bank’s use of fraud.
Watch the video. of 18 May 2021. click on LINK. time 0.46. The Jyske Bank car visits Jyske Bank Vesterbrogade 9, and i say, Jyske Bank has committed document forgery and fraud, and it is not true, then you must contact your lawyers as lying is a crime and can result in 2 years in prison, but if it is true ? then Jyske Bank has a problem, namely me, because I won’t stop.
Customers who accuse Jyske Bank of using the document as false, and fraudulent also say in videos to Jyske Bank that you have a problem, and your problem is me.
Which Jyske Bank doesn’t care about, since the bank is still here on February 4, 2023. is completely silent, and none of the many actors either in Jyske Bank, the State, authorities or judges and lawyers dare to answer or make accusations to the defrauded customer, whether that there is a violation of the law when the customer tells publicly that Jyske Bank is a criminal organization.
The Danish Penal Code.
Straffeloven. § 267. Whoever makes or disseminates a statement or other message or performs an act that is likely to offend someone’s honor, shall be punished for defamation by a fine or prison up to 1 year, jf. dog §§ 268 og 269.
Straffeloven. § 268. The penalty mentioned in § 267, can increase to imprisonment for up to 2 years, if.
1)a serious accusation is untrue or
2)an allegation is made or disseminated through the content of a mass media, and the allegation is likely to significantly harm the aggrieved party.
Jyske Bank and their accomplices could refer to the Criminal Code § 267. and § 268. but no one dares, as everyone knows that Jyske Bank commits fraud, which is supported by the Danish state, by all authorities covering up the crime they know that Jyske Bank is demonstrably behind, and which was carried out in association and therefore aggravating circumstances, which is the case with the fraud, forgery, bribery, abuse of power, exploitation, misrepresentation that Jyske Bank is behind.
Her in Danish, you can read an extract of the conditions that make it a case of aggravated circumstances.
Straffeloven § 81
Straffelovens § 81. This must generally be included as an aggravating circumstance when determining the penalty.
2)at the deed is carried out by several people in association,
3)at the act is particularly planned or part of extensive crime,
4)at gerningsmanden tilsigtede, at gerningen skulle have betydelig alvorligere følger, end den fik,
5)at gerningsmanden har udvist særlig hensynsløshed,
8)at gerningen er begået i udførelsen af offentlig tjeneste eller hverv eller under misbrug af stilling eller særligt tillidsforhold i øvrigt,
8) Here it can come into play that authorities, as well as lawyers, judges who should administer justice, and sure that the law should be equal for everyone, are themselves involved in their actions to cover up criminals and corruption, in order to protect their own interests.
9)at gerningsmanden har fået en anden til at medvirke til gerningen ved tvang, svig eller udnyttelse af dennes unge alder eller betydelige økonomiske eller personlige vanskeligheder, manglende indsigt, letsind eller et bestående afhængighedsforhold,
There are more videos and many more to come.
28-10-2019. Lundgren’s client himself had to make a Final Procedural Document the case BS-402 2015-VIB claims Annex 1. is a false date 27-10-2019 is presented with a number of spelling and typographical errors, as Lundgren opposes the presentation of the case.
It was then that the client caught one of the honorable lawyers who presented what Lundgrens was hired for, but which Jyske Bank paid Lundgrens not to present.
APPENDIX 169. document of proceedings 3. The case against Jyske Bank there by Morten Ulrik Gade and CEO Anders Christian Dam for being instrumental in Jyske Bank A/S being able to deceive their customers, forge documents and lie to the court, accomplice Lund Elmer Sandager lawyers and Philip Baruch, Lundgrens by Dan Terkildsen, Mette Marie Nielsen, Emil Hald Vendelbo. 04-05-2020. APPENDIX 169. copy of procedural document 3. 27-10-2019. provisional Final Process Document BS-402 2015-VIB.
Appendix 204. 04-05-2020. pleading III Carsten against Jyske Bank for use of fraudulent behavior and forgery of documents.
23-12-2020. Document 4. The case against Jyske Bank, where Morten Ulrik Gade and CEO Anders Christian Dam are involved in Jyske Bank A/S being able to deceive their customers, forge documents and lie to the court, involved Lund Elmer Sandager lawyers and Philip Baruch, Lundgrens by Dan Terkildsen, Mette Marie Nielsen, Emil Hald Vendelbo. 23-12-2020. Document 4. THE COURT has been presented with the case BS-402-2015-VIB.
14-10-2021. pleading 5.. Against Jyske Bank A/S for bond entrapment, and the use of forgery and fraud such as mandate fraud. Witnesses will include CEO Anders Christian Dam, Philip Baruch, Dan Terkildsen, Morten Ulrik Gade, Nicolai Hansen, Casper Dam Olsen as these have a central role in the organized crime that the Jyske Bank group has been behind.
My request to the members of the bar panel is that they all answer my individual questions, which can be related to the complaint of 5 June 2020 and 19 October 2020. the 26 requests, and the board’s decision on 30 June 2021. and that they stop being silent , I still want dialogue and that is why I am writing it again, we have a big problem with corruption and corrupt lawyers in Denmark, you are part of the problem, therefore Kurt Rasmussen, Ole Hasselgaard or Martin Lavesen call me now Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup on +4522227713 and arrange a meeting where we can review my accusations, have I made a mistake, I would like to apologize, but if you still do not answer or talk to me, I will write your names in my book, and in it write that you are corrupt, and that the bar council works on corruption, referring to the many earlier where I asked you to confirm that cronyism and corruption are the same.
05-06-2020. Appendix. 233. Complaint against Lundgren’s lawyer partner company. v Partner Dan Terkildsen. To the Bar Council.
08-09-2020. “Appendix 241.” Lundgren’s Dan Terkildsen to respond to the complaint of 5 June 2020. page 1-4. of 08-09-2020.
19-09-2020. Help appendix to Dan Terkildsen’s answer. Annex 241. Auxiliary annexes to Annexes 1 – 4. A.B.C.D presented to Lundgrens. refer to the complaint against lawyer Dan Terkildsen.
19-09-2020 To the bar association 28-09-2020. response to Dan Terkildsen’s response of 8 September with 26 requests that Dan Terkildsen does not appear and does not respond to a single one of the requests, in the complaint case 2020-1932.
30-06-2021. Ruling on Lundgren’s Dan Terkildsen. 2020-1932. cover and pages 1 -10. 30-06-2021. The COMPLAINT is rejected, belongs to the court, thus the bar council writes that it is not the client who decides their own case, / the case was only presented to 5 members, and not at least 20 members. cannot here see who or which members have assessed the complaint, and therefore cannot check their relationships with Jyske Bank, Lundgren’s and Lund Elmer Sandager lawyers. who are all involved in the bank’s million dollar fraud to one extent or another. / the power elite has rejected and therefore approves that a lawyer should not look after the client’s interests.
Since the entire body of lawyers chooses to acquit and reject 27 well-documented complaints, where Lundgren’s Partner Dan Terkildsen does not answer a single one of 26 calls, I have no doubt that this is covert corruption to cover up the corrupt Lundgren’s lawyers, as well as it is Jyske Bank that has bribed Lundgren’s lawyers.
I have emphasized in the complaint that at least these members and employees of Lundgren’s lawyers have worked together against the client.
Starting with Dan Terkildsen. Sebastian Lysholm Nielsen, Emil Hald Windstrøm, Pernille Hellesøe, Jens Grunnet-Nielsson, Mette Marie Nielsen.
Which has been presented to Lundgren’s management and director, who cannot contradict my accusations, and who therefore have the choice to block my email at the last minute, since the state and authorities together with members of the court are all covering up the corrupt Lundgren’s lawyers.
If I’m wrong, meet me and let’s review my evidence and tell me why since October 2019 you have not dared to answer me in my accusations against Lundgrens for being a corrupt law firm.
The Bar Council
The Bar Council s an independent complaints board that deals with complaints about lawyers.
The board’s decisions cannot be appealed to another administrative authority. The Ministry of Justice therefore does not have the opportunity to process complaints about the Bar Council’s decisions or about the board’s case processing.
In this way, the Ministry of Justice has given the bar association the right to act and work for corruption among Danish lawyers.
You are welcome to share this information.
Jens Steen Jensen from Kromann Reumert lawyers, Birgitte Frølund from Horten lawyers, Kurt Rasmussen from the Supreme Court, Rikke Skadhauge Seerup Krogsgård from the consumer complaints board and Henrik Hyltoft from the Organization Dansk Erhverv, a decision that Martin Lavesen from DLA Pipper lawyers agree with, that.
It is not a breach of good legal practice: that it is the lawyers alone who decide what a client may be presented with in terms of allegations and pleas.
It is not a breach of good legal practice: that it is the lawyers alone who decide which evidence a client may have presented for the client’s claims and pleas.
It is not a breach of good legal practice: for the lawyer to change the client’s claim, if a client claims something that is untrue, false or invalid, then the lawyer is free to change the client’s claim to the opposite.
It is not a violation of good legal practice: that lawyers do not respond to the client’s inquiries.
It is not a violation of good legal practice: that lawyers do not share the plaintiff’s pleadings with the client.
It is not a violation of good legal practice: that lawyers do not share the defendant’s pleadings with the client.
It is not a violation of good legal practice: that lawyers do not share all court records with the client.
It is not a breach of good legal practice: that lawyers do not give the client a copy of all court records, even if the client requests the lawyer to do so.
It is not a breach of good legal practice: that lawyers do not give the client a copy of all court records, even if the client requests both the lawyer and the court to do so. “Which happened by requesting the court for access to documents in his case against Jyske Bank A/S as Lundgren’s lawyers would not hand over to the client a copy of all court records and pleadings.”
It is not a breach of good legal practice: that even if lawyers have confirmed orally, “or on the record” to their clients, that these lawyers do not present anything to the court without the client’s complete agreement with the lawyer, lawyers may subsequently present allegations, which is not comparable to the client’s claims.
It is not a breach of good legal practice: For lawyers to change the client’s pleadings, even if the client has written to the lawyer, you must not present anything to the court without my “client” having approved it.
It is not a violation of good legal practice: that lawyers change the client’s pleadings, even without informing the client. In other words, lawyers do not have to share anything that the lawyer presents.
It is not a violation of good legal practice: that lawyers call witnesses other than those the client has said, even without informing the client about it.
It is not a breach of good legal practice: for lawyers to remove the client’s witnesses, even without informing the client.
It is not a violation of good legal practice: that lawyers make a mess of spelling when presenting annexes.
It is not a violation of good legal practice: that lawyers mislead the client.
It is not a violation of good legal practice: For lawyers to write services on a client, such as taxi bills on a client, even if it does not concern the client.
It is not a violation of good legal practice: that lawyers do not answer the client’s questions concerning questions about whether other lawyers from the same law office may have worked for the same company against which the client’s lawyer is employed to present a fraudulent and false case.
It is not a violation of good legal practice: that lawyers do not answer their clients’ questions, and that the lawyer then takes a fee / payment for not answering what their clients ask.
It is not a breach of good legal practice: For lawyers to hide from their clients that the court has written to the lawyer, the court will disregard the client’s own written testimony, with the client’s claims and annexes that support the client’s explanation, which the client himself sent to the court , after the lawyer himself forgot to present the client’s claims.
It is not a violation of good legal practice: It is a criminal offense for a lawyer to encourage a client to continue to carry out actions that the opposing party’s lawyer in a case has written to the client’s lawyer.
It is not a violation of good legal practice: For a lawyer to withhold letters from the client in which the client is accused of committing a criminal offense, since lawyers do not need to inform the client that the client is accused of violating the criminal law.
It is not a breach of good legal practice: breaking confidentiality in legal matters, not hiding email addresses that have been sent to the BBC. and which the client wants hidden.
It is not a breach of good legal practice: Lawyers are welcome to take payment for tasks that have not been carried out.
28-01-2023 21.33. Gmail – JYSKE BANK and The Danish State. Now solve your problems internally before I have to go to the state for accomplices, in which case they will not participate in my investigation.
Try to give me the answer yourself, the answer that you think, is the best answer in a rule of law, that is not ruled by corrupt lawyers, corruption among the judge and authorities
Your answer to the question will be used in a study about the Danes’ legal certainty, when the state itself covers up criminal Danish organizations, or criminal large Danish companies.
You can send answers to
Depending on what Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen and Minister of Justice Peter Hummelgaard. answer on the questions, about what they think does not violate human rights in Denmark.
Then these questions can of course be shared on social media such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and such places.
Participate in the investigation of what you believe is the biggest threat to the legal security of an entire Danish country.
When the state and the authorities have responded the question, we will know whether the Danish government and the state are still covering up Danish Banks fraud against their customers, or not.
And in that case, if some Danish authorities do not want to answer, their non-appearance is merely an underlining, that they are complicit in the organized crime that Jyske Bank group with leaders as CEO Anders Christian Dam is behind.
28 January 2023. time PM 5.32. Update. This can be solved by dialogue, you should try. – Can Jyske bank lose the right to operate a bank, after the management of CEO Anders Christian Dam has refused to stop the bank’s fraud against customers, and because Jyske Bank subsequently chose to use bribes from Lundgren’s lawyers, the law firm that was supposed to help the client present Jyske Bank’s use of fraud, forgery, bad faith, power of attorney abuse, exploitation and much more, the question is whether parliament is even willing to launch an inquiry or the government will simply cover up this organized fraud.
I have attached some of the latest e-mails that have been sent to the Parliament, the courts, the prosecution and Jyske Bank itself.
I am still trying to get a meeting and conversation with the Parliament and Jyske Bank about what I am writing.
Which is why I request that Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, Minister of Justice Peter Hummelgaard and Jyske Bank’s director Anders Christian Dam call me on.
+4522227713. So that we can talk together.
As I have said and written repeatedly, I want to meet with the Danish elite, simply to investigate. Whether the Danish State and Jyske Bank’s management want me to continue writing, just as I have done since 2016. Or if you want that this writing is enough, and if you may want to talk to me, as I want to talk with you all.
In that case, neither the Danish authorities nor anyone in the Parliament have still wants to answer anything, you just have to answer that the Danish state does not want to answer, or otherwise wants to joke or have a dialogue about some of the problems of the rule of law in Denmark, which I refer to, and say is undermining a rule of law.
If you have a suggestion for how, in addition to writing, I can get in touch and dialogue with the Danish State, regarding my wishes for a better society without cronyism, corruption and abuse of power ruling Denmark, then this is a call for help to stop the corrupt lawyers and the judges who cover up corruption and organized crime in Denmark.
Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup
Soevej 5.
3100. Hornbaek.
Try reading this email 28 January 2023 at 17.32 , and see how many authorities have knowledge of Jyske Bank’s fraud, as well as that Jyske Bank has bribed Lundgren’s lawyers, note that to this day everyone has stuck their heads in the ground, to cover up Jyske Bank may lose the right to operate a bank in Denmark why Jyske Bank’s shares may become worthless
Here you can see the post 28-01-2023. updates with all images that have been inserted in the mail.
I am currently conducting a closer investigation into the corruption in Denmark.
And if Denmark’s Minister of Justice Peter Hummelgaard, together with the Ministry of Justice, wants to cover up corrupt lawyers, and cover up criminal Danish banks, thereby helping employees of the Bar Council, Denmark’s courts, as well as employees of Kromann Reumert, Horten, Lund Elmer Sandager, DLA Piper, Lundgrens, Danish business, with undermining the legal certainty for the Danish population.
But also the foreign companies, that have trade with some of Denmark’s largest companies.
I’m doing an investigation about the Danish Ministry of Justice
support legal certainty, or whether the Ministry of Justice rather would cover up the organized crime in Denmark, that Jyske Bank A/S is behind, and which involves several helpers, Or whether the Minister of Justice will start working to secure justice, and fight to stop the cronyism “corruption” that has infiltrated several of the Danish authorities, and which is helping to undermine the principles of the rule of law, justice.
I recommend that you seek dialogue rather than war.
A letter that deals with how deeply ingrained corruption is in the Danish State, authorities and large Danish organisations, companies and law firms.
Unless these people and companies all agree with, Jens Steen Jensen, Birgitte Frølund, Kurt Rasmussen, Rikke Skadhauge Seerup Krogsgård, Henrik Hyltoft and Martin Lavesen in that none of these examples are violations of good legal practice.
Help me to get in touch and dialogue so that this can stop, and in a fair way
The Prime Minister’s Office.
The Danish Parliament and the Government
Prince Jørgens Gård 1.
1218 Copenhagen.
Please present it to Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen.
And to the.
Ministry of Justice
Slotsholmsgade 10, 1216 Copenhagen.
I request that you hand the letter over to Head of Department Johan Kristian Legarth, who can familiarize himself with the contents of the letter.
And that the Head of Department then presents the letter to the Minister of Justice, Peter Hummelgaard
Read here Draft of the letter I am about to write, February 2024.
24 januar 2023.
The Prime Minister’s Office.
The Danish Parliament and the Government
Prins Jørgens Gård 1.
1218 Copenhagen.
Dear Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen.
As you and the government are aware, I have written continuously to the Prime Minister’s office since April 2019, starting with inquiries to Lars Løkke Rasmussen, and then the subsequent Prime Minister, who is you.
I have, of course, noted that neither you, nor your predecessor VENSTRE and Lars Løkke Rasmussen have wanted to answer me on even a single one of my many inquiries.
14-01-2023. I ask you and the Ministry of Justice as the highest authority to answer 3 questions. My questions are about whether the Danes have some legal certainty or whether Danish economic societal interests are above legal certainty. Please answer.
We are looking for people/companies for class actions that have been subject to forced auctions under the district court in Hillerød for the last three years with Jyske bank, Jyske realkredit as the applicant. The process does not have to end with a forced auction, but must include a visit to the property.
Henvendelse til
18-01-2023. You can read my email here, and attached letter to the Ministry of Justice, Minister of Justice Peter Hummelgaard and to the Ministry of Prime Minister, Statsmister Mette Frederiksen, which is shared with Jyske Bank and their management and legal department.
I have again on 18-01-2023 written an email which is the question to the Ministry of Justice, whether they, or the Prime Minister’s Ministry, will contribute to undermining legal certainty.
Just like the letter here with content, which is partly from the Link, which is written to the Minister of Justice Peter Hummelgaard, and Ministry of Justice, Denmark’s highest authority that is over.
The police the letter here with content, which is partly from the Link 23-03-2016. part. 1. 23-06-2016. part 2. and 28-06-2016, reported Jyske Bank to the police for fraud, which, however, must turn out to be a far more extensive fraud than what I could have imagined in 2016. a fraud which the police 27-05-2016. writes they would not investigate, back then I didn’t know that Denmark was ruled by cronyism / corruption, so I choose 28-06-2016. to complain about the lack of investigation to the state attorney, with a copy to the public prosecutor’s office which the state attorney at law 25-11-2016. again declined to investigate.
The reason for rejecting the investigation was that Jyske bank made an agreement on a loan relationship in 2008, THERE IS JUST ONE PROBLEM. no money was ever lent in 2008 where Jyske Bank 2 interest rate hedges, to cover the interest rate risk on the underlying loan, which contributed to gross fraud, and the one who has worked much the same, to cover up Jyske Bank’s million fraud, these are 2 of Jyske Bank’s employees Nicolai Hansen and Casper Dam Olsen together they have both lied to trick me into thinking that I have borrowed DKK 4,328,000. so that the bank could, in BAD FAITH, take interest on a loan that was never taken home, that is, by means of abuse of power of attorney and forgery of documents, that part of the fraud was handled by Jeanett Kofoed-Hansen.
Today I know that it is connected in this way, Jeanett Kofoed-Hansen for Jyske Bank A/S started by committing power of attorney abuse, document forgery, abuse of Jyske Bank’s access to land registration rights and mandate fraud, and that these criminal matters are carried out in collaboration with Nicolai Hansen, who even on February 2010 chose to take advantage of the notification that the customer had suffered a brain haemorrhage in November 2009.
It is a short time after the customer became seriously ill that Nicolai Hansen deliberately and in bad faith chose to send the sick customer false and incorrect information, such as that the customer had taken out a loan of DKK 4,328,000 and that they then made an interest hedge on DKK 4,328,000 with Jyske Bank.
Jyske Bank can thus raise around DKK 2,500,000 in interest over the next 20 years. it is then Jyske Bank’s plan to lie and confuse, as well as lead the customer into confusion, which Nicolai Hansen together with Casper Dam Olsen stands for, so when Casper Dam Olsen together with Nicolai Hansen January 2012, writes that you “the customer” put it underlying loans for interest hedging, then there are 2 employees who have joined together to lie in bad faith, which was again to cover up the offenses that Jeanett Kofoed-Hansen, together with Nicolai Hansen, were behind.
15 May 2022. Here is some of the evidence that Jyske Bank is lying, with attachments, documentation is registered, and is not finished.
Partly to cover up the fact that Jyske Bank has already started exposing the customer to financial crime on 30-12-2008.
Abuse of power of attorney, mandate fraud, document forgery, and that Jyske Bank has abused the bank’s access to land registration rights.
It was easy for a Jyske Bank employee to expose me to fraud, as several of the bank’s employees worked together to take advantage of the fact that I was ill after a major brain haemorrhage.
But to fight against criminal Danish banks who even use bribes to keep their victims’ cases out of court, and when at the same time there is corruption among Danish judges, who like to manipulate witnesses’ explanations out of the case, as they are incriminating for the criminal bank.
And my 4-year struggle to have it presented that Jyske Bank is behind the fraud and that it was carried out in bad faith against first the corrupt Lundgren’s lawyers, until I find an honorable lawyer in 2020, and can finally have my case presented.
I have been told from the inside that if the police did not want to investigate Jyske Bank’s crime, it was a political decision.
The State’s lawyer in 2016 refused to investigate, the police have received several emails which also accuse Jyske Bank A/S of having bribed Lundgren’s lawyers, the National Police says to this bribery case that when payment is made between 2nd private companies, it is not is illegal, i.e. in the opinion of the national police, Jyske Bank A/S is happy to pay Lundgren’s lawyers to prevent justice for their client, this in that Jyske Bank paid Lundgren’s to withhold my fraud case against Jyske Bank, i.e. that Lundgren’s lawyers had to ensure that their own client, never presented their fraud case against Jyske Bank to the court.
About legal certainty and corruption in Denmark.
When I write about the basic legal principles according to which the Danish state works, this work seems to be surrounded by cronyism, i.e. corruption, which I will be able to ascertain with my inquiry to the Minister of Justice, if it is cronyism that is taking place, all the way up to the Ministry of Justice and above, which makes the Danish state corrupt.
05-06-2023. The 6 questions for what, according to the Bar Council, is not a breach of good legal practice. they are spread over 6 pages. to Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen and Minister of Justice Peter Hummelgaard with reference to earlier inquiries.
In my book, I will write that the Ministry of Justice itself contributes to undermining legal certainty for the individual Dane, and that the Ministry of Justice is instrumental in covering up corrupt Danish lawyers and criminal Danish banks, depends entirely on their answers to the 6 questions.
- If the Ministry of Justice refuses to answer the question whether clients in a law firm have a legal right to be handed over their own and the other party’s pleadings in a case.
- Or that the Ministry of Justice replies that Minister of Justice Peter Hummelgaard completely agrees with the members of the Bar Council, who come from high-ranking positions in the Supreme Court. / the Danish Court of Justice, Kromann Reumert lawyers, Horten lawyers and Dansk Erhverv, as well as in the Consumer Complaints Board. these employees agree that.
It is not a violation of good legal practice when a lawyer / law firm withholds pleadings that the client’s own lawyer has presented.
Nor is it a breach of good legal practice.
Kurt Rasmussen, Birgitte Frølund, Jens Steen Jensen, Rikke Skadhauge Seerup Krogsgaard, Henrik Hyltoft and Martin Lavesen.
The National Police has approved that the Jyske Bank group must not be allowed to conduct an investigation into the fact that Jyske Bank has bribed Lundgren’s lawyers not to present my and the client’s fraud case against Jyske Bank.
In addition, these authorities are also under the Ministry of Justice, such as
The prosecution There have been several email inquiries about Jyske Bank’s fraud and that Jyske Bank has bribed Lundgren’s lawyers, as well as the Civil Agency is under the Ministry of Justice and has refused to grant free trial, as the Civil Agency does not believe that this case and story is in the public’s interest, which is a way for the state to stop a case against Jyske Bank for organized fraud when the Danish State denies the victim of the bank’s financial crime and the authorities ensure that the victim does not get help with investigations, and deny the victim financial help to conduct a civil fraud and false case against Jyske Bank.
All these authorities have shown reluctance to investigate and prosecute as well as stop the financial crime that Jyske Bank is demonstrably behind.
Other options under the Ministry of Justice are.
If we are talking about conspiracy theories, as the corrupt Lundgren’s lawyers at Dan Terkildsen allege, see the appendix of the complaint.
Or is it a conspiracy of lawyers, judges, the Financial Supervisory Authority and others who are working together to deprive the Danes of their right to self-determination, and who are doing this to cover up some of Denmark’s largest criminal enterprises, which are collaboration partners with the Danish state.
In other words, the State’s economic interests are above Danish law.
Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup
Soevej 5
3100 Hornbaek
Letters and attachments that were delivered April 2019 and sent to the Prime Minister, the State Ministry, the Ministry of Justice, the Minister of Justice, the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority and many more, and not a single one has wanted to answer anything, as the State has great economic interests in Jyske Bank’s money machine, than the State have interests in the law being equal for everyone, it turns out that the largest Danish companies are willing to commit fraud, this must apply to all of Denmark’s largest companies, but we are waiting for the Danish Prime Minister to respond and thereby confirm whether the Prime Minister’s Office is part of corruption in Denmark.
Vil i som jeg her har nævnt, sætte jer godt ind i det jeg har skrevet på
Og læse de mange bilag jeg har henvist til, og ikke mindst læs tekster på billederne af Jyske Bank bilen, og så fortæl mig om i har noget at tilføje til min fortælling, måske rettelser eller andet, så bedes i afholde et møde, for der at rette eventuelle fejl eller misforståelser, og afdække om jeres passivitet reelt handler om at Danmarks største virksomheder og mægtige organisationer som i er en del af, ved optræde passiv reelt dækker over Jyske Banks forbrydelser eller overtrædelser, som her hvor Jyske Bank ved Susanne Sørensen har overtrådt tinglysningsloven, Jyske Banks juridiske direktør nægter at det er nogle overtrædelse, og nægter at indrømme nogle overtrædelse, og nægter at give mig en undskyldning,
My offer to Jyske Bank A/S, is that I can withdraw the just-initiated case for violation of the Land Registration Act Chase BS-6653/2024-VIB, when Jyske Bank admits that the Bank has violated the law,
Lars Stensgaard Mørch,
Herningvej 102. 2. 005,
8600 Silkeborg,
Per Damborg Skovhus,
Marienlundsvej 36. V6,
8600 Silkeborg,
Niels Erik Jakobsen,
Søholt Allé 60,
8600 Silkeborg,
Peter Schleidt,
2800 Lyngby,
Martin Skovsted-Nielsen,
Kollundvej 4,
8600 Silkeborg,
Jyske Bank,
Anders Christian Dam,
Vesterlundvej 91K,
8600 Silkeborg,
Keld Norup,
Ved Bølgen 13. 4. th,
7100 Vejle,
Kurt Bligaard Pedersen,
Vesterled 22,
2100 København Ø,
Rina Asmussen,
Emiliekildevej 28,
2930 Klampenborg,
Bente Overgaard,
Eggersvej 6,
2900 Hellerup,
Anker Laden-Andersen,
Jacob Sewerinsvej 3B,
9300 Sæby,
Per Schnack,
Skovagervej 4,
2840 Holte, Søllerød,
Marianne Jensen,
Vesterled 26,
8300 Odder,
Johnny Toft Christensen,
Bakkedraget 12,
9850 Hirtshals, Horne,
Michael Christen Mariegaard,
Carl Plougs Vej 17,
3460 Birkerød,
Henriette Thrane Hoffmann,
Rylevej 12,
8700 Horsens,
Line Skov Fuglkjær,
Skovbærvej 15,
8840 Rødkærsbro,
Søren Woergaard,
Anette Kirkeby,
Nicolai Hansen,
Erhvervspartner, Internationalt Erhverv,
Jeanett Kofoed-Hansen,
Operations, Innovation Officer, erhverv,
Lars Aaquist, Tidligere Jyske Bank, ansat i, Danske Bank,
Casper Dam Olsen,
Birgith Bush Thuesen,
Den grønne slagter,
Inkasso Jyske Bank,
Line Braad Winding,
Jeanette Høye Thestrup,
Tina Agergaard,
Regina Hjort Ernstsen,
Jyske Bank Servicecenter,
Kastaniehøjvej 2,
8600 Silkeborg,
Ole Brondbjerg, +4589895602,, Gitte Møller Hindkær, +4589893563,, Iben Riis, +4589898330,, Anette Kalhøj, +4589894841,, Birgit Forsom, +4589894865,, Birthe Rindom Færgemann, +4589894873,, Cecilie Mølgaard,+4589894894,, Charlotte Kjærgaard, Kjærgaard, +4589894866,, Connie Lykke Nielsen, +4589899542,, Hanne Lindgård Holm, Lindgård, +4589894884,, Kristian Lauritsen, Lauritsen, +4589894888,, Lilian Friis Mortensen, Friis, +4589894854,, Lone Nielsen, +4589894912,, Lotte Melgaard Birch, Melgaard, Birch, +4589894909,, Louise Thygaard Geisshirt, Thygaard, Geisshirt, +4589894862,, Marianne Bryde Laursen, Bryde, +4589894852,, Rikke Brøgger, Brøgger, +4589894844,, Susanne Storm Mortensen, Storm, +4589894869,, Alice Frank, +4589894887,, Charlotte Vester, Vester, +4589899712,, Dorthe Stenby Brixen, Stenby, Brixen, +4589897305,, Helle Duemark, Duemark, +4589894893,, Henriette Bach Christensen, Bach, +4589894898,, Jeanette Nielsen, +4589891279,, Michelle Haastrup Stæhr Bengtsen, Haastrup, Stæhr, Bengtsen, +4589899504,, Rikke Frits Bjerregaard, Frits, Bjerregaard, +4589894878,, Rikke Holm Martinussen, Holm, Martinussen, +4589894868,, Susanne Sørensen, +4589894863,, Vibeke Rask, Rask, +4589894886,, Winnie Mølsted Mikkelsen, Mølsted, +4589894881,, Gitta Anna Dahl Jensen, +4589894845,, Jens Carl Winkler, +4589894899,, Kirsten Toft, +4589894847,,
Susanne Sørensen,
Senior Operations, Innovation Officer,
Kirsten Toft,
Operations, Innovation Officer, Kundeoverførsel, Erhverv, kreditsager,
Søren Ivarsen, Jyske Bank,
Vice President, Jyske Bank,
Gældspleje, renter,,
Morten Ulrik Gade,
Jurdisk Jyske Bank,
Advokat Jyske Bank,
Prins Jørgens Gård 11,
1218 København K,
BEC Financial,
BEC Financial Technologies,
Havsteensvej 4,
DK-4000 Roskilde,
BEC ledelse, Jesper Nielsen, CEO, Tillidshverv, Bestyrelsesmedlem, Finanssektorens, Arbejdsgiverforening, JN Data A/S, Lars Malmberg, Deputy CEO, Head of Customers, Business Innovation, Jesper Andersen, CTO, Head of, Tech, Transformation, Operations,
JN Data,
Havsteensvej 4,
4000 Roskilde,
Bestyrelsen JN Data, David Hellemann, Formand, Koncerndirektør Nykredit, Peter Schleidt, Næstformand, Koncerndirektør Jyske Bank, Jesper Nielsen, Bestyrelsesmedlem, Administrerende direktør, BEC, Esben K. Laustrup, Bestyrelsesmedlem, Administrerende direktør, Bankdata, Torben Finnemann, Bestyrelsesmedlem, Administrerende direktør, SDC, Henrik Holm, Medarbejderrepræsentant, Medarbejder, JN Data, Silkeborg, Christoffer Lykbak, Medarbejderrepræsentant, Medarbejder, JN Data, Roskilde, Annette Juul, Medarbejderrepræsentant, Medarbejder, JN Data, Roskilde,
Bank Data,
Erritsø Bygade 102,
7000 Fredericia,
Bankdata, administrerende direktør, Esben Kolind Laustrup, Direktionen, adm. direktør, Esben Kolind Laustrup, direktør, Udvikling, Claus Hjort Bjerre, direktør, Drift, Compliance, Lene Weldum,
bestyrelsen bankdata,
Lise Fuhr, formand, direktør, ETNO, De europæiske teleselskabers sammenslutning,
Niels Husted Kjær, direktør, Alexandra Instituttet,
Mai Louise Agerskov, direktør, INCUBA A/S,
Martin Østergaard Christensen, stadsdirektør, Aarhus Kommune,
Esben Kolind Laustrup, CEO, Bankdata,
Johan Bitsch Nielsen, Danmarks Eksport, Investeringsfond,
Kristian Pedersen, Dekan, Natural Science, Aarhus Universitet,
Casper Klynge, vicedirektør, Dansk Erhverv,
Morten Rosted Vang, Dansk Industri,
Charlotte Møller Andersen, CEO, Cryptomathic,
Danmarks Nationalbank,
Langelinie Allé 47,
2100 København Ø,
Bestyrelsen Nationalbanken,
Professor, Christian Schultz, Departementschef, Michael Dithmer, CEO, Kristian Hundebøll, Folketingsmedlem, Anne Paulin, Folketingsmedlem, Torsten Schack Pedersen, Formand for BUPL, Elisa Rimpler, Professor, Christian Schultz, Departementschef, Michael Dithmer, Departementschef, Johan Legarth,
Medlemmer af repræsentantskabet Danmarks Nationalbank,
Formand, Professor, Christian Schultz, Næstformand, Adm. direktør, Anne Hedensted Steffensen, Folketingsmedlem, Alex Ahrendtsen, Folketingsmedlem, Hans Andersen, Folketingsmedlem, Lisbeth Bech-Nielsen, Folketingsmedlem, Preben Bang Henriksen, Folketingsmedlem, Samira Nawa, Folketingsmedlem, Anne Paulin, Folketingsmedlem, Torsten Schack Pedersen, Folketingsmedlem, Jesper Petersen, Departementschef, Michael Dithmer, Departementschef, Johan Legarth, Adm. direktør, Jens Bjørn Andersen, CEO, Connie Astrup-Larsen, Formand, Morten Skov Christiansen, Adm. direktør, Asger Enggaard, Adm. direktør, Kathrine Forsberg, CEO, Kristian Hundebøll, Formand, Claus Jensen, Adm. direktør, Marianne Lyngby Pedersen, Formand for, Forbrugerrådet, Tænk, Anja Philip, Formand for, BUPL, Elisa Rimpler, Professor, Philipp Schröder, Professor, Christian Schultz, Adm. direktør, Anne Hedensted Steffensen, Adm. direktør, Christian Woller, CEO, Gitte Pugholm Aabo,
Strandgade 29,
1401 København K,,
Bestyrelsen i Finanstilsynet,
Formand, Nina Dietz Legind, Professor, ph.d., Juridisk Institut, Syddansk,
Næstformand, Marianne Rørslev Bock, CFO i, Scandinavian Tobacco Group A/S, “Der hvor advokaten Mette Marie Nielsen var ansat, efter at have holdt sin klient ude af klientens egen sag, og skjulte et samarbejde med Jyske Bank, hvilken var sagsøgte i klientens sag,”,
Svein Andresen, Fhv. generalsekretær i, Financial Stability Board,
Peter E. Storgaard, Chef for afdelingen for, Finansiel Stabilitet, Danmarks Nationalbank,
Paul Brüniche-Olsen, Fhv. administrerende direktør i, Lærernes Pension,
Thomas Elholm, Professor, ph.d., Juridisk Fakultet, Københavns Universitet, ,KU,
Martin Tvede Zachariasen, Rektor, professor i datalogi, Færøernes Universitet,
Carsten Holdum, Fhv. forbrugerøkonom i, PFA, og chefkonsulent i forbrugerrådet, TÆNK,
Carsten Nøddebo Rasmussen, Fhv. administrerende direktør i, Realkredit Danmark,
Steen Lohmann Poulsen, Observatør for, Erhvervsministeriet,
Christiansborg Slotsplads,
1218 København,
Slotsholmsgade 10,
1216 København K,
Finans Danmark,
Amaliegade 7,
1256 København K,
Bestyrelsen Finans Danmark,
Koncernchef, Michael Rasmussen, Nykredit Realkredit, Personlig Suppleant, Koncerndirektør,
Anders Jensen, Nykredit Realkredit,
Bankdirektør, Mads Skovlund Pedersen, Nordea, Personlig Suppleant, Bankdirektør, Helene Bløcher, Nordea,
Adm. direktør, Carsten Egeriis, Danske Bank, Personlig Suppleant, Bankdirektør, Christian Bornfeld, Danske Bank,
Direktør, Ole Beith, Sparekassen Thy, Personlig Suppleant, Bankdirektør, Lars Frank Jensen, Kreditbanken,
Adm. direktør, John Christiansen, Lån & Spar Bank, Personlig Suppleant, Bankdirektør, Claus Andersen, Ringkjøbing Landbobank,
Ordf. direktør, Lars Stensgaard Mørch, Jyske Bank, Personlig Suppleant, Adm. direktør, Carsten Tirsbæk Madsen, Jyske Realkredit A/S,
Adm. direktør, Karen Frøsig, Sydbank, Personlig Suppleant, Bankdirektør, Bjarne Larsen, Sydbank,
Adm. direktør, Jens Kr. A. Møller, DLR Kredit A/S, Personlig Suppleant, Direktør, Pernille Lohmann, DLR Kredit A/S,
Adm. direktør, Lasse Nyby, Spar Nord Bank, Personlig Suppleant, Bankdirektør, Martin Kudsk Rasmussen, Spar Nord Bank,
Adm. direktør, Klaus Skjødt, Sparekassen Kronjylland, Personlig Suppleant, Adm. direktør, Allan Aaskov, Lollands Bank,
Kronprinsessegade 28. 4. sal,
1306 København K,
Dommer Kurt Rasmussen,
Kurt Rasmussen,
Amagerfælledvej 56,
2300 København S,,
Lundgrens Advokatpartnerselskab,
Tuborg Boulevard 1,
2900 Hellerup,
Advokat Dan Stampe-Terkildsen,
Dan Stampe-Terkildsen,
Thorvaldsensvej 27.4. th,
1871 Frederiksberg C,
Emil Hald vendelbo Winstrøm,,
Emil Hald Vendelbo, Rambøll,
Mette Marie Nielsen,
Danske Bank,
Jens Grunnet-Nilsson,,
Sebastian Lysholm Nielsen,
Pernille Hellesøe,
Karoline Stampe Eriksen,
Martin Kirkegaard, Partner, Direktør,, +4530188726, +4535252903, Peter Mollerup, Advokat,, +45 30638376, +4535252997, Formand For Bestyrelsen, Partner, Søren Danelund Reipurth,, +4531143014, +4535252944,
Dansk Erhverv,
1217 København K,
Henrik Hyltoft,
Direktionen i Dansk Erhverv, Brian Mikkelsen, Laurits Rønn, Morten Langager, Direktionen, Brian Mikkelsen, Adm. direktør, +4533746666, BMK@DANSKERHVERV.DK, Laurits Rønn, Viceadm. direktør, +4528142840, +4533746603, LKR@DANSKERHVERV.DK, Direktionen, Morten Langager, Direktør, +4520278771, +4533746199, MOL@DANSKERHVERV.DK,
Horten Advokatpartnerselskab,
Philip Heymans Allé 7,
2900 Hellerup,
Birgitte Frølund,
Christian Gregersen, Managing Partner, +4533344312, +4552344312,, Sekretær, Maria Lange Harder,
Anders Bager Jensen, Direktør, +4533344477, +4552344477,,
Kromann Reumert,
Kromann Reumert advokater,
Sundkrogsgade 5,
2100 København Ø,
Jens Steen Jensen,
Arne Møllin Ottosen, formand, Partner, København, +4538774466, +4520197462,, Christian Jul Madsen, Partner, Aarhus, +4538774452, +4520197483,, Jacob Høeg Madsen, Partner, København, +4538774458,+4540303016,, Marianne Granhøj, Partner, København, +4538774680, +4524274820,, Jakob Hans Johansen, Partner, København, +4538774420, +4561613032,,
Lund Elmer Sandager advokater,
Lund Elmer Sandager,
Kalvebod Brygge 39 – 41,
1560 København V,
Philip Baruch,
Kristian ambjørn buus-nielsen,
Les advokater,
JURIDISK ASSISTENT, Christina Palmkvist,
Bestyrelsen i Lund Elmer Sandager,
Peter Mejlby, Direktør, CEO, +4533300211, +4527 276158,, Linea R. Conforti, Partner, advokat, +453330024, +4520863838,, JURIDISK ASSISTENT, Mette Lambert, Morten Schwartz Nielsen, Partner, advokat, +4533300271, +4521678203,, JURIDISK ASSISTENT, Christina Palmkvist, Jacob Roesen, Partner, advokat, +4533300268, +4561554359,, JURIDISK ASSISTENT, Lisbeth Skifte, Mathias Toxværd, Partner, advokat, +4533300247, +45 61701448,, JURIDISK ASSISTENT, Charlotte Windeballe Andersen,
DLA Piper Denmark, Advokatpartnerselskab,
DLA Piper advokater,
DLA Piper,
Oslo Plads 2,
2100 København Ø,
Advokat Martin Lavesen,
Martin Lavesen,
Strandmarken 3A,
3050 Humlebæk,